How to cut linoleum under pipes. Choosing a knife for linoleum

  • 29.08.2019

During the interior design of the room, special attention is paid to the floor. To make it look beautiful and practical, many prefer to lay linoleum. Properly chosen material design, as well as special knives for linoleum, contribute to high-quality styling and an impeccable appearance. The choice of such tools is quite diverse, so it is possible to purchase the most suitable copy.


On the modern market there is a wide variety of construction tools, including special knives for linoleum.

These products are characterized by the following features:

  • well suited for working with material that is located in a vertical or horizontal position;
  • it is possible to change the blades;
  • cuts are obtained as even as possible;
  • blades are durable;
  • reliable system blade attachments;
  • some models are equipped with rubberized pads on the handles, which prevent the hand from slipping.

Such a versatile and functional tool greatly facilitates the work with trimming linoleum, performing the function indispensable assistant during the renovation. A high-quality linoleum knife will help even the most inexperienced master to decorate the floor not just with a practical coating, but with a complete and unique composition that will delight others for many years.


The world market offers a wide range of linoleum knives, each of which is high-quality and functional in its own way. There are several types of these products, such as:

  • Construction. Such models do not have a fixed blade width, so they are most often used for cutting not only linoleum, but also wallpaper. The blade in them is perfectly sharpened, which contributes to maximum comfort in the work process. It is made in the form of separate fragments that can be broken off in order to preserve the performance of the item.
  • With removable blade. Blade width is 25mm and thickness is 6mm. This blade has a long service life without losing its original qualities. This model is completely unsuitable for curly cuts.
  • Special. They have a specially selected blade shape for a full and accurate trimming of linoleum. Such instances are great for making both straight and curly lines.

The following types are also commonly used:

  • Stationery with replaceable blades, which are designed exclusively for thin material.
  • Monthly, used for almost all types of linoleum, including felt-based.
  • Cutters made for thick base linoleum.
  • Electronic, battery-powered, the principle of operation of which is no different from other types.

A certain version of the knife is selected taking into account all the features of linoleum, because each model of the product has an individual purpose. Therefore, in the process of choosing a knife, it is necessary to take into account the features of the structure of the coating and its thickness.

What is the best way to cut?

For proper laying of linoleum, it is recommended to use special knives. As you know, there are options for knives for linoleum a large number of, so you need to know about the purpose of each category of these tools. All models differ in individual features that you need to know so that the cuts have a neat and presentable appearance.

Everyone is familiar with a clerical knife. It is often used at home to cut paper or wallpaper, but few people know that it is also used to work with thin linoleum. But this option can only be used for smooth cuts due to the relatively soft blade.

The construction knife is considered one of the the best options. It can be safely used even after direct laying of linoleum. The retractable blade feature allows for quick and easy removal of excess material. This type of blade is thicker than the clerical one, and the process of working with it is carried out as quickly and conveniently as possible. Such a knife is used most often, as it is able to cut linoleum of almost any thickness.

The universal option does an excellent job with straight cuts, but it is not recommended for curly work. If the product has high performance quality, then the lines will turn out even and neat.

Which knife to choose?

So that working with linoleum does not turn into a complex and lengthy process, it is necessary to choose the right knife for one or another type of this floor material.

A quality cutting knife should have the following characteristics:

  • strong handle made of metal or wood, with a blade made of high quality and stainless steel;
  • the product should be comfortable, while the thickness of the blade can be from 0.6 mm to 1 mm;
  • the ability of the pruning object to withstand heavy loads is one of the most important features.

It is necessary to be able to correctly navigate among the entire range of products offered. There are knives for chamfering, for cord, as well as special cutters and scissors. In order to select the most suitable type of knife, it is recommended to consider individual characteristics linoleum, because it largely depends on how high quality the entire workflow will be.

How to cut correctly?

To properly cut linoleum, you need to follow certain rules that will help achieve excellent results.

They are as follows:

  • Preparation of linoleum for work. After purchasing the material, the roll should be left unfolded for 24 hours. The temperature in the apartment must be at least 10 degrees so that the product does not deform. The width of standard rolls is in the range of 150 - 400 cm, therefore, when buying, it is recommended to choose an option with a width of a room and an additional margin of 8 cm.
  • To lay linoleum, you will need tools such as: a ruler or square, a pencil, a notched trowel and a knife.
  • Each side is cut with an allowance of 6-7 cm, which will allow you to adjust or trim the pattern if necessary. In addition, shrinkage is characteristic of linoleum, and this must be taken into account.

  • After leveling, the coating is laid on the floor and subject to adjustment. In the case of a perfectly flat room without elements that require additional cuts, the material does not need to be adjusted, but you can immediately start finishing trimming.
  • To simplify the adjustment of angles at 45 degrees, it is recommended to use a special square ruler, which allows you to create the most accurate and even cutting of the material.
  • If the pattern is complex or in the form of an ornament, then linoleum can only be cut from the front side.
  • It is necessary to start the work process from the window.
  • The joints should be almost invisible, then the whole canvas will look like a single composition.

Except following step by step instructions, you need to be able to make the right cut. It is this detail that can affect the quality of the work as a whole and affect the final result.

On the floor

The basis in the form of linoleum is perfect for any carpet, but only the quality of its laying depends on how even and beautiful it will look on the floor.

There are some nuances of working with linoleum on the floor, the essence of which is as follows:

  • The roll is laid in such a way that one edge fits snugly against the wall, and the second turns onto it.
  • The coating must be flattened to create a clear cut line. Alternatively, for accuracy, a level is used that presses the coating against the wall, leaving a small gap for the passage of the knife blade.

These points are very important in the process of working with linoleum. Properly organized First stage laying will create all the conditions for further action. To do this, you need to choose a durable knife with a sharp blade and show maximum professionalism.

On the wall

Carrying out the workflow with linoleum in a vertical position, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the walls often have obvious irregularities.

By following a few simple rules, you can easily perform any cut:

  • To make it look neat, you should use a special cutter with a durable blade.
  • The maximum allowable gap can be no more than 1 cm, so that in the future there will be no problems with the installation of skirting boards.

By following these simple rules, you can quickly and easily lay linoleum, which will become a real decoration for the room. A good knife with a sharp blade and a comfortable handle in this process plays the most importance. After all, it is on its quality that it largely depends on how smooth and accurate the places where the material joins and the result as a whole will turn out to be.

If you decide to make repairs in the apartment, then for this you will need to re-lay the floor in the apartment. In our time, the most profitable and quality material linoleum has proven itself. Also variety colors allows you to use it in any room. Due to the density of linoleum, many people think that cutting it is quite simple. But, as with other materials, you need to know all the details and nuances.

It is impossible to find a piece that is ideally suited to the size of the room. Be sure to cut and fit to size. The situation is easier when cutting side pieces. All irregularities will be hidden behind the plinth. But at the junction of two pieces, precise cutting is necessary, because any irregularities will be visible. Such errors will lead to rapid wear of the material.

Now let's pay attention to how to cut the material.

Cutting tools

When buying linoleum, you will be offered to purchase a special knife for cutting. But is it really impossible to cope with improvised materials? When cutting kitchen knife or with scissors, there is a huge risk of doing it unevenly, which will spoil the whole work. Special knives That's what they came up with to make the job easier and better.

There are several types of such knives:

  1. Retractable construction knife. Due to the strong material, it allows cutting even thick material. But not always can give a clear cut.
  2. Knife for cutting linoleum. It has a sharp blade that makes the job easier. Its design is very convenient and adapted specifically for cutting linoleum. There is a special rounding for a clearer turn.
  3. Knife for floor coverings. Comfortable and strong knife, will allow you to work with any thickness. Its disadvantage is that cutting can only be done in a straight line.
  4. Stationery knife with replaceable blades. Only suitable for cutting thin material.

Additional Tools

For quality work, one knife is not enough. Also useful:

  1. A wide spatula to press the linoleum against the wall or floor, and make a more accurate cut.
  2. Ruler different sizes, for evenness of the cut line.
  3. Roulette, measure the exact parameters.
  4. Paper or cardboard for templates.
  5. Stationery knife for cutting templates.
  6. Square, for precise measurement of corner joints.

Rules for cutting linoleum

After the store, linoleum should be in a folded position, indoors for at least 7 days. Then it is straightened and left for a few more days. This is necessary in order for the material to get used to the temperature, then it will be easier to work with it and this will avoid further corrosion of the material.

The cut must be made taking into account the allowance, for a margin for cutting and shrinkage of the material. It is worth considering the length of the material. The longer the room and the linoleum, the more we leave for undercutting, at least 50 mm. And accordingly, if the room is small, the pieces are also needed small, we leave 20 - 30 mm for trimming and draft. If you do not do this, then after a while you may notice how the linoleum has pulled together and large gaps are visible.

After cutting, the linoleum must be left in piles for a while, for complete alignment. In such a case, you should not rush, otherwise all the errors will eventually come out and you will have to redo the work. This is extra money and a waste of time.

Main job

Now you can proceed to the main process, to re-laying linoleum. We start with those parts of the room where there are communications or other interference. To do this, we take paper, draw accurate measurements on it, and cut out linoleum using them. For convenience and further use templates, they are recommended from paper to cardboard.

If there are no foreign objects, and the room has
the correct form, then the markup will be even faster. You just need to lean the first piece against the wall and make a cut. For convenience, use a ruler, holding the cut sheet with it. Be sure to fix the sheet with any heavy object. Next, take the next sheet and closely apply to the first. We do this with all sheets. We make sure that there are no gaps and align each piece.

If the linoleum is with a complex pattern, then the cut is made on the front side. We cut the second piece after checking the pattern.

After cutting all the pieces, you need to remove half and proceed with fixing and docking. For this, there is a special glue that is applied to the entire surface of the linoleum, it is more convenient to apply it with a spatula. After that, we put the sheet on the floor in the right place and hold it with a roller or other convenient object for high-quality bonding and evenness of the coating. So we do with all the sheets. Give time for the glue to dry.

By following all the points from the instructions, you yourself can learn how to quickly and efficiently cover the floor with linoleum. Enjoy your work and success in your endeavors!

It gets boring all the time to live in the same rooms, I want to somehow diversify the apartment, and the repairs were done so long ago that no one even remembers when. And so the whole family decided to change the linoleum in the kitchen, in the corridor and in the hall, now you can find such original ornaments. Moreover, we have instructions - here it will help us cope with this task. Just how to cut it? Hey, we'll figure it out later!

Measurements made, went to choose. What you need to find quickly, paid for, the seller also offers knives for cutting it. Additional sales, what does he need? We cut it with an ordinary kitchen knife, it makes no difference, or with tailor's scissors, big ones, they lie somewhere. The material is dense, easy to use, will not wrinkle while we cut.

Well, let's get started? The knife is sharpened, now it will go like clockwork, we’ll finish all the work in a day ... We coped with the kitchen, now we need to cut off a piece of linoleum for the corridor, here the joint turns out, we have to try, the edges turned out to be something not very smooth, with notches and as if according to a pattern the line was drawn. Well, it doesn’t matter, we’ll still fix the new plinth, so it will cover ...

Is everything so simple?

In fact, it is a common misconception that you can evenly cut linoleum with an ordinary knife. If you want to connect two pieces of linoleum in the middle of the room, or when going into the corridor, then it is better to use special construction knives. Otherwise, even a slight unevenness or a millimeter bend will clearly show through the floor under the coating.

There is one secret of the masters, how to fit two pieces of linoleum to each other: put the edge of one on the edge of the other, with an overlap, and cut them together. So they will lie perfectly, butt-to-butt and without gaps. But in this case, there is a risk of spoiling both pieces - an insufficiently sharp knife and unsteady hands can turn these edges into a fringe.

Creative but ugly. We'll have to go back to that good soulful person, who wanted to warn us in advance against all these problems - to the seller in the store. He wanted the best. What are we? And we save.

He offered us the following:

  • Construction retractable knife - it is made like a clerical one, only stronger and more powerful, as it is designed for dense materials.
  • Linoleum cutting knife - its blade is sharp and fixed, such a knife is suitable for linoleum of any thickness.
  • A flooring knife is more suitable for cutting in a straight line.

As an option, we were shown another large clerical knife with a supply of interchangeable blades. But it does not suit us, it can only be used for thin linoleum, and we took an expensive, thick, insulated one. As a bonus, the store gave us a small manual "How and with what to cut linoleum." Looking ahead, I will say that it was very useful to us, we advise you to use it too.

Actually, the choice of one or another tool for cutting the coating depends on its thickness and density. For thick, hard, dense linoleum, a construction knife is suitable, it will be easier for them to cut the material, although cutting will require more effort. To cut thin linoleum, without a protective layer and insulation, you can take any of the tools listed above, but the work will require more care in handling a thin coating.

Instructions for preparing and cutting linoleum

Necessary tools: cutting knife, rulers, square, spatula with teeth.

Preparation and execution of work:

  1. 1. The new linoleum needs to be rolled out and left in the room for leveling for a while.
  2. 2. It is necessary to cut the measured pieces, taking into account allowances for shrinkage of the material and cutting. So, for pieces up to 6m, you need to leave a 2cm allowance; up to 10m - 3-4cm; over 10m - 5-6cm.
  3. 3. Finished pieces of linoleum must be left for 4-5 days for complete straightening in the form of a stack of sheets.
  4. 4. Next, you can lay out the pieces on the floor. In places where you need to additionally cut off a small part in order to bypass pipes, ledges, columns, etc., we proceed as follows: we make markings on thin paper, transfer it to cardboard or other dense material, and cut linoleum exactly according to this pattern.
  5. 5. If the room does not have any protrusions and the linoleum is a slightly larger rectangle, then we place the material on the floor and perform work, bringing the sheet to the desired size.
  6. 6. At the base of the corners, the covering should be cut in a V-shape - it should be pressed to the floor with a ruler / corner and cut along the ruler.
  7. 7. If the linoleum is with a pattern, then it is better to put it first front side up and make notes on which it should be cut off so that the picture does not turn out to be beveled.
  8. 8. Starting from the side near the wall, cut off the linoleum along a long ruler and fix the edge with a heavy object. On the resulting piece, they outline the line of the future joint.
  9. 9. The next piece is overlapped on the finished one and both are cut along the intended line, then one is pushed back and joined back to back. The rest are cut in the same way.

The quality of cutting linoleum depends on the right knife. Do not take risks and choose a knife immediately with a coating, so that at the end of the work you really feel the uplift from the finished new “floor”, where you can’t even see the joints.

If you thought overhaul in the apartment, then an integral part of it will be a new screed and laying a new floor covering. And since at the moment linoleum retains the first place in terms of distribution among floor materials, we offer useful information on the cutting process of this type of coating. Laying linoleum is a simple task, accessible to everyone, difficulties can arise when cutting it, because, despite the variety of sizes of linoleums, it is impossible to pick up a piece exactly according to the size of the room.

It seems to many that cutting linoleum is quite simple, because it is quite dense and does not warp when moving. In fact, difficulties may arise during the cutting process, this is especially true for the joints of two pieces, when a perfect seam is needed. Cutting along the edges of linoleum is quite simple - a sharp construction knife glides over the linoleum like clockwork. The cut may turn out to be uneven, but this is not scary, because the edge will hide under the plinth, but at the junction of two pieces of linoleum, the seam may turn out to be uneven, and this will be striking.

Usually linoleum is cut like this: first one piece is cut off, and then they try to fit the edge of another piece under it. No matter how smoothly the masters try to draw a line and follow it exactly, the seam does not come out perfectly even, and the slightest gaps become visible. In this case, you need to do this: put two pieces overlapping each other and cut them together. Let's consider in more detail different cases cutting linoleum, and what tools you can use.

How to cut linoleum

In order to cut linoleum smoothly and quickly, it is important to choose the right tool. Of course, you can get by with an ordinary knife, but in this case there is a risk of getting jagged edges and notches. There are several options for cutting tools, here are the most common ones:

  • Large stationery knife with interchangeable blades. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the tool has become dull, the blade must be changed. This option is suitable for thin linoleum.
  • Special knife for linoleum with a fixed curved blade. It is possible to cut all types of linoleums.
  • Knife for flooring (shown in the photo). Works well for cutting straight lines.
  • Construction retractable knife. It is similar to a stationery, but more powerful and reinforced, so it allows you to perform more types of work.

Linoleum cutting technology

Now available for sale different linoleums, differing not only in pattern, texture and color, but also in the thickness and density of the protective layer. The last parameter directly affects how the flooring will be cut. If the linoleum is hard and dense, then you need to cut it with a more powerful tool and apply more effort, but it will not tear if you accidentally touch the edge. But cheap thin linoleum requires very careful handling, because the slightest negligence can damage it.

Hello, Alexander. Recently I bought linoleum for laying in the hallway. The room has a complex shape, so you have to cut a lot. Tell us in detail what is the best way to cut linoleum at home? What tool is required for this and how to use it correctly.

Hello. There is nothing difficult in cutting linoleum. The main thing is to choose the right tool, since it is very difficult to cut a dense canvas even with a well-sharpened knife or stationery.

Cutting with an ordinary knife is not recommended, since the dense front layer is cut rather poorly, and the thick cutting edge of the knife will give a poor quality cut. It is best to use a specialized tool that can be bought at most hardware stores.

Linoleum cutting tool

The construction knife is a universal tool for cutting rolled coatings.

Cutting PVC or natural linoleum can be done using the following tool:

  • construction knife - has a retractable design, the ability to change and rigidly fix the cutting blade. In fact, this is an adapted and improved version of a clerical retractable knife, adapted for construction needs. Suitable for cutting both thin-layer and thicker roll coatings, but when working, you should carefully monitor the progress of the blade;
  • knife for cutting linoleum - has a curved or hook-shaped cutting element. Allows you to quickly and efficiently cut through linoleum, carpet and any other soft floor coverings. Suitable for cutting a straight seam, as well as curly elements in corner joints;
  • flooring cutter - available in various variations. For linoleum, a design is used with a disk cutting element fixed in a special frame with a handle. You can also use a regular cutter with a fixed blade. Allows you to quickly and accurately cut a smooth edge along the entire length of the blade.

Additionally, you can note such a tool as a “edge cutter”. It is used when laying natural linoleum, when it is necessary to cut off the “broken” edge. In the case of a PVC coating, it allows you to trim the edge with a “fringe”, if gross errors were made during cutting earlier.

When choosing a working tool, one should take into account the type of coating that is planned for laying. household linoleum characterized by low density and thickness. To cut it, an ordinary construction knife is enough.

More expensive semi-commercial or natural linoleum is better to cut specialized knife. This will allow you to cut through the dense protective coating and get an even cut.

The appearance of the tool can be seen in the photo above. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the specific region, but rarely exceeds 300-500 rubles for an entry-level branded product. For a master finisher, it is better to purchase better equipment worth 700-1000 rubles.

Manufacturers include products from Truper, Suntool and Romus. For do-it-yourself work, knives from Biber, Jettools, Fit are quite suitable.

How to cut roll covers

Highlights when cutting linoleum during installation

To carry out work on cutting a linoleum sheet, in addition to the purchased knife, you will need to prepare a square, a long ruler and a tape measure. To create a template, you will need plain paper or thick cardboard.

When working, try not to rush and take all measurements several times. You need to cut with confident movements, applying force. If necessary, you can draw up a diagram of the location of the canvases, and only after that proceed with their cutting according to the calculated parameters.

Do-it-yourself linoleum cutting technology will consist of the following:

  1. Before cutting linoleum, it should be kept indoors for 7-14 days at room temperature. A more accurate time is indicated in the instructions or paper insert supplied with the coating.
  2. Next, the roll is cut according to the length of the room, taking into account the allowance. For a canvas 5-6 m long - 20 mm overlap, less than 10 m - 40-50 mm, over 10-12 m - 50-70 mm. This is necessary for the supply of material for trimming and natural shrinkage.
  3. Cut canvases should be left for 3-5 days until completely straightened. If “waves” remain on the surface, then you should not try to eliminate them using third-party methods. A high-quality roll coating will straighten naturally.
  4. Then the cut pieces are laid out along the length of the room. If there are protruding communications and other decorative elements then you need to prepare a paper template. After that, according to the template, the pattern is transferred to the linoleum and cut off in the right places.
  5. If the room has the correct shape, then the linoleum moves close to the wall with an overlap and is cut off at the junction.
  6. To join the canvases with a pattern, the first canvas is laid out on the floor surface. The second canvas is applied over the first one until the joining edge forms a continuation of the pattern. Next, the edge is pressed with a long ruler and cut through both pieces.

Upon completion of the cutting, the linoleum must be moved to one half of the room and the work surface must be removed from dust, debris and abrasive particles. After that, you can proceed to fixing and docking it.

Joining two or more sheets

Cold welding is used to join two or more canvases.

Fixing linoleum to the floor can be done in several ways. Adhesive applied all over the floor is the most reliable solution. Double-sided adhesive tape is used for rooms where the rigidity of the fixation does not play a role or linoleum is a temporary floor covering.

The adhesive mass is prepared for work according to the instructions on the package. A spatula is used for application. First, linoleum is fixed against the wall for a large width of the canvas (60-70%). Glue is applied to a clean surface with wavy movements without excess.

After the canvas is gently lowered and rolled with a heavy roller. If there is no roller, then it can be replaced with a regular one. building level wrapped in soft cloth. The surface must be carefully smoothed over the entire area.

Do the same with the second half of the room. To join the canvases, you will need to glue the tape along the entire length and remove the protective coating. After that, the adhesive mass is applied to the remaining part. After gluing, the seam should be carefully rolled.

If it is planned to weld a seam, then it is necessary to cut a groove for filling. Before welding, it is necessary to thoroughly warm up the hair dryer for several minutes, put on the nozzle and insert the cord.

Above you can watch a video on how to properly cut linoleum when laying the floor in the apartment. Pay attention to the sequence of actions when laying several canvases.