How to repair rubber boots at home. How to seal pvc or eva rubber boots at home

  • 14.06.2019

The most practical shoes that are specifically designed to protect your feet in rainy weather are rubber boots. But they can also need repairs, just like any other shoe. Usually, the rubber diverges at the junction of the main part with the sole, grinds, pierces, bursts. In order not to spend money on a new pair and save on the services of a shoemaker, you can try to seal rubber boots yourself. Thanks to this, they will serve you for more than one season.

To repair your rubber boots at home, you still need to spend a little money on Consumables, some of which you probably already have at home, and will come in handy in the future. But in any case, the costs will not be as significant as if you had to turn to a shoe repairman for help. So, you will need to have on hand:

  • rubber patch;
  • rubber glue;
  • block and a regular hammer (may not be required);
  • some solvent;
  • a piece of rags or ordinary cotton wool;
  • file;
  • sandpaper.
Instructions for repairing rubber boots at home
  1. First of all, you need to prepare your rubber boots for the gluing process. Therefore, first wash them inside and out with soap and a brush to remove dirt, then dry. Prepare the rubber patch. If you can't find an original one cut from an old boot, you can use a bike tube.
  2. File along the wrong side of your patch, as well as the allowances around the puncture, to roughen the surface for a more secure grip. Treat these areas in the same way with coarse sandpaper.
  3. Soak a rag or cotton wool in the solvent and treat the patch and the torn area on the rubber boot. If particles of rags or cotton wool remain on the surface, they should be removed.
  4. Trim the edges of the patch so that it does not completely cover the treated rough surface. Now you can proceed to the main stage of repairing your rubber boots.
  5. For gluing the patch, a special glue is suitable that can securely fasten rubber surfaces (for example, "Rubber" or "Super Moment" for rubber). You can contact a shoe repairman and ask him to pour special glue into your container for a small fee.
  6. If you are using store-bought glue, read the instructions and follow all instructions for use for best results. Spread a thin layer of glue on the patch and the treated area of ​​the boot, leave for 10-20 minutes (see the instructions for the time).
  7. Place the patch smeared with glue on the area of ​​the boot and press firmly. For greater reliability, the boots are put on a block and tapped with a hammer. At the same time, you need to make sure that she does not move. The time for gluing the patch is at least a day.
Following this simple instruction, you can always repair your rubber boots.

Long gone are the days when rubber boots were used only for hiking in the forest or mountains. Today, even in the most prestigious shoe stores you can find a huge variety of rubber boots. Here are boots with soles and heels. There are also hiking options. And now, if you have become the happy owner of these beautiful boots, no puddles and rains are afraid of you.

But given that the streets today are far from perfect order, you can easily stand on broken glass, a nail or a regular push pin. And puncturing rubber is pretty easy!

So what now, because of a small hole, throw away almost new rubber boots?

Not at all! And today we will teach you how to properly seal your favorite boots and extend their life for a long time.

To glue or not to glue, that is the question...

« Why glue it yourself, if you can take them to the shoemaker", you ask. But unfortunately, in most cases you will be denied. The only thing that shoemakers can advise you in this case is to visit a car repair shop where tires are vulcanized.

But here, too, a catch awaits us: recently, almost all motorists have switched to modern wheels, where vulcanization is not needed. And this means that finding a car service with such an option, where they would still agree to glue your boots, is quite problematic. So let's think about how to seal our boots on our own.

And before we start learning how to glue rubber boots, it is worth noting that in this case you should not use ordinary PVA glue or Moment, because at best you will not achieve any effect, and at worst - the boots will be hopelessly damaged !

Where to find special glue for gluing rubber boots

If you decide to glue rubber shoes yourself, you can look for a special adhesive in fishing tackle stores. Attention! Boots can be made not only from rubber, but also from EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) or polyurethane. And the adhesive for these materials will be different.

So before you go to the store, carefully examine your boots. And if you have problems with determining the material, it is better to take the shoes with you, and in the store, experts will quickly determine what it is made of.

A special tool for gluing boots can also be bought in stores for motorists. In this case, you should pay attention to the adhesive sealant. So you will not only get rid of the hole, but also be able to protect the place where the glue is applied from getting excess liquid.

How to glue rubber boots: well-known methods and little tricks

In order for your shoes to become like new, you need to determine the exact puncture site. To do this, you will need the boot itself and a small basin of water. We take our shoes in our hands and fold the bootleg according to the same principle as a tube of toothpaste, when it is almost gone there.

And when the top is quite tightly folded, we lower the sole into the water. From those places where there is a crack or puncture, air bubbles will emerge.

Once the problem area is found, you can begin to restore your shoes.

There are several methods:

  • The angler's method. For this method, you will need glue from the fishing store, which we talked about a little earlier. During the procedure itself, you must follow the instructions that are described on the package. In most cases, it is the same: you first need to sand the problem area, then degrease the surface and glue the previously prepared rubber gasket. If you are the owner of EVA boots, then this procedure will take even less time, because in this case you do not need to use any patch. Just fold over the edge of the punctured boot and pour some glue into it. Then squeeze the edges tightly and hold them in this position for several minutes;
  • The cyclist method. In this case, you will need a special repair kit that anyone who practices this sport has. From this kit you will need a patch on a special protective film, sandpaper and glue. The gluing process is as follows: carefully process the gap with sandpaper. Attention! The size of the treated area should be slightly larger than the hole itself. Then degrease this place with acetone. Remove the protective film from the patch and apply a small amount of glue to the exposed surface. Apply glue to the puncture site. After a few minutes, when the glue becomes a little more viscous, we strongly press the patch to the boot. The only negative this method is not a particularly aesthetic appearance, so only country boots can be repaired in this way;
  • The motorist method. This method, unlike the previous one, is ideal for country shoes and elegant women's boots. For such a repair, you will need an adhesive sealant. It must be applied in a thin but solid layer to the puncture site. Attention! In no case should you make such repairs with dirty shoes. Before you decide to take repair work boots should be thoroughly washed and dried, as dirt particles or water droplets will Negative influence on the result, and you have to redo everything again.

Using these fairly simple methods, you can quickly and efficiently return your boots to service, and they will last you for quite a long time.

A few words about the care of rubber boots

Well, as a conclusion, we offer you some recommendations regarding the care, the use of which will help you keep your boots in working condition much longer. For example, in order for your boots to look as good as new for as long as possible, you should periodically wipe them with a soft cloth dampened with water with the addition of glycerin.

And if you had to walk through the puddles and you want to dry such shoes a little on the battery, then we hasten to inform you that this is not recommended. The point here is that under the influence of hot air, the glue with which some elements are glued together can become porous.

Rubber shoes are incredibly popular in the off-season. Yes, and in the gardens it is much more convenient to water and weed the beds, because no dirt and moisture are terrible. At proper care and choosing a manufacturer, such shoes will serve you for more than one year. However, no one is immune from damage even to dense rubber. We offer two simple and affordable ways to seal rubber boots.

Caring for rubber boots

So that such a nuisance does not take you by surprise, you should properly care for rubber shoes. After all, even very good producers will not be able to guarantee the safety of your boots if they are not properly cared for.

First of all, learn how to properly clean. To wash rubber shoes, it is enough to take warm water, soft cloth and quite a bit of glycerin. Then appearance products will last for a long time. Make sure to keep your boots well ventilated to prevent mold growth.

After cleaning or use in very rainy weather, never put your shoes on a radiator, dryer or use a hair dryer. Dry only in a warm dry place or in a warm wind. If you purchased a model with a light or white sole, an ordinary school eraser will help make it brand new again.

How to glue rubber boots - a classic method

Even if you have taken very good care of your rubber shoes, sooner or later they can deteriorate. In such a situation, the question quite logically arises, is it possible to seal it, or will you have to go to the store for a new pair?

There is no need to panic, because it is quite possible to glue such a product. You don't even have to ask for help in repairs. From the materials and tools used, you will need glue, a solvent, a patch (it is usually cut out of old cameras from bicycles or strollers).

  1. Shoes should be thoroughly washed and dried, as discussed in the rules for the care of rubber boots.
  2. Cut out the patch to size. In addition to the cameras from bicycles, old rubber boots are quite suitable.
  3. Next, using a solvent, carefully degrease the surface of the shoe and the patch itself. Make sure that there are no pieces of cotton wool or threads from rags left on the treated area.
  4. To fix the patch, we use rubber glue such as Super Moment for rubber. If you wish, you can simply go to any nearest shoe repair point and ask the master to sell you some special glue for a nominal fee.
  5. First, we apply glue to the shoes and the patch, hold it for a while, then fix it. The exposure time is usually indicated on the tube.
  6. To keep the patch as tight as possible, it is usually tapped a little with a hammer or something similar.

How to seal rubber boots - an alternative

Sometimes the patch method is frustrating and you have to look for other ways to seal rubber boots. If you see after a while that it was not possible to close the hole, go to a sporting goods store. Many bike owners claim that more reliable way repair rubber boots, if they are torn - use a repair kit for bicycle tires.

Rubber boots are shoes that are necessary not only for summer cottages, but also for the city. They protect from bad weather and dirt. But they have one drawback - any nail or piece of glass is enough for the shoes to become unusable. Of course, the easiest way would be to simply take the shoes in for repair, paying a tidy sum at the same time, but here we also face a problem: not all shoe shops undertake to glue rubber boots, because they themselves do not know how to do it.

Seal rubber boots at home can be very difficult. This can be confirmed by everyone who has ever tried to do this. The fact is that the usual glue that we use to glue ordinary shoes will not work for rubber boots. It does not matter if you want to seal the seam, the sole or any other part of the boot.

To seal rubber boots effectively, you need to know where the damage is. Rubber is a material that is very easy to pierce with a sharp object. You can simply step on glass or a sharp brick so that a through hole forms in the sole. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as water will rapidly accumulate in the shoes. But if we find damage, we can fix it at home.

And there are several methods by which this can be done. Let's take a closer look at how to seal rubber boots.

Tips before gluing boots

In order for the repair to be successful, and the boots to last for a very long time, you need to know the following:

Before repair, rubber shoes must be very thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
- The patch can be cut from a tire or old rubber boots.
- It is better to carefully process the patch from the wrong side with sandpaper or a file to make the surface rough for better adhesion of the glue.
- It is best to degrease the surface of the shoe with acetone or a solvent.
- Glue must be chosen special, on which it is necessarily indicated, for example, “shoe” or “rubber”.
- Before repairing rubber boots, it is imperative to read the instructions from the adhesive manufacturer in order to do everything correctly.
- It is best to smear the patch and the place of gluing with special glue several times, after waiting until the first layer dries a little.
- When gluing the surfaces, it is necessary to press very strongly against each other or tap on the place of gluing with a hammer.
- The patch on the boot can be easily disguised with sandpaper.

4 ways to seal rubber boots

Method 1. Can glue boots special glue. It can be purchased in shops for hunters and fishermen. But in order to get the right glue, you need to know what exactly the shoes are made of. The fact is that for shoes made of EVA or polyurethane, different adhesives are needed.

The seller can help you purchase the necessary glue by giving advice. Further, everything is simple - you need to sand and degrease part of the boot and stick a patch. If the shoes are made of porous material, then you can glue it without using a patch. The edges at the site of the cut should simply be turned out, generously smeared with glue and pressed against each other.

Method 2. For this method, you need the usual bicycle repair kit. It contains patches on special protective films, sandpaper and, of course, glue. Clean the desired place on the shoes with sandpaper and thoroughly degrease. Further, having previously removed the film from the bookmark, it is necessary to apply glue to it and press the patch to the hole. You can use shoes almost immediately, but it is better to wait at least 12 hours.

The only drawback of the method is the unaesthetic appearance of the shoes after the repair. If the hole appeared not on the top, but on the sole, the gluing technology does not change. You just need to make the surface smooth and even, because usually the sole on such shoes is quite embossed. This is possible with a sharpening machine. And then stick a patch on this place.

But it is important to know that such a patch will not last long, especially if the sole of the boots comes into contact with a rough and hard surface very often. Therefore, it is better to wear such boots, for example, for fishing. Well, if the sole breaks again, the gluing procedure will need to be repeated.

Method 3. In order to glue women's boots, without using a patch, you must purchase adhesive sealant. You can do this at any auto shop. First you need to degrease the place of gluing, and then grease the torn edges with glue and press them together. If you do everything carefully, then the boots will look like new.

Method 4. This method of repair new shoes also called "hot" method. It is not difficult, but requires certain skills and, most importantly, a vulcanizer. As a patch, rubber pre-soaked in gasoline is used. It is placed on the hole in the boot and clamped with a vulcanizer. The device must be turned on for 20-30 minutes, then turned off and cool. Only after it has cooled down, you can remove the press.

Do not despair if your favorite rubber boots are suddenly torn. It is enough to make a little effort and the repaired boots will be no different from new shoes. You can use sealed boots a day after the patch has been applied. But if there is no time to wait, then you can walk in them in an hour.

How to care for boots

Rubber boots need to be properly cared for. And then you don't have to resort to them. frequent repairs. After all, even the high quality that the manufacturer guarantees does not always mean the safety of shoes.

Rubber boots need to be cleaned properly. They are best washed with a solution of glycerin and water. In this case, the boots should be wiped with a soft cloth and dried frequently so that the fungus does not appear.

Wet rubber boots should not be dried with a hair dryer or battery. Shoes need to dry naturally.

And the question arises,

But using the method of gluing with rubber glue, many are upset, for some reason the patch falls off.

Strange rubber glue, but rubber does not glue?

Yes, it really does not hold, and if it does, it does not last long.

Then we try another way, we carry it to a shoe repair shop. And there they say: "We do not glue rubber shoes."

Again, strange, a shoe shop, but they don’t take shoes for repair.

Indeed, crane shoemakers rarely undertake the repair of rubber shoes. The only thing they can advise is to contact a car repair shop where car tires are vulcanized.

But, most likely, they will refuse you there, saying that this rubber cannot be vulcanized, or even they will say that they no longer have such a service, since now, many drivers have switched to new types of tires where vulcanization is not used.

What to throw away? But I really need them.

Don't worry, there is a way!

I offer you one of the most effective and proven methods, namely, how to stick a patch on rubber shoes.

Although he does not add beauty, the patch will hold on.

At the moment, quickly and reliably patch rubber boots can be a miracle invention, which has recently been used by cyclists.

It's called a camera repair kit.

It doesn't cost much but it sticks great. Of course, I can’t guarantee 100% that it wakes up exactly as you want, but I tried it, it works.

It includes ready-made patches, by the way different sizes, glue and even sandpaper (maybe not everywhere).
Gluing them is very easy. Instructions are always included with it.

I'll add on my own:

  • Mark the place where you need to patch, attaching a patch accordingly required size
  • Well clean up sandpaper(some advise to degrease with gasoline, but I would not recommend doing this at all if the shoes are clean and not greasy, and if degreased, then only with acetone)
  • Apply glue to the selected area on the boot
  • Remove protective film from the patch and smear that side with glue (someone will have a question, yet which side to smear on the patch - I repeat the one under the film, but after gluing the colored rim on the patch will be visible)
  • Let the glue dry for 10 minutes and press down.

Of course, you shouldn’t wear it right away, wait a while, but it’s better to wear it the next day.

If a hole appeared on the sole, then, of course, a different approach is needed.

First, this place must be processed on grinding machine so that the surface becomes perfectly smooth, otherwise everything will be useless. And then we glue, as usual.

But keep in mind that this patch will quickly wear out if you walk in it, say, on asphalt. That is, it is designed to go into the water, but not for long walking.

But in principle, if it rubs, you can do the previous procedure again.

So, it is possible quickly and reliably!

But as you noticed, it was about simple rubber shoes, which are designed for ordinary household chores.