IA inform policy. Inform Police: "Exclusive interview with the former leader of the Ulan-Ude criminal group"

  • 07.07.2020

Visas are not needed, the ruble has fallen, and a new market has emerged for business development. These are, perhaps, three main reasons why the flow of Mongolian tourists poured into Buryatia.

Much has already been said about how it became profitable for “both ours and yours” with the opening of state borders. Enterprising Mongols have long established tours to Buryatia and are making good money on it. The crowd of shuttle traders and Camels grows exponentially at the customs. Representatives of the large Mongolian business community also turned their sights towards our republic. The customs services do not have time to service the entire passenger traffic.

For five months of this year, 191,440 vehicles passed through the Kyakhta checkpoint. This means that, on average, about 2.5-3 thousand people cross the border every day. A month - 38 thousand Vehicle(for the same period in 2015 - 145,503).

Only blondes are involved

Our Mongolian neighbors are attracted by lower prices for food and things. Some speculate in small size, someone comes to see the beauty of Lake Baikal, and someone - for beautiful bodies and exotic.

Yes Yes. Exactly for the exotic. Because for many Mongolian men, one kind of brightly colored, slender and curvy girls of European appearance evokes a storm of emotions and fantasies. And this is not idle speculation, but a fact.

Every second guest from Mongolia can confirm this. This behavior is typical not only for the Mongols, but also for all Asians. The Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Thais are not just lovers of Europeans, but also of Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians. They have a special love for blondes with blue eyes.

You have a lot beautiful girls... I have been to various seaside resorts and beaches of the world many times. Everywhere I notice that Russian girls are still different from other European women. Excellent figure, open disposition. In communication, they are not shy, they can maintain a conversation, laugh. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw so many beautiful Russian beauties in Ulan-Ude, - says a businessman from Mongolia Ganaa.

First story. Exotic

Recently acquaintances Mongols came and asked me to find them "heifers". These are middle-level businessmen who come on business once a month or two. Imagine my surprise when my friend Dorge asked me to bring the blondes. Only blondes!

At this point, I became interested and began to ask in more detail. My Mongolian acquaintances soon understood my bewilderment: is there really not enough of their own prostitutes?

“You see, I want something exotic. This is how many Europeans and Asians dream of having sex with a black woman, but we want to try blondes. After all, we do not have them. Foreigners who come to us from Europe are asking for Mongolians, ”my friend translated.

I had to satisfy the wishes of the guests in the literal sense. I checked them into a small hotel. It's no secret that in such small hostels, the attendants always have the right phones. Many sex service firms have phoned. Unfortunately, we got to the holidays when there were no free blondes. They even offered some girl without a brush.

I had to wait for the end of the holidays. Out of curiosity, I decided to observe how my friends choose blondes. When they brought several girls to the sauna, I was surprised that my guests did not distinguish real blondes from dyed ones.

Okay, they are. But you, Dorzh, studied in Russia. Can't you see that most of these girls are hydroperitic blondes, - I wondered.

Mongolian boyfriends are not as impudent and aggressive as, for example, Arabs or Turks, who can approach a girl with unambiguous proposals right on the street. Mongolians are content with paid services. The shadow business does not reveal all of its secrets. But in almost all hotels and guest houses there are a couple of business cards with the coveted numbers.

Story number 2. Conflict

This story is not much different from the first. There is only a small nuance. When the hostess of the mini-hotel ordered the girl, she did not quite understand what exactly European appearance was needed. After waiting an hour, a girl enters the room, but a Buryat woman. A young, pretty,-looking student. The guest already with irritation asked to cancel the order and bring the Russian one. He started throwing money, they say, I'll pay whatever you say, just order. As a result, they ordered him what he asked for. For an hour she took 3,500 rubles. The Mongol then wondered why it was so cheap. Rather, he thought he would need to pay much more. In general, I was pleasantly surprised.

It is sad that when prices rise and there is no salary, the crisis gives rise to crime and prostitution. And from the moment when Mongols, Chinese, Koreans began to arrive in large numbers, work for moths increased.

Mirror situation

But our Russians, on the contrary, of all Asian girls, Mongolians are the most popular. Reputable publications even write about this. Internet users are actively discussing the numerous photos of Mongolian girls that have flooded the Internet. Men are fascinated by their beautiful figures and "unspoiled glamor" natural faces. Erotic pictures of oriental beauties excite the imagination of the Slavs much more than the images of Chinese and Japanese women, writes, for example, Sobesednik.ru.

Sex tourism in the steppe country is well developed. There are especially many "tourists" from South Korea and Japan. It is known that the country has a special "caste" of priestesses of love who serve only Koreans. There are separate entertainment establishments and entire hotel complexes. There are bus tours when the group leaves for beautiful places amazing country, and along with them follows a "long-legged" escort.

Residents of Buryatia, who often visit the neighboring country, on anonymous terms say that recently in Mongolia, the fight against prostitution has become especially active. Maybe that's why the Mongols often visit us?

One way or another, in Mongolia, a pimp network of cheap, medium, currency priestesses of love enmeshed the whole country. Since the early 2000s, entertainment venues, nightclubs and bars have sprung up like mushrooms across the country. One of the first strip clubs "Marco Polo" is located in the very center of Ulaanbaatar. Here waitresses walk topless, naked girls dance on tables. As for me, the atmosphere is too cheeky.

In Ulan Bator, when I was in "Marco Polo", I saw officials from Buryatia several times. And not of the smallest level. I even managed to talk to one and understand what attracts them here.

“In Ulan-Ude, where everyone knows each other, you don't go to such places. And even if you go, you won't see Buryat strippers. And here there are so many beautiful Mongolians dancing naked, ”the official confessed.

The desire to earn easy money pushes the girls to the panel to sell their young bodies. When there is demand, there is supply. Especially when there is a crisis in the yard. For example, a foreigner can easily leave $ 100 - $ 300 for a trip to a restaurant. And for Mongolian and Buryat girls, this is half the salary.

Instead of a conclusion. Whether our neighbors come to us for blonde priestesses or ours go to Mongolia for sex - demand always gives rise to supply. It seems almost impossible to break this system. But if we can't eradicate the problem, my dear reader, maybe at least we shouldn't be led by it?

Elvira Khazagayeva raised the topic of widespread suicide among schoolchildren in Buryatia in the latest issue of Inform-Polis (No. 50 of December 14, 2016) in the article "Who zombies Buryat schoolchildren."

For two weeks in Buryatia, two cases of child suicide have already been officially recorded. One occurred in the Severobaikalsk region, the other in the Pribaikalsk region. In both cases, it is known that the girls who died were members of the so-called “death groups” on the Internet.

According to a study by the Russian psychiatrist, Professor Boris Polozhego, the number of suicides in rural regions of Russia is twice as high as in cities. Most of all - 40 cases per 100 thousand of the population - were recorded in Buryatia and the Altai Republic last year alone. In his opinion, children and adolescents should become the main contingent for suicide prevention. It is worth noting that this is not the first time our republic is among the leaders in terms of the number of child suicides. Last year we were also in the top five.

On December 5 of this year, the news that a schoolgirl committed suicide in Turkinskaya secondary school right during lessons stunned everyone. Relatives, friends, teachers still don’t understand how this could have happened and what was the culprit.

Close Vicky consider different versions of the tragedy. With a more detailed approach, it turned out that the girl did have problems.

She was the president of the school. In general, such children are born one in a thousand people, - says Natalya, Vika's own aunt. - Then she refused it, as she felt the pressure. I even asked for home schooling. I met the boy, but not everything was going smoothly there either. You know, the entire suicide attempt was not the first.

Mom also confirms that Vika recently did not like going to school.

She asked to be homeschooled, I talked to the director. She said that there is no reason to study at home, - barely holding back tears, says the mother of the ninth-grader.

Like all today's teenagers, Vika was on social networks. I actively communicated on the Internet with friends. It would seem, what's the big deal? It turned out that on the day of her death Vika deleted her Vkontakte page. When her relatives restored her and looked at what Vika wrote, they were simply horrified. Parents are sure: the daughter could survive personal experiences. The impetus for the thoughtless act was the ill-fated newsletter on the social network.

The letter came from a fake page, a profile with a fictitious name. The girl was asked to follow the link, they say, there is some kind of game. Vika followed this link and was drawn into it. It turned out that this is a game with death ... My daughter also received such a letter, but she told me about it right away, - says Olga, another aunt of the deceased.

While everyone was recovering from this terrible news, a 12-year-old schoolgirl committed suicide in the Severobaikalsk region. The situation is terrifying: active, cheerful, cheerful, and at the same time an excellent student, the mayor of the school named Angela voluntarily decides to say goodbye to life. Likewise, parents did not notice anything suspicious in their daughter's behavior. Only after death did they find out that on the same social network she listened to strange music and was interested in suicide.

So what is this social media attack that pushes children from well-to-do families to their deaths? Are adolescents in the so-called "death groups" being processed to such a state that they are ready to say goodbye to the most precious thing they have - life?

It is known that certain hashtags and words with death calls are common on the Internet. All of these horrors are illustrated by photographs of whales, cut hands and jumping from rooftops. And supplemented, as if zombie poems. If just a week ago it was published by fakes, now every 3-5 minutes these posts appear on the pages of real schoolchildren.

According to psychologists, religious leaders, parents of dead children, total control is needed. Children need to be constantly monitored, communicate with them, become a friend to them.

It is worth talking with them, opening up yourself, talking about your experiences, not necessarily concerning him. Maybe it's worries at work or personal problems. The child will see that you trust him and will trust you himself, - says Albina Badmaeva, mother of four children.

The clergy also adhere to this opinion.

Nothing prevents a parent from registering online, taking a pseudonym and becoming his friend. The child does not live on the network social life, on the contrary, he turns everything inside out. This is not deception, this is indifference. You need to know what the child is breathing, what he reads, what games he plays, ”says Father Alexy.

In Buryatia, a plant for the production of fuel pellets "burned out"

The story of the disappearance of the plant for the production of fuel pellets in the Zaigraevsky village of Novoilinsk still haunts the inspection bodies of the republic. Anastasia Ayusheeva writes about the reasons for the closure of a large plant in the article “Nerves, money, two fires”.

In 2012, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Bashkortostan provided Alex LLC with a subsidy to reimburse part of the costs of this project in the amount of 15 million rubles. The plant operated for almost four years, but stopped production last year.

The implementation of the project to launch an innovative enterprise began in 2011. First, work was carried out to find equipment and a suitable land plot... Received technical conditions and a building permit. Spring 2012 began construction works, which were fully completed in the autumn of the same year. Installation and start-up of equipment began.

At the end of summer 2012, specialists from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the republic drew attention to the project. There was concluded "an agreement on the provision of state support to a small business entity in the form of subsidies at the expense of the republican budget to reimburse part of the costs." Thus, out of 40 million rubles of invested funds, 15 million rubles were reimbursed by the state. More than half of the subsidy received was spent on further development enterprises. Was built warehouse space for storage of pellets with an area of ​​320 sq.m. Specialized machinery and additional equipment were purchased. In the period from 2012 to 2015, more than 25,000 tons of pellets were produced. Eurodroves were supplied to boiler houses of Ulan-Ude and Zaigraevsky district.

For three years, the owners have been investing their personal funds in order to keep the plant afloat. In addition, the productivity of the workers was poor.

I must say thank you to the local head, he helped us with the workforce. Picked up teetotal people. However, we faced the problem of low qualifications of employees, - says the representative of the plant.

Specialists from operating industries came from the western regions of the country to train workers and improve production. Specialists from China came twice. But the administration was not able to achieve the required labor productivity from the personnel.

Moreover, in October 2014, a fire broke out at the head office of Alex LLC, located in Ulan-Ude, on Avtomobilistov Avenue. As a result, damage was caused in the amount of more than 1 million rubles. In this fire, two boilers burned down - exhibition samples, trade and office equipment, office equipment, most of the documentation. And on June 18, 2015, a fire broke out at the plant itself in the village of Novoilinsk. Arriving at the scene, the management found plastic cans from gasoline. As a result of the fire, part of the equipment was damaged.

I had to stop production. Theft began at the factory.

A bag of over 300,000 rubles was stolen. Instruments began to disappear Construction Materials etc. The CEO wrote statements about thefts several times, but they continued. Because of all these incidents, the director had health problems: several times there were micro-strokes against the background of a hypertensive crisis. And, in the end, a hypoglycemic coma occurred. The person was hospitalized for a long time and, as a result, received a second degree disability, the founders note.

It was the disease that did not allow to CEO provide supporting documents about the fire and constant theft to the Ministry of Industry of the Republic, the plant's management approves.

Their lawyer, not understanding the situation, without waiting for confirmation of the facts of the fire from the director and an explanation for the stoppage of production, wrote inquiries to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Tax Service in order to check the activities of the plant, and later filed a statement of claim with the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Belarus for the return of subsidies. During the trial, a lawyer from the Ministry of Industry and Trade erroneously indicated the date of the fire at the plant, the founders say.

Because of this error, the court considered that Alex LLC had fulfilled its obligations under the agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in bad faith. Now the management of the plant has filed an appeal against the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Belarus.

So, an attempt to create something new in Buryatia turned into financial and moral losses for entrepreneurs. According to them, five years and millions of rubles of personal funds were spent on the implementation of this project. And all for the sake of creating something new and useful in Buryatia both for oneself and for society.

At our first problem, instead of providing assistance and trying to jointly save production, the Ministry of Industry immediately tried to disown our project and wrote requests for checks to supervisory authorities, which finally put an end to the project, - the plant management notes.

Now the founders do not doubt that they will achieve the truth and "whitewash" their name in government structures.

A hundred times now I will think before starting a new business. Although I can say that this project gave me good experience... I do not regret anything. But it is painful to see how practically all large enterprises in Buryatia have "collapsed". We need to do something about this, ”sums up one of the founders, who wished to remain anonymous.

Exotic questions when applying for a job

With the development of the Internet and social networks it seems that everything is already open, people know everything about us, and we can find information about anyone. But no one has yet canceled the protection of personal data. After all, if it ends up in the hands of fraudsters, troubles cannot be avoided. How safe is it to share information about yourself, your family online and in real life, in Irina Emedeeva's article "Is Big Brother Watching Us?"

Aleksey Kiselev from Ulan-Ude has been looking for a job as a security guard or a sales floor controller for three months already. He went around almost everything large companies city, filled out a lot of questionnaires. The questionnaires surprised the man most of all.

Employers have lately been bullying those looking for work. They offer questionnaires, ask questions that hardly correspond to elementary etiquette, he said.

The newspaper's journalist decided to check the popular Ulan-Ude firms. One of the companies, when hiring for the position of a loader, is interested in the achievements of the applicant in dancing. Here they want to know what kind of child you are in the family - the eldest or the youngest. Another company is interested in the presence of tattoos and the number of close relatives, including ex-spouses. The third employer needs to know about your monetary debts, not counting loans from banks.

"Exotic" questions came across in every questionnaire. But most often, when hiring, jobseekers are asked about the presence of relatives related to the security forces (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the prosecutor's office, the courts) or the media. It can be assumed that this is how the company wants to avoid problems in the event of employee complaints, for example, about working conditions.

This fall, all schools began to collect personal data from children and their parents. This could not but cause a stir. Residents of Buryatia could not understand: how educational process children will help SNILS and passport numbers of parents? Many associated the urgent collection with the upcoming elections.

As it turned out, detailed information is needed for the new "Contingent" accounting system. With its help, parents will be able to view the child's grades, class schedules, programs for which he is studying on the Internet. In a word, all the information about the studies of his offspring.

The system will start working in 2017. As for the safety of data, the creators assure that they are taking all measures to protect information and the "Contingent" has quite good goals. The well-known Buryat journalist Aleksey Togoshiev has a different opinion. He is not sure that these systems will only be used for their intended purpose.

The state actively attracts citizens to register on the portal of state services to remove the "paper component" in any relationship with government agencies. I would recommend registering there, rather than “donating” your passport details to an agency that has no experience in preserving this information, ”he advises.

In the end, the choice - to provide complete data about yourself and your child or not - still remains with the parents.

Surzhana Osorova, "Baikalskaya Pravda"

Publishing house "Inform Policy", Ulan-Ude

Address: 670000, Ulan-Ude, st. Kalandarishvili, 23

General Director Dagaev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

The publishing house "Inform Polis" was established in January 2004 on the basis of the newspapers "Inform Polis", "All announcements of Ulan-Ude Tolstyak", the printing house "Nova Print" and the chain of retail outlets "Fresh Press".

Today the Publishing House "Inform Polis" is the largest structure in the Republic of Buryatia engaged in the production and distribution of print media, as well as providing various printing services.

About the newspaper "Inform Police"

The first issue of the weekly was released on November 9, 1992. Today "Inform Police" is the leading republican newspaper in Buryatia both in terms of circulation and volume of advertising sales. Inform Polis focuses on local news, coverage of the life of the city of Ulan-Ude and the Republic of Buryatia. The newspaper is divided into three blocks, enclosed in a coated dust jacket. The weekly is aimed at the widest readership. The newspaper contains such thematic headings as the youth supplement “Four”, the children's page “Polisenok”, the headings “Men's club”, “Summer resident”, “Samokat”, etc.

The weekly is distributed in Ulan-Ude and in all regions of the Republic of Buryatia.

According to the results of studies by independent research companies, carried out over the past four years, the weekly "Inform Police" is the most widely read newspaper in the republic.

Printing house "Nova Print" formed in December 2002. The first printed products were printed in early January 2003. The main profile of the printing house: full color offset printing. For three years, the printing house has firmly established itself in the printing market not only in the Republic of Buryatia, but also in the neighboring Chita region, advertising agencies which has been constantly cooperating with "Nova Print" for a year and a half. In 2004, at the Ulan-Ude fair, the printing house received a diploma and a gold medal for high quality and a full range of printing services.

The network of retail outlets "Fresh Press"- the third largest seller of newspaper and magazine products in Ulan-Ude. Retail outlets "Fresh Press" are located in all large shops of the city, shopping malls and food markets in the capital of Buryatia.

The correspondent managed to take an exclusive interview with the Ulan-Udentsi, who, as a teenager, plunged into the thick of the criminal life and was among the close to the top of the Buryat organized crime groups

He is not yet 30. He has an intelligent-looking young man with average external data. But in reality, everything is not as innocent as it seems at first glance. He learned all the "delights" of criminal life: "arrows", knocking out debts in the forests of Ulan-Ude, dismantling the lads. Extortions from entrepreneurs made it possible to live on a grand scale: expensive cars, restaurants, watches from Armani and Cell Phones worth half a million rubles. He claims that circumstances brought him to this environment. As a child from a prosperous family, flag carrier and school president, he became a victim of racketeers. In opposition to the extortionists, he created his own group. And then the non-childish games began. He admits he tried to break it. But the criminal environment keeps tenacious. He knows many things firsthand. His life is in danger and there has already been an attempted murder. Now he is under state protection. However, he assures that he does not regret anything.

What made you break ties with the criminal world?

I have broken them since 2009 because of my convictions. One of the reasons is the common-law wife with whom I lived for eight years. She kept telling me - that's enough. Of course, she understood that I was doing something. Although I told her, business. I have not officially worked anywhere. So much money. My cars were no cheaper than one and a half million rubles. I bought her mink coats, white, black. Then we parted. If she knew what I was doing, she would probably run screaming. I left for another city and worked. For so many years I have been living in peace, I do not climb anywhere. Sadyk did not want to let me go when I decided to break up with everything. Summoned for a conversation, went. I don't remember how I left. Now I can't hear one ear, I had amnesia and I am threatened with disability of the 3rd group.

Anyway, the criminal world holds you tight?

When Sadyk’s opposition recently came to arrange Khasan’s problems, they wanted me to talk to the Moscow thieves in law about Sadyk’s involvement in the murder of Khokhl. And based on my words, they would have declared him a villain. And any decent prisoner had to kill him when he met. But my acquaintances from the Khasanov opposition warned me that after that they would kill me too, so that I would not tell that I was forced to say so. And literally a few days later they shot at me. I'm not sure yet that I'll stay alive.

Is the state defense an attempt to escape punishment?

No. I say that I do not deserve forgiveness, you need to learn to take responsibility for your actions in order to move on. If I were silent, I drove to Central (SIZO. - Author's note), I would have been killed. Because I know a lot.

Have you known Ilshat Ivanov for a long time?

I have known him since the early 2000s. At that time he still drove a right-handed Toyota Karina, did not eat in restaurants and wore everything Chinese. These are now Armani clothes and a $ 700 watch. It is difficult for me to judge whether his wife knows what he actually earned money with. Although I am sure that if he does, then, of course, not everything. She gives birth to children from him, he will not say: today I set this up and deceived that.

What kind of personality is this?

Intelligent, organized, very well-read. You can't tell by him that he is a crime boss. He doesn't have a single tattoo. He is very collected, he himself told me that he wakes up if a person looks at him for more than a minute.

His management principles?

At first it was fair. In principle, he is a normal guy, adequate. There are also criminal showdowns when you need to decide who is right and who is wrong. For the last three years I have been looking from the outside: the whole game is with one goal. He made all decisions in favor of only his people. A lot of people didn't like it. Before, everything was fair, according to the rules. I was never in Sadyk's group, just ours was under his control. If we are fighting with someone around the city, in order to carry out a showdown, we first had to go to the one who is in charge of all organized crime groups, let's call him a gray cardinal, and coordinate actions so that they would say objectively whether we are right or not.

And who is this gray eminence who was at the head?

Here everyone says - the main supporter. This is a big misconception. In fact, it is Sadyk himself and his henchmen. The proprietors in Ulan-Ude are Sadyk's henchmen, all of his people. The fact that he says right and left that he is just a businessman is, of course, not true. He became such only around 2010 or 2011. In fact, he created his own empire and put his people at the helm everywhere. And for the authorities, for the whole city, for the thieves, he presented himself as just a businessman and said that he did not solve anything. If people came to him with questions, with advice, he denied and sent them to the supervisors. In fact, only he made the decision in all situations. He simply gave instructions to his protégés what to answer and what decisions to make. He is a gray eminence, sitting, pulling the necessary strings and that's it.

In the 2000s, there were two positives here: Sadyk and Bourgeois - this is the Tsyrendashevskaya organized criminal group. When there were two people, the whole city was divided into two camps. And then Sadyk was left alone. Bourgeois then had to flee the city. He was given 12 hours to get out of the city. According to his notions, he violated something and became objectionable to the Moscow thieves. Then all his opegeschka also left. All his property and position were taken by Sadyk. At first, not everyone went to bow to him. The opposition remained. He gradually brought them to a boiling point. For example, you come to understand him. Let's say he's right in the situation, and he answers: no, you're wrong. And he lobbied his people. It turned out to be a hopeless situation. And then many had to, in order to survive, to bow to him with a share. And only after that did he stop finishing. No, there was no such thing that if you do not obey me, then I will nightmare you. It's just that everything was brought up: if you want to earn money, it's better to share it, but your question will be lobbied.

How did Ivanov become a gray cardinal?

The thief in law Uglava (Takhi) put him here. When he was free in Chita, Sadyk went, met and said: I will earn money for you, Daddy. That's it, he put it.

How often did he leave for meetings with Moscow thieves?

Once a month, sometimes he lived in Moscow for six months.

Did Sadyk often collect you?

Once a week for meetings. Do you think he is alone or what? He is just for the whole people, for the employees as a head. And in theory, he has an environment that is on the same level with him. Only they do not shine anywhere, they are nowhere to be seen. Someone is officially engaged in business on criminally earned money, who plays billiards all day.

How many supporters Sadyk had.

There were two: Kilogram and Zhenya Kaidal. One of them is under arrest, as far as I know.

Are there many organized crime groups in the republic?

Lot. The rural influence, of course, is not the same as in Ulan-Ude. They have simpler cars and dress differently. The criminal leader all over Buryatia placed his people and began to raise them. Conflict situation emerged in the region, for example, the leader naturally lobbied the interests of his protégés. Thus, they earned their authority and the structure worked in this way. And from the district, only then they drove the leader to Ulan-Ude.

That is, the people of Sadyk were in charge of the republic?

Yes. Although, in fact, all these posters are dolls that were set up and taught, with whom to communicate, with whom not. I don’t remember now, in my opinion, since 2004, when Bourgeois had to be driven out of the republic, Pavlukha and Sadyk remained. The bourgeois collected more money from thefts, card games... And Sadyk and Pavlukha acted more on businessmen and, accordingly, carried more to Moscow thieves.

What do you know about the murder of the priest Vlasko?

When he freed himself, he walked with leaps and bounds and made fierce competition. I do not know who was involved in his murder. The opinions are different.

What can you say about Sadyk and Rinch?

Rincha was always near Sadyk. He was inferior to him in everything.

What are the versions of the conflict between Rinchi and Sadyk?

The war did not take place between them over jade. Now I do not want to talk about the real reasons for my personal and even your safety.

I can only say one thing, the pressure is incredible. My state lawyers are so influenced that they all run without looking back. They influence in such a way that it is even impossible to hire another lawyer. From the side of Sadyk, there is such pressure on the investigation, on all the people who are involved in the investigation of the case. You have no idea. I'm not even talking about threats. There are a lot of undercover games. It is not that simple.

Is Ivanov well acquainted with famous people in the republic?

Certainly. Everyone wants to communicate with him, everyone wants his money, everyone has children who are extorted at school, someone's cars are stolen, you need to find someone's apartment ... You have the fourth power, he has the fifth. And he himself is not against communicating with such people. He moved freely around the city and held meetings in restaurants, not hiding at all.

What kind of people were mostly around him?

They correctly write that the children of wealthy parents. Moreover, such parents, which, apparently, he needed for the business. Most of them, ninety percent, are, of course, convicts. They are released from the camp, no family, no work. Where should he go? And then you will be nailed to the organized crime group, you are completely dressed, fed, watered for the first time. They even say what to do. Some of the freed are met right outside the colony. Such honors are given to those who have shown themselves as leaders in the zone.

And what brought the children of well-known officials and businessmen to this environment?

Far-fetched romance and imaginary superiority.

And in what status were they named?

Decent guys, as we said (smiles).


No. For them, this is an insulting word. Majors were called those who did not climb anywhere and simply used the money of their rich parents. These guys tried to pull all the children of rich parents into their team.

And what was the function of decent boys?

They were like an independent combat unit, something like a "hit team".

That is?

They, decent guys, beat and stammer, on the contrary, a tick, a small plus sign. The fact that some of them are now on the run from the investigation is only a matter of time.

How well were you familiar with Sadik's entourage - Tushin Dorzhiev, Barsan Donakanyan?

I have known everyone since childhood.

What did you do?

We collected money from the Chinese. Well, how, here they come to us, blow up the mountains on which we pray, then they leave, at the border they say: this kilogram costs 200 dollars, and they will cross the border, it costs already 2 thousand dollars. If the state cannot collect taxes from them, adjust customs duties? We took a little from them, the Chinese, that, they will become poorer, or something.

How much did you take?

Six-figure amounts and even seven-figure ones. We gave part of the money to Sadyk. Our youth drove left-handed Lexus cars, no one ate at home, they always ate only in cafes and restaurants. Once we went to the city “arrow”, one of the locals approached one of my 21-year-olds and, feeling his leather jacket, said: “Yesterday I saw in the store how much your jackets cost”. Even the priest could not dress like that for himself. In 2008, he drove a right-handed Mark-2, and I drove a 2007 Lexus. They had shops, merchants, from which they collected tribute. But this is not much money. We also had our own shops, small hotels. But the main income was brought by the Chinese, they are money.

How did you take money from them?

There was a period when Chinese cafes began to burn one after another. Or, for example, he lives in an apartment, and they will hammer a 220 nail into his door and hang a funeral wreath. At night, when they knock, hammering in a nail, he does not open the door for fear. And in the morning it comes out, there is a wreath hanging. How would you? Or he bought a Mercedes for 5 million, went to a cafe to eat, it turns out, the car is on fire ... But there were no personal threats. It was communicated to them through Chinese acquaintances. When they crossed the border, they already knew who to pay. Cafes and cars were on fire only at first. And then there was no need to nightmare them, they themselves called and warned that a deal would take place to buy jade and now they want to give you some of the money. One Chinese gave me a million rubles for nothing. Just like that, because I met him well in Irkutsk. The whole city knows about it.

One of the sources of income for the criminal world is extortion.

Certainly. It's just that some methods have changed. And now he does not openly start racketeering, but tries to win over businessmen. Where has he set his private security company, which officially begins to bring money, where he helps the entrepreneur with something, and he becomes obliged to him. Everything was built on such mutually beneficial relations. Time is running, and ultimately racketeering in the sense that it was before, as such, and no. Why racketeering, if in the end people themselves carry the money (laughs).

Or maybe people carried it because they were afraid of physical punishment that their outlet would burn out, for example?

By the time of the decline of Sadyk's leadership, no mention was made of punishments. There are, of course, businessmen who did not want to pay him. Then they began to hammer, as in the case of the bus station in the Dzhida region. All routes in the city are Sadyk's monopoly. A very profitable piece. And, of course, it was not profitable for him that someone left to the left, so he used all sorts of ways to keep them under his cap.

Where do uncomfortable people go?

Yes, they just push aside and everyone, and no one listens to them anymore.

And if he tries to go to another organized criminal group?

Yes, in Buryatia, everything is one whole. There are those who tried to exist in parallel. But all the same, everything is decided by the proprietor. For everyone, he is an authority. In fact, everything is decided by the gray eminence, who appoints the position. These gray cardinals include the Moscow thieves, who put their own man here in Buryatia. Then there are the district gazers. And then those who help the beholder went. Treasurers who collect money, caretakers who collect tea, cigarettes, and all this is sent to the camps. Someone in the garage collects, someone in the pantry. The proprietor has exactly the same treasurers and superintendents. We took the donor, and he, in turn, collects everything and takes it to Moscow. Only with Sadyk he decides how much money to leave here in Buryatia, how much to take there. Money was collected from each district to the common fund once a month.

What is your opinion, why is the situation ripe with the initiation of a criminal case against Ilshat Ivanov?

Because Sadyk created it himself. The man just got drunk. And in the city, he interfered with almost everyone. Other opegashki are also unhappy, because the game was already played with only one goal, the person simply pushed the situation to the limit. He had interests in all spheres, in business, in lucrative criminal cases. Everywhere he had his own interest, and many did not like it. His guys began to often get into newspapers, bulletins, began to light up everywhere.

With the arrest of Sadyk, what has changed in the criminal world?

I heard that the Moscow thieves seem to be some kind of fixed on the nickname Morda. I don’t know who installed it and how. I know that the locals don't trust him yet. Undoubtedly, the influence of Sadyk and his group has weakened. He is bound hand and foot. His plan is gradually collapsing.

In Buryatia, over the past twenty years, there has been such a situation that seven to eight years pass and the "chief" left. They became obsolete when they reached their peak - cottages, expensive cars, permissiveness ...

Do you hope that the case against Ivanov will go to court?

Sure. It will go to court anyway.

How severe should the sentence be?

How much he deserves it, I think. And he, believe me, deserves it. I know many things, since I was far from being a private.

A holy place is never empty. Another Vasya Pupkin will come and earn money. At first, it will be the same as Sadyk, everything is according to the rules, judges fairly, does not take much for himself, drives a cheap car. Sometimes I thought, maybe he should buy a new down jacket, otherwise he wore cheap Chinese. And then the time comes when everything changes.

What are the prospects for Sadyk in the future?

If he is alive. His liver is falling apart. He does not cure this disease, he thumps constantly. He earned it on the zone. He still has a connection with outside world... He is in charge of the Central (SIZO). They say that when they started him, the entire pre-trial detention center buzzed in support of him.

Is Sadyk really that seriously ill?

He also has cirrhosis of the liver. He spent all his childhood and spent most of his life. And not here, but throughout Russia. He has a lot of acquaintances. But it is clear that his time is already passing. With them, among the thieves, every eight to ten years the top is constantly changing.

Does he really also have epilepsy?

He doesn't have any epilepsy! This is simulated. Effervescent aspirin "oops" stuffed into his mouth and that's it. This is just an attempt to disrupt the trial. I know this Ilyuha! It costs him nothing to pretend. Here he even periodically lay in hospitals due to liver disease, due to disability it is necessary. He seems to be injected with medication, so there is no, in the evening you have to come for him, take him to the tavern and sit. Yes, so that the wife does not recognize (laughs).

Sadyk was involved in charity work. Is this an attempt to clear your conscience?

Well it is more like Yes. And who didn't? Sadyk helped, but this did not make him poor and gave away not the last shirt. I also held a charity event several years ago, timed to coincide with the birthday of Vladimir Putin. In the old days, as it was, the tsar's birthday - all of Russia drinks. And in the center they fed homeless people for free. As a result, few people cared about who I was and what money I used to feed the homeless. And he threw them incognito into the orphanage "Malyshok". Then I began to rethink my life. Some people spoil their money.

I don't think so. I have a big advantage over all of them. I have no criminal record. At any moment I can turn around and move on.

But they wouldn't let you go.

Well, almost everything worked out for me, it's just that the circumstances are now.

That is, there is no way back to the organized criminal group for you?

Of course not. Now I should live to see the end of the trial.

Even so?

Well, of course. Why I so easily agreed to cooperate with the investigation. There were threats to bury them alive. And then the attempt was made in Irkutsk. It was saved by the fact that the car drives fast and there were no traffic jams. When the conversation is about life, you don't make plans for the future.

To be continued…