How much does a sawmill cost. Overview of the operating sawmill

  • 23.09.2019

The material discusses the main stages of organizing a sawmill: relevance, assortment, necessary equipment, feasibility study, calculation of profit and payback.

To replace the old technologies of building from a log house, houses made of timber or glued laminated timber come. On the frame houses necessary a large number of beams of various thicknesses. Wooden blanks are also used to create stairs, roof battens, fences, gazebos, etc. Each newcomer thinks about the environmental friendliness of their housing and in an apartment building.

The conclusion is simple - the volume of deliveries wooden blanks(cut and unedged boards, timber, etc.) to carpentry and other woodworking shops will increase. Sales volumes in the wholesale markets - to grow. Therefore, opening a sawmill is a promising business venture.

The supplied range of the sawmill in question will include products from coniferous species (pines):

  • edged board, length 6 m, width 100mm, 150mm, 200mm

    first grade;

    second grade;

  • unedged board;
  • timber of different sizes;
  • fuel briquettes or pellets.

Buyers, sales

The main manufactured product is dried and packaged lumber. It is primarily used:

The main buyers of lumber are:

  • wholesale depots, warehouses, large stores;
  • furniture shops;
  • carpentry shops;
  • workshops for the production of glued laminated timber (construction of houses from timber).

Required equipment

The sawmill will use the following equipment:

The workshop will require additional loading and unloading equipment raw materials and finished products.

For unloading and transportation of sawlogs, an industrial loader (reloader) EK-18-51 or other similar equipment is used.

For transportation of finished products, a komatsu FG15T-20 forklift or any similar forklift is used.

Machine productivity:

The main raw materials are logs with a diameter of 18 centimeters. After processing 1 m3 of sawlogs, 0.5 m3 of finished products are obtained.

Feasibility study of activities*

* For calculations of sawmill performance indicators, all calculations will be made based on 50% equipment load:

Capital expenditures

To open a sawmill with a capacity of 352 cubic meters. meters per month, investments in the amount of 4.2 million rubles will be required.

* Expenses for repair and preparation of the premises are not included.

Revenue calculation

The monthly revenue of the sawmill, subject to the production of 176 cubic meters. meters (50% of the installed capacity) and the price of 5,000 rubles. per 1 cubic meter will amount to 880 thousand rubles.

Cost calculation

Raw materials (for the production of 1 cu.

Sawmill as a business: how to open a sawmill from scratch

meters of finished products require 2 cubic meters. meters of feedstock). Price for 1 cu. a meter of raw material (sawlog) is 1,500 rubles.

Electricity: monthly consumption 8 800 kw.

Calculation s / s: 352 cubic meters. m * 1,500 rubles + 8,800 sq. *4 rubles = 563,200 rubles.

Total expenses per month

Calculating the profit of a business at a sawmill

RUB 880,000 - 563 00 - 160 000 rubles. = 157,000 rubles.

The return on investment is 22 months. (When calculating the payback, the costs of repairing and preparing the workshop premises are not taken into account)

To increase the profitability of the activity, it is possible to install additional equipment for the production of fuel briquettes (euro firewood) and equipment for the production of pellets (increased profits are generated by processing sawdust into additional goods).

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Processing of wood (round timber) can become quite a profitable business. At the same time, it does not take much to run such a business. technical means. But in order for this type of activity to really bring profit, it is necessary to correctly calculate the economic side. For this, a business plan for a band sawmill is being developed, taking into account the entire financial part, as well as the payback of the equipment used.

For the processing of round timber, it is not necessary to initial stage have a powerful industrial equipment. To start, it is quite enough to have only one band sawmill, for example, Altai 3. At first, its production capacity will be enough. It is on the example of this band sawmill that we will carry out an economic calculation - a business plan for doing business in this direction.

Organizational matters

Starting a business in the field of wood processing should not begin with the purchase of equipment, but with organizational issues. To open a sawmill, the business plan must take into account:

  • rental of premises (if you do not have your own);
  • hiring workers;
  • supply of round timber;
  • search for points of sale.

The territory of the premises will require a considerable amount, since you will need a working workshop where a sawmill will be installed, as well as a warehouse for finished products. If you don’t have your own, then the rent can be considerable, and it is impossible to say exactly how much it will cost. Let's assume that renting a room will cost 50,000 rubles.

As for hiring workers, at least 2 people will be required to work in 1 shift (8 hours). The salary is piecework, and amounts to 350 rubles. for 1 cu. m. edged material. Taking into account the weekend, 22 work shifts are obtained per month.

An agreement should be concluded with the supplier of round timber, based on the productivity of the workers and the sawmill itself. 2 people per shift will be able to process wood and get 5 cubic meters. m. of edged material, that is, finished boards (per month - 198 cubic meters). It should be borne in mind here that the average yield from raw materials is on average 65%, the rest is sawdust and illiquid assets. Based on this, the supplier must supply at least 305 cubic meters per month. m. Round timber.

As for sales, the volume of finished products under the specified conditions is already known and amounts to 198 cubic meters. m. edged material.

Costs, income, profit

Based on all the above conditions, you can calculate the monthly expenses (in rubles):

  1. The cost of round timber is 2500/1 cu. m.

    Opening a sawmill: is it possible to win the competition?

    305 cubic meters are required per month. m. of raw materials (as a result - 762,500);

  2. Email costs energy at a price of 4.25 rubles / kW in monthly terms will amount to 8505 rubles. Here the calculation is carried out based on the power of the sawmill motor (11.37 kWh), the number of shifts (22) and their duration (8 hours);
  3. 69,300 will go to the workers’ wages (the monthly output of edged material is 198 cubic meters, for each of which workers need to pay 350 rubles);
  4. Premises rental (conditionally - 50,000);

As a result, the total monthly expenses will amount to 890,305 rubles. This should also include the cost of unforeseen situations. Usually these funds do not exceed 10% of the total costs. Therefore, the final amount of expenses for the month will be 979,336 rubles.

Received as a result of processing 198 cubic meters. m. of edged material can be sold at a price of 6000 rubles / 1 cu. m. That is, the monthly income will be 1,188,000 rubles. After calculating the profitability of the sawmill, which is the main point of the business plan, we get 208,664 rubles. net profit.

Equipment costs, its payback

Now about the equipment, tools and consumables. So, the Altai 3 sawmill was taken as a sample in the business plan, the price of which is 165,000 rubles. In addition to it, you will also need (price in rubles):

  • sharpening device (24,000);
  • adjustable device (7,000);
  • band saws 10 pcs. (1 piece - 800).

The total cost of the technical part will be 204,000 rubles. Knowing the monthly profit received, you can easily calculate that the Altai 3 sawmill will pay off along with consumables and tools in just 1 month (when working in 1 shift) and in 2 weeks (when working in 2 shifts).

Of course, costs and benefits may vary by market, but in general, as the above ready business-Sawmill plan, this type of activity will be profitable.

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How to open a sawmill?

Business plan of the sawmill

Before starting this business, you need to understand that the sawmill is directly related to the construction business, and since it is in a state of stagnation due to the crisis, the sawmill may experience similar difficulties.

How to open a sawmill (sawmill)

But, in connection with this, there are also positive aspects: entry into the market has become much cheaper; a large amount of used equipment was thrown here, so that it can be bought today much cheaper than usual. In addition, the crisis did not affect window production so much, so the sawmill can serve this area. Another feature that allows us to give a positive outlook to this business is the rise in the construction of wooden cottages and bathhouses adjacent to them, which has increased due to lower land prices. The product obtained when using the sawmill - a board, another name for which is “evrovonka”, will always be approximately equal to exactly half of the total volume of raw materials received by the sawmill. The cost of raw materials varies within two thousand rubles per unit of goods. The finished board is already sold at a price of about five thousand rubles. The sawmill business plan will be a calculation of these nuances.

In order to reach profitability, it is necessary to pass through the sawmill from five hundred cubic meters of wood per month, and production will begin to make a profit with a volume of seven hundred cubic meters. The profitability of production can be somewhat increased by wisely saving the wage fund, because you can not pay workers a fixed salary, but agree with them only on piecework payment - for a certain number of sawn wood cubes. Before starting this business, it is worth asking if there are any restrictions on deforestation in this area, and if officials can ban it in the near future.

Firstly, to organize a business at a sawmill, you need an area of ​​​​at least thirty acres, which you need to plan something like this: equip access roads; build a warehouse for raw materials and a place for finished products, make room for the actual sawmill and a special shed for unforeseen weather conditions. It must be borne in mind that the prices for a sawmill start at three and a half thousand dollars (this is how much the domestic Taiga apparatus costs, although almost all of it the lineup will cost significantly more). Experts in this field strongly recommend buying used Finnish models for a similar amount.

It is known that products that were produced at a poor sawmill are unlikely to go to the windows, and sometimes they can even lie in illiquid assets. So, the more skill is applied to processing the board, the greater its cost will be. Processed on hastily boards at their price will practically not differ from a simple forest. Above the place where the sawmill will be installed, a canopy must be located without fail. In the event that the dimensions of the band sawmill reach 8 by 2 m, then the size of the room should be at least 10 by 20 m. In the event that the logs are loaded with a crane - a beam, then the height of the room should be at least five meters.
Organization of a sawmill

The most long wall the canopy should be solid at the bottom, in order to make it more convenient to collect waste materials and sawdust. Sawdust can be burned as fuel in a kiln, if there are connections in the regions that grow wood, you can buy "wood on the vine", which is much cheaper than the simple raw material that is usually brought to the sawmill. The second long wall must be open for folding logs from the flyover. The flyover, in fact, will be the first stage of construction, and the necessary canopy will be built, as a rule, at the flyover itself, and then the rails for the trolley - railcars will be laid.

There is another very important point associated with how "shifters" are made under the "croaker". First they are made, after which the croaker is knitted with a sling. This is done for order in the shop and to facilitate loading, since one of the main tasks is to optimize the logistics of any movement around the shop, which speeds up work and prevents injuries. Further, the working floors of the canopy must be made without steps, it is preferable to take concrete or wood as a material. In this case, the boards are laid along - that is, "along the way" of the shovel. There is another essential requirement for a canopy, which should have only one solid wall, but by no means two. Workers will perform all necessary manipulations with logs by means of special devices- the so-called hand turntables. Experts strongly advise you to first take advantage of the experience of others, because any flaw in the organization of the premises for work makes the scheme inoperative. Do not forget that workers must have their own change house with water and a separate insulated bathroom. Minimum power required for a sawmill - fifty kW. Some not only pay electricity bills, but also pay for connection, which is quite expensive - at least a million rubles. But this tangible waste can be avoided if you download a ready-made business plan.

The conclusion is this: the sawmill is a modern and promising investment project. The crisis only gives extra chances to enter an existing business inexpensively. The costs will pay off quickly enough if all conditions are met: savings, supply of high-quality raw materials and distribution channels. A sawmill business plan for free is an opportunity to build your business with minimal investment.

How can you open your own sawmill from scratch?

Often, aspiring entrepreneurs cannot decide in which area to start their activities in order to immediately start earning income. Sawmill - profitable business which is in demand. For construction, bars or tes are always needed, because repair work never end. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to open a sawmill from scratch and what costs will have to be made.

Where to start a business?

To open a sawmill you need:

  • A room or workshop where there is electrical wiring.
  • Warehouse for storage of finished products.
  • Storage area for raw materials (round timber). Ideally, with a capacity of at least 300 m³ of wood.
  • Working sawmills. The minimum composition: a framer, a couple of assistants, a sharpener.
  • Establish a supply chain for round timber for further processing. According to statistics, most sawmills cannot function properly due to late deliveries. Therefore, it is better to open a sawmill next to a potential source of raw materials.
  • Try to work out a scheme for selling the forest.

Sales of wood

Since lumber is always in demand, there are no problems with sales, if you do not overestimate the average market prices. There is an option to increase profits if you cut wood to order. With well-established supplies of raw materials, you can safely cut "in reserve", and carry out sales directly from the warehouse. If production is on high level, then it is necessary to organize the sale of goods in local markets. It would be useful to go with the finished products of the sawmill to remote areas where there are problems with the supply of lumber.

Business and its features

Any business has its own nuances. Features of the sawmill:

  • Drying of finished materials. In summer, it is better to lay out the products on linings so that they do not corrode. In winter, lumber can be packed without lining. In the future, you should get a drying unit, which will facilitate the workflow.
  • Waste can also be sold as fuel briquettes. For their production, you will have to purchase an additional installation, but the production will become waste-free. Additional profit will only bring benefits, you will not have to look for opportunities for waste disposal.
  • Wages should be paid depending on the products produced in order to interest the sawmill workers in increasing volumes. Any work should be adequately paid, especially such hard work as in this type of production.
  • The sawmill requires legal registration. You should open an LLC or IP in accordance with the established rules.

Business registration

designing a sawmill is best to open an IP. The registration procedure will take less time and money. At the same time, with individual entrepreneur Less taxes are levied than LLCs. The state keeps 6 or 15% of the profits. The difference in rates lies in the fact that in the second case, the costs of the taxpayer are taken into account. In some regions, you can get a patent for wood processing. This point must be clarified with the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. The simplified tax system or a patent will facilitate bookkeeping at the enterprise.

A forest license is not required.

There are two options for sawing wood:

  • Work on a round timber supplied by another organization.
  • Sawing and cutting down your own forest. To do this, you need to rent a forest area to cut it down. Please contact the Forest Department. The law prohibits the sale of the forest, as it cannot be privately owned. However, it can be rented. To cut down round timber on a rented site, you will have to obtain a permit. Such actions are regulated by the relevant resolution "On the issuance of a permit for the production of cutting down trees."

Renting a plot requires land surveying. An enterprise that performs such a procedure will charge a certain amount for its services. Further, a cadastral passport is issued along with an act for the survey of the territory. When the documents are received, you can start cutting down (harvesting) the forest.

The land is leased for no more than 49 years.

To obtain a logging permit, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • A document confirming the ownership of the land. If the land is leased, then a permit (duly executed) for felling issued by the owner.
  • Coordination with the relevant department.
  • The act of surveying the territory.
  • Land plan.

To open a business entity, you need to prepare:

  • IP registration application. Most operations can be performed on the Rosreestr website online.
  • Original and copy of the individual taxpayer number.
  • Passport (1 page, registration).
  • Receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).
  • If necessary, an application for the transition to the simplified tax system.

Manufacturing risks

Any business is exposed to risks, depending on the specification of the enterprise. Risks to which the sawmill is exposed:

  • Fire hazard.

    Opening a sawmill

    Every building is subject to this risk, but here it is increased due to the work with timber. 90% of the damage can be suffered from fire, because wood belongs to the category of flammable materials. To reduce the risk, you need to insure the business (land, round timber, finished products). Not prevent fire alarm compliance with safety regulations during all types of work.

  • If the warehouse is big size, then this will save if there are failures in the supply. Ideally, the warehouse should have a supply of raw materials for 2 months of uninterrupted operation.
  • Storage. Raw wood is much cheaper than dry wood. It is recommended to build a canopy over the raw materials so that they are not afraid of weather conditions.
  • It is worth considering the possibility of obtaining a ban on deforestation near the sawmill. We need to make sure that such a ban is not planned in the near future.

If you follow these rules, then you can safely choose the right place for organizing a sawmill and doing business. Naturally, this list does not take into account such factors as absenteeism of employees from work, interruptions in the production process due to late payment of wages, weather conditions. Every business is attractive depending on the area where it is implemented. It is not necessary to start a business from scratch. Perhaps someone decides to sell a ready-made sawmill, which will greatly facilitate the conduct of business.

For those who have no idea what it is like to open a sawmill, it is very difficult to perceive this type of activity as a business. However, it can be quite profitable, if, of course, the entrepreneur can properly organize the work and learn all its secrets.

What is a sawmill as a business?

First of all, it should be taken into account that this enterprise is not engaged in deforestation and tree felling, it only processes them, receiving various blanks - bars, logs, boards, etc. The sawmill also works outside the forest (although it can be organized there too): it can open anywhere, and its main task is to be convenient for suppliers of raw wood. Ideal places to open a sawmill:

  • outskirts of cities in areas where logging enterprises are located (the closer they are located, the lower the cost of transporting timber)
  • industrial zones with well-established infrastructure - the sawmill must have a powerful electrical network with a capacity of at least 400 kW (if it is not there, you will have to spend a lot on laying an electrical cable)
  • areas with convenient road infrastructure: good and convenient roads should lead to the enterprise

In any case, a sawmill, as a business, will “take root” well where there is enough space for this enterprise: it will require the construction of several fairly large buildings (a production workshop, a product warehouse, a shed, buildings for staff, an administrative office). The total area must be at least 1 thousand square meters. m.

However, before opening an enterprise, it is imperative to collect all the documents for opening a sawmill. A businessman will need to create an individual entrepreneur or LLC, register with the tax office and obtain a work permit. It is issued by the local authorities and can only be obtained if the work is carried out in an area where logging and processing is permitted. Therefore, the choice of area will need to be taken care of separately. Also, a start-up enterprise will have to check the fire inspection, which will make sure that its work will be safe for the surrounding areas. After obtaining permits, it will be necessary to conclude agreements with forest suppliers.

How to open a sawmill?

When a place for the enterprise is selected, and all the documents for opening a sawmill are collected, you can proceed to organizational issues. Chief among them is the construction of buildings necessary for work (you can save a lot if you buy or rent a site that already has suitable buildings), hiring employees and purchasing equipment. Sawmill staff should include:

  • manager (this may be the businessman himself)
  • sharpeners
  • framers
  • workers

As for the equipment, you will have to choose literally every single machine, since the choice of equipment is very large, and the prices for it vary. Here are just a few examples of possible costs:

  • 800 thousand rubles - 1 million - for a circular saw
  • 150-200 thousand - for a multi-saw machine
  • 100 thousand - for a band sawmill

About 3 million rubles more will need to be spent on additional equipment and tools, the purchase of blanks, as well as on the lease of space (the latter may amount to about 100 thousand rubles per month). The construction of buildings for the sawmill from scratch will cost at least 5 million rubles. Also, another 200-300 thousand monthly will be needed to pay wages to employees and pay taxes.

What will be the profit from the sawmill?

It all depends on what the company produces, and it is best to earn money by supplying customers with:

  • "raw" and "tare" board
  • bar and bar
  • various wooden pallets
  • cable reels

1 cu. m of dead wood during the purchase will cost 1.2 thousand rubles, 1 cu. m of raw wood - 1.8 thousand. Ready-made materials can be sold at 5 thousand per 1 cu. m.

At the same time, if you open a sawmill that will have an accompanying production (the mentioned coils for cables and pallets), you can earn extra - a unit of production can cost 150-200 rubles at a cost of 25-30.

As a rule, the cost of starting a business pays off in 1.5-2 years. Profit from the sawmill will grow very quickly, and a businessman only needs to take into account the needs of potential and real customers working in his area in order to establish the most profitable production that will bring a consistently high income.

  • Sawmill workers
  • How much can you earn
        • Similar business ideas:

Entry into the sawmill business market can be considered one of the most attractive. The amount of used equipment that the market is crammed with allows minimal cost(100-150 thousand rubles) to open your own sawmill. Plus, recently there has been a boom in the construction of the private sector, wooden cottages, log cabins and other things. The fashion for eco-friendly houses is only growing every year. In this regard, the demand for products manufactured by the sawmill is still high.

The economic efficiency of a sawmill directly depends on the availability of an inexpensive raw material base and a permanent sales market for products. The cost of raw materials, that is, finished wood, is 2000 rubles / m3. The output of the finished product is 50%. Selling price edged board in the construction market starts from 5000 rubles. The cost of processing the board, including wages for workers (300 rubles/m3), rent and electricity, is about 1,500 rubles per cubic meter. Profit from one cubic meter is 1500 rubles. Behind work shift three workers are able to process up to 10 m3 of edged boards. The sawmill begins to receive a normal profit by selling from 500 - 600 cubic meters of wood per month.

What equipment to choose for the business of opening a sawmill..

To date, there are three main types of sawmills: band, frame and disc. For organizing a small timber processing enterprise, the best option is to purchase a band sawmill. Such sawmills are in the highest demand in both the primary and secondary markets. The width of the saw band in such machines is up to 40 mm, this is the most common diameter of a sawn log.

Band sawmills have a simple design, relatively light weight and relatively inexpensive. The installation of a band sawmill, unlike other machines, is carried out without pouring the foundation. Maintenance of such machines is quite simple and does not require hiring highly qualified personnel. The price of a new band sawmill "Taiga" (Russian-made) starts from 130 thousand rubles.

Frame sawmills have increased productivity and are used mainly in large-scale industries. Their disadvantage is high energy consumption and the need to build a solid foundation for installing a sawmill. Also, a large amount of waste is generated during the woodworking process. At a small enterprise, the use of frame sawmills is irrational.

A circular sawmill is advantageous to use only when it is necessary to produce logs with a diameter of more than 70 mm. This type of machine is characterized by high reliability and wide possibilities due to good functional equipment. The main disadvantage of circular sawmills is the high price compared to other types of sawmills.

When choosing a manufacturer country for sawmills, experienced businessmen recommend paying attention to Finnish-made equipment. The price of domestic equipment, although lower, is significantly inferior in quality and reliability to its foreign counterparts. Constant breakdowns production process because of the breakdown of the machine - an unpleasant moment. Works here like nowhere else Golden Rule: "miser pays twice".

But if you still decide to purchase Russian equipment, which is quite justified with limited start-up capital, then you can pay attention to an inexpensive band sawmill such as ULPG-80 (81) Baikal. The cost of such a sawmill is 130 - 150 thousand rubles. As practice shows, such sawmills, due to a minimum of mechanization, work perfectly both indoors and on outdoors under the most adverse weather conditions (up to -40 gr.).

How to start a sawmill business

Starting a sawmill business, you should carefully study the regulatory framework regarding the forest industry in the region. Will deforestation be banned in your region in the near future, as, for example, it happened in the Moscow region.

Significant areas are required to accommodate the equipment. So, to install a band sawmill, an area of ​​​​at least 200m2 will be required. Ideally - 300 or more m2. The size of the production site itself must be at least 3000m2. The production site consists of a direct production hangar, a raw material warehouse, a finished product warehouse and a site for loading and unloading operations. The sawmill consumes a lot of electricity. Therefore, the production hangar must be connected to power grids with a capacity of at least 50 kW, which is associated with additional time and financial costs.

A production hangar or shed is a mandatory structure that protects your sawmill from atmospheric precipitation. If the logs will be loaded with a beam crane, then the height of the canopy must be at least 5 m. One wall of the canopy should be solid, for more convenient collection of sawdust, and the other wall should be made open - for rolling logs from the flyover. The overpass, by the way, is done in the first place. The canopy is often built right next to the flyover, or rails are laid, along which the trolley-handrail then moves.

It is important to take care of the workers of the sawmill. For a comfortable stay, workers need a change house with a sink and water, as well as a separate bathroom.

Raw materials used in the sawmill business

As for the issue of supplying raw materials to the sawmill, it would be more logical to place production near logging sites. The quality of the supplied raw materials has a direct impact on the finished product and on your profit. The fact is that the concept of quality raw materials in the sawmill business is very vague. The forest does not grow in the same way. There are straight logs, there are curved ones, with an abundance of knots, of different diameters, and so on. Under each log, you need to separately adjust and conduct a thorough selection. Therefore, whatever the price of the supplier, whether it be 1500 rubles/m3 or 3000 rubles/m3, surprises can be expected everywhere. High price does not always mean quality.

Cunning in this matter and the foresters themselves. When shipping raw materials, in the so-called industrial wood, they can include tops up to 5-6 cm, which is extremely unprofitable for the manufacturer. You have to be very careful.

Sawmill workers

Finding worthy workers today is not easy, especially in the Russian provinces. As in many similar areas, there is a high turnover of staff. Selecting the first workers, you need to be prepared for the influx of low-skilled personnel. Very often, in such industries you can meet workers from the CIS and Asian countries.

Wages are one of the main costs of a sawmill. Most owners of sawmills set a piecework form of wages, for example, 300 rubles / m3 of sawn board. This allows not only to reduce the wage fund, but also thereby motivate employees to work more efficiently.

Individual employees who perform well can be paid bonuses. Worthy workers must be held with both hands. In the sawmill business, a lot depends on “direct” hands, and if you suddenly lose one of the key workers, the entire production process, including setting up the correct cut, is drastically disrupted. Ultimately, the quality of your products, their competitiveness and your profits suffer from this.

The main sales channels for edged boards are construction organizations and private clients. In general, as economists note, the sawmill's income directly depends on the situation on the construction market. If the construction is going on at a rapid pace, then the sawmills have more than enough orders. That is why the main sales season for sawmill production is spring-summer.

The logging industry has always been highly competitive. Plus, a spoiled client adds fuel to the fire when he sells the price of a delivered board, referring to the abundance of knots or uneven thickness. Although the price has already been agreed.

Today, due to increased competition, business gurus advise sawmillers to move into deep processing of wood: sawing, drying, gouging, gluing, recycling waste (pellets) and so on. This will allow us to be more competitive and less dependent on the situation on the construction market.

How much can you earn

Earnings at the sawmill depends on the production capacity and the number of customers. If the output reaches a mark of at least 175 cubic meters, then the net profit can be equal to 150,000 rubles per month. This means that the initial investment can pay off in two years. You can increase profits by engaging in the production of fuel briquettes and pellets.

How much money do you need to start a business

To start a business at a sawmill, you will have to pay a little more than three million rubles. 10 percent of this amount will go to the purchase of raw materials (logs exceeding 18 centimeters in diameter).

Which OKVED to indicate for business registration

Both for registering an individual entrepreneur and for registering an LLC, you can specify the following activity codes:

  • 10 - "Sawing and planing wood";
  • 23 - "Manufacture of other building structures made of wood and joinery";
  • 24 - "Production of wooden containers";
  • some codes related to wood products trade.

What documents are needed to open a sawmill

In order to open your own sawmill, the standard package of documents that is submitted for registration of an individual entrepreneur is not enough (certificate of registration with the tax office, copies of an identity card, receipt of duty payment, application). The entrepreneur needs to collect the following package of documents:

  • application for cutting down;
  • an act on the ownership of the felling site;
  • agreement with the forestry;
  • act of inspection of green spaces;
  • cutting site plan.

What taxation system to choose when registering a sawmill

When registering an individual entrepreneur, you should choose a simplified taxation system or a patent, if in tax office in the region, patents are issued for wood processing. You can also choose UTII, but not if you specify the OKVED code 20.1 (“Sawing and planing wood”).

Do I need a permit to open a sawmill?

According to the Forest Code, land in the forest can only be leased. Permission to open a sawmill must be obtained from the forestry. Also, in the regional administration, you need to obtain a permit for felling, indicating the felling area, type of trees, cadastral number of the site, etc.

Technology of the production process at the sawmill

Initially, trees fall in a given direction, which can be calculated according to a unique technological scheme or individually in a special way. difficult cases. A mistake when felling a forest can cause occupational injury, destruction of equipment and other plantings. Then the trees are stripped of branches and branches (the waste is then disposed of). After that, the blanks are sawn and sorted depending on the breed, quality, diameter and other parameters. Next, the logs are taken to the sawmill.

The business associated with organizing a sawmill is quite promising. It must be clearly understood: its development will be closely connected with construction. Lumber is relevant in various fields, whether it be production country houses, making toys or furniture. Let us consider in more detail each side of the issue related to the preparation of a business plan for organizing a sawmill.

Renting an area: the nuances of choice.

Opening a sawmill requires a clear, step-by-step business plan. At the stage of choosing a place, we have two solutions at our disposal: to acquire an existing business or to rent land, which will be quite expensive. With a good set of circumstances, you will be able to find 1 sq. m. at a price of about 200 rubles. In a month, the approximate rent of a huge area will be 600,000 rubles.

A business plan for a sawmill must be drawn up from accurate calculations:

  • A large plot of land is needed, about 30 acres.
  • A site away from the city and municipal organizations, closer to the forest is desirable.
  • Ideally, there should be a reservoir nearby, for conducting water, as well as a convenient location for access roads to the sawmill.
  • The acquired premises should fit: office rooms, a room for workers, a shower and a restroom, a production and repair shop, as well as a warehouse for raw materials and finished products.
  • A place for a sawmill will not do without a canopy in case of unpredictable weather conditions.
  • The site is recommended to be divided into three components: for the location of raw materials, finished boards and for the sawmill itself.


Depending on the size of your business, you will need a sawmill to function properly. In our case, the recommended wage is piecework, not time. In production organizations, it is piecework that is most often used, as it allows you to increase efficiency and productivity. After all, workers understand: the more they produce, the higher they will receive. wages. In your sawmill business plan, you need to include the following workers:

Purchase of equipment

At the initial stage, you can purchase several relatively inexpensive band sawmills, which will increase the overall performance. But you need to save on a high-quality sawmill within reason, because a well-built sawmill business plan will definitely bring you a good payback in the end. It is also recommended to purchase a sawmill made in series, and not to order. To avoid problems with breakdowns, be sure to check the warranty card and read the documentation carefully.

The average cost of a new band sawmill ranges from 130,000 to 150,000 rubles. The most popular band sawmill on the market is Taiga. Prices are not cheap, however, the quality of products is on top. The purchase of equipment can be made at manufacturing plants or in firms that sell machine tools.

Company registration

Now you need. A few steps are enough for this.

  • Product Description
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Preparation of documents
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters of finished products per month

Step-by-step plan for organizing sawmill activities

Main Feature this business is its attachment to sources of raw materials. Therefore, your assessment of the prospects for the development of a future sawmill should begin with an examination of the proposals of potential timber suppliers. Only after that it is possible to expand the areas of marketing research and start analyzing the situation on the market of wooden boards and beams, getting to know the representatives of the target audience, etc.

The next steps in organizing the activities of a future sawmill include:

  • preparation of a business plan and analysis of your opportunities;
  • registration and execution of necessary documents;
  • search for a production site;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • formation of staff;
  • conclusion of contracts with suppliers and other contractors;
  • resolving administrative issues.

In dealing with the above tasks, do not forget that many potential buyers of wood products are reluctant to change their suppliers, therefore, check very carefully how the market will react to the appearance of a new entrant.

How much money do you need to open a sawmill

According to our calculations, the opening of a sawmill on a leased site will require investments of 1.75 million rubles. The main investments are the purchase of equipment, woodworking machines:

  • Circular saw "Moloma-1200" - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Band saw machine "Altai-900A-prof" with internal combustion engine "Honda" 20 hp - 205 thousand rubles.
  • Single saw edger "Altai-007A" with internal combustion engine "Honda" 13 hp - 102 thousand rubles.
  • Disc gang saw "Taiga SMD-1" - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Slab-rib machine - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Planer KORVET-106 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Grinding and adjustable machine - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Auxiliary equipment and tools - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for renting premises - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Product Description

Our organization plans to produce and sell the following range of products:

  • Timber - from 5000 rubles \ m3
  • Edged board - from 5000 rubles \ m3
  • Unedged board - from 3500 rubles \ m3

The enterprise will work in a five-day mode in one eight-hour work shift. Estimated production volume - 330 cubic meters finished products per month. This corresponds to 15 m3 of edged board per shift (8 hours). The main sales channels for boards and timber:

  • Frequent individuals
  • Construction companies
  • Wholesale dealers
  • Construction Markets

Raw materials (wood "round timber") are planned to be purchased from local logging enterprises at a price of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. meter.

Production plan

To organize a sawmill, it is planned to rent a hangar with an area of ​​500 square meters. meters, warehouse space- 300 sq. meters and land plot- 500 sq. meters. The total leasable area will be 1300 sq. meters, with a monthly rent of 150 thousand rubles. The enterprise will be located at a distance of 40 km from a large million-plus city. Considerable distance allows for cheaper rental rates and availability of raw materials. At the same time, the potential customer base is close enough to facilitate the sale of finished products.

The production facility will meet all the requirements necessary for the organization of production: sufficient space, availability of water and electricity (with a capacity of over 400 kW), convenient access roads.

For the operation of machines (circular saw, band saw, etc.), it will be necessary to employ 3 operators and 5 assistants. The remuneration of the working personnel is piecework, 200 rubles/m3 of finished products. In addition, auxiliary workers (2 people), loaders (4 people), sales manager (1 person), shop manager (1 person) will be hired. Accounting services are planned to be outsourced.

Which taxation system to choose

LLC (a company with limited liability). The number of founders is 2 people. The taxation system is simplified, 15% of the company's profit.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters. meters of finished products per month.

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Room rental - 150 thousand rubles. (454 rubles/m3)
  • Utility payments (electricity, water supply) - 60 thousand rubles. (181 rub./m3)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (90 rub.\m3)
  • Salary (foreman, loaders, manager, handymen) + insurance deductions - 160 thousand rubles. (484 rubles/m3)
  • Outsourcing (accounting) - 10 thousand rubles. (30 rub/m3)
  • Depreciation - 25 thousand rubles. (75 rub./m3)
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles. (151 rub/m3)

Variable costs (depending on the volume of production)

  • Raw materials (wood "round timber", pine) with delivery - 2000 rubles / m3
  • Salary (operators) — 200 rubles/m3

Hence, the cost of production of 1 m3 is 3665 rubles/m3.

How much can you earn on the sale of finished products

The average selling price of edged boards and timber is 5,000 rubles/m3. Profit from the sale of 1 m3 = 5000 - 3665 = 1335 rubles. Less taxes (STS, 15% of profit), net profit will be 1135 rubles. Accordingly, the sale of 330 m3 of finished products per month will make it possible to make a profit equal to 374,550 rubles. The profitability of the sawmill, according to the calculations of the business plan, is 31%. Taking into account the period for the promotion of the business, the payback of the initial investment will come in 12-15 months of work.

Preparation of documents

Experienced businessmen working in this sector of the economy recommend registering an LLC (99% of serious construction companies will never sign contracts with individual entrepreneurs).

In addition to papers confirming the fact of registration and payment of taxes, you must have:

  • permits from the fire inspectorate, labor protection authorities and Rospotrebnazor;
  • documents confirming the quality of products;
  • contracts with suppliers and buyers;
  • personnel contracts;
  • magazines on labor protection.

In the application for registration of an LLC, reports and many other documents, you must indicate the codes of your activity (according to the all-Russian classifier). For the operation of the sawmill, this is OKVED 16.10 (production of wooden lumber and structures) and OKVED 46.73 (trade in wooden boards, beams, etc.).