How to open your own taxi company. Costs Inevitable When Starting Your Own Taxi Service

  • 23.09.2019

Taxi services are relevant in almost any area, so a business idea can be profitably implemented even with a minimum investment. But even at the planning stage, it is important to take into account investment risks and high competition. With proper preparation, an entrepreneur will be able to open a successful business and show customers the benefits of cooperation with him.

How to open a taxi from scratch - what is needed for this?

The scheme of work of any taxi is the same: the client calls the dispatcher, he specifies the availability of a free car, asks for the address and places an order. Services can be provided on their own schedule (usually from 6-8 am to 12 am) or around the clock. To new business was able to gain momentum, and income made it possible to quickly return investments and receive net income for preparatory stage, it is necessary to assess the relevance of the service for the population of the region, its competitiveness. It will be possible to make good money on your taxi from scratch only if an effective marketing concept and various advertising moves are implemented. What should be emphasized:

  1. Affordable prices.
  2. Good service.
  3. Safety of the trip, qualification of drivers.
  4. Comfort of travel.

In order to profitably open your taxi, you first need to register your activity and get required permissions, collect documents:

  • a license to provide passenger transportation services with your own vehicle (it is issued for each car, and it is valid only in one region. The document is valid for 5 years from the date of issue.
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (the cost of registration is 800 and 4000 rubles, respectively);
  • prepare documents confirming ownership or leasing agreement.

It is beneficial to open a taxi from scratch in several formats - to launch your own vehicle fleet or work through dispatch services (in this case, you will have to transfer 10-25% of the cost of each order), special software products, involving intermediaries. Some entrepreneurs enter into contracts with drivers who own cars. To form a full-fledged team, the owner will need to hire dispatchers, drivers, and an accountant. In addition to taxes and wages, you should take into account the waste on Maintenance, washing, advertising, payment for the Internet and mobile communications, medical examinations of employees.

Advice: if an entrepreneur who has decided to open a business in the field of passenger transportation has no more than 15 subordinates, then it is more expedient to register his activity as an individual entrepreneur. This will greatly simplify bookkeeping and make it possible to save on taxes by choosing a simplified tax system. In addition to these deductions, it is necessary to pay a unified social tax and personal income tax.

To open a control room, any office space that meets the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Regulations. How much area is needed for full-fledged work? Each person should be allocated from 1.5 to 4.5 m². Equipment for the work of dispatchers can be purchased independently or through special firms. In order for them to work quickly and efficiently, it is advisable to purchase special software that automates and simplifies the process of collecting and processing orders. When choosing, you should pay attention to the functionality and the number of work modules, the presence of restrictions on orders, the relevance of Google maps, the need for an office. Some software products are sold with a mobile client application.

It is also important to find the best solution to the automotive issue. The cars must be in good technical condition, otherwise the lion's share of the income will go to their maintenance and repair, which can be disastrous for a young business. Buying them is expensive, so most entrepreneurs, deciding to open a taxi, rent cars from private individuals or sign a lease agreement. It is desirable that the vehicles under the contract are serviced and undergo maintenance in a service center, equipped with a navigation system, GPS tracking. It should be borne in mind that the driving experience of a taxi worker cannot be less than 3 years, and before each shift he must undergo a medical examination.

Just as important as the driver's qualifications is the marketing concept of a new taxi from scratch. Competition in this area is always high, so a young business must confidently move forward and conquer its client base, following a clearly outlined plan. Before opening a taxi, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • branding (selection of a catchy and easy-to-remember name, simple phone numbers, a bright logo; you will have to pay about 5-6 thousand rubles to register your trademark);
  • vehicle brands (the more comfortable and higher in the class of car, the greater the chances of re-ordering the client);
  • emphasis on additional benefits (for example, equipping cars with Wi-Fi, equipping one of them for the needs of people with disabilities).

As practice shows, the best advertisement for a newly opened taxi is word of mouth. With good service, fast and high-quality provision of services, an entrepreneur will definitely form his base of regular customers. It is also worth actively distributing business cards with good design and high-quality font, if funds are available, you can place banners, streamers on the busy streets of the city, and you can pay for the service by card. Over time, it is worth launching interesting taxis, for example, a trip to the maternity hospital for 50%, the delivery of drugs from the pharmacy at a discount, etc. Such methods as a system of discounts, discount cards, and the creation of a business card website effectively help to increase the base of regular customers.

How much investment will you need? The amount depends on the scale of business development (your own taxi fleet, work through dispatching services, on your own car, additional equipment, brand and number of cars). On average, a taxi from scratch, if the car is leased, pays off in about six months. Working with the help of dispatchers, the owner will be able to achieve 10-20% business profitability. Even if the future entrepreneur is disappointed in the idea of ​​his own taxi, there is no need to despair. There are many more interesting business ideas related to light transport, for example, etc.

Is it profitable to work in a taxi with your own car?

Some owners of their own cars decide to earn extra money on a taxi service without registering a business. Thus, expenses for organizing a business are significantly reduced, and the amount of net income increases. But if the driver is stopped by the police and it turns out that he does not have a license, he will have to pay a fine - 5 thousand rubles. Making good money in this way, especially for a long time, will not work. In addition, it will be quite problematic to build up a customer base, it gets worse over time technical condition personal car. According to the calculations of experienced taxi drivers, the net benefit from using their car for passenger transportation will be about 500-700 rubles, since part of the funds will still be spent on maintenance and car repairs. Indeed, in this area it is used very actively, and road surface not everywhere of high quality, so this cost item cannot be avoided. In addition, the owner will need to independently engage in maintenance, insurance, repairs, which takes a lot of effort, time and investment. In the case of a rented car, these burdens fall solely on the shoulders of the lessor. But even with a minimum of available funds, a way out can be found, for example, take at 0%.

How much can you earn in a taxi in Moscow?

Many people consider the option of earning money in a taxi in a large settlement or in a million-plus city as one of the best options. On the net you can find simply fantastic amounts of potential income per day - up to 80-100 thousand rubles. But, as taxi drivers with experience say, it is impossible to work in this area and reach such figures in 12 hours. Experienced driver with good rating in special mobile applications (each comes with a detailed step-by-step instruction), ordering a taxi and an already accumulated base of regular customers can rarely step over the 6,000 barrier. But even from this amount, you need to deduct about 15-20% for the payment for the dispatcher's services, fuel (on average, about 1,300 rubles), a car wash (300 rubles) and, possibly, payment for using someone else's car (it is possible from about 1,500 rubles). ... It is physically impossible to increase income, since this amount is considered practically the limit of a taxi driver's daily earnings. It will be possible to save a little on expenses by optimizing them: we are looking for a car with a cheaper lease or we use our own, we find a dispatching company with a lower percentage for services.

Experienced Moscow taxi drivers argue that earning pure money for a 12-hour shift will be a maximum of 2-2.5 thousand rubles. It is almost impossible to achieve more than 30% of your net income from your daily earnings. Opening your taxi in Moscow is profitable only if you have some investments that will make it possible to buy or rent good cars, launch a powerful advertising campaign, implement a marketing strategy and not get lost among competitors, of which there are a lot in the million-plus city. Many aspiring entrepreneurs with medium investments are interested in the answer to the question: from scratch? In addition to organizing a taxi, there are many interesting options: custom-made furniture, opening your own bakery or pastry shop, cheese dairy, home brewery, etc.

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It is not very difficult to organize the work of your taxi. It can be launched in a relatively short time. But besides the availability of skilled workers and good cars it is important to first create a concept for the development of the business, otherwise it simply will not withstand competition and will not create a positive reputation. It is also very important to develop a strategy for retaining and attracting customers, to ensure the effectiveness of advertising, the quality of work. Weighing the pros and cons, opening a taxi cannot be named. Opening it from scratch and investing resources, time is worth only if the service is relevant, positive financial calculations, the presence of certain experience that will help build a customer base, withstand competition and not incur large financial losses at the start.

In contact with

Starting a business in small town requires a particularly careful approach to choosing a business idea that will work in it. The most useful, creative idea that would be in demand in a metropolis, in a small city has a very big chance fail despite active customer acquisition. However, this does not mean that a business in a small town will most likely not be successful: small towns have their pros and cons for business, in addition, there is a certain number of ideas that will most likely work in a small town.


The small size of the city means that when starting a business, the founder will face the following problems:

1.few consumers - thus, it makes no sense to open, for example, a highly specialized store (cosmetics self made etc.).

2. few highly qualified workers. The most qualified personnel work in the capital or in regional centers. Whatever salary you offer, people will not be able to work better than they can.

3. small city - a space where everyone knows everyone. Therefore, if someone starts a rumor that they have poisoned themselves in your cafe, half the city will definitely not enter it. On the other hand, this is also a plus, since rumors about a new good establishment will spread quickly. labor. In general, salaries in small towns are lower than in large ones, so personnel costs are lower.

2. low prices for rental of premises.

3. the lack of successful companies that have proven themselves in the market. It would be quite a profitable solution to open an inexpensive one in a city where Pyaterochka has not yet arrived and where, in principle, there is little or no.

All these advantages will allow you to start with a relatively small start-up capital.

Those who decide in will have to say goodbye to the ideas of opening highly specialized establishments. As much as you would like to open a fitness center for women, where you could do aerobics, yoga and Pilates, in a small town it is unlikely to work. It's easier not to invent needs, but to find unsatisfied ones, of which there are a lot.

To find such a need, look at cities, newspapers with ads, just walk around the city. What do its inhabitants need? It will be enough to single out at least five unmet needs, and then choose the one that is easier and more interesting for you to satisfy.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the city. If it is located near the regional center, then you can provide its residents with the same services that are provided in the regional center, but cheaper. Thus, you will attract customers from the regional center - they will drive to you to save money. If the city is located in an environmentally friendly place, and elite cottage settlements are being built next to it, then you can safely open it, preferably with the "food for" service: the residents of these settlements will certainly drop by your place.


  • how to open your own business in a small town

Today services Taxi are in demand in almost any city. Ride on Taxi often saves time and money. If you are tired of doing private cabbies yourself, and you want to put passenger transportation on a professional and legal basis, open a service Taxi... Organizing the work of such a company begins with drawing up a detailed business plan.


Determine the type of service that you intend to organize. The best option in terms of budget, there will be a service Taxi targeted at the average consumer. At the first stage, the creation of a “luxury” category with a specially selected assortment will be impractical.

Register the company legally by choosing the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. This can be, for example, an enterprise or a company with limited liability... Consider each of the options to take into account, in particular, all the intricacies of taxation.

Estimate the need for transport and employees. For full-fledged work, you will need your own car park (at least half of the total number of cars), as well as drivers with their cars. In the future, subject to stable profits, the number of cars can be increased.

Create an algorithm for the operation of the service Taxi... It will be approximately as follows: - the client contacts the service using the contact phone number;
- the dispatcher records the contact and coordinates of the client;
- the dispatcher transmits the data to the driver who is the closest to the required address;
- the driver takes the client to the destination and receives payment for the service provided.

Purchase the necessary equipment to run the service Taxi... You will need cars, taximeters, radio stations. Additional technical elements include: tracking system, navigation devices, software on the central computer. You can purchase these devices later, when it starts to bring tangible profits.

Calculate financial indicators and determine the approximate payback period of the service Taxi... If you have a fleet of your own cars, it will take you about one and a half years to get your investment back. If you start by renting vehicles and hiring drivers with private cars, the payback period of the project will be significantly shorter.

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Is a person who has been registered with the tax authorities in order to carry out entrepreneurial activities without legal education. By choosing this organizational and legal form, you simplify tax and accounting, and you will also pay taxes at reduced rates. But there are also disadvantages here: not every serious organization wants to cooperate with an individual entrepreneur. Still, how to open an IP?

Even in the smallest city there is always a need to use transport services. One of the methods of transportation in this case is a taxi, which, although it regularly rises in price, nevertheless remains in demand by the population. The success of this direction can be judged even by the number of companies that are engaged in individual transportation of citizens despite fierce competition. So: how to open your own taxi from scratch, it will be interesting to know to everyone who is thinking of succeeding in this business.

Enterprise organization options

The principle of the taxi service is extremely simple - the client submits an application for the need to move around the city in the indicated direction, the dispatcher accepts this application and transfers it to the free driver. But such simplicity at first glance is quite deceiving, especially for those who have never gone into the specifics of the internal organization of such a company.

It is important to note that there can be several options for organizing this case:

  • work on your own car after obtaining the necessary permits;
  • intermediary services between the client and the driver;
  • full service with its own cars and dispatching service.

The most cost-effective is, of course, last option, although it will require significant investments already at the initial stage.

Experts recommend that beginners nevertheless dwell on the second way of organizing affairs. In essence, it is not much different from the previous one, but it does not require hiring drivers in the state, paying them wages, and investments will be required an order of magnitude less.

Business legalization

It all starts, of course, with the preparation of the documents necessary for the conduct of business. Registration of your business will be the key to the smooth operation of the enterprise. For starters, you can get by with the usual individual entrepreneurship. But most often an LLC or CJSC is used to organize a taxi business. The latter form is best chosen when you are going to deploy a large-scale business with a large fleet of vehicles.

The next step is to obtain a license to carry passengers. But they will be able to issue it to you only after certain requirements are met:

  • cars will be equipped properly - checkers, lanterns, taximeters;
  • drivers must undergo a medical examination, have a license and driving experience;
  • every vehicle must undergo a technical inspection. To do this, it is necessary to conclude a contract with the service station for scheduled maintenance;
  • prepared parking for cars in the form of a garage or boxes;
  • equipped office space.

A prerequisite for obtaining a license is the presence of at least two vehicles in your taxi fleet. If there are no opportunities for such expensive acquisitions, then you can hire drivers with their own cars, but you will have to help them get an individual license.

What else is needed

Do not forget that a taxi service is not only about cars, drivers and dispatchers. In order for the whole mechanism to work, you will have to take care of buying a radio station that will provide communication between drivers and dispatchers.

This installation must certainly be registered at the radio frequency center, after which the service will be able to receive its own wave. In this case, it will be better if you become the owner of three waves at once:

  1. For communication between dispatchers and taxi drivers.
  2. To connect drivers with each other.
  3. Reserve.

In addition, you will need walkie-talkies that can be issued to drivers for a conditional rent, for example, 15 rubles per day. Please note that for work in small cities, experts recommend taking walkie-talkies tuned to the CB frequency, but for megacities, the VHF range is more suitable.


Staff is no less important in the question of how to open a taxi service. Your main support is the drivers, whose qualifications we have already talked about. To help them, they need to select at least two dispatchers. Keep in mind, however, that the more demand your service is, the more operators you should hire per line.

To ensure continuous operation and normal access to your service, you will need a multi-line phone, perhaps even more than one. Moreover, if you have more than three lines at your disposal, it would still be better to purchase a mini-automatic telephone exchange. Do not forget that the easier it is to get through to you, the more chances that you will not lose your customers.


Last but not least on the list is the title. It should be memorable, attractive, in line with your line of work, ideally - reflect your unique offer to customers, if you found it when you started your business.

We equip the office

This is very often neglected by newcomers to the transportation industry. important point, as an office space, and they do it, by the way, in vain. For the first time, it is quite suitable small room in an elevated position to provide a strong radio signal for your station.

At the same time, the part of the city in which the office will be located does not play any role. The main thing is that it is comfortable for the work of your dispatchers. For this, about 25 square meters.

Now let's draw up an approximate cost estimate for staffing the office space:

  • walkie-talkies - SV from 5 thousand rubles, VHF from 25 thousand;
  • 3 tables - 15,000 rubles;
  • 3 chairs - 12,000 rubles;
  • 3 computers with licensed software - 90,000 rubles, software for work automation - 200,000 rubles;
  • telephones - 50,000 rubles;
  • equipping 30 cars - 99,000 rubles.

This model provides for the hiring of drivers with their cars.

If you aim to have your own car fleet, then add the cost of 5 cars to the expenditure part, better of different levels of comfort.

The approximate amount is 8 million rubles.

Route taxi

When planning to take your place in the niche of passenger transportation, do not forget about such a line of business as a route taxi. There are quite a few advantages to this form of organization:

  • additional earnings by placing advertisements in your vehicles;
  • the provision of services for the transportation of excursions;
  • provision of transport for a variety of special events.

The first thing to do is contact the transport department of the area in which you are going to organize your activities. Special requirements are put forward for the cars themselves, which must be brought into proper shape. As for the drivers, they will need the rights of the appropriate category and experience in transporting people.

Please note that you will not be able to join the route without an appropriate license. This is severely punishable by high fines.

To get a route, you will have to contact the city administration, which constantly holds tenders for their distribution. If you want to develop your own route, then you will need to carefully study the city's transport network and propose your project to the authorities. If approved, feel free to proceed with the project.


The main issue in a taxi business plan is the profitability of the business. It is important already at the planning stage to understand that this direction is not the most budgetary one. Therefore, you need to be prepared for significant costs.

In addition to what we have already considered above, it is necessary to add the following costs:

  • assignment of a telephone number - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • registration of a trademark - 6-7 thousand;
  • monthly fee for using radio waves - 10 thousand;
  • dispatchers' salary - 30 thousand;
  • advertising - 50 thousand;
  • rent of a garage and an office - 100 thousand (the amount may vary depending on the locality and area in it).

The average earnings from one car per day is 2.5-3 thousand rubles, respectively, per month - 75-90 thousand (if you work seven days a week). Approximately 30% of this amount remains for the driver, the rest is received by the company. Full payback is achieved in 6-8 months successful running cases.

If you open a service with your own vehicle fleet, then you can wait for a return on your investment no earlier than in 1-2 years. This time will be just enough to promote your service and take a stable position in this niche.

How to open a taxi service: Video

Taxi service is an excellent business option for both a large and a small settlement. With the right approach, the money invested in a taxi pays off in just six months and starts to make a profit. Let's figure it out: how to open a taxi from scratch, and what is needed for this.

Research the market

The first thing you need to do is research the market. Find out if there is a working taxi service in your locality, find out how many trips on average one car makes per day, what average check collects other useful nuances. To do this, you just need to take a ride with a taxi driver and talk to him. You can collect information on city forums or in in social networks- people are happy to share information and advise their favorite services.

Taxi from scratch is a profitable and interesting business

Think over the concept

Most likely, there will already be several operating taxi services in your city. There is no need to be afraid of this. In order to effectively fight the competition, you need to come up with a unique selling proposition. Offer your clients Better conditions: free car delivery, discounts, various promotions. Such proposals may include:

  1. Free kilometers for regular customers.
  2. Delivery of groceries from the store.
  3. Preferential service for events, weddings, corporate events.
  4. VIP transportation.
  5. Children's taxi service or taxi for retirees.
  6. Callback, ordering a car from the website or via SMS.

Think about what else you can offer your customers. It is quite difficult to enter the transportation market, but in order to stay on it, you need really interesting offers.

How to register

Let's decide right away: you will not buy cars and hire drivers. This is not the most The best way... It is much more efficient to work as an intermediary, taking calls from customers and addressing them to free drivers. That is why it will be enough for you to obtain a patent of an ordinary private entrepreneur and provide classic information services.

You can also register individual entrepreneur- in the future, it will be easier for you to pay taxes. Also, be sure to study the Federal Law No. 68, which regulates the activities of taxi services.

Note:this law describes all the requirements for cars, drivers and taxi services, but its requirements in different regions may vary.

Stay tuned for changes and additions to this Federal Law: various changes are regularly made to it. Also, in some cases, you will need to obtain a license for cars. Usually it is drawn up at the local branch of the Ministry of Transport. The procedure is not particularly difficult - you will receive a license for about 5 thousand rubles for 5 years.

You don't need to buy new cars - look for good drivers with vehicles

Obtaining the OKVED code

To open a taxi dispatch service , you will need to get the code of the all-Russian classifier of species economic activity(abbreviated OKVED). In total, it includes 17 categories, of which we are only interested in these items:

  1. 52.61.2. Allows to carry out retail sale various goods and services via the Internet and computer networks.
  2. 63.2. Allows you to engage in auxiliary transport activities.
  3. 72.6. Allows you to carry out various activities related to information technology and computers.
  4. 74.83. This OKVED allows you to provide editorial and secretarial services, as well as translation services.
  5. 92.4. Allows to engage in the activities of news agencies.

You can choose either one of these codes, or write them all, which will somewhat expand your capabilities.