Grapes Gloria: fragrant Hungarian beauty. Bascop gloria grape variety description photo Stage ii

  • 14.06.2019

Gloria - this grape is Hungarian in origin. Despite the peculiarities of the Russian climate, this variety took root well. Black round berries of medium size, with a unique sweet taste and pronounced aroma. Gloria grapes contain 18-19 g/100 cm3 of sugar, acidity is 5-9 g/dm3. No wonder why this variety is so loved by gardeners. It is one of the best in terms of taste.

Variety features

When and how to plant seedlings

Seedlings are planted in spring in late April early May. It is important that the soil warms up well, in which case the chances that the seedlings will take root are much higher. Grape bushes are best planted on the south side of the site, on top of the slopes (if such is the location of the site), that is, in sunny places. In this case, it is also necessary to observe the distance between the bushes, which should be at least 80 cm.

Dig holes with a depth of about 70-80 cm. First, a layer of humus is laid on the bottom of the hole, then a mixture of mineral fertilizers (potash and superphosphate, 300 grams each) and soil are poured on top. Top with a layer of soil. As a result, the hole should be almost half filled. Then a seedling is placed vertically in it, the roots are straightened and covered with earth. Lightly tamp and water. At a distance of 30-50 cm from the seedling, slats are driven into the soil, to which shoots are tied.

Care and maintenance: watering, fertilizing, tying

Grapes, like no other type of plant, need proper care. To grow good harvest regular watering and weeding is not enough, it is also necessary to tie up the shoots and prune the plant. Without these works, you are unlikely to reap a big harvest.

Pruning should be carried out in mid-summer - late July to early August. Secateurs remove the top leaves. Without pruning, shoots may not form or may not form as they should. Properly formed shoots form two strong horizontal growths, which are directed in different directions and tied to rails at a height of about half a meter from the soil surface. By the next spring, shoots usually grow by 25-30 cm, but not in a horizontal, but in a vertical direction.

As the grape bush grows, it takes nutrients from the soil, which can be replenished by using fertilizers as top dressing. Fertilizers are applied not all at once, but at certain periods. Most often, top dressing is done three times a year:

  1. The first feeding is done before flowering. Usually, a liquid solution of compost (about 1 kg per bucket of water) or a solution of nitrophos (50-60 grams) is used as a fertilizer, and boric acid(6-7 grams) per 10 liters of water.
  2. The second feeding is done 10-15 days before the onset of the fruit set. This usually happens at the end of June beginning of July (depending on the climate). This bush is watered with a solution of saltpeter and potassium magnesia (20 grams per 10 liters of water) or some other nitrogenous fertilizer.
  3. The third dressing is done two weeks before harvest. Grape bushes are watered with a solution of superphosphate and potassium (20 grams per 10 liters of water) along with liquid compost.

In order to obtain a consistently high yield constantly, it is necessary to carry out appropriate measures not only in the first years. Top dressing must be carried out constantly, as the plant draws all the nutrients from the soil. If these substances are not applied in a timely manner, the soil will be depleted, and the bush will dry out.

  • Anthracosis is fungal disease. The affected areas (leaves, shoots, berries) are covered with dark brown spots with a characteristic white border. The affected areas die off. If the disease has passed to the shoots, then they dry out. You can fight the disease using special drugs, such as: Antrakol, Kuprosat, Thanos, Ridomil, Horus.
  • Mildew is a very common disease, like most, it is fungal. It affects the green parts of the bush. In wet weather, a characteristic white bloom appears on the underside of the grape leaf. The following drugs are used as means of struggle: Antracol, Copper chloride, Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil, Kuprostat.
  • Gray rot is the most common type of disease, which is the most difficult to get rid of. In wet weather, the affected areas of the vine turn gray, in dry weather, the diseased areas dry out and form a crust. If the fruits are affected, the berries shrivel, acquire a characteristic smell and gray color. As a medicine, they use: Antrakol, Kuprosat, Thanos, Ridomil, Horus.

The grape ripening process begins in September. Harvesting begins in the second decade of September and lasts until the beginning of October. In fact, harvesting grapes such as Gloria is no different from harvesting any other variety. Since it has a thick, durable skin with a slight wax coating, it is easy to transport. It can be stored for a long time, subject to the following conditions:

  • temperature 5-7 degrees Celsius;
  • humidity about 70-75%;
  • wholeness of berries;
  • no mold;
  • dark, well-ventilated room.

During storage, periodically check the berries for mold or damage. Crushed or moldy berries begin to rot earlier, and healthy berries begin to deteriorate after them. It is better if the bunches are not stored in boxes or on shelves, but are hung on a wire or rope. Under these conditions, grapes can be stored for two to three months, provided that they are not eaten before.

Gloria - this grape is Hungarian in origin. Despite the peculiarities of the Russian climate, this variety took root well. Black round berries of medium size, with a unique sweet taste and pronounced aroma. Gloria grapes contain 18-19 g/100 cm3 of sugar, acidity is 5-9 g/dm3. No wonder why this variety is so loved by gardeners. It is one of the best in terms of taste.

Variety features

When and how to plant seedlings

Seedlings are planted in spring in late April early May. It is important that the soil warms up well, in which case the chances that the seedlings will take root are much higher. Grape bushes are best planted on the south side of the site, on top of the slopes (if such is the location of the site), that is, in sunny places. In this case, it is also necessary to observe the distance between the bushes, which should be at least 80 cm.

Dig holes with a depth of about 70-80 cm. First, a layer of humus is laid on the bottom of the hole, then a mixture of mineral fertilizers (potash and superphosphate, 300 grams each) and soil are poured on top. Top with a layer of soil. As a result, the hole should be almost half filled. Then a seedling is placed vertically in it, the roots are straightened and covered with earth. Lightly tamp and water. At a distance of 30-50 cm from the seedling, slats are driven into the soil, to which shoots are tied.

Care and maintenance: watering, fertilizing, tying

Grapes, like no other type of plant, need proper care. To grow a good crop, regular watering and weeding is not enough, you must also tie up the shoots and prune the plant. Without these works, you are unlikely to reap a big harvest.

Pruning should be carried out in mid-summer - late July to early August. Secateurs remove the top leaves. Without pruning, shoots may not form or may not form as they should. Properly formed shoots form two strong horizontal growths, which are directed in different directions and tied to rails at a height of about half a meter from the soil surface. By the next spring, shoots usually grow by 25-30 cm, but not in a horizontal, but in a vertical direction.

As the grape bush grows, it takes nutrients from the soil, which can be replenished by using fertilizers as top dressing. Fertilizers are applied not all at once, but at certain periods. Most often, top dressing is done three times a year:

  1. The first feeding is done before flowering. Usually, a liquid solution of compost (about 1 kg per bucket of water) or a solution of nitrophos (50-60 grams) and boric acid (6-7 grams) per 10 liters of water is used as a fertilizer.
  2. The second feeding is done 10-15 days before the onset of the fruit set. This usually happens at the end of June beginning of July (depending on the climate). This bush is watered with a solution of saltpeter and potassium magnesia (20 grams per 10 liters of water) or some other nitrogenous fertilizer.
  3. The third dressing is done two weeks before harvest. Grape bushes are watered with a solution of superphosphate and potassium (20 grams per 10 liters of water) along with liquid compost.

In order to obtain a consistently high yield constantly, it is necessary to carry out appropriate measures not only in the first years. Top dressing must be carried out constantly, as the plant draws all the nutrients from the soil. If these substances are not applied in a timely manner, the soil will be depleted, and the bush will dry out.

  • Anthracosis is a fungal disease. The affected areas (leaves, shoots, berries) are covered with dark brown spots with a characteristic white border. The affected areas die off. If the disease has passed to the shoots, then they dry out. You can fight the disease using special drugs, such as: Antrakol, Kuprosat, Thanos, Ridomil, Horus.
  • Mildew is a very common disease, like most, it is fungal. It affects the green parts of the bush. In wet weather, a characteristic white bloom appears on the underside of the grape leaf. The following drugs are used as means of struggle: Antracol, Copper chloride, Bordeaux mixture, Ridomil, Kuprostat.
  • Gray rot is the most common type of disease, which is the most difficult to get rid of. In wet weather, the affected areas of the vine turn gray, in dry weather, the diseased areas dry out and form a crust. If the fruits are affected, the berries shrivel, acquire a characteristic smell and gray color. As a medicine, they use: Antrakol, Kuprosat, Thanos, Ridomil, Horus.

The grape ripening process begins in September. Harvesting begins in the second decade of September and lasts until the beginning of October. In fact, harvesting grapes such as Gloria is no different from harvesting any other variety. Since it has a thick, durable skin with a slight wax coating, it is easy to transport. It can be stored for a long time, subject to the following conditions:

  • temperature 5-7 degrees Celsius;
  • humidity about 70-75%;
  • wholeness of berries;
  • no mold;
  • dark, well-ventilated room.

During storage, periodically check the berries for mold or damage. Crushed or moldy berries begin to rot earlier, and healthy berries begin to deteriorate after them. It is better if the bunches are not stored in boxes or on shelves, but are hung on a wire or rope. Under these conditions, grapes can be stored for two to three months, provided that they are not eaten before.

Grapes (photo) description of varieties, planting cultivation and vineyard care - from a to z

It is important!



Grape face peeling

On a note



On a note


It is interesting

I do so

Sergei Vasilievich VOLOSHIN






On a note



On a note

Note to the grower: grape varieties from China and Japan

It's time to plant new vines. What can you recommend from a huge assortment that is growing every year? Now varieties from Japan and China are gaining popularity. They impress with the size and taste of berries, productivity. We plan to increase plantings of the following oriental varieties in our farm…

Manicure finger (Painted finger)- Japanese variety. Depending on weather conditions, it ripens from early to mid-September.

The flower is bisexual (the variety does not need pollinators). Cylindrical, elongated, medium density, amazingly beautiful clusters weigh 0.4-1.5 kg. The berry is a large “finger” up to 5 cm long, with an average weight of 12.6 g. The flesh is dense, fleshy, the skin is not felt when eating. White at the base, pink in the middle and red at the tip, the berry resembles a fashionista's painted finger. The taste is simple (no nutmeg), but very good, with harmonious combination sugars and acids. Transportability is excellent. The yield is high.

The variety requires two to three treatments for diseases. Be sure to cover for the winter. The vine is maturing well.

Fujiminori (Ping Pong) Also a Japanese variety. Ripens in the third decade of August. The flower is bisexual. Large, medium density, cylindrical clusters weigh 0.6-1.0 kg. Very large rounded berries (for bushes that have entered into force, more than 20 g) are comparable in size to a table tennis ball. Coloring - violet-black with an average density of a wax coating. The pulp is fleshy, the skin is dense, but eatable, the taste is fruity. Juice sugar content is 18 g/dm3, acidity is 6-8 g/dm3.

The growth force of the bush is great. The vine ripens almost completely. The variety is relatively resistant to fungal diseases. Requires light shelter for the winter.

Tien Shan- a Chinese variety, but very popular in Japan. The Japanese consider the berry of this grape the largest in the world. True, for the sake of a record (berries weighing up to 40 g), the Japanese go to various agrotechnical tricks, including the use of growth regulators. In our conditions, bushes that have entered into force give twenty-gram berries without any tricks of the grower.

The variety ripens at the end of August. Berry white, oval, excellent taste, with one or two seeds. Sometimes on the Internet there is a description of the Tien Shan as a seedless variety. This is not true. It is seedless if it is treated with gibberellin. We did not perform such experiments on our farm, so I cannot confirm and recommend it. The clusters are very large - up to 1.5-2.0 kg. Bushes vigorous, productive. In general, the variety makes a strong impression! Need protection from disease and frost.

From other varieties can be recommended Harold. It seems to be specially created for summer residents and owners of individual houses: it is incomparably tasty, resistant to diseases and requires only light shelter for the winter. Clusters are medium and large (up to 700 g), beautiful. White oval berries weigh 6-7 g.

In the event of spring frosts, you will not be left without a crop: instead of dead inflorescences, Harold will give a crop on stepchildren. Superearly term of maturing (July 20-25). Be sure to plant the Harold variety!

Laura. Not a new variety, but few others can compete with it with early ripeness, the beauty of clusters and berries. Ripens in early August, bunch up to 2 kg, berry milky, oval, very large (up to 15 g or more), excellent taste. The variety is resistant to diseases and requires only light shelter for the winter.

Libya- an excellent variety of early ripening (August 10-15). Clusters are large (up to 1.5 kg or more), beautiful. The berries are very large, pink, oval, excellent taste. The variety is very productive.

About Kishmish Century and Kishmish Radiant wrote in previous issues. I highly recommend planting.

Kishmish Summer Royal- the newest variety. He performed exceptionally well. Ripens mid-August. The cluster is large, conical, loose. The berry is large (5-7 g), round, black. There are absolutely no seeds. The taste is excellent, the pulp is marmalade consistency. Kid's favorite.

Don't forget the classics too. Kodryanka still in the lead among early varieties in terms of yield, taste!


Excellent wine is obtained from Violet early, classic wine varieties: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rkatsiteli. In our farm, high-yielding clones of these varieties produce high-quality wine.

Good luck choosing!


Grapes for beloved daughters

We were the first to have Kodryanka grapes, which were recommended on the market.

This is a hybrid of varieties Moldova and Marshall. It ripens early, is quite unpretentious, and the berries are very sweet.

For 6 years, more than 10 different varieties have appeared in the Baranov vineyard. And this is just the beginning!

Right place

If the plot is flat, it is better to plant a vineyard from south to north. On the slope - across the hill. It is important that the sun illuminates the bushes for as long as possible during the day, - an amateur gardener shares his experience. - To prevent fungal diseases, the rows should be well ventilated. Therefore, when planting, I leave the distance between the bushes 3-3.5 m. The shadow from trees or buildings should not fall on the plants. And no neighborhood with crops with a powerful root system - for example, with nuts.

A serious approach to landing

From my own experience, I was convinced that planting grapes better in spring(at the end of April-beginning of May). By autumn, the vine has time to mature, and there is time to observe how it develops.

I prepare a landing pit (80 × 80 cm in size) about a month before planting. Since we have sandy soil, I lay clay on the bottom in the form of a kind of basin in which water will linger.

As a drainage, instead of crushed stone, I use large pieces of hardwood - birch and oak (with a layer of at least 15 cm). Wood absorbs and retains moisture.

Then the gardener installs a vertical pipe (up to 11 cm in diameter and about 70 cm long) in the corner of the pit, which he uses to water the bush under the roots. With this method, it is enough to water the grapes 3 times per season (2-3 buckets of water per plant). The first time is when the buds open. Then the grapes will tell you: if the tops of the vine are drooping, it's time for watering. In addition to this, it is advisable to periodically irrigate the bushes with a hose. The next layer is last year's fallen leaves (about 5 cm). Above - a nutritious "pillow" of rotted mullein or compost (1 bucket per pit), and on it - a layer of fertile soil mixed with wood ash (4: 1) and nitroammophos (according to instructions). Then it is advisable to spill the pit well with water so that its contents subside.

If you already have grapes growing, it's not too late to create a nutrient medium for it and root watering.

I did this: I dug a hole about 40 cm from the bush, laid organic matter and installed a pipe for root irrigation (dug it obliquely).

Grape care

For the prevention of fungal diseases, I process grape bushes twice a year (in the spring, when I remove the shelter, and in late autumn) with solutions blue vitriol and urea (cooks according to instructions).

During the season, two or three times removes stepchildren 5-7 cm long, which appear

Between leaves. And also removes new buds on growing shoots - leaves them through one. When bunches of grapes with green berries are formed, the gardener cuts off all the leaves on the vine to the bunch (for better ventilation of the bush) to open access to the sun. For the winter, Sergey bends down the vine (about 2 cm from the ground), fixes it with metal staples and covers it with a dense plastic wrap. And in order to scare away rodents, he sprinkles the place where the grapes are laid for the winter with wood ash.


Today in our vineyard such varieties feel great, Like Vulture, Arched, Gift to Zaporozhye, Kesha, Relines Pink Seedlis, Arcadia. These are table varieties. A bunch of any of them will decorate the table with its appearance and delight with the sweetness of the pulp. I would like to expand my collection Red rose, Favor, Rochefort, Friendship, Muscat Blue, Agrus, Valek- heard about them good performance, - the head of the Baranov family shares his plans. - And one more thing: if you decide to lay a vineyard, you should not ignore the technical varieties, from the harvest of which you will get excellent wine and juice ( Alpha, Bianca, Gurzuf pink, Aurora Magarach).

Grapes (photo) description of varieties, cultivation, planting and care of the vineyard from a to z

Grapes (photo) description of varieties, cultivation, planting and care of the vineyard - from a to z

According to scientists, almost all varieties of grapes have medicinal properties - after all, it contains more than 150 biologically active substances. Moreover, each component of the plant has

Its effect on the body. The pulp and juice of berries are rich in vitamins and microelements, and their peel contains wax, essential oil, phytosterols, tannins and dyes.

The skin of red grapes contains resveratrol, which can suppress cancer at various stages.

Grapes are useful for anemia, chronic kidney disease, digestive disorders, joint pain and arthritis. It improves metabolism and eliminates uric acid from the body. Grape juice has a tonic and restorative effect on the body, increases muscle tone, lowers high blood pressure, and also has a bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant effect. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antianemic and sedative.

It is important!

It is important for people who decide to improve their health with the help of ampelotherapy that when eating a large amount of grapes, it is necessary to avoid fatty foods, raw milk, beer, alcoholic beverages, raw vegetables and fruits in large quantities (in order to avoid digestive disorders).

The amount of grapes prescribed in the framework of ampelotherapy is strictly individual. In general practice, it is recommended to start with 200-300 g per day, gradually reaching 2-3 kg.

Grape leaves also have healing properties, containing sugar, quercetin, tannins, tartaric, malic and pro-tocatechuic acids.


A decoction of grape leaves alkalizes urine and helps to get rid of kidney stones. It is also believed that grape leaves enhance potency.

Purulent wounds are treated with powder of dried grape leaves, using it as an antiseptic.

Grape juice is used to treat neurasthenia, hysteria, and functional heart diseases.


The use of grapes should be limited or completely abandoned:

During the period of exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (during remission, you can use tender varieties with a low fiber content);

With increased fermentation processes in the intestine; with chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs; in acute heart failure, accompanied by edema and increased pressure; in oncological diseases of the stomach; in violation of potassium metabolism due to chronic renal failure.

Recently, not only doctors, but also cosmetologists have started talking about the benefits of grapes. Based on the extract of grape seeds containing a strong antioxidant, whole series of anti-aging cosmetics are produced. And grape seed oil, which was popular in ancient times, is now used to restore tone.

Kih and damaged hair, to combat wrinkles (especially in the area around the eyes), are added to lipsticks, hand and body creams.

The active components of grapes perfectly tone the skin, improve its color and elasticity, have moisturizing properties and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Grape face mask helps to nourish and moisturize the skin, normalizes the water-salt balance. 1 tsp grind grape seeds in a coffee grinder. Soften a handful of fresh grapes to a puree state. Mix grape puree with crushed grape seeds. You can add a few drops of natural grape seed oil to the resulting mixture. The resulting mass is applied to clean skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Grape peeling for the body will help to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and improve its color. 1 st. l. grind grape seeds in a coffee grinder, add 2 tbsp. l. natural grape seed oil and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. Use as a regular body scrub.

Grape face peeling

Gently cleanses delicate skin, improves blood circulation and complexion. 1 st. l. gel for washing, mix with 1 tsp. almond oil and 1 tsp. ground grape seeds. Add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed grape juice, mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply to wet face, massage in circular motions and rinse with warm water.

Nourishing grape mask for problem skin with regular use will help normalize the sebaceous glands. We soften a handful of fresh grapes and mix the resulting puree with 100 ml of sour cream (or low-fat yogurt) and 1 tsp. honey. Apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Purifying grape mask is suitable for all skin types. We combine a handful of softened grapes with 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and apply a mushy mass on the skin of the face and neck. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

According to cosmetologists, the regular use of grapes in home cosmetology in the summer-autumn period will not only help protect the skin from the negative effects of free radicals, polluted air and harmful ultraviolet radiation, but also give it natural freshness and youthful energy.

See also: Grape care: calendar


Since time immemorial, grapes and products derived from it have been used by humans in the treatment of many diseases. Our ancestors also considered grape wine to be an extremely healthy drink and used it as a cure for many ailments. Homemade grape wine, which does not contain dyes and preservatives, still has many admirers today. But not everyone is familiar with the technology for obtaining this fragrant heady elixir.

Home winemaking is vintage craft which has long been practiced by men. Professional winemakers choose special varietal types of grapes, and home craftsmen plant and cultivate varieties with a special sugar content. For making wine, it is advisable to use the following varieties: Isabella, Lydia, Platovsky, Druzhba, Regent, Crystal and others. The grapes of these varieties have a peculiar taste (therefore, they are rarely used as a dessert), but they show their best qualities in a home-made alcoholic drink.

Natural grapes contain wild yeast, which, when interacting with sugar, causes the fermentation process. In order for them to be well preserved in berries, it is recommended to pick grapes in warm, dry weather. If before the harvest it strikes light frost, excess moisture will evaporate from the grapes - and the berries will become sweeter.

To make wine at home, bunches of grapes are gradually cut from the vine. You need to start this process from the top tier, because the berries ripen faster there. Do not pick up berries that have fallen to the ground. Clusters should be harvested immediately before processing, as the berries are poorly stored and begin to deteriorate quickly. It is best to collect grapes in enameled buckets or wicker baskets.

To get wine must, the berries are crushed in wooden barrels or bowls. According to the old method, grapes are crushed with their feet. Crushed grapes and pulp can be left in the same container, or poured into an enameled bucket or glass bottle with a wide mouth, covered with gauze or a clean cloth. But it is better to refuse the use of covers.


A container with crushed grapes turned into wine must is placed for 3 days in a warm place with a temperature of 18 to 23 degrees. It is important to constantly keep it at the same level, since lowering the temperature can slow down the fermentation process and will contribute to the formation of acetic acid.

After 12 hours, the liquid begins to move, the skin and dense fragments of the berries begin to rise up. At this time, you need to periodically mix the pulp with the juice so that the mass is homogeneous. If the process is left to chance, the product may deteriorate.

Even at the stage of preparation of wine material, try to prevent the interaction of berries with metal surfaces, since under the action of grape juice they are oxidized, and the wine subsequently acquires a specific aftertaste.


After a few days, the pulp will brighten, a sour smell will come from the container. You can hear a slow hiss. These signs indicate that the first stage of fermentation is over - and it's time to start separating the juice. To do this, the pulp is collected with a slotted spoon into gauze, squeezed well under pressure and discarded, and the grape juice is poured into another container, filtering through a piece of cloth or gauze. It is important not to be lazy and filter the wine material 2-3 times so that all solid components are removed and the drink is saturated with oxygen. Glass bottles are filled with the resulting juice to 3/4 of their volume, a water seal is installed on each bottle. You can make it at home as follows: put a lid on a container with grape juice with a hole into which one end is inserted silicone hose. The other end of the hose is lowered into a jar of water, which is placed below the neck of the juice bottle. The joints of the hose and the cover, as well as the edges of the cover, are covered with plasticine or other sealant.

Quite often, this device is replaced with ordinary medical gloves, which are put on bottles and a small hole is pierced in one of the fingers. Gloves inflate from carbon dioxide.

On a note

If you decide to make red wine, keep the grape juice at a constant temperature within 22-28 degrees, if white - not lower than 22-x. If the temperature environment drops to 10 degrees or less, wine yeast will die before they process sugars into alcohols.


The container with the future wine is placed in a warm place and the fermentation process is monitored.

After a couple of days, you may find that the fermentation process of grape juice has slowed down or even completely stopped. To save future wine, you need to add wine sourdough to the product (it is better to prepare it in advance) or a handful of raisins. After that, the wine material in the bottle will ferment again.


It is important to correctly determine the moment when sugar should be added to the grape juice. Experienced winemakers taste the must already on the second or third day. The sour taste indicates that the sweet component from the berries has been processed - and it's time to add sugar: 50 g per 1 liter of wine liquid. This must be done in several steps.

To begin with, about 2 liters of wine material are drained from the bottle and sugar is added to it. After that, it is thoroughly mixed until the sugar dissolves, and then the sweet grape syrup is poured into a bottle and its contents are shaken.

A similar procedure is carried out several times during 15-30 days of fermentation. When the acid in the wort ceases to be felt, this stage can be considered completed.

On a note


When the release of carbon dioxide stops (and the changed state of the water seal will tell us about this), a thick white precipitate forms at the bottom of the bottle. Now it's time to pour the wine into a new (dry and clean) container. To do this, it is convenient to use a siphon - a hose 1 m long and 1 cm in diameter with transparent walls. A bottle of young wine is raised to a dais, a new container is placed below. Please note: the end of the hose in the container with the workpiece should not reach the sediment.


As a rule, at this stage, all fermentation processes are completed in young wine, and it's time to take care of the taste of the drink. If it suits you now, you can no longer add sugar. If there is not enough sweetness, 100-150 g of granulated sugar are added to 1 liter of the drink.


The most long stage, which lasts from 40 days to 1 year. For maturation, bottles of wine are placed in a dark place with a temperature of 10 to 16 degrees with a plus sign. At this stage, temperature drops are also highly undesirable.

To make the wine lighter and more sparkling, once a week it is recommended to pour it from the bottle into another glass container. This procedure should be repeated 5 to 7 times.

It is interesting

In the process of making white wine, the grapes are allowed to ferment a little, and only after that the juice is separated from the ridges and skins, since it is they that give the wine such a unique color. After squeezing, the resulting liquid is poured into vats for further fermentation, as a result of which a fragrant noble wine is obtained.

In the process of making red wine, special attention is paid to its color and aroma. To achieve maximum effect during the fermentation process, the wort is sometimes stirred and the juice is poured from the bottom. When the color saturation and the required tannin content reach the optimum level, the juice is poured into containers prepared for further fermentation.

To obtain inexpensive varieties of wines, the pulp is refilled with filtered water to obtain the required amount of liquid. And the process is repeated.

I do so

From the remnants of the pulp during the first drain of the juice, you can make a second-class wine. Pulp should be poured with water, add a little sugar and left alone for 10 days. Then we repeat all the steps, as for ordinary grape wine.

You can add a little alcohol to such wine (directly to the finished product). Then the wine will turn into fortified, but it will be no less tasty than that made from ordinary juice.

Sergei Vasilievich VOLOSHIN

Table wine is made from slightly unripe berries, since the strength of the drink depends on the length of stay of the bunch on the vine. And if you want to get a dessert look of the drink, it is better not to collect the fruits until they begin to wither.


Ingredients: 10 kg of grapes of any variety, 3 kg of sugar


The berries are crushed in a wide container in small portions, then covered with gauze and cleaned in a warm place for 5 days - for fermentation. In the morning and evening, the mass is mixed with a wooden spoon or spatula. After that, the fermented fruits are squeezed through gauze, and the juice is poured into clean bottles, sugar is added and mixed. The containers are closed with a rubber glove (pierced on one of the fingers) and the “behavior” of the future wine is observed. As soon as the glove stops inflating, the drink is carefully filtered, bottled and corked. After 30-40 days, the wine is filtered again and again cleaned in the cold - for infusion.


Ingredients: 5 kg of grapes, 3.5 kg of sugar, 7.5 liters of water


The grapes are kneaded, poured with water and sprinkled with sugar. Leave the mixture for a week - for fermentation. To prevent the formation of mold, the resulting wort is stirred several times a day. After 7 days, the liquid is separated from the sediment and poured into a bottle. The container with future wine is covered with a rubber glove with a hole. The container is placed for a week in a cool room, and then filtered and tasted. Aging for a month gives the wine saturation.


Ingredients: 2 kg of grapes, 400 g of sugar, 10 g of wine yeast, 3 liters of water, 1 tsp. almond essence

Preparation: We sort the grapes, knead and dilute with filtered water. Leave in a warm place for 4 days, then filter and squeeze out the liquid.

Add 200 g of sugar, yeast and almond essence. We mix everything well. We put a rubber glove on the container with the future wine and leave it for 4 days. After the specified time, add another 100 g of sugar and stir well. Leave for further fermentation. It is necessary to periodically taste the drink and add sugar if necessary. As soon as the glove falls off, the wine is drained from the sediment with a thin hose. The bottle of wine is covered with a lid and left for another week. After 7 days, the wine is again drained from the sediment. Leave to ripen for a period of 1 to 12 months.


Ingredients: 5 kg of Isabella grapes, 600 g of sugar, 1 liter of alcohol, 100 g of sugar per liter of juice

Preparation: Knead the berries, cover with a clean cloth or gauze and leave for 3 days. After the specified time, we filter the juice, squeeze the pulp and add sugar (immediately pour out all 600 g). Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the future wine into a bottle, put on a rubber glove with a hole and leave for 10 days. Then we add more sugar (at the rate of 100 g per liter) and 200 ml of water for each liter of future wine. We heat the mixture on the stove. Add warm syrup to the wine, put on the glove again and leave to ferment for another 5 days.

After the specified time, add alcohol (at the rate of 200 ml per 1 liter of drink), stir and put on the glove again. We are waiting for the completion of fermentation. As soon as the glove falls off, drain the wine from the sediment and remove it for ripening.

On a note

Grapes that grow in the southern regions quickly lose acid, so they are more often used to make strong wines.

Northern grapes are low in sugar and make an ideal base for making dry table wine.


Ingredients: 1.2 l Lydia grape juice, 0.8 l Isabella grape juice, 320 g sugar, oak bark, sage, elder flowers

Preparation: We prepare pure grape juice: knead the berries well, leave for several hours, and then squeeze the pulp well with our hands and filter the drink through two layers of gauze. We measure the required amount of juice, add 200 g of sugar and dissolve it thoroughly. We put on a rubber glove with a hole. Every 3 days add to the wort 1 tbsp. l. sugar to support the fermentation process.

As soon as the glove falls off, drain the drink from the sediment and pour into a clean container. At the same time, we put a gauze bag with a piece of oak bark, sage or elderberry flowers into the wine. Close the container with a lid and leave for a month. After that, the wine is again drained from the sediment. The bag with aromatic additives also needs to be removed. If the aroma of the wine is not strong enough for you, you can add a new bag of oak bark and sage and leave the drink to ripen for another 2 months.

    Homemade grape wine is difficult to store. It stands wonderfully in the basement for one year at temperatures up to 10 degrees, but in the future its taste worsens. In winemaking, it is very important to make sure that the wine does not sour and turn into vinegar. Experienced winemakers are advised to have a special calendar for this, in which you can mark the number of additives and the timing of their introduction, fermentation period, room temperature and others. important factors. Through trial and error, you will be able to develop your own - ideal - recipe. If the summer turned out to be rainy, and the grapes are sour (or did not have time to ripen in the sun), feel free to increase the amount of sugar. If the grapes were harvested in rainy weather, then natural yeast may not be enough to make quality wine. In this case, you can play it safe and add some quality raisins to the juice. Carefully study the recipe and prepare all the necessary ingredients so that after the start of the winemaking process there are no unexpected problems. Crockery (and all necessary wine-making utensils) must be kept in perfect cleanliness, wash thoroughly with soda and be sure to dry. Containers for fermentation and storage of wine are recommended to be treated with sulfur wicks to protect the wine from harmful fungi that can spoil the product. Berries for making wine should be crushed by hand or by other gentle methods (wooden roller or pusher) and categorically refuse to use a meat grinder or blender. The fact is that crushed grape seeds can cause a bitter taste in wine. Rapid fermentation can be slowed down by moving the fermentation tank to a cooler place, and to speed up the process, the wine preparation is transferred to a warmer room. It is very important to drain the drink from the sediment in a timely manner so that it does not lose its taste and aroma.

By the way: In the manufacture of table wine "In Polish" instead of sugar, raisins are used, and they take it twice as much as sugar would be required.

    For "Hungarian" 5 kg of white selected raisins are poured into a barrel, poured over 1 l of wine and left warm for 2 days. After that, yeast is added, the barrel is tightly corked and buried in the ground for a year. You can prepare "Clove" wine in this way. A gauze bag with crushed cloves is placed in a barrel of grape juice. After the juice has fermented, the drink is poured into another container. To prepare "Lemon" wine, a bag with the dried zest of one lemon is placed in 10 liters of grape juice. When the juice ferments well, a pinch of lemon balm and mint, sugar are added to it and the drink is allowed to brew. To prepare "Moselle", a wooden barrel is boiled with a decoction of elderflower and mint until the dishes are saturated with aroma. After that, the barrel is filled with grape wine, mint and some elderflowers are added. They insist. To prepare "Apple" wine, apples are dipped into a container where grape juice has just begun to ferment and periodically replaced with fresh ones - until the wine is completely fermented.

Modern winemaking is hard to imagine without the use of oak barrels. According to experts, if this wonderful item were not in the inventory of manufacturers, many wines would immediately lose half of their taste.

The first mention of wooden barrels is present in Herodotus, who described its use by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. True, they used them exclusively for transportation. But the ancient Romans discovered an unusual influence wooden barrels on wine, when they began to make them from oak: during long-term storage in such vessels, the wine acquired new flavors.

The fact is that the oak releases its tannins into the wine, which soften the effect of fruit tannins, giving the noble drink a velvety taste. And the oxygen that gets into the barrel is just enough for the yeast to work.

Of the 300 species of oak that exist in the world, only three are suitable for the manufacture of oak barrels: pedunculate, sessile and white oak from North America.

French oak barrels are considered the best in the world.

After use, oak barrels should be washed with a solution of soda (200 g per 10 l) and rinsed thoroughly with water.

On a note

For the production of oak barrels, only the lower part of the tree is used, which is at least a hundred years old. It is cut in a certain order, getting right size plates. After that, the blanks are dried in the sun for 3-5 years. After this time, future barrels are fired. And only then they insert the bottoms into them, put on the hoops and grind inner surface sand.

You can not immediately fill an oak barrel with wine, because the excess content in the wood various substances may spoil the taste of the product.

To begin with, an oak barrel is filled with cold water to the very brim. It must be changed every 2 days until the water stops darkening. After that, the barrel is scalded (filled with boiling water and rolled in such a way that the water wets all the walls). After that, the barrel cannot be left completely empty so that it does not dry out: if there is no wine in it, it is enough to pour 1 liter of water into it and change it every month.

Some white wines can only be kept in a barrel that has been aged several times with other wines. However, it is worth considering an important rule: if the “life” of a barrel began with one of the varieties of red wine, then it is no longer possible to pour white into it. And vice versa.

Few people know that when a wine oak barrel exhausts its useful resource, it is sent to whiskey producers. The fact is that not only the oak affects the wine, but this drink itself transfers its aroma to the tree. All this allows you to add new touches to the aroma and taste of malt whiskey.

Below are other entries on the topic "Dacha and garden - with your own hands"

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OV-6-PK (White Wonder, Song) (Original x Rapture) (Very early variety)
The table form of very early term of maturing (105-110 days). Bushes of medium vigor. Clusters are very large, 600-900 g, up to 1.5 kg, cylindrical-conical, medium density. The berries are large, 24 x 20 mm, 6-8 g, oval, white. The taste is harmonious. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. Shoots ripen well. Rootstock compatibility is good. The load on the bush is 45-60 eyes, pruning for 8-10 eyes. Tasting score of fresh grapes - 7.9 points. Transportability is good. Resistant to mildew, oidium and gray rot. Frost resistance -25°С.

Augustine (Pleven resistant)

Augustine (Pleven resistant, V 25/20, Phenomenon) (Pleven x Save Vilar 12-375) (Early variety)
Table variety from the Bulgarian collection. Ripens August 18-23. The bushes are vigorous, the vine ripens well, it is used in arched culture. The clusters are large, weighing 750 g, conical, of moderate density. The berries are large, weighing 4-5 g, oval, light yellow in color, the flesh is dense, the taste is sweet with a nutmeg aroma. Sugar content 19-21%, acidity 6-7 g/l. The number of fruitful shoots is 75-85%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.2-1.6. The load on the bush when pruning 40-50 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 8-12 eyes. High yield, stored on the bushes for 2-3 weeks. Marketability and transportability are high. Requires shelter for the winter. Resistant to mildew and fungal diseases 2.0-2.5 points. Frost resistance -24°С.

(Very early variety)

The variety was bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking. Ya. I. Potapenko from crossing a hybrid (Dawn of the North x Dolores) and a variety of Russian early. Recommended for cultivation in the region in film and glass greenhouses.
Vigorous bush. Vine maturation is satisfactory.
Clusters are large, weighing 400-500 g, cone-shaped, moderately dense or loose. The berries are large (4-5 g), round, fleshy, dark blue, black at full maturity. The taste is simple, without aroma.
Low sugar content (3-14%) with high acidity (6-7 g/l) reduces the taste of berries. The transportability of berries is good.
It is characterized by increased resistance to fungal diseases. Sufficiently frost-resistant, withstands temperatures down to -26 ° C.
Unpretentious to growing conditions. Errors in pruning, loading, shaping do not negatively affect the yield.
To improve the taste, it is recommended to hang cut clusters for a week.


Alexa (Medium early variety)
Ripening period 120-125 days. Bushes of great vigor. Clusters are very large, 700-1000 g, individual up to 1.8 kg, moderate density. The berries are white, very large, 10–14 g, oval. The pulp is fleshy, dense, with good sugar accumulation. The taste is harmonious. Frost resistance down to -25 °C.

Aleshenkin (Alyosha) (Early variety)

Obtained at the Far Eastern Experimental Station of VNIIR by crossing the Madeleine Angevin variety and a mixture of pollen from oriental varieties. Recommended for cultivation in all zones of the North-West region in greenhouse conditions. Very early ripening, table appointment, selection by P. E. Tsekhmistrenko. The variety is a veteran of northern viticulture.
The bush is vigorous. Vine maturation is satisfactory.
The clusters are large, depending on the clones, they have a different density and shape from dense conical to loose branched. The average weight of a bunch is 200-400 g, in the largest - 2 kg or more.
The berries are medium and large, weighing 2.5 g, round and oval, with a pleasant taste. In some years there is a "pea". The color of the berries is greenish-white, at maturity amber-yellow with a brown tan and a strong white wax coating. The skin is thick. The pulp is juicy, deliquescent, fleshy. The taste is very harmonious, without aroma. Sugar content up to 20%, acidity 3.5 g / l.
The frost resistance of the underground part is low, therefore it is recommended to graft this variety on frost-resistant rootstocks. Frost resistance of the aerial part is high.
Weakly affected by diseases. Short pruning is recommended, for 5-6 buds.


Altai (Mid-early variety)

Altai obtained from crossing varieties Frumosa albe and Vostorg
High yielding table variety. Ripening period 125-135 days. The type of flower is functionally feminine. The power of growth is very great. Shoots ripen by 90%.
The bunch is large, 800-1200 g, sometimes up to 2.5 kg or more, conical, moderate density or loose. The berries are very large, 14-16 g, individual - up to 25 g, round or slightly oval, white. Peas are observed in some years.
The taste is harmonious, with full ripening, a nutmeg aroma is felt. The flesh is fleshy and juicy, not damaged by wasps. One or two seeds. Sugar content 17-23%, acidity 6-8 g/l. Harvest can hang until frost, while improving taste. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.4-1.8. The load on the bush is 35-45 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 2-4 eyes.
Frost resistance -25°С, mildew resistance 2.5-3.0 points. Tasting score of fresh grapes 8.5 points. It showed itself well in canned form: marinated with tomatoes and soaked.


Scarlet-2 (Mid-early variety)

Scarlet-2 was obtained from crossing varieties Evroamurskaya g.f. and Cardinal.
Ripening period 120-130 days. The growth force of the bushes is great. Shoot maturation is good. The cluster is conical, moderately dense, weighing 600-800 g.
The berry is oval, pink, with a harmonious taste, weighing 6-7 g. Sugar content 15-16%, acidity 5-7 g/l. Fruitful shoots 70-80%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.3-1.6. The load on the bush when pruning 35-50 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 8-14 eyes.

Frost resistance -24°С. Resistance to fungal diseases 3.0-3.5 points. Osami is weakly damaged.

(Early variety)

A variety of American origin. Recommended for cultivation in all areas of the region.
The bush is medium. Vine maturation is very good.
Clusters of medium size, cylindrical shape, quite dense. The average weight of a bunch is 120 g, the maximum is 220 g. The berries are medium, round, black in color with a reddish-brown or violet tint, covered with a wax coating, giving them a bluish tint. The skin is dense, strong, easily separated from the pulp, the pulp is mucous, poorly separated from the seeds. The taste is mediocre, sweet and sour with strawberry
aroma. The sugar content of berries is 15-16%, the acidity is 10-11 g/l.
The variety is productive, frost-resistant, cultivated without shelter for the winter, unpretentious to soils.
The variety is resistant to fungal diseases - relatively resistant to mildew, anthracnose, affected by spotting and pests.
It can be used as a rootstock for more whimsical and heat-loving varieties. One of the most common varieties in northern viticulture areas.

(Early variety)

Seedling of the famous variety Isabella, bred in Belgium. Recommended for cultivation in all areas of the region in greenhouse conditions.
Medium bush. Vine maturation is good. Clusters of medium size, weighing up to 300 g, cylindric, medium density. The berries are medium and small, up to 2-2.5 g, oval, greenish-white. The skin is dense, the pulp is juicy. Ripe berries have a pleasant aftertaste of fresh pineapple.
This variety is the most delicious of the "Isabelle" varieties. Sugar content 17-19%, acidity 5-7 g/l. The berries are resistant to wasp damage. The yield is high. It has increased resistance to phylloxera and spider mites. To gray mold of berries and oidium, resistance is medium or even reduced. The variety is characterized by increased frost resistance.

(Zhemchug Sabo x Pineapple) (Early variety)
Variety A. Kondratsky. Ripens August 20th. The bush is vigorous, the leaves are large, with a strong whitish edge below. Clusters are loose, weighing 130-250 g. Oval-shaped berries, weighing 5 g, light green, sweet, pineapple flavor and taste. With arched formation yields up to 50 kg or more per bush. Withstands frosts down to -30°C, grown without shelter. Pruning for 5-6 eyes is recommended. Transportability is good. For fresh use and preparation of dessert wine. Recommended for pergola culture. Mildew is weakly affected.


Andryusha (Very early variety)

A new hybrid form was bred by Andrey Fedorovich Balabanov, an amateur viticulturist from the village of Starobeshevo, by crossing Scarlet with Laura.
The first harvest was obtained in 2005. It is in the testing phase. planting material did not spread. Over a three-year period of observation showed the following characteristics: the type of flower is bisexual.
The growth force is great, the shoots ripen well. Ripens very early - together with Laura. The clusters are large (in the picture, the mass of the bunch is 1230 g), very elegant, conical, with a moderate density, some with a wing. Six clusters were left on a four-year-old bush, which gave a full-bodied harvest without signs of peas.
The berry is dark pink, large, elongated-oval, 7-8 g, the taste is harmonious.
The market understands first. The number of fruitful shoots is 50-70%. Pruning for 6-8 eyes and short.
Two traditional preventive treatments were carried out. During the observation period, diseases and pests were not observed.
For the winter, a light dry shelter is made, under which even in the frosty 2005 he overwintered without damage.
Like everything new, this form needs long-term testing in various soil and climatic zones.

Angelica (Xenia)

Angelica (Xenia) (Early variety)
Table form of early ripening grapes (in Kiev - the first decade of August). Bushes vigorous. Clusters are large, cylindric, elongated, loose, with an average weight of 500 g. The berries are large and very large, with an average weight of 10-15 g, elongated-oval with a slightly pointed tip, white-pink. The form is prone to hummocking of berries. The pulp is dense, crispy, harmonious in taste, the skin is of medium thickness. Resistance to fungal diseases and frost at the level of all varieties - 2 treatments with fungicides and shelter for the winter are required. Transportability is good.

Arcadia (Nastya)

Arcadia (Nastya) (Early variety)
The variety is obtained from crossing varieties Moldova and Cardinal.
The ripening period is early (115-120 days). The power of growth is great. Shoots ripen well. Harvest variety. The cluster is large and very large, weighing 600-800 g, some up to 2.5 kg. The berry is white, with a harmonious taste, the correct shape, weighing 6-8 g and larger. Sugar content 15-16%, acidity 5-6 g/l. Fruitful shoots 60-75%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.2-1.6. The load on the bush when pruning 35-45 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 8-12 eyes.
Frost resistance -21°С. Resistance to fungal diseases 3.0-3.5 points. Due to the early ripening and attractive appearance of bunches and berries, it is in high demand on the market. Osami is not damaged. Transportable.

Arcadia red

Arcadia red (Early variety)

Arcadia red - the Hadzhebey type is obtained from crossing varieties Moldova and Cardinal.
Ripening period (120-130 days). The power of growth is great. Shoot maturation is good. The cluster is large, conical, medium dense, weighing 600-900 g.
The berry is round and oval, red, weight 9 g. The taste is harmonious. Pruning fruit vines for 4-6 eyes.
Frost resistance -24°С. Resistance to fungal diseases 2.5 points. Harvest hangs on the bushes for a long time, improving marketability.

(Early variety)
Table hybrid form of early ripening (115-120 days). Bushes vigorous. Clusters are large, 400-600 g, cylindrical-conical, moderately dense, without hummocking. The berries are beautiful, large, weighing 7-9 g, oval-papillary, pink, red in the sun, harmonious taste, with dense fleshy pulp, the skin is eaten. The shoots ripen very well, bear fruit in the 2nd year after planting with seedlings. Pruning vines for 6-8 eyes, short pruning for 3-4 eyes. Frost resistance - up to -25°С. Highly resistant to mildew (3.5 points) and gray rot, moderately resistant to oidium.

(Late variety)

Variety formula ((Talisman x (Katta-Kurgan x Parkentsky)).
The term of maturation is 140-155 days. Shoot maturation is good. Clusters are large, cylindric, up to 30 cm long, medium density, weighing 600-800 g or more.
The berries are elongated-oval, red-violet, with a prune bloom, very large - 12-16 g. The taste is harmonious, pleasant. Sugar content 16-20%, acidity 6-8 g/l. Fruitful shoots 40-60%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.1. The load on the bush when cutting 50-60 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 8-10 eyes. Prone to crop overload, needs rationing. In some years, hummocking is observed. Transportability is good. Osami is not damaged.

Frost resistance is reduced - up to -18 ° С. Resistance to fungal diseases and pests is low. Needs timely treatment with chemicals.

white miracle

White miracle (Early variety)
Medium-sized, high-yielding. Clusters 600–800 g or more. The berries are amber-white, round, large and very large - up to 9 g, with a brown tan in the sun. Sugar content up to 24% with an acidity of 5–7 g/l. Frost resistance -24 °C. Exceptionally disease resistant.

(Talisman x Kishmish radiant) (Mid-early variety) (in Kiev - mid-September), when overloaded with a crop, ripening is delayed.
Hybrid form of amateur selection by V. Krainov. Bushes are above average vigor. Clusters are large, weighing 600-1100 g, elongated-conical shape, medium density. The berries are very large, oval, weighing 9-12 g, white. The flesh is fleshy, the skin is dense, the taste is with a slight nutmeg aroma. Sugar content 20%. Frost resistance -23 °C. Differs in high productivity. Shoot maturation is good. Mildew resistance - 3.5-4.0 points, requires mandatory shelter of bushes for the winter.

(Early variety)
This American variety appeared in Ukraine relatively recently. The bush is vigorous, the leaves are large, strongly pubescent below. The clusters are loose, weighing 500-800 g. The berries are oval, weighing 7-9 g, blue in color, simple pleasant taste, without the taste of isabella varieties. Ripens at the end of August. It has a high resistance to mildew. The cuttings do not root well.


Bogatoyanovsky (Talisman x Kishmish radiant) (Mid-early variety) (in Kiev - the end of August)
Table hybrid form of selection by V. Krainov. Bushes of great vigor. Clusters are large, weighing up to 1 kg, conical, medium density. The berries are very large, weighing 9-12 g, egg-shaped, golden in color, harmonious taste. The flesh is fleshy and juicy, the skin is medium density, easily eaten. Shoots ripen well. Frost resistance -23°С. Needs shelter for the winter. Transportability and marketability are high. Resistance to mildew - 3 points, to oidium - 3.5 points, resistant to gray rot.
Note: The hybrid form was bred relatively recently (three to five years ago) and therefore needs a long-term test in various soil and climatic zones.

(Early variety)
Variety of Odessa selection. Harvest ripens at the end of August. The bush is vigorous, with huge leaves. A variety with good and stable yields, very large clusters, weighing up to 3.4 kg. The berries are medium, weighing 5-7 g, egg-shaped, cherry-colored, do not crack in rainy weather. The pulp of the berry is dense, with a harmonious taste, without nutmeg aroma. Rooting of cuttings is good. Pruning is recommended for 8-10 eyes. Resistance to mildew and oidium - at the level of 3 points.

The newest hybrid form of V. Kapelyushny's selection. The seedling is very powerful, numbered 11-12-8-8, with a white large berry weighing 20-25 g. The load was 11 bunches, the weight of which reached from 1.8 to 3 kg or more each. The berries have a very pleasant varietal taste, with a slight nutmeg, crispy, without peas. The presentation of the bunch is amazing. The form has good resistance to mildew and oidium, at the level of 2.5-3 points. Pruning for 8-10 eyes is recommended. Outstanding economic indicators in the presence of a stock of perennial wood.

(Early variety)

Obtained by crossing varieties CB20-473 and Bulgaria.
Ripening period 115 days. Growth strength is average. Shoot maturation is good. The cluster is large, weighing 400-600 g, individual up to 1 kg.
The berry is amber-white, rounded, with a nutmeg taste, weighing 4-6 g. Sugar content 17-20%, acidity 5-6 g / l. The number of fruitful shoots is 70-80%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.2-1.7. The load on the bush when pruning 40-50 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 6-8 eyes and short.
Frost resistance -21°С. Resistance to fungal diseases 3.0-3.5 points.

Table and wine variety. The berries are dark, small, sweet, collected in small clusters. Unpretentious and decorative, especially in autumn, when the foliage turns red. Looks great on a pergola or trellis. Prefers full sun or semi-shade in well-drained neutral to alkaline soil. In cold climates, it is better to grow it in a container brought in for the winter in a cool room, or keep it in a greenhouse. Height up to 9 m, width up to 2 m. This grape will cover a sunny wall with a picturesque carpet of bright green deep-lobed leaves. And in autumn, this cover will turn bright red and orange. By autumn, ripened clusters will turn blue-black. They are edible, but they have too many seeds.

(Herbert x Botkin) (Medium early variety)
Universal variety 1938 US selection. Ripens at the end of August. Bushes vigorous. The leaves are large, with felt pubescence, medium-sized clusters, loose, conical, weighing up to 500 g, round-conical in shape, with a wing. The berries are dark blue, almost black, weighing up to 5 g, very tasty. Sugar content from 18 to 21% with acidity from 5.4 to 9.9 g/l. An extremely productive variety. On arched formations it gives up to 100 kg of berries from a bush. Pruning for 7-9 eyes is recommended. The cuttings root extremely poorly. Berries are consumed fresh, for the preparation of aromatic juice and wine. Does not require shelter. Weakly affected by mildew. Relatively high winter hardiness, resistant to mildew and gray mold of berries.

(Kesha 1 x Star 4-Rizamat) (Super early variety)
Table form of N. Vishnevetsky's selection. Ripening period - 105 days (in Kiev - a week earlier than Arcadia). The brushes are very large, weighing 1500 g, with a beautiful large berry. The berry is fleshy, with a pleasant nutmeg and pear aroma. It is better to plant own roots. Valek is a bisexual variety, pollinated even during heavy rains, flowering lasts up to 10 days, it is a good pollinator for other varieties. Recommended pruning - 5-7 eyes. Transportable and productive form. Very resistant to major fungal diseases, not affected by gray rot.

(Average maturity)
Table grade, average term of maturing (132 days). The growth of the bushes is very strong. The flower is bisexual. Clusters of medium size, weighing 400 g, from conical to cylindrical-conical, loose. The berries are elegant and beautiful, very large, with an average weight of 13-14 g, elongated to 40 mm, slightly pointed towards the top, dark purple color. The skin is thick, durable, eatable, the flesh is crisp, the taste is harmonious. Highly transportable, well stored. Pruning the fruit vine for 5-7 eyes. In the north, it is susceptible to fungal diseases, especially mildew. Frost resistance is average for European varieties.

(Very early variety)
Table hybrid form, very early ripening (100-110 days). Vigorous. The leaf is large, the flower is bisexual. Clusters are large, conical, medium loose. The berries are large (22 x 34 mm), nipple-shaped, dark blue. The pulp of the berries is dense with a harmonious taste. The skin of the berries is not felt when eating. In the conditions of the Zaporozhye region, it ripens 3-4 days earlier than the variety Kodryanka. Able to be stored on the bushes until the end of September. Ripening of shoots is complete and early. Resistance to mildew - 3.5-4 points, to oidium - 3 points. Frost resistance - up to -21°C.

(Early variety)

Ripening period 115-125 days. The power of growth is great. Shoot maturation is good. The mass of the bunch is 500-700 g.
The berry is red-crimson, with a nutmeg flavor, weighing 6-8 g. Sugar content 17-19%, acidity 5-6 g / l. Fruitful shoots 80-90%. The number of bunches per shoot is 1.5-1.8. The load on the bush when pruning 25-35 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 6-8 eyes and short.

Frost resistance -26°С. Resistance to diseases and pests 2.5-3.0 points. The type of flower is functionally feminine. Needs additional pollination. Do not overexpose on the bushes - damaged by wasps.

(Very early variety)
Dining hybrid form. The period from bud break to removable maturity is 110-120 days. Bushes are medium. The flower is functionally feminine. Clusters are medium-sized, medium density, sometimes dense, weighing 300-400 g. Berries are large, round or oval, weighing 4-5 g (25 x 23 mm), dark red. The flesh is fleshy and juicy, the taste is harmonious, with a slight nutmeg. The skin is strong and edible. Transportability is good. In wet weather, the berries can crack and rot. Resistance to mildew and oidium - 2.5 points, frost resistance -24°C.

(Arcadia x Radiant Kishmish) (Early-medium grade)
Breeder V. Zagorulko. Dining hybrid form. The period from bud break to removable maturity is 120 days. The cluster is large, medium loose, weighing 500-700 g (individual clusters reach 1.2 kg). The flower is bisexual. Papillary berry, Pink colour. The pulp is fleshy, dessert taste, with a nutmeg aroma. Pruning fruit-bearing vines for 4-8 buds. Annual shoots ripen well. Resistance to mildew and oidium - 3.5-4 points. 2-fold treatment with fungicides is necessary. Frost resistance - up to -21°С.


Delight (Very early variety)

The variety was obtained by the authors Ya.I. Potapenko, I.A. Kostrikin and A.S. Skripnikova from crossing hybrid forms (Dawn of the North x Dolores) and Russian early. Delight is the progenitor of a number of complex-resistant varieties and hybrid forms.
Bushes of medium vigor, vigorous on rootstocks.
Worked well on arbors and arches.
The mass of bunches and berries on rootstocks increases to 30%, but the sugar content decreases to 20%. In own root culture, sugar accumulation reaches 26%, with an acidity of 5-9 g/l.
Ripening period - very early (110-120 days). Ripening of shoots is good - 70-75%.
The clusters are large - 600-800 g, some up to 1.5 kg, medium density and loose, conical, some with a wing. The berries are large - 6-7 g, round and slightly oval, white. The taste is harmonious. Wasps are not damaged, hang on the bush until frost, improving the quality of berries. Transportability is good. It can be stored in storage until January. Suitable for drying. Fruitful shoots 70-85%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.4-1.7.
The load on the bush with a feeding area of ​​​​6 m2 is 35-45 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 6-10 eyes and short.
Frost resistance -25°С. Resistance to mildew 3.0-3.5 points, to gray rot - 2.0 points.
On rootstocks, when forming on an arch, with an increased feeding area, the yield increases by 3-5 times.
Flower type is bisexual.

(Early variety)

Delight ideal (Ideal) was obtained by crossing varieties CB12-374 X Delight.
The ripening period is early-medium (120-125 days). The power of growth is great. Shoot maturation is good. The cluster is large, weighing 800-1200 g.
The berry is oval, large, white with a tan, the taste is harmonious. Berry weight 5-7 g. Sugar content 1820%, acidity 5-7 g/l. Fruitful shoots 70-80%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.5-2.2. The load on the bush when pruning 35-45 eyes. Pruning fruit vines for 6-8 eyes and short.

Frost resistance -25°С. Resistance to fungal diseases 2.5-3.5 points.

Delight red

Delight red (Mid-early variety)

Rapture red (ZOS-1, Zosya) obtained from crossing varieties Original and Rapture.
Ripening period 120-125 days. The power of growth is great. Shoot maturation is good.
The mass of the bunch is 600-800 g and larger. The berry is pink-red. with harmonious taste, 8-10 g and larger.
Sugar content 18-23%, acidity 6-8 g/l. Fruitful shoots 75-85%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 0.9-1.5. The load on the bush is 45-55 eyes with a feeding area of ​​6 m2. Pruning for 8-16 eyes, you can make it short.
Frost resistance -25°С. Resistance to fungal diseases 2.5-3.0 points.
The flower is functionally feminine. In some years, peas and thinning of clusters are observed.

Galbena Nou (Gold) (Very early variety)
Table grade of very early term of maturing (105-120 days). Bushes vigorous. Clusters are large and very large, 450-700 g, broadly conical, branched, moderately loose. The berries are large, 24 x 23 mm, 7.5-8 g, round or slightly oval, green-white, amber-white when fully ripe, fleshy-juicy, with a pleasant nutmeg aroma. Sugar content 23%. Shoots ripen very well, almost the entire length of growth. The cuttings root well. Load 35-45 eyes when cutting fruiting vines for 640 eyes. Frost resistance -27°С. Resistant to mildew, gray rot.

(Talisman x Kishmish radiant) (Early variety)
Variety of selection by V. Krainov. The period from bud break to removable maturity is 116-125 days. Harvest ripening in early September. It stands out from the mass of its hybrid forms by vigorous growth, resistance to diseases (mildew and oidium). The cluster is very elegant and large (up to 2 kg), medium density. Berries have a weight of 8-10 g, egg-shaped, pink-cherry color, pleasant taste. Do not crack in rainy weather. Recommended pruning - 6-8 eyes. Frost resistance - up to -23°С. Resistance to mildew, gray mold is high. To oidium - average.


Hercules (Mid-late variety)
Table variety. The berry is round, with an average weight of 6–7 g, somewhat dirty pink. Clusters 1000–2000 g. Flesh is crisp, taste is very good. It is not resistant to fungal diseases, especially strongly to oidium, in wet weather clusters can rot.

Vulture (Buffalo x Rapture) (Early variety)
US selection variety, ripens in the 20th of August. The bushes are vigorous, the leaves are whole. The bunch is conical, medium density, small size- 150-300 g. The berry is round, 3-4 g, blue, sweet, with an isabella aroma. A bunch and a berry look like a degraded version . Differs in unpretentiousness, good resistance to a complex of adverse conditions. Gives a moderate yield compared to Buffalo. The vine matures completely, the cuttings take root well. Frost resistance - up to -25°C.

(Early variety)
Hybrid form of early ripening (second decade of August). Selection by V. Krainov. Bushes are above average vigor. The flower is functionally feminine. The bunch is cylindrical-conical, medium density, large, weighing 500-800 g. The berry is pink, oval, large, weighing 7-9 g. The taste is nutmeg, the pulp is fleshy-juicy. The peel is edible. "Gourmets" are presented in 5 different hybrid forms: actually Gourmet, Gourmet early, Gourmet flashlight, Gourmet gourmand, Gourmet Rainbow,

Crossing formula of the variety ((Pleven x Palieri-5) + (Arcadia x Fairy)) Early-medium ripening period (120-125 days). The power of growth is great. Shoot maturity is good. Rooting of cuttings is very good. Clusters of medium density, cylindrical-conical, with an average weight of 800-1200 g. The berries are very large...

(Average maturity)

The variety was obtained from crossing the varieties Gift to Zaporozhye and Ionel.
Ripening period 120-130 days. The power of growth is great. Shoot maturation is good. The bunch is large - 500-700 g, individual up to 1 kg, conical.
The berry is pale pink, 7-9 g, the taste is harmonious. Sugar content 17-19%, acidity 6-7 g/l. Fruitful shoots 70-80%. The number of bunches per fruitful shoot is 1.4-1.6. The load on the bush is 35-40 eyes with a feeding area of ​​6 m2. Medium pruning - 6-8 eyes. Frost resistance -24°С. Resistance to diseases and pests 3.0-3.5 points.

long awaited (Talisman x Kishmish radiant) (Early variety)
A hybrid form of early ripening (in Kiev - the second decade of August). Selection by V. Krainov. The bush is above average vigor. The clusters are large, 500-800 g, conical, medium density. The berries are white, large, oblong-papillary, with an average weight of 8-9 g. The flesh is fleshy-juicy, the skin is thin, the taste is harmonious. It differs in that in the bunch at the same time there are berries with rudiments (soft-seed) and with seeds. The vine is fully ripe. Resistance to mildew and oidium - 3.5-4.0 points, requires mandatory shelter of the bushes for the winter.

Many people are engaged in the cultivation of grapes. Someone does it in order to try at the right time delicious berry, someone to decorate their yard, and some sell grapes and get a lot of money. But each of these goals corresponds to a certain grape variety.

In this article you will find many useful information for the beginner grower. We will tell you about the many varieties from A to Z, about the ripening time, yield and characteristics of each species. After reading the material, you will understand which variety is right for you.

It should be taken into account that each type of grape requires special care. First, decide if you need an industrial variety or a table variety. Let's remember the importance of climatic conditions. In the middle lane, a good harvest will bring winter-hardy grapes with early ripening.

Table varieties from A to Z

Early ripening

Table grape varieties are grown to eat the berries fresh. These varieties have pleasant appearance grapes and a very delicate aroma. They also have great taste. Grapes need a lot of sun to fully ripen. And its value is in the number of fruits and the size of the berries. For table varieties, a suitable climate and soil fertility are much more important than technical ones.

Variety Alyoshenkin


Let's start with grapes that have an early ripening period. Alyoshenkin gives a harvest already on the one hundred and twentieth day. Its distinguishing feature is medium-dissected leaves with five lobes. A bunch of Aleshenkin varieties weighs from 700 grams to 2.5 kilograms. The shape of the berries is oval, have an amber hue with a slight light coating. Here are just a bunch of grapes prone to peas. Brought Alyoshenkin P. E. Tsekhmistrenko.



Baikonur matures in one hundred and fifteen days. From all other varieties it is distinguished by large long berries, which are located quite densely. The weight of the brush is approximately 0.5 kg. The fruits are red-violet in color, have a large amount of pulp with a delicate structure. The taste is pleasant, without signs of nutmeg. This grape was bred on the Pavlovsky site.



One of the most productive. Harvest ripens in one hundred and twenty days. Its peculiarity is that the type of flowering is functionally female. The berries are red-raspberry in color, have a nutmeg taste. Victoria is one of the most productive species. It is well resistant to oidium and mildew. But it should be noted that the wasps liked Victoria. Author Ya. I. Potapenko.


These early ripening grapes will ripen after a hundred days. Harold's berries are elliptical in shape and pointed at the end, have a sweet and sour taste and nutmeg aroma. This variety is able to withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees and is resistant to diseases. Author Ya. I. Potapenko.


The harvest is ready in one hundred and five days. The weight of the brush is 1200 grams. Berries of dark cherry color of an elongated shape. It has a very pleasant taste, nutmeg aroma. The skin is medium-dense. It has a slight nutmeg taste. The author of the variety is V.U. Kapelyushin.


Ripening in one hundred and ten days. Not resistant to frost and moderately resistant to diseases. Feature - very large berries, each 10-12 grams (this is a record figure). They are amber yellow in color and round in shape. Inside the berry is dense pulp, nutmeg aroma. The skin is thin, almost transparent. The variety was bred by V.N. Krainov.

golden don

Yellow (working title). Ripening in one hundred and twenty days. Medium resistance to mildew, oidium and gray mold. Frost resistance is high. The fruits are oval-shaped, golden. The pulp is massive and crispy, the skin is dense. The Golden Don is distinguished by large clusters. This species was brought out by Ya. I. Potapenko.

The term of maturation is one hundred and ten days. A distinctive feature is the good maturation of the vine. The berries are large, very elongated, weighty. Berry color: from dark pink to burgundy. The raisin has a low yield and low winter hardiness. But the taste of this variety is hard to beat. Specialists of the Ukrainian Institute "Magarach" brought out the Zest.

Average maturity


Harvest in one hundred and thirty-five days. Berries are oval/round, white. They are quite juicy and sour. Floral aroma. This species is resistant to disease, high yield. The variety was bred by Ya. I. Potapenko.



Ripening time one hundred and thirty days. Differs in the huge size of berries. The berries are white, darken from the sun. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. The fruits have a harmonious taste, you can feel the taste of honey. Lancelot has an extremely high yield and high disease resistance.

Matyas Janos

Matyas Janos

Ripening period one hundred and forty days. The berries are round, bright red, covered with a thick wax coating. The pulp is fleshy, dense. The skin is dense. The berries are sweet, there is a nutmeg aroma. Matyas Janos has an interesting property. The more berries are ripe, the more the taste deteriorates. The variety was bred by Janos Matyash.


Full maturation in one hundred and thirty-five days. Berries can be of two colors, for example, blue-violet fruits will be if the soil is black soil. Lowland has a high yield and high frost resistance. Gray rot and mildew bypass this grape, but the oidium Nizina does not spare. The author of the variety is V. I. Krainov.



The term of maturation is one hundred and forty-five days. The shape of the berry is unusual, it can be black, white or pink. The taste is simple and harmonious. The original has high disease resistance, but it is one of the "favorites" of wasps. This species can be stored for a long time. Brought V. E. Tairov.

Gift to Zaporozhye

Gift to Zaporozhye

The term of maturation is one hundred thirty-five days. The yield is quite high and stable. Disease and frost resistant. The berries are juicy, but the taste is not considered elegant. The color is straw yellow. It is worth noting that this grape variety is prone to crop overload.

Late ripening

Red Globe

Red Globe




Wine (technical) grape varieties


The term of maturation is not more than one hundred and forty-five days. The yield is high and stable. Due to its excellent taste indicators, aligote is the main raw material for the production of wine and champagne. The berries are round, yellow-greenish, very densely packed. The pulp is juicy, pleasant, but rustic.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon

Grapes of late ripening. Cabernet Sauvignon is disease and frost resistant. High yield. The berries are dark blue in color, covered with a wax coating. The pulp is juicy, with colorless juice. The taste is nightshade, pleasant.


A well-known species used in winemaking. early term maturation. Excellent frost resistance, not susceptible to diseases. The clusters are covered with a silvery coating. The berries are blue-black, the skin is dense, the juice is transparent (with a lilac tint). Merlot is used to make wine with a rich rich taste.

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir

The term of maturation is one hundred and fifty days. High frost resistance. The peculiarity of Pinot Noir is in the leaves. They are rounded, and the leaf plate is wrinkled. The berries are medium in size, slightly oval in shape with a thin dark blue skin. Delicate pulp, inside the seeds. Pinot Noir is capricious. A cool climate and gentle slopes are necessary for growing the variety.


The term of maturation is one hundred thirty-five days. Frost resistance up to -20 degrees. The berries are round, white-green. The pulp is juicy, the skin is dense, inside the seeds. Chardonnay mildew and oidium are not a hindrance, but berries can rot. The yield of Chardonnay is not high, but high-quality wine material is obtained from the harvest.

Rootstock grape varieties

Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5BB

The ripened shoot is slightly flattened, with long internodes, of a gray tint. The flowers are functionally female. The cluster is small. The berry is black. Fungal diseases are not damaged. Winter hardiness is high.

Riparia x Rupestris 101-14

One-year mature shoot of medium thickness, smooth, rounded, with a reddish tinge. The bisexual type of flower is more common. Young leaves are folded in the form of a groove, the teeth are pointed. The leaf is of medium size, slightly wrinkled. The cluster is small, the berry is black, inconspicuous.

Versatile grape varieties


The yield of Gloria is average. Often there is a pea. The berries are large, oval, amber in color. The skin is rough. The pulp is dense. There is a slight wax coating.


This variety has good frost resistance, it is not afraid of diseases and it is unpretentious in placement. The berries are rounded, light pink in color with a wax coating. Durable skin. Suitable for transportation.

Myths about wine and grapes

  1. Rosé wines are not made from roses, but from grapes! It is simply done using a special technology.
  2. Red grapes can make white wine! But the character of red will still be felt. But it is impossible to get red wine from white grapes.


Yakov Ivanovich Potapenko

Soviet scientist in the field of agrobiology, selection and agricultural technology of grapes. He researched:

  • rest period;
  • annual cycle of development of grapes depending on light and temperature regimes.

They have developed:

  • theoretical foundations of grape breeding;
  • program and methodology for breeding new varieties with increased frost resistance through interspecific hybridization.


In this article, you learned about the features of many grape varieties. This information will be especially useful for beginners. Here everything is laid out on the shelves and you just need to find the variety you are interested in. The division into table and wine varieties should be taken into account. Remember that technical varieties are not entirely suitable for eating raw.