When can you plant dill and parsley. Planting and caring for dill - in spring, summer and before winter

  • 28.05.2019

Dill and parsley are the most popular and favorite herbs on our tables at any time of the year. During the winter, many housewives adapt to grow dill on the windowsill. With the onset of the scales, many begin to think about when is the right time to plant seasonal dill.
When wondering when to sow dill in 2018, you need to remember that dill is a cold-resistant plant. This means that it can germinate even at zero temperature! Knowing this fact, namely frost tolerance, allows you to maximize the use of spring moisture reserves for growing these greens. But the same fact is alarming, because growing moisture-loving dill in a drought is almost impossible.

Therefore, answering the question of when to sow dill in open ground, early spring and late autumn should be mentioned. Early varieties can also be planted in steps every two weeks. Rainy summer days are perfect for planting them.
When to sow dill in 2018 is important, but it is also important to pay attention to the characteristics of the seeds of this green. They rise slowly and lose their viability very quickly. This is due to the high content essential oils: it is they who hold back the faster germination of this greenery.
Therefore, in spring and summer, seeds must be sown after additional processing, the purpose of which will be to wash out the essential oils. If you do not preliminarily carry out such processing, then you can wait for the first sunrises only after four weeks. This is despite the fact that the beds will be constantly watered and the slightest drying of the soil will not occur. To process the seeds, it is enough to soak them in water for six hours. Then it remains only to dry them and sow.
Approximate departure times different cultures can be viewed in .
Before determining when to sow dill for the winter (and you can do this at almost any time), you need to know something else. This green belongs to the plants of a long day. This means that a long daylight hours leads to the rapid disappearance of greenery into the arrow. If you plant dill in winter, then you can count on the greens. It turns out that summer crops must either be immediately cut off while still young, or cut off during flowering in order to get umbrellas.

How to plant dill
The first warm spring days are the time when it is already possible to sow dill and parsley in open ground. This is done in rows, retreating a distance of 20 cm. The interval in the row between plants must be kept at a mark of three centimeters. In early spring and late autumn, do not plant dill and parsley seeds deeper than one centimeter. In summer, they should be sown to a depth of three centimeters. Upper layer the soil in the summer will dry up quickly, therefore, without planting the plant at the desired depth, you can simply not wait for its sunrises. Plants will show the best results if you know them.
The optimal results of growing dill will be if the gardener knows the features of this greenery:
Likes sunlight and long daylight hours;
It is excellent at moisture and prefers the earth to be constantly moistened;
Dill is resistant to cold and tolerates frost well;
The plant will not grow well in poor soils;
Fresh seeds will germinate poorly if they are not soaked first, because they contain a high percentage of essential oils;

When to sow dill in 2018 to get an early harvest. You can do this with the first crops that are planted for seedlings. Dill seeds are also grown on the windowsill for thirty-five days. After this period, they are ready for transplanting into open ground. With this method of planting dill seeds, the gardener will have more trouble. But, there is a high probability of growing high-quality dense greens.
Dill can tolerate frosts down to minus four degrees Celsius. Therefore, seeds can be planted in open ground already in the middle of spring, as soon as the first snow completely disappears from household plots. At a temperature of plus three degrees Celsius, the gardener can count on the successful germination of seeds. Best of all, greens will grow at a temperature of 15-20 degrees Celsius.
For an early harvest, dill seeds can already be planted in open ground in the first decade of April, observing all other the necessary conditions described above. At the same time, new seeds can be planted every 10-15 days to ensure that fresh greens are constantly on the table.
It is important! Given the conditions of the Russian climate, it is most profitable to plant dill seeds in the soil in the twentieth of April. But you need to focus on the weather in each particular year.
In addition to knowing when to sow dill in 2018, note that it will thrive in neutral and loose soil. In heavy soils, dill germinates and develops quite difficult. Immediately after planting, it is not necessary to water the ground, otherwise the seeds, along with moisture, may go to the depths and simply not germinate.
Of course, it is usually not difficult to choose seeds for dill, but choosing other vegetables can sometimes be difficult. Read more about.

Information about growing dill in winter
The bed must be prepared in the fall, fill the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. Before the ground freezes, dill should be sown to a depth of one and a half centimeters, the seeding rate should be increased by 25%. Cover the bed so that it does not form a crust on the surface of the soil.
If dill is planted in open ground during a period when snow has already fallen, then you just need to clear the bed of snow and scatter seeds on it. Sprinkle a layer of humus on top. When the snow begins to melt in spring, the seeds will be drawn into the ground along with moisture and will soon germinate. As you can see, if you know when and how to sow dill correctly, then you can pamper yourself with its fresh herbs almost all year round.

Tasty and fragrant seasoning dill has not lost its popularity for thousands of years, continuing to be one of the most famous and affordable spices in the middle latitudes.

After long winter, when the body is weakened and you want “fresh” vitamins from the garden, the question becomes relevant: when to plant dill in open ground in spring?

Did you know? Dill was known to the ancient Egyptians as medicine. The ancient Greeks used dill for food, Sappho sang the aroma of dill, Theophrastus mentioned dill in incense, Hippocrates, Dioscorides left advice on how to use dill medicines. In ancient Rome, bouquets and wreaths of dill were given to each other by lovers. In the 10th century, Ibn Sina described in detail the effects of dill on the human body. In the Middle Ages, they believed in the ability of dill to protect against witchcraft.

Dill: a description of a herbaceous seasoning

Dill (Anéthum) is an annual umbrella plant. Dill has a dark green straight stem (from 40 to 150 cm high), covered with the finest grooves. The stem branches at the top. The leaves are four times pinnatisected (the last lobes are in the form of threads). From June to July, flowering occurs: dill flowers are collected in inflorescences and form a large umbrella (up to 15 cm) of 25-50 rays. The color of the petals is yellow. Seeds (up to 5 mm long and 3 mm wide) fully ripen in September.

Did you know? Dill enhances blood formation in the body, has a disinfecting effect on the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, improves digestion, normalizes metabolism, and reduces high blood pressure. Anetin, contained in dill, dilates blood vessels, improves blood supply to the brain. The combination of useful substances and properties, their easy digestibility make dill equally useful for both children and adults.

What dill loves, choosing a place in the garden

Dill is not capricious. This plant is cold-resistant (withstands small frosts, and the seeds begin to come to life in the ground at a temperature of +3 ° C). If you wish to achieve good harvest green spice must be taken into account that dill loves, and proper cultivation dill involves the creation of favorable conditions for it.

Important! Adding frozen dill to salads will spoil the dish - an unpleasant herbal aftertaste and wateriness will appear. Dried (salty) dill will add a pleasant smell and taste to salads. Frozen dill is used in the preparation of soups and sauces.

Dill Lighting

How to sow dill? There is nothing difficult in this.

Firstly, it is necessary to provide proper lighting.Bright sunlight is what dill likes. Suitable for open areas. With enough light, dill has a rich emerald color and develops normally. Ideal conditions - solar lighting 12 hours a day at temperature regime from 18 to 25 °С.

Secondly, you will need to ensure the availability of the desired soil.

What kind of soil does dill prefer?

When choosing a site for planting dill, it should be borne in mind that the plant prefers neutral soils with good ventilation and hygroscopicity. Dill does not require special soil fertility (for its planting, areas where cabbage, cucumbers or other vegetables were previously grown are suitable - last year's top dressing will be enough for an unpretentious plant).

It is best to prepare the beds for dill in advance (preferably in the fall). It is necessary to dig up, fertilize (you can fertilize with manure, urea, superphosphate or potassium salt - at the rate of 20-30 g per square meter). Such top dressing of dill will help to reap a big harvest.

Sometimes dill begins to change color to yellow-green, its growth slows down. These are signs of nitrogen "starvation" of the plant. The remedy for this is the application of nitrogen fertilizer (20 g per square meter).

Planting dill: how to prepare seeds

As practice shows, even beginners can grow dill early. Before preparing the seeds for planting, you need to choose a dill variety. Dill varieties differ in terms of ripening:

  • early varieties - ripen for 30-35 days, umbrellas are quickly formed, very unpretentious, fragrant, but you won’t get a lot of greenery from them (“Redoubt”, “Far”, “Gribovsky”, “Grenadier”);
  • medium grades- ripen 10-15 days later, have up to 10 leaves on the stem, are more productive with greenery ("Alligator", "Umbrella", "Kibray", "Amazon", "Richelieu");
  • late varieties- ripening time is 70 days, more than 10 leaves are formed on the stem, they give high yields of greenery ("Kutuzovsky", "Hoarfrost", "Mischievous").

When choosing seeds, it should be borne in mind that we sow dill in open ground. Varieties with early ripening are more cold-resistant, they will easily endure frost down to -4 ° C. Late varieties are more thermophilic.

Essential oils in seeds inhibit the process of pecking and germination. Reducing their concentration before sowing dill in open ground will significantly reduce the germination time. For this you need:

  • make a cloth bag and fill it with seeds;
  • immerse in hot water (60°C) for two minutes. Heat treatment will disinfect planting material from a possible infection;
  • leave the seeds in water for three days (you need to change the water 3-5 times a day, with washing the seeds);
  • remove the seeds, decompose for half an hour in the air. After that, they are ready to land.

Did you know? Using an aquarium compressor and aerating soaked dill seeds will cut the time it takes to plant them in half.

When and how to plant dill

Dill is sown in any season (while receiving a crop). It all depends on weather conditions and temperature.

To properly sow dill, you need:

  • on the flat surface the prepared area to furrow grooves 2 cm deep. For convenience, you can use a long board (the distance between the two grooves should be at least 20 cm);
  • having moistened the soil well, sow the prepared seeds. Dill seeds are usually sown at the rate of no more than 1 g per square meter (so that the plants do not drown out each other);
  • sprinkle with soil and lightly compact (for good contact of the seeds with the ground). The first two days, the planted seeds do not need to be watered - water can wash them away, deepen their occurrence;
  • There is no definite answer when it is possible to plant dill in open ground. The first spring landing is often carried out after the snow disappears, and in the fall - in early November and later.

    Did you know? The healing properties of dill are actively used in cosmetology. Dill is a part of various cosmetic products. You can get rid of bags under the eyes with lotions of dill infusion (grass and seeds). Frozen dill water whitens and refreshes the skin of the face.

    When to plant dill in spring

    The time for sowing dill in the spring depends entirely on weather conditions - if the spring is warm and early, then the dates will be earlier. Experienced gardeners recommend sowing after April 20.

    After the seedlings germinate, they need to be thinned out so that there is no thickening (the distance between the shoots should remain from 5 to 10 cm).

    Important! Dill reproduces well by self-sowing - you need to not miss the moment, otherwise the whole garden will be sown with dill next year. Experienced gardeners advise: to avoid spontaneous sowing with dill, tie ripening baskets with gauze.

    Planting dill in summer

    Summer landing has certain features. This is an opportunity to receive fresh greens every day (it is enough to sow a new portion of seeds every 10-15 days). Another feature is that in the summer garden beds all distributed, occupied by other plants. Questions arise - is it possible to plant dill and parsley, dill and other vegetables together. Dill does not get along with some plants, for example, with fennel, beans. With others (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, celery) - it is friendly, protects with its oils from pests (aphids, caterpillars), improves their taste, increases the fruiting period. Instead, dill uses fertile soil their neighbors.

    How to sow dill before winter

    Planting dill in the fall is popular. The purpose of autumn planting is to get the greens harvested as early as possible in the spring. autumn planting must take into account that:

    Important! If the soil in the dill beds is not sufficiently moist, this can speed up the "transition" of dill into stems and flowers.

    Winter is also the time to sow dill. To do this, you need to prepare a place in the garden (for example, remove snow). Dill seeds are scattered on the cleared area (preliminary preparation of seeds is not necessary). Humus mixed with soil is applied over the seeds and covered with snow (as the snow melts, the seeds will gradually begin to germinate). When severe frosts the area can be covered with a film.

    Planting dill before winter and in winter allows you to win one or two weeks in getting the first crop of greens.

    Features of dill care, how to get a rich harvest

    Dill planted in open ground requires more attention than growing in a greenhouse. You need to remember dill preferences (sunlight, light neutral soils and moisture) and follow a few rules:

    • feed (if necessary);
    • water (not abundantly, but regularly);
    • loosen the beds;
    • weed and thin out in time (this is especially true in the case of planting dill with a solid carpet);
    • do not plant nearby "unfriendly" plants - cumin, fennel, etc.

    Harvest and storage

    For daily use, dill is best picked at a young age, when the height of the stems is 17-25 cm. This happens about 30-40 days after planting. With the onset of flowering, the taste of greenery deteriorates.

    The collection of dill is carried out by different methods:

    • uprooting the whole plant along with the root;
    • cutting off leaves from the stems;
    • thinning during carpet sowing. More tall plants are selected, the rest are left for growing;
    • harvesting of raw materials (stems, umbrellas) for canning - at the beginning of the wax ripeness phase (50-70 days from germination).
    Surplus dill can be stored for future use:
    • freezing (rinse, remove water, cut, arrange in a container and freeze. An interesting option there will be the preparation of "dill cubes" - fill the cube molds with gruel from finely chopped dill and boiled water. Subsequently, they are good to use in the preparation of first courses and cosmetic purposes);
    • salting (wash the dill, dry it with a napkin, cut it and lay it in layers with salt in a jar and close it. Store in a cool place. There are many disadvantages: salt absorbs juice, dill loses flavor and some of its properties. But it makes it possible to stock dill without a freezer);
    • vacuum (use of special vacuum packaging);
    • pickling (pour dill sprigs with marinade - 0.5 l of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar 6% and 1 tablespoon table salt. Sterilize for 10 minutes in a water bath and roll up).
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      238 times already

Imagine your summer cottage - even rows of beds on which vegetables grow, raspberry and strawberry bushes in the corner, neat paths, fruit trees at the fence ... But after all garden trees, berry bushes and rows of tomatoes - this is not all that can please your land plot. But what about the highlight of the table - seasonings, without which any dishes will seem uninteresting and even tasteless?

It is impossible to imagine a cottage where a minimum set of useful and tasty plants would not grow, which we habitually call a generalizing and very precise word - "greens". Even those summer residents who decided to refuse planting potatoes and peppers, considering that the result of labor-intensive care for these crops is not worth the effort - “yes, I’ll buy it on the market, why bother”, they will not refuse to plant dill, parsley, onions and garlic .

But our traditional dill and parsley are far from everything. cultivated plants, which cooking calls very tasty - "spices". And do not think that sage, fennel, basil and cumin cannot be grown in middle lane Russia! At the same time, spices can not only diversify our table, but also decorate the garden, becoming its highlight and pride of the owners.

How to grow spicy and aromatic crops on suburban area? What plants are the most popular and widespread?

Can you imagine your table without fragrant and such healthy greens? But it is extremely easy to grow it on your site!


The most common "grass" in our country, so unpretentious that even the laziest summer residents can easily grow it on their site. Dill does not need to be looked after - it is enough at the end of March or beginning of April (depending on the weather and climate of your region), to sow the seeds and in a month you can walk through the beds, collecting the first crop of fragrant, easily recognizable, strongly dissected leaves for salad or soup .

At the same time, in order to obtain greens, dill must be sown in a continuous method, and to obtain seeds - in rows with wide, at least 20-25 centimeters, row-spacing to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters.

Moreover, if there is not enough space on your site for a separate bed of dill, it will grow beautifully between rows of tomatoes, peppers or potatoes.

You can collect dill seeds as early as July, the plant is an annual, so you will have to sow the seeds annually. But watering dill can be quite rare - he does not like excess moisture, he does not suffer from pests. Marvelous unpretentious plant— sow seeds and harvest, it's a pleasure.

Of course, experts advise feeding dill with humus, but will you fertilize your garden anyway? It is not necessary to do this just for the sake of a bed with this fragrant herb.

If you want to get fresh greens as early as possible, you should sow dill in late autumn so that it does not have time to rise before frost, to a depth of about three centimeters, and cover the bed with a thin layer of straw and humus. Already in early spring sprouts will hatch and please with their cheerful appearance.

Dill is indispensable for preserving and pickling vegetables, creating stocks for the winter, it is very tasty in fresh salads, as a table decoration. And the amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements in this unpretentious and modest herb is simply amazing!


Another very common and, which is especially pleasant, unpretentious plant. Unlike dill, parsley is a biennial crop, so you won't have to plant it every year. Plants cut almost to the ground (petioles no more than 4-5 centimeters high remain) will successfully overwinter and in May they will be able to harvest the first crop.

And most importantly, the lettuce crop must be harvested on time, trying not to miss the moment when the plant goes into the arrow. Some summer residents cut only lettuce leaves so that the plant will give again new harvest. However, many believe that such “second” leaves are no longer so tasty and juicy and tear out the lettuce by the roots, sowing new seeds in its place.

Juicy lettuce leaves in Europe are used unusually widely, but in Russia, far from all gardeners are yet ready to master this relatively new culture. By the way, growing lettuce for sale is considered a very profitable business.

Growing greens is very simple, and how many benefits it brings! Even on a tiny piece of land, you can grow a crop, for example, dill and parsley, which is enough for the whole family. Green leaves can always be frozen in order to add healthy and aromatic “herbs” to soups and stews in winter.

In this article, we talked only about the most common fragrant vegetables and spices in our country, but there is still a huge amount that is still unusual for us, but no less tasty and useful plants such as basil, oregano, rosemary and others. But this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Anna Sedykh, rmnt.ru


Planting parsley is an obligatory ritual for every summer resident, and even if you don’t like to mess around in the ground, how can you deprive yourself of the pleasure of decorating your dishes with fresh, freshly picked greens? Our article is devoted to the peculiarities of growing dill and parsley, because only after familiarizing yourself with all the subtleties, you can get chic and fragrant herbs.

First of all, consider the features of growing the most common inhabitants of the garden. It is worth noting that this is a simple matter and even a beginner can cope with the task, because parsley and dill are unpretentious in care, frost-resistant and take root on almost any soil. However, there are some rules, following which you can get a good harvest in a short time. It is on them that we will focus below.

Parsley is a biennial plant, so it is advisable to sow the seeds every year. Both types of herbs are very fond of the sun, so if you decide to plant greens in the spring, you should select the most illuminated areas. At the same time, you can sow the seeds somewhere in the shade, then they will sprout a little later, but they will not turn yellow from the scorching rays. True, the last rule applies only to the cultivation of parsley.

Growing parsley

Sometimes it takes a long time to wait before dill shoots appear, and all because of the high content of essential oils in its seeds. To speed up the process, the planting material should be properly prepared, but we will dwell on this in detail below. In addition, you can get early greens by preferring planting before winter, but without proper care, it is likely that the dill will freeze, especially if the winter turns out to be frosty and snowless.

Excellent predecessors for two types of greens - cabbage and cucumbers. But if earlier carrots, celery or parsley grew in the garden, then it is better to postpone planting for at least a year.

If you want to get lush greenery already in early May, you should not ignore any of the stages, and especially preparatory work. Planning to grow dill? Then its seeds should be placed in a gauze bag and soaked in clean hot (+50 ° C) water for 72 hours. In this case, it is necessary to change the fluid at least 5 times a day. Thus, you will significantly speed up the emergence of seedlings. Next, we need steamed sawdust. We take out the seeds from the water, put them on gauze bags and cover with prepared sawdust. The latter can also be replaced with a damp cloth, but such measures are resorted to in extreme cases. We leave the planting material in this state for several days. It is advisable to keep the room temperature around 20 °C. As soon as the dill seeds begin to germinate, you can proceed to the next step.

Dill seeds

How do you prepare parsley seeds? After all, such spicy greens no less in demand on the tables than fragrant dill. This procedure is not too different from the above and even a little easier, since the soaking step in hot water. Planting material is simply covered with a damp cloth and left for several days until sprouts appear.

Both parsley and dill can be planted both before winter and in spring. However, in the first case, it is desirable to cover the beds with future greenery. Although these plants are cold-resistant, parsley can only withstand frosts down to -9 ° C, and dill even less. You can also sow these herbs throughout the summer to delight yourself with delicate greenery even in autumn. But after all, every summer resident wants to surprise his loved ones with fresh spices as early as possible, so we will dwell on the spring planting in detail.

spring planting greenery

You can sow the beds with dill already in early April, the main thing is that the temperature is above -4 ° C. True, much depends on the region - in the more northern regions it is better to postpone planting until the end of the second month of spring. But you can plant parsley even at the end of March, the main thing is that the snow comes off the garden. But for the sake of justice, it is worth saying that the timing of planting and the rules of care largely depend on the variety. Neutral loose soil is considered the most favorable for growing dill, but heavy soil is best avoided. Parsley is less whimsical, but if possible, fertile areas should also be preferred.

To sow planting material as early as possible in spring, the bed should be prepared in the fall. The top layer of earth with a depth of about 20 cm must be dug up well. It also does not hurt to apply mineral fertilizers. Fertilize the area where you plan to plant fluffy dill with a mixture of superphosphate (10 g), ammonium nitrate (15 g) and potassium salt (10 g). The indicated proportions are applied to one square. It also does not hurt to add 2-3 kg of organic fertilizers. It is also worth adding a few kilograms of humus to the soil where you will grow parsley and add a little more nitrophoska. The last substance is taken in a ratio of 25–30 g per square.

Mineral fertilizers for the garden

In the spring, as soon as the snow has melted, it is necessary to properly level the site and apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, urea or ammonium nitrate. Next, we form small grooves, just 2 cm deep is enough. If you plan to grow dill, then leave at least 20 cm between rows. But for parsley, it is permissible to halve this distance.

Before sowing, the ground should be slightly moistened. Half an hour before planting, the seed should be removed from a humid environment and dried. We scatter the seeds of dill or parsley and sprinkle them with loose soil. At the same time, it is not worth watering the newly planted material, because the seeds are very small and can go too deep with the flow of liquid, and then early greenery cannot be seen. By mulching the beds with humus, you will only help the new inhabitants of the garden.

As you can see, planting parsley is a simple matter, however, dill is no exception. But you can enjoy aromatic herbs all summer only with proper care. It is about him that we will talk in this paragraph. If the dill does not sprout well, then you should feed it. We prepare a mixture of potassium salt and ammonium nitrate, taken 25 g each, and stir them in 10 liters of water. This solution is enough to fertilize 4 m 2 . Next, we thoroughly water the inhabitants of the beds with a flowing clean water. It should be remembered that dill leaves easily accumulate nitrates in themselves, so if you want fragrant greens to be beneficial, nitrogen fertilizers should be kept to a minimum. Parsley during the growing season also needs to be fed a couple more times. Organic and mineral substances are suitable for this plant.

Feeding aromatic herbs in the garden

After planting, keep the area clear of weeds and prevent dry crusting. This will negatively affect germination. useful herbs. Also, do not forget to thin out the beds regularly. At the first treatment, it is enough to leave small gaps of about 3 cm, and then we increase this distance to 10 cm. Constant irrigation is the key to a good harvest. Watering is best in early morning or evening.

But the care doesn't end there. If you prefer early planting, then you should cover the area with a special cloth in the evening. So you will save seedlings from night frosts. But to protect the greenery from the scorching rays of the sun, you can create a shadow. Be sure to keep the leaves of the plants healthy. At the first sign of disease, measures must be taken, otherwise you can be left without a harvest at all.

You can collect dill as soon as its leaves have reached 20 cm in height and it is advisable to remove it directly from the root.. Root parsley flaunts on the beds until autumn. Its leaves are cut before the first frost and placed in a cool, dark place, such as a basement. Roots can be left in the ground or dug up and stored until next year in the cellar, placed in bags filled with wet sand. But leaf varieties of parsley are cut absolutely at any time of the year.

Grass - it is grass, it would seem, what other planting and care, but it will grow by itself. But no, it is clear that something will still grow, but not in the quantity and quality that you would like. If you follow some subtleties, then you can wait for a very decent vitamin harvest from these useful herbs. In the garden, the most popular herbs are parsley and dill. Therefore, in this article we decided to talk about how to grow dill and parsley in our garden.

What's the secret

Almost everyone respects parsley, it is a popular plant in any garden. We have two types of it - root (for winter preparations) and curly (to decorate and add fresh to dishes).

This, in principle, non-capricious plant is planted in loose soil, it is possible in April, or it is possible for the winter, in November. It will grow in both sun and shade. But in a sunny meadow, it will simply sprout earlier. Before planting, the seeds are placed on a wet gauze for 3-5 days. How to hatch - we prepare furrows in the ground 1-2 cm deep and at a distance of 10 cm from each other. You can prepare the beds from the fall, then you can fertilize them in advance with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, and in the spring add urea with saltpeter, as well as potash and phosphorus preparations.

It is worth noting that the cultivation of greens, like dill and parsley, has its own characteristics. It is in these details that we understand in more detail. In the spring, during the period of still cold nights or unexpected frosts, it is necessary to cover the ridges with a film. Next, you should not immediately plant the entire supply of seeds, but sow them every couple of weeks. The culture also loves regular watering, especially after cutting. It is necessary to plant the root species after 7-10 cm, and the curly one after 20 cm. You can plant some of the seeds in the sun, and some in the shade, hiding from the July heat, which can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Greens can also be planted with seedlings, and not just seeds. Parsley is a biennial plant, so it can be grown during the winter, and planted in open ground in the spring. This is best done in early spring and high bed. Until then, keep the roots in the basement in damp sand. Curly parsley can be planted at the end of March, it grows for a long time, and decent bushes will appear only after a month. Seedlings do not need to be kept in the shade. Then in May there is every chance to be already with fresh herbs.

Seedlings are no longer afraid of cold snaps, even a little snow is nothing to her. It does not lose vitamins and taste and continues to grow even after -5-7C frost.

And the root parsley is harvested in the fall, you can combine its cleaning with the collection of carrots. Its roots do not need to be frozen, it is enough to store them in the sand in the basement, from above they are also covered with sand from drying out. In the spring, you can leave a few bushes in the garden, then it will be taken immediately with spring warmth. Root parsley seeds are stored for a long time, 2-3 years.

About dill

So, you understand that planting dill and parsley requires some skills. It must be done correctly. Keep in mind that well-prepared dill seeds will sprout earlier and give you an earlier vitamin cocktail in the form of a fresh dill salad. And seed preparation is as follows:

Having put the seeds in gauze, they are kept in water at + 50C for three days, the water is changed up to 5 times a day, then they are laid out, you can put them on the same gauze, cover them with a damp cloth or steamed sawdust on top and wait 4 days at + 20C pecking seeds. It remains to dry them before planting for half an hour and can be planted in well-watered soil.

This can be done in the month of April, after the snow melts. They, of course, will grow at + 3C degrees, but they will grow better and faster at + 15 + 20C. Their good growth will be on loose ridges prepared in the fall. It is necessary to dig up 20 cm in parallel while applying fertilizers - organics and minerals. In spring, it remains only to level the surface of the ridges with a rake, dig grooves 2 cm deep, at a distance of 20 cm of arcs from each other and shed the earth. After planting, cover the ground from above and lightly compact. You should not water immediately, because water can pull the seeds even deeper with it, and you will have to wait a long time for seedlings.

Dill loves the sun, so it is planted in sunny clearings. It will be saved from early flowering by constant moistening of the earth.

After the emergence of seedlings, they must be thinned out, leaving the plants at a distance of 8-10 cm. Fertilized soil will be quite enough for their growth and development, so you should not fertilize it during the growth of dill. But if the bushes turn yellow, then they need nitrogen. After 3-4 weeks, it's time to harvest, dill 20-30 cm high is pulled out of the ground right with the roots.

Some subtleties

Now you know how to grow dill and parsley. However, this process has its own peculiarities. Both greens can be successfully grown on the windowsill in flower pots. With a minimum of seeds spent, you will get the maximum yield. Dill can also be planted in winter. We spread the seeds on a bed freed from snow, cover them with earth with humus on top, and in the spring, together with the snow, the seeds will go into the ground, and over time they will sprout. But in the spring it is necessary to cover the row with polyethylene or an analogue, and secure the edges from blowing away. In this case, you will have dill already 1-2 weeks earlier than your neighbors.

The similarity of the two crops is that they are resistant to cold, love light and moisture, and do not like poor soils. There are several interesting varieties Let's take a look at their features.

Lesnogorodsky gives a bush tall, lush and long green, with an excellent aroma. Sow it at the end of May.

Gribovsky variety from the early ones, it is sown in the spring. He will please you with unpretentiousness, cold resistance and a plentiful harvest at the same time.

Kibray - from new varieties, late, with wide beautiful leaves. But thermophilic, it is better to sow in a greenhouse, it can get sick from the cold.

Umbrella - from new varieties, early ripening, but at medium sizes it gives out lush greenery. It grows well in a greenhouse, it can give a richer harvest than Gribovsky.

There are, of course, other varieties, such as Hanok, ESTO, Superdukat, Kaskelensky, Dill, but they are less popular because of their mediocrity.

You can use greens in almost all forms - dried, fresh, frozen, pickled, and whole umbrellas are usually used for pickling or pickling vegetables.