Mafia cards. Mafia card game, how to play, basic (doctor, sheriff, etc.) and additional roles (confused, fanatic, etc.)

  • 25.09.2019

The game of city mafia implies that in the game for victory they compete: a team of civilians, a mafia team and a teamless lone player - a maniac.

Players even in the same team are not the same, everyone (of course, except for the maniac who plays alone, “for himself”) has a certain role, depending on which card was dealt.

What are the game cards (roles)

civilian. The most ordinary resident, which, as in ordinary life majority. Does not have any special abilities, can only take part in daytime voting and discussions.

Sheriff. Plays for a team of civilians. Every night, he has the right to secretly check one (any) player for belonging to the mafia team, secretly from other participants in the game. It looks like this: the host during the "night" (when all participants are "sleeping") says "the sheriff wakes up." The player to whom this card fell out removes the mask and shows the leader on the fingers the number of the player whom he would like to check. In response, the presenter either shakes his head negatively ("no, not the mafia") - if this player does not play for the mafia team, or also confirms with a nod "yes, he is the mafia" - if this player got one of the mafia cards. After checking the sheriff, the host announces "the sheriff is falling asleep" and the sheriff after these words must put on a mask.
The sheriff can check only one player per night.

Doctor. Every night has the right to cure one person from the "shot" of the mafia.
It looks like this: the host during the "night" announces: "The doctor wakes up. The doctor chooses whom he will cure this night." The doctor "wakes up" (takes off his mask) and gestures to show the number of the player he wants to save from the mafia's shot. After the presenter has accepted the candidacy, the doctor, at the command of the host, puts on a mask and "falls asleep". If on this turn the mafia "shot" at the player whom the doctor treated that night, then in the morning the player who was shot remains at the game table.
The doctor can only attempt to heal one player per night. The Doctor cannot heal the same player twice in a row, and the Doctor can only heal himself once per game.
The Doctor plays for a team of civilians.

Putana. Each night has the right to choose one player with whom she will spend the night. What does it look like. The host announces: "Putana is waking up", while the player who got the Putana card removes the mask. The host announces "Putana chooses with whom she will spend the night" - the player must show the number of the selected player with gestures. The facilitator shows the same number to make sure that he understood correctly and announces: "Putana has made her choice, Putana is going to sleep." (The player to whom the Putana card has fallen silently puts on a mask and "falls asleep")
The player chosen by Putana is subject to the following restrictions for one night:
Mafia doesn't kill. Wakes up at night chooses a victim, but the presenter fixes a miss.
Don doesn't check. Wakes up at night, but the leader shows crossed arms that he is blocked, and cannot make a check.
Sheriff doesn't check. Wakes up at night, but the leader shows crossed arms that he is blocked, and cannot make a check.
The doctor doesn't heal. Wakes up at night, but the host shows crossed arms that he is blocked, and cannot heal.
Maniac doesn't kill. Wakes up at night chooses a victim, but the presenter fixes a miss.
The next day, the player to whom the prostitute went has an "alibi": if the player to whom the prostitute went is put up for a day's vote and gains the majority of votes, then he does not leave the game, the host will announce this.
Putana cannot pick the same player for two nights in a row. If Putan is the victim at night, then the player chosen by her leaves the game with her.
Putana plays for a team of civilians.

Mafia. All players who drew a mafia card jointly wake up at night and jointly choose who they will kill that night.
It looks like this. The host announces during the night: "The mafia is waking up. The mafia decides who it will kill tonight." All the players who drew the Mafia card, as well as the player who drew the Mafia Don card, remove their masks and agree with gestures for one minute who they will kill that night. After the decision is made, the Mafia Don shows the host the number of the player they have chosen and the host accepts the candidacy (repeats the number that the Mafia Don showed him) and announces: "The mafia has made its choice - the mafia is sleeping!"
Every night the mafia can "shoot" only once.
In the event that the mafia is left without its don at the table, the presenter interrogates all the players who drew the mafia card, whom they kill. The candidature is accepted only if all the players of the mafia team agree with the choice of the rest of the team members. If Don is at the table, then Don has the final say on who to kill.

mafia don. The player who drew the Mafia Don card, in addition to being able to wake up with the mafia team and shoot, has the right to check one of the inhabitants every night and find out if this player is the sheriff of this game or not.
It looks like this. The host announces at night: "Don of the mafia is waking up" (on this command, the player who drew the Don card removes the mask), then the host announces: "Don is looking for the Sheriff." The mafia don shows the host a number on his fingers - the number of the player he wants to check this turn. The presenter in response either shakes his head in the negative ("no, not the sheriff") - if this player is not the sheriff, or (also with a nod) confirms "yes, he is the sheriff" - if the player being checked is the Sheriff.
Every night the Mafia Don has the right to check only one player. When checking Don, the other members of the mafia team do not wake up.

Maniac. The player who drew the Maniac card has the ability to "wake up" at night and kill one player.
It looks like this. At night, the host announces "A Maniac is waking up in our city." The player who drew the Maniac card removes the mask. The host announces "The maniac chooses his victim - whom he will kill this night." The player shows the leader on the fingers the number of the player he has chosen. After that, the leader accepts the candidacy (repeats the number that Maniac showed him) and announces "Maniac has made his choice - Maniac falls asleep." The player who drew the Maniac card quietly puts on the mask and "falls asleep".
The maniac has the right to choose only one victim per night. Also, on any night, the maniac has the right to refuse and not shoot. In this case, the player who plays the Maniac wakes up and shows the leader his arms crossed as a sign that he refuses to shoot that night.

These are the cards in the game and their main features.

This presentation is very brief and beginners have certain questions about certain nuances. (As a rule, these questions concern "active" game cards- Sheriff, Putana, Doctor, Mafia, Mafia Don or Maniac cards.)

Let's try to answer the most typical questions or analyze non-obvious things.

Sheriff. The sheriff checks "for the mafia" - whether the player belongs to the mafia team or not.
What does this mean? If the player being checked is a mafia or mafia don, then the host will say "yes he is a mafia." But if the sheriff points out to the host the player who got the Maniac card, then the host will announce to the sheriff "no, he is not a mafia." Therefore, for the sheriff, a maniac looks the same as an ordinary resident.
Also, if the sheriff checks Putana or the Doctor, then the host in this case says "no, not the mafia." (Trivial, yes, but some beginners do not immediately remember who is on which team)
The sheriff cannot check players who are not at the gaming table.

Doctor. The Doctor does not heal Maniac from shots, only Mafia.
The doctor cannot but heal in his turn, he is always obliged to choose a player.

Putana. Putana cannot visit the same player two nights in a row.
Suppose, if Putana was with player number twelve on the first night, then on the second night she cannot go to this player - but she can go on the third (or fourth). If the player had Putana at twelve on the third night, then she will not be able to go to the same player on the fourth night, and so on.
Putana cannot refuse and choose no player.
A prostitute cannot "walk" to herself.
The player to whom the prostitute went does not receive protection from the shooting of the mafia or the maniac: if the prostitute goes to any player, and this player was shot at night, then he will leave the gaming table in the morning.
It is also possible that Putana was shot at night and the doctor treated the player that Putana went to: in this case, only Putana will leave in the morning, and not both of these players.

Mafia. The mafia can't help but shoot: every night the mafia team must make one kill.
If Putana chooses any player of the mafia or Don team for the night, then the presenter fixes the mistake of the entire team.

mafia don. The mafia don wakes up twice: once with the whole team (jointly decide who to kill at night) and the second time - once (chooses who to check for sheriffship).
The mafia don cannot check for sheriffship of players who are no longer at the gaming table.

Maniac. The maniac has the option not to shoot. This is the ONLY active card that can relinquish its active role.

We have on the site.

The deck contains the most popular characters and will bring a lot of fun from the game. For gourmets and professionals, there are a variety of additional characters that can be ordered separately.

ADDITIONAL CARDS (they can be ordered in addition to the starting deck). For example, if you are used to playing without a lot of roles, you can purchase several additional Civilians separately. We also recommend purchasing a Lawyer and a Supercharger, which can bring novelty to your game!

Civilian #4

Immortal A character playing for the city. His exclusivity is that no shots affect him at night, he can only be killed in the daytime voting.

Supercharger Playing for the mafia. Every night he wakes up and chooses a victim that he will "drown" on the vote. If you manage to convince the inhabitants to execute this particular player, then that night the Supercharger becomes immune to all influences.
Wakes up twice the first night. The first time with the mafia to get to know all its members, the second time after her to act.

Advocate Playing on the side of the mafia. Blocks one player every night. When the player that the Advocate was interacting with wakes up, the facilitator will show him crossed arms - this means that the player should fall asleep without performing their actions.
The first night he wakes up twice: together with the mafia to get to know all its members, the second time - after the mafia, to act.


The starting deck "Mafia" consists of 18 cards: four Mafia, Don, Commissar, Journalist, Doctor, Putana, Maniac, Werewolf, Lunatic, Cop, Immortal and four Civilians.

Mafia #1 A group of people who know each other by sight and have a common goal - to exterminate all civilians. At night, in their turn, they agree on who to kill. Mafiosi can choose a victim among themselves if they see fit (sometimes it makes sense to confuse the investigation).

Mafia #2

Mafia #3

Mafia #4

Don This is the head of the mafia, endowed with special power in choosing victims and the order of their murders. The card is introduced when playing according to the "Moscow" rules. See the "blind mafia" modification in the rules. When meeting the mafia on the first night, they come up with a certain gesture for Don (scratch his ear, cough, tap the table with a pen), with which he can change the order of victims during the daytime discussion or wedge in a new victim. For example, if Don decides to deviate from the previously planned killing order, then he gestures and speaks or points at the victim with his eyes. The rest of the mafiosi in the night voting must follow the new order.

Commissioner At night, he checks one of the players, and receives an answer to the silent question “are you a mafia?”. The host nods approvingly if the player being checked is a mafia, and negatively if someone else. When playing with the "Unleader" modification, the tested player himself honestly nods "yes" or "no".

Journalist Wakes up at night and checks two players for involvement in the same / different groups. He points to two people, and the host tells him whether these people are from the same "clan" or from different ones. For example, a civilian (or a doctor, or a commissar, etc.) with a mafia will be shown as "different", a mafia with a mafia (a civilian with a civilian) will be "the same". A maniac with a representative of each of the clans will always be "different".

Doctor During the night, the doctor saves the player from one attempt on his life. For the whole game, he can heal himself only once.

Putana The player with whom the prostitute interacted receives an alibi for the next vote (he cannot be put in jail). The presence of an alibi is mentioned after the final vote. In the event that a player with an alibi should be imprisoned, he is not imprisoned, and the vote is considered to be merged. Putana cannot interact with herself.

Sleepwalker Wakes up in the course of the mafia, and pretends to be one of the mafiosi. Lunatic plays for civilians. At the voting, he must carefully dispose of the advantage that he knows all the mafiosi by sight, otherwise he will quickly become another victim. The sleepwalker has no right to play openly and call the list of mafiosi. If at night the mafia decides to kill one of their own, and this choice fell on a sleepwalker, he must show them that he is a sleepwalker and the mafia can choose another victim. In the morning, the lunatic is out of the game (it doesn't matter if he was treated or not).

Maniac Lone non-command shooter. Kills one of the players at night. Wins when left alone in the city. To win, it is beneficial for a maniac to keep a balance of power in the city.

Werewolf A civilian who dreams of becoming a mafia. While the mafia is in the game, the “werewolf” is on the side of the city and is determined by the commissioner, journalist, and others as a civilian. After the entire mafia has dropped out, it becomes the new mafia with all its functionality. He wins when there is only one left in the city.

You will need

  • - material for cards;
  • - a marker or pen;
  • - varnish or laminate;
  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - Printer.


Cut out the desired number of cards from thick cardboard. They should be the same size, with a smooth edge so that it is not possible to distinguish one from the other. Other materials may be suitable for them. For example, wood, plain paper (then they will lose very quickly appearance) or plastic. The main thing is to place the name of the character on one side. There are several game options. In it, in addition to civilians and the mafia, there may be a commissioner, a reanimating commissioner, a detective, a jailer, a priest, a journalist, a donor, a judge, and many others. The game "Mafia" is regularly improved and supplemented.

Draw the same geometric pattern on one side of the cards. This will be their shirt. If you are not sure about your artistic data, you can leave this side white, paint over it in one tone or some pattern on the printer. The size of the cards can be arbitrary, but you should not make them too big. Ideally cards must be completely hidden by the palm of the player.

Choose one of the game options. Decide which participants will be in it. In addition to civilians and the mafia, more than 30 various options players. Usually, "Mafia" is played by companies from 8 to 20 people. If there are more people, it will be very difficult to listen to everyone, and the rounds can last too long.

On the reverse side draw cards with captions. Mafia is best done in dark colors, and civilians - in red or light. Write the names of the cards in clear handwriting so that there are no misunderstandings.

Laminate all cards or just varnish them. Check again that they are completely identical. Otherwise, the game will be completely uninteresting. Let them dry. Now everything is ready for the game.

If you do not want to draw or do not have the necessary artistic data, find Mafia cards on the Internet and print them out.

"Mafia" is a team game of psychological type with a detective story. The plot of the story is pretty simple. Residents of city N are tired of the incessant activities of gangsters. Therefore, they decide to track down all the mafiosi and send them to prison. Naturally, the hierarchs of the criminal world do not like this, and they, in turn, declare war on honest citizens until complete destruction. How should you play Mafia?

It is difficult to find a person today who has not heard about the popular psychological game"Mafia". In almost every city there are several clubs in which teams of players who are seriously passionate about the game process constantly compete and win against each other. Many novice players are interested in how to organize the gameplay in order to win more often than usual, and in the game " Mafia There really are tricks that allow you to win.


The essence of this game and the task of each player is to recognize. Each game is different, as the process of playing depends on the personalities of other players. Best with people you already know as players in " Mafia” - so you can quickly determine whether the person opposite you is a mafia, or he is a civilian.

Always watch the players, watch their behavior, facial expressions and emotions in different game situations. If you know your interlocutors well enough, you will understand what emotions are given out in each of them - everyone can have their own individual non-verbal manifestations.

See if there are people behind the game who do not show due interest in the game and are not involved in discussions. Most likely, these people are, since they are interested in the crash in order to then connect to the game. Always listen carefully to the speech of the person you are playing with. Not only gestures and facial expressions can betray the mafia - careless phrases expressed impulsively can also betray it.

At the very beginning of the game, try to keep silent players, as they make the gameplay difficult and make it difficult to understand what is on their mind. After a couple of games, they will start to join the discussions, and the game will become clearer and more interesting.

Mafia is an unforgettable game, the rules of which will not leave anyone indifferent! Built on a subtle psychological game and human emotions, it captures both outdoor enthusiasts and those who prefer a quiet evening in a friendly circle.

Don't know how to learn how to play Mafia correctly? Use the classic rules and cards to play Mafia for yourself and your company.

Don't want to figure out how to make cards for the "Mafia" yourself? On our site you can download and print playing cards for the game "Mafia" completely free of charge. At the same time, you will not find analogues in any online store!

How to play in Mafia?

Decide on the players and the leader. Such a player should be a person who knows well how to play Mafia cards. By playing it constantly, you will be able to play without this role.

Use a table to seat the players, with the players seated with sufficient space without elbows or knees touching each other.

To record the course of the game, the host, if necessary, can use a notebook and a pen :). Well, well, good luck.

Game "Mafia": how to print the rules and cards?

You will find the rules of the game "Mafia" just below. It is enough to copy and paste them into Word, then print and use during the game.

You can find maps for playing Mafia and download them completely free of charge by clicking on the button below.

You can print to your home printer using thick paper. Also in the document you can find a sample card back. Print them out at equal number with cards, glue and get a homemade, personalized set of cards to play with!

Board card game "Mafia": game rules

First "night"

After the distribution of game cards to each player, night falls. This means that each player closes his eyes and does not open them until the leader's special command. We recommend that you do not spy on the progress of the game at night, because this can spoil the impression.

The host says "The city is falling asleep", all players close their eyes. “Mafia wakes up” - those players who, during the distribution of the “Mafia” card, open their eyes and get to know each other. Then, in turn, all active characters wake up to get acquainted with the host - a maniac, a sheriff, etc.

First day"

The purpose of the first day is to decide on the candidates for arrest. Basically, bets are made on the various rustles and sounds that the sleepers heard during their acquaintance with the mafia. During the discussion, the main goal of the peaceful ones is to figure out the mafia. The mafia, in turn, must prevent the arrest of "their own". After some debate, each of the players votes against this or that person. After the prisoner is chosen, his card is revealed. The city falls asleep.

Second "night"

That night, the mafia kills one of the civilians. They show their choice to the host of the game - the choice is made silently, with gestures, facial expressions, and glances. After the mafia falls asleep, the more active roles wake up in turn - the sheriff, the doctor, the killer, etc. The leader must remember all the functions that they performed that night - who was saved, who was cured, who was checked. After everyone has played their part, the city falls asleep.

Second day"

On the second day, the host must announce all the events that happened at night. The murder of someone from the peaceful, the treatment of a doctor who was saved by a prostitute. However, you can not reveal other people's roles - this is very important rule! If a person who became a victim of the mafia was cured by a doctor or saved by a prostitute, the host announces "The murder did not happen!". So he hides the name former victim. However, this rule can be changed depending on whether you want to know who the mafia had a grudge against.

After the host announces the results of the night, discussions begin again. After that, the "prisoner" is selected again. The scheme of the further game completely repeats the scheme "the first day - the second night - the second day".

The end of the game is considered the moment when the civilians or the mafia won by the ratio of players.

Main cards in the game "Mafia"

Mafia. During the day, he pretends to be an ordinary civilian. At night, she tries to kill a player who, in her opinion, is too active a peaceful one, leading everyone along the right path of choice.

Peaceful resident. Only sleeps at night. During the day, he tries to figure out which of the players is the mafia and put the villain behind bars.

How to play the Mafia game with active roles?

Sheriff. Sheriff plays for civilians. Waking up at night, he can choose to check only 1 player. Pointing a finger at him, he falls asleep, and in the morning the host says “The Sheriff hit” or “The Sheriff didn’t hit”, depending on whether the sheriff guessed the mafia representatives or not.

If “Sheriff hit”, then during the game the sheriff must imperceptibly drive the entire part of the players to the one who turned out to be the mafia after his check. This means that it is necessary to play a subtle psychological game in order to lead the peaceful to victory.

Doctor. He also plays as a civilian, curing people after being killed by the mafia. He shows his choice to the host at night, and if he cured the one who became a victim of the mafia, then during the day it is announced that “The murder did not happen!”. An important rule is that the doctor does not have the right to treat the same player two nights in a row. This can only be done overnight. By the way, the doctor also has the right to treat himself, but also, in one night.

Killer. The killer needs to determine the participant for whom he will hunt. At night, the presenter lists active roles especially for the killer. While voicing the role he wants to hunt, the hitman nods his head. All subsequent nights, he checks each player and looks for a "victim" according to the principle of the sheriff's work. If the killer pointed to a person who has a profession that he hunts, then in the afternoon they announce “The killer hit, died ... (for example, a prostitute)”.

Werewolf. After killing the first mafia, the werewolf completely takes over its functions. That is, at the beginning of the game - he is a civilian, at the end - the mafia.

Advocate. Completely repeats the functions of the sheriff, but plays for the mafia composition.

Immortal. This player cannot become a victim of the mafia at night, he can only be imprisoned by civilians during the day.

Bodyguard. At night, chooses a player to guard. If the choice of the mafia fell on this player, the bodyguard dies in his place. However, the bodyguard has a chance to survive if the doctor saves him.

Putana. At night, he chooses a player who he takes to a brothel, and thus, if the choice of the mafia fell on him, the prostitute saves this player. When a prostitute is killed, her "client" also dies. When choosing a doctor, a prostitute or her "client" can survive, BUT only one person.

Maniac. Plays for himself, and can kill any player, including the mafia.

That's all the rules of the game "Mafia" :). We wish you an exciting game!

P.S. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

Playing Mafia with cards is an exciting activity for both adults and children. This simple team game allows players to develop their imagination, teaches them to speak beautifully and hones the gift of persuasion, and also trains memory. Mafia - calm and fun game which is suitable for big company. The rule applies here - the more players, the more interesting the game is. The optimal number of players for the Mafia is 8-16 people.

Preparing for the game

Before the game begins, cards are prepared (you can purchase ready-made Mafia cards, print pictures for the Mafia yourself or use ordinary playing cards). With the help of cards, all players are divided into roles. It is more interesting to play with special cards created for this game. You can download pictures for cards and print them on a printer - Card templates for the game MAFIA

If you have a regular deck playing cards, then the roles are distributed as follows:

  • red - citizens (they are civilians),
  • black - mafia,
  • picture cards - additional statuses (for example, the queen of spades is a courtesan, the king of clubs is a commissar, the king of spades is a maniac, the king of hearts is a doctor.)

Players who have never played Mafia before playing should get acquainted with the roles and understand what and how this or that character does.

The players shuffle the cards and deal them out. Each player receives a card face down. Players look at their cards but do not show them to others. Each player must clearly know his role and not get confused. The card can be attached to clothes with a clothespin or simply put in a pocket.

So, let's look at the main roles and remember what they can and cannot do.

The main roles of players in the game Mafia

Leading- the only player who shows his card to the others. This man knows everything about everyone in the city. He is leading the game.

Peaceful citizens- ordinary residents of a virtual city who sleep at night (sleep honestly without peeping!), And during the day they vote (imprison) the player who, in their opinion, is a mafia.

Mafia- players who choose and kill the chosen victim at night, and during the day try to act like civilians.

Sheriff (Commissioner)- There can only be one sheriff in the game. His task is to check the players at night.

Doctor (doctor, healer)- the doctor also works at night and can save only one inhabitant of the city.

Courtesan- takes one of the players for the whole night and thus saves him from being killed. True, if the mafia chose her as a victim, then her beloved also dies with her.

Maniac- seeks to kill everyone and remain the only inhabitant in the city.

Rules for playing Mafia with cards

After the cards have been dealt, the leader who received his card shows it to the other players and prepares a small piece of paper and a pencil. The leader will keep score of those killed and announce the verdict to the rest of the townspeople. The leader of the game must be honest.

First night

On the first night, the host gets acquainted with the teams and finds out who is the mafia, who are the civilians, who is the doctor, the maniac, etc.

The facilitator announces to the players:

Night. The townspeople are sleeping, the mafia is waking up.

Those players who received a civilian, doctor, courtesan or sheriff card do not open their eyes. "Mafia" opens its eyes and gets acquainted (without sound, only with a glance the players find each other, the townspeople should not know who is who !!!). The host writes down the mafia players on his piece of paper. Of course, he does not allow any of the players to peep into this sheet.

Further, the presenter commands the mafia to sleep, and orders the sheriff to wake up and writes him down on his “black list”. So, in turn, on the first night, the host recognizes all the players: the mafia, the sheriff, the doctor, the courtesan, the maniac and civilians.

First day

The host announces:

Day! The city is waking up.

All players open their eyes. The townspeople are given a head start on the first day. The mafia has not yet killed anyone, but already on the first day, civilians suspected something was wrong (the noises of the night led them to disturbing thoughts - the mafia is operating in the city!).

On the first day, the inhabitants of the city must put one player in jail, recognizing him as a mafia. The player is selected by common decision or by vote. Naturally, the mafia is trying with all its might to imprison a civilian. Once a player is chosen, he is out of the game and reveals his card. The townspeople will find out who they planted.

Second night

The host announces:

The city is sleeping, the mafia is waking up!

The mafia opens its eyes and identifies its victim as silently as possible. The host writes in a notebook who the mafia killed. Further, in turn, all acting roles wake up (sheriff, doctor, etc.). Each role must fulfill its function:

  • The sheriff checks the player. Pointing his eyes at one of the players, he asks the leading mafia whether it is. The host should nod to let the sheriff know if this is a mafia or not. During the day, the sheriff must sway the vote to kill the mafia, but this player cannot shout “I am the sheriff and I know everyone”. He himself is afraid of the mafia, and as soon as the mafia guesses who the sheriff is in the city, they will immediately hit him.
  • The Doctor, pointing at one of the players, saves him. The leader writes down the "treated". I think there is no need to explain that the doctor treats the players at random, because he does not know who is who and who was killed by the mafia that night. Also, the doctor cannot heal the same player for 2 nights in a row. The doctor himself also cannot treat 2 nights in a row.
  • The courtesan looks at the player whom she takes with her to the brothel that night. This player, if chosen by the mafia, remains alive (after all, he was not at home at night). The trouble is that if the mafia killed a courtesan at night, then her visitor also dies, the mafia's witnesses are useless!
  • The maniac just kills the one he likes. Well, what to take from a maniac!

All players who were treated, were with a courtesan, fell into the clutches of a maniac, etc. The leader writes down so as not to get confused.

After all the players have played their roles, the city wakes up.

Second day

After a long, eventful night, the host announces:

The second day, the townspeople wake up.

Everyone opens their eyes and the presenter calls the one who has not woken up:

There was a murder in our town last night. Killed by such and such (the player shows his card to others and is eliminated from the game).

So that it would not be very offensive, but the game would be more fun, the murdered man tells with taste how he was nailed (you can come up with something funny and funny. For example, death came from the fact that I was forced to eat 25 plates of semolina :)

If the player chosen by the mafia was saved by a doctor or a courtesan, the host announces "The murder did not happen."

The day continues with a discussion and a lynching of one of the players.