Business project for advertising in the city. Advertising agency - business to business

  • 23.09.2019

Why opening an advertising agency is a profitable and in-demand business? Because any other business always needs advertising. In the modern business world, advertising means a lot, and almost no business without promotional events will not be able to reach heights or simply will not survive.

As long as there are firms and companies, and as long as they offer their goods and services on the market, there will be a need for advertising. And in order to buy their products, many firms are willing to pay a lot of money for advertising. Therefore, by opening a high-quality advertising company, you will always be in demand.

How to open an advertising agency

Often their own advertising companies are opened by former advertising agents who have already worked in this area for other employers. Such people have some advantage over newcomers who also want to own their own advertising business, as they already know some of the nuances of this type of activity.

Market analysis

You need to spend enough time and effort on the analysis of the advertising services market in order to understand in which direction you should move further. To begin with, it is important to decide on which territory you will distribute your services and whether you will work only within your city, or within a region, region or even a country. Next, you should study the presence of competitors and the principles of their activities, including what areas advertising business are already fully occupied, and which ones can still be introduced.

The advertising business is now very developed and widespread, so you are unlikely to find an area in which there would be no competition for you at all. But still, market research will tell you which advertising sector can be more promising for the introduction of their services, and which less. In any case, for an advertising agency to make a good profit, it must offer customers as many services as possible. But investing in such a business requires much more work and effort.

Business registration

The preferred legal form for registering an advertising agency is a limited liability company. If you work primarily with legal entities (and most of the major advertising agencies do just that), then you yourself should become a legal entity. A small advertising agency, which involves working only with private traders, can also be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

However, even if you are starting small, we still advise you to immediately consider the option of registering an LLC, as most likely, after a while you will want to expand the business and start taking orders from large companies and organizations (which are legal entities), and, accordingly, reach a new level of profit.

Choice of fields of activity

All advertising agencies can be distinguished by their main activity. In the most general view There are two main areas of activity - this is the creation of advertising and placement of advertising. Companies involved in the creation and development of advertising are called creative advertising agencies. Those that offer media planning services and placement of advertising products in various means mass media are called media advertising agencies.

When the advertising business was in its infancy, most advertising organizations offered both services at the same time. That is, they themselves created advertising and posted it themselves. Over time, the market changed and agencies began to appear, as, say, of an incomplete cycle - they worked either on the development of advertising or on its communication to consumers.

Now full-service advertising agencies have become popular and in demand again, offering all possible advertising services from A to Z. It is these advertising companies that are the most competitive and have more chances to firmly establish themselves in the market.

Advertising agency services:
1. Market research for a product or service.
2. Building an advertising strategy.
3. Tactical media planning and media plan development.
4. Buying advertising space.
5. Development of principles for positioning a product or service.
6. Creation of corporate style of the company.
7. Organization of PR actions, promotions.
8. Development of style and design of product packaging.
9. Development of design for any polygraphic promotional products - posters, booklets, leaflets, business cards, etc.
10. Development of the brand name, product, service, etc.
11. Development, production and placement of outdoor advertising objects.
12. Development, production and placement of advertising video and radio spots.
13. Development of slogans, slogans and other advertising expressed in text format.
14. Organization of presentations, exhibitions, tastings.
15. Organization of sampling (providing free samples of goods to consumers).


Employees are the main and most valuable element of any advertising agency. It depends on them how high-quality the product will be received by your customers. Hiring beginners and inexperienced workers is a rather risky step. It is very easy to ruin a company's reputation and lose trust (and when a company is just entering the market, it is even easier), but to win it back is a very long and laborious process, and sometimes even impossible. Therefore, when hiring employees, give preference to those candidates who have been working in the advertising field for several years, know what's what in this business, and perhaps even have their own client bases. Young specialists (for example, those who have just graduated from universities) can be hired as assistants and assistants.

But still, you should pay the most attention not to work experience, but to the talent and skills of employees. Ask candidates to show finished advertising work, talk about the projects they have worked on. And it is best to take each new employee first for a trial period (about 1-3 months, depending on the specifics of the work), for which he will be able to show what he is capable of, and you will make a decision regarding his future fate in your agency.

To work in an advertising agency, you will need a director, managers, designers, copywriters, creators. The director will deal with the general management of the agency, conclude various contracts, negotiate, etc. Designers create layouts, develop corporate styles and are directly involved in the design of promotional products. Copywriters work on creating advertising texts of any format - advertising articles, slogans, slogans, video and radio advertising texts.

Managers are divided into different categories depending on the type of activity: sales manager, account manager, recruitment manager, etc. Creators is a common name for all specialists who create something unique. This includes brand positioning, and advertising strategy, and the names of brands and products. It is important for a good creator to have talent and a certain mindset, and not everyone can work with him.

There is no point in hiring an accountant on a permanent staff; it is more reasonable to outsource bookkeeping. Freelancers play a separate role in the advertising business. You should not fundamentally refuse to attract freelancers to certain projects, as among them there can also be worthy and talented specialists. And some advertising agencies do not have creators on a permanent staff at all, but work exclusively with freelancers.

Room search

Important for an advertising agency presentable appearance an office where negotiations with clients will take place - discussion of orders, presentations of projects and issuance of finished materials. It is most convenient to locate an advertising agency in one of the office complexes in the city center.

Office equipment

Equipment for an advertising agency will need the following: furniture, computers, telephones, printers, scanners and other office equipment. Computers must be equipped with special software that designers will work with. You also need high speed internet. Since the advertising industry is developing very quickly, and your employees also need to constantly improve themselves, you will need to provide them with modern professional literature on this topic.

Search for partners

Each advertising agency has in its arsenal several reliable partners who fulfill the orders of the agency itself. For example, for printing printed products, you cannot do without the help of a printing house. To create an outdoor advertising object (for example, a billboard) you need companies that work with the appropriate material. They will make a "blank" billboard, and you will fill it with advertising content.

For various exhibitions, presentations, tastings and other things, it is important to have connections with the owners of exhibition centers and other premises that can serve as an area for these events. Therefore, you must maintain your reputation at a decent level not only for customers, but also for partners.

Even being a young organization, you should not accept the first offer of cooperation. Study first possible options, consider all the pros and cons of cooperation with each potential partner, and then make the final decision.

1. When creating your advertising agency, you must do the first creative work yourself - this is to create an original name for your agency. As you know, they are greeted by clothes, and the name of your agency is what will create the very first impression of your company. The name should be bright, sonorous, arouse interest and be remembered.

2. If you chose phone calls and offering your services as one of the ways to attract potential customers, then first consider what exactly you will offer. The standard set of services and products that every advertising agency has is unlikely to arouse much interest. First, develop something unique that can set you apart from the competition.

3. At the first stages of a business, you should not immediately "swing" at large customers. Small and medium-sized customers will contact you, so you work with them. To be of interest to large customers, you must have a certain history of your activities, an impressive portfolio of completed projects and serious experience in the market. All this will take at least 1-3 years.

5. Don't think that your business will grow only because of the enthusiasm of employees. Like employees in any other field of activity, your staff needs motivation, both tangible and intangible. Opportunity career development, bonuses, bonuses, incentives - all this must be present.

The profitability of the advertising business can reach up to 40%. the highest profit advertising agencies receive exactly on those products that were created thanks to the creative thinking of employees. Uniqueness is always appreciated, and in advertising it is simply necessary.

MS Word Volume: 35 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

Until now, many people either don’t know at all or know very little about what kind of work PR agencies do. Meanwhile, this type of business attracts with its accessibility and the ability to start a business with minimal cost. But in order to open your own PR agency, an entrepreneur must definitely understand the intricacies of this process. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to rely on luck.

PR or "public relations" is translated from English as "public relations". Roughly speaking, this is the work of the agency. PR specialists take certain actions aimed at creating a certain image in relation to a particular object. And it can be both sharply positive and purely negative.

Until recently, no one knew anything about such technologies in our country. It was only in the mid-nineties that the first PR agencies began to operate in Russia. Contrary to popular belief, PR is not only political technologies, but a whole system that allows you to achieve certain goals. And in this business, any entrepreneur who knows a lot about this business can earn a lot of money.

Personnel decides everything - it is difficult to argue with this statement, especially when it comes to creating a PR agency. While recruiting, look for an office space along the way. Any room will not be suitable for rent, because respectable people will pay a visit to you, which means that both the convenient location of the office and its interior design matter. The minimum area is 50 sq. m., and it is desirable to provide for a separate room in which private negotiations with potential clients will be conducted.

But if suitable premises can be rented or bought, creative minds can only be found, poached or grown in their own agency. The best option is to lure an experienced specialist from another company. But for this you will need to offer more favorable working conditions, including increased wages. By hiring people who do not have the necessary experience and knowledge, you take risks. But if you yourself are a great specialist in this field, if you are familiar with modern PR technologies and features of small business pr-promotion, then it is quite possible that you will be able to put together a good team.

But all this is not very important if the experience and skills that you have remain unclaimed. And this may well happen if you do not take care of advertising the services of your agency from the very beginning. To cope with this task is within the power of entrepreneurs who rely in their activities on a competent business plan of a PR agency. Clear planning and following the recommendations of professionals is the main key to success. Ignoring this important financial document, you risk not only your capital, but also more expensive - your own reputation.

PR agency business plan reviews (36)

1 2 3 4 5

    PR agency business plan

    Thanks for the business plan. Its most important and positive feature is the use of up-to-date information and overall good elaboration. Of course, there are also disadvantages, but their significance is not so great, especially if you remember about its price.

    Dimitri, thanks for the feedback! When developing, we pay great attention to the content and relevance of information, this is true. The output is a finished document that contains all the necessary data to start a business in the field of pr. We wish you good luck and success!

    PR agency business plan

    And I am very satisfied with both the quality and the cost of the business plan. This is the base, using which, every businessman can finalize the document and use it to its fullest. I learned the hard way that expensive documents are not necessarily of high quality. But such an inexpensive business plan allowed me to cope with serious troubles.

    Sophia, we are glad that we could provide you with real support in organizing your business. Indeed, using the document as a base, you can develop your own, which will best meet your needs, while saving a significant amount of money, which is important at the initial stage of business development. We wish you successful development, we believe you will succeed.

    PR agency business plan

    The document is not bad, I managed to make sure of this. Despite the low price, it has not lost quality. If we talk about the content of the document, then something was not enough for me. But I understand that I have no right to expect something supernatural, better documents cost more.

    Egor, indeed, the real cost of the document is much higher than we ask for it. By making the document affordable, we enable more entrepreneurs to use it and successfully implement their business idea. Of course, you will have to think out some individual moments yourself, but, as you rightly noted, only a custom-made business plan does not require improvements, and its cost is much higher. We wish you good luck.

In stock PR agency business plan 5 10

Why do you need to write a business plan? The answer to this question is obvious - to develop a clear position for doing business. A detailed business plan is necessary in order to increase capital and, if possible, not get into debt. Without it, a modern entrepreneur will not be able to achieve the desired success.

Business plan for an advertising company - what is its significance?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a business plan in the modern economy. You will never achieve a positive result in your work if you do not plan your activities and predict the consequences of your work. A well-written document can be safely called the business card of the enterprise, the key to its effective development. It should be based on the chosen concept. One of the most important purposes of the plan is to enable the investor to look at your business from a new point of view and adequately evaluate it. Properly planned entrepreneurial activity is the key to rapid financial success.

A business plan is a document that defines the strategy, tactics of doing business, it must clearly indicate the goals and production technologies. In addition, it considers aspects of the enterprise, takes into account the problems that may arise in the process, and calculates methods for solving them. A business plan, as a rule, is developed for a period of at least 3-5 years, broken down for each year, and is aimed at the implementation of a specific project. It can be developed both for a newly opened enterprise and for an existing one.

Tasks and objectives of the advertising agency. His target audience

The main task of an advertising agency as a business is to maximize the advertising impact on the consumer. This issue can only be resolved by creativity to the point. An advertising agency can be safely called a universal organization that must constantly interact with all participants in the advertising market. All employees of the enterprise must perfectly master the skill of communicating with customers and be able to pay attention not only to creative issues, but also to economic ones.

Allocate two main goals that are characteristic of many advertising messages:

  1. development of awareness about the advertised object;
  2. establishment of relations to the subject of advertising.
  • informs customers about the appearance of a new product;
  • informs about the qualities and advantages of products;
  • informs about possible new methods of using specific products;
  • announces new rates;
  • explains how the product works;
  • describes the services provided;
  • trying to eliminate misconceptions about the product.
  • try to convince consumers to purchase a particular product;
  • convince customers to make a purchase immediately;
  • convince the consumer to purchase new products;
  • change the presentation and evaluation of the product;
  • create a new image of the product in the mind of the consumer;
  • Don't miss out on existing loyal customers.
  • constantly remind the consumer about the availability of goods;
  • to remind you that this particular product may be needed in the near future;
  • remind you of the place where you can purchase the product;
  • do not let the consumer forget about the main properties and superiority of a particular product.

In order to determine the target audience of an advertising agency, it is necessary to conduct marketing research. Exists two types of target audience:

  1. target audience in the field of business;
  2. target audience in the plane of the individual consumer.

The target audience includes not only direct buyers, but also those who are involved in deciding whether to purchase. Example: advertisement men's suits. In this particular case, the target audience will include women, since such purchases rarely occur without the initiative of the weaker sex.

The relevance of the advertising services market

V modern world Advertising is the engine of business. At the moment, no one doubts the relevance of advertising. Undoubtedly, it plays a leading role in the development of a market economy and is its primary component.

Not without reason they say that advertising is the best guarantee of the quality of the goods. A quality product should be bright, simple and interesting. If advertising is organized according to all the rules, then it will have a quick effect and contribute to the rapid sale of products.

How to open an advertising agency in accordance with the Law?

In the Russian Legislation "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", work in the advertising business is not subject to mandatory licensing. You can either Closed Joint Stock Company.

In order for the company to work officially, it is necessary in your name. The next step is opening a bank account and ordering an individual print. When writing an application for an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to indicate the type of activity of your advertising agency.

Required documents to register as an individual entrepreneur:

  • an application written in the form No. Р21001;
  • a copy of the main document;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (400 rubles).

Organizational matters

Room selection

The premises for the advertising agency may not be located in the city center. Most negotiations can take place at the customer's premises, so for effective work agency office location can not play a dominant role.

A beautifully designed office can play into the hands of a novice businessman. Many clients prefer to meet with advertisers in rented premises and club offices. This is much cheaper.

Some try to make a good impression on the customer and sometimes overplay. The premises are furnished with expensive furniture and equipment, but, unfortunately, customers rarely please their presence of advertising agents in their offices.

The room is necessary for employees to work with documentation and receive phone calls, to discuss their plans and ideas.

As mentioned above, the company's employees usually go to the customer themselves, so you won't need a large room. If they want to attract wealthy clients with a prestigious office location, they rent a room in the city center.

Advertising business equipment

From the equipment you will need the following:

  • several computers
  • modem,
  • scanner,
  • Fax,
  • Xerox;
  • landline phone.

Particular attention should be paid to the technique for creative design.

In addition, do not forget about buying office furniture. It should be comfortable and practical. Computers for designers should be the most progressive. They are not worth saving.

The software must meet all the new requirements that exist in this area, otherwise your enterprise will not be successful in its work.


The business plan should take into account the costs not only for staff, but also for its number. A small agency will need a small number of employees.

Financial plan

Costs and Estimated Costs of Starting an Advertising Agency from Scratch

  • Room rental - depending on the area of ​​​​the city (from 1,000 to 4,000 dollars).
  • Renovation of the premises - 1,000-2,000 dollars.
  • Equipment and furniture costs - $10,000.

The salaries of employees will directly depend on their work experience and the percentage of transactions. An experienced designer will have to pay 2-3 times more than a beginner.

Additional costs may also apply. This includes, for example, wage a hired driver with a personal vehicle. Freelancers can become good assistants in this type of business - they will help you create high-quality creative projects.


Everything will depend on the direction in which you plan your advertising activities in the business. Monthly income after six months of work - up to 50,000 rubles a month, after a year - 150,000 thousand rubles, and after two years - already more than 300 thousand rubles. per month.

Profitability of the enterprise– 30–40%. In the advertising business, only creativity can bring the highest profitability. You can set the price for your services yourself. In advertising, a lot depends on your acting ability and the capabilities of the client.

Payback- from 4 months to 1 year. In no case should you refuse insignificant orders at the beginning of the journey. They can bring good income and strengthen relationships with entrepreneurs.

In what cases is the Law on the side of the Individual Entrepreneur? from our authors to all small business owners.

Freight transportation as a promising type of activity with a large financial return:

Promotion of advertising services

At the very beginning of your career, it makes no sense to advertise your company heavily. This should not be done for one simple reason: excessive activity can attract a lot of unnecessary attention from competitors.

The promotion of advertising services will greatly depend on the principles of the advertising agency, on the connections that your employees have. At first, this will provide the company with a certain number of necessary orders. The most important thing is to develop your own portfolio. It may take you a long time to create it (about a year). And before that, you should not take orders from reputable customers. First you need to learn from small and medium businessmen. Beginning advertising agencies through the media - reference books. Small firms in search of advertising campaigns turn to such media. Attend various events where you advertise your company and talk about its projects.

There is such a thing as "direct sales". What does it mean? Managers of the company themselves call customers and offer them their services. This option can be advantageous only in one case - if your agency has a completely unique product. Advertising in the media and direct sales in the first year of the company's operation will bring it only 25% of customers, the rest is only the connections of your employees.

And finally...

In order to achieve good success in this business, you need to be a creative person. Another important character trait is sociability, without which it will be very difficult to find mutual language with clients.

The advertising sphere is developing every year: any start-up company is interested in rapid development and attracting customers. Professional assistance in this matter is offered by specialized advertising agencies. Due to the high demand for advertising services, it makes sense to start own business in this direction. Below is a detailed business plan for an advertising agency from scratch with indicative calculations and a development forecast for 2019.

Advertising agency: project goals

The type of activity of the company will be formulated as an enterprise for the production of advertising, placement of a finished advertising product on the agency's advertising sites.

The main goals of the project:

  • — opening and development of a highly profitable advertising agency;
  • - making a profit at a high level;
  • — filling a free niche in the market of advertising services.

The summary of the future project according to preliminary calculations will look like this:

  • – starting investments – about 2 million rubles;
  • – investment return period – 10-24 months;
  • – net profit of the project – from 330 thousand rubles per month.

To prepare for the opening of an advertising agency, you will need to apply to a banking structure to obtain a commercial loan for business development. The approximate amount of the loan is 1 million 900 thousand rubles. It is the loan funds that will become the main part of the initial investment in opening an enterprise, so the total cost of the project will be equal to the amount of the loan. The total amount of interest paid, or the investor's income, will be 129.5 thousand rubles. It is planned to return borrowed funds from the first month of operation of the enterprise. Given the interest rate on the loan in the amount of 17.5%, the payback period should reach 18 months, and the total economic effect for the conditional life cycle of the project under consideration is 1 million 135 thousand rubles.

Such calculations are very approximate and require confirmation. Therefore, the financial part of the plan contains detailed calculations of costs and future profits for all major items.

Advertising agency: features and characteristics of the object

Most modern companies do not independently engage in their own advertising. In most cases, they entrust this task to professionals - advertising agencies, which saves time and achieves greater efficiency. Agency specialists analyze each specific situation, create a specific task that is relevant for a particular client, create and approve a plan. Based on the results of the work performed, the agency managers prepare a presentation and a media plan, coordinating it with the customer.

When planning to open a business, you need to consider all the tasks that are set for advertising, and therefore for its creators:

  • - informing about the range of goods or services, features and benefits of their use;
  • - informing potential consumers about the appearance of new products;
  • - formation of tastes of the target audience;
  • — Offers to make seasonal purchases, which may be associated with any events, such as discounts or sales;
  • - an appeal to purchase goods or services in a particular firm, which contributes to trade interests;
  • - informing about new or more convenient places to purchase goods;
  • - message to representatives of the target audience about expanding the range of goods or improving its quality;
  • — stimulation of demand among buyers.

Thus, the main task of the agency will be the creation of advertising to attract the attention of a potential consumer to the object of advertising - a product or service. Most advertising products are based on a creative component - a creative approach allows you to fix the image of a certain brand in the mind of a potential consumer and create a strong association between a product and a company.

Advertising agencies can be conditionally divided into 2 groups - creative and media. The first type of enterprises specializes in creating advertising, the second - in its placement and reporting to the addressee. These two main areas can be combined in one company, but there are also agencies of a narrower specialization. For example, firms engaged in interactive marketing, event marketing, branding, communication design and other areas. Their target audience may be somewhat narrower, however, such enterprises have a sufficient audience due to the high level of services provided in their direction.

Most advertising agencies have this structure:

  1. - customer service department - managers who act as a link between customers and the advertising agency itself;
  2. - Strategic planning department. In his department - communication planning, work with consumer research and development of an advertising campaign strategy;
  3. - creative department - a department that creates the creative part of the product. The strategy is based on a strategy previously developed by specialists. This department employs copywriters who create the text element of advertising, and specialists responsible for the visual range. A creative director is usually at the head of such a department;
  4. - Production Department. Its representatives - designers and prepress specialists, directly work on the embodiment of an already created idea;
  5. – media planning department – ​​responsible for placing advertisements in media that have sufficient relevance;
  6. — department responsible for advertising on television and other media, on the Internet and outdoor advertising.

Thus, the full range of services performed and offered by the agency includes the following aspects:

  1. - development and construction of a strategy for a specific advertising campaign;
  2. - generating ideas for advertising;
  3. - media planning, which involves the creation of a campaign plan structured by the media;
  4. – purchase of advertising in the media according to the placement plan agreed with the customer;
  5. - production of finished promotional products;
  6. - analysis of the effectiveness of the campaign.

The plan is to create a medium-sized agency, so it may not be strictly structured due to the limited number of employees and the lack of many departments. Therefore, when planning the opening of a company, it is worth giving preference to multidisciplinary specialists. Some functions can be entrusted to partner companies, as well as to attract freelance specialists.

Stages of opening an advertising agency

  1. — development of a strategy and format for the future organization;
  2. – preparation of documentation, opening of a business entity and registration of a license;
  3. - rent or purchase of office space;
  4. – purchase and installation of equipment, computers and office equipment;
  5. - set of staff;
  6. - advertising campaign, customer search.
Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Project start 1 - 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan The presence of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entering into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement From 1 to 30 calendar days
Location selection, paperwork Preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receipt of investment funds Up to 30 calendar days
Hiring Production activity Up to 30 calendar days
Training End of the stage of organization of the production process Up to 30 days
Marketing Campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 calendar days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Advertising agency office

Most of the work in advertising agencies is done remotely, so it is not necessary to open an office in the city center. But regardless of the geographical location, a well-furnished reception area is required, where meetings with clients will take place.

The average advertising agency may be located in a standard office space of 60 square meters. meters. If the company will be a full-cycle enterprise, its area should be larger: then it can be 100 or even more sq.m. If at first the company's activities will include mainly the creative part, a minimal office will do, because some of the employees will be able to do their work remotely at home. All these features will significantly save on rent and utility bills.

Regardless of whether the agency will be located in the central part of the city or in a residential area, it must be equipped with a noticeable sign. Such outdoor advertising will become one of the important methods of attracting customers. The entrance to the office will have to be properly equipped, making parking. The premises themselves are planned to be well zoned: since all employees will perform various work, it is important that their workplaces are in different offices. Therefore, for a company of this kind, the most suitable standard office building. Such facilities usually do not require overhaul, they often have a telephone and Internet connection, and also have a favorable territorial location.


The main office equipment are:

  • — computers with high-quality software;
  • - peripherals;
  • – furniture: tables and chairs for employees, wardrobes, chairs and armchairs for clients and partners, full equipment of the reception area: a reception desk, a sofa for visitors to wait;
  • - if necessary - TVs;
  • - band repeater.

If you plan to open a full-cycle agency, the set of tools and materials will be more extensive:

  • – hot glue machines;
  • - laminators;
  • - cutters;
  • - embossing press;
  • – office board and projection equipment;
  • - document shredder
  • — mini-printing house;
  • - currency detector;
  • - Banknote Counter;
  • - Various office supplies.

All technical equipment is selected in such a way that it meets the existing quality standards and contributes to the growth of the company's productivity. All equipment must comply with safety standards for humans and environment. And the estimated costs of its acquisition must be included in the marketing plan of the project. In most cases, the technical part of the costs is the most expensive item in the business plan.


If the advertising agency is a full-cycle enterprise, the team will be more numerous. In this case, you will need sheet pickers, folders, bookbinders and other workers responsible for the execution of the technical part of the work.

The peculiarity of this branch of activity is that there are a lot of specialists on the market, but there is still a shortage of professional personnel. This is due to the fact that the country still lacks a high-quality system of training personnel in the field of advertising. It takes about a month to search for suitable specialists, so you should start recruiting in advance.

Official registration

Starting a business from scratch requires mandatory registration with the tax service. For a company providing advertising services, both common forms are suitable - LLC and IP. If a mini-format of a company is planned without its further expansion, you can definitely choose an individual entrepreneur. With a larger project, which in the future should become a full-fledged complex for the development of advertising and the production of promotional products, it is better to immediately register a legal entity - LLC. An LLC will be more suitable if there are several founders.

If during planning it was decided to open a legal entity, it is necessary to study the provisions federal law"On Limited Liability Companies" (). The document details the requirements that an enterprise must meet in order to obtain LLC status, as well as making authorized capital and other features.

Regardless of the format - LLC or individual entrepreneur, you need to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service, in which you indicate the main personal data of the founder and the OKVED code according to a special classifier. All promotional activities in this document can be found under code 73 (). To be sure that none of the offered services will go beyond the code chosen by the classifier, the founder of the agency can choose several thematic codes at once. To start a business in the advertising industry, you need to study the following regulatory documents:

Marketing campaign. Target audience and competitiveness b

The vast majority of modern enterprises, not only medium and large, but also small businesses, resort to advertising services. But according to statistics, advertising specialists are most in demand among medium and large companies. These are:

  • store chains,
  • manufacturing enterprises,
  • companies in the FMCG sector (offering consumer goods for sale),
  • large law firms.

As a rule, they place high demands on advertising agencies in terms of timing, reliability and salary adequacy.

Since the advertising market can already be considered formed, this business plan should contain an exact plan for the company to enter the TOP. In the provinces, it is easier to organize the work of such an agency than in big cities, but there will certainly be fewer orders there. Therefore, according to preliminary estimates, it would be more promising to open an advertising business in a big city, especially in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

There are several marketing features inherent in this business. One of the most important is the impact of the economic crisis. In previous years, there was a serious crisis, as a result of which many market participants ceased to exist. As a result, only the strongest agencies remained on the market. This factor, as well as increasing competition today, is most relevant not so much for full-cycle advertising enterprises as for agencies offering a limited range of services.

The main positive feature that affects the development of the market can be considered the growing demand for the services of advertising agencies. Even companies that have their own advertising department turn to specialized specialists to strengthen their position in the market.

Only in the capital at the moment there are more than 2.5 thousand advertising agencies. At the same time, from 2015 to 2018, the industry growth rate was about 13%. In the future, this figure should increase. At the same time, according to marketing research, over the past few years there has been a significant reformatting of the industry: advertising in the press has lost ground, giving way to the Internet, especially social networks. In turn, outdoor advertising is experiencing significant restrictions on the part of regulations. According to a preliminary analysis, contextual Internet advertising is the leader in terms of relevance today. Its growth rate is 45% with an upward trend. Display advertising growth rate is 15%. In general, in the online advertising segment, the growth rate remains consistently the highest - it is 43 percent.

If we summarize the information about the marketing plan of the business, we can conclude that the number of market participants is gradually growing, while the demand for the services of advertising agencies remains approximately at the same level. This means that it is necessary to enter the market with a specific strategy that is different from the existing ones.

Even before the opening, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to form consumer opinion and attract customers. The following methods will be effective in this:

  • — development and development of its own website;
  • - placement of advertisements on their advertising platforms;
  • — creation of thematic videos;
  • - advertising in thematic media.

Advertising on television, where a large number of potential customers will see them, can also be considered an effective method of promoting a campaign.

According to established rule, any service will be promising if its target audience includes at least 1% of the economically active population. In the case of Russia, the number of potential clients should be from 780,000, which is very likely under the current conditions.

Risks and prospects

The positive is that the owner has a large amount of information that helps create new lines of profit, and useful connections. From such an agency itself, over time, a number of other companies can be developed:

  • Design Studio,
  • PR agency,
  • consulting company and others.
  1. — the periodically intensifying economic crisis, which reduces demand in most segments of the country's service market;
  2. high level competition;
  3. — significant financial investments, especially when creating a full cycle agency;
  4. — shortage of highly qualified specialists in the industry.

The prospects of the future company also depend on the success of the choice of the market segment. So, an advertising agency can serve the following business segments:

- home offices: actors here - individual entrepreneurs, leading their own business and striving to develop and increase the client audience;

Small businesses with less than 100 employees. They have a small budget, but are among the most important and numerous clients of advertising agencies;

- medium-sized companies, the number of which does not reach 500 people;

- large firms. Such enterprises with more than 500 employees are considered the most solvent customers. But this category is not numerous, and for its location will have to fight with competing companies.

To fully enter the market, you should focus on all existing categories of potential customers. In this case, neither a possible crisis nor the activation of competitors pose a threat.

Financial plan

The financial component of the business plan provides for the following main features:

1) First, the project loading plan is calculated. It will take into account that during the first 3-6 months the advertising agency will work mainly for itself rather than for clients. This means that the focus will be on advertising your own services. After the expiration of the above period, the break-even point must be reached.

2) In the initial analysis of the potential profit of the future enterprise, average figures relevant for this market direction are used:

The presented plan is a standard one, drawn up without taking into account the individual nuances of a single plan. With regard to a specific plan and taking into account strictly planned cost items, the expenditure part should be calculated in several sections - starting, monthly and annual expenses. In this vein, the project cost plan will be as follows:

Item of expenses For 1 month, rub. For a year, rub. One-time costs For a year, rub.
Purchase (or rent) of premises (from 60 sq.m) 45000 540000 90000 630000
Purchase of equipment, 10 units 34000 815000 815000
Purchase of computer equipment 69000 69000
Creation and promotion of the site, purchase of a script, hosting, software 120000 120000
Advertising costs 45000 540000 540000
Salary (for 12 months) From 630000 From 7.5 million From 7.5 million
Tax payments (for 12 months) 190000 2 million 275 thousand 2 million 275 thousand
Unexpected expenses 110000 110000
Total from 700000 8 million 700 thousand 1 million 204 thousand 9.9 million

When planning the income of an enterprise, one should consider the average prices for advertising services operating in the market. The minimum scores will be as follows:

– logo development – ​​from 30 thousand;

– creation of a corporate identity for the brand – over 70 thousand;

– development of the original layout of the corporate publication – 25 thousand and more.

The peculiarity of the advertising business is that the product created in it does not have a specific cost. The cost of advertisers' services depends almost entirely on their reputation in the market and the ability to recommend and sell their product to a client. However, although there can be no upper price limit in this industry, initially you need to build on the average market prices in your city and region.

The 2-year period considered in the plan is an approximate period for opening and bringing an advertising agency to self-sufficiency. The plan for the volume of production and sale of agency services for this period can be conditionally divided into two main stages:

Period Type of service The volume of production and sales for 1 month. (PC.) price, rub. Sales proceeds, rub.
1 – 12 months of investment Production of texts From 60 texts From 340 21700 and more
1 – 12 months of investment Creating audio clips from 15 videos From 6800 107.5 thousand
1 – 12 months of investment Advertising placement From 30 ethers From 23000 716.8 thousand
1 – 12 months of investment From 1000 per month From 120 120 thousand
Production of texts From 64 texts From 380 24.5 thousand
13 – 24 month of operation Creating audio clips from 16 videos From 7530 From 120.5 thousand
13 – 24 month of operation Advertising placement From 32 ethers From 25000 800 thousand
13 – 24 month of operation Production of printed products From 1100 per month From 135 148.5 thousand

If the current market growth, which is currently 13% per year, remains at the same level, the annual sales volume of the enterprise will exceed 10 million rubles.

The sales forecast is performed based on the following factors:

- conclusions on the analysis of the general state of the market for the provision of services in the advertising field;

— general conclusions regarding the state of the relevant market segment. The threshold of profitability during the calculations will be the lowest, which will make the analysis as objective and accurate as possible.

The taxes that are obligatory for payment by any private enterprise, regardless of the type of activity and the chosen taxation system, are as follows:

So, the business plan of an advertising agency is one of the modern and popular areas of the service sector. This industry is specific, as its target audience is business entities of various sizes. Since advertising services do not belong to the sphere of prime necessity, this type of activity is significantly affected by crisis phenomena in the economy. At the same time, with a competent marketing campaign and the high quality of the services provided, agencies in demand even in economically unfavorable periods have a chance to maintain their positions. With a successful start and active development, the payback of the enterprise occurs within 2 years.