The best men according to the horoscope. Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best

  • 30.09.2019

When meeting a guy, every girl tries to at least roughly imagine what kind of husband he will be. Interesting, isn't it? But the candy-bouquet period and the joint life are too different things. Since this question worries many, let's talk about what husbands are according to the zodiac sign.

We will not make a rating on the topic of the best or most reliable husbands - this would not be correct in relation to men. Every woman appreciates in her chosen one those qualities that suit her, so let's dwell on the psychological portrait of each husband according to the sign of the zodiac.


Aries husband is the one stone wall, which a woman dreams of without pronounced leadership qualities. He is a breadwinner, a protector, and a true friend who knows how to keep secrets. At the same time, one can hardly call him a accommodating person with an easy character. He is demanding, but his desires are not material. The Aries husband is jealous, and may demand an account of every minute that his wife has spent without him. Even the most innocent lie can become a reason for a long quarrel, since he himself does not lie, and counts on the utmost frankness from his wife.

Sincerity is the most positive trait in the characteristics of Aries. From a woman, he needs to receive love and respect, and he will give everything else to her himself. Aries man in life will not sit on the neck of his wife, and even more so, he will never marry for the sake of profit. In addition, husbands born under this zodiac sign occupy one of the first places in marital fidelity.

ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


Taurus are the most stable husbands according to the sign of the zodiac. Before getting married, these people will think over everything to the smallest detail, so the decision will be balanced. Early, or based on passion, marriage is almost 100% excluded.

A Taurus man only marries a girl who seems reliable to him. Marriage without special feelings is quite acceptable - the main thing for him is that his wife be economic, predictable and calm. Outbursts of passion, emotional showdowns and other "surprises" are not included in his plans, and if something like this starts to happen after the wedding, he may deviate from his principles and get a divorce. It is worth noting that Taurus husbands get divorced much less often than representatives of other signs of the zodiac.

AT family relationships husband Taurus recognizes only equality. Both should work and earn money, as well as take part in household chores. If his wife has a desire to improve her financial situation, then most likely she will have to take care of it herself.

TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Taurus.


The Gemini man is the source positive emotions and pleasant impressions, and it does not matter whether you are married to him or not. As for the wedding, that after it, he behaves the same way. In the first place, he has freedom, and it is better for his wife to claim it.

In fact, you should not be jealous of him for two reasons. Firstly, he usually spends his free time in the male company of old friends, and does not talk about it just because he does not consider it necessary. If you want to quarrel, demand an account from him, and you will not have such a desire again. But the second reason is not so optimistic ... If he starts an affair on the side, he will not give himself away, so it's better to just go with the flow - the nerves will be safer.

As for the everyday side of life, here he has the most positive characteristic. If your future husband according to the sign of the zodiac Gemini, then be sure that with him you will not have to look for a second job or repair a broken crane yourself in the middle of the night. The masculinity is in his blood, so you will have the opportunity to feel like a woman in full.

GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Gemini.


Men born under this zodiac sign are simply made for family life! In the first place they have a wife and children, so friends and entertainment after the wedding fade into the background. Cancer carefully filters its social circle, does not invite casual acquaintances to the house, and maintains relationships only with time-tested friends.

Cancer's husband's household chores are not frightening. He will take part in the general cleaning, and will wash the dishes after dinner if the wife does not have time, and will pay attention to the children. By the way, he especially loves children. Cancer is the most caring father according to the zodiac sign.

If your beloved man was born under the sign of Cancer, remember the main rule of family life with him - you can not harshly criticize and ridicule him. He takes any reproaches very close to his heart, but he can initiate a divorce only as a last resort. If he is regularly "sawed", most likely, he will either begin to seek understanding on the side, while not getting divorced, or to be applied to the bottle. Representatives of the water element, unfortunately, are the most difficult to pull out of alcoholism.

CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.

a lion

Leo is the most charismatic husband according to the sign of the zodiac, so it makes no sense for jealous women to marry him. He is sociable and loves attention, so don’t even dream that after the wedding he will become a quiet and accommodating homebody!

If you look at the situation from a different angle, you can find benefits in this. Thanks to the ability to find a common language with all of humanity, the Leo man easily makes useful contacts, which positively affects his career, and, accordingly, the material well-being of his family. beautiful life he loves and considers it his duty to provide for his family. His wife must be irresistible - Leo considers her part of his image, so he will never save on clothes or jewelry.

Husband Leo needs constant admiration from his wife. If there is no reason for praise, then at least refrain from criticism! Leo will not be offended, but will lose interest in you, and will go to seek attention and affection on the side.

LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo.


If a Virgo man proposed to you, be sure that he made a deliberate decision. This person is guided only by reason, and the girl should be interesting to him not only from a romantic point of view. He is also capable of experiencing strong feelings, but in his case, passion will never serve as a motivation for creating a family.

Virgos are the most practical husbands according to the zodiac sign. On the part of this man there will be no empty words, no meaningless actions. He is smart, far-sighted and prudent, appreciates everyday comfort and strives for good material prosperity. At the same time, one can hardly call him generous. The Virgo husband is more concerned with the state of his bank account than with his wardrobe and appearance his wife. He also does not welcome spending money on pleasures, but he always insures himself with savings in case of unforeseen difficulties.

You can't be jealous of other women. Even if he gets carried away by someone, he will not put this interest above stability and familiar life with his wife, with whom he has been living for more than a year. The only danger is a profitable bride, thanks to which new prospects will open up for him. In this case, he may not resist the temptation.

VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about the description of Virgo.


Libra is the most indecisive husband according to the sign of the zodiac, so they usually opt for independent women with a strong character. To some extent, it is easier for them to go with the flow than to make a choice, even if it is not in the best way affects their interests. Much more often than other men, Libras become participants in love triangles, and, both in the role of a husband and in the role of the “third corner”, they prefer to let the situation take its course.

Since Libra loves everything beautiful, they adorn their family life with all their might. They like to please their wife with pleasant surprises in the form of gifts and visits to social events, they know how to create comfort in the house, they are responsible for receiving guests.

The Libra man is a sophisticated person. If the wife does not share his craving for art, or does not show interest in his creative hobbies, she should at least not interfere with him communicating on these topics with like-minded people. Personal space is vital for Libra, and if you want your marriage with this person to be strong, just give him the opportunity to spend his free time the way he wants. Otherwise, he may begin to stare at the side.

LIBRA ♎ Sign of the zodiac

Read more about Libra.


The Scorpio man lives with feelings. If he proposed to you, be sure that in his eyes you are the only one with whom he wants to connect his fate. Marriage of convenience or the search for domestic stability is completely excluded - the freedom of Scorpio is not for sale.

For the sake of the woman he loves (and he loves his wife), he is ready for anything, and if necessary, he will sacrifice his comfort, success, or the opportunity to make his dream come true for her. A Scorpio husband gets joy from making his wife happy. He also loves children very much and is responsible for procreation. This person will decide to acquire offspring only when he is firmly on his feet and achieves material independence.

Scorpios are the most jealous husbands according to the sign of the zodiac, but they don’t look for a reason for a quarrel from scratch. If Scorpio's wife loves him, and he is the center of the universe for her (and the other option will not suit him), she can have a lot of fans - this will only make his self-esteem soar even more. But if interest has faded on her part, emotions will boil in him even if there is no specific opponent in the face of another guy. Scorpio must be loved, and if you cannot give it to him, it is better to disperse peacefully. Otherwise, it will remind you of playing with fire and can end very sadly.

SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read a detailed description of Scorpio.


The Sagittarius husband is not the kind of person with whom family life can be calm and easy. He is attracted by fun, new acquaintances, beautiful women and other joys of life. Attempts to remake him will lead nowhere, and it is hardly worth making claims to him. The fact is that Sagittarius is an open person, tells the truth in the eye, even if it is unpleasant, and will never, under any circumstances, pretend to be someone he is not. If family life with him later disappoints you, then it will not be his fault, but your unwillingness in the recent past to take off rose-colored glasses and soberly assess his qualities.

Sagittarians are the most temperamental husbands according to the sign of the zodiac, which means that your future spouse is impulsive, prone to outbursts of passion and does not always follow his speech. For those women who put sincerity in the first place, it will be difficult to find a more suitable partner for family life. Do not try to dominate in a relationship with him. If in your opinion he leads a too active lifestyle, best solution will save his strength and stop participating in his undertakings. He will certainly appreciate the quiet harbor, but he will not give up his habits for anything.

SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about Sagittarius.


A Capricorn man will be the perfect husband for a girl who is not looking for adventure and is serious about family values. Stability in everything is important to him, and if he takes on financial responsibility, then the emotional side of life largely depends on the nature of the spouse. Capricorn's wife should not be subject to sudden mood swings, tantrums from scratch, and other "surprises". In other words, this person needs a mature personality as a life partner, but, as you understand, this is not about age.

Capricorns are the most serious husbands in the zodiac sign. If this man offered you to become his wife, he thought well and carefully weighed everything possible consequences your decision. For Capricorn, the continuation of the family is of great importance, and he treats the choice of the mother of his future children with all responsibility. He is a good father. Often, children are drawn to their father Capricorn more than to their mother.

Capricorn husbands respect the family business much more than representatives of other signs of the zodiac. Working together with his wife, he will feel even stronger connection with her, because feelings for him are far from everything. True, he will not tolerate competition, or a struggle for power - in any business, he must be the main one.

CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Capricorn.


Aquarius is the most democratic husband according to the sign of the zodiac. If, when communicating with him, you will sometimes feel that he does not care about your appearance and behavior - trust your feelings! Of course, you should not think that he will not notice, for example, your long absence, but he will not find fault with trifles for sure. Aquarius is not Virgo, who cares about the dust on the shelf, and not Libra, for whom the shade of your hair is important. He is not picky, therefore he perceives you as a whole, and either you suit him, or you are not at all on the road, and attempts to interest him in a joint life will lead to nothing.

Aquarius does not need stability. He himself cannot offer it, and he will not demand it from his wife. If you, like him, need adventure and try not to burden yourself with the boring side of everyday life, the union promises to be strong. If you hope that after the wedding he will stop communicating with numerous friends and will come home after work because he missed you, you will doom yourself to senseless suffering. Aquarius must be accepted as he is - sociable, and somewhere this person will be frivolous until old age.

AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Aquarius.


Pisces man is a kind and caring person with a gentle character, and the most romantic husband according to the sign of the zodiac. If this guy called you to marry, then you will definitely not suffer from a lack of attention! Pisces love to please his wife with gifts, give compliments, are interested in everything that worries her.

The spiritual kindness of this person knows no bounds, but when it comes to any specific actions, he can manifest himself in the most unexpected way. It is one thing to be an attentive interlocutor and sincerely empathize with other people's troubles, and quite another to provide timely assistance. In difficult times, the wives of Pisces often have to rely only on their own strength, which, of course, does not suit everyone.

Making money is also not their forte. It is problematic for Pisces to work for the sake of earning money - they are attracted by creative activities, tempting, but too vague prospects, and they also rely more than necessary on luck. Even if a man born under this zodiac sign is lucky with a good job, his wife will have to manage the money. You can, of course, entrust this matter to him, but then you should not be surprised at his ability to spend the entire salary on the first day, and then complain about the lack of money for the whole month.

PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Pisces.

Aries in marriage: a good father and lover

If Aries is calm and confident in marriage, then he will become a protector, a loving, faithful husband and father, a good lover. Aries born in the year of the Dog (faithful dog) and in the Year of the Boar (golden heart) are especially reliable. And yet, the stability of Aries in marriage is more at risk than that of other signs.
Aries love to brag, exaggerate their achievements, command a partner. If a woman is strong, impulsive or ill-mannered, if he is a leader by nature and begins to contradict, then conflicts arise even over trifles. Let him let off steam. You can’t argue with Aries - he doesn’t hear you and can offend you, even if he later regrets it. Aries quickly light up and quickly calm down. Wives of Aries, remember that peace in the house and your happy family life depend only on your tact, patience and love.

Taurus: good master and faithful husband

Taurus in marriage and family life succeed. They are peaceful, do not endure screams and quarrels. Although they can be stubborn, capricious over trifles and lazy, they are generally patient, careful and pliable. love home comfort, good food and are ready to equip the house and garden.

Taurus fathers are usually gentle warm parents who take care of their children, although they can be a little dictatorial towards them. The exclusive owners of their woman, they do not involve deceit, romance or flirting on the side. Disharmony of relations and instability is not for them. Adultery is unforgivable and will destroy the marriage. Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency and does not want any reconciliation, can fall into alcohol addiction, "Don Juanism" or a deep depression.

Gemini men in relationships

Here are real life examples. The girl asks: “We had such wonderful meetings, we understood each other so much, why did he disappear?” The woman is surprised: “We had such great sex, why is he not trying to repeat this unforgettable night?”. Because there is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini, the moment of mood is often mistaken for high feelings by both the Gemini themselves and their partners.
Gemini is a cold-blooded sign. First, the desire to learn new things pushes them on a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, analyze the partner’s thoughts, words and actions. If this is unprofitable for him, he is transferred to a new target. Therefore, in youth they are fickle, and in maturity they divorce.

A Gemini wife in her late 40s may ask the question, “My husband suddenly packed up and left for another woman. He will return?" Most likely, the situation of the triangle will drag on for a long time. When Gemini decided to leave the family, he does not have the patience to sort things out and wait for a divorce. He prefers to just disappear, he can lie. So does this mean that Gemini men are completely unreliable and you should not enter into a relationship with them at all? Of course not! After all, they are not polygamous, do not seek adultery and prefer one woman. You just need to know their main features and reckon with them.

Cancer husband: the most attractive man, but so mysterious

Just as the Moon changes its phases, people born under the sign of this planet are changeable, and their manner of behavior depends on circumstances and mood. Let's look at Cancers in marriage and life closer.
Developed intuition, the ability to maintain a conversation and be a friend, allows them to win a girl. But in a feminine way, romantic and sensual Cancers, behind the facade of external charm, childish naivety and enthusiasm, hide the ambitious nature of a man who is aggressive in his demands. They are not made for marriage, because they seek to suppress others.

Leo husband: reliable protection, happiness and prosperity

The symbol of the king of beasts - the Lion demonstrates power, ambition and pride. He is only enraged when he is hungry or his territory is invaded. But few people can encroach on this, so Leo, as a rule, is calm and kind. Let's look at Leo in marriage and life closer.
Lions are children of the Sun. Their ruling planet gives them energy, strength and health. Their motto is: I intend and I do. Their mode of action: to give offspring, wealth, happiness and development.
Both the Sun and the Lion symbolize male type behavior that magnetically attracts women.

Husband-Virgo: practical, reliable and constant, but why does not everyone appreciate it?

Virgo men in marriage
Virgins usually enter into marriage after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many trials, after which they fall in love with her forever. Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in discipline. Everything in the family is assigned exact time and the place, everything should be in a “virgin” order, but they themselves give their all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He provides for the family perfectly and will be faithful. The betrayal of his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that the wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes a wonderful family man.

Libra Husband: Seeking Spiritual Love

Libra men in marriage
Libra is ruled by marriage. Married Libras are the best husbands who provide for the family well, create an atmosphere of harmony, they are good fathers. Often they count on women to achieve success and goals. More than other signs, Libras need stability and rarely get divorced.

There may be some dissatisfaction on the part of the wife, since Libra in marriage soon gets tired of the physical aspect of the relationship (they are more concerned with the spiritual component), and after a romantic period, frequent caresses and regular intimacy begin to strain them over time. In married life, everything can be fine if you do not require your husband to constantly portray a passionate lover and allow him to freely engage in social activities or his hobbies.

If a husband suddenly has an accidental affair on the side, it is only because he cannot say “no” to anyone. It will end for him rather with a sense of guilt and repentance.

Scorpio husband: the most passionate lover

Scorpio men in marriage
And yet Scorpios get married. Scorpios in marriage meaningfully choose a woman who is compatible in mind. They guard their home like a fortress, provide for their families and are excellent fathers, although they are unnecessarily harsh. However, extramarital affairs in Scorpions are not uncommon. They perceive sex on the side as an area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman relations independent of marriage, but they will never allow casual love affairs to threaten the family and, having married, do not allow the thought of divorce. You will say that it is immoral, that they are selfish. Perhaps so. But nature made them that way. His sexual appetites and possibilities are unlimited. In addition, sex restores his strength in order to continue to work for the good of the family.

If the wife understands this, then he will appreciate the wife even more. In addition, he easily manages to satisfy his wife. Dear wives, think better about how to please your beloved Scorpio in marriage. Give him enough sex, but don't do it too hastily. In youth, Scorpio loves soft light, romantic music and perfume. Later bright light, mirrors and well-groomed clean body. A wife should be accurate, devoted and faithful in everything. Scorpios are owners, do not give them a reason to doubt. Do not insult: he will remember and take revenge. Remember that Scorpio may have outbursts of unexpected aggression when he can unleash evil on you. Don't overreact. In his race for success, he is simply physically and mentally exhausted today. Cook him better bath. Tomorrow he will forget his troubles and will be grateful to you. Don't be mean to him.

Sagittarius husband: shoots in all directions

What is Sagittarius like in marriage and love? In love, Sagittarius is known as a seeker of adventure, adventure and pleasure, like a changeable fire that will burn everything and disappear. You will notice and distinguish him in any crowd. As a rule, Sagittarius is dressed in high-quality things, well-tailored and sewn, if catchy, then branded, he carries himself confidently. He flirts with everyone and can talk on any topic: philosophy, science, politics, religion. He will choose a girl who is bright, different from others: a beautiful or smart girl, the best student or an informal girl, an Asian or an African, etc.

If you fell under the spell of his non-standard, remember that he can disappear after a very short romance just as unexpectedly as he appeared. Sagittarians are delighted with sexual adventures, and they like not so much sex as a change of partner. Experiencing intimacy, they sincerely believe in love, give their all, but soon sad tender memories remain from the meeting. Sagittarians are not often found in marriage: it is believed that they are not created for a long union. Their goals in life are varied, but it will never be the goal to serve a woman.

Sagittarius marry when they come to the conclusion that the ideal friend does not exist and choose intellectual communication or tolerance and comfort. The wife should create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. Not only does she know how to raise his opinion of herself, but she is a good housewife. Sagittarius in marriage will be an excellent protector, earner and father. It can be romantic, noble, if there is motivation. At the same time, connections on the side are a common thing. Sometimes a husband confesses his infidelity to his wife, and the wife agrees to such a relationship. One can only marvel at the talent and ability of Sagittarians to get their way and make others live by their rules.

Capricorn husband: a reliable friend

Do you want to marry a stable and reliable husband? Choose Capricorn! Such men are simple, honest and reliable, like the earth itself. Find out everything about Capricorns in marriage in our article.
Capricorn: stable and attractive

Capricorns fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply, although they do not know how to express their feelings. If a Capricorn man has chosen his only one and asked her to marry, he will always remain faithful and is unlikely to get divorced - and he has a strong craving for home, family and stability. These men retain charm and freshness until old age. So you will never be ashamed to go out with your beloved man.

Aquarius husband: freedom-loving husband

What is an Aquarius man like in marriage?
Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign, monogamy is enough. He will provide for his family, help relatives, always find a way to earn enough money. Often all his life he works for the benefit of the family. He trusts his wife, does not control, does not force change. Even in quarrels, he compromises. You can always negotiate with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to maintain friendly relations and help for a long time.

And, nevertheless, among Aquarius most of all divorces. They leave him because they consider him an egoist. It is believed that he does more for others than for his relatives. Always busy, and relatives do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "strap him in her skirt". Life even in a golden cage is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares the release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

Pisces husband: sensual nature and devoted partner

What are Pisces men in a relationship with a woman? Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men takes no less place than self-realization. The boys of this sign mature early and fall in love platonically: with a high school student, a teacher, an inaccessible girl, and sometimes with unworthy ones in the hope of saving them with their love. Love comes to them secretly, grows imperceptibly, and more often the lover does not dare to open his feelings for a long time, but cherishes his dream alone. Having matured, Pisces-men can also love at the highest spiritual level, with dreams and poems, with prayers or an easel and a brush in their hands. Feelings overwhelm them, the speeches of Pisces are crazy, they consider their beloved ideal, they tolerate and forgive shortcomings. Their sensuality excites a woman and gives her the true pleasure of spiritual and earthly love.

But among Pisces there are also men who do not love at all, preferring a variety of sexual pleasures. Or men are “collectors” of women. But even in this case, they respect, appreciate and cherish the items of their collection. And if Pisces cannot make a decision and understand: to leave, leave or return, then they will silently depart. They are not conquerors: they will not win you back from an opponent or arrange jealousy scenes, preferring to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved. Your fish will flash with its silvery fin and swim away. And who is happy in this case? Yes, no one. Both are hurt. Pisces love can be heaven or hell. Would you dare girls? Then - go ahead! Help him conquer you.

In contact with

With such a partner, you always have to maneuver. He has a practical mind, but in relationships, he masterfully pretends that he does not understand what is happening at all. Or he hides, like an ostrich, his head in the sand. The elusive Pisces man, without noticing it, it is this quality that can attract women. If he aroused your interest, you will have to show it quite directly, but without pressure and provocation - otherwise such a man will simply slip away, as he does in any tense situation.


Many Gemini men need a caring "mommy": in childhood, such a woman, most likely, was there, constantly worrying about the well-being and health of her precious son. Are you ready to take on such a role? If yes, you will need infinite patience, a lot mental strength and a constant willingness to support and encourage your partner to build their self-confidence. In addition, in terms of relationships, he often behaves like a cat: the Gemini man loves the warmth of the hearth, but does not give up personal freedom and prefers to "walk by himself."


The element of this sign is Air, so the Aquarius man in a relationship has the same “volatility”, tries to avoid promises and, in general, any strong attachment. He is burdened by family responsibilities, he does not want to belong to anyone. To win his attention, you will have to surprise him with something, amaze him, take him by surprise. And if you are already in a relationship, be ready to constantly entertain him, be caring - and at the same time independent, look independent. In a word, constantly change the roles of a friend, lover and wise adviser. Ready? Then go ahead! It definitely won't be boring.


If the Taurus man were a dessert, then chocolate mousse would be on your plate. He has a crazy charm, he feels women well and knows how to communicate with them. In a word, he could be an ideal candidate for the role of hero-lover, if he did not lose courage when it comes to formalizing the relationship. On the other hand, if you are already in a couple, he will begin to show possessive traits: deep down, such a partner is paradoxically afraid that he will be abandoned. It is also worth considering that the Taurus man hates to change his habits - so get ready to be as flexible as possible and do not lose patience.


Romantic at heart, he knows how to take care of the rules, thoroughly and beautifully. The Virgo man needs a smart, pleasant woman with a pragmatic character - about the same as his own. He strives to build a strong home, in his world everything should be reliable, rational, thoughtful and comfortable. If you are just starting a relationship with such a man, the main thing is to clearly understand what exactly you want from them. If you are looking for stability, are not afraid to get bored and are ready to endure some tediousness of your partner, then do not hesitate - go ahead! If a Virgo man marries, then, most likely, once and for all.


At first glance, love for a courageous Aries is not one of life's priorities: he will not be at your feet with a wave of your hand. To fall in love with a woman, he must admire her - it is better for her to look like an impregnable princess in his eyes. In other words, if you are trying to conquer such a macho, the main thing is that he does not suspect about it. What is the point of this game? The Aries man is most turned on by exactly what is inaccessible to him, and he will be ready to sacrifice all the treasures of the world in order to win you over.


If the Sagittarius man were a movie character, then he could turn out to be Tarzan - the hero of the jungle, but not of sensitive novels. His virtues are honesty and directness, sometimes even excessive. Maybe he does not feel women too subtly, but he treats them with infinite respect. To please such a man, you should not complicate anything: an open smile and an elegant wave of eyelashes are enough. They say about such people: “A simple, good guy!”. If you decide to enter into a long relationship with him, you can be sure of his loyalty, generosity and patience.


The Cancer man is not too prone to pictorial Don Juan exploits: if he likes a girl, he will court subtly, secretly, using techniques that are sometimes not noticeable even to herself. Note that Cancer is an exceptionally true sign of the Zodiac. It would never occur to him to risk his relationship with the woman he loves for the sake of a fleeting hobby. By the way, he is very intolerant of any infidelity - his partner needs to take this into account. Such a man will not like your independent character too much - if this quality is important to you, you will have to look for compromises. But if Cancer is in love, he will literally be ready to put you on a pedestal, take care of you and admire you 24 hours a day!


Fourth place in the ranking is not a bad result at all. You can only be sure that Leo will not be satisfied with him, since his main drawback is pride and pride, which in extreme cases risks developing into megalomania. But he is insanely charming, bold, creative - an irresistible man, if you can tame him. Leo has great taste, he understands well what luxury is, and at the same time he is distinguished by such a quality as generosity. He will strive to please his beloved - very sincerely, although sometimes a little awkwardly. If you want to be a companion of a Leo man, stock up on indulgence for his awkward actions, and also learn to read his thoughts: he does not know how to talk about what is happening inside him.

HOROSCOPE OF HUSBANDS ACCORDING TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS What are the husbands according to the Zodiac and what actions should we expect? Read more.. Husband's horoscope for Aries A fighter for family values ​​Aries has been of interest to women since the Stone Age, as it personifies the type of a real man - a leader, a warrior and a successful mammoth hunter. Aries is self-confident as a man, purposeful, ambitious, bold, straightforward. You can rely on him in difficult times. He knows how to takefeatures and be protection. Aries has a high potency. But there are also disadvantages: he gets carried away and falls in love many times. And usually he gets his way. Hence - children after divorces and alimony. Youthful maximalism prevents him from negotiating, Aries always wants to do everything in his own way. Aries is hot, but quick-witted, does not hold evil and is ready to go through fire and water for the sake of the family. A smart woman will always find a way to control it, acting with persuasion and affection, that is, using the carrot and stick method. Let him work and earn, create and accomplish, get carried away and take risks. This is his inalienable right. He should have it, and then he will stay with you. Aries does not like routine, and especially in family life. He enters into marriage early and usually marries those whom he does not need. He does not believe in astrology out of principle, he does not listen to other people's advice, intending to learn from his own mistakes. Living with an Aries is interesting, but hectic. Husband's horoscope for Taurus Accountant in love Combines industriousness and laziness, thriftiness and inertia, idealism and earthiness. Taurus can enter into a position, take on a lot. You can rely on him because he is patient and persistent. As a rule, this person is kind, gentle and calm. Taurus is a homely person, in family life he is an inveterate conservative and inconsistent stubborn. This is a man of habit, and therefore quite predictable. He can be accused of passivity, but not of inconsistency. However, the authority of his wife can suppress his initiative. Taurus is well versed in material, practical matters and is not indifferent to all the joys of life. He is strongly dependent on the erotic principle and must be full and satisfied both spiritually and materially, and physically. Taurus has an intimate relationship with money, he knows how to keep a family budget and knows the value of things. But it must be constantly urged on, appealing to a sense of duty, conscience and duties of the head of the family. He is a good family man, loves children, is loyal to all relatives. It is better not to require instant decisions and speed of reactions from him. Change is useless to him. In the house of Taurus, there should be comfort and order, and then everything will be fine. Gemini husband's horoscope Fidget in the family circle Gemini's thoughts are ahead of their actions. Such a man treats love practically, with calculation. Feelings never overshadow his mind. In business and practical matters, his abilities are very useful. Knows how to talk a woman to "loss of consciousness" and impress. He knows everything in advance, is curious and enterprising. Quickly changes views, tastes and women. Don't be in a hurry to have kids. Family life can weigh him down with its monotony and routine. In the house he will decide everything himself and even command. He admits that women are emotional and admits that they are sensitive. But he will never understand women's experiences. And not because it is rude, stupid and so on. Rather the opposite. He just can't feel what others feel. And he will consider your emotions an unnecessary whim and a waste of energy. Although he agrees that "yes, it happens to women." Inconstancy and superficiality, a craving for risk and change - this is his drawback as a husband. A mobile mind, quick reactions and a light, humorous attitude to life are his advantage. Husband's horoscope for cancer Professional brownie Cancer has a rich imagination, emotionality, but he hides his feelings even from loved ones. Cancer is very jealous, quite vulnerable and vindictive. His attitude to life very much depends on his mood. Without knowing this, you can offend his self-esteem. Cancer is faithful to the family, wife, loves children. Family life with its traditions and way of life seems to be created for him, which does not prevent many Cancers from wandering around the world and looking for something incomprehensible. Despite this, Cancer men are rarely alone, but pass, like a baton, from one woman to another. Cancer knows how to live a family life. He is a good master in the house and is ready to take charge of family affairs. He chooses his wife carefully and carefully, because a woman with a strong character can suppress his psyche and spoil his blood. Although such a man himself is ready to play Superman and is not indifferent to flattery. Cancer does not like quarrels, disputes and will never wash dirty linen in public. In the house he needs comfort and attention. Outsiders in his family are rare. When the arguments of the mind are useless, Cancer resorts to intuition. She helps him navigate the sea of ​​life and saves him from personal mistakes. Husband's horoscope for Leo The king on the farm Leo is authoritarian, but ready to patronize. He loves himself and knows his worth. But his self-esteem is usually inflated. Leo will demand love, obedience and attention from his women, children, preferring to command. Although Leo is proud and proud, he can marry by calculation. And becomes a husband once and for all, or, on the contrary, changes wives and mistresses like gloves. Until Leo walks up, there will be no peace in the family. Leo loves luxury, he is generous, noble, but adventurous. It’s hard not to pay attention to him, and Leo takes advantage of this. A high self-esteem helps him find a worthy partner, and excessive self-sufficiency makes him ridiculous. A lot of energy will not allow Leo to stay at home. This is an active, self-confident nature. He will take for himself what he considers to be his by right. Life failures can permanently throw him off balance. Therefore, Leo, who does not earn well, does not occupy an important place in society, is no longer Leo, but a petty despot in the family - one who has not yet been given a name. Husband's horoscope for Virgo Serving house manager Such a man is a practitioner, a realist, a skeptic. He looks at family life with a sober and observant look, he treats everything that happens in it judiciously. From it positive qualities thrift and diligence can be noted. Of the negative - excessive criticality in relation to his wife and relatives. The Virgo man is emotionally restrained. He chooses his wife carefully, his demands are reasonable but extensive. He treats children coolly, one heir is usually enough for him. Ready to help his wife with household chores and provide for the family. Can take control family budget. Usually makes family plans. Things that he does not understand, he willingly entrusts his wife. However, he trusts, but he checks! A Virgo man can be recognized as a good family man, but in life it often happens that he leaves the family. The reason for this may be the clear energy superiority of a woman over him, who begins to command not only in the house, but also in himself. Then the husband becomes stubborn and irritable, and family happiness ends. Husband's horoscope for Libra Guarantor of cooperation This type of man is courteous, polite, laid-back in communication. What causes sympathy and love. It is well developed aesthetic sense, a sense of proportion and tact. However, soft manners do not prevent him from showing a character that can be quite tough. He is emotionally cold, detached from what is happening, although he is always aware of events. He tends to live in a society full of colors, changes, conversations, meetings and optional flirting. Family life is natural for him, because he is a born partner in life and perceives his chosen one in this way. Therefore, he enters into marriage easily, but just as easily and divorces. The Libra man attaches importance to the position of the chosen one in society and the external side of the matter. At the same time, he himself has a high opinion of himself and often justifies this assessment. In everyday life he is loyal, accommodating. If the case does not affect something important, it is easy to compromise. But he does not change his decisions on serious issues. Household duties are reluctantly carried out, hard to endure physical labor and psychological stress. And it does not hurt a woman to immediately know about it. But there is no doubt in his objectivity and unbiased assessment of family affairs. Husband's horoscope for a scorpion Ghost hunter Combines strong-willed qualities and plasticity, which affects his role as a husband. Where necessary, he will press, where necessary, let go, but he will still do it his own way. With Scorpio, you should not enter into an open confrontation. And play with him psychological games- especially. He will come out of them as a winner, although what kind of victories can spouses have, other than common victories? Scorpio is jealous and passionate. His inner life is rich and intense, but is hidden not only from outsiders, but even from close people. But it is difficult to hide anything from Scorpio himself. He is perceptive and prefers to act implicitly, but effectively. Scorpio is practical in business, knows a lot about financial matters. These matters in the family must be entrusted to him immediately so as not to cause unnecessary conversations. Being all the same female sign of the zodiac, if desired, he always finds an approach to a woman's heart, but he is able to unceremoniously climb into the soul. In the life of a Scorpio, a lot depends on whether he achieves his goals, and he himself is too dependent on own desires If everything is in order with this, then he is kind, cordial, loves children and his wife. Husband's horoscope for Sagittarius Romantic family life Sagittarius often falls in love, but is fickle in his affections. This is an example of a theatrical lover-hero. . If this does not occur, Sagittarius can become an inveterate cynic. Meanwhile, this is a self-confident, enthusiastic and active character in the theater of life. Sagittarius has many positive qualities. He is straightforward, honest, optimistic, independent Can carry a woman in his arms. Indeed, for a very short time. Most of all Sagittarius values ​​personal freedom and diversity in life. This is a cheerful person, and you really will not get bored with him. He prefers not to burden himself with family affairs, entrusting all decisions to his chosen one. Therefore, his wife will have to show a lot of patience in order to save the family. Sagittarius instinctively tries to avoid sharp corners and likes to patronize. He always has a lot of ideas and plans. Such a man needs to know that he is free to do as he wants. This illusion of freedom can keep our wanderer near the family hearth for a long time. Husband's horoscope for Capricorn The administrator of the cell of society Capricorn is a realist in everyday life and a conservative in family life. Domostroy is his favorite type of family management, although you can’t tell from him. The family for Capricorn is a responsible social stage and an indicator of his achievements. He may not be a clear leader there, but it is better to entrust far-reaching plans and important decisions to him. Capricorn is hardworking, serious, but stubborn and hardly changes established views. In feelings, Capricorn is restrained, but patient and reliable. Capricorn has a well-developed sense of duty, but it does not allow him to relax. He also loves to keep up appearances, as well as teach, instruct and guide on the true path. Melancholy and self-doubt interfere with his purposefulness and ambition. Therefore, the wife should provide her husband with at least moral support, and not nag him for lack of initiative, unsociableness, or any other eccentricities and prejudices. Capricorn is not burdened by loneliness, since his inner world is rich and diverse. He is in no hurry to enter into marriage, preferring to achieve something in life first. Capricorn is monogamous, but younger with age. Hence "gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib." Husband's horoscope for Aquarius An innovator of the domestic genre Aquarius by nature is an original and an innovator, including in family life. There will be something special, non-standard in his house and family. However, Aquarius itself generates unexpected changes, such as divorce. He can captivate any woman with his eccentricity and originality. But he is in no hurry to get married, because he values ​​\u200b\u200bpersonal freedom and prefers friendships to formal or binding ones. It is decided to take such a step out of love or for practical reasons. But he will allow his wife to be herself, will not teach her how to live and impose her tastes on home. Aquarius is active and practical, so he easily becomes a leader and authority in the house. In the family, he is both rational and active, democratic and loyal. This is his advantage. In the manifestation of feelings, Aquarius is restrained, even cool. This is his shortcoming, which is difficult for a woman to come to terms with. Aquarius is quite fickle, but remains faithful to male friendship and family traditions. Aquarius chooses women, although he knows how to fall in love. He never limits his interests to his family. Husband's horoscope for Pisces A tenant with unclear intentions The Pisces man is emotional, soft in character, but stubborn. His mood changes as quickly as his desires. He is quite sensitive, and his inner life is very deep, so often such a person looks amorphous, evasive and secretive. Or it reveals to others the complete opposite of these qualities. But he can enter into a position, understand, sympathize, provide moral support. This is a good psychologist and family therapist, who often needs help himself. The Pisces man finds an approach to a woman's heart, reaches out to women with a strong character. However, a strong woman can suppress the creativity that is present in him. The Pisces man, meanwhile, is enterprising, but inconsistent and often dreams about his bright future. A rich imagination helps him look for options and prevents them from being put into practice. He needs to be encouraged He needs to be helped, he needs to be supported. He is a good lover, a kind father, a sensitive husband, but he may have a weak will, and therefore a tendency to vices is manifested. Friendliness and plasticity is his advantage. Unwillingness to take responsibility and fatalism are his shortcomings.