Technology for the production of canned food. Packing and capping

  • 23.09.2019

Canned meat- hermetically sealed and sterilized meat products packed in tins or glass jars and intended for long-term storage.

Scheme canned meat production consists of the following operations: preparation of raw materials and containers, portioning, evacuation, canning, checking cans for leaks, sterilization, thermostatic exposure of cans and their labeling.

The preparation of raw materials and containers is as follows. After cutting and deboning the meat, it is cut into pieces weighing 50–70 g or less. For some types of canned food, the meat is blanched, i.e. briefly boiled in a small amount of water. If provided by the recipe, then the resulting concentrated broth is poured into meat in jars. For certain types of canned food, the meat is fried in fat.

When processing offal (kidneys, salted tongues), they are soaked, excess fatty and connective tissues, blood vessels, tendons, bile ducts, etc. are removed. When using vegetable raw materials, they are sorted, washed, soaked, blanched or boiled and cooled.

Empty jars are checked for tightness by dry or wet methods on special machines, washed with hot water and sterilized with live steam.

Portioning is carried out on dosing machines. It includes the following operations: packing dense constituent parts(salt, spices, raw fat, meat; in meat and vegetable - vegetable raw materials); pouring liquid components (broth or sauce); weighing and compacting canned food.

During the operation of evacuation (exhausting), air is removed from the filled can, while the cans are heated to a temperature of + 80 ... 95 ° С.

The filled cans are rolled up (sealed), then marked. All cans are tested for tightness (excluding those rolled up on a vacuum-sealing machine) by immersing them in boiled water (+85 °С) for 1-2 minutes.

Sterilization of canned food produced by heating them above 100 °C. Some canned foods (such as canned ham) are pasteurized. After sterilization (pasteurization), the first (hot) sorting of canned food in appearance is carried out, rejecting leaky, deformed, with smudges. Then the canned food is cooled with water to +40 °C.

Some canned food is subjected to thermostatic exposure for 5 days at a temperature of + 38 ... 40 ° C, after which defective cans are detected.

At room temperature, canned food is kept for 12–15 days, after which a second sorting is carried out. Then the canned food is sent to packaging.

Canned meat is distinguished by the type of raw material, purpose (lunch and snack bars), recipe (meat and meat and vegetable), heat treatment modes and initial processing of raw materials.


The capacity of the Russian canned meat market is increasing by an average of 5...10% per year.

The main share of the canned meat market is made up of canned beef (49%) and pork (25%). According to many quality indicators, stewed beef is the most acceptable and familiar to the Russian consumer. Recently, the assortment of canned meat has been expanding mainly due to new types.

The output of canned beef is increasing much more slowly than that of pate and canned poultry meat.

The volume of sales of canned meat from beef is 3%, from pork - 2%, meat and vegetable canned food - 4 ... 5, a group of pates - 10, canned poultry meat - 15%. The growth of canned pork is progressing and in the coming years it will be 1.5 ... 2%.

If before 2002 the share of canned pork produced in accordance with GOST was 44% of the total volume of canned meat, then by 2005 it will increase to 55%.

According to experts' forecasts, in the near future, sales of beef stew with protein supplements are most likely to decrease.

The average level of growth in the volume of sales of meat pates in the coming years will be 10 ... 12% per year (due to an increase in the production of pates with various additives).

The market for meat and vegetable canned food in the coming years may increase by an average of 3-4% per year. This segment of the market can develop more dynamically if the industry starts producing canned food of new types, which will include non-traditional ingredients.

The projected growth in the sale of canned poultry meat should be 10 ... 15% per year.

By now, Russia has successfully mastered the production of meat and meat and vegetable canned children's food with the content of meat components, respectively, 40 ... 60 and 20 ... 29%. They are characterized by high nutritional value and good taste characteristics. However, in accordance with the requirements for the production of food for young children, it became necessary to create domestic canned children - analogues of products from foreign companies.

Specialists of the laboratory of children's products of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry, together with the Russian company Teledisk-Holding, with the participation of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, have developed a new generation of vegetable-meat and vegetable-based products. canned fish for baby food (TU 9161-722-00419779-02), adequate to the metabolic characteristics of the child's body. Interest in these developments is also manifested among the largest producers of canned meat in the Moscow region, which send their products to the corporate sector: Cherkizovsky, Mikoyanovsky meat processing plants, Russian Product OJSC and the Prodresursy enterprise, which produce canned meat products completely on order of the State Reserve.

In the food industry, production growth was 8%. Real prerequisites are being created for the intensification of the meat industry and its meat-packing industry.

major manufacturers,
representing in the modern market of canned meat
its range of products

The largest Belarusian manufacturer of canned meat - Berezovsky Meat Processing Plant - supplies 35% of the output to the Russian regions. The main range of canned meat is stewed beef, produced in accordance with GOST, as well as protein-free beef, produced according to TU. About 60% of canned meat supplied by the Berezovskiy Meat Processing Plant to the market of the Moscow region alone is consumed in Moscow and 40% is exported to the regions.

The Gipar association supplies Moscow with expensive beef and pork stew, produced in accordance with GOST, as well as various types of pâtés. Of the total supply, 54% of canned meat products are sold in the Moscow region and 46% are exported outside of it.

The Stavropolsky cannery supplies Moscow with 20% of its output. This company offers delicacy canned meat on the Moscow market, including beef stew produced in accordance with GOST, canned ham, tongue, poultry meat, etc. Of the total supply, 57% remains in the Moscow region and 43% is exported to other regions. General representative of the cannery "Stavropolsky" for wholesale trade canned meat is located in Moscow.

The volume of deliveries to the Moscow market of the Novgorod enterprise "Myasnoy Dvor" is 30% of the industrial canned meat products. Myasnoy Dvor supplies the Moscow region with beef stew made in accordance with GOST and TU, as well as canned gourmet food. Of the total volume of deliveries of the Novgorod enterprise Myasnoy Dvor, 62% is sold by Moscow consumers and 38% is exported outside the Moscow region.

Baltprommyaso supplies the Moscow region with 30% of canned meat products, which include stewed beef and pork produced in accordance with GOST and TU, as well as pates and canned meat and vegetable products. Of the total supply, 61% is consumed by the population of the Moscow region and 39% is exported to other regions.

The Kaliningrad Meat-Packing Plant supplies Moscow with 30% of the volume of its products, which includes beef and pork produced according to specifications, delicacy and canned meat and vegetables. Of the total supply, 74% remains in Moscow and 26% is sent to the regions.

Producers of canned meat in the Moscow region sell their products both in Moscow and the region, and export them to the regions, as well as supply them to the corporate sector.

The largest producers of canned meat in the Moscow region, such as Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant, APK Cherkizovsky, Ramensky Meat Processing Plant, Narofominsk Cannery, Elinsky Food Processing Plant, send most of their products to the regions. Depending on the level of monetary income of the region, canned meat is supplied in various assortments, both made in accordance with GOST (at higher prices), and according to TU, with protein additives and canned meat and vegetables.

For example, “Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant” supplies the following types of canned meat for sale mainly in Moscow: “Premium grade stewed beef” (GOST 5284-84), “Beef stew in its own juice”, “Russian Extra” and “Russian” stew and others , made according to TU.

A number of Russian canned meat producers primarily send part of their custom-made products to the corporate sector (State Reserve, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Defense, GUIN, etc.). Producers distribute the rest of the meat canning products among large and small wholesale organizations, and send the smaller part to the retail network (own stores, Trading Houses, etc.).

Main technological processes
and equipment for the production of canned meat

In the production of canned meat, the main technological processes are pasteurization and sterilization. Depending on the processed product, pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 52...75°C (if a higher level is required, then at a temperature of 80...86°C). Canned ham, pates, organ preparations, canned baby food are subjected to pasteurization. The process is carried out in vertical or rotary autoclaves.

In the production of puree-like homogenized canned baby food, tubular heat exchangers with a self-cleaning heating surface are used at a temperature of 80 ° C for 30 ... 40 s, which makes it possible to reduce the overall bacterial contamination. The raw materials used and the products produced are subjected to sterilization in autoclaves of periodic and continuous action, while vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed at a temperature of 100 ... 140 ° C. As a result of sterilization, canned food acquires a long shelf life.

Sterilization is carried out: with hot saturated steam (for canned food in metal containers) and water heated with steam with counter pressure (for canned food in glass and rigid containers).

Sterilization is carried out in autoclaves of periodic and continuous sterilizers: vertical and horizontal with loading from one or more baskets with cans. Depending on the design features, sterilizers are conveyor, rotary, hydrostatic. The processes of pasteurization and sterilization are the main production processes for the processing of prescription mixtures for canned meat for various assortment purposes. In the production of canned food of the “stewed meat” type, it is necessary to take into account the factors that affect the microbiological safety of various technological stages.

So, when accepting raw materials, it is necessary to take into account the products of vital activity of microorganisms. During the primary processing of raw materials, additional contamination with microorganisms is taken into account. Microbial contamination is taken into account when cutting, deboning, trimming, grinding raw materials, and adding spices.

Auxiliary operations are of great importance: washing and chopping onions, disassembling and washing bay leaf. During these operations, it is necessary to remove putrefactive microorganisms and flora with rotten raw materials. In the production of canned meat, it is necessary to take into account and constantly monitor the factors affecting chemical safety. In the process of accepting raw materials for processing, it is necessary to determine the concentration of pesticides, radionuclides and nitrosamines and take timely measures to decontaminate chemically harmful elements. During defrosting, products of oxidative spoilage of fats are formed if the temperature and duration of defrosting are violated.

In subsequent processing processes, oxidative transformations of the raw material components are possible. In auxiliary processes for the preparation of prescription components, it is necessary to remove surface contaminants: pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides. When inactivating microorganisms before achieving industrial sterility in sterilization processes, the formation of melanoidins should not be allowed in case of violation of the heat treatment regimes.

Must comply normative terms long-term storage finished products in order to avoid the transfer of heavy metals from metal containers and soldering (soldering edges) into the product.

Recently, for the majority of consumers of canned meat, the quality indicator comes out on top. Many manufacturers of food products, including canned meat, were forced to reduce the average level of prices for products due to lower quality. Many new types of canned meat appeared, which included vegetable protein. Consumption of these canned food grew noticeably, despite the fact that the product had low taste.

Examples of assortment products of canned meat are given in Table. one.

In the production of canned meat, enterprises have in their arsenal a classic set of equipment manufactured by domestic and foreign machine builders. Canned meat production lines for medical nutrition consist of various hardware and production options in accordance with regulatory documentation and include: a sprayer lifter, a dosing screw, a blancher, a grinder, a feed screw for the processed mass, an emulsifier, an intermediate tank, a batcher of components, mixer, sterilizer, can washer, seamer, filler, heat exchanger, deaerator, disintegrator.

Canned food produced on the line has a homogeneous puree-like mass, a pleasant meat taste, no extractives, contains minimal amounts of salt and has good organoleptic properties.

1. Assorted products of canned meat of a new generation

Feedstock Range
Lump types using head meat, offal of category II “Smolenskaya stew”, “Russian stewed beef”, “Dneprovskaya beef”, etc.
minced meat “Road mince”, “Country mince”, etc.
Minced meat and vegetable “Minced minced meat with paprika”, etc.
Meat and vegetable using cereals, vegetables “Beef pilaf”, “Meat with sweet pepper”, “Meat with vegetables and cereals”, etc.
Meat-vegetable using textured soy proteins “Troitskaya stewed beef”, “Special beef”, “Amateur goulash”, etc.
Raw materials for meat pates “Beef Pate”, “Daria Pate”, “Nevsky Pate”, etc.
Meat and vegetable raw materials using cereals and vegetables, vegetable proteins and extruded vegetable raw materials “Special Meat Pate”, “Breakfast Pate”, “Appetizing Pate”, “Fair Pate”, etc.
Canned offal “Spicy brawn”, “Offal in tomato sauce" and etc.
Canned ham “Sliced ​​country ham”, etc.
Full-component canned food using isolated animal proteins, soy proteins, blood, milk, stabilizers, emulsifiers “Chakhokhbili”, “Boyar Pork”, “Moscow Meat Assortment”, “Dniester Beef with Vegetable Protein”, etc.

At present, a line is used in the production of pate and minced meat for canned meat (Fig. 2).

The line ensures high quality and biological value of the finished product, strict control over the content of harmful chemicals in raw materials and finished products, production of products with a sufficiently long shelf life. Significant importance is attached to the quality of raw materials. Upon acceptance, it is subjected to dry cleaning under the full control of the veterinary and sanitary service. The temperature of raw materials upon receipt for deboning and trimming should be strictly controlled and be: fresh meat - 32 ... 35 ° C, cooled - 12 ° C, chilled - 0 ... 4 ° C. After heat treatment, such raw materials have a soft texture and are well absorbed by the body.

Containers in the form of metal cans are checked in accordance with the technical documentation. A leak test is required. After the check, metal cans are washed with hot water at a temperature not lower than 80 ° C and treated with live steam. To obtain a viscous-plastic structure of the finished product, raw meat is blanched in digesters or special blanchers at a temperature of 98 ... 100 ° C for 10 ... 15 minutes (depending on its type and grinding). All components of the prescription mixture are mixed for 5...7 min in a microcutter or in disintegrators and sent to a homogenizer. Then the mass is deaerated to avoid oxidative processes and heated in a thin layer to a temperature of 80°C for 30–40 min in a tubular heat exchanger, which reduces the duration of its subsequent sterilization. The prepared mass is immediately packaged with fillers in metal cans, sealed on a vacuum sealing machine. The duration of the “packing-sterilization” process is no more than 30 minutes. Sterilization is carried out in devices periodical action at a temperature of 120…125°C.

Technologies for the production of canned meat

For small-scale production enterprises specializing in the production of meat (puree-like and lumpy) canned food based on meat or meat of chickens and chickens, working on batch equipment, the technological scheme for the production of canned food is used, shown in Fig. 3.

The current deficiency of micronutrients (vitamins, mineral and biologically active substances) in the diet of the Russian population is effectively reduced by the inclusion in the formulations of substances obtained from plant, animal or mineral raw materials by chemical or microbiological synthesis. The assortment and production of special-purpose foodstuffs is small. Problems of lipid metabolism (increased blood cholesterol and diabetes mellitus) determined the development of technologies, equipment and production of dietary products that reduce cholesterol levels in blood plasma.

Extrusion methods of processing products will solve the most important issues: preservation of nutritional value, suppression of the development of pathogenic microflora, the formation of specified structural and mechanical properties, the introduction of soluble dietary fibers into the product, which determine the functional orientation of the product. Fundamentally new technological schemes for the processing of meat raw materials by thermoplastic extrusion have been developed.

When developing recipes for new products of general and therapeutic and prophylactic
For a logical purpose, it is important to take into account the biological value of individual components.

The basis for the creation of therapeutic and prophylactic products manufactured by thermoplastic extrusion is vegetable raw materials. With the introduction of the meat component, the nutritional value of the product and its taste characteristics are improved.

When introducing meat raw materials into the extrudable mixture, it is desirable that it contains a minimum amount of connective tissue, additional mechanical processing, re-grinding + homogenization using enzymes, etc. is recommended.

Production of canned food for children

The production of the main types of canned meat in 2003 increased on average per year to 476 mub, which is 7.5% higher than the maximum production in 1999 (443 mub), which determined the growth trend. Technologies for new types of canned products, puree-like, homogenized based on poultry meat with vegetable components, were being formed.

The range includes recipes for multi-component canned food with various combinations of vegetables, meat, fish, cereals, which allows you to choose the product individually, depending on the taste and health of the child. At the same time, each component performs a specific function, ensuring the balance of the product due to the complementary combination of various nutrients and the variety of taste of the mixed dish.

The meat component of the developed canned food is represented by various types of raw materials: beef, veal, venison, lamb, poultry meat (chicken, turkey), pork liver, each of which has its own advantages and taste characteristics.

Fish is another source of complete protein. Its usefulness, from the point of view of baby nutrition, lies in the faster and easier absorption of protein by the body of children due to the low content of connective tissue. In addition, fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Amega-3 group,

which increases the value of fish oil and iodine, the lack of which can adversely affect the mental development of the child, as well as a number of other equally important mineral elements. For the production of canned food, the most tender and delicious varieties of fish are used - cod fillet, pink salmon, pike perch.

An additional source of high-value fat, as well as vitamin E, is vegetable (sunflower or corn) oil added to canned food.

The use of vegetables as a component of canned food makes it possible to enrich the product with natural vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, organic acids and essential oils in optimal proportions. Many vegetables have medicinal properties. Of the vegetables for the production of canned children, the most delicious and healthy were chosen - carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, green pea, White cabbage, spinach, zucchini.

An important and useful product for a child of any age - cereals - a source of vegetable protein, enzymes, trace elements, B vitamins. They have a strengthening effect on the body and regulate the activity of the digestive organs. The use of corn, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice flour is envisaged as a cereal component of canned food.

In addition, canned foods are additionally enriched with beta-carotene and vitamin C in doses approaching the daily requirement of young children. The use of therapeutic and prophylactic salt, characterized by a low sodium content, and iodized salt, which additionally enriches the product with iodine, is envisaged.

Canned food obtained according to this technological scheme has a good homogeneous mass, puree-like structure, pleasant meat taste and good organoleptic properties.

Foreign-produced canned food achieves a balanced biologically complete complementary food, and the developed technology for the production of canned food makes it possible to ensure maximum preservation of all useful nutrients in the finished product.

The balance of the composition is given in table. 2.

2. Nutritional value and composition of imported canned food

canned food The composition of canned food Recom.
age, months
Proteins, g/100 g of product Fats, g/100 g of product Calorie, kcal
1 2 3 4 5 6

Firm “Semper” (Sweden)

Veal with potatoes and vegetables Veal, potatoes, carrots, peas, vegetable oil, iodized salt 5 3,5 4,0 85,0
Lamb with vegetables Potato, carrot, lamb, vegetable oil, rice starch, iodized salt, parsley, rosemary 8 2,5 4,0 85,0

LLP "Kecskemetskoe baby food" (Hungary)

Beef with cauliflower Carrots, green peas, beef, cauliflower, corn starch, sugar, sunflower oil, parsnips 7 2,5 2,5 60,0

Firm “Nutricia” (Netherlands)

Meat with cauliflower and potatoes Lean pork, cauliflower, potatoes, skim milk, starch, corn oil, lemon juice 8…9 2,0 40,0

But priority development was given to products based on domestic canned food for children of different ages, which meet the requirements for meat and vegetable (fish and vegetable) canned food in accordance with SanPiN 2.3 ... 2.1078-02.

The industrial production of new canned food is carried out by Teledisk-Holding LLP (Moscow region), the factories of which are equipped with modern equipment. The manufacturer uses only high-quality raw materials approved for use in baby food, obtained from traditional (non-genetically modified) sources, which makes it possible to obtain a product that is hygienically safe for the health of the child.

Modern equipment for the production of canned meat

At present, priorities have been defined in the development of domestic technological equipment that meets international standards for the production of canned meat and children's meat products. Particular importance is attached to equipment for the production of pureed meat products for feeding young children. On the equipment, the dispersion of grinding the puree mass is not more than 1.5 mm. Priorities are determined by the need for effective use of three thermal processes: short-term cooking of meat in a steam environment and prevention of crushing of puree mass particles; pasteurization; sterilization.

The Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology (Moscow) has developed and recommended a new line for the preparation of puree mass for canned meat baby food. The line is shown in fig. 4 and includes: meat cutting machine M6-FRD (1); screw conveyor (2); blancher (3); broth collector (4); stock pump (5); top K6-FVZP-200(6); mince pump (7); two raw material valves (8); two weight bins (9); water tank (10); water dosing pump (11); two water valves (12); two meat mixers (13); shredder YAZ FID (14); vacuum deaerator (15); water ring vacuum pump (16); rotary pump (17); heat exchanger A9-FBA (18); lamps (19); light board (20).

After weighing the trimmed beef or pork on platform scales in trolleys, the raw material is loaded by a lift into a meat-cutting machine, where it is crushed into pieces weighing 100 ... 150 g.

The blanching process takes place at a broth temperature of 98...100°C for 7...10 minutes with constant stirring (the ratio of broth and meat is 2:1).

Blanched meat is crushed on a top with an outer diameter of the grate of 200 mm and outlet grate openings of 4…5 mm, and then enters the receiving hopper of the mince pump, which feeds the raw material first into the first weighing hopper, and then with the help of a flow switch into the second one.

Meat raw materials are automatically unloaded from weighing hoppers into meat mixers, where water and other components are automatically supplied by a dosing pump using pneumatic valves in accordance with the recipe. Meat mixers are installed with a 90° turn relative to one another and are turned by unloading hatches to the grinder. The resulting puree mass is alternately fed first from one and then from the other meat mixer to the grinder and then to the vacuum deaerator.

The vacuum deaerator is equipped with water ring vacuum and rotary pumps for unloading the mass into a heat exchanger, in which the outlet temperature is automatically controlled within 85 ± 5°C.

From the heat exchanger, the pasteurized mass enters the dosing and seaming unit for packing into cans, which are then sterilized in an autoclave. The dosing and seaming unit and the autoclave are not part of the line under consideration.

The dosing error of blanched and chopped raw meat is 0.5% due to the use of more accurate Russian weight terminals.

The annual economic effect from the introduction of the line is 18 thousand rubles. The line was installed in the canning shop of a meat-packing plant (Gotnya, Belgorod region).

Of the domestic equipment for the meat-packing industry, IPKS-0204, IPKS-0205 kits for packing and sterilizing canned meat, manufactured by Elf-4M Research and Production Company (Ryazan), deserve the attention of specialists. The technological scheme of the process using the IPKS-0205 kit is shown in fig. 5. Its capacity is 600 cans/h, the installed capacity is 131.4 kW, the required production area is at least 44 m2.

State Missile Center “KB im. Academician V.P. Makeev (Miass, Chelyabinsk region) manufactures sets of equipment for the production of canned meat with a capacity of 300 kg per shift. Occupied area - 80 m2. Consumed electricity - 5 kWh.

Designed for processing beef and pork in peasant (farm) farms and agricultural cooperatives. Includes a special technological equipment, autoclave, meat grinder set, two seamers, three-section bath, two autoclave baskets, as well as auxiliary (boning table, three technological tables, a rack for storing finished products, five containers for meat, three coasters, three cups for spices).


The analysis of information materials showed that at present the efforts of scientists and specialists in the meat canning industry and machine builders are focusing on the main priority areas in the development of technologies and equipment for the production of new generation canned meat with improved organoleptic, therapeutic and nutritional properties.

The basic processes are:

obtaining high-quality raw materials, inactivation of bacteriological flora, accounting and minimization of dangerous chemical factors with subsequent timely deactivation of chemically harmful elements, blanching of meat raw materials to free them from extractive substances with the destruction of microflora;

pasteurization of canned mass in a heat exchanger;

sterilization of canned products in an autoclave.

In recent years, the range of canned baby food has expanded significantly due to the entry of foreign-made products to the domestic market. This also applies to canned meat-based foods. In Russia and in previous years, preference was given to purely meat canned children, while the main place among canned food produced abroad is occupied by products on a mixed basis - meat-vegetable or vegetable-meat. In addition to meat, they include various vegetables, cereals and other fillers. Such canned foods are produced by Gerber Heinz (USA), Semper (Sweden), Hipp (Austria), Nestle (Switzerland), Milupa (Germany) and others. They are much cheaper than meat ones, and the combination of vegetable and animal components allows you to create a product of high nutritional value.

The content of meat in combined canned food produced by foreign companies is, as a rule, from 4 to 12%, and the mass fraction of protein is 2.5 ... 3.5%. For their manufacture, meat raw materials are used - beef, veal, pork, lamb, lamb, poultry and vegetable raw materials, represented by a set of various vegetables, legumes, grains and pasta, but domestic products based on canned meat, purely meat or mixed will receive priority development. components for different population groups.

Consumption of canned stew per capita in Russia in 2002 amounted to 3.3 conventional units. cans, which is about 1.07 kg.

The main regions-consumers of canned meat in 2003 were still Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territories, Rostov, Volgograd, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and Tyumen Regions.


1. Belukhin V. A. Technological line for the preparation of puree mass for canned meat baby food // Meat technologies. - 2004. - No. 3. - S. 10-11.

2. Kuzmicheva M. B. The Russian market of canned meat in 2002// Meat industry. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 12-17.

3. Sets of equipment for packaging and sterilization of canned meat IPKS-0204, IPKS-0205 // Equipment for processing, packaging and packaging of agricultural products / Research and production company NPF “ELF-4M”. - Ryazan. - 2003. - S. 54-55.

4. State and measures for the development of agro-industrial production in the Russian Federation // Annual report 2002. - M. - 2003. - 243 p.

5. Ustinova A. V., Belkina N. E., Timoshenko N. V. Polycomponent canned meat for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition of the population// Meat industry. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 11-14.

6. Ustinova A. V., Derevitskaya O. K., Aslanova M. A. et al. New polycomponent canned foods for children // Food industry. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 24-25.

7. Chuikova ZM Container for canned meat // Meat industry. - 2002. - S. 16-19.




Department:Commodity science and fundamentals of food production

Coursework on the topic:

Technology for the production of canned meat

Student: Strueva E.V.

Group: 06-TPM-5

Teacher: Ergasheva E. N.


1. General concepts about canned meats and pâtés

1.1 Canned meat

1.2 Meat and meat and vegetable pâtés

2. Product range

2.1 Pate Stolichny premium

2.2 Pate Meat children's premium

2.3 Pate Ukrainian 1st grade

2.4 Canned pate "Valentinovna" from beef liver

2.5 Estonian Pate

2.6 Chicken Pate

2.7 Pate "Dietary"

3. Raw materials used

3.1 Main raw material

3.2 Additional raw materials

4. Preparation of raw materials

4.1 Preparation of by-products

4.2 Preparation of plant and additional raw materials

5. Technological scheme for the production of pates

6. Description of the technological process

6.1 Raw materials and auxiliary materials

6.2 Delivery and storage

6.3 Technological process

6.3.1 Receipt of raw materials

6.3.2. Preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials

6.3.3 Preparing pâté

6.3.4 Filling and sealing

6.3.5 Sterilization and cooling

6.3.6 Mode of sterilization of meat and vegetable pate "Valentinovna" from beef liver

6.3.7 Recipe and consumption rates of raw materials and materials

6.4 Sanitary requirements

7. Requirements for the quality of finished products

7.1 Specifications TU 9217-040-02067862-98 (meat and vegetable pate "Valentinovna")

7.2.1 Technical requirements

7.2.2 Characteristics

7.2.3 Organoleptic indicators of meat and vegetable pastes "Valentinovna"

7.2.4 Physical and chemical parameters of meat and vegetable pastes "Valentinovna"

7.2.5 Test methods

7.2.6 Packaging, marking

7.2.7 Transport and storage

8. Storage requirements

9. Equipment for the production of canned meat

9.1 Set of equipment for the production of meat pies IPKS-0204

9.2 Boiler for cooking fillings, sauces, broths

9.3 Steam cooker

9.4 Reactors

9.5 Installation for the sanitization of equipment.


1. General concepts about canned meats and pates

1.1 Canned meat

Meat products sealed in tins or glass jars and subjected to high temperatures to kill micro-organisms and make the product shelf-stable. Canned food is used for the preparation of first and second courses, they are also consumed without prior cooking. They are convenient for hiking and expeditions. The energy value of canned food is higher than the energy value of meat, since they do not contain bones, tendons, cartilage, but in terms of taste and vitamin content, canned food is inferior to fresh meat.

Canned food is produced from chilled or thawed mature beef, lamb, pork, offal, fresh benign sausages, ham, minced meat and other products (cereals, legumes, edible melted fats, pasta).

Canned meat is classified according to the type of raw materials, the nature of processing, composition, heat treatment temperature, purpose, method of consumption.

Depending on the type of raw materials used for the production of canned food, they are divided into meat - beef, lamb, pork, veal, meat of pigs and other animals, poultry, offal; and meat and vegetable - from raw meat with pasta, legumes, vegetables.

According to the nature of the processing of raw materials, canned food can be without preliminary salting of raw materials, with aging of salted raw materials, from unground raw materials, from crushed (without inclusions of pieces of meat and fat, with the inclusion of pieces of bacon), homogeneous finely ground raw materials, with preliminary heat treatment (blanching, boiling, frying) and without it.

By composition, canned food is distinguished in natural juice, with the addition of only salt and spices, with sauces - tomato, white pepper and others, in jelly or gelling sauce.

According to the mode of heat treatment, canned food is divided into sterilized at temperatures above 100°C (without restriction or with restriction of storage conditions) and heat-treated at temperatures up to 100°C (with restriction of storage conditions).

Depending on the purpose, there are canned food for snacks, lunch (the first and second course together with a side dish) and semi-finished products for combined purposes (dietary and for feeding children). Canned food can be consumed without prior heat treatment and in a heated state.

1.2 Meat and meat and vegetable pates

Pates are pasty products with a predominant meat content. The world produces a wide range of meat and meat-and-vegetable pates, both in terms of their appearance and quality.

They range from deli products that are made from very expensive ingredients such as poultry liver, eggs, cognac, etc., to a mass-produced product containing pork and beef liver and offal. Pate food is versatile. The production of this product can be carried out from many different products, which once again emphasizes its versatility.

The definition says pâté is minced game, meat, liver, crustaceans, eggs, mushrooms, etc. In Russia and all over the world, the production of meat, poultry, liver and fish pate or caviar has been established, although vegetarian pates are also quite common. For example, Georgians, who have long loved good food, mastered the production of vegetable pate called "Pkhali". But still, the leading positions in the world are occupied by meat pates. Liver pate is considered the most delicious, the famous French pate de fois gras, that is, Foie Gras, is the height of pleasure for any gourmet. The production of pate today is a high-tech process that allows you to save all the benefits of the product and its taste.

Basically, two types of pies can be distinguished by structure: homogeneous, finely emulsified pates, which usually have a spreadable consistency, and pates with structural inclusions. There are no hard and fast formulating requirements for these types of products, since in some types of pâté partial separation of fat and jelly is quite acceptable and even desirable.

The meat ingredients used in the production of pâtés are often low-grade trimmings and by-products with low functional properties, and sometimes raw meat is boiled, which further reduces its functionality.

This leads to a sharp decrease in the content of functional protein for fat emulsification in products with high fat content. In this regard, the use of vegetable and animal proteins, food additives (emulsifiers and emulsion stabilizers, phosphates, flavor enhancers, color stabilizers) is quite widespread.

2. Product range

2.1 Pate Stolichny premium

Form: weight pate in the form of a truncated pyramid, piece in the form of a parallelepiped. Product yield: 105% of the mass of raw materials.

2.2 Pate Meat children's premium

Form: weight paste in the form of a cylindrical or truncated pyramid, piece in the form of a parallelepiped or segment.

Product yield: 130% by weight of raw materials.

2.3 Pate Ukrainian 1st grade

Form: weight pate in the form of a truncated pyramid, piece in the form of a parallelepiped.

Product yield: 105% by weight of raw materials.

It is allowed to use edge sections of pork skins with pork skin, 225 g of dried onions instead of 1 kg of fresh peeled onions. It is allowed to add meat pies of the highest and first grades with technological defects (scrap, deformation, with loose minced meat) to meat pies of the 1st grade in an amount of up to 5% by weight of raw materials. Instead of natural spices, you can use their extracts.

2.4 Canned pate "Valentinovna" from beef liver

An analytical review from the VTSConsulting consulting company on how the Russian canning market is structured, how large the share of imported products is in this segment, customer preferences, industry trends and other useful information that you need to know if you are planning to open your own business in this direction .


Canned meat is rightfully considered one of the most affordable meat products: with a high energy value, they form the most budgetary option for including meat in the diet. But the forecasts of the stew and pâté producers themselves regarding the situation on the market in the coming periods look very contradictory. On the one hand, the growth in the material well-being of the population in previous years contributed to the fact that more and more Russians got used to the daily use of more expensive products. But on the other hand, due to the pessimistic consumer sentiment of the population this year, many citizens are forced to reconsider their preferences in order to optimize spending, including on food. The answer to the question of whether it is premature to write off this special category of meatpacking products can be found by monitoring the latest trends in consumption and production. canned meat In Russian federation.

Market capacity - 44 billion rubles.
Production in 2013 - 38.3 billion rubles. *
Import - $ 180 million (5.7 billion rubles, weighted average rate for 2013. 31.8 rubles)
The share of imports is 12%.

Industry trends

Almost the entire first half of this year was marked by relatively static prices for canned meat, with the exception of single minor fluctuations in January, March and May (within 0.3% per month). But a constant increase in consumer prices for canned meat products has been observed by Rosstat since June of this year of the year. The growth of prices for this food category slowed down a little in July-August, but during the fourth quarter, the previous rate of appreciation resumed again and even exceeded the figures for the third quarter. As a result, prices for canned meat in October increased by 1.7% compared to the previous month, and in November - by 2.8%. According to official statistics, prices for this food category reached their weekly peak in early December - about 0.85% on average.

Increase in prices for canned meat products, % from the level of the previous week. Source: Rosstat

Despite the rapid dynamics of the second half of the year, prices for canned goods do not change at such a rapid pace as the cost of meat and poultry, although in general their unidirectional correlation can be traced.

Dynamics of the price index for meat, poultry and canned meat in June-November 2014 Source: Rosstat

Judging by the chart data, the consumer price index for canned meat exceeded that for meat only in October and November of this year. At the same time, domestic producers understand that if this trend continues in subsequent periods, then it is likely that stewed meat and other products of this group will no longer be perceived by consumers as a product that is affordable for any budget. Because of this, slowing down price growth is not only in the interests of consumers, but also in the plans of manufacturers.

Consumption level

The canned meat market, due to the high popularity of this product at the time Soviet Union remains one of the busiest. The main reason for this is the convenience of preparing and consuming products of this kind.

One of the features of the canned meat market is its seasonality. The most difficult time to market them is from December to February, when an abundance of fresh chilled meat is available at a reasonable price in many outlets. The annual peak of sales is observed in spring and summer, when their level is almost 20% higher than the level of other seasons. This is mainly due to the summer season. In addition, canned meat is convenient to use on picnics and camping trips, since they do not require preliminary thermal or mechanical processing. At the same time, consumers choose products without vegetable impurities, because a wide range of fresh vegetables is available everywhere in the warm season.

Another market specification is the high share of public procurement - about 60%. The largest consumers include the Federal Agency for State Reserves, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other authorities.

The target audience

According to experts, among the entire population, the proportion of those who constantly consume canned meat and are its true connoisseurs does not exceed 30%. The main buyers of such products are young people aged 20-24, who are guided by the criteria for their relative cheapness of purchase and ease of consumption. People over 40 buy stew, most likely out of a habit embedded in their consumer behavior from a young age, when this product experienced the peak of its popularity. In particular, canned food has become a substitute for ordinary fillet for those compatriots who allow themselves meat only in this form due to limited funds.

But the average Russian 25-35 years old consumes premium meat products to the maximum: assorted, aspic offal, gourmet imported meats.

Everything possible types products - from economy class to luxury class - are in sufficient quantity in supermarkets and department stores. In stalls and in the market, inexpensive canned meat is most often bought by citizens with low, low incomes. Grocery stores and other retail outlets are dominated by products with average prices.

Confirmation of the general availability of this food category is the fact that during the years of economic and political cataclysms, the amount of canned meat consumed per Russian increased to 2 kg per year. In the post-crisis years, this indicator decreased to the level of 1.8 kg, and since 2012 it has increased again - up to 1.9 kg.

Regarding the territorial structure of demand, it is worth noting that canned meat is most in demand in the Far East and North-West of the country, whose specific geographical location complicates the regular supply of food from the central regions.

In October 2014, employees of the State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a survey of more than 1,100 people in order to determine their consumer preferences regarding canned meat.

The survey showed that a greater number of respondents - 53% - are fond of canned beef, pork products were preferred by 22% of participants, lamb was the least favorite - 7%, as well as horse meat and poultry meat - 9% each.

Consumer preferences regarding the type of meat preservation. Source: State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan

The absolute majority - 60% of the respondents admitted that they buy canned meat very irregularly; another group, which accounts for about 26% of respondents, buys them at intervals of approximately 1 time per month, another 10% - 1 time per week; 4% of respondents stated that these products are completely excluded from their diet.

The frequency of purchases of canned meat. Source: State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan

As it turned out from the survey, the choice of canned meat is traditionally influenced to a greater extent by their price - about 32% of citizens are guided by it. Quite unexpectedly, the trade mark under which the product was produced was in second place - the gap between this factor and the previous one is only 1%. The latter circumstance is proof that Russian market canned meat products can no longer be called weakly branded, as the modern consumer recognizes domestic producers and is sufficiently informed about them. Packaging is a key factor in purchasing for a fifth of the respondents.

Among other factors determining the choice of canned food, the respondents attributed the naturalness of the ingredients for cooking, the minimum amount of artificial additives, the excess of specific meat among other meat by-products.

Factors influencing the choice of canned meat. Source: State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan

The high susceptibility to the design of goods of compatriots was noticed by marketers of Russian enterprises, which in particular manifested itself in improving the quality of packaging design. At the same time, packaging is constantly being improved, experiments are being carried out with materials for its manufacture.

An absolute majority of respondents, namely 54%, gives canned meat packed in the usual tin containers. It is also worth noting that according to GOSTs, canned meat for the public sector should be purchased only in tin packages.

Products in glass jars are preferred by 32% of respondents - in most cases when the product is intended for home use. Consumers consider glass packaging less suitable for travel due to the fact that it is comparatively heavier and less transportable.

For another 14% of respondents, packaging does not matter. It is worth adding that although plastic packages reduce the cost of goods, their advantage is still not sufficient to refuse to purchase more traditionally packaged canned meat.

Distribution of preferences regarding the packaging of canned meat. Source: State Alcohol Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan

Therefore, from the above, it follows that the market for canned meat is in the saturation stage, the consumer is quite spoiled by the breadth of the assortment and does not feel a shortage in traditional products of this food category.

Production level

Russia is not a country dependent on the import of canned meat products - more than 88% of demand is met by domestic producers. About 1700 enterprises of this sphere are officially registered in the Russian Federation. But no more than 450 of them are actively working, and 10-15 companies can be called major market players.

The most significant figures on the market include: Baltprommyaso KMPZ, Starorussky Myasnoy Dvor LLC (Veliky Novgorod), Deima KMZ OJSC (Kaliningrad Region), Elinsky Food Processing Plant LLC (Moscow Region), CJSC Yoshkar-Ola Meat Processing Plant, Lytkarinsky MPZ CJSC (Moscow Region), Orsk Meat Processing Plant CJSC (Orenburg Region), Orelproduct CJSC (Oryol Region) and Hame Foods CJSC (Vladimir).

In the production of canned meat in the period 2009-2011, a decline was noted, which was replaced by an increase - the volume of output increased from 538.3 million conventional cans in 2011 to to 624.1 million conditional cans in 2013, which is more than 15%.

Traditionally, the production structure is dominated by beef (more than half of all finished products) and pork (about a quarter), pates account for about 10%, another 10% - for other types of products (lamb, horse meat, rabbit meat, meat and vegetable mixtures, jellied meat products).

Many domestic producers are expanding their range by adding vegetable additives and cereal impurities to existing products. Such products are more affordable and find their consumer. In this case, enterprises benefit not from a high profit margin, but from the scale of product sales. Although it should be noted that the uneven demand for meat and vegetable mixtures was also observed in the last four years.

Dynamics of the production of meat and meat and vegetable canned food, in thousand conventional cans.