How to get a license for a sewer truck. New business ideas

  • 23.09.2019

There are a number of professions in the world that not only are not popular, but also cause frank "Fu" and "Phi" in many of us. One of these is the work of a sewer. Read a report about harsh men and their difficult working days under the cut.

For a romantic trip with male cesspoolers, we began to prepare in advance. Prudently, clothes were put on, which it is not a pity to spoil, and the meeting itself is scheduled for the afternoon (so as not to return to the office and not to please colleagues with magical amber).

We met with the Bioecology company's sewers near the car loaded with a barrel for the same "working material". The tandem turned out to be of different ages: pensioner Pavel Vasilyevich Sokolov and 20-year-old Sergey Grakovich work together. Grandfather and grandson - we learned about this later. Marafet was not pointed for a long time - they put on vests, rubber boots- and forward, conquer the working peaks.

Toilet mountains and streams...
The "mountains" and "tops" of the sewers periodically have to deal with in the truest sense of the word. Especially in winter, when the contents of dry closets freeze and inevitably increase in volume with the number of visitors. In this state, it is impossible to clear the "hot spot". A conscientious tenant (or the owner of the toilet) puts a heater inside, in other cases, all cases are postponed until spring. And what happens in those days when streams flow is quite predictable ...

Armed with valuable information, we hit the road. Today, all construction sites, parking lots, service stations and other public places are required to have dry closets, so there is more than enough work for sewers. In addition to the state "Spetskommunavtotrans", private traders are also excellent at cleaning toilets. Most often, this is the maintenance of their own rental booths.

We are accompanied by the director of the Bioecology company, which is an example of an amazing career development. Tatyana Grakovich came to this area as a pay toilet cashier. At one point, it turned out that she was the only employee who understood cash registers. And she was temporarily made director. But nothing can be more permanent than temporary.

In contrast to the mostly silent sewers, Tatiana is happy to talk about the intricacies of the toilet business. He warns: "sometimes shit happens from half a wall in the toilet ..." Fortunately, we arrived at a relatively clean place.

Gloves and styrofoam instead of toilet paper
The team works in unison: one spins the hose, the other lowers it inside. You need to support the edge in the toilet all the time until the pump pumps out the liquid. Surprisingly, at a distance of several meters it seemed that we were doing anything but cleaning the toilet. No smell or other surprises. Literally 10 minutes - and it's in the bag (in a barrel). Pavel Vasilyevich patiently twists the hose and complains about the visitors to the booth. He says that often the hose becomes clogged with debris that people thoughtlessly throw into the tank. Tatyana Grakovich explains:

Some of us do not use toilet paper. It's a folk style - it's a "sin" for them... They prefer to use gloves, Styrofoam, whatever, and throw it all into the tank. In addition, they throw bottles, stones, bottles of hawthorn. The fact is that there are pharmacies near some objects, people go to the toilet, drink and "cover their tracks." Of the valuable things, we find only telephones, but, of course, they are no longer working, - the woman laughs.

To clean the hose, it must be "blown", that is, inserted into another hole in the barrel. This, according to Pavel Vasilyevich, is a dirty job, but he "doesn't care anymore." He is retired, and his daughter asked him to earn some money - the same Tatyana Grakovich. Before that, the man worked as a driver all his life.

Vacuum cleaners have fun too
Who exactly we did not expect to meet in the face of a sewer, so this is a young guy. Sergey went to study at the Belarusian National Technical University with a degree in machine technologies for foundry production. But for some reason it didn't work out. As he explains, "you're wasting time in the daytime."

Are you wasting your time here?

Here - as when, even fun happens.

Fun refers to summer corporate parties that the company serves. Pumped out the toilets - and boldly join those who are celebrating. At least some variety.

About such things as "shameful" or "not prestigious", the guy is not worried. According to Sergei, he did not even think about it. He dropped out of school and asked his mother (director Tatyana Grakovich) if it was possible to get a job as a driver for her company. At first he worked part-time on a passenger car, then he replaced workers on a sewer. So I got involved. Friends are normal, there is no girlfriend, there are no plans to change jobs either.

"Come with an article or before the first pay"
Tatyana says that she hired her son and father out of desperation. Finding a person for such a job, according to her, is very difficult.
- Many want a big salary, thinking that there is nothing here. In fact, a person is not fully loaded for days on end (sometimes he is loaded, but sometimes he is not). And for a regular salary (4-5 million), everyone thinks, well, to work with these feces! They think it's incredibly scary until you encounter it. They come with an article or before the first pay. It's actually a lot of fun if you're okay with it.

As for the son's "scavenging career", the answer is simple: "If he doesn't want to study, let him work." In addition, to work as a driver everywhere, experience is required. The mother is not opposed to Sergei getting it here.

"They even tried to steal our car"
We finish the maintenance of the toilet by pouring a special liquid into the tank. It breaks down the contents and eliminates the smell. By the way, the magic mixture works no more than 10 days. If it "smells", it's time to call a vacuum cleaner. We're going to the drain. And in parallel we argue about allowances for harmfulness.

What is the market average pay for such work?

From 8 to 10 million promise. But it depends on production. If there are few applications, of course, they don't get that kind of money. In the summer, we have a good load, the vacuum trucks leave every day, then there are bonuses. And in winter, due to frozen cabins, there are sometimes downtimes.

In the car, the contents, by the way, can also freeze. Therefore, in very coldy you have to go to the drain almost every 2-3 booths so as not to leave a drop of wealth in the tank. After all, once they seriously coveted him! Pavel Vasilievich still remembers this incident with a smile.

Two drunk Shuriks came at 4 in the morning, opened the door and wanted to start it, but they couldn't. Then they said that they were cold, they wanted to warm up inside and drink beer.

Toilet jacuzzi
Interestingly, there is no smell in the car either. According to the director, we have never seen really dirty work! When the lease expires, the toilet cubicles need to be cleaned. And they are washed most often by students. For a small fee.

And now, being absolutely sure that the sewer operator is not such an unpleasant profession, we get to the drain. We are immediately warned to move away. Bad things can happen at any moment.

The "mistress" of the territory, pensioner Tatyana Karabanyuk, confesses:

Do you want to know how it happens? Everything s *** but shurnulo from the barrel! From this hose! Fountain up, he's under pressure. I just ran away in time. These hoses are no joke!

Tatyana Alexandrovna says that she is already used to everything. And at first, when I got a job, I would come home for a week and cry. But in her character - not to retreat, even in front of a strong stench.

It's good that I washed the territory, the territory is clean. And sometimes something will pour out ... The smell is worth it!

When money really doesn't smell
A colleague in the shop, a cesspool operator Valera (from another private company), finishes draining his goods. He laughs, tells what happened! And somehow it was completely flooded with feces. He shook himself off and went on to the base to wash. Having rolled up his sleeves, he has been working for more than two years. Before that, he was a simple driver, but here they offered a good salary - from 9 million. He says that he is satisfied so far, but does not want to think about the future. The wife believes that "money does not smell." Friends also seem to understand, in any case, they do not express their "fi" in the eyes.

Is there a smell?

Of course have. But I don't feel it anymore. Just finished work - immediately wash. In general, the most difficult thing for us is the weather conditions. Constantly wet feet, runny nose, snow, cold, dirt…

And even during such confessions, Valera does not stop smiling. “It was covered with shit from head to toe, isn’t it funny?”, the toilet masters throw jokes and move forward for a new portion of waste. And we were worried in vain: as a result of the shooting, there was no smell. Or maybe just got used to it?

The sewer machine as a business is a profitable business that not many people think about. AT skillful hands it makes good money. Moreover, the organization of this type of business will require a small initial capital, which is quite important for start-up entrepreneurs.

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Where to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Relationship with traffic police

A little competition and profitability make this business more attractive. Previously, the specifics of the work repelled businessmen, as it is associated with cleaning work and waste. But now it is gaining popularity due to the fact that it brings a good income.

Advantages and disadvantages

A cesspool machine is a special technique with which they clean different rooms with various types waste (faeces). Many entrepreneurs refuse to organize this kind of business, due to their squeamishness. Others believe that it is not prestigious, so they do not pay attention to the opportunity to earn decent money in this area.

The advantages of sewage services include big income in the private sectors and . Various establishments, private houses, sanatoriums need cleaning sewer pipes and septic tanks. This is especially true in summer time of the year.

The owners of sewage trucks claim that there is always work. And in one working day you can get a decent income (from two thousand rubles).

Unpleasant odor during cleaning can be eliminated with hygiene products. Therefore, a novice businessman should not have a dislike for this type of activity.

All modern sewer trucks are equipped with special devices helping to easily clean the septic tank or sewer without getting dirty.

  • low level of competition;
  • profitability.
  • large initial costs organization and purchase of equipment;
  • not the “cleanest” job (unpleasant smells).

Where to start a business?

Private houses, sanatoriums - they all need sewage services (according to statistics, at least 45 million rooms).

Before starting activities, you need to indicate in which places you will clean:

  • pools;
  • basements;
  • dry closets;
  • wells (faecal);
  • settling tanks;
  • sewers;
  • pits (cesspools);
  • septic tanks.

The summer period is the most profitable for those who provide sewage services. This is due to the fact that establishments that operate in the summer have dry closets that need to be cleaned.

How to choose equipment?

The sewage business involves the purchase of special equipment, in particular, a special machine. With the help of it, sewage is pumped out, transported and disposed of. The machine must contain:

  • tank (necessarily sealed);
  • pump (vacuum and high power);
  • a hose that provides the intake of wastewater.

Better buy first sewer truck instead of renting it. Naturally, if there is no money to buy good equipment, then it is worth renting it than using a low-quality machine. Rent will cost about 1000-1500 thousand rubles. per day.

Multifunctional models are produced in Korea. Their cars cost about 2-3 million rubles.

Japanese models are also valued on the market. They are practical, as diesel. During the pumping process, fuel is not wasted, which also saves money. In addition, Japanese models are equipped with convenient hoses that fold automatically. If necessary, you can install a hose with a length of 100 meters. These machines are durable as the tank is galvanized inside.

The convenience also lies in the fact that the worker can monitor how full the tank is with the help of a measuring window built into the tank. The difference from Russian-made machines is the presence of a cooling and lubrication system at the pump. The cost of the Japanese model with an 11-cc tank is about five million rubles.

If there is no such money, then you can buy more cheap option domestic production or used Japanese model. This will cost one to one and a half million rubles.

There is another option to get such a technique - you can try to win a lot with such a technique with a discount of up to 90%!

Things to consider when choosing a car:

  1. Before you buy a vehicle (vacuum truck), pay attention to fuel consumption. Diesel-powered vehicles initially cost more than gasoline-powered vehicles, but they are more economical.
  2. Give preference to those units that have a large volume of capacity if you plan to clean septic tanks.

GAZ 3307 is considered a good model. It is perfect for cleaning sewers in large Soviet-era buildings. But this vehicle will not cope with a four-cube septic tank, which must be pumped out in one go. A used version costs about 200 thousand rubles. But do not forget about an additional set of equipment, the price of which is approximately 150 thousand rubles.

If you plan to work in cottage settlements, then purchase a KAMAZ 4308 car.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Before starting work, you need to draw up all the documents necessary for legal activities. The most important thing is to get permission to drain sewage. After all, without this document, you will not be able to carry out activities. If you dump waste in a place not intended for this, you can get a big fine.

To obtain a permit, you need to contact the housing and communal services. Its cost depends on the regional location of the business. Usually the monthly fee is two to five thousand rubles.

Naturally, you can not do without registering a business. A control form based on . It is better to choose UTII as a system for paying tax liabilities.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To provide sewage services, you need to purchase equipment, the cost of which depends on the country of manufacture and condition. New Japanese-made equipment - at least four to five million rubles.

Korean model - about two million rubles. Domestic car - within one million rubles. A used Russian-made version is about five hundred thousand (depending on condition).

How much can you earn?

An entrepreneur can choose how to make money on sewage services. The first way is to purchase specialized equipment (machines) and rent it out. You can also buy several cars at once and rent them out for temporary use, but this requires large investments. The second way is to pump out wastewater on your own equipment personally or with the help of a driver.

What affects the prices of services:

  • workload;
  • type and place of pumping;
  • regional location of the business.

The approximate cost for pumping out the pit (four cubic meters) is within five hundred to a thousand rubles. If the place where you need to pump out wastewater is outside the settlements, then the price for services will increase depending on the mileage.

Calculating the approximate income is easy. To do this, you need to take into account the fact that residents of one private house order a sewer about once every three months. If there are a large number of houses (more than 1000), the revenue increases. Of course, not all people will use your services, but some part will still resort to your help. Let's take an average of 300 clients (per month). It turns out that annually you can make 3600 cleanings. If the price for one trip is approximately 700 rubles, then you will be able to receive about 2.5 million rubles. in year. This is an ideal option, but with a lot of competition, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve such results, since there will be much fewer potential customers.

What else can you earn today? The real estate rental business has always brought good profits. If you have an empty house or apartment, you can start now, if not, learn how to make money on real estate investmentand put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Relationship with traffic police

Road inspectors rarely slow down sewer trucks. This is due to the fact that they do not see a threat in the contents that these vehicles transport. The psychological side also plays a role here. People in uniform do not want to check the documents for the car with the drivers of such cars.

Since competition in this area is not yet fully developed, this business is attractive and profitable. Do not hesitate to open your own sewer and other wastewater treatment plant.

Do you know how much you can earn by investing in cars? If not, then look at profitable investment in cars and learn how to make 1600% on renting an ordinary car.

According to official statistics in the post-Soviet space (with the exception of the Baltic countries), over 50% of private households do not have a centralized water disposal and sewerage system. Only every third house has a centralized sewerage system, and a sewer business can bring significant income to an entrepreneur if there is an effective system of interaction with landfills for the disposal of solid waste (liquid household waste). They say that money doesn't smell, but the dirtiest business, in the truest sense of the word, can bring substantial income to an entrepreneur, and official data will show you how much sewers earn from their business.

Business options

We bring to your attention to consider two options for a business on a sewage machine:

  • Option One. Official purchase of a sewage truck or through leasing, followed by leasing. An excellent option would be to purchase special equipment for a sewer truck on the GAZ-53 chassis with an existing tank volume of 3.8 m3, the cost of a sewer truck can pay off in about 5-6 months.

  • Option Two. The provision of a service, that is, you are both the owner of the special equipment and the direct driver - operator, while you can significantly save on the salary of an outside sewer.

“We recommend to issue an IP ( individual entrepreneur). Otherwise supervisory authorities may reveal the illegality of actions on your machine, as a result of which you may be subject to punishment, in the form of a fine and even seizure of property. If you have a large fleet of vehicles, then the best option would be to register an OO. If there are only 1-3 cars, then you can issue an IP.

What is the financial component of the business?

In order to dot the " i"It is necessary to understand whether it is beneficial to have a sewer machine as a whole. Considering the specific situation in Russia, the average cost of pumping cesspool or a technological well will cost you about 1 thousand rubles per cubic meter. You can not only pump out sewage, but according to the current request of the client, produce:

  • Production fence and removal to the site of RW or MSW of process slags;
  • Cleaning of drainage wells from dirt;
  • Exemption from zhbo pits and trenches;
  • Cleaning of reservoirs, small ponds;
  • Removal of accumulated dirt and liquid from tanks, industrial containers;
  • Cleaning of production sites for settling tanks;
  • Removal of solid waste for dry closets;
  • Pumping of industrial effluents for car service stations and car washes, etc.

As you can see, you can order a vacuum cleaner for various tasks and production purposes. The customers are public utilities, individuals, large enterprises and government agencies. In general, your customers will be enterprises and organizations for which it will be necessary to provide reporting documents, and therefore, registration of an entrepreneurship or small business will be required.

The first steps of entrepreneurship

On the website of the online magazine "On special equipment", you can find detailed information about technical capabilities. Here you will find interesting information about what opportunities special equipment has in order to properly build your business, and to clarify how much a sewage machine costs.

Imagine a situation that you are an entrepreneur, you have an official IP. If you have promoted advertising properly, then you will have at least 10 trips per day. When compiling and calculating a business plan for a vacuum truck, it will be more profitable for us at first to buy special equipment in the secondary market. The average cost of such a car will cost you 500 thousand rubles. The average statistics of one cesspool is about 3 cubic meters. Let's calculate the average order of a sewage truck:

  • Calculation of 1 cesspool X volume of cesspool X approximate cost of 1 thousand rubles X 10 trips based on 1 day. As a result, you will receive 30 thousand rubles of daily revenue.
  • We work about 20 days a month. 20 days 30 thousand daily income = Monthly income 600 thousand rubles.

At first glance, it will seem to you that you will win back the money in 1 month of work. But, you need to remember, since you are an entrepreneur, then you will have to monthly “unfasten” tribute to the state in the form of taxes and payment of all expenses, the same Pension Fund, social security fund. In addition, you will spend money on fuel and lubricants, wages for the driver, and you may have to carry out technological repair cars. In some regions of the CIS countries, a mandatory payment for a license for the export of solid waste has been introduced. According to the most conservative calculations, your car should pay for itself in about 5-6 months. Where sewers dump waste, you can find out only in local administrations. As a rule, your city administration has a department for ecology, which conducts supervisory activities for the disposal of liquid and solid household waste. The local supervisory authority issues you a license to carry out work, and you can clarify the information where to drain the waste from the sewage truck.

Do new entrepreneurs make mistakes?

In order to figure out how much it costs to call a sewage truck, you need to take into account the infrastructure of your city and region. If your city has a population of, say, approximately 55,000 people, then having 2 cars for the whole city, of course, cannot satisfy the demand. This gives grounds to expect that you will have a queue, and you will have to “plow” almost every day. Having ordered a service once, the client will turn to you for help.

No need to "refuse" the client due to workload. Do a little trick, and these recommendations will be useful to you:

  • Work seven days a week, you can attract additional labor to work;
  • Always remove the cesspool to the bottom, that is, not only liquid, but sediment at the bottom;
  • For regular customers, develop an individual cooperation program;
  • Under no circumstances say no, otherwise customers will turn away from you, and the initiative will pass into other hands.

If you are still unable to cope with the work due to a lack of special equipment, consider buying a second or third machine. Your business needs to grow despite the complexity of the sewer truck demand. And lastly, do not forget that sewage trucks pass through a special category of the Rules of the Road. Contact the local traffic police and check the operating conditions of the machine, as well as which signal systems should be used for special equipment. But, there is one plus of interaction with the police, given the specific style of work, not every traffic cop wants to slow down an “unclean” car that emits a characteristic distracting smell. At the same time, in your business, do not forget about supervisory organizations that like to “nightmare” any kind of business.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

A business based on serving individuals and businesses can be very profitable. If we consider sewage services, it turns out that such an unattractive type of entrepreneurship at first glance can bring a lot of money to the organizer. There is always a demand for such services, it fluctuates slightly, which means that stability and not too high a risk level can be expected. However, in any city there are already companies that are already engaged in such activities, so a newcomer will have to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time in order to take their place in the market. But at the same time, you should not think that there is no chance to start your own business if several competing companies are already operating, because not every one of them offers a full range of services, and not every company performs its duties with high quality at the best prices. That is, having studied the market, you can understand your possible weaknesses and strengths.

In order to get started, you need to contact the local tax office, where you need to register a business entity. Formally, the activity of a sewer falls under the definition of other services for the population, but in the process of work, one will have to somehow deal with the disposal of the collected waste. And here a rare enterprise has the ability to neutralize such substances, to work in this direction you will have to spend a lot of effort and money on registration and obtaining licenses, you will need to obtain permits for the operation of the site where the burials will take place, so it is advisable to simply contact a third-party company, who will be doing this work. That is, to find an outsourcer for this business process. Therefore, after completing all the bureaucratic procedures, it is worth finding a company that is ready to accept waste for disposal and conclude a permanent service agreement with it. The cost of services is usually not too high, especially if you contact the public service, usually with long-term cooperation you can even count on a symbolic price, since such enterprises accept waste from all firms and individuals. In connection with local waste management programs, permission can be obtained for mediation services for disposal harmful substances from the site. For example, the cost of the contract per year will be no more than 10 thousand rubles, usually even an order of magnitude less - 2-3 thousand rubles, depending on the region. When the contract with the company is concluded, you can contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (also known as the Ministry of Natural Resources). There, on the basis of the capacities at the disposal of the entrepreneur and, most importantly, the concluded agreement with the municipal service, a permit for the removal of waste will be issued. Note that the process of waste disposal does not affect the entrepreneur himself - his car arrives at the disposal enterprise, dumps the collected waste and leaves the territory - this is where her mission ends.

When all issues are resolved, you can finally start looking for a place to work. Here it should be noted that it does not always make sense to have your own office, because customers order a car that just arrives at the place, it is unlikely that any negotiations will have to be carried out, only if there are no orders for constant service from any large enterprises. That is, you can rent an office somewhere in an inexpensive quarter of the city, where employees dealing with administrative and organizational issues will work. However, at first you can do without your office. On the other hand, if you open a large enterprise that contains a large number of special vehicles and offers its customers a variety of services, then you will need to find a site where you can build a car service station and garages. Much here, of course, depends on certain factors, but since we are considering the option of opening a small company that has one car, we will focus on renting a small office somewhere in a residential area. Here you have to count on an amount of about 500 thousand rubles for one square meter area, that is, a small office of 20 m 2 will cost 10 thousand rubles. Another 50-100 thousand will need to be spent on furniture and appliances.

Next important point is the purchase of equipment. The most important thing is the purchase of a car, which is designed for pumping wastewater. Finding such a transport, in general, is not a problem, today there are many offers both from manufacturers who offer new vehicles, and from previous users who offer used equipment. A businessman chooses what is more important for him - savings or the quality of his transport, it is clear that new cars are under warranty service, and there should be no problems with them for the first few years of working, while, when purchasing equipment that has already been in operation, the buyer runs the risk of service problems. The cost of a car can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and year of manufacture. The minimum price is about 600-700 thousand rubles, but the average amount for a good car is one and a half million rubles. Good transport is sold at a price of more than 3 million rubles. Additionally, you need to buy the tank itself, into which waste will be collected, as well as small equipment for cleaning pipes and servicing drainage systems. The cost of a tank starts from 100 thousand rubles - this is for a typical volume of 10 cubic meters, there are both smaller and larger products, so here the entrepreneur chooses exactly the equipment that suits him in terms of the format of work. As a result, a fully equipped car will cost 200 thousand rubles - that is, along with the cost of medium transport, the entrepreneur will have to allocate 1.7 million. It is also worth noting that this is the cost of a simple sewage machine that pumps waste from private small plots; for example, a sludge suction machine, which is designed for more complex cleaning, costs significantly more if you take into account its complete set. However, such transport may be needed in case of development own business, that is, at first, it is not required to purchase such installations. But later, when the client base has been built up and the entrepreneur has earned a positive reputation, the purchase of such equipment will become a new stage in the development of his own enterprise. Even then, it is worth thinking about opening your own car fleet with service. It must be said that it does not always make sense to immediately buy a large volume tank, because at first customers are unlikely to make large orders, and a large tank is high costs for content. Therefore, many start with a car that can pump out no more than 5 cubic meters of waste at a time. The cost of a tank for 3-4 cubic meters is 50-70 thousand rubles. Hence the principle of pricing - the calculation of how much waste was pumped out is not made, the customer pays for the call itself; Many companies charge hourly rates. And here a small car can, due to the fact that it costs the entrepreneur cheaper in its maintenance, not cost so much per hour for the client. Thus, the client orders a car for his site, the specialists come and carry out the procedure within a relatively short time.

Further, for work, you need to find employees who are ready to deal with such an unpleasant business. Be that as it may, there are not too many people who want to work in this area, hence the relatively high level wages. 2 people come to a standard call, one of whom is also a transport driver. The salary level of each employee is from 30 thousand rubles, they also receive some small percentage of each order, so that in the end their salary is at least 50 thousand. Of course, depending on the region, these figures may vary, but the average level is as follows. Ideally, you need to have 4 employees so that you can work on any day of the week, but usually at first, during the development of your company, there are not too many orders, so employees can only go to work as needed. Subsequently, it will be possible to understaff. In addition to these specialists, it is necessary to recruit administrative staff who work with clients and organize processes. In general, at first, again, there is no critical need for such workers, and the entrepreneur or founders can independently deal with all these issues. At the same time, all business processes that are not related to making a profit by the organization can be outsourced. The most striking example is bookkeeping, because hiring a full-time accountant will cost a considerable amount every month, but outsourcers are unlikely to require more than 5 thousand rubles a month with this format of activity. If we take into account two office workers, then they will have to allocate a maximum of 25 thousand rubles for a salary - that is, another 50 thousand.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Now we need to dwell in more detail on the principle of organizing a business. Waste service services, in its essence, is a whole range of activities, and the company can offer its customers a comprehensive service for sewerage systems. However, the simplest thing is just pumping out wastewater, and this is what a start-up company is doing. Developing, you can switch to pipeline cleaning services, repair them, install septic tanks and change them. It is rare that you will have to stay at an average site for more than an hour, but you also need to calculate the time it will take to travel there and back, as well as to dump waste. Thus, one machine cannot fulfill too many orders per day, even 5-7 orders per day is quite a lot. The productivity of an average car is 3 cubic meters per hour, it takes at least another hour to get to the place of call and return back. If a small tank was bought, then with private orders, you will have to go to the waste disposal point almost daily. Larger vehicles can work on a slightly tighter schedule, so the daily income from them can be quite good.

Let's calculate the starting capital:

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles (legal entity).

    Waste disposal agreement for a year - 10 thousand rubles.

    Office rent for six months and equipment - 110 thousand rubles.

    Buying a car - 1.5 million.

    Sewage tank and equipment - 200 thousand rubles.

  • Wage- from 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million 940 thousand rubles, rounded can be taken equal to 2 million.

Savings can be achieved by buying used equipment. The amount of monthly expenses is 110-120 thousand rubles (including outsourcing services and office rent). The cost of one call starts at about 500 rubles, and this is only if a small car is called. Since there is no difference in how much waste was collected by the machine, the entrepreneur always receives a fixed amount from one order. At the same time, large cars (that is, with a tank of more than 5 cubic meters) are already more expensive - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles per call or hour of work. At the same time, you need to understand that more than half of this amount goes to cover expenses, because you need to pay for fuel for the car. And, in fact, some more part goes to the workers themselves. So to cover your expenses you have to take on a large number of orders; so, if even only 2 people work at the enterprise, then with an order value of 2 thousand rubles (the average indicator is taken into account - that is, at some objects it is possible to earn more due to the duration of work) you need at least three orders per day (taking into account the five-day working week) to fulfill to cover their expenses. If you fulfill 4 orders on average per day, then the income will be 176 thousand rubles, and the operating profit will be 56 thousand rubles. Net profit after taxes - 47.6 thousand rubles per month (according to the simplified taxation system). Be that as it may, it will hardly be possible to classify this business as an entrepreneurship with too high profitability rates (in our example, no more than 30%). The payback period of such a project also cannot be called short - from 3 years, subject to the purchase of good equipment. But there are development prospects here, and with a successful organization, it will be possible after a considerable time, but to count on a good profit.

Matthias Laudanum
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The search for a new business idea often limits the entrepreneur's thinking to selling a common product, providing a typical service, or manufacturing a standard product. Real commercial success is achieved by people with an atypical vision of the market and consumer needs. Creating a new segment, rather than expanding existing niches. Suffice it to recall the first travel agency opened by the legendary Thomas Cook in 1841, or the first fast food store launched in Kansas in 1921. The companies that pioneered the industry did not follow the trends of the market, but created market segments on their own, ahead of understanding the needs. These segments include the sewage business.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:from 19 thousand dollars
Relevant for cities with a population:from 20 thousand people
Situation in the industry:average competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 10-14 months

Business Relevance

The profession of a goldsmith - the so-called sewage cleaners - has existed for a long time. Until the beginning of the Great Industrial Revolution, cities were not equipped with sewage systems, sewage was poured directly onto the streets. Vacuum cleaners offered the residents of the settlements a service that they did not know was necessary, although there was a demand: it remained to offer such a service. Thus, from ancient times until the beginning of the 20th century, sewers replaced the lack of sewage, limiting the spread of sewage.

In today's time, the functions of the raker have not changed much, except that the range has expanded. Vacuum trucks are also needed where there is no centralized sewerage, in addition, former gold miners perform work on cleaning pipelines, tanks of various kinds. Cleaning works are carried out for:

  • construction, repair companies;
  • owners of dry closets, public closets;
  • public utilities serving pipelines;
  • residents of the private sector;
  • municipal contractors responsible for infrastructure operation.

The demand for the services of a vacuum cleaner is noted where private households predominate, and in major cities pierced by pipelines along and across. The economic component also speaks in favor of the choice of this direction: works related to recycling services imply greater freedom for the entrepreneur in determining tariffs.

Consequently, the risks of conducting operations are minimized, and the impact on the final profit is increased. No wonder there are rumors that buyers and processors of waste paper, plastic, glass work with a profitability exceeding 100-200 per annum. Such figures are often true.

Types of sewage services

Availability necessary equipment involves the implementation of a wide range of works, including:

  • pumping, removal, disposal of sewers;
  • cleaning of dry closets, pumping out sewage;
  • cleaning of cesspools, drains of automatic car washes, pits, garages;
  • pumping out wells;
  • elimination of blockages of pipelines, cleaning of pipes;
  • storm drain cleaning.

The expediency of acquiring equipment directly depends on factors such as: the location of the contracting company, the existence of contractual relationships, the competitive environment. A small company can deal exclusively with pumping, disposal of cesspools in countryside, a large firm offers comprehensive services, covering the maximum range of works.

Business organization

Even with the seeming attractiveness, ease of doing a new business, a business plan is needed that takes into account the characteristics of a particular market, the risks commercial activities, the presence of competitors with a description of the services of the latter. There is no reason to offer dry closet service to a village with a population of 10-20 thousand people. As well as a multi-storey microdistrict, there is no need to clean cesspools. Market analysis will determine the degree of demand for works from a potential audience.

The principal factor is that sewage disposal services are often traditionally provided by state-owned enterprises, which is a big plus for a private entrepreneur. Municipal contractors are characterized by low speed of work, quality of service, workers of such institutions are often unsociable, untidy, poorly educated. For a businessman, such qualities are additional chances in the conduct of competition.

An entrepreneur who has not worked in this segment before, who does not fully understand the nuances of the case, can start with a simple one - servicing private households to clean cesspools. Preliminary research, market analysis includes the following stages:

  1. Identification of the market volume. According to statistics, a person generates 1.3 cubic meters. m of sewage monthly. With an average size of a private household of 2.6 people, a cesspool truck makes a fence 5.07 cubic meters septic tank with a one and a half month intervals. The average market value of one fence for the minimum threshold for entering the business requires the presence of 90 houses in need of cleaning services.
  2. Description of the competitive environment. The entrepreneur is obliged to know the competitors "by sight": to study the technique for certain, competitive advantages, service cost. In this type of commerce, information about competitors is a key factor that will allow you to properly organize the business.
  3. Carrying out zoning. The settlement consists of administrative territories that differ in the number of households, accessibility, coverage of competitors. It is advisable to cover the area where the least competitive resistance is determined, the largest number interested consumers.
  4. Registration. Despite the relative simplicity of the sewage business, the preparation of the necessary documentation often takes a lot of time.
  5. Conclusion of contracts. The stage includes two dependent areas: the entrepreneur needs a contract for the discharge of septic tanks with treatment organizations, as well as contracts with households - consumers of the service. Activity is not possible in the absence of one or the other type of contracts.
  6. Acquisition of technology. The equipment is purchased after the businessman has signed contracts with service consumers, sewage processors. The most costly stage, so by this time the risks of doing business are minimized.
  7. Hiring staff. Despite the simplicity, it is recommended to take responsibility for concluding an employment contract with the driver-operator of a sewage truck. Professional, communication qualities of an employee directly affect the result.

Necessary equipment and car park

It is difficult to choose a car for a reason a large number proposals for new and previously used technology. The range of offers is from 2-3 to several tens of thousands of USD. Therefore, they approach the choice of the main means of labor carefully and measuredly. As the first vacuum truck, a used vacuum truck with a good technical condition. When choosing, purchasing a machine, attention is drawn to the quality characteristics:

  • tank capacity. At least 6 cu. m, since one exit involves the collection of at least 5.07 cubic meters of sewage. Most vehicles are equipped with 8.5-9 m 3 tanks. A tank with a capacity of 11-12 cubic meters will allow two samplings, thus saving time, increasing efficiency.
  • Fuel consumption. Less is better.
  • Condition, productivity of the vacuum pump. Along with having a car, from performance installed pump depends on the speed and quality of work. Pump with a productivity of 400-500 cubic meters. m / h will fill the tank in 5-10 minutes.
  • The length of the sleeve. The accessibility of the cesspool is often limited by terrain features, so the minimum length of the hose is 15 meters. Old models of vacuum trucks are equipped with hoses 6-8 meters long, such sleeves must be replaced or additionally equipped.
  • Availability of a guarantee. After buying a used car, there are often hidden defects, a guarantee agreement with the obligation to return funds will minimize the risks. New cars come with a 2-3 year warranty by default.


It is possible that in the process of searching for contractors, a businessman will face difficulties, the nature of which is the moral and ethical aspect of the profession. The profession of a vacuum cleaner is not prestigious; the operator of a vacuum cleaner has specific requirements for personal hygiene. The advantage of the profession is the combination of the position of a driver and an operator of a pumping unit. Due to this, the entrepreneur saves financial resources when hiring a performer, while the latter receives a higher salary than when dividing posts.

At the initial stage, it is allowed to attract one hired worker with a category C driver's license (trucks weighing over 7.5 tons). The operator is instructed in safety precautions when working with pumping equipment. In a competitive environment, the employee possesses the qualities that distinguish the operator from colleagues: eye-catching uniform, communication skills, professionalism.

Business registration

The specifics of the sewage business does not imply stages that make registration difficult: such activities are not licensed, doing business does not entail obtaining additional permits. The mandatory requirements of entrepreneurial activity include permissions from Rospotrebnadzor, fire control authorities. Additionally, for a private entrepreneur - registration of just such a subject is appropriate - it is necessary to issue:

  • permission from the local government. Sewage merges into the central distribution collector, which is under the jurisdiction of the district municipality or housing and communal services.
  • Waste Disposal Agreement. Under such a contract, sewage is merged, the entrepreneur pays for the service according to the agreed tariff.
  • Labor contract with the driver-operator of the sewer. The businessman is responsible for the life and health of the hired worker during work shift. The labor contract regulates the parties of interaction between the employer and the worker.
  • Contracts for the rental or leasing of equipment, storage of equipment. In some cases, relevant agreements are concluded with the seller of the car, the operator of the garage or overnight parking.

Business costs and payback

Now about the main thing: what start-up capital is needed for a novice entrepreneur, what result should be hoped for after a calendar month. The main cost part when entering the sewage business is the purchase of a special car. good option will be buying a used car. For example, a DAF CF cistern equipped with a 12 m 3 tank and a 460 cubic meters pump. m/hour. The cost side looks like this:

  • registration of a business entity: $200;
  • purchase of equipment: $15,000;
  • additional equipment, car painting: $2.000;
  • marketing, advertising expenses: $300;
  • salary: $600;
  • other expense items: $900.

The comfortable entry threshold is $19,000. The purchase of an inexpensive car for $2,000-5,000 can reduce the participation limit in a business, but the risks of doing business with this approach are multiply commensurate. As noted, the minimum number of households for monthly service is 60 units - this number of customers will provide a break-even point.

For a profitable business, a vacuum truck serves 180 or more partners per month. With 24 working days for such dynamics, 8 collections or 4 trips are performed daily (a car with a capacity of 12 cubic meters can accommodate two collections of waste). With an average market price of one fence equal to $20, the payback is calculated from the following components:

  • cost of fuels and lubricants for an average trip of 30 km: 90*0.30*12*$0.7 = $226.80.
  • Salary: $600.
  • Waste disposal costs: $600.
  • Related advertising: $100.
  • Equipment storage: $40.
  • Other expenses: $100.

The value of cost items is $1.666.80. With a gross monthly income of $20*180 = $3,600, your earnings before taxes are $1,933.20. Accordingly, the business is able to pay off in 10 months. Tax deductions, depreciation of equipment, maintenance of equipment will increase the estimated time by 3-4 months, but will not affect the attractiveness of the commercial direction.

Even at the dawn of our era, saying: "Money does not smell," the Roman emperor Vespasian had in mind the need to clean city streets from sewage, accumulations of sewage. After 2000 years, the expression has not lost, but rather acquired additional meaning. Today, human life, industry is even more interested in cleaning services environment minimal human impact on nature. The duties of an entrepreneur do not include the rough cleaning work, the task of a businessman is to properly organize a socially useful, profitable business.

How vacuum cleaners work