The new is the well-purified old! The best ways to quickly and effectively clean the oven from grease and soot at home. How and how to wash a burnt oven inside from old fat and soot at home using special and folk

  • 20.06.2020

Almost every housewife often uses the oven to prepare her culinary masterpieces. But, unfortunately, even a new stove, after a certain time, is covered with grease and burning. In addition, after turning on the oven, the fat begins to burn and smoke, while emitting not the most pleasant smell.

The situation is aggravated by the special structure of the oven, which makes it difficult to clean.

How to clean the oven from burnt fat?

To clean the electrical or gas stove from pollution, for starters, you can use household chemicals. But one should take into account the fact that chemicals adversely affect human health. This fact has been repeatedly proven by scientists from all over the world.

Cleaning the oven with chemicals

Before such cleaning, some housewives recommend warming up the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 500 degrees. If your oven is equipped with a fan, then it is better to cover it with something, as a chemical can get inside and, with further heating, give a specific smell.

What means will cope well with fat, soot and plaque?

Stores sell special fast-acting gels that will clean the stove of any kind of dirt in a matter of minutes. The only thing is that some precautions need to be applied here, since a substance that gets on the skin can cause not only acute allergic reaction but also physical damage to skin areas. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately cold water otherwise you risk losing your eyesight.

When cleaning the oven with a chemical agent, open the windows and wear gloves. After cleaning, be sure to wash the oven with a solution of soapy water so that the food that will be cooked later in the oven does not have chemical smell. Do not use products that contain acids of different levels, as they can damage the coating of your stove.

Cleaning an electric oven

How to clean the oven from burnt fat with folk remedies?

Those who do not accept the use of chemicals can be advised to try grandmother's recipes, which are always relevant.

To clean the oven will help:

  • baking soda;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • lemon and citric acid;
  • laundry soap 72%;
  • salt (sea salt is better not to use);
  • baking powder for the dough.

If you decide to clean the oven with an abrasive brush, then be prepared for the fact that the brush, along with soot, will erase the glossy sheen from the walls of the oven.

Cleaning the oven with baking soda

How to clean the oven from burnt fat with soda? This cleaning method is effective, but it will take a lot of effort to wash off the dirt. Very often fatty plaque spoils appearance oven glass, because of it it is sometimes problematic to look inside. To remove soot, you will need to pour soda around the entire perimeter of the glass, slightly moisten it with a spray bottle and leave for 30-40 minutes. After that, just wipe the glass with a damp cloth - it should be like new!

You can wash the oven, which is formed by mixing soda and vinegar. We rub the surfaces with vinegar, then soda. This method will help to remove fat.

They say that lemon juice helps in such a difficult matter. How to clean the oven from burnt fat with lemon? The juice of one lemon is squeezed into water and the walls of the oven are washed with the resulting product. Or use a different recipe. We collect water in a refractory container, put one lemon cut into slices there, add our favorite chemical agent and put it all in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. The container with the solution should stay there for about 30 minutes, after which you can easily remove dirt from the walls of the oven with a regular sponge.

Cleansing with Vinegar, Baking Soda and Soap

A mixture of vinegar (100 grams), soda (40 grams) and laundry soap diluted in warm water(25 grams). With this solution we rub the walls and the door of the oven, leave for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mixture with a wet sponge. The tool will help clean not only the oven, but also the baking sheet. It is also pleasing that it does not damage enameled surfaces. After this procedure, the oven will be like new!

Cleansing with soap

In a dilute or detergent in a fireproof dish. Then place it in the oven, preheated to 110 degrees, for 30 minutes. Mistresses say that this procedure helps to soften hardened fat, as a result of which it is easy to remove it with a moistened sponge.

Steam cleansing

If you are still wondering how to clean the oven from burnt fat, then try this method. It is called the most effective of all. If you have an enameled oven, then it is very easy to clean it with steam. To do this, we collect water in a container and add dishwashing liquid to it. We heat the oven to 150 degrees, put the prepared soap solution into it, wait 30 minutes, then take it out. After that, we remove all dirt with a regular sponge.

Cleaning with medical ammonia

Do you still have a question about how to clean the oven from burnt fat? this will be the easiest to do! We heat the oven to a temperature of 70 degrees. Pour ordinary water into one container, ammonia into another. Then turn off the oven, put on the upper tier ammonia, and on the bottom - boiling water. Close the oven tightly. In the morning, add detergent to the ammonia, wash the walls of the oven with this solution.

It is easiest to clean the oven when it is still not heavily soiled. To make it easier for you to carry out general cleaning of the kitchen, just wipe the oven cabinet with a damp sponge from time to time. And then you will not be tormented by the question of how to clean the oven from burnt fat at home.

As a result of operation oven it accumulates the remnants of fat, dirt and soot. It starts to intensely burn and smoke every time you turn it on. Then comes the moment of cleaning the oven with folk remedies or household chemicals.

Manual oven cleaning

Self-cleaning functions are not provided in inexpensive ovens, so housewives have to wash the oven manually using household chemicals or folk remedies that are at hand.

Folk remedies

When there are no needed purchase funds for cleaning, folk recipes come to the rescue, in no way inferior to factory chemistry.

Salt. Contaminated places in the oven must be “coolly” sprinkled with food table salt and heat to medium temperature. When the salt turns dark Brown, the oven must be switched off. Then the oven must be cooled, washed with an ordinary kitchen sponge and dried.

Salt with carbonic acid. In the prepared "brine" (1 kg of salt per 0.5 l of water), you need to add 15-20 g of carbonic acid. Place the solution at the bottom of the oven in an open state. Then preheat the oven to 150°C and soak for 30 minutes. After cooling, wash off solid residues of soot and grease with water.

Salt with soda. With a thick paste prepared, consisting of 100 g of salt, 300 g of soda, 50 g of dishwashing gel and water, rub all surfaces of the oven. "Soaking" lasts 10-12 hours. Then the product is washed off with water, wiped and dried. This tool has proven itself to clean the oven immediately after use.

Baking powder for the dough. The dough baking powder is used to clean the ovens from accumulated fatty contaminants. The working walls of the oven are sprinkled with them, having previously carefully moistened them. In this state, the oven is kept for 2 hours. All fat is collected in balls-lumps. After removing them, the oven must be washed and dried.

Laundry soap. 100 g of soap grated on a fine grater is dissolved in 200 g of "cool" boiling water. The resulting solution in an open container is placed in the oven. It should boil for 30-40 minutes at a set temperature of 110-125°C. In a cold oven clean water and a kitchen sponge wash off the remaining dirt, detergents can be added to the water. Then the oven is wiped and dried at room temperature.

Water bath". The easiest way is if the oven is covered with enamel. Pour into a baking sheet or other container with an open top. pure water. In case of strong old pollution, dish detergent is added. Keep for about an hour at a temperature in the oven 100-110°C. After the oven has cooled down, the surfaces are wiped with a damp cloth, rinsed and dried at normal room temperature. Steamed impurities are removed quickly and effortlessly.

Ammonia. To clean the oven, it can be used in 2 ways:

  1. Using a household sprayer, moisten the walls of the oven with ammonia. An hour later, repeat the procedure. Leave the oven door tightly closed until morning. After thorough ventilation, decomposed fat is removed in the morning with a kitchen sponge soaked in a solution of water and dish detergent.
  2. In the oven, heated to 60-70 ° C, put two containers. Below - 200-300 g of "cool" boiling water, above - 150-200 g of ammonia. With the cabinet door tightly closed, without turning on the oven, leave it overnight. In the morning, mix the cooled water with ammonia, add a few drops of dish washing gel and remove the remaining dirt. After airing and drying, the oven is ready for new use.

When inhaling ammonia vapors, you can get poisoned, so it is recommended to clean the oven with it using a mask.

This video shows two alternative method cleaning greasy contaminants in the oven: using baking powder and ammonia vapor.

Vinegar. With a household sprayer, moisten the inner walls of the oven with vinegar. The oven with the door tightly closed is aged for 2 hours. Lagging dirt is washed off with clean water, the oven is ventilated and dried.

Vinegar soda. Spray vinegar on the entire surface inside the oven, sprinkle liberally with baking soda. Hydrogen, obtained from the reaction of vinegar and soda, destroys body fat. At the end of the reaction, using a kitchen sponge and soda as an abrasive, remove the remaining fat and dirt. Then the oven is thoroughly washed and dried with the door open.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid. Equal shares of vinegar, soda and citric acid are mixed. This gruel wipes everything internal surfaces oven preheated for 20-25 minutes at 50°C. After the oven has cooled, the pasty mixture is washed off along with the fat deposits.

Vinegar, baking soda and soap. In 50 g of "cool" boiling water, 25 g of laundry soap is diluted. 40 g of baking soda and 100 g of vinegar are added to the prepared warm solution. All contaminated surfaces inside the oven are rubbed with the prepared solution. This mixture can be rubbed on a baking sheet and left in the oven. The oven is kept in this state for 3 hours with the door tightly closed. All dirt is washed off with clean water, and the oven is dried.

Lemon juice. There are 2 ways to clean the oven with it:

  1. Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with water in equal proportions. With this liquid we spread all the problem areas in the oven. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. This method can be used after each preparation.
  2. In an open container, you should collect 200-250 g of water, cut two medium lemons into slices and add 50 g of dish detergent. The prepared mixture must be heated to 100-110 ° C in the oven and kept in this mode for 35-40 minutes. All impurities are washed away warm water and hard sponge.

Soda. The sprayer should moisten all surfaces of the oven, grates, baking sheets. On a damp cloth, collect soda and wipe all surfaces and rinse with water.

This method must be approached carefully, since soda plays the role abrasive material and may damage the oven walls.

Household chemicals

The above examples of folk remedies for removing carbon deposits and fat in the oven require moderate costs and a certain amount of time. But when you need to wash the oven urgently, it provides significant assistance household chemicals for cleaning ovens.

On sale is a wide range of products that can easily rid the oven of dirt without harming the surfaces:

  • gels and sprays Sanita Antizhir;
  • liquid GreenClean;
  • gel Amway;
  • spray can Mister Muscle;
  • liquid shumanit;
  • gel Frosch;
  • liquid Shumovig.

Without rubber gloves, work to remove residues of fat and soot in the oven is not recommended!

The presented video shows the principle and procedure for cleaning the oven from grease using Amway.

This is an incomplete list of oven cleaners, there are so many of them that it is simply impossible to list them all.

When using any factory household chemicals for cleaning ovens, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the rules of use and personal safety:

  • the room in which cleaning is carried out must be well ventilated during work;
  • children should not be in the room during cleaning;
  • all work using household chemicals should be carried out strictly with gloves;
  • do not allow the product to get on the heating elements, and in case of contact, immediately wipe and rinse;
  • prevent contact with chemicals open areas body, eyes.

If the cleaning agent comes into contact with the skin or eyes, immediately wash it off with running water and seek medical advice.

You can find out what other oven cleaners exist.

How to remove the smell from the oven?

The aroma of fresh baked goods or roasted poultry is incomparable to the unpleasant smell coming from an uncleaned oven. This problem occurs periodically in every housewife, so you need to know what to do in such cases.

To remove the factory smell, the inner surface is cleaned with a soft kitchen sponge dipped in an aqueous solution of any dish detergent. Then wipe all the panels several times with a clean, damp sponge. After drying the oven, it warms up to the main operating temperature. If necessary, the procedure is repeated using lemon juice for rinsing.

It is more difficult to remove the smell acquired during operation. It indicates an untimely cleaning of the oven. Helps against this odor. complete cleaning oven in one of the above ways.

If, after drying and airing, the smell remains in the oven, it is necessary to boil water in it with fresh lemon, tangerine or orange peels. They are not removed until the oven has completely cooled down. After that, it is necessary to repeat the cleaning of the oven, and the smell will disappear.

The presented video describes the procedure for getting rid of the smell in the oven using citrus peels.

Self-cleaning ovens

An oven like any other Appliances in the kitchen, requires regular maintenance and periodic cleaning. Expensive ovens are equipped with a self-cleaning function, which can be of several types:

  1. Pyrolysis. This is cleaning the oven at high temperatures. All the remains of fat and food burn out into ashes. This method is recognized as the most effective and complete.

The pyrolytic cleaning system in ovens is divided into two stages. The first one uses temperatures up to +300°C. Some types of fats and food residues turn into ashes even at this temperature. At the second stage - up to +500°C. The oven is completely cleaned.

After the end of the process, wet cleaning oven to clean it from the ashes.

  1. catalytic cleaning. This is a coating of the internal working surfaces of the oven with a special enamel composition. When fat gets on such a surface, it breaks down into water, carbon and organic residues. More about this type of cleaning -.

The cleaning process uses lower temperature conditions than during pyrolysis - up to + 200 ° C, and the breakdown of fat and food residue occurs during cooking. Contaminants turn into ashes, and after cooking is easily wiped off.

  1. ecoClean coating. Refers to low-temperature cleaning systems. The bottom line is that a coating in the form of microscopic ceramic balls is applied on the back wall of the oven. Ovens with this coating clean themselves throughout the entire cooking cycle, while absorbing odors from cooked dishes. The enamel of such a coating performs its functions for at least 10 years.

Pollution Prevention

Taking care of your oven is exactly what the popular saying goes: “Sow a deed, reap a habit.” Regular care, strict observance of the rules for operating ovens is the key to durability and trouble-free operation of the oven. It is necessary to adhere to the well-known rules:

  1. When cooking, use food foil as much as possible to prevent splattering of fats.
  2. After each use, it is necessary to: remove the remains of the prepared dish, wipe off splashes of fat. Do the same with the opposite.
  3. All work must be done in a warm oven.
  4. Cannot be applied sandpaper, a metal brush or a washcloth when cleaning the oven.
  5. Do not use aggressive cleaning products to remove carbon deposits and hardened fat.
  6. Perform a thorough cleaning of the oven at least once every six months.
  7. Before using cleaning household chemicals, carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the recommendations.

There are many ways to clean ovens, including simple ways from the ingredients that are in the kitchen. Each hostess chooses the most convenient way for her. It is important to remember that timely cleaning of the oven is the quality of cooking and long-term trouble-free operation.

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Many women love to cook, but the hardest part comes after the cooking show. A mountain of unwashed dishes, dirty kitchen utensils. It’s easy to deal with dishes, but it can take a lot of time to find a tool that will help clean the oven of old fat and soot.

To alleviate the plight and clean the dirt quickly and effectively at home, an ordinary wet rag is enough if you use it immediately after cooking. As long as the fat has not stagnated on the walls of the cabinet, it can be removed with ease.

What if there is no desire or opportunity to clean the surface of the oven every time? Help chemicals or folk methods such as soda, salt, citric acid and other household substances.

The easiest way is to buy a self-cleaning stove. The device is equipped with special technologies that clean fat and deposits during cooking or do not allow fat to linger on the surface. This method saves time, but does not save the contents of the wallet.


Follow the safety precautions to avoid burns or other injuries.

  • Wear gloves and goggles during the procedure. This will protect against accidental splashes of detergent.
  • Turn off the stove completely.
  • Do not wash the heating elements of the oven.
  • Be careful not to inhale the fumes of the detergent.
  • Provide ventilation of the room.

Chemicals against soot and grease

According to the results of the surveyed housewives, they prefer to use the following products to clean the oven.

  • Amway. Belgian gel for cleaning ovens, pots, stoves and hoods. One of the most popular and effective means. Removes even old fat, but consists of aggressive elements, so it can cause problems if it comes into contact with the skin.
  • shumanit. Detergent from Belgium with the advantages and disadvantages of the previous product. Can clean glass oven door. Use extremely carefully!
  • SanitaR. Russian-made gel, suitable for washing stoves. It cleans dirt well, but quickly dissolves after application.
  • CIF Antifat. Hungarian development, combines efficiency and low price. Pungent odor and aggressive effect on the skin.
  • Unicum Gold. Active foam for cleaning ovens, stoves, pots and pans. Country of production - Russia. It is undesirable to use on painted and aluminum surfaces.
  • Reinex. German spray is the last on the list. Effective, but will not cope with serious pollution and old fat. Contains substances that can cause harm to health if it comes into contact with the skin.

Video tips

Other chemicals for cleaning stoves and ovens are also sold, but those listed are the most popular because of their effectiveness. Before buying, read the reviews for each tool and choose the most suitable one.

Folk remedies and recipes against fat and soot

Substances that are likely to be found in everyday life will also cope with fat and soot.

  • With a little effort, you can even get rid of old dirt using an abrasive washcloth.
  • Laundry soap . An excellent ecological product that contains alkaline components. The composition helps in the fight against stagnant fat, even in the microwave. Crumble a bar of soap into a bowl of water and heat in the oven to 150 degrees. The grease will begin to soften after 45 minutes and can be easily washed off. Then rinse the surface with water and ventilate so that the smell of soap remains.
  • water vapor. If the oven requires delicate cleaning, take a bowl of water and add a few drops of detergent. Heat the device to 150 degrees and put the bowl for half an hour. Grease can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.
  • Baking soda . Baking soda will clean the glass door. Wipe it with a wet sponge or cloth. Then pour more soda on top and leave for an hour, after rubbing it on the glass. After an hour, wipe the glass with a wet sponge until the remnants of soda are removed, and wipe dry. You can additionally wipe the glass with a mirror cleaner.
  • Ammonia . Use preferably at night. Let's consider two options.
    • Lubricate the walls of the oven with ammonia and leave until the morning. Rinse thoroughly with water afterwards.
    • Take a bowl of boiling water and a bowl of ammonia. Put water down, and ammonia upstairs. Leave for several hours, then rinse with water.
  • soda and salt. It helps not only against dirt, but also against odor, even in the refrigerator. Stir in equal proportions, and grate the walls, then preheat the oven. Leave the mixture until morning. The grease will exfoliate and can be easily washed off with a damp cloth.
  • Baking powder for the dough . Wet the oven walls with a damp cloth. Sprinkle with baking powder and wait a few hours. Fat will gather in lumps that are easy to remove with a sponge.

Advantages and disadvantages of folk remedies

Features of cleaning electric ovens

For the electric stove, prepare a paste of detergents. For manufacturing you will need:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Comet or pemolux - any powder for cleaning the kitchen.
  • Balm for dishes.

Mix the ingredients with equal amount. Spread the paste and wait about an hour. Wash off the chemical with water. Wash thoroughly so that no chemicals remain in the stove. Wipe the oven dry.

From bad smell left by the paste, dispose of as follows.

  1. Daily ventilation of the oven.
  2. Put a bowl of water and activated charcoal in the oven for half an hour.
  3. Rub the walls with lemon juice.
  4. Change water while cleaning with detergent.

Follow the suggested steps to easily clean electric stove from dirt and be able to deal with the consequences.

Chemical cleaning process

  1. Prepare materials and take care of safety.
  2. Pull out the baking sheets and excess that lies in the appliance.
  3. Clean the trays first. Using detergent, wipe them with a brush.
  4. Move on to the oven. Warm it up and turn it off.
  5. Rinse the walls and trays with water. There should be no detergent left. Use more water!
  6. Wipe with a dry cloth or sponge.

Advantages and disadvantages of household chemicals

  • Cleaning is much faster.
  • Dirt is removed more efficiently.
  • There is no need to mix or prepare anything. The manufacturer has already prepared everything.
  • Risk of chemical burn or allergic reaction.
  • There is a high probability that part of the product will remain on the surface.

How to use the self-cleaning function in the oven

Many stoves have mechanisms for self-cleaning the surface. Such models are more expensive than conventional ovens. However, it is much more convenient than regular cleaning by hand.

Easy cleaning technology

Most simple system built into most models. The principle is to cover the walls with a special enamel that is resistant to dirt. To activate cleaning, you need to pour water into the hole in the stove with the addition of detergent, which is sold in stores. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees for half an hour. After cooling, wipe with a dry cloth.

catalytic cleaning

It is installed in some models and is not so widespread. The principle is as follows: the oven cleans itself when it reaches 140 degrees. There are several nuances.

  • The coating has an expiration date and needs to be changed.
  • Trays and racks must be cleaned by hand.
  • Dairy products reduce the effectiveness of cleansing.

Pyrolytic cleaning

The most efficient result: after pressing the start button, the oven heats up to 500 degrees and completely burns fats, dirt and other food debris. However, at such temperatures, electricity costs will increase and it will be necessary to ventilation system or extractor to remove bad smell after cleaning.

Eco cleaning system

Effective but expensive system. This equipment is supplied by a limited number of manufacturers. It consists in the ecological elimination of fats and odors when reaching 270 degrees. This is helped by self-healing balls that are built into the oven and dissolve dirt.

Each system has its drawbacks. Price, quality, load on the power grid - choose based on those that you are ready to put up with in the process of use.

  • It is advisable to walk around the oven with a damp cloth after each cooking to remove fresh grease. They are harder to clean up later.
  • Clean not only the inside of the oven, but also the door glass.
  • Use non-acid cleaners. The acid may damage the surface.
  • When using chemical detergents, rinse the oven with water more than three times. Only after that, traces of chemistry that can get into food disappear.
  • Folk methods do not leave marks and are harmless to food.
  • Use rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  • Self-cleaning ovens are easier to use, but much more expensive than conventional ones.
  • A dense fatty layer is easier to clean with a coarse brush.
  • If you heat the oven to 40 degrees, dirt and grease will move away from the walls more easily.
  • During cleaning, open doors and windows to ventilate, and unplug the oven from the socket. Especially if you use ammonia!

Any housewife will agree that the most difficult thing is to maintain perfect cleanliness and order in the kitchen. It is here that the most basic processes for cooking take place. So, first of all, the stove and oven get dirty. Whether your appliance runs on gas or electricity, it needs regular maintenance. But how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home if it is very dirty? Will simple folk remedies help? Let's find out.

Fortunately, whatever the pollution, it can be removed using the usual tools at hand. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly so as not to waste energy and money.

Although the modern market offers dozens of different detergents, it is most effective to use folk recipes. Of course, this is not always as fast as we would like, but on the other hand, no harm is done to human health, there is no need to breathe chemicals, and people with respiratory problems can do general house cleaning without the help of others.

How to quickly clean the oven from the old soot? The following methods and tools are discussed:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon;
  • baking powder for the dough;
  • alcohol;
  • steam processing.

It is worth considering in more detail how to clean the oven efficiently and without additional effort.

Of course, with regular washing of the oven, there will be no problems with soot and grease. And yet, if you hurried once, for example, before the arrival of guests and did not wash the oven in a timely manner, then next time you will have to spend more time and effort on it.

How, using vinegar, to achieve perfect purity? Follow a few simple steps.

  1. Prepare the oven.
    Remove all grills, braziers, shelves from it. With a dry cloth, remove all debris, large pieces of burnt.
  2. Prepare a cool vinegar solution.
    Ideally use undiluted 6% vinegar, but a little water can be added. Use a sponge for washing.
  3. Apply vinegar to the entire surface of the oven.
    Do not immediately try to clean the oven. Leave to soak for about four hours.

Advice! If the fat layer is dense, use a coarse brush. Rub the old burnt areas and also leave for a long time.

There is one more interesting option cleaning ovens with vinegar. You will also need some baking soda for this.

First you need to apply the vinegar composition to all internal surfaces. Leave for a couple of minutes. After that, try to sprinkle all the treated areas with soda. Everything will begin to sizzle, and thanks to this reaction, the fat will dissolve and you can enjoy the cleanliness of the oven.

When enough time has passed, you can clean the oven using your regular dish detergent. Let the oven air out.

Although there has already been a bit mentioned about how baking soda can help you in the fight for cleanliness, here are a few more tips for using this remedy. So you can see in practice how to clean the oven of fat and soot at home quickly and easily.

  1. Prepare a soda cleanser.
    To do this, dissolve a sufficient amount of powder in water. The result should be a thick gruel, the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Using a sponge, apply a dense layer of the composition on the burnt surfaces of the oven.
  3. Give the fat time to dissolve.
  4. Now scrub the oven with a brush.
  5. Remove any remaining cleaning agent and enjoy cooking in the perfect oven.

Advice! To facilitate the process of cleaning the oven, it is recommended to warm it up a little. In order for the dirt to move away easier, a warm enough temperature is enough.

The principle of action of citric acid on fat and soot is very similar to how vinegar works. You can dissolve the lemon in warm water and apply the composition to the burnt areas. After half an hour, try to wipe off the dirt and wash with clean water.

Citric acid works more effectively in combination with other substances. For example, you can try this recipe.

  1. Preheat oven to 60 degrees.
  2. Mix vinegar and citric acid in a container.
  3. Apply to contaminated surface.
  4. Let's loosen up a bit.
  5. Apply soda paste.
  6. Let stand another 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse off with a sponge.
  8. If necessary, you can rub a little.

So it was described how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home using soda. If everything is done correctly, then you will be able to cope with pollution on your appliances very quickly. Now we should discuss how to properly apply baking powder for dough.

Cleaning the oven from fat and soot with baking powder for dough

Oddly enough, but this food product can be successfully used to restore cleanliness and order at home. How to use it correctly?

  1. Moisten all soiled areas with warm water.
  2. Preheat the oven slightly.
  3. Sprinkle the fat and soot with baking powder.
  4. Leave for a few hours.
  5. Result: The fat has curdled and is now easy to remove from the oven surface.

When thinking about how to clean the oven of old fat, be sure to use this method. You will see that this is very easy to do.

For these purposes, ammonia is usually used. How to wash the device with this product? Here are some options.

  1. Soak a cloth in the composition and apply it to the burnt surfaces. Rub the oven and remove the remaining ammonia.
  2. Dilute alcohol in a small container, heat to a boil and leave in the oven. After a few hours, clean the oven with a coarse brush.

Important! If you decide to use ammonia to clean the oven, be sure to provide access fresh air to the kitchen. Do not forget about your own safety and personal protective equipment.

This method can be considered one of the least time-consuming, but at the same time effective. There are several options for using the hot method to clean ovens. It is worth learning how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home in a hot way.

With laundry soap
How to carry out the cleansing procedure?

  1. Grate a small bar of soap.
  2. Dissolve it in hot water.
  3. Pour onto a baking sheet.
  4. Rub this mixture on all surfaces inside.
  5. Turn on the oven.
  6. Turn off after half an hour and let cool.
  7. The remaining dirt is easily wiped off and then rinsed with clean water.

Obviously, this method is quite simple and effective.

Using vinegar
The essence of the method is the same. Pour into a glass of water a large number of vinegar. Place it in the oven. As it warms up, the vinegar evaporates to attack grease and dirt. It dissolves and you can easily clean your oven.

We use a steam generator
With this relatively new device, you can also make your work in the kitchen easier. Carefully treat all contaminated surfaces with this device, and then easily remove grease that has dissolved under the influence of temperature.

Soften fat with plain water
Some people cannot tolerate the strong odors that form when soap or vinegar evaporates. Therefore, you can try another option.

Pour some water into a small saucepan or onto the baking sheet itself. After setting the temperature to medium, turn on the oven. After half an hour, you can turn it off, let it cool down a bit. You will find that the process of cleaning the oven will be much easier.

Video how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home

The article discusses many actionable recommendations regarding how to fight for the cleanliness of ovens. All these recommendations are effective and simple. Using them, you can easily remove even old fat. Although you already know how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home, the video below will help you more clearly imagine how such cleaning should go.

Before processing the fryer or oven, all removable elements are removed from there, which are separately soaked in self-prepared solutions from soda, vinegar, soap or citric acid. The inner walls of the oven, the door and the glass in it are washed with the same folk remedies. In case they are not able to cope with stubborn dirt, household chemicals designed for washing stainless steel, glass and ceramics come to the rescue.

The oven is constantly polluted with fumes, greasy splashes and remnants of warmed foods. It is possible to clean it of fat and soot both with folk remedies and with household chemicals specially designed for this.

Preliminary preparation

To perform a general cleaning of the oven, you need to follow a few simple preparatory steps that will greatly facilitate further cleaning.

  1. Before washing the stove, it must be disconnected from gas and electricity - elementary safety rules.
  2. The visible surfaces of the stove and its top are cleaned as much as possible from light dirt in the form of dust and food debris (for example, fish). This will not wash off dried and stuck dirt, but it will soften the grease, preparing it for further cleaning.
  3. The inner walls are treated with a thick soapy solution, which is prepared in hot water. Laundry or toilet soap is chosen as the active substance, dish detergent and grease removal gels are also suitable. Active foam will remove light dirt and prepare the surface for cleaning tougher stains.
  4. The oven is completely freed from all removable parts - baking sheets, grates and dishes stored there are removed to the side. If there is ventilation in it, the hole must be tightly plugged with a cloth.
  5. Many contaminants are softened by high temperature. The electric oven closes, turns on at 250 degrees and warms up for 30 minutes.

Cleaning products

There are two main types of oven cleaners that are used in the kitchen.

Advice ! After any cleaning from old and frozen burns, it is advisable to rinse and ventilate the oven well so that no unpleasant odors remain.

Household chemicals

On the shelves of modern hardware stores there is a sufficient amount of professional detergents designed to remove burnt fat and food products. Before washing the oven, you need to carefully study the range.

. One of the most common means against kitchen fat. It is made in the form of thick gels and powders for surface treatment at different angles. Deals with most common stains in the average kitchen.

One more good remedy for conventional kitchens, removes both fat and burnt food and sugar residues. High-quality and thick spray with a convenient trigger, which makes the product effective on large side surfaces.

Approximate to professional products, remains in a low price category with a high ability to clean the oven from plaque.

. When applied to stains at the top of the oven, it immediately enters into contact with them. chemical reaction, penetrating into the structure of dried fat and destroying it. After 20-30 minutes, the remnants of fried fat can be wiped off with a regular rag.

. Professional cleaning concentrate for especially dirty ovens and grills, where greasy food is often cooked. It is able to dissolve such stains against which ordinary household detergents are powerless.

Glass cleaning

The door opens completely so that the glass takes a horizontal position.

Removing dirt from oven glass

Slightly moistened with water and sprinkled with plenty of soda. As an alternative, citric acid is used in dry and dissolved form. After half an hour or an hour, it is washed with a rag with clean water.

Note! If folk methods are unable to cope, the above-described household chemicals are used.

The presented manufacturers have tools that are designed specifically for both inside and outside.

Cleaning up other items

In addition to the space of a gas or electric oven, inside it there are a large number of removable elements that also need to be washed.


The grill coil is usually made in a detachable version for ease of maintenance.

In this case, it is soaked in a hot solution of citric acid. In this case, liquid contact with electrical contacts, circuits, wiring should be avoided.

If the spiral is fixed (some Samsung models), it must be wiped with a concentrated solution of citric acid with a sponge, then rinsed with plenty of water.

After such treatment, there will be no trace of the old yellow burnt fat and scale.


The vast majority of grills are removable so they can be pulled out and soaked in hot soapy water. As an active component, dishwashing detergent, laundry or toilet soap, household detergent concentrates are used.

After processing, the grids are well washed under running water.


The pallet can always be removed, after which it should be soaked in the above way. It can also be processed hot water and sprinkle with plenty of soda, citric acid or lemon juice. It is convenient to handle detergents with trigger. After cleaning, rinse well with warm running water.

Below is a video that shows how to clean the oven at home step by step from most contaminants.

Larisa, July 19, 2018.