How to understand that there are ticks in the bed. Indoor cleaning

  • 12.06.2019

Linen mites give preference for their residence to objects containing accumulation of dust in in large numbers. It can be:

But there are cases when bed mites feel calm in the home, as well as with due observance of sanitary rules.

Unlike other types of pests that feed on human blood, the diet of mites consists of flaky scales of dead human skin cells mixed with dirt particles.

The bites themselves bed mites do not pose a danger to human health, which cannot be said about the reaction of the human body to their feces. The waste products of these creatures contain digestive enzymes.

It is they that contribute to the destruction of human skin cells, and can also provoke severe allergies and severe asthma in people.

Elimination Methods

For people who first encountered this problem, the question arises of how to get rid of linen mites forever. A positive effect can be achieved by performing a number of actions.

First of all, bed linen should be thoroughly processed by washing, using highly temperature regime, which must be done at least 1 time per week, as well as mandatory ironing.

Bed mites like to live in soft toys, so they should be placed away from the bed and washed at least as often as linen household items. This wish also applies to curtains and curtains.

Due to the fact that the bites of dust mites entail the development of unpleasant diseases, it is sometimes advisable to use chemicals in the fight to eliminate these bed itchs. Various special sprays and solutions act as cardinal agents.

We can distinguish the most common and effective among them:

  • Cyfox based on 25% cypermethrin emulsion.

  • Acaritox based on 5% alphacypermethrin.

  • Milbiol.

Allerqoff - spray, effective for destruction at any time of its development. It is completely safe for people and animals, has a neutral odor.

Sipaz-Super, the main component of which is 25% cypermethrin. It differs from other drugs in the absence of a pungent odor.

Milbiol - spray for the treatment of bedding and furniture. Contains therapeutic natural oils from the neem plant.

Rules for processing premises and the use of folk remedies

After processing the room chemicals the presence of people in it, as well as pets during the day, is not recommended. Further, after thorough ventilation, a general cleaning of the dwelling is required using saline or bleach.

Cleaning will clean the premises from chemicals

Treat all bedding, pillows, blankets, mattresses, soft toys, upholstered furniture in the house with a steam cleaner.

You can get rid of house ticks by decomposing some herbaceous plants in the supposed places of their accumulation:

  • wormwood;
  • wild rosemary;
  • tansy.

Subject to hygiene standards, maintaining cleanliness and order in the home, as well as timely therapeutic actions in relation to allergic symptoms that have manifested, you can forever forget about the troubles associated with such unwanted guests in the house as linen mites.

People spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping, resting from worries and gaining strength for a new day, but bed mites often find shelter in a soft bed and pillow. And then the usual haven of bliss and relaxation can bring unpleasant surprises to its owner. Ticks can live here for months, years, and a person does not even suspect the presence of such neighbors. But many people notice red rashes on their body that give them trouble. In the warm season, the rash on the skin does not look aesthetically pleasing, besides, the body itches, itches, and not everyone can understand what happened. Some believe that perhaps a flea has jumped into their bed, others think that they are allergic to some product, and still others believe that these are the bites of linen mites. And only the true culprit lives for his own pleasure in cozy and soft linen. Who is he - a bed tick, what is dangerous, and how to deal with this insidious neighbor?

Ticks living in underwear are classified by biologists as arthropods and arachnids. Since these creatures do not have wings, they are not considered insects, although they are similar in appearance. What does a bed bug look like? This is a microscopic animal, the size of which is 0.1-0.5 mm. Chitin envelops its body, the tick has 3 pairs of legs with suction cups at the end. The life cycle of an arthropod lasts from 65 to 80 days, after which the mature individual dies, leaving offspring. Females usually lay about 60 eggs at a time and about 300 in their lifetime. There are 150 types of bed mites in the world.

Scientists call these animals dermatophagoid or dust mites, since their home is house dust. Arachnids live in places where it accumulates: in mattresses, carpets, sofas, pillows and blankets. Why do they love dust so much, why are ticks in bed a frequent occurrence? The thing is that dust is their food. Everyone knows that dust forms particles of the keratinized layer of the skin. On the day a person parted with 1.5 g of dead cells of the epidermis. Most of these cells accumulate in bedding, especially on pillows. That is why the bed is a favorite habitat for arthropods. You can always find fresh food there. In addition, linen mites love warmth, and a person provides it to them. In 1 g of dust, on average, 100 individuals can live. But there are much more of them, up to 10 thousand.

How do these microscopic animals get into our homes? Previously, people stuffed pillows with poultry feathers. And it is noticed how chickens like to bathe in dust. Bed mites feel great in feathers. Dogs and cats can bring them from the street on their fur. And the person does not sit still. Being in a cinema, public transport, a cheap hotel room, he can come into contact with the dust with his clothes, in which mites already live.

Thus, both animals, and birds, and people themselves are carriers of arthropods. And since arachnids breed quickly, their colony at home can a short time increase many times over.

Do dermatophagoid mites bite?

When a person gets out of bed in the morning and begins to itch, and then sees small reddened rashes on his body, he understands what the bites of bed mites look like. In fact, domestic arthropods do not feel like biting people, because their food is not blood, but dust. These mites do not act like bloodsuckers. Small creatures, feeding on particles of keratinized skin, defecate quite often. They can do this up to 20 times a day. The waste products of bed dwellers contain proteins that can cause an allergic reaction in humans. The rash is not the bites of dust mites, but an allergy to their feces. Since there are a lot of animals in linen, it’s scary to imagine how much feces they leave behind, although you won’t see this without a microscope.

An allergy to arthropod proteins does not occur in all people, but only in those who are especially sensitive to them. The presence or absence of a reaction to the waste products of mites also depends on the concentration of these animals in the dust. 100 individuals living in 1 g of dust cannot harm a person. If there are 5 times more of them, then it is dangerous for asthmatics, because in addition to skin rashes, fecal proteins also cause sneezing, coughing, tearing and runny nose. 1-2 thousand arthropods per 1 g of dust are already able to provoke itching or fever, in some cases scabies.

If a person experiences several symptoms at once, if the temperature does not last more than 1 day, and the itching becomes unbearable and worries him more and more, you should not let the situation take its course or self-medicate. This is a direct road to the dermatologist. He will conduct a study of the patient's tests and make an accurate diagnosis, and then prescribe therapeutic ointments or drugs. Thus, although the bites of dermatophagoid mites are a myth, getting rid of these arachnids is necessary.

Arthropod Control Measures

Do not ignore the wardrobe. Clothing may also contain ticks. Things need to be sorted out and re-washed everything. It is advisable to abandon old feather pillows, because house mites especially love them. It is better to replace such pillows with bamboo or padding polyester. Great attention should be paid to bed linen. It must be washed at a high temperature, and after washing, dry it on a balcony or street, and carefully iron it with a hot iron on both sides. The floors in the house should be washed as often as possible by adding 10 tbsp. l. table salt.

V folk medicine often used next way control of bed mites:

Prevention of the appearance of bed arthropods

If a person had to deal with bed mites in his life, you need to remember that they multiply rapidly and can make life not entirely pleasant. 100% get rid of parasites will not work, but you can greatly reduce their number, and with it the occurrence allergic reaction. It is necessary to carry out preventive measures, fight against arachnid pests by all known methods, but most importantly, keep the house clean. After all, the most effective remedy for bed mites is the absence of dust. And then the dream will again become calm, and spending time in your own home will be comfortable.

It is very sad when danger may lie in wait for us in the most secluded and beloved place. Returning home after a hard labor day, we look forward to the moment when we can lie down on a comfortable and soft bed. But, sadly, in it we are sometimes not the only inhabitants. No, we are not talking about children or a spouse, but about those creatures that are daily tenants of our bed linen - bed mites.

Bed mites are very small and the proximity to them can adversely affect our health. But where do these microscopic pests come from? It may seem strange to you, but bed mites come from the most common dust and pet hair. Everything natural materials, which, one way or another, come into contact with bedding, are a potential home for ticks. If you regularly use wool blankets, feather pillows, terry sheets, wadded mattresses and fleecy capes, remember that the bed mites, the photo (1) of which you see, can settle there with great pleasure. Since these items are rarely cleaned or washed, and the humidity and temperature conditions in them are optimal for a tick, it becomes almost a permanent resident in your bedroom. These invisible neighbors successfully use the fact that we do not always have the opportunity to wipe the floor under the bed with a damp cloth or change the sheets daily. At best, we do this no more than once a week, and this contributes to the safe stay of the bed tick.

Bed mites, the photos of which you have already viewed, are about half a millimeter long. The six-legged creature is visible only under a microscope, which helps to see the chitinous shell of the bug. Such a tick feeds on dead particles of keratinized human skin. They are usually referred to as saprophytes, since, from a medical point of view, they are not capable of causing significant harm to a person, due to the fact that they do not live on a person, do not drink his blood and do not lay larvae. But you must admit that the bed tick, whose bites we feel on ourselves, can hardly bring us positive emotions. In addition, asthmatics can develop an allergy to the products of the life of the bed mite, which can hardly be called a harmless effect.

The harm that bed mites bring, symptoms and ways to deal with it.

Reply to earlier question asked lies in the contact of a person with the feces of a microbe. The life products of the activity of the tick, when interacting with a person, lead to an unpleasant and contagious disease, which is known to everyone as scabies. In a word, the bites of bed mites are not so terrible as his feces, which are close to us all the time. If a person has experienced Negative influence bed mites, they usually have one very obvious symptom: the appearance of red, itchy patches on the skin. By the way, many people mistakenly believe that these spots are provoked by the bite of a bed tick, but, as you can see, this is not entirely true. In some cases, in addition to this symptom, an allergic reaction occurs in the form of stuffy throat or nose.

How to get rid of bed mites

It is clear that both the treatment itself and contact with ticks are not a pleasant occupation. Therefore, most of us are asked by one single question, having learned who such a bed tick is: how to get rid of it?

To minimize the presence of ticks in bed, try to follow a few precious rules:

  • - Ventilate the room daily and, if possible, do wet cleaning;
  • - Keep dust away, especially under the bed.
  • - Periodically wipe mattress covers;
  • - Roast bedding in the summer in the sun, and expose it to frost in winter;
  • - Periodic washing of pillows, bedspreads and blankets.

By doing everything on this list, you will significantly reduce the risk of bed mites in your home.

Hey, Dear friends! Once I came to work and one of the employees complained about a rash that appeared on her hands. Where this symptom appeared in her family, no one could understand. I couldn't just listen to it and decided to intervene.

He advised Inna Vasilievna to see a doctor so that he could make a correct diagnosis, and then prescribe treatment. The advice was carried out and the next day, she visited the hospital. They said it was a reaction to bed bug bites.

If a person finds such an insect in his bed, then he should turn to specialists to eliminate it, but how to get rid of bed bugs without the help of specialists? Grandmothers can advise you to take them outside in the summer so that the bugs burn out in the sun - this is a myth, bed bugs can live in an environment up to +50 degrees C, but this event can help dry and ventilate the mattress, so such an event will not be superfluous.

Bed mites: how to get rid of at home

It is difficult to get rid of ticks at home with folk remedies and it is not a fact that this will help, but here are the drugs for the destruction of bedbugs, they will definitely help.

For the destruction of bed mites, you can use the following means:

How to get rid of bedbugs and itching can be learned from specialists, they will give correct recommendations. You can take preventive measures in order to prevent the appearance of bedbugs.

Due to the fact that the bites of dust mites entail the development of unpleasant diseases, it is sometimes advisable to use chemicals in the fight to eliminate these bed itchs. Various special sprays and solutions act as cardinal agents.

We can distinguish the most common and effective among them:

  • Cyfox based on 25% cypermethrin emulsion.
  • Acaritox based on 5% alphacypermethrin.
  • Allerqoff - spray.
  • Sipaz - Super.
  • Ram.
  • Milbiol.
Sipaz-Super, the main component of which is 25% cypermethrin. It differs from other drugs in the absence of a pungent odor. Taran is a powerful remedy with a high content of zetacypermethrin.

Rules for processing premises and the use of folk remedies

After processing the premises with chemicals, the presence of people in it, as well as pets during the day, is not recommended. Further, after thorough ventilation, a general cleaning of the dwelling is required using saline or bleach.

For this you need:

  1. Make a mixture of soap in the amount of 50 grams;
  2. Dilute it in 1 liter. water;
  3. Add 100 g. ammonia.

You can get rid of house ticks by decomposing some herbaceous plants in the supposed places of their accumulation:

  • wormwood;
  • wild rosemary;
  • tansy.

Subject to hygiene standards, maintaining cleanliness and order in the home, as well as timely therapeutic actions in relation to allergic symptoms that have manifested, you can forever forget about the troubles associated with such unwanted guests in the house as linen mites.

Effective destruction of bed mites at home

Bed mites were ubiquitous, and only in the middle of the last century did the situation change in better side. But now the question of how to get rid of them has again become relevant. The fact is that these insects tried very hard to survive and found ways to adapt to modern insecticides.

This means that the destruction of bed mites in the 21st century has become as relevant as it was a couple of centuries ago. Unlike bed bugs, bed mites are insects that cannot be detected with the naked eye. Only a microscope will make sure that your bed is infected with these unpleasant creatures.

Their favorite places where they are happy to settle down are in a pillow, on a mattress or even on bed linen.

Getting rid of these pests at home is not easy. But this is necessary, because they provoke the development of allergies and even such a serious disease as bronchial asthma.

How to get rid of bed mites on your own

Changing bed linen in a timely manner is important not only for aesthetic reasons. Dirty sheets and duvet covers - favorite place habitat for bed mites. That is why it is recommended to iron the laundry after washing with a hot iron. And wash bed linen, even seemingly clean, should be at least once every three weeks.

A tick can settle not only in your bed, but also in furniture. Old sofas that have never seen a vacuum cleaner can become its cozy nest.

It is so named because it is most common in places where there are many rats, such as basements, sheds, etc. That's just in rats in the process of a long neighborhood with him developed immunity. And for humans, this type of tick is unusual and causes the so-called rat tick-borne dermatitis, a disease that is manifested by swelling of large areas of the skin, severe itching and pain in the affected areas.

Whatever tick settles in you, however, it is obvious that such an uninvited guest will not bring anything good.

It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, such as regular change of bed linen and cleaning the house, and not just with a rag, but better with a modern vacuum cleaner. If you have bedbugs, cockroaches that spoil your life - do not be alarmed, but call the City Disinfection Station. We will quickly solve your problem!

There is an opinion that you can get rid of bedbugs simply by leaving your home for a long time. To some extent, this method may be successful. Just be aware of some physiological features bed bugs. This type of insect can do without food for up to 6 months by hibernating.

At the same time, newly hatched larvae, in dire need of blood, will die if they do not soon find a victim. If the method of moving suits you, then be careful not to take insects with you to a new place.

If you are sure that only certain things and objects are infected with bedbugs, then think about it - maybe you don’t need them anymore? If it is winter outside, infected things can be taken out of the house for several days - at sub-zero air temperatures, the bugs will die.

If you have not yet decided how to deal with bedbugs on your own, try using available funds- vinegar, turpentine, denatured alcohol solutions. It is necessary to carefully choose the surfaces that will be treated with such means, for example, stains may remain on upholstered furniture.

The two main rules for this treatment are to ventilate the house well and keep children and pets out of the treated premises for at least a day.

Do not take herbal infusions and all kinds of aerosols as effective means against bedbugs in the apartment. Such preparations can be used in combination with chemicals, especially after the main treatment of residential premises. This method can only be considered as a preventive measure.
Source: ";;;"

The appearance of ticks in the apartment

First of all, you need to pay attention to the bedroom and bed. It is in this place that a person spends a third of the day and warms the bed mattress with his body. And since ticks love heat and moisture, then best place not found for their habitat.

Especially in summer, when the clothes are soaked with sweat from the heat. Therefore, in the first place for ticks when choosing housing is a mattress, pillow, feather bed, woolen blankets. It is in these things that ticks lay their eggs, giving life to their offspring.

Ticks like to travel on the owner's clothes from room to room and thus remain not only on the bed, but also in the living room, in the nursery, on the carpet, fur children's toys, curtains - wherever you can catch your paws on something.

In these places, ticks feel great and continue to eat the same as always - exfoliated skin and dandruff. A person leaves them in small quantities wherever they go. According to research, a person loses about one gram of dead epidermis per week, which remains anywhere.

Here in these "anywhere" places you can find bed mites. There is a myth that a bed mite bites a person. According to some people, it is the bites of bed mites that cause itching and irritation of the skin. However, this is not true.

The tick does not have such a mouth mechanism to bite through human skin, get to a blood vessel and start drinking blood.

In this respect, linen mites can be justified - they are not at all bloodthirsty predators. But the negative reaction is just irritation from the feces of the tick. Therefore, do not look for bite marks on yourself if you suspect the presence of ticks. There will not be the slightest point from a tick on the skin, but inflamed spots are guaranteed.

Where can ticks appear in the house? From simple dust generated in domestic conditions, which accumulates anywhere, from the cover of animals living in the house. These insects can breed:

  1. In a blanket made of wool and other materials of natural origin;
  2. In a coverlet;
  3. In a pillow of feathers;
  4. In the upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  5. In carpets and mattresses filled with cotton.

Any of these essential household items accumulate dust, and mites thrive in such conditions.

Inconspicuous creatures in the bedrooms use the fact that the bed linen is not changed every day, the bedspread is knocked out infrequently and washed as well, and the floor surface under the bed is washed, well, if once a week. Favorable conditions for the spread of mites are the dust that accumulates in the house, the heat of the human body and the unchanging humidity maintained by the body.

Appearance of bed mites

Dust mites appeared about 400 million years ago and have penetrated everywhere, there is no such ecological niche, wherever they are. They are found in the beak of a hummingbird, on the skin of an elephant, on the legs of an ant, and in human hair follicles. Since the dawn of mankind, dust mites have accompanied him always and everywhere.

They shared bed secrets with the pharaohs and Caesar, with the generalissimo and the Madonna. There is no person who has not been bitten by them. This is a symbiont of man, and nothing can be done about it.

Dust mites (Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus), arachnid arthropods, live in textiles, carpets, bedding, mattresses, upholstery, and soft toys, as well as under batteries, under a refrigerator, in flower pots, in library. Invisibles are everywhere!

The statement that these invisible men are dangerous and harmful is not a completely reliable statement.

Dust mites are small janitors, they are dermatophagous – that is, they eat dead skin cells and hair of mammals, and also eat bacteria, viruses and other microscopic vermin. If you do not have a tendency to allergies, then they absolutely do not interfere with you, it is even possible on the contrary, because they clean our chairs and bedding from exfoliated skin cells.

But there are unfortunate people who are predisposed to allergic reactions, and it is to these people that mites harm with their microscopic bites and feces. Allergens have been isolated both from the bodies of dust mites and from their feces.

It turns out that sensitized* skin is more attractive to dust mites. At that moment, when an eight-legged creature without a head and eyes feasts on the skin of an allergic person, it scatters around the waste of its vital activity.

The allergic person starts itching, and after the itching, even more excrement is rubbed into the combed skin and "atopic dermatitis" is triggered, a similar mechanism when triggering allergic rhinitis and asthma. Bed mites are small arachnids. To see what bed mites look like, you need a microscope, as even large females of this species rarely reach a size of 0.2 mm.

Reading information about ticks on the Internet, you can often stumble upon illiterate articles where bed bugs are described under the guise of ticks. These two species have nothing in common with each other, since the bug is a blood-sucking predatory insect, and the tick is an arachnid with a saprotrophic type of nutrition - that is, they feed exclusively on dead organic matter.

Such mites live in bed, pillows, duvets and woolen blankets, where an excellent food base and microclimate are created for them.

Appearance of these arachnids indicates that they are not insects. They have not 3, but 4 pairs of legs, each of them has a miniature suction cup at the end, the main task of which is to hold the body of the tick on inclined and vertical surfaces, as well as when shaking.

The chitinous shell covering the body is not wetted by water. Therefore remove the mites in the surface of the quilt or pillow feathers simple ways will not work. Different kinds linen mites have a variety of gastronomic preferences. Some prefer coconut fiber, while others prefer linen or cotton fabrics, while others feed exclusively on wool pile.

There are gourmets who can digest paper or food waste.

Where do mites in pillows come from? There are several ways of penetration of these arthropods into a human dwelling:

  • Bird feathers and down.
  • These can be feathers from pillows or decorations, as well as feathers on live birds or raw carcasses. The exception is dyed feathers - paint destroys mites quite quickly and reliably protects feathers from their presence.

  • Fur of domestic animals.
  • Given their small size, mites in pillows can come from the fur of pets, which in turn bring them from walks.
  • Infected blankets and blankets.
  • Such acquisitions can enter our home from the market if they are made by unscrupulous craftsmen who do not process the wool before use. Usually these are products from undyed natural wool and down.

  • Travels.
  • Hotels and motels with underhanded staff are places where bed mites can be expected. Despite their low mobility, they move onto the pajamas and underwear of the guests and come to our homes on it.

  • Hairdressers and beauty salons.
  • These establishments can also be the source of infection if the used towels and equipment in them are not properly processed after each procedure.

Ticks in bed are so small that they can only be seen using a microscope. They look like simple beetles with six legs. Their torso is a little short of half a millimeter in length. The limbs of ticks are equipped with a kind of suction cups, due to the presence of which they are securely attached to the surface, so trying to get rid of them with a simple vacuum cleaner will not give the desired result.

Dead cells of the human body are the main source of nutrition for the inhabitant of the bed. Without even knowing about their existence, those who are in the bedroom very often live with ticks.

What diseases appear due to such "neighbors"

Inconspicuous bugs belong to saprophytes, that is, microbes that eat obsolete tissues in the body. They will not live on the surface of the human body, feed on his blood, they do not like infections. However, for those with lung disease or asthma, bed bugs can be dangerous, making it simply unbearable to be inside. own apartment.

The bug is not dangerous in itself, but its feces, located where a person sleeps, are an aggressive allergen and can exacerbate asthma attacks and lung diseases. When an allergy occurs, such as hives, swelling, runny nose or cough, during an increase in asthma attacks, a person should conduct allergy tests for the presence of dust mites, which are done in the laboratory.

In most cases, this seemingly safe saprophyte turns out to be the culprit for the onset of allergies.

When the result of the examination is positive, then you need to make every effort to get rid of small insect. As already mentioned earlier, these mites do not feed on human blood. Despite the fact that these itchs do not come into contact with people in any way, their presence can be dangerous for people.

A mature specimen defecates up to 20 times a day. The direct connection of a person with these feces causes an allergic reaction. To put it more simply, let's explain the situation that induces blisters from itching. Skin boils are considered allergic and dermatological inflammation caused by allergens, which, in turn, are contained in the feces of the itch.

You can treat your bed mites allergy with anti-allergic medicines prescribed by a doctor who needs to be contacted immediately.

Often a positive conclusion will be to eliminate the difficulty by optimally washing bed linen and clothes in boiling water, on an ongoing basis. You may also find it helpful to use pillow and mattress covers against bed mites.

Ticks live in "colonies" from 10 to 10 thousand itchs in one gram of dust. The usual concentration collects 100 itchs per gram of dust, while their numbers can change throughout the year. As a rule, summer or autumn is considered the peak of the amount in living space.

An average of 100 mites per gram of dust is also considered safe for the face. Somewhere around 500 or more itching in one gram can cause an asthmatic attack, and from 1000 up to 2000 thousand can provoke allergies and constant snot in people genetically disposed to this.

Even if you often change bedding, pillowcases, pillows, blankets, wash them often, they will still be on your bed.

This is due to the fact that the mattress will remain the same. Therefore, there are three options for getting rid of ticks: either clean the mattress, or buy a new one, or buy a mattress cover, because the mattress cannot be washed in washing machine.

The excrement of a tick, when interacting with a person, leads to unpleasant and infectious diseases, which is known to absolutely everyone, as well as itching. In a word, the excrement of bed itchs is very dangerous for human skin, they can be near us or on us.

In the event that an individual has experienced the negative effects of bed itch, he usually has a single very obvious sign: the appearance of reddish, hardening spots on the skin.

By the way, almost everyone incorrectly believes that these spots appear due to the sting of a bed tick, however, as you can imagine, this is not the case. In addition, there is a chance of allergic reactions, such as a stuffy nose or larynx.

Treatment of bed itching must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor who determines medicinal substances. Before applying what is written medicine, the sick person must wash himself well under warm water. However, from the moment the substance is used, the individual is not required to wash in any way until the treatment is completed.

At the same time, he must change the bed and clothes daily. You need to know that saprophytes do not like both high and low temperatures.

Great help old way, which was used by grandmothers when cleaning wool carpets: the carpet is laid out on a cover of snow and the dust is knocked out of it with the help of a cracker. Those who take care of their health should:

  1. Constantly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment.
  2. Wash bed linen in hot water.
  3. Store sheets, pillowcases with duvet covers in a dry place.
  4. From time to time it is advised to ventilate the pillows, after 2-3 years of use it is advisable to change them.
  5. Also, once every ten years, you need to replace mattresses, which are a favorite haven for house ticks in bed.
  6. During the fight against insects, observe the basic rule: do not allow dust to accumulate in large quantities in the bedroom and other places.
  7. Bed, dust and furniture mites (and in human homes, scientists have found a huge number of species of these arthropods) live close to humans in many and are the most common cause of dust or household allergies.
  8. Moreover, the most severe allergic reactions are associated precisely with the presence of ticks in the human environment, whose chitinous shells (both living and dead) and excrement cause this state of the immune system.
  9. Important! The bed tick bite is a myth invented by those who are not well versed in insects and confuse ticks with bedbugs that really hunt for human blood.

Existing documentary evidence of how a tick bites - videos and photos most often depict predatory species of these arachnids - ixodid or argas ticks. The main problems that bed mites can reward people with are the following:

  • Acarosis of the respiratory organs. Symptoms may resemble chronic bronchitis and tracheitis.
  • Allergic reactions. Most often in the form of asthmatic attacks.
  • Skin reactions.
  • In this case, bed mites can be the cause of red, itchy patches on a person's skin. More often, children suffer from them.

They occur if the population of ticks in bed exceeds a critical level and they no longer have enough dead organic matter. They are also dangerous because they live in the soft toys of our children!

Symptoms of a bed tick bite

The symptoms are quite mild and do not have a pain hazard. A person may not notice the bite itself, but the reaction of the body to the irritant that has appeared will definitely make the person feel discomfort.

What does the bites of bed mites look like, or rather the reaction of the skin to a bite:

  1. small pimples;
  2. Rash;
  3. Skin changes - red or brown;

You can also enter into the symptoms - a slight rise in basal temperature, since after a bite the body begins to react to an irritant, an allergic reaction may appear, that is, in addition to rash and itching - tearing, runny nose, sneezing.

After a bite, a bug involuntarily infects a person with an infection, from its fecal masses and an infection collected during its existence (if it was brought from another habitat).

And here there is already a danger that a serious infection will enter the human body and provoke a serious infection. Bed mites bite a person in order to drink blood, that is, he is a blood-sucking insect.

How to get rid of bed mites with special means

To combat dust mites, an acaricidal agent should be used; when spraying the room, it will destroy pests. It should be remembered that contact with acaricidal preparations on the skin can cause irritation and an allergic reaction.

Exists folk method dust mites, for cooking we need 50 g of soap and 100 g of ammonia, the ingredients should be mixed well. The substance should be added to water for mopping, for washing bed linen, it can be used to treat contaminated surfaces.

Treatment for an allergic reaction to bed bugs

First you need to make sure that the spots on the skin are really caused by bed mites, for this you need to seek the help of a doctor in order to get tested and make an accurate diagnosis.

The doctor may prescribe anti-allergic drugs or ointment, regular airing of the room is also recommended, and eating vegetables and fruits to boost the immune system.