Slate repair: how to repair holes and cracks. How to fix a leak in the roof Leaking slate roof what to do

  • 15.06.2019

roof leak - emergency situation which may occur after snow melt or rain.
If you do not pay special attention to this in a timely manner, then chronic stagnation of moisture can lead to the collapse of the ceiling, roof, the formation of fungus in the room, a short circuit in the electrical wiring, etc.

The main causes of leaks are defects in the roofing surface carpet, failure of the drainage system, moistening of the heat-insulating layer and violation of the tightness of the coating adjacent to vertical structures (parapets, antennas, pipes, walls). Such damage can vary in scale. Accordingly, some will require minor repairs, while others - the intervention of craftsmen and more complex activities, up to the replacement of the roof.

All emerging leaks can be divided into 3 classes:

  • "Flickering" (formed in any season with large temperature differences);
  • associated with melting snow on the roof;
  • created immediately or after a short time after the next rain.

Thus, for the qualitative elimination of a leak, it is necessary to correctly localize the problem, i.e. understand which element of the roof has ceased to function.

Reasons for leaks:

  • moistening of the heat-insulating layer due to violation of technology;
  • insufficiently effective operation of the drainage system;
  • mechanical damage to the integrity of the roof and the geometry of the truss system;
  • violation of installation technology;
  • impact on the roof of biological and atmospheric factors that lead to its natural destruction;
  • low-quality fasteners and roofing building materials.

The cause of the leak is an assembly defect

Violation of technology in the construction of the roof is unacceptable. Quite often, to correct such errors, the roof has to be dismantled and installed almost from scratch. The factors for successful installation are the following:

1. Projects created without errors

Incorrectly designed eaves, roof slopes and parapets can exacerbate the problem of water drainage from the roof. At the same time, a large number of complex architectural elements and inconsistency in their placement with ventilation can lead to the emergence of unventilated areas.

2. Technological installation of the roof in compliance with all recommendations

When creating a roof device, it is important to ensure reliable hydro and vapor barrier, ventilation of the thermal insulation layer by installing ridge and cornice ventilation vanes and air ducts. If the vapor barrier is not installed correctly, condensation may form in the structure, which will provoke ceiling moisture inside.

3. Proper selection of building materials and contractors

It is very important to use only high-quality building materials and accessories. The manufacturer must give a guarantee for their products. For installation, it is necessary to involve masters with certificates and a license.

What to do if the roof of the house is leaking:

1. Initially, you need to inspect the roof. If the leak is not very significant, then the roof can be tested independently. First you need to go up to the attic and check the condition of the waterproofing for mold, rot, damp spots, rafters, flooring and decking. For example, moisture can discolor the coating or leave dark marks on the wood.

The next object of inspection is the electrical wiring laid in the attic. Damage found in it must be repaired immediately.

2. After you have checked the roof from the inside, proceed to the external studies. Inspect the skate for waterproofing and the integrity of its elements. Pay special attention to fastening metal aprons in the area where the roof adjoins vertical structures and the condition of the insulation. Going down to the bottom of the roof, make sure that plant debris has not accumulated on the valleys. Look at the bottom layer of the roof covering and the eaves board - their integrity may suffer from rain and strong wind. Check if the ventilation channels, funnels, gutters and drain pipes are clogged with any debris, if lichens and mosses have formed on the slopes, and on the roof itself - bubbles, chips, cracks, holes and dents.

3. If an external examination did not reveal any damage, but the leak continues, you should wait for precipitation, go up to the attic, find the place of moisture penetration and mark it with chalk. In dry weather, it can be patched.

remember, that repair work and inspection of the roof are associated with great risk, since the slopes are slippery and steep, high and unexpectedly dizzy. These are all good reasons to turn to professionals for help. The roof repair technique involves not only detailed diagnostics and selection of special building materials, but also the use of special equipment. Today, many companies examine the roof with an infrared camera. It is able to quickly detect a leak and visualize technical condition roofing system. Based on the data received, the masters determine the nature and scope of work and draw up an estimate. Further, the owner and the contractor enter into an agreement prescribing warranty obligations, terms of payment, rights and obligations of the parties.

How to fix a leak in the roof?

Roof leak repair:

1. If a metal roof is leaking

Metal tile is a durable and high-quality building material. Its flow is almost impossible due to wear. However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances happen:

  • an error occurred during installation;
  • there was a loosening of fasteners;
  • formed mechanical damage etc.

In case of minor damage, the surface can be repaired with sealant or steel patches can be laid on it. In case of large damage, the sheet is completely changed, and the gaps are removed with a special adhesive tape.

If scratches were found, they must be covered with a special paint to prevent corrosion.

The most serious repair is required in case of incorrect installation of the roof. The most common cause of leakage in insulated pitched roofs, including those lined with metal tiles, is the use of cheap perforated polyethylene films as vapor and waterproofing, which do not remove moisture from the insulation well enough. It is best to replace them with a superdiffusion membrane that is laid directly on the insulating material. However, this method involves the complete dismantling of the roof.

In order to protect the roof from leaks, it is recommended to install snow retainers on it. In winter, they will hold back the flow of snow, and in spring, melt water will flow between the waves of metal tiles.

2. If the metal roof is leaking

Causes of leaks in the roof, which is covered with galvanized iron:

  • mechanical damage;
  • corrosion;
  • violation of the tightness of the seams that fix the sheets of the coating.

Most often, holes and holes are eliminated as follows:

  • initially, the damaged area should be cleaned with a metal brush;
  • then cut a patch from the roofing building material, which will be 50-100 mm larger than the damaged area;
  • then the edges of the patch and the damaged area are covered with flux and soldered to each other with a soldering iron;
  • after the solder has cooled, its excess is eliminated with a file;
  • at the end of the work, the roof is painted in whole or in part.

In case of large damage to the metal roof, the steel sheets are completely replaced, using electromechanical special devices for rolling the folds.

3. If it's leaking slate roof

Repairing a slate roof is quite simple. However, you need to be careful when moving along it, as this material is very fragile. In this case, it is better to use a ladder-ladder, which evenly distributes the mass of a person over the surface.

Repair of a slate roof comes down to sealing not very large chips and cracks. For this, a special solution is used, which contains cement and fine sand in a ratio of 1:2. Another method of sealing is adhesive repair tape based on butyl rubber:

  • the damaged area is wiped with a cotton cloth, which is first moistened in gasoline or white spirit;
  • then the protective paper is removed from the tape, and a piece of it is glued onto the damage, overlapping by 30-50 mm.

These tapes are top coated nonwoven fabric, so they can be easily painted in the desired shade later.

In order for the steel nails fixing the slate sheets not to corrode, they are coated with oil paint or drying oil.

If the size of the gap is quite significant, then it is recommended to change the entire sheet, or place a piece of slate under it, which has the same wave width.

4. If the corrugated roof is leaking

A roof that is covered with corrugated board can serve reliable protection structures over a long period, however, subject to all regulatory requirements. The reason for the repair work can only serve natural disasters. In this case, the repair comes down to removing the damaged sheets and replacing them with new ones. Sometimes, with poor-quality work of the craftsmen, over time, a leak may form at the junction of the building material with the crate. This occurs due to the fact that the self-tapping screw was screwed in at an angle to the plane of the sheet. Thus, the rubber gasket is deformed and loses water resistance. In such places, you can eliminate the leak by replacing the self-tapping screw with a new one and covering the hole with sealant.

5. If the roof is leaking in the apartment

Most often, when constructing a roof in high-rise buildings roll building material is used.
It is this type of it that is most susceptible to leakage, since it is budget option with rather poor quality. How to fix a leak in the roof?

Repair of a soft roof is created only after it has completely dried. Initially, the place of leakage is visually determined and, depending on the nature, a certain decision is made.
If a ruberoid swelling was found, it means that water has leaked under it. To remove the defect, incise the swollen area, dry it, coat it with mastic from the inside, and then press it back. When gaps or cracks occur in the material, a patch is applied, which is applied over the damaged area. On both sides it must be smeared with mastic.

How to fix a leak in a roof made of iron video:

Once upon a time, slate roofing was considered perhaps the most versatile: affordable, durable and unpretentious. Cheap and cheerful, as they say. But for all the strength of asbestos fibers, such sheets are not very resistant to mechanical stress: over time, many small cracks always appear on them, through which moisture easily seeps through. Luckily, at least a slate roof doesn't corrode like a metal roof that rusts from the slightest scratch, but repairs will still need to be done from time to time. So how to close a crack in the slate and stop the further destruction of other sheets? Now we will understand everything in more detail.

Why does a slate roof collapse?

Fragile slate is damaged quite easily:

  1. from impact loads. From careless walking on the roof.
  2. From microcracks due to falling tree branches.
  3. From mosses, lichens and other misfortunes. Moss and lichens, which are especially fond of slate, not only deprive it of its aesthetics, but also slowly destroy it!
  4. From time. Unfortunately, the service life of a slate roof is not long, and after 10-12 years the first cracks and holes appear.
  5. From constantly stagnant rainwater. Any roof, and not only slate, has weaknesses around skylights and pipes. Immediately pay attention to these elements - it is not difficult to seal them.
  6. The angle of the roof is not suitable for slate roofing.
  7. The laying of slate was carried out with certain violations, and the material constantly experiences excessive stress. It’s also bad if during installation you used ordinary nails without rubber gaskets to fasten the sheets - then you can’t do without cracks.
  8. Careless transportation and storage. Such defects may not be detected immediately, but they will immediately become noticeable from walking on them on the roof.
  9. Sharp temperature changes. Believe me, any asbestos-cement material does not like this.
  10. Due to disproportionately small holes for screws or nails. Do not forget that metal is characterized by seasonal expansion, and therefore you need to leave a little more space for such fastening (but not so that rainwater flows). That's why rubber gaskets are needed.

And finally, snow can add new problems. The fact is that the slate roof does not have such smoothness as the metal one, and snow constantly lingers on it. And just a little sunlight is enough to flood all this snow cap from below - as a result, the melted water flows down to the eaves, where it meets a new layer of snow (the cornice is always colder than the roof over the living quarters). Here, the melt water freezes again and, in the form of ice, already destroys not only the slate sheets, but also the drainage system. In addition, all this mass, under natural expansion from low temperature, is clogged under the sheets and from there, melting, it falls directly onto the rafters or into the insulation.

Also, often the cause of cracks in slate lies in its incorrect manufacturing technology. And at several stages:

  • During the preparation of the mortar, less cement was added than the factory recipe required (guess why).
  • Gross violations of the production technology of slate sheets (handicraft production).
  • Short asbestos fibers were used in the slate (and this is the manufacturer's decision).
  • Poor quality processing of finished slate sheets (lack of control).
  • Reduction of material opening period (a need 28 days).

And now let's talk about how and how to fix holes and cracks on the slate roof of the house.

How to detect coating defects?

Agree that it is rather difficult to notice new defects or cracks on an outwardly heterogeneous slate roof, while on a smooth seam roof or corrugated board this is easy to do even from a neighboring building. Therefore, pay attention to such alarming signs that your roof needs to be urgently repaired:

The fact is that unnoticed leaks are quite insidious: the rafters are immediately saturated with moisture, the thermal insulation becomes damp and deteriorates, and the ceiling needs repair. Go to the attic if you have such suspicions: if you smell dampness, then there is a problem. And individual mold spots indicate that there is a crack somewhere in the slate, but so far it does not make itself felt, except for small leaks. Check the under roof space of the slate roof also after every downpour.

We put a "diagnosis" on the cracks of the sheets

If the cracks went along the protruding waves of slate, then the bookmarks must be applied both from below and from above.

Cracks in the lower waves require the most complex solutions. After all, it is here that water will constantly stagnate, and it is rather difficult to achieve the necessary tightness.

But let's look first at the crack itself - a lot depends on this:

  1. A crack that goes along the top wave of slate(it is the easiest to spot), usually does not leak due to the fact that the water under it does not stagnate. This is the most harmless crack, and it is easy to repair it - just bend the galvanized iron and slip it under the slate, and cover the crack itself with a special roofing tape.
  2. A crack that goes along the bottom wave, the most dangerous - here you can not do without leaks. Use sealant, patch and folded sheet.
  3. A crack that went across the slate sheet the most dangerous! And leaks alone are indispensable here - the crack will expand and move on to subsequent waves in the future.

Have you decided on your next renovation? Proceed with caution! Remember that in many countries of the world this roof covering is completely prohibited due to harm to health, and therefore when dismantling old sheets or machining protect yourself from asbestos fibers. Here's how professional teams do it:

How to fix cracks and holes in slate?

Before applying any patch, it is important to completely clean the repaired surface of debris and moss, and then wash it with a powerful jet of water. But how to close up holes and holes in the slate on the roof available materials and novelties of the construction market:

Method number 1. Cement and sand

Prepare a mixture of one part dry cement and two sifted sand. Fill with water and stir until desired consistency. close up. Let the cracks dry well and paint them in a suitable color.

Method number 2. Butyl rubber tape

A special butyl rubber tape is also good as a patch for holes and cracks. What is good, its surface is made of non-woven material, so that it is good to paint such a patch in the desired shade. And it's easy to work with:

  • Step 1. Degrease the repaired area of ​​the slate sheet with gasoline.
  • Step 2. Remove from tape protective strip and glue it to the damaged area.
  • Step 3. Paint in color so that your roof does not look "patched".

Ready-made butyl patches are also used for repairs:

To seal cracks in slate, sickle is also used - a tape that gives strength to the putty joint of sheets. To do this, a layer of bitumen is first applied to the crack, then a sickle is applied to it, and then everything is again smeared with bitumen.

Or use the more expensive one modern version tapes that are designed specifically for the repair of such roofs:

Method number 3. hot bitumen

It is not difficult to prepare bituminous mastic on a fire:

  1. We kindle a fire, put two bricks on the sides.
  2. We take an old bucket, put a piece of bitumen in it.
  3. We put the bucket on the fire and stir gently so that nothing catches fire.

If you work in sub-zero temperatures, add 10% waste to the bitumen to give it elasticity and avoid cracking the mastic. Especially if you process the edges of slate sheets:

Hot bitumen is also suitable for sealing small cracks:

But remember that any putty gives only a temporary effect. The problem with using traditional putties for slate is that this roofing material is not very pliable for expansion, while putties usually have a completely different coefficient. That's why after a few cycles of temperature fluctuations, leakage problems return again. And sometimes it is much easier and more reliable to simply replace the defective sheet.

Method number 4. Putty from asbestos, cement and PVA

First, we take asbestos in finished form. If you didn’t manage to get one, just grate it from a piece of slate. Be sure to protect your respiratory tract during this work!

So, to prepare the mixture, you will need to mix 2 parts of cement, 3 asbestos and a liquid solution of PVA glue and water, taken equally. Stir the mixture until it thickens like sour cream. If you cleaned part of the slate before repairing, wait until it dries completely. Next, apply the prepared mixture, treat with a solution of PVA and water (now the ratio is 1: 3) and apply 2 more layers of the mixture.

Method number 5. Finished putties

For the repair of such a roof, ready-made mixtures that include waterproofing materials are well suited. You need to work with them like this:

  • Step 1. We clean the repaired surface well.
  • Step 2. Degrease the area with a solvent or acetone, dry well.
  • Step 3. We prime the surface with a repair mixture, only diluted to a liquid state.
  • Step 4. We apply the mixture with a special gun or spatula.
  • Step 5. After 6 hours, cover with fiberglass and put a new layer of the mixture.

Please note that it is necessary to carry out such repairs on a slate roof in dry and cloudy weather so that the necessary components in the mixtures dry slowly.

Method number 6. Foam and epoxy

They also close up cracks and holes in the slate with liquid foam, but for this you will have to purchase a whole bottle. Practiced among home craftsmen and the so-called "three-layer" method:

  • Step 1. We clean and degrease the area.
  • Step 2. Close the crack mounting foam.
  • Step 3. Dry or just leave for a day.
  • Step 4. Apply sealant.
  • Step 5. Cover it all with resin.

Epoxy resin is also suitable for repairing a slate roof, which is much less destroyed under ultraviolet rays than polystyrene.

This is an expensive but reliable method to cope with small problems, although it is inconvenient to use it on an inclined plane. So, if the slate sheet is split along its entire length, fasten the wavy joints with epoxy glue. But first, fix them together from below with mounting tape, and only then fill the gap from above.

Method number 7. Tin patch

This method is suitable for repair big holes and cracks in the slate roof. So, step by step:

  • Step 1. Cut out a patch from tin, roll it into a tube.
  • Step 2. We push it into the hole so that a hole can be made in the middle of the patch.
  • Step 3. Insert a bolt with a gasket into the hole and press it.
  • Step 4 Fill gaps with building sealant.

The repair of a slate roof must be approached seriously. If the patch will allow even a little water to pass further, the rafters will eventually become completely unusable.

Method number 8. Drying oil with chalk

This is one of the most proven folk methods. So, we clean the cracks, carefully cover them up, and after drying, paint with oil paint. That's all!

Method number 9. Moisture resistant glue

  • Step 1. We wash the sheets well with ordinary water, three of them with a stiff brush.
  • Step 2. We are waiting for the slate to dry and seal each hole with a piece of dense fabric so that its edges extend beyond the hole by about 3-4 cm. To do this, we impregnate the patch with moisture-resistant glue.
  • Step 3. On top of the patch, once again apply a layer of glue (Emalit).
  • Step 4 Turn over the damaged sheet and fill the hole with concrete.
  • Step 5. Once the mortar has set, glue another patch.
  • Step 6 At the end of the crack, we drill a hole and seal it with an elastic sealant.

Method number 10. Aluminium foil

Ordinary aluminum foil will also help to cope with cracks:

  • Step 1. Remove the old fasteners from the sheet.
  • Step 2. Round off the corners of the patch.
  • Step 3. Fasten the foil and press it with a self-tapping screw.
  • Step 4 If the slate on your roof is colored, repaint the patch in the same color.

In extreme cases, it is easier to replace any section of a slate roof than to repair it. Then cut out the necessary elements from the new sheets:

Often, the ridge of a slate roof also becomes unusable, which is not difficult to replace with metal or wood:

How to protect the slate from further destruction?

The situation is worse if the roof began to burst in different places. This is usually indicative of installation errors in due course, and the usual repair of the slate on the roof will only give a temporary effect. It is urgent to stop the destruction process:

  • Method number 1. To prevent cracking, temporarily place a strip of cloth soaked in paint over the crack.
  • Method number 2. Also, so that the crack does not go further, a hole is drilled in it and fixed with a self-tapping screw. Moreover, such a hole must be sealed with an additional roofing sealant, which will tighten, like rubber, the edges of the hole.

But, if in the next decade you are not going to change the entire roof, then approach the issue of repair more globally:

Or like this:

That's all! Choose the method for which you already have materials and you know how to work with them.

Despite the wide range of roofing materials, slate today enjoys no less popularity than a couple of decades ago. Such demand for coverage is due to the relatively low price of it. At the same time, the relevance of the material is very justified if the roof has a simple configuration (1-2 slopes). However, it is worth knowing that over time, the strength of slate is significantly reduced, which provokes the appearance of small and large cracks or holes on it. Therefore, in the article below, we will learn how to repair a crack in a slate on a roof or how to deal with a hole in it.

In order not to look for an answer to the question of how to glue slate, you should know that holes or cracks in it can appear for various reasons that can be prevented. But the main ones are:

  • Coating wear over time. As a rule, after 10-15 years, the material becomes more brittle, which provokes susceptibility to point impact loads (falling of an icy branch, fruit, etc.).
  • The tendency of slate to accumulate moisture in the shaded areas of the roof. In this case, where the sheets of the coating are more moist and there is no direct sunlight, moss grows. As a rule, this is the north side of the roof. Moss is a degrading organic matter for asbestos cement.
  • Incorrectly assembled roof drainage system. With stagnant rainwater in certain areas of the roof, the strength of the coating will begin to decrease, which will lead to the appearance of cracks or holes over time. Here it is worth taking into account non-compliance with the operating conditions of the slate. That is, if the slope angle of the slopes is not observed, the water will stagnate on the roof.
  • Gross violations when laying slate sheets. In particular, we are talking about the use of simple nails without rubber gaskets to fix the roofing sheets and about the incorrect laying of the sheets, in which the roof is now under constant stress.
  • Inconsistency of holes for nails and self-tapping screws when laying the material. If they are too small, then over time, the metal, prone to seasonal expansion, will destroy the structure of the asbestos-cement sheet and holes will appear on its surface that will need to be repaired.
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of transportation and storage of the coating. In this case, small microcracks will be invisible at first, and then you will have to look for an answer to the question of how to close a crack in the slate.

Important: if all of the above possible reasons the appearance of cracks on the slate is not about you, which means that you purchased a substandard product that was produced with gross violations of technology. In particular, the proportions of the components could be violated, short fibers of asbestos were added, or poor-quality final grinding / processing of the coating was carried out with a reduction in its settling time.

We reveal defects on slate crack hazard level

To see a crack on a slate sheet, you need to use special telescopic equipment, since such violations of the ACL (asbestos-cement sheet) structure are difficult to notice with the naked eye. In order to understand whether a slate roof needs to be repaired and whether there are holes / cracks / cracks in it, it is necessary to conduct an assessment attic floor and truss system from the inside. That is, by appearance insulation and wood rafters, you can judge possible leaks in the roof. They will be evidenced by:

  • Wet and rotting wood rafters;
  • Stains and mold on insulation or other components of the roofing pie;
  • Spots on the floor of the attic in a certain place.

If a leak is detected, it is worth determining the level of danger of the hole. So, consider the types of cracks:

  • If the crack is located in the lower crest of the roof slate, then urgent restoration of the roofing is needed. Because over time, water will simply spill on the head of the residents of the house. After all, it is in the lower ridges of the roofing wave material that water accumulates in the maximum amount.
  • If a hole has formed on the upper crest of the coating wave, this is a less dangerous option, but still requiring you to think about how the cracks in the slate are repaired.
  • And, finally, the most unpleasant from the point of view of the forecast is the transverse crack. Here, the hole can spread to neighboring waves, which will lead to the breaking of the entire sheet of the coating. Therefore, it is best to replace it completely.

Important: When starting repair work, wear protective clothing. Because asbestos fibers are toxic to human health.

Slate sheet repair

It is worth knowing that any repair manipulations with slate should be carried out only after it has been cleaned of debris and moss, thoroughly washed and dried. In addition, a crack or hole should be degreased with cotton wool soaked in solvent or acetone.

Repair option 1

If you don’t know how to close holes in slate, then the simplest and most ancient method with which you can close a hole is to use bituminous mastic. Previously, it was only used to cover up any holes in the walls of a house or a fence / roof. It is prepared simply in a bucket on a fire, melting to a viscous state. If repair work is carried out in cold weather (with minuses), then about 10% of mining should be added to the mass of bitumen so that the mastic is plastic. The crack is gradually filled with the finished mixture, leveling its level with the sheet.

Important: but it is worth remembering that this method of repairing cracks in slate is not the most reliable. The fact is that bituminous mastic tends to expand at positive temperatures and shrink again in the cold. As a result of such deformation, after several cycles of temperature changes, the hole will again leak.

Repair option 2

Or you can use a cement-sand mixture if you don’t know how and how to patch holes in the slate. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix the named components in a ratio of 1: 2. Dilute the mass with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Holes and cracks are covered with the resulting solution and left to dry in the shade. The finished repaired sheet can be painted in the desired color.

Repair option 3

Also, for sealing slate roofs, you can use a ready-made putty solution and not be tormented by special inventions. The mixture can be bought at a specialized store. Before applying it, the surface of the crack or hole must be well primed. Then putty is applied to the hole and after six hours it is covered with a piece of fiberglass. Another layer of putty is applied on top, and thus the use of a sealing combination saves the slate.

Important: you can apply the putty mixture with a spatula or a gun. At the same time, it is better to carry out repairs in dry weather with heavy clouds, so that the putty can dry slowly.

Repair option 4

And here, in order to cover the slate roof, you can use a mixture of cement, asbestos and PVA glue. Such a mass is very plastic and fits well into all joints and gaps of slate.

So, we prepare the mixture:

  • First, mix in equal parts water and PVA glue. Mix everything well until smooth.
  • Now mix cement and asbestos in a 2:3 ratio in a separate container.
  • We mix all the components to a state of very thick sour cream.
  • In a separate container, we prepare another PVA solution from three parts of water and one part of glue.
  • We cover the finished, fat-free and dried surface of the crack with the resulting mixture of glue, cement and asbestos. From above we lubricate with an additional solution of glue. And again we apply two more layers of asbestos cement on top.

Repair option 5

And in this way, you can close up holes from nails that have crumbled over time and now let water through. In this case, you need to take a piece of aluminum foil and cut a patch out of it along the right size holes. The foil is smeared with universal glue and the patch is put on the hole.

Important: in this case, the hole for the self-tapping screw will now have to be made elsewhere on the sheet.

Repair option 6

Here, in order to repair a large break or a hole from a nail, you can use tin for a patch. A piece is cut out of it, rolled into a tube and, crushing, pushed into the hole. It is necessary to tamp the tin so that it fills the hole as much as possible. Now a hole for a self-tapping screw is drilled in a tin cork and the slate is fixed on the roof using a high-quality rubber gasket. In this case, water will not flow under the roof.

Repair option 7

Ordinary polyurethane foam will also help repair holes in the slate. Craftsmen use it to fill cracks and crevices in slate roofing. This is a good option the answer to the question of how to repair and seal the slate sheet. The mixture is applied to a clean and degreased repairable area, and thus close up the hole. Then, after drying, the crack is treated with a sealant and everything is lubricated with epoxy.

Repair option 8

Often craftsmen seal cracks in ACL with butyl rubber tape. By the way, it is good for painting, which will allow your roof not to look like a patch. The tape is laid on cracks in the slate after they have been cleaned and degreased. They are well pressed, and after drying they are painted in any color.

Important: a slate sheet with sealed holes and cracks will last a maximum of 3-5 years. Therefore, at the first opportunity, it is better to change the coating sheet. Otherwise, the cost of restoring a rotten truss system can be much greater than spending on a new slate and the work of replacing it.

  • How to fix cracks
  • Use of foil

Repair of asbestos-cement roof without dismantling

  • Seal cracks with silicone paste
  • Using mounting foam

Asbestos-cement roofing is renowned for its durability. Nevertheless, even with such wear resistance, it is impossible to completely exclude damage to the slate during operation. As a rule, after a dozen or one and a half years, chips or cracks can be found on its surface.
Repairing slate can extend the life of the roof by about another ten years, so the question of how to repair the coating is very relevant. Once upon a time, slate roof repairs were carried out using ordinary oil paint and fabric strips. The effect of such an intervention was short-lived - only a few years. Modern materials make methods for repairing damage much more effective.

How to fix cracks

When the slate leaks, it means there are cracks in the coating. There are few enough simple ways, which really help to restore its functionality. All of them are available for self-fulfillment, you just need to know how to glue the slate. Usually this is the application of a patch to the damaged area or the use of a sealant. Let's see what needs to be done when the roof leaks, what is the fastest way to patch a slate roof than glue it. This is especially important in bad weather conditions.

Consider the most common technologies for restoring damaged sheets. So, burst, flowing, slate. How to close up, glue it? The simplest option It's asbestos paste.

Step-by-step instructions for using asbestos paste

Preparation of the composition

The mixture is a composition that includes asbestos and cement, you can prepare it yourself. Powder components are mixed in a separate container (asbestos is taken three times more) and water and dispersion polyvinyl acetate glue taken equal in volume are added until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Stir the mixture very carefully so that lumps do not form. Work with asbestos mixture is carried out in a respirator.

If the composition is not used for a long time, it loses its qualities. Therefore, it is advisable to knead it in small portions.

Application method

Before sticking the slate, prepare the damaged area:

  • remove garbage;
  • wash the place of damage and degrease, for example, with gasoline;
  • in the case of an ordinary crack, a fiberglass tape (sickle) is fixed along its entire length, which is at least 5 cm longer than the crack.
  • significant damage or holes are first filled, for example, with raw rubber or caulked, for a greater effect, the fibrous material is pre-treated with hydrophobic compounds.

The asbestos-cement composition is applied to the damaged area gradually, in successive layers as evenly as possible. The total layer thickness must reach at least 2 mm. When the patch dries, the resulting seam is processed sandpaper.
It is desirable that the mixture significantly covers the damage zone.
Such repairs will protect the under-roof space from moisture penetration for 8-10 years.

Use of foil

The patch on the roof can be aluminum foil, even from an ordinary chocolate bar. Universal glue is applied to it and applied to the damaged area from the wrong side. So that the corners of the patch do not bend, they are rounded. The connection of the foil and the roof is strong and will reliably protect the roof from water access.

If the crack passes through the fastener, then first it is sealed with foil and a hole is drilled for the fastener in another part of the sheet.
After the work has been done, the dismantled sheet is returned to its place. We must not forget that rubber gaskets for nails are a mandatory requirement. When the work is completed, the patch is masked to match the tone of the roofing. The paint is applied in dry weather, it is advisable to use a roller or brush. The best effect can be achieved if the repaired area is treated in two approaches with a break to dry the first layer.

These methods are much more convenient if you perform them on a removed sheet.

Repair of asbestos-cement roof without dismantling

There are some ways to repair an asbestos-cement roof for which damaged sheets are not dismantled. These works are performed directly on the roof, so it is necessary to provide insurance.

Seal cracks with silicone paste

Cracks can be covered with silicone paste, which has good adhesion to the asbestos-cement coating. The damaged area is carefully cleaned of dust and small crumbs of asbestos with a metal brush. Then it must be degreased. To do this, you can use, say, acetone or a special solvent. Asbestos chips are poured into the crack gap in a uniform layer.

The next step is to pour the crumbs with silicone paste, let it grab and paint over the color of the roof. These works take a little time, and the result is quite reliable.

The repaired sections of the roof are painted over as soon as the silicone paste sets. This is necessary because of the porous structure of the asbestos-cement sheets, whereby the repaired surface quickly becomes dirty at the edges.

Using mounting foam

The damaged area is cleaned and degreased. Next, the crack is blown out with foam, but not completely. The repaired area is dried and the excess foam is cut off on the sides, after which a layer of sealant is applied. The work is completed by covering the restored surface with bitumen mastic.
To keep the resin liquid, a little diesel fuel is added to it when heated. It turns out a kind of primer. The desired density of the mixture can be achieved by adding ordinary clean sand.

Repair mastic

Sheets with joints are treated with mastic with a reinforcing filler of a wavy structure.
Small pieces of bitumen are melted in a separate container. In this case, foam and impurities are formed, which are removed in the process. Melting at 200–220°C is continued until the bitumen is completely dehydrated. Then filler is added to small portions of molten bitumen, which is preheated to 110°C.
Hot mastic is applied to the joints with a spatula or other suitable tool. In the process of application, the material is smoothed. Thus, excess moisture is removed and the mastic is firmly tamped.

Another option for sealing cracks is to use self-adhesive butyl rubber tape. It has exceptional adhesion characteristics to any substrate. After gluing the crack, a high-quality overlay is formed, which excludes the ingress of water, is resistant to any weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature extremes.

To increase the adhesion of repair materials, it is desirable to prime cracks or chips with PVA glue.

Elimination of significant damage

It is possible that during the inspection of the roof, a sheet split along the length will be found, it will be possible to glue it using epoxy resin. First, parts of the sheet are fastened from the inside with adhesive tape, and only after that the gap is filled with epoxy.

If the slate sheet turns out to be badly damaged, say, partially destroyed, or an impressive hole has formed on it, even several, its complete replacement is necessary. Partial repair of the old slate in this case is ineffective. Not only will it not provide the coating with the desired characteristics, but it will not stop further destruction and soaking.

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Slate is an asbestos-cement roofing material with a wide range of applications that has been in demand for many decades.

Even with the appearance of new analogues on the roofing market, slate remains the most popular among them.

Slate properties

Slate was invented over a hundred years ago. It is used in regions with both hot and cold climates. The service life of slate reaches 50 years, but in most cases 20-30 years.

Atmospheric precipitation practically does not affect the operation of slate.

One of the main properties of a slate roof is its small thermal conductivity. When the roof of the house is heated by the sun's rays, the climate under the slate remains quite comfortable. And in the cold season, has good thermal insulation.

Another very important advantage of slate is good sound insulation. Compared to metal roofs, it perfectly insulates the sound of hail and rain, and therefore you will practically not get discomfort from showers and thunderstorms.

Slate - heavy and brittle material and this is its main disadvantage.

Material disadvantages

Reasons for the destruction of slate sheets

Asbestos cement slate is a rather fragile material, and it is often

Often problems arise precisely because of incorrect fasteners, therefore during installation, it is very important to follow the installation technique. Do not pierce the sheets with nails, and before installation, you need to drill it in the attachment points.

When the lathing is done correctly - there is no sagging and the step of the lathing is observed, then the roof will serve for many years.

During operation, the slate is constantly exposed to negative factors. environment, which affects the condition of the roof is not the best way.


The main reasons for the destruction of slate during operation are sagging from heavy snow masses. Also a negative factor is stagnant rainwater falling on the roof of the branch.

As a consequence of this microcracks appear, which further lead to the destruction of the coating. Also, slate can be spoiled by mosses growing on it, lichens, they release acid-containing substances that destroy it.

How to detect coating defects in a timely manner

Leaks are very undesirable consequences of a violation of the roofing system. They appear from various kinds of damage:

  • biological;
  • Mechanical influences;
  • weather conditions.

To prevent roof leaks, from time to time it is necessary to inspect the slate. Common defects in slate roofs are chips on the surface and edges of slate sheets. Most often, the causes of repair arise due to the "aging" of the material.

Slate repair - how to fix a crack in the slate on the roof

If you still need to repair the slate, there is a crack or gap, there are many ways to repair.

So, how to fix a hole in the slate on the roof:

  • First way: to seal cracks, you can make a special solution, it contains asbestos, cement, water and PVA glue. Water and glue according to 1:1, asbestos and cement 3:1. Stir to a paste-like consistency and apply to the crack (the crack should first be caulked).
  • Second way: Can be used mounting foam for blowing cracks. After the foam hardens, the excess foam must be cut off, and on top of the cut, smear with sealant and a layer of roofing mastic for waterproofing.
  • Third way: Aluminium foil often used as a material for sealing cracks in slate. The foil is folded in several layers, smeared with roofing sealant and applied to the area that is damaged.
  • Fourth way: Can be used special silicone paste but it is very important that the surface is clean, dry and free of grease. After application, it is necessary to wait for complete drying. Only under such conditions will there be a waterproofing effect from the application.
  • Fifth way: Available for sale ready mix putty, which are also used to cover cracks and seams and it costs less than silicone paste. To do this, it is enough to buy a ready-made composition. The surface must also be clean, dry and free of grease. Before application, the surface to be repaired must be primed with a conventional repair primer. After application, wait about six hours for drying, and if necessary, apply several more layers of the mixture.
  • Sixth way: Applies also butyl rubber tape. It is easy to work with, because its surface is made of non-woven material, which is good if you need to stain in the future. It sticks to almost any kind of surface, withstands temperature extremes well and endures the negative effects of weather conditions.
  • Seventh way: Seam sealing method hot bitumen. Bitumen is very easy to use. For putty, you need to take a piece of bitumen, heat it over a fire in a special bowl, stirring gently to 160 degrees. In this state, it can be poured into the cracks.
  • Eighth way: Of the proven folk methods, the best is chalk with drying oil. We mix, cover the cracks, after drying, paint with oil paint. Ready!

Repair with rubber tape

Repair with bituminous mastic

If all the above methods did not help you, or the area in need of repair is too large, you need to think about replacing the sheet or the whole roofing material .

To replace one sheet of slate, you must:

  1. Unscrew fasteners that hold the sheet.
  2. At first we take out the damaged sheet from under the neighboring sheet, under it we put a bar that will temporarily hold it.
  3. Further attaching a new sheet into specially prepared holes.

When replacing one or more sheets does not solve the problem, or the slate is too worn out, then the slate coating is completely changed. To increase the strength, abestos-cement slate is painted with oil paint.

Use any oil paint, while it is possible to cover both old sheets and new ones. The paint that covers the slate should be liquid enough to lay down in a thin layer and be well absorbed. If necessary, it can be diluted with a solvent.

For quality repair be sure to clean the surface and degrease it. The primer contributes to a good adhesion of the material, so this step should not be neglected. Compliance with these simple tips will help to ensure the durability of the repair.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself slate repair on the roof on the video:

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We'll have to disappoint those who believe that slate - last century. Who thinks that modern materials much better due to the fact that in addition to many of their advantages, they look great, allowing you to perform the most unimaginable design solutions. And even for those who bite their elbows, thinking that: “In vain I bought slate. I didn’t have time to put it in, but the roof is already leaking. ”

Asbestos-cement slate roofing is incredibly reliable. Due to its density, it can support the weight of an adult. In hot sunny weather, slate practically does not heat up, unlike metal tiles or corrugated board. Among other advantages: it does not burn, does not corrode, does not melt, does not become electrified, practically does not make noise in rain or hail.

If the slate roof is designed correctly, then it should not leak in bad weather. In extreme cases, it is easily repaired: for this you just need to replace the old sheets with new ones. But if a new roof is leaking, you need to look for "where the dog is buried."

1. The rafters and the crate cannot support the weight of the structure, which is why it sags and even bursts. For this reason, roofing materials are also deformed.

2. The slate is laid incorrectly or waterproofing is not laid under it.

3. The skate is missing or incorrectly installed. (If the team that took up the roofing work did it for the first time). Sometimes it happens.

4. Slate is reinforced with building nails, not slate nails.

5. There are no gaskets under the nails.

How not to repair

Do not blow out the cracks with foam - it lifts the slate and thus additional cracks form in the roof.

It is not effective to use silicone for the same purposes - the effect is too short-lived.

Nothing can blow out nails without spacers.

You can not raise the roof with a jack to repair the rafters - the slate will become unusable.

What to do

1. In the first case, it is better to completely disassemble the roof, repair the rafters and re-roof. This method is not cheap and requires the involvement of normal specialists. It should be borne in mind that some of the slate sheets may be damaged during dismantling.

2. Here, too, you will have to disassemble the structure, make waterproofing and install everything again. True, you can do it yourself. Do not save on ruberoid. Taking cheap material, you will have to process it with mastic every year.

3. The ridge covers the upper part of the converging planes of the gable roof. It must be installed in such a way that water does not flow under it, that is, it must be superimposed on the slate with an overlap. If it is at the junction, then it will not perform its function. Skate is not difficult to install or reinstall yourself.

4. Nails will have to be pulled out and driven in again. It should be noted that a small gap must be left, since the roof expands when the seasons change: it “breathes”. If she has nowhere to be distributed, the hat will break through the slate.

5. The same - the gaskets will have to be laid manually. It would not be superfluous to go up to the attic and check if the “craftsmen” of the brigades thought of bending the protruding inside crates slate nails. In no case should this be done - otherwise, during seasonal expansions, the slate may crack.

After eliminating the causes, the roof will stop leaking and will serve for a long time and reliably.

About 20-30 years ago, slate was considered the most reliable and was the most common roofing material. Currently, in many countries the use of such a roof is prohibited due to the presence of carcinogenic substances in it. It is difficult to argue with science, but people have lived and live in such houses for many decades, while they do not feel any harm to their health.

Among the main advantages of slate can be noted durability and relatively low cost. The service life of slate, subject to the rules for arranging the truss system, is at least 50 years.

The mass of an eight-wave sheet 40/150 with an area of ​​1.6 m2 is 26.1 kg, a seven-wave sheet is 23.2 kg

Like any building material, slate roofs lose their original properties over time. They have to be completely replaced or repaired.

Why do slate roofs leak?

Causes of leakageShort description
Depending on the type, one sheet of slate weighs 23-35 kg, if the roof area is 100 m2, then the truss system must withstand about two tons of weight. In addition to the load from the slate, there are also significant forces of the snow cover. Especially in spring, when the snow absorbs a lot of moisture. If the calculations are made incorrectly or mistakes were made during construction, but the load-bearing elements bend, the slate will crack.
Most often, slate is damaged by hail, sometimes undermined by hurricane gusts of wind. There are cases when the slate cracks during the installation of various utilities on the roof - the coating cannot withstand the weight of the installers.
After about 20–30 years, mosses begin to grow on the surface of the slate. Their root system penetrates the material and gradually destroys it.
If slate nails are not driven in correctly, then there is a possibility of cracking. Another mistake - the nails do not fall into the crate, the sheets are not fixed according to the rules, during the wind they rise a little and vibrate. Such movements also cause the formation of cracks.

Depending on the cause, the nature and size of the crack changes; when choosing materials and repair technologies, these factors must be taken into account.

The faster leaks are fixed, the less negative consequences will have to be eliminated in the future. In the article we will consider some of the simplest and most effective ways slate roof repair.

Important. Roof repairs are done at high altitude, never violate safety regulations, do not work without insurance and special devices.

If you need to repair a very old slate, then walking on it in shoes with a hard sole is prohibited, the sheets can no longer withstand such loads. It is necessary to prepare a special ladder or platform, otherwise, instead of repairing one leak, several sheets can be ruined. Sometimes they can no longer be repaired, you have to completely change. But here a problem arises. The standards of slate sheets have undergone significant changes over the past decades; pick up a new slate with the same linear dimensions and wave parameters is almost impossible.

Repair of a slate roof with a soft roll coating

This is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to restore the tightness of a slate roof. Modern roofing roll materials are made on the basis of modified bitumen, which is not only not afraid of temperature changes from plus to minus, but is also very resistant to harsh ultraviolet radiation. Namely, it is the main enemy of bitumen, under the influence of UV rays it loses plasticity, cracks and leaks. Modified bitumen does not change its original characteristics for twenty years, this time is quite enough for a repaired slate roof.

To carry out work, you must have a piece of soft roofing of the appropriate size, a gas canister with a burner and a sharp mounting knife.

Practical advice. Cracks occur in the upper and lower parts of the slate wave. If they are in the upper part, then you can not repair, there are no leaks because of them. On the contrary, during the repair, sheets can be further damaged.

Step 1. Clean the surface of the slate adjacent to the damage from dust and dirt. It is recommended to use a metal brush, it will remove the thin top layer of slate. This thin layer has already begun to lose strength, it is better to remove it, the patch will hold on much stronger.

Step 2 Taking into account the size of the problem area, cut off a piece of soft roofing. The specific brand does not matter, at present, domestic manufacturers of roofing materials use imported bitumen, and this guarantees high quality. The size of the patch should be about five centimeters larger than the parameters of the hole.

Patch. Technoelast material from TechnoNIKOL

Step 3 Heat the slate around the hole with a burner, this will improve the adhesion of materials and remove moisture.

Step 4 Heat up the soft top. It is necessary to heat until the bitumen becomes liquid over the entire surface. It is important not to overheat it, due to the very high temperature it can boil or ignite.

Step 5 Quickly place the patch in place and press firmly. You can press it with your hands, but be sure to wear mittens.

Try it on a tear, if the gluing is weak, then lift the edge and re-heat the patch and slate, press it when ready.

Important. Pay the greatest attention to the junction of the upper part of the patch, it is here that repeated leaks can appear. Do not rush, work very carefully and carefully.

Soft roofing must exactly repeat the relief of the surface of the sheets. They have small grooves, the bitumen must fill them to the full depth. If the heating temperature is correct, then bitumen should be slightly squeezed out along the perimeter of the patch. Such a patch can stand for several years, exact time depends on your professionalism.

Slate roof patch

Repair of a slate roof with mastic

This method does not require heating, which is considered one of the advantages. For repairs, you will need rubber-bitumen mastic, a brush and a polymer mesh.

Step 1. Thoroughly clean the leak, preferably with a wire brush. Slate dust must then be blown off or removed with a clean paint brush.

Step 2 Cut off a piece of plastic mesh, lay it on the crack. Spread with the first layer of mastic. Work carefully, carefully rub the mastic into the surface of the slate. Remember that the reliability and durability of the patch largely depends on the degree of adhesion of the first layer.

Step 3 Allow time for the mastic to polymerize, depending on the weather and the type of material, this will take 3-4 hours.

Step 4 After the first layer is completely dry, the second layer can be applied. The technology of work is no different from the above.

Important. The dimensions of the mastic along the perimeter of the second layer should be 1–2 cm larger than the dimensions of the first, this will increase the tightness of the upper most problematic joint of the patch and slate. If you apply the third layer, then its area is recommended to be slightly increased.

Professionals advise last layer mastic cover with a thick cloth to protect the material from ultraviolet rays. This makes it possible to improve the operating conditions of the mastic and, accordingly, increase the operating time of the roofing.

Cold welding cracks

This method is only suitable for sealing narrow cracks on the surface of the slate sheet. Large holes must be sealed. roll materials. For sealing, cold welding on a bitumen basis is used. This modern innovative material is characterized by excellent performance. After solidification, it becomes moderately hard and plastic, which allows it to easily compensate for the thermal expansion of cracks and at the same time not lose its tightness.

Cold welding is easy to use, does not require special skills, has high performance adhesion with all building materials. The seam is not afraid of temperature changes, direct contact with water and ultraviolet radiation. As for the cost, it is available to all consumers. Moreover, the welding consumption is negligible, and the storage time is long. You can use welding at any time and not only for the repair of a slate roof. Professionals strongly recommend that you always have cold welding at home, it will help eliminate many construction errors.

Cold welding "Skol" produced by "Remplast"

How to repair slate by welding? As always, surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned. Only in the case of welding has its own characteristics. It is necessary to clean not only the surface of the sheets, but also the crack itself. It is very desirable to remove all the smallest fragments, dust and dirt. The cleaner the cracking plane, the more reliable the sealing of the leak will be.

Practical advice. Take a bottle of water with you to the rooftop. The fact is that in order to prepare welding for use, it is necessary to knead it and warm it up with your hands. If the palms are not moistened with water, then the bitumen will stick to them, which will make the work much more difficult. As soon as your hands dry out a little, immediately moisten them with a little water.

Step 1. Find the crack and clean it of dust. The main attention should be paid to the crack itself, but a clean strip about one centimeter wide should also be prepared around the perimeter.

Step 2 Knead the welding with your hands, it should become soft. Depending on the diligence, kneading will take 3-5 minutes.

Step 3 Roll a thin sausage out of welding. The diameter of the sausage should slightly exceed the width of the crack. Don't Prepare Right Away a large number of material, it should not cool down until the patch is applied.

Step 4 Press the sausage very firmly into the crack. If you have an assistant, great. Let him hold the welding emerging from the gap on the back of the roof, this will help to fill all the smallest pores with maximum density. The larger the area of ​​contact of welding with the surface of the crack, the more reliable the sealing.

Step 5 As the gap fills with mastic, smear the excess with a thin layer along the edges of the crack. At the same time, form a small tubercle to divert the flow of water. How less water will fall into a crack, the more reliable the roof. It is necessary to work with welding according to the principle of working with plasticine - do not rush and do not forget to periodically heat up the frozen material.

Practical advice. Choose dry and warm weather for repairs. If the slate is warm to the touch - excellent, the quality of adhesion will increase significantly.

Application for slate roof repair cold welding is the fastest, simplest and most reliable method. As practice shows, tightness is maintained for 5-6 years.

Repair of slate with foam plastic

Let's just say that it's not the best. The best way repair slate coating, but it can be used in cases where, for some reason, it is impossible or unprofitable to buy industrial materials. The material for sealing cracks is prepared independently from gasoline and foam.

Important. The glue dries very quickly, you need to work at a pace. Before making glue, it is advisable to find leaks and pre-clean them from dust and dirt. If there are a lot of them, then it is recommended to mark problem areas with chalk.

The payment is made in the following way.

Step 1. With a stick or small spatula, apply glue to the crack and press it as hard as possible into all the recesses.

Step 2 Align the layer of glue, pay attention that no dry surfaces remain around the perimeter of the hole.

Step 3 Place an appropriately sized piece of galvanized sheet steel on the adhesive and press it into the adhesive.

It is not necessary to close the gap with metal patches; other materials can be used. The main thing is that they are not afraid of moisture, do not dissolve in gasoline and are resistant to UV rays. But they must be used. The fact is that the foam reacts very negatively to ultra-violet rays, without such protection, the patches will crack already on next year, the roof will have to be repaired again. And this is a waste of time and nerves.

On a rigid patch, you can apply another layer of glue, due to this, the adhesion strength will further increase.

How to quickly repair a slate roof after hail

Situations are rare, but bring a lot of problems. The slate roof does not just leak, but flows like a sieve. Measures must be taken immediately, otherwise, all the interior premises will have to be repaired, and this increases the cost at times. Another problem is that hail falls in summer and autumn period and it's rainy time. It is unrealistic to completely change the roof in the rain.

The repair we offer allows you to immediately eliminate a large number of holes in the slate and calmly wait for good weather for overhaul roofs of buildings. If this is an inexpensive extension, then after repair it can wait for its turn for several years, patches will ensure tightness all this time. And one more plus of the method - the first stage of repair can be done from the attic.

Holes are sealed with silicone putty or sealant and corrugated cardboard. Corrugated cardboard bends well along the corrugation lines and holds the bending load across it well. In addition, this material is always at hand and costs almost nothing.

How to save a house after a hail?

Step 1. Climb up to the attic for a rough estimate of the amount of loss and revision of the condition of the slate sheets. As we already mentioned, when damaged by hail, the number of holes is in the tens. Prepare materials according to the volume.

Step 2 Cut out patches from corrugated board. There is no need to waste time trying on each hole, focus on the largest. Moreover, there is little time for repairs, everything must be completed as soon as possible. First, you should close up the holes only on the lower waves of the slate. The upper waves almost do not leak.

Step 3 Use any brush to remove dust from the slate. From the side of the attic, the sheets are much cleaner than from the outside; preparing the gluing site is much easier and faster. We recommend that you immediately prepare all the holes, it will be much faster than sealing and cleaning each individually.

Step 4 Squeeze out the silicone onto the patch, squeeze it out in a zigzag manner, and then spread it with your finger in an approximately even layer over the entire surface of the corrugated board. It must be borne in mind that silicone adheres strongly to the skin, work in disposable medical gloves or use other skin protection.

Extrusion on a patch of silicone

Important. Do not leave gaps, paper is afraid of moisture, silicone should reliably protect it.

Step 5 Immediately firmly glue the patch into place, making sure that it lies exactly along the profile of the bend of the sheet.

Sticking the patch in its place

Step 6 Once again, go over the perimeter of the patch with silicone, align the silicone with your finger, the fit should be tight.

Step 7 Protect from moisture reverse side corrugated cardboard. Coat it with silicone in the manner described above.

This completes the first emergency repairs. In this state, the roof can be several months and expect a complete replacement. If it is impossible to quickly replace the sheets and the roof will remain in this state for the winter, then you need to take measures to strengthen the patches. Work is being done outside. How exactly?

Step 1. Scrub the area around the hole with a metal brush. Work carefully, do not damage the patch already installed below.

Cleaning the slate with a brush and brush

Step 2. Use a soft brush to remove dust, especially from the patch. The cleaner the surface, the more reliable the repair will be.

Step 3 Buy a bottle of solvent (you can use white spirit), put a spray bottle on it, wet the surface of the patch and the surface of the slate around it.

The solvent will not only degrease the slate, but also destroy all microorganisms growing on it. Due to this, the bonding strength is increased, the reliability of the slate repair is significantly increased. When working with solvents, follow the safety rules - the liquid is explosive, the fumes are poisonous. Protect your respiratory organs with personal protective equipment.

Step 4 Apply sealant over the entire area of ​​the patch, especially carefully around the perimeter of the hole. It is desirable that the thickness of the sealant be slightly greater than the thickness of the slate, due to this method, water will not stagnate on the patch. But this is an optional condition, make a decision based on what period you are roughly counting on and how much sealant is.

Important. Be sure to have a certain amount of sealant on the surface of the slate around the perimeter of the hole. In the upper part, it is recommended to make a small tubercle, it will drain water along the sides of the patch.

Step 5 Align the surface of the sealant, check the quality of the putty. To prevent the sealant from sticking to your hands, periodically moisten them with soapy water. You can take some dishwashing detergent and dilute it with water.

If desired, the entire roof can be repaired in 4-5 hours. If everything is done correctly, then you can safely spend the winter, and next year make the final decision with the repair of the roof. Old damaged slate, of course, will have to be changed. And what roofing material to use instead of it is a personal matter for each owner of the building.

Video - Slate roof repair

After the completion of roofing work, the owner of the house admires the almost finished structure and does not think about how and when he will repair the slate on the roof. It seems that this material is so strong that it will withstand all temperature fluctuations and any amount of precipitation. But that's not the case...

Why is it necessary to repair a slate roof?

Under the slate modern construction several types of materials are implied to protect the structure from precipitation. There is even a natural layered material of natural origin, but it is practically not used in the construction of modern buildings. Most often, wavy or asbestos cement fibers are used to cover the roof. Sometimes polyacrylic or jute fibers are used instead of asbestos. These fillers make the sheets lighter. And products made of bitumen are usually called euroslate.

Years fly by very quickly, and after 10–15 years, chips and cracks form on the roofing. Much more annoying when the roof starts to leak before the end of the warranty period. venturing self repair slate roofs, you should understand the causes of cracks and chips. This must be done to prevent further damage. The main reasons for the rapid aging of the material should be sought, first of all, in poor-quality manufacturing and violations of the technological process cycle by manufacturers.

More often than not, the consumer cannot correct such imperfections as lack of cement, incorrectly sized asbestos fibers, and poor-quality completion of finished sheets. Also, very often, manufacturers put on sale fragile sheets with a broken hardening period. Sometimes consumers themselves make critical mistakes when performing installation work. For example, incorrect laying of sheets, incorrect choice of roof slope and fastening of products without special gaskets under the caps.

If the amount of damage is very large, and it is clear that it is impossible to repair individual cracks and chips, it is necessary to replace the old slate with a new roofing. Work should begin with the dismantling of asbestos-cement sheets broken by time. During this work, it is necessary not only to remove the nails and lower all parts of the damaged slate to the ground, but also to carefully examine the entire truss system structures. Since a fungus could start from leaks or rotting of wood could begin..

If rotten elements of the roof frame are found, they should be replaced. The entire truss system must be re-treated with antiseptics and a new roofing laid.

There is not always money and energy to work on replacing defective slate on the roof. Therefore, you should look for alternative ways restoration of the tightness of the roofing material. To extend the life of the slate coating and restore its functionality, there are several very real ways. As a rule, this is the manufacture and application of a patch on a crack or the usual coating with a sealant. Below are a few step-by-step explanations on how to repair slate yourself.

Slate roof repair with asbestos paste

Such repairs are made using a special paste, consider this method.

How to repair a slate roof with asbestos paste - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Prepare the Ingredients

It is advisable to first remove the product from the roof. To eliminate a small crack in this slate sheet, you can independently and quickly make a thin asbestos paste. The mixture for the manufacture of such a paste consists of asbestos fiber, cement, PVA glue and water. After mixing cement with asbestos in a ratio of 1: 3 in a container, it should be added to equal amounts water and PVA glue. The consistency of the composition obtained after stirring should resemble the density of high-quality sour cream.

Step 2: Apply the mixture

Cracks are carefully caulked, the fibrous material can be pre-treated with hydrophobic compounds. Then this place is covered with a creamy asbestos-cement paste. After complete drying, for greater aesthetics, you can go sandpaper along the resulting seam, just do not overdo it so as not to open it again. A roof repaired in this way will protect the home from moisture penetration for about 5–10 years.

How to repair a slate roof with foil?

The patch on the roof can be put on quickly and easily with aluminum foil, which you can even take from a chocolate bar. When the damaged element is dismantled and cleaned, a specially selected adhesive is applied to the wrong side of the foil in a thin layer, which can stick the aluminum to the slate sheet. The corners of the patch should be rounded off to prevent curling. If such a patch is needed at the place where the sheet is attached to the roof, then, having closed this damage with foil, scroll a hole for fastening in another part of the slate surface.

Now we install the element back, do not forget, just as with the initial installation, use rubber gasket under the slate nail. At the end of the work, it is necessary to disguise the patch in the color of the entire roof surface. Paint should be applied when comfortable temperature in dry weather. It is best to paint over the patch traditional method- Roller or brush. For the best effect, two approaches should be made, and after the first layer, the repaired area must be thoroughly dried.

How to repair slate without dismantling?

It was more convenient to carry out all the previous methods on the removed sheet, but there are tricks for those cases when the sheet is not dismantled. Let's try to eliminate the defect without removing the slate from the installation site. We provide ourselves with insurance and climb onto the roof. The damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and small pieces of asbestos with a metal brush. You can degrease the repaired surface with acetone, gasoline or a special solvent. Pour slate chips into the gap and evenly distribute it throughout the crack.

Now you can pour silicone paste on the surface of the crumbs and let it grab, and then paint over the entire roof with paint to match. Such slate roof repair takes less time and is quite reliable. Roof sections with a painted surface should be painted over immediately after the silicone paste has set, since asbestos-cement sheets have a porous structure, and the edge of the repaired surface will quickly become dirty.

Puzzled by the question of how to repair a slate roof, one can recall another way to seal cracks - foam. After cleaning and degreasing, a kind of cake is created at the site of damage. At first, the crack is not completely blown out with mounting foam. After drying the repair site, cut off the excess foam on the sides with a sharp knife and apply a layer of sealant of the same thickness. by the most effective option waterproofing will be the use of a waterproof composition. Such a slate protection material has good adhesion and therefore adheres tightly to the surface.

To complete, coat the resulting surface with bituminous resin. To keep the resin in a liquid state, a little diesel fuel should be added to the heated mass. It turns out a primer, in which ordinary clean sand can be added for density. This method of repairing damage will reliably protect the roof from leaks for a long time, although it will make you work hard and even, probably, get dirty quite well.