How does a canning factory work? Video: Production of canned fish

  • 23.09.2019

Canned Food Business: Pros and Cons

On the Russian market vegetable and fruit and berry conservation over the past few years (including crisis period) there is a positive trend. The annual growth of this sector reaches 30% in value terms. According to experts, by 2015-2016, sales of canned fruits and vegetables will amount to at least three million tons. Therefore, this field of processing agricultural products is of great interest to entrepreneurs who are considering what kind of business they should do, and investors who plan to invest their money.

However, of course, as in all other sectors, this industry has its pitfalls that you need to know about in advance. The main difficulty in running such a business is related to the lack of raw materials. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the production of fruits, berries and vegetables in our country has significantly decreased. Producers of canned products solve the problem of shortage of raw materials in different ways. Some acquire ownership or lease land and grow vegetables on their own. Thus, they are not dependent on other suppliers and can control the quality of raw materials. On the other hand, if you choose this option, the amount of initial investment required to start a canned fruit and vegetable business will increase significantly. Small and medium-sized enterprises prefer to cooperate with independent farms, purchasing the necessary raw materials from them.

Another "pitfall" is that such enterprises have a long production and sales cycle. Canned products are produced in the summer when vegetables and fruits ripen. And ready-made canned food is sold, starting from November-December and until April-May. Thus, the turnover of products is about a year. During this period, the funds are "mothballed". It is not surprising that under such conditions, banks are reluctant to lend to enterprises, and the latter are in dire need of additional financing, since they have to pay employees wages, pay rent and incur other expenses every month. They cannot receive support from the state or special lending conditions, which, for example, apply to producers of meat or dairy products. Such programs are simply not provided in our country for producers of canned fruits and vegetables.

In the market of canned products, canned vegetables and fruits and berries are approximately equal in terms of sales. At the same time, in the vegetable segment, almost 40% is accounted for by leguminous crops (green peas, corn, beans, beans). The second place (almost 20%) is occupied by various marinades: pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, assorted. In third place with a share of 15% are salads, caviar from vegetables (zucchini), snacks. And in last place are canned mushroom products (only 4-5% according to various estimates).

So, as can be seen from the above data, canned peas, corn, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes are in the greatest demand among consumers. Moreover, if the demand for other canned food remains at the same level, then the share of bean products is constantly growing. Another trend is associated with an increase in sales volumes of products of the upper price segment. However, so far, as before, the middle price segment is of the greatest interest to manufacturers. In the lower price segment, products of retail chains, manufactured under their own trademarks, so it is not possible to compete with retailers in this segment. And although the purchasing power of the population is constantly growing, still only a small part of consumers can still afford to regularly purchase expensive canned products. Therefore, experts are confident that most companies on the market will work in the middle price segment over the next few years.

This applies to both large Western (transnational) and Russian manufacturers. It will be difficult for newcomers to compete with giants who have long occupied their part of the market. However, the biggest difficulty is related to the organization of implementation finished products new company. This problem is familiar to all manufacturers who sell their goods through retail chains. As you know, in order to enter the network with your product, it will take a lot of time for negotiations and funds for an “entry ticket” and additional “rewards”. As a rule, start-up entrepreneurs have neither one nor the other.

But the main "competitor" in the canned food market is the buyers themselves. The tradition of homemade preparations, which was so common in Soviet time, has been preserved to this day. Many housewives prefer to prepare their own pickles, jams and compotes for the winter. True, in major cities, where the income level of consumers is relatively high, and people have little time to prepare canned food, this tradition is gradually becoming a relic. It is easier for residents of a metropolis to buy ready-made canned foods in a supermarket or a convenience store than to cook and organize the storage of finished products on their own. However, in the regions, the housewives who are actively engaged in procurement represent serious competition for manufacturing enterprises operating in the lower and even middle price segment.

In order to overcome the above difficulties that novice entrepreneurs will inevitably face, the following options can be proposed. For example, a small enterprise may agree to cooperate with retailers, offering them the production of products and their sale under the trademarks of retail chains. With this scheme of work, the manufacturer takes on the full cycle of product creation - from processing raw materials to packaging finished canned food, and the retailer is engaged in their implementation.

Another option, which will require more costs, is associated with the release of a small range of products according to our own recipes in the medium and high price segments. In this case, the manufacturer will face fewer competitors and will receive more profit from the sale of its (fully its own, that is, manufactured under its own brand) products. However, the problem of entering the shelves of retail chains still remains.

Types of fruit and vegetable preserves

So, canning is a method of preserving food from spoilage and giving them additional taste and properties. There are a huge number of different recipes for the preparation of canned fruits and vegetables, but according to the type of raw materials used, all of them can be divided into two main groups: vegetable and fruit (fruit and berry). From raw materials of the first type (vegetables), various kinds of canned food are made, which are used as independent dishes or as additives to them. First of all, these are natural canned vegetables intended for cooking the first and second types and eating them as a side dish (green peas, sweet corn, whole canned tomatoes, etc.). In the process of manufacturing these canned food, the raw materials are practically not subjected to processing or concentration, so that the finished product retains its original properties to a greater extent. fresh vegetables. When preparing canned vegetable snacks (stuffed peppers, squash caviar), the raw materials are subjected to culinary processing. They are processed into minced vegetables with the addition of tomato sauce or caviar from chopped vegetables with salt, spices and tomato paste. Vegetable and meat and vegetable lunch dishes (soups, borscht, pickles, cabbage rolls, stews, etc.) are eaten after heating. Canned soups (mainly from tomatoes) are usually not eaten as ready-made meals, but are added as a condiment to second courses. Vegetable marinades, as well as pickled and salted vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, etc.) are used as a snack. Concentrated semi-finished products (tomato paste and tomato puree) are used in the preparation of first and second courses, fillings, sauces. Natural vegetable concentrated juices are ready-to-drink drinks that retain all the valuable properties of the original raw material. The following types of products are produced from fruits and berries: compotes, juices, preparations and semi-finished products, preserves, marinades, jams, marmalade, etc. In the first place in popularity are jam, jelly, jam, marmalade and other products that are obtained as a result of cooking fruits and semi-finished fruit products (whole fruit or puree) with sugar. Compotes are fruits or berries in sugar syrup and their own juice, which are preserved in sealed jars. Compotes and jams, jams, jams, etc. are used as desserts and do not require additional processing before consumption. Fruit preparations and semi-finished products in the form of pastes and purees are preserved in sealed packaging. In addition, pastes and purees can be sulfated (preserved with sulfur dioxide). Preparations and semi-finished products are used for the preparation of desserts and baby food. Sulphated puree is used only at enterprises in the production of marmalade, jam, fillings for confectionery, jams, marmalade, etc. Marinades from fruits and berries, soaked fruits are used as a snack. And canned fruit and berry juices, which can be natural or with the addition of sugar syrup, are used as drinks or used as a semi-finished product in the production of jelly, alcoholic beverages, natural syrups for soft drinks.

Production of fruit and vegetable preserves

There are several preservation methods, the choice of which depends on the type and properties of the feedstock and the purpose of the finished product. But in any case, regardless of the method used, the main goal of canning is to preserve raw materials from spoilage and obtain a product with high nutritional value.

The collected raw materials are not immediately sent in full to production. Its surplus undergoes special processing and is sent for storage. There are several ways to preserve plant materials. For example, a lifesaving storage method that is used to preserve freshly harvested berries, fruits and vegetables that are still metabolizing. To slow down microbiological processes, raw materials are carefully sorted, selecting damaged or spoiled fruits. And to increase the shelf life, they are stored at low temperatures ( cold rooms Oh). In addition to refrigeration, there is another similar method of refrigeration and storage. food products- freezing. During freezing, partial crystallization of the liquid phase of the plant material occurs. Unfortunately, refrigeration and freezing do not completely destroy microorganisms in plants, therefore, with an increase in temperature, they begin to develop again, which leads to spoilage of the product. Therefore, the storage temperature in these cases must be constantly maintained at the same level.

Also, to preserve the freshness of raw materials, they are stored in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, due to which biochemical processes, which lead to overripening of raw materials, and the activity of microorganisms is suppressed. However, in the complete absence of oxygen, the vital processes in the tissues stop, the cells die, as a result of which the raw material deteriorates. Therefore, with this method of storing raw materials, the atmosphere surrounding it should contain 3-5% carbon dioxide and 2-5% oxygen. The optimal composition of the gas medium depends on the type of product.

When using the method of storage and preservation at high osmotic pressure, sugar or table salt is used. At high concentrations of sugar in the solution, a high osmotic pressure is created, which prevents the vital activity of microorganisms. Sugar or sugar syrup is used to make jams, marmalades, marmalades, jelly and other products from fruits and berries. First, excess moisture is removed from the raw material by evaporation or drying, resulting in an increase in osmotic pressure. Also, table salt at a concentration of about 10% and sucrose at a concentration of at least 60% have a preservative effect. Food products are dried in such a way that the moisture content in them reaches no more than 14% (for vegetables) or 15-25% (for various fruits).

When preserving with antiseptics, special chemicals are used that, in small quantities, inhibit the development of microorganisms or completely destroy them. Antiseptics are used to preserve food in gaseous form or as a solution. The most common of them are sulfur dioxide, alcohol of wine, sodium benzoate, acetic and sorbic acids. The preservative can also accumulate in the product during chemical changes that occur in the raw material under the action of microorganisms. For example, sauerkraut or pickling vegetables is based on lactic acid fermentation of sugar.

During sterilization by filtration, transparent juices are released from microorganisms. To do this, filter plates with small pores are used to trap them. Aseptic preservation is the release of food products from microorganisms by rapidly heating them in a stream, followed by cooling and packaging in sterile containers with sterile lids. Thus, tomato pastes, fruit and berry juices and other products are produced.

When sterilizing with electric current, the product is kept in an alternating field. electric current high frequency. The electrons and ions contained in the product begin to oscillate during irradiation, as a result of particle friction, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

Sterilization by ultrasound (that is, elastic sound vibrations with frequencies above 20,000 hertz per second) is based on the release of mechanical energy as a result of alternate compression and rarefaction of the medium. Under the influence of ultrasound, microorganisms are destroyed and enzymes are inactivated, which lead to spoilage of plant materials. Finally, the canning method is used ionizing radiation, which in large doses causes destruction biological functions microorganism cells and their death.

Regardless of the chosen method of preservation, the raw materials that enter the production undergo preliminary processing. First, it is sorted by quality and size, washed, cleaned and cut. Sorting is carried out on various conveyors. Raw materials that do not meet the standards are rejected. Sizing is used to separate raw materials in production different kind canned food (sliced, stuffed, caviar), for preparing raw materials for cutting ends and for heat treatment. This procedure is carried out using screw, disk, cable, drum and roller-belt machines. Vegetable cleaning equipment is used for cleaning vegetables and fruits, and vegetable cutters are used for cutting. Some raw materials (for example, root crops), which enter the production in a heavily contaminated form, are first washed using drum washing machines. This equipment allows cleaning in two stages: first, the raw materials are cleaned of contaminants “dry”, and then they are washed in water. When cleaning vegetables and fruits, inedible parts of the raw material are removed. This is one of the most time-consuming operations, since not in all cases it can be mechanized.

The operation of a vegetable, fruit and berry processing enterprise will require special equipment for washing, drying and cleaning raw materials, cutting equipment, automated lines for the production of juices, purees and pastes, canning machines, machines for pouring juices and closing containers. This equipment can be purchased both domestic and western production. For example, a vegetable washing machine of a foreign manufacturer will cost 80 thousand rubles, and an industrial machine for shredding cabbage - 100 thousand rubles.

Many manufacturers prefer to immediately purchase mini-factories for the processing of fruit and berry or vegetable raw materials. The cost of such equipment with a capacity of 100 to 500 kg of raw materials per hour is over 5 million rubles. To accommodate it, an area of ​​65 sq. meters with a ceiling height of at least 3.5 meters. Approximately ten people per shift will be required to maintain the line.

Sysoeva Lilia
- portal of business plans and guidelines

The business plan for the production of canned meat and fish includes:
1. Description of the project
2. Market analysis
3. Financial plan

1. Description of the project. This project provides production of canned meat and fish with a long shelf life. The production technology means heat treatment product and packaging in cans. Product range: stew, meat pates, canned fish in own juice and in tomato paste.

2. Market analysis. According to marketing research, the main consumer of canned food is the state, which forms a supply of provisions to provide the population in the event of emergencies. The proportion of the population that eats canned meat and fish is about 30%.

Planned production of canned food can be designed for different categories of buyers. More expensive products include canned food that meets the requirements of GOST. The cheapest are canned food made according to specifications.

The most sought after among canned meat is beef stew, among fish - natural canned food (pink salmon).

The greatest demand for canned food is in the spring and summer.
Considering that the products are produced in such packaging through which the contents are not visible, special attention should be paid to the label. It should attract the attention of consumers and contain detailed information about the composition of the product, and the text should be easy to read.
The undoubted advantage of this product is a long shelf life (about 5 years), which significantly reduces the risk of losses.

3. Financial plan.
The following costs must be taken into account here:
Premises rental;
Purchase of equipment, taking into account the planned volume of production;
Employee salaries according to staffing;
Payment of utility bills;
Purchase of raw materials.
The business plan can be downloaded here.

Many people are interested in the issue of canned food production as a business. What technologies and equipment are used, reviews of those who have tried themselves in this business.


Business features are such that a mini-factory will not allow high productivity, so at the start you will have to focus on the needs of customers, taking into account the characteristics of the area. It is also important to pay attention to the availability of raw materials in advance in order to minimize transport costs. This approach will allow to produce a competitive product.

The production line will allow the production of several types of canned food at once, including vegetables, mushrooms, canned fish, meat, beans, fruit juices and vegetable caviar, as well as salads.

The key point is the quality of the product, as it will have to compete with home-made products. It is worth remembering that the canned food business is seasonal and it makes sense to work with vegetables in the summer, and in winter period convert to other products.

Profitability directly depends on the purchasing power of the inhabitants of the region.


There are two main advantages. First, most farms are experiencing an acute shortage in terms of marketing their own products. At the same time, many cultures can be realized only in a short time.

If, however, an agreement is concluded with one of these farms, then the business owner will have access to an almost unlimited amount of raw materials and feed, which will make it possible to fully load industrial capacities of any scale. At the peak of the harvest, the purchase of vegetables and fruits will be quite cheap.

The second advantage will be competition in an area that is actually not so high. It will not be possible to compete with large manufacturers, but it makes sense to take advantage of the seasonal nature of their activities. For example, it would be reasonable to organize the production of canned fish and mushrooms and similar dishes for the winter period. A wide range will allow you to get inclusion in technological process cuisines of the peoples of the world.

You can also retrain for the winter. Many open lines for making salads, preparing dinners and other similar areas of activity. The purchased equipment will easily allow you to do this, requiring only minimal modification. Given the high shelf life of finished goods, which can reach up to six months, this in itself can become good business.


A long shelf life of canned foods is provided by special means of plant or chemical origin. In addition, the raw materials are affected by temperature, that is, pasteurization and sterilization are carried out. Important: if a vacuum canning technique is used at home, then it is not applicable in industrial ones.

In general, canned goods can be divided into the following types:

  1. Natural - whole or chopped vegetables, which are covered with salt and sugar, and then poured with marinade (for example, canned poultry or beef and other types of stew).
  2. Pickled - the main difference is the use of acetic acid in the marinade. They differ in the degree of its concentration.
  3. Eateries - Stuffed or fried vegetables made into a ready-to-eat product. Often stewed in sauce during cooking (for example, beans).
  4. Lunch - full meals, which also use meat.
  5. Concentrated tomato - heavily boiled tomato paste. Possible admixture of other substances.

Working with canned fish

Separately, it is worth noting the issue of the fish cannery. To develop a recipe for manufactured canned food, it is recommended to invite a specialist who will work through the entire composition and prepare the recipe and specifications. After that, it will be necessary to submit the received documents for approval with the sanitary services, since, otherwise, the production will be illegal.

Important: you can produce not only classic canned food in a marinade, but also small meatballs, which are complemented by vegetables. Packing is carried out in metal or glass jars, the first option being less expensive.

The fish processing plant can handle both fresh and frozen fish. It should be remembered that the fish itself is a very perishable product and the slightest drop in the quality of raw materials will result in a serious drop in the quality of the finished product. That is why it is important to hire a technologist who will control the raw materials. It must also be accompanied by appropriate certificates from the veterinary service.

Room selection

Opening your own canning factory will require a considerable amount of space, its area should be at least 300 square meters. This will be enough for them to be able to install equipment for the production of their own canned food, coping with the production volume of up to half a ton of vegetables or other raw materials for canning per shift.

It is important to plan the arrangement of equipment in advance and divide the total area into several zones. Among them should be warehouses, administration office, change houses, the production workshop itself, as well as a number of auxiliary rooms. Each of the premises is necessarily equipped with an alarm system, security and fire, and a video surveillance system for production control.

Sanitary regulations will require regular and thorough cleaning of all areas. More complete requirements can be found in the relevant documents of Rospotrebnadzor.

The cannery will need additional zoning.

  • Department of primary processing of raw materials (washing of raw materials, the finished product is either transferred to the next stage or packaged for subsequent sale).
  • Secondary processing department (in this zone, raw materials are cut and distributed into containers, in the case of the production of salads or mixtures, they are laid out in jars at this stage).
  • Department of deep processing (department of cooking and preservation of raw materials).

The production of canned vegetables on a small scale involves working with volumes up to 500 kg of products per hour - in this case, most of the processes are carried out manually. With large volumes, production has to be automated as much as possible.

The average production of the product is about 100 kg per hour. If you plan to work with even larger volumes, without automatic line the production of canned food will not be enough, which will require corresponding and considerable expenses.


Specific equipment for the workshop is selected taking into account the planned production volumes, as well as the type of raw material that will be preserved (for example, pork). Common options are the use of saline with an antiseptic or canning at high temperatures.

The last option involves packaging in sealed containers. Necessary components of the line include washing machine, cutters, autoclaves, finished product coders, autoclaves and blanchers.

Today, there is a wide range of such equipment on the market, which varies greatly in quality, performance and price. There are two main options: purchasing each item individually or buying the entire line at once.

As an example, we can mention the price of a line that can handle 1000 cans of vegetable salads per shift, will cost approximately 1.5 million rubles. In this case, you will need to pay separately for shipping, as well as the services of debuggers. Funds will also be spent on staff training.

Another option would be to purchase a universal line that allows you to work with different types of raw materials. Such installations produce about 500 kg per hour, the cost of the line is 3 million rubles, and its installation will require 150 square meters of area. At least 8 staff members will be required for maintenance.

Sale of goods

The best option for marketing finished products is cooperation with large retail chains of a regional or federal scale. However, it will not be possible to achieve cooperation with them at the initial stages of work, since in this case it will be necessary to compete with larger manufacturers and already promoted brands. As an option, you can consider a noticeable, up to 30%, price reduction relative to competitors' goods.

On the initial stage sales can be conducted through acquaintances, in the markets, and also try to conclude agreements with small retail stores.

Business plan

It is difficult to name specific payback periods for the project - they depend on the type of raw materials, production volumes, etc. On average, it is possible to recover all invested funds within six months to two years. Let us give an example of calculating the costs and payback of a project for the production of canned vegetables. The plant will operate only 4 months a year during the harvest season.

A small enterprise can process no more than a ton of vegetables per day, so for the entire period of work it will take 120 tons, which will cost about 2.4 million rubles. Payment for electricity will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Up to 15 employees are required for efficient operation. The salary fund in this case will be about a million rubles. To accommodate the production line, you need to rent a room, and for the whole year, since constant installation and dismantling will take much more money. The average rental cost is about a million rubles.

As you can see, the total amount of expenses is almost 5 million rubles. At the same time, the implementation of the entire batch will bring at least 10 million. Thus, the profitability of the operating business fluctuates within 50%, and all costs will be recouped in a season.

For a more visual display, all costs can be summarized in a table:

Possible risks

All entrepreneurial activities, one way or another, are associated with certain risks. In this area, the following points should be especially responsibly approached:

  1. Failure to meet deadlines due to incorrectly calculated initial data. Experts recommend responding to this with minimal production volumes at the initial stage, until work experience should appear.
  2. Increasing competitive pressure. Most often it occurs due to the emergence of new players on the market. In addition, there may be a drop in interest in the product or the purchasing power of the population. You can fight this by increasing the quality of the product, as well as increasing the range.
  3. Rising purchase prices. This problem is solved with the help of futures.

Video: equipment for the production of stew.

The idea of ​​opening a shop for the production of canned vegetables at first glance seems banal and unpromising. However, upon closer examination, you will realize that this is absolutely not the case and own production canned vegetables has every chance of becoming a highly profitable business.


First plus that absolutely all farms specializing in vegetable growing experience an acute shortage of a market for their products. While carrots, beets, cabbages and potatoes can be sold for a long time, crops such as green peas, sweet corn, peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are either not grown at all or are grown in very limited quantities. And if you provide such farmers with a stable market, and a mini-factory for the production of canned foods is what you need, then its owner will receive:

  • Unlimited amount of raw materials, able to load all production facilities at 100%.
  • Raw materials received from farmers at the peak of the harvest will cost the manufacturer very cheaply, and this is a low cost of production.

Second plus A similar idea applies to competition. It would seem that it is practically impossible to bypass such large manufacturers as Baltimore or Bonduelle in this business. However, this is not necessary! In fact, all these representatives of well-known brands in Russia are producers only 4 months a year, and then they become ordinary importers with a very limited range of goods. And this circumstance must be taken full advantage of:

  1. First - in the cold season to establish production of exclusive and unusual products from the point of view of this market. For example, ready-to-eat dishes such as: mushrooms in sour cream, pickled eggplants in mushroom or sour cream sauce, cucumbers in tomato, etc. The range of such products is limited only by imagination and features national cuisine.
  2. The second is to retrain for this period in salad producer both oriental and traditional cuisine, as well as making ready-made meals, fortunately, the following equipment will allow you to set up such production without any problems. The so-called salad companies make their main profit at this time of the year. And even here you will find yourself out of competition, as you will own modern technologies for preserving salads and lunches, the shelf life of which will fluctuate within 2-6 months, while salad companies have a few days.

We have sorted out the business prospects and now we will move on to specific actions, namely: we will identify a number of problems and find solutions to the most important points associated with the opening of a mini-factory for the production of canned food.

Raw material.

Before purchasing equipment for a mini-factory, it is necessary to create a stable base of raw material suppliers in advance.

And here the main problem lies in the quality of vegetables. While canned vegetables such as carrots, beets, cabbages, potatoes, and bell peppers do not need to be intact because they are boiled, chopped, or ground, green peas, sweet corn, and beans must meet quality standards.

There is only one way out - to conclude contracts with large farms to deliver quality, consistent products. For farmers, this will mean a major investment in updating their fleet of machinery and mastering new agricultural techniques for growing vegetables. Your argument for persuasion is the high cost of raw materials purchased from them and the stability of sales.

The second problem related to the raw material base is seasonality. It is clear that corn and peas do not grow in winter, but they are perfectly stored frozen. The thought immediately arises that the cost of refrigeration units and the cost of electricity will negate all the profits from storing frozen vegetables. In fact, this is absolutely not the case.

Frozen corn itself is a valuable commodity that is suitable not only for canning. A simple example: 1 kg of fresh milky corn grains will cost you about 20 rubles, but 1 kg of frozen corn, say in winter, you sell 100 rubles without any problems. for 1 kg.

As for carrots, cabbage, potatoes and other long-term vegetables, everything is simple here. Either you rent vegetable stores and stock up on this raw material for the season in accordance with the production plan, or you simply buy it. Building your own storage facilities is not an option. Such an undertaking requires a large investment.

Implementation and competition.

The second prerequisite for success in the canned vegetable industry is stable distribution channels. And here two ways are outlined: creating your own marketing network or using the network of large trading companies. With the first option, everything is clear - this is a local market, represented by small grocery stores and supermarkets, where you need to offer your products using a variety of marketing tricks. But with trading companies, things are different.

It is almost impossible to get there with your goods. The fact is that for trading companies you are a direct competitor, since in fact many of them are themselves importers of canned vegetables, on the banks of which they stick labels with their trademark. Moreover, all their products are in the low price segment, and these two circumstances, if desired, turn from a minus into a huge, bold plus for you.

  • Firstly, invite the company to use your product under their brand name. After all, according to research on the market of canned products, the wholesale purchase of canned vegetables of domestic production is 20% cheaper than imported ones. And getting even more profit has always been the decisive argument of any commercial transactions.
  • Secondly In order not to compete with the products of the company itself, throw out on the market a product that is not familiar to the consumer, but at the same time based on traditional dishes of Slavic cuisine. In this case, you will be assisted by a professional technologist who is able to develop both a product recipe and technical specifications.

With all the steps leading up to the successful organization of the business, we figured out and now move on to equipment, initial investment and, of course, profit.


The complex of equipment for the processing of vegetables and fruits is presented by Inagro. Country Ukraine.


  • Productivity of the processed raw materials - 100-500 kg/h.
  • The area of ​​the premises for the production line is 100-120 m².
  • Energy carriers: electricity - 30-70 kW/h; water - 0.3-1 m³ / h; water drain - 0.5 m³/h.
  • Service staff - 8-16 people.

The packaging line is represented by:

  • Glass jars with a cork lid - Twist-Off.
  • Glass bottles - CPP and PET.
  • Vertical packages - Doy-Pak, as well as retort and Bag in Box.
  • Plastic cups and trays.
  • Packing volume 0.06-10 kg/l.

Main product range:

  • Canned natural vegetables: salads and vinaigrettes, various types of vegetable caviar, chopped and stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce.
  • Lunch dishes from vegetables and meat-vegetables.
  • Heated semi-finished products.
  • Tomato paste.
  • Variety of vegetable and fruit purees.
  • Sauces, mustard and ketchups.
  • Smoothies - fruit and vegetable, with an admixture of dried fruits, juice, pureed cereals or pieces of nuts.
  • Dried vegetables: powdered, whole, chopped.
  • Dried tomatoes, candied fruits.

The cost of the entire line without delivery and installation of equipment is 3.224 million rubles.

Basic expenses and profits.

The next model of income and expenses will be based on a 4-month production cycle in the warm season, since it is impossible to calculate income from alternative types of income (production of salads or prepared meals). For the main unit of profit, we will take 1 kg of frozen corn, because similar types of canned vegetables in weight equivalent are even more expensive.

The main costs for one production cycle.

  • Raw material: corn or any kind of vegetables - 120 tons. Based on: production per shift - 1 ton of products, per month - 30 tons, for 4 months - 120 tons. The total cost is 2.4 million rubles. (1 ton of vegetables - 20 thousand rubles).
  • Consumption electricity- 28.8 thousand kW. Based on: 240 kW per shift (8 hours), 7.2 thousand kW per month, 28.8 thousand kW per 4 months. The total cost is 100 thousand rubles.
  • Salary workers - 1.2 million rubles. Based on: 1 handyman - 15 thousand rubles. (16 people) plus 1 technologist and marketer (30 thousand rubles each). The salary is calculated for one production cycle - 4 months.
  • Rent premises (production shop and warehouses) - 100 thousand rubles. per month, per year - 1 million rubles. From the calculation: the period of sale of some products varies within 1 year.
  • Total: 4.7 million rubles.

All the figures and calculations indicated above are reduced to an average indicator and directly depend on the tasks set and the specific situation.

Total income.

The basic unit of income is 1 kg of frozen corn (any vegetable, whether frozen or canned). According to the production plan, 120 tons of corn are produced in one cycle, and the following figure follows from this: 1 ton of corn - 100 thousand rubles. (1 kg - 100 rubles), 120 tons of corn - 12 million rubles.

  1. Net profit - 7.3 million rubles.
  2. Payback of production - a maximum of 4 months.
  3. Profitability of production - about 50%.

As you can see, an income of 7 million rubles in 4 short months is a very impressive figure, and even if you deduct 1-2 million from it for all kinds of force majeure and penalties, you will still be in profit. In addition, no one bothers you to use alternative methods of production and make great money on it.

If someone thinks that opening a mini cannery is a hopeless project, then he is deeply mistaken. With a careful study of all aspects of this type of economic activity, it becomes quite clear that this business has excellent chances not only to become profitable in a short time, but also has large-scale prospects for development in the future.

Perspective business ideas

The main advantage of this type of activity today is the fact that absolutely all farmers who grow vegetable crops are experiencing an acute shortage of markets. If, for example, any root crops, including potatoes, carrots or beets, can be sold for a long period of time, then the bulk of vegetables have a shorter shelf life and, accordingly, should be sold as early as possible. Therefore, many farmers are forced to take completely extreme actions, they either completely refuse to grow such perishable products as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or are limited to only very small areas for these crops. But if you give such farms a stable market, which any cannery can do, then things will be completely different.

At the same time, the mini cannery will also be fully provided with raw materials. And it will be quite cheap raw materials, since at the peak of productivity the prices for such agricultural products are minimal.

Another plus of the business idea follows from the above - today the cannery will have practically no competition on the market. There is no need to worry that you will not be able to compete with such giants of the market as Baltimore or Bonduelle, because you don’t have to do this at all. The point is that these famous brands work in our market according to the following scheme: only 4 months a year they are producers, and the rest of the time they act only as importers. And this circumstance is quite realistic to use.

How to do it:

  • In the winter season, it is necessary to establish the production of exclusive products, including various pickled vegetables with sauces in the form of ready-made snacks (mushrooms, eggplant, cucumbers, etc.), stews, lecho. The assortment in this case is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer and the peculiarities of the national cuisine.
  • In the cold season, you can retrain for the manufacture of ready-made canned meals, including cereals with vegetables, various salads.

Important. Companies that specialize in the production of salads receive highest profit especially during the winter seasons. But your company will have a significant advantage here too, because “salad” companies produce their products with a minimum shelf life (no more than 3-4 days), while your products will have a shelf life of up to 6 months.

As you can see, such a business has very real prospects, and therefore we can safely proceed to planning the implementation of this idea in life.

Raw material base

Before starting to resolve issues with equipment for the plant, it is necessary to create a reliable raw material base, that is, to conclude cooperation agreements with suppliers and farms.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of vegetables. Different vegetables require different processing approaches in the canning process, and, based on this, their quality characteristics must be carefully considered. So, for example, vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, peppers do not require preservation of integrity during cooking, since they are amenable to mechanical operations such as chopping, boiling, grinding. Whereas green peas, corn, beans and some other crops that are cooked as a whole must retain their shape during heat treatment.

Therefore, an entrepreneur must make sure that farms provide him with only high-quality products and prescribe these conditions in supply contracts. For farmers, such contracts will mean only one thing: a more serious attitude to their own business, updating the technical park, mastering new technologies for processing crops and new varieties of vegetables. And you, as the main buyer of such products, must convince the farmer that his investments will definitely pay off with higher prices for high-quality raw materials and a stable sales market in your face.

Another major problem associated with the raw material base is seasonality. V climatic conditions In Russia, many crops cannot grow in winter even with greenhouse cultivation, for example, this applies to crops such as peas or corn. However, they are quite convenient to store frozen.

A related question immediately arises: if vegetables are stored frozen, then their cost increases significantly due to the purchase of refrigerators and electricity costs. Will the new costs completely offset all the profits from the sale of products?

Of course not. The selling price of corn in season and in winter are two big differences. If during the harvest period 1 kilogram of corn grains can be sold for a maximum of 25-30 rubles, then in winter frozen corn can be sold without problems at a price of 100-120 rubles per kilogram.

If we are talking about products that have a long shelf life (potatoes, carrots, beets), then everything is even simpler here. To store these products, you can rent a vegetable store and make basic purchases during the harvest season, when the price of products on the market is minimal. Experts do not recommend considering building your own vegetable store, since such an undertaking requires large investments and will pay off only years later.

Competitiveness and sales of products

Second important point The success of the canned vegetable business lies in the presence of stable distribution channels. And here two options are possible: creating your own distribution network or selling products in supermarkets and large retail outlets.

most acceptable and effective options is cooperation with large trading companies that operate on the market not only in a certain region, but also in all cities of Russia, which greatly expands the possibilities of any entrepreneur. But, unfortunately, breaking into such a market is almost impossible. Such companies themselves often act as importers of various canned goods, so in fact you will act as a competitor for them, and not a profitable partner. And with all this, they work in the lowest price segment.

But, no matter how strange it may sound, it is quite possible to turn such obvious disadvantages into fat pluses.

What can be done:

  • Invite companies to sell your product under their brand name. Buying them from a domestic manufacturer, that is, from you, will be five times more profitable than from foreign companies, so profitability will certainly be the final argument in your favor, especially if the product you offer is really high quality.
  • To exclude competition with the products of the company itself, offer a range of products that will differ from those already on the market, but based on the characteristics of the national cuisine of the Slavs. To implement such a task, you will need to hire a professional technologist who will develop a new recipe for canned food, but such expenses will quickly pay for themselves.

Factory equipment

The complex for processing vegetables for a mini plant must have the following technical characteristics:

  • processing capacity of raw materials - not less than 100 kg/h, preferably up to 500 kg/h;
  • the area of ​​the premises for the installation of the production line is about 100 square meters. m.;
  • electricity consumption - up to 70 kW / h, water - up to 1 cu. m/hour;
  • staff of service personnel - about 10-16 people.

A packaging line is also needed. As packaging should be used: glass jars with cork lids, glass bottles, vertical bags, plastic cups, trays.

Packing volume from 0.06 to 10 liters.

Product range

The following list of products should be considered as a range of products.

But at the same time, it is worth immediately making a reservation that, as already mentioned above, an entrepreneur, when choosing an assortment, should focus solely on his personal experience, the state of the market, the presence of imagination.

  • canned vegetables, including vegetable caviar, salads, lecho, sliced ​​and stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce;
  • ready-made dinners from vegetables with the addition of meat;
  • semi-finished products that must be heated before use (stuffed cabbage, meatballs);
  • vegetable purees;
  • sauces and vegetable pastes;
  • smoothies from fruits and vegetables with the addition of nuts and cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • candied fruit, etc.

The cost of a production line for processing vegetables on the market is about 3.5 million rubles.

Production costs and operating income

It is best to calculate expenses and income from activities, taking into account the fact that the main production cycle is 4 months in the warm season, because when calculating income from additional types of earnings (making salads and ready meals) in the winter period, you can get distorted and not quite exact information.

For the basic unit of profit in specific example we will take 1 kilogram of frozen peas.

Costs for one production cycle:

  • Peas (or any other vegetables) - 120 tons (1 ton of products is processed per shift, 30 tons per month, respectively, 120 tons per 4 months). The purchase price is 2.4 million rubles (the price of 1 ton is 20 thousand rubles).
  • Electricity - 30 thousand kW (per shift - 250 kW, per month - 7.5 thousand kW, for 4 months - 30 thousand kW). The cost of electricity is 96 thousand rubles (the price of 1 kW / hour is 3.2 rubles).
  • Wage Fund - 1.5 million rubles for 4 months.
  • Rent of production space - 1.2 million rubles (100 thousand rubles per month * 12 months).

Total expenses: 5.2 million rubles.

Income from activities:

  • The cost of selling 1 ton of peas is 100 thousand rubles.
  • The income from the sale of 120 tons of frozen peas is 12 million rubles.

Net profit: 6.8 million rubles.

Return on investment: during the first season of operation (the first 4 months of the season).

Profitability of production: about 40 percent.

Cannery mini-factory is a very profitable business. And the example we have considered is just one more evidence in favor of this statement, so if you have all the necessary prerequisites for putting this idea into practice, it is not possible to doubt the prospects.