Infrared lamp for heating animals, birds and seedlings. How to use Infrared Heating Lamps for Chickens How to Use Infrared Heating Lamps Power

  • 17.06.2019

An infrared lamp for space heating is a rather unusual heating device. It is a good alternative to conventional batteries and traditional electric heaters.

Such devices are used for heating various premises. IR heating lamps are characterized by soft heat and silent operation, they are used in medicine to treat certain diseases.

Not only a heating device, but also useful for blood circulation

Lamp design

The infrared lamp is powered by the mains and works completely autonomously. Simple Models are glass flasks with a tungsten filament inside. Outside, the glass is brown-red, and inside it is mirrored. Such a light bulb can be screwed into a standard socket - it can be either simply suspended or mounted in an additional housing.

More advanced models are compact. In their manufacture, thinner tubes are used, and in addition to everything, in addition to a tungsten filament, nitrogen and argon are pumped into the cavity. Although such a lamp is small in size, this does not prevent it from producing quite a lot of heat.

On average, the power varies in the range from 50 to 500 watts. Often lamps are screwed into a conventional ceramic socket, but sometimes they still require other standards. However, it is necessary to use ceramics - the plastic case will quickly melt due to the high temperature. It is also not necessary to touch the infrared lamps, as this can lead to burns.

The following varieties are more popular:

  • with a mirror coating - a glass flask from the inside is silvery;
  • with a blue mirror coating (IKZS);
  • with a red coating (IKZK).

Lamps without additional coating (ICZ) are visually similar to ordinary ones, but in fact they are a source of infrared radiation. They differ in that they can be used for lighting. Functionally, an infrared heater is also made up of lamps, but they are more powerful and able to heat a large area.

Mirror coating in the cavity of the flask performs two tasks:

  1. Reflects IR waves several times, thereby increasing power.
  2. Directs infrared radiation in the right direction.

Instead of sputtering, external mirror elements are sometimes used, but this is not always effective. However, this design is more preferable if several infrared lamps are combined into one projector.

Main characteristics

When buying a light bulb, they are guided by several indicators. The main parameters include:

  • Wavelength. It comes in short, medium and long.
  • Socle type. Often, lamps are made under the classic E27 cartridge.
  • Supply voltage. The device for domestic use is equipped with 220 volts.
  • Power. Depends on destination.

Each lamp for the E27 base is marked with an abbreviation in which IKZK, IKZS or IKZ speak of color, and numerical value indicates power.

For example, IKZS 260 W is a classic red flask with a mirror coating of 260 watts.

Operating principle

Infrared lamps work in a similar way to the sun, a natural source of infrared radiation. The waves reach directly the objects in the room (walls, animals or people), and after that they turn into heat. Almost no power is spent on heating the air, as is the case with classic heaters. To feel the heat, it is enough to put your hand under the glass flask, while not touching it. Thanks to this, IR lamps are very economical.

The device is activated in three simple steps:

  1. Current is supplied to the emitter.
  2. The coil starts to heat up.
  3. There is infrared light.

Lamp brightness and wavelength are inversely related. The heated area also depends on this. In bright lamps, the waves are short, which allows them to spread further, and the area served is increased. With long-wave radiation, the opposite is true, but it produces softer heat.

With reasonable use, the radiation of these heating devices does not harm living organisms in any way. This also applies to humans, so such heaters are widely used at home and in medical institutions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Heating lamps have both advantages and disadvantages. To positive qualities relate:

  1. Silent work. Noisy fans are not used here, as in heat guns.
  2. Maximum benefit. In the case of IR heaters, the coefficient useful action approaches 100%.
  3. Ease of installation. Many infrared light bulbs are manufactured for the standard E27 base. The only limitation is that the cartridge must be made of ceramic or other heat-resistant material, not plastic. In the case of a whole IR illuminator, it is enough just to connect it to the network.
  4. Possibility of spot heating. This feature is used in physiotherapy, as well as for heating small animal cages.
  5. compact forms. A model with a fairly high power (500 watts) is no larger than an ordinary incandescent lamp in size.
  6. Benefits for the environment. If the infrared lamp is properly disposed of, then it will not harm nature, since during operation it does not burn oxygen and does not emit gases into the air.

But there are some disadvantages. The negative characteristics are:

  1. The flasks are heated to a high temperature. If anyone accidentally touches the glass, they risk serious burns.
  2. If you violate the rules of operation, then with a long stay in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe light bulb, a person will feel discomfort.
  3. A large power consumption is too conditional a minus, since IR heaters use energy very efficiently.

If you follow the rules of operation, then these devices will not have shortcomings.

Scope of application

Infrared searchlights are actively used by breeders of livestock and poultry, and other agricultural workers. They also found their place in everyday life, medicine, for heating outdoor areas, in production and in many other areas of human activity.

Infrared lamps are widely used in various fields

domestic use

Halogen infrared bulbs often form the basis of outdoor heaters. Even at low power, short waves propagate over a large area. This is effective for recreation areas near swimming pools, verandas and terraces, street cafes and restaurants - heat guns are useless for all of these places.

IR illuminators with low and medium wavelength also suitable for heating residential and commercial premises. Installation is allowed both on the ceiling and on the walls - in both cases, the rays, spreading throughout the room, will provide comfortable conditions for the people in it.

Due to the high energy consumption, any electric heaters are not used on a permanent basis, but to help the main heating if it cannot cope with the load. If long-term heating of the room is required, special infrared heaters with a long wave are used, while their design is not based on lamps.

The wavelengths in such heaters are different.

These devices are ideal for heating greenhouses. In greenhouses, you can adapt both single light bulbs and infrared lamps. They are able to create the ideal temperature, and IR rays have a positive effect on the growth of crops. Also it is also good way to save energy.

The option is good not only for greenhouses, but also for growing plants on the windowsill. Often, seedlings, especially if they are on a table by the window, lack sunlight. It can be compensated by infrared lamps. But you need to take into account that if you choose the wrong power of the device and the duration of its operation, the plants may die.

animal breeding

IR rays are actively used poultry breeders. Newly born chicks of quails, geese, chickens, turkeys and ducks are in great need of warmth (in pens they try to sit right under the heating bulb).

In order to be able to set the optimal temperature for each individual cage with animals, devices are produced with the ability to regulate the temperature.

They are also relevant for zoos and farms in which newborn animals are immediately separated from their mother. For comfort and increased survival, a low-power IR lamp is installed, and the corral is pasted over with reflective elements.

These devices are bought by residents of rural settlements and villages to warm poultry houses in winter, because in hard frost even an adult bird can die from the cold.

Such conditions are also necessary for rabbits and nutrias. The lamps will be useful for shelter staff who often deal with puppies and kittens left without parents.

Treatment of people

Irradiation with infrared light is one of the ways to treat many diseases. It is used both as an independent method and as part of complex therapy. IR light is applied to attenuate pain in muscles and bones, treatment of diseases of the throat and skin.

Light bulbs with a blue color help relieve stress, increase stamina and strengthen the immune system, and earlier acne was treated with such physiotherapy.

However, you should not try to be treated with infrared rays yourself. All procedures must be coordinated with the attending physician.

Stay at the cottage or in country house in winter period should be comfortable and convenient. Therefore, you should take care of high-quality heating. Among other heating devices available to modern consumers, it is especially worth highlighting infrared lamps for heating. They will be discussed further in the material.

Although infrared heaters were developed and began to be used at the end of the 20th century, they could only be appreciated at their true worth quite recently. Currently, heating lamps are actively used for heating small-sized rooms, although they are not suitable for heating the whole house.

What are space heating lamps

Infrared lamps for space heating are in high demand both for use in commercial premises and in private residential buildings. They are able to replace traditional, bulky and non-mobile devices that run on solid fuel or gas. In appearance, infrared heaters resemble ordinary light bulbs, the only difference is their high heat output and color - white or red.

In fact, this is a lamp with a bulb filled with a mixture of argon and nitrogen, in which a tungsten filament is placed. A cartridge is installed for her standard size E27, but only from ceramics - plastic will not withstand high temperatures.

You can buy such heating lamps both assembled inside the finished device, and separately. Inner part the ceiling lamp in the heater is usually made mirrored to reflect heat waves towards the room.


The main characteristics of infrared lamps are as follows:

  • incandescent temperature - 600 ℃;
  • maximum operating power - 500 W;
  • mains voltage - 220 V;
  • range of infrared waves - up to 5 microns;
  • service life - up to 6000 hours.

When choosing IKZK lamps for heating in the house, their number should be calculated based on the power rate of 1 kW per 10 m 2. This standard applies to insulated rooms with plastic double-glazed windows, as well as with insulation laid along the floor, ceiling and doorway. If there are uninsulated places in the room through which cold can penetrate into the room, you will have to increase the number of heating devices or their power.

Pros and cons of red heat lamps

Heating devices with infrared lamps are quite in demand among consumers, especially if there is no opportunity, time or desire to build something larger and more permanent. Therefore, such heating lamps are very often bought by owners of cottages and country houses.

Consider the main advantages of this type of heating devices:

  • thermal lamps for heating do not burn oxygen during operation and do not evaporate moisture from the air, unlike other portable devices;
  • during the operation of infrared heaters, convective air flows do not occur, which provides residents with a comfortable microclimate;
  • the use of ceiling lamps for heating of the PLEN type can significantly save the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and ensure sufficient efficiency;
  • heating devices do not create any noise and are absolutely non-toxic;
  • the installation of such equipment is financially beneficial and allows you to effectively heat a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
  • there are no additional costs for the purchase of fuel materials, so that heating costs are reduced by about 60%;
  • the service life of infrared heaters of the film type is about 30 years and even more;
  • since the operation of the space heating lamp is not associated with the combustion of fuel materials, they do not emit any combustion products, therefore, additional ventilation in the room is not required;
  • heaters with infrared lamps are not afraid of power surges or power outages, they still remain operational;
  • in order to avoid damage due to overloads or overheating (the body of the device does not heat up more than 38 ℃), heaters are usually equipped with a protective mechanism;
  • such lamps do not cause fires, and the possibility of receiving electric shocks is excluded;
  • the use of equipment from this group is very convenient because they can be left on even if no one is in the house, while the necessary microclimate will be maintained in the room and you can not be afraid of fires or accidents;
  • the power of infrared lamps is quite enough to heat even rather large rooms with high quality, providing optimal living conditions. The only thing you should choose the required number of lamps, based on the size of the room.

It is noteworthy that according to medical research, infrared radiation has a general strengthening effect on a person, so the presence of such devices in an apartment to some extent contributes to the healing of the body.

Like any other electrical appliance, an IR heating lamp creates an electromagnetic field, but it is so insignificant that it is not worth attention. But the convenience of installing such equipment can be safely written as a plus.

Models of infrared heaters are available for sale, which can work autonomously and are easily programmed. For example, if you want an infrared lamp to heat a room up to certain temperature, and only while you are in it, it is enough to install the appropriate program, and the equipment will turn off at the specified time. In addition, such devices are able to remember the entered parameters, so you do not have to set them again.

Among the minuses, one can name only one circumstance that can become an obstacle to the use of infrared radiation lamps for space heating. We are talking about the presence and constancy of the supply of electricity in the house. Nevertheless, there is always a way out of the situation - the devices can be connected to a charged battery or an uninterruptible power supply, which will ensure the operation of the equipment for the required time. True, in order to avoid surprises, it is worth monitoring the charge level and the operating condition of the equipment.

The principle of operation of heaters with infrared radiation

A feature of equipment with IR lamps is that the thermal energy emitted by them is transferred to the surfaces of objects or people in the room, and is not absorbed by the air. This is the main difference between such devices and conventional electric heaters. Heating of objects is carried out only in the field of influence of lamps. Thus, heat accumulates in solid objects, such as walls, furniture, and then is transferred to the room and warms the air.

As already mentioned, a red heating lamp emits heat waves only in the area to which it is directed. As a result, only local heating occurs.

Some consumers mistakenly believe that heating with infrared lamps is advisable only in industrial premises or office buildings while home use is not as effective and therefore not justified. However, it turns out that in comparison with traditional radiator batteries, convectors or oil heaters, heating with incandescent lamps is more efficient and economical. Their operation does not require a supply of fuel, and they consume much less electricity.

A variety of models of heaters with infrared lamps allows you to conveniently place them in any room. Such devices are compact and do not take up much space. A very convenient option for placing IR heaters will be mounting under the ceiling - so they can cover a large area. Thanks to modern technologies manufacturers produce such devices that can be easily built into the ceiling - this approach allows not only to effectively heat the room, but also harmoniously fit into the interior design.

Film-type infrared heating (PLEN)

Another type of heaters with infrared radiation is a film resistive foil sheet. It is known to many consumers as an infrared heat-insulated floor. Although in most cases such a film is placed under the finishing flooring, as an option, it can be placed all over the ceiling or on the walls.

At heating systems film type there is one installation feature - they should not be placed on top of the walls or ceiling, but between the finish facing material and a layer of insulation.

Thanks to this approach, the use of film heating will be as efficient as possible and will reduce heat loss to a minimum. At the same time, the heating elements of the heating system will not be visible on the surface, so that the consumer can embody even the most daring design projects in his home, in which there is no place for traditional floor or pendant heaters.

Practice shows that equipping a residential building with infrared film heating devices helps to save electricity and financial resources of the consumer up to 40%.

We hope that the information provided on infrared light lamps for heating will be useful to the consumer, so that he will be able to independently determine the type and number of heating devices for his home.

To illuminate small areas, infrared incandescent lamps can be used, which have not yet found wide distribution in everyday life, but have been used for a long time in poultry farming, animal husbandry and greenhouse vegetable growing.

The traditional infrared (IR) heater is a independent device which includes at least:

  • a heating element;
  • reflector,
  • cable;
  • automatic or temperature control system;

An infrared lamp is not structurally different from a conventional halogen incandescent lamp and usually has a bulb, the glass of which is colored red. The power of infrared lamps starts from 125 watts, and household products are equipped with a conventional screw base, for an E27 form factor electric cartridge.

The only prerequisite for the use of these emitters- a cartridge for an IR lamp, due to the high operating temperature flask and base, must be ceramic, not plastic.

The main advantage of lamps in comparison with emitters is their compactness and versatility. They can be connected in any room, as long as it has conventional electrical wiring, while infrared heating devices used in industry and agriculture require compliance with certain safety standards.

IR Emitter Models

Lamp IKZK 250W

The most widespread for infrared heating are lamas made of pressed transparent glass, dyed in its mass in different color, abbreviated "IKZ/IKZS/IKZK".

The letter "Z" in the designation shows that the flask inside has a mirror coating. The most common lamps with a bulb of red ("IKZK") or of blue color("IKZS"). The heating element in these lamps is a tungsten or carbon filament. If the lamp bulb is not colored (transparent) (“IKZ”), then it can be used not only for heating, but also for lighting.

A typical representative of this group of infrared emitters can be considered the lamp "IKZK 220-250 R127", which has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Consumed electric power - 250 watts.
  2. Maximum heating temperature external surfaces - 500 C.
  3. Form Factor- reflex (with a mirror coating), with an "E27" base.
  4. Infrared range 3.5-5 microns.
  5. Resource (time to failure)-6.5 thousand hours.
  6. Supply voltage 220 volt.

In addition to conventional infrared lighting and heating devices, specialized products are also produced, the action of which is mainly aimed at heating a limited area or volume.

These include:

  1. Ceramic infrared lamps"ECZ/ECX" with a heating element made of nichrome or fennel, which is enclosed in a ceramic case (manufacturers "Elstein", Germany, "Ceramicx", Ireland).
  2. Infrared emitters with tubular halogen heating element"ECS/ ECP/ ECH", in a quartz glass case and a rheostat wire heater.
  3. IR illuminators, in which various types IR lamps or emitters, and the device itself allows you to direct the flow of IR radiation in the right direction.

Selection and application

The radiation of infrared devices with a glass bulb is closest to the solar spectrum, only it lacks the ultraviolet component.

The choice of one or another type of emitter depends on:

  1. Purpose of the heated room(bedroom or children's rooms, garage, greenhouse) and the function performed (simple heating, growing young animals and poultry, growing greenhouse crops).
  2. Purposes of use- temporary heating of a local area or constant temperature maintenance at a given level.
  3. heating object- people, animals, plants, technology.

The power of the device can be in the range of 125-500 watts and is calculated by the amount of additional heat required at the place of use. Usually, IR emitters are used for local heating at the rate of 1 kilowatt per 10 square meters. For heating large areas, several interlocked sources are used.

Medical use of IR lamps

Today, when self-medication is quite common, medical devices with IR lamps can be found in most pharmacies and institutions that sell medical equipment. These devices are used for home phototherapy sessions.

It is generally accepted that infrared radiation, acting on a local area of ​​the skin, improves its blood supply and accelerates the metabolism in the subcutaneous tissues, which contributes to a general improvement in well-being.

  1. Treatment of colds(acute respiratory) diseases, in case of complications with rhinitis or tonsillitis, as well as for the treatment of otolaryngic diseases.
  2. For pain relief and muscle spasms.
  3. Joint treatment in the event of pain of arthritic etiology.
  4. To reduce high blood pressure and prevention of stroke and heart attack.

However, at home use this type of device, you need to remember certain precautions. Some diseases do not allow the use of infrared radiation, not only as a therapeutic, but also as a prophylactic. They are contraindicated in patients with cancer, tuberculosis and the presence of a purulent inflammatory process.

The use of IR radiation is not recommended for women during pregnancy, sick and suffering from chronic lung or heart failure. It is strictly forbidden to use infrared phototherapy when taking immunomodulators and hormonal drugs.

IR lamp Beurer

For medical use as a local warmer or during phototherapy sessions, the most common various models IR devices:

  1. Beurer (Germany), costing 1100-2900 rubles (depending on the power of the emitter and the availability of adjustment).
  2. Medisana IRL (Germany), which can be bought for 2000-2150 rubles.
  3. Projector IR emitter Sanitas SIL45 (Germany) with a power of 3000 watts, which has a built-in timer and power regulator (price is about 3000 rubles).
  4. The well-known "grandmother's" reflector "Clear Sun"("Minina"), which does not have any special design frills, in which blue IR lamps are used - the price of this "miracle" is 1300-1700 rubles (together with the emitter).

According to user reviews, the medical use of IR emitters is quite effective.

Below are the most interesting statements about the benefits and effectiveness of these devices:

Anna is your muse (city not specified)– “…treatment with the Beurer IL30 infrared lamp helped me get rid of acne. I don’t feel sorry for the money spent, with its high price, it will definitely come in handy more than once in the future. ”

"gizmal" (Astrakhan)- I was sorting through the closet and stumbled upon a Minin reflector (with a blue lamp), long forgotten and not used. And then my husband's ear hurt .... After three days of warming up, everything went away. The reflector is easy to use and the blue lamp is worth a penny.”

"Devushka" (city not specified)- “... I was treating a skin rash under such a lamp in the hospital. But it is not small, but large - the searchlight "Sanitas SIL45"). It disinfects and dries the skin well – it helped!!!”.

Household use

Infra-red lamps and emitters are successfully used in rural farmsteads for heating young birds, piglets, lambs and kids. In addition to heating, these devices have a positive effect on the health of newborn animals and perfectly dry the litter.

When using the product "IKZK-250" in a pigsty, when growing piglets, the following scheme is recommended:

  1. To keep baby pigs warm from birth to 7 days, heater lamps are hung at a height of 0.5 meters from the floor.
  2. At the age of the piglets 2-3 weeks, the height is increased to 0.75 meters.
  3. Upon reaching three weeks of age, the device is placed at a height of 1 meter, while the heating area with one lamp is 1 square meter.

For heating chickens and ducklings, it is desirable to equip the emitter with a simple power regulator ( chinese pattern can be found for 150-200 rubles).

Usually, Russian electrical appliances "IKZK 220-250 R127" are used to heat poultry, which can be bought at a price of up to 200 rubles or German - "OSRAM SICCA 250W E27" worth about 500 rubles.

AT countryside, where power surges and drops are not uncommon, it is advisable to organize the power supply of infrared heaters (to increase their service life) through the protective device "UZL 300/500"

When using infrared devices for heating animals, certain rules should be observed, which will not only improve the conditions for their growth, but will also make the process safer:

  1. Temperature in the heating zone should be equal to 25-32 degrees, it is regulated either by changing the height of the suspension of lighting fixtures or by adjusting the power of the infrared light source itself.
  2. Frequent switching on and off is not recommended. lighting devices.
  3. The surface of the flask in a livestock building, should be wiped periodically, otherwise the settled dust will lead to overheating of the device, and it will burn out.

The effectiveness of using infrared heaters in livestock and poultry farming is not only scientifically substantiated, but also confirmed by numerous reviews:

Sergey_Krym (Feodosia)- “... the IKZK-250 light bulb has been serving for the third year. Like new, although I use it all the time.

Nadezhda (Krasnodar Territory, Krymsky District)- “... I bought in the department where “everything is for snakes and turtles” some kind of 500 watt light bulb. Warms great, but is it good for chickens?

"Lulu" (Buryatia)- "... I heat the chicken coop with a thermal red light bulb (it seems to be called" IR - 250 ") ... it is warmly light, the light is not bright, but soft, warm and soothing."

Use in greenhouse crop production

To heat a small greenhouse, you can also use infrared lamps located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.

When growing seedlings, as they grow, it is desirable to raise lighting fittings to different heights. Dignity this method is the combination of heating and lighting.

Application in the repair industry

When performing body repair work, they are often used, and often searchlight type. The advantage of these devices should be considered the possibility of changing the angle of incidence of the light flux and the distance from the IR lamp to the surface of the painted part.

This technology came to repair production from the assembly lines of the Audi AG and Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW AG) factories, where the drying chambers are equipped with lamp emitters.

For owners of personal subsidiary plots, whether it is raising poultry or livestock, it is important to get the maximum profit without losing quality. To achieve the best results, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the growth and development of animals, especially for young animals. As a rule, offspring on farms appear in the cold season, in winter or spring, so one of the main conditions for keeping is comfortable temperature indoors, which can be maintained with infrared heating lamps.

Russian-made infrared mirror lamps (IKZ) have a transparent and red color of the flasks. The former radiate both light and heat, the latter convert almost all the energy received into heat. Despite the fact that both types belong to high-power lamps, their use is justified due to their long service life - up to 5 thousand hours.


Universal base E27;

Power 250W;

Length 195 mm;

Diameter 130mm;

The German company Osram produces infrared lamps with transparent flasks SICCATHERM. Capsule type, with a parabolic reflector, that is, a mirror, such a lamp concentrates thermal energy on objects 50-100 centimeters away from you. Overheating at this distance is completely excluded.


Universal base E27;

Power 250W and 375W;

Beam angle 30°

Length 180 mm;

Diameter 125mm;

The range of the international company Philips includes infrared incandescent lamps with transparent and red, as well as partially red tempered glass capsule-type bulbs. The IR lamps of this manufacturer have a dimming function that allows you to adjust the brightness of the light.

For lamps with red and clear finishes large diameter, so that the radiated heat reaches every object in the room.


Universal base E27;

Power 175 W;

Length 136 mm;

150W and 250W ruby ​​top lamps heat up instantly and save up to 30% of incoming energy thanks to a special reflective system. This kind of lamp is appropriate to use where the light disturbs the animals, as they reduce the visible spectrum of radiation and have a calming effect.

The capsule form of the reflector allows you to concentrate heat on a specific object, for example, young animals, since adults are less demanding in terms of temperature.


Universal base E27;

Power 250 W;

Length 173 mm;

Diameter 125mm;

Infrared irradiation has a beneficial effect on the condition of animals, improves appetite and, consequently, rapid growth, and also increases the body's resistance to different kind infections.

Infrared heaters are the most diverse product in its category in terms of assortment and prices. Among all the lines of models and manufacturers, you can find devices with different wavelengths, designed for domestic and industrial premises, powered by gas, electricity and diesel fuel. There are portable options that are placed on the floor, wall and ceiling. A number of brands also have built-in models.

Ceiling infrared heaters have earned popularity because they do not occupy usable space in the room. They will be discussed today..

What is an infrared heater

Infrared lamps for heating a room on the ceiling do not fundamentally differ from their floor and wall counterparts.

The heating element induces infrared radiation, which is transmitted to objects within the reach of the rays: floors, walls, furniture. They absorb this radiation, heat up and give off thermal energy to the air.

The wavelength that an element emits depends on how hot it is. The temperature it reaches varies from 300 to 1000 degrees, and the wavelength - from 50 to 0.76 microns. The dependence is well expressed: the higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength.

Short waves are more penetrating, can dry out the skin and even cause burns, but their intensity weakens with distance from the source.

The emitter can be made in the form of a carbon spiral, placed in a quartz tube, nichrome, sealed in ceramics, tungsten coil in a halogen lamp, metal films between layers of silicone and a conductor between layers of mica (micathermic elements). The presence of one or another case in the conductor excludes the burning out of oxygen, which is very typical for the same elements without a case (especially tungsten and nichrome). Ceiling infrared heaters of the new generation are increasingly equipped with ceramic-metal heating elements.

Ceiling heaters have one important advantage: they do not take up space where interior items or people can be. Placed on the ceiling, they do not get underfoot, but they have good zone coverage, because the radiation is not hindered by objects standing in the way.

Types of ceiling infrared heaters

Currently, there are three main directions in the production of this type of heating devices, and each of them has its own buyer. They are classified not so much according to the physical principles of operation, but according to the form, quantitative indicators and method of installation.

Gas appliances for heating

As you might guess, they run on gas. Most often connected gas bottle various forms release, but there are also models designed (or allowing) connection of main natural gas. The gas burning in the chamber heats the radiant panel, and it transfers heat further.

There are many advantages to these devices.: they heat up very quickly, do not generate dust, are great for outdoor use, but what will be an advantage for a cold workshop or garage with a high ceiling will be a disadvantage for a room. These devices are both short-wave (light) and long-wave (dark), but they all have high power, which can cause overheating and fire. The burning gas burns out oxygen (1 cubic meter of methane for combustion requires 10 cubic meters of air), so the room where such heaters are located must be equipped with an exhaust hood.

Thanks to this combination of advantages and disadvantages, ceiling gas devices have found their buyer in production, but they are of little use for domestic use, except that they can be hung in the yard in the country. But among mobile models such devices they have no competitors, and among tourists they enjoy well-deserved popularity.

Among the ceiling models, it is worth noting such brands as Condor, Pacole, Roberts Gordon Blackheat, Norgaz, Ballu, and among Russian ones - Infra, SCHWANK.

If you purchased such a device for heating a workshop, workshop or other production facility, be sure to provide it with an exhaust hood and do not store explosive and flammable substances in it.

Electric heaters

This type of device is the most popular. Their merits cannot be underestimated. First of all, it is:

  • ease of installation;
  • rapid heating of the room;
  • lack of products of combustion and burning of oxygen;
  • does not dust and does not emit a smell.

All this is somewhat leveled by the high price and the need to find the optimal location, because the irradiation angle is about 90 degrees. Low ceilings make room coverage minimal, and the buyer is often faced with the choice of whether to hang the radiator - above the bed or above the desk.

Before choosing a heater of this type, pay attention to the shape of the reflector and the lower front surface. If the first is semicircular and the second is flat, then the angle of coverage will be no more than 90 degrees. For heating large rooms, opt for models with a semicircular front, and even better - with a tubular radiator. In the latter, coverage exceeds 120 degrees.

Such devices are mounted on suspensions, but there are also models that can be mounted to the ceiling. They are well insulated against fire. You should take a closer look at the installation features in advance, since it is dangerous to embed a device not intended for this into the ceiling.

All ceiling heaters are equipped with a control unit, which is displayed on the wall. It is a box with a thermostat that allows you to adjust the temperature. There are such brands of these products on the market as Almac, Ballu, Timberk, Pion, Resanta, NroClima, IcoLine, EcoLine, Bilux, Polaris.

Before buying such a device, evaluate the dimensions of the room where you hang it. This is the area, the height of the ceiling and the presence of various niches, if the room is not strictly rectangular. Also take a look at the original temperature regime and the one you want to reach. It will depend on this with what coverage and power you will choose a product.

Warm ceilings

This is a built-in version of the heater, which is a carbon heater in a film, which is why they are sometimes called infrared films. The film is mounted on a layer thermal insulation material, most often rolled, is connected to a thermostat and closed with a false ceiling. Usually this is lining, drywall or suspended tiled ceilings.

This is a very economical and convenient way of heating, besides it is safe: the film does not heat up above 45 degrees. The disadvantages include:

Among the manufacturers it is worth noting Korean Caleo, Heat, Russian PSO-EVOLUTION (Zebra film) and NTK Innotech (Nirvana film), American Calorique.

Overview of individual models

The table shows comparative characteristics devices with a power of 1 kW from different manufacturers.

Heating area, sq. m Dimensions, cm price, rub.
Almac IK 11R 10-20 133x16x3 3400
Timberk TCH A5 1000 12 115x14x5 2800
Ballu BIH-APL-1.0 10 136x13x4 3000
Wester IH-1000 10 136x13x4 2500
ZUBR IKO-K3-1000 16 162x15x4 2100
Neoclima IRO-1.0 15 162x15x4 2600
Zilon IR-1.0 20 163x12x4 2800

The ratio "price - quality" in this category of goods is observed. The price may increase with options, but brand awareness does not lead to a strong rise in price.