Comparative characteristics of the brothers Ostap and Andriy table. Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andria

  • 30.09.2019

Comparative characteristics Ostap and Andria. The story of N. V. Gogol reflects the national liberation struggle of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks against the Polish gentry, who oppressed Ukrainian culture and tried to plant their traditions, customs, and faith. Zaporizhzhya Sich also served as a barrier against the raids of the Turkish invaders, sometimes bringing no less misfortune than the Poles.

The main characters of the story are the old Zaporozhye Cossack Taras Bulba and his sons Ostap and Andriy, who have just returned home from Bursa. The whole life of Taras Bulba was devoted to the struggle against foreign invaders, and he hoped that his sons would become his first assistants in this matter.
In the beginning, the sons who have returned home are like "newly graduated seminarians." Gogol writes about them as "two burly fellows" with strong, healthy faces. The brothers are embarrassed by the ironic reception of their father, and Ostap, unable to endure ridicule, offers Taras Bulba to “beat” him. “The Cossack will be kind!” - this is how the old Cossack assesses the behavior of the eldest son at the meeting. The younger one - Andriy - "more than twenty years old and exactly a sazhen in height" is called by his father "mazunchik" for his silent embarrassment.
However, Andriy is not a coward. When talking with the Cossacks, with whom the proud father introduces his sons, Andriy passionately says: “Just let someone catch on now. Just let some Tatar now turn up, she will know what a Cossack saber is! Ostap, along with the readiness to keep the offenders off the hook, also shows such qualities as attentiveness, observation, a sharp mind, composure.
Even while studying in the bursa, the sons of Taras Bulba were distinguished by their dissimilarity of characters. The eldest, Ostap, was stubborn from childhood and was famous for his perseverance in achieving his goal. At first he did not want to study. Several times he escaped from the bursa and hid the books, until his father threatened him that Ostap "won't see Zaporozhye forever if he didn't learn all the sciences at the academy." Since then, Ostap began to study with “extraordinary diligence” and soon became one of the best students. Like his glorious father, Ostap above all valued the feeling of camaraderie, was honest and "straightforward with equals." Self-possessed and purposeful, Ostap was "severe to other motives, except for war and reckless revelry."
The youngest son of Taras - Andriy - studied "more willingly and without stress." Feelings and emotions, developed in him much more than his older brother, often led him into rather dangerous enterprises. He was evasive and resourceful, especially when it came to avoiding punishment. Andriy was gentle in face, young, good-looking, and the need for love awakened early in his heart. It was at this time that he saw and fell in love with a young Polish woman, who played an important role in his later life.
The old Cossack Taras Bulba believed that best school for his sons - Zaporizhzhya Sich, only there you can learn something worthwhile, gain intelligence. Not allowing his sons to rest from the road and be with their mother, Taras Bulba takes Ostap and Andriy to the Cossack freemen.
In the Zaporizhzhya Sich, young Cossacks showed themselves with better side. They were distinguished by "direct prowess and luck in everything." The old Cossacks spoke approvingly of the new arrivals, but their natures were fully revealed only during the battle, because even there both were “one of the first”.
It seemed that Ostap "had been written in the line of battle and the difficult knowledge to manage military affairs." Self-control and composure, the ability to prudently weigh the danger and quickly and accurately find correct solution, perseverance and self-confidence helped to see in him the inclinations of the future leader. Gogol compares Ostap with a lion, and Taras Bulba proudly says: “Oh! Yes, it will be a good colonel in time!”
Soon, the Cossacks decide during the battle to appoint Ostap as a smoking chieftain instead of the one who was killed:
“It is true that he is the youngest of all of us, but his mind is like that of an old man.” Ostap justified their trust, with determination, strength and courage won even greater love and respect for himself.
Like a lion, Ostap fought in the last battle, when many Cossack foremen and atamans were killed. The eldest son of Taras fought bravely in front of his own father, the heroic strength was in him. However, the numerical superiority was on the side of the Poles, and they managed to capture Ostap by hook or by crook.
Heroically, with unprecedented courage, “like a giant”, Ostap endures the torment and torture to which he was subjected. “Neither a cry nor a groan was heard” from the lips of Ostap during the enduring torment. Ostap - a real Cossack, a worthy Cossack, the son of his father Taras - before his death did not want either pity, or sobs and contritions about himself. He needed a reasonable word from a firm husband, and his father was there, supporting him with his presence, despite the mortal danger. Like a lion, Ostap knew how to fight, but he died like a hero.
And what about Andriy? Taras Bulba also spoke with praise about his youngest son during the first battle: “a good warrior”.
Andriy in battle is not characterized by either composure or patience - he is completely in the power of feelings. Passion, unbridled impulse guide his actions and lead him.
He is brave because he does not give himself time or opportunity to assess the danger. It is no coincidence that Gogol says that “he rushes like a drunk”, because in the battle Andriy saw for himself “mad bliss and ecstasy”. The battle for him is only “the charming music of bullets and swords”, he does not remember what the battle is for, what the Cossacks want to achieve.
The whole essence of the impatient and ardent nature of Andrii manifested itself in his demeanor during the battle.
Between battles, Andriy is bored, he feels “some stuffiness in his heart.” And just at that time, a captive Tatar woman, a servant of a Polish lady, sneaks into the camp of the Cossacks to ask Andriy for bread for her mistress. Without hesitation, Andriy rushes to the aid of his enemies. And here he is at the mercy of his emotions. He steals Cossack bread and takes it to the Poles in the besieged city. Andriy - not evil person, compassion is not alien to him. In a foreign city, he gives a loaf of bread to the hungry, but again, he does it on impulse. Having met with the lady, he does not hesitate to renounce his father, comrades and homeland. For the sake of the lady, he is ready for treason and betrayal: “I will sell, give, ruin everything ...” These words ruined Andriy as a person, as a Cossack, as a defender of the fatherland. Even an old father "curses both the day and the hour in which he gave birth to such a son to his disgrace." Without doubts and torments of conscience, Andriy arranges his personal happiness in the misfortune of his relatives, friends, and homeland.
Fate ordered to bring the son-traitor and valiant Cossack Taras Bulba to the battlefield. Andriy led a detachment of horsemen against the Cossacks. “How?.. Your own?.. Your own, damn son, do you beat your own?..” - Taras could not stand it. The behavior of the son was contrary to the life principles and moral principles of the old Cossack. There is no more son for him and, having lured Andriy into a trap, Taras kills him.
When Andriy saw his father before his death, he "trembled all over and suddenly became pale ...". Like a schoolboy, the son stood in front of Taras, "with his eyes fixed on the ground." At the sight of a “terrible” father, he is submissive, like a child, because he is aware of his guilt, his betrayal. However, until his death, the traitor did not repent of his actions. He dies with the name of a Pole on his lips.
With a feeling of bitterness and sadness, Taras Bulba stands over the murdered son. “What would a Cossack be?” - he thinks, looking at his native courageous and Beautiful face. Gogol describes the dead Andriy very poetically, but the Zaporozhian father standing nearby does not let us forget that we are facing a traitor.
How similar were the sons of Taras Bulba - fearless, courageous, eager to fight. And how they differed from one another - Ostap and Andriy. One is an uncompromising defender of the fatherland and a faithful comrade, the second is a traitor. For some - a heroic death, for others - a shameful death. Almost like in real life.

1. Historical story "Taras Bulba"

2. Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

3. My attitude towards the main characters.

Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" tells about the heroic deeds of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who defended the Russian land from enemies. On the example of the family of Taras Bulba, the writer showed the manners and customs of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks of those years.

There were severe morals in the Sich. There they taught nothing but discipline, sometimes they shot at a target and rode horses, and occasionally went hunting. “The Cossack loves to sleep under the free sky, so that not the low ceiling of the hut, but the starry canopy is above his head, and there was no more honor for the Cossack than to stand up for his will, there was no other law than military partnership.”

Gogol to create multifaceted and expressive images of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, a true legend of the stormy, wartime, heroic time.

The main characters of the story are two brothers Ostap and Andriy, who grew up and were brought up in same conditions, so different in character and outlook on life.

Ostap is an impeccable fighter, a reliable comrade. He is silent, calm, reasonable. Ostap continues and honors the traditions of his fathers and grandfathers. For him, there is never a problem of choice, hesitation between feelings and duty. He is amazingly wholesome. Unconditionally accepts Ostap Zaporozhye way of life, the ideals and principles of senior comrades. Respectfulness never turns into obsequiousness, he is ready to take the initiative, but he respects the opinions of other Cossacks. At the same time, he will never be interested in the opinion, the view of "strangers" - infidels, foreigners. Ostap sees the world as harsh and simple. There are enemies and friends, our own and others. He is not interested in politics, he is a straightforward, brave, loyal and stern warrior. Ostap thinks only of battles, he passionately dreams of feats of arms and is ready to die for his Motherland.

Andriy is the complete opposite of his brother. Gogol showed differences not only human, but also historical. Ostap and Andriy are almost the same age, but these are types belonging to different historical times. Ostap from a heroic and primitive era, Andriy is internally close to the later time of a developed and refined culture and civilization, when politics and trade take the place of war and robbery. Andriy is softer, more refined, more flexible than his brother. He is endowed with great sensitivity to the alien, "other", greater sensitivity. Andriy Gogol marked the rudiments of fine taste, a sense of beauty. It cannot, however, be called weaker. He is characterized by courage in battle and much more important quality- the courage to make an independent choice. Passion leads him into the camp of the enemy, but there is more behind this. Andriy now wants to fight for his own, what he himself found and called his own, and did not receive by inheritance, by tradition.

The two brothers must become enemies. Both perish, one at the hands of enemies, the other at the hands of his father. You can't call one good and the other bad.

It is difficult not to bow before the courage, courage and steadfastness of Ostap. But such an all-consuming love of Andrii also cannot be ignored. You need to have no less courage to agree to leave everything for the sake of love: home, relatives, friends, homeland. I can’t say who I like more, which one of them I would choose as a positive hero. I think that in each case, the heart itself tells you what to do. And from their point of view, both Ostap and Andriy are right in their actions. This is what real men do, they die either for the Motherland or for the woman they love.

The image of Ostap and Andriy in the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

In the story "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol glorifies the heroism of the Russian people. Russian critic V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Taras Bulba is an excerpt, an episode from the great epic of the life of an entire nation." And N.V. Gogol wrote about his work as follows: “Then there was that poetic time when everything was mined with a saber, when everyone, in turn, strove to be an actor, and not a spectator.”

Using the family of Taras as an example, Gogol showed the manners and customs of the Zaporozhian Cossacks of those years. Taras Bulba was a wealthy Cossack and could afford to send his children to study in the Bursa. He wanted his children to grow up not only strong and courageous, but also educated people. Taras believed that if children grow up at home, next to their mother, then good Cossacks will not come out of them, because every Cossack must "feel the battle."

The eldest son Ostap did not want to study: he ran away from the bursa several times, but he was returned; he buried textbooks, but new ones were bought for him. And one day Taras told Ostap that if he did not study, he would be sent to a monastery for twenty years. Only this threat forced Ostap to continue his studies. When Ostap and his friends did all sorts of pranks, he took all the blame on himself and did not betray his friends. And Andriy loved to study and was the instigator of all pranks. But he always managed to escape punishment. Despite the differences, Ostap and Andriy had a solid character, only Ostap manifested this in devotion to the cause and homeland, and Andriy in love for the beautiful lady.

There were severe morals in the Sich. There they taught nothing but discipline, sometimes they shot at a target and rode horses, and occasionally went hunting. “The Cossack loves to sleep under the free sky, so that not the low ceiling of the hut, but the starry canopy was above his head, and there was no more honor for the Cossack than to stand up for his will, there was no other law than military partnership.” “The plowman breaks his plow, the brewers and brewers threw their caddies and broke the barrels, the artisan and the merchant sent to hell both the craft and the shop, they broke the pots in the house. And everything that was mounted on a horse. In a word, the Russian character here received a wide, powerful scope and a dozen appearance.

The Zaporizhian Cossacks arose in the lower reaches of the Dnieper on the islands beyond the rapids. There were a lot of people there. In the 16th century, the future Ukraine and Belarus were part of the Commonwealth. Religious persecution caused resistance and uprisings against the Polish state. It was in this harsh time that Gogol's heroes had to live.

Ostap was written by the family "the way of battle and the difficult knowledge to manage military affairs."

Ostap was written by the family "the way of battle and the difficult knowledge to manage military affairs." The inclinations of the future leader were noticeable in him. "Fortress breathed his body, and his knightly qualities have already acquired the broad strength of a lion." But fate was not destined for Ostap to become a great commander and leader. In the battle near Dubno, he was captured and, having endured terrible torture, was executed on Warsaw Square. Ostap is the embodiment of devotion to faith, duty and comrades.

Andriy is the complete opposite of his older brother. He was completely immersed in "the charming music of bullets and swords." He did not know what it means to calculate in advance one's own or other people's strength. Under the influence of his feelings, he was able not only to fight heroically, but also to betray his comrades. Love for the beautiful lady killed the youngest son Taras. Yielding to feelings, he forgot his love for the Motherland and his duty to his comrades, and a bullet fired by the hand of his own father with the words: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” cut short Andriy’s young life.

Gogol describes Ostap, Andriy, and Taras with great love. His story sounds like a hymn to the fatherland, to the heroism of compatriots. Andriy, for the sake of his feelings, was not afraid to give up his faith, his family, and went against his homeland. Ostap inspires respect for his devotion to the common cause, unshakable faith and steadfastness.

Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" can be compared with Homer's poems. His characters are seen as epic heroes: "Yes, are there such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force."

Ostap and Andriy "Taras Bulba"

The main characters of the story "Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol - Ostap and Andriy

Highly big influence they had their father - an experienced colonel Taras Bulba. Ostap fully agreed with his father, his goal in life was to visit the Zaporizhzhya Sich and accomplish a feat. Its motto is "fight and feast". Andriy saw a different meaning in life. He studied more willingly than his brother, was interested in art. He did not despise women, like his father and other Cossacks. Andriy, like Ostap, recognized his father as his only judge.

Both Ostap and Andriy are proud, with a sense of their own dignity. Both brothers are dora, but Ostap - to Andriy, his father, the Cossacks, and Andriy - even to the enemy: he took pity on the Pole. The brothers were patriots, defenders of the Motherland, but Andriy could not cope with his feelings and became a traitor.

Ostap did not want to study in the bursa and even buried his textbook four times. But when Taras got angry and said that Ostap would never see the Setch if he did not study at the bursa, Ostap became a diligent, industrious and diligent student, one of the first. He was a good, reliable comrade, the Bursaks respected him, willingly obeyed. He was honest and straightforward - when he was punished, he did not evade. Andriy was inventive, cunning, dexterous, and avoided punishment. He is the leader of the Bursaks, but at the same time secretive, loves solitude. He has developed aesthetic taste.

Already in the first battles, it became clear that Andriy was frivolous, courageous, desperate and saw in the battle "mad bliss and rapture", "passionate passion". And Ostap, cold-blooded, prudent, calm, self-confident, prudent, reasonable, thought through his actions.

"O! Yes, it will eventually be a good colonel! - Taras spoke about Ostap, - she-she will be a good colonel, and even such that even the father will shut up in his belt! And about Andriy, he said: “And this is good - the enemy would not have taken him! - warrior! not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior too!

The Battle of Dubno is a decisive test for Andriy and Ostap. After her, at night, Andriy was the limit of the Motherland, comrades, family. And when the next day he went out to beat his own people, Taras cursed him and executed his own judgment on him - he killed him.

The heroes of the work "Taras Bulba" Ostap and Andriy. They are blood brothers, grew up together, received the same upbringing, but have completely opposite characters. The upbringing of the boys was mainly carried out by the mother, since the father did not have time.

Taras Bulba, being constantly at war, understood that his sons needed education. He had enough funds, so he sent them to study in Bursa.

Ostap- a wonderful warrior, a devoted comrade, in everything he strove to be like his father. By nature, he is kind, sincere, but at the same time serious, firm, courageous. Ostap observes and honors the traditions of the Zaporozhian Sich. He is convinced that it is his duty to defend the Motherland. Ostap is responsible, respects the opinions of the Cossacks, but never accepts the views of foreigners. He divides people into enemies and friends. Risking his own life, Ostap is ready to help his friend. It was hard for Ostap to study, he repeatedly ran away from the bursa. I even buried my primer. But after the harsh punishments of his father, he continues to study perfectly.

Andriy- completely different, not like a brother. Andriy has well-developed feelings for the beautiful, for the refined. It is softer, more docile, sensitive, has a delicate taste. But, despite this, he shows courage in battle and another important quality inherent in Andriy - freedom of choice. Studying Andriy was easy. Even if something went wrong, he always got out of the situation and avoided punishment.

After graduating from the seminary, the brothers and their father went to the Zaporozhian Sich. The Cossacks accepted them as equals. In battle, Andriy showed himself fearless, completely immersed in the battle. He enjoyed the fight, the whistle of bullets, the smell of gunpowder. Ostap was cold-blooded, but reasonable. He fought like a lion in battle. Taras Bulba was proud of his sons.

The siege of the city of Dubno changed the lives of the heroes once and for all. Andriy went over to the enemy side. The fact is that the Pole turned the head of the Cossack. Andriy gave up everything he had: parents, brother, friends. He was soft, sensitive, so he strove for beauty.

The meaning of Ostap's life was his parents, Motherland, comrades. He wouldn't trade them for anything. Therefore, he was elected chieftain. Ostap became his father's pride, but Andy became a traitor. Ostap fought to the end with foreigners, but the forces were unequal, the hero is captured.

Ostap and Andriy died a cruel death. Ostap was executed by his enemies. His death is the death of a hero. Not the slightest scream or groan escaped his lips. He endured all the trials and torments that fate had prepared for him. He was helped by a sense of patriotism and love for friends. He brought to life all the wishes and hopes of his father. Andria was killed by his own father for betrayal. Taras Bulba took the death of people close to him, his dear sons, hard. The death of Ostap - a real warrior, loyal to his father and people, and the death of Andriy - a traitor and traitor.

The two brothers, who received an identical upbringing, had different worldviews, values, and outlooks on life.

Comparative characteristics of Andriy Ostap in the story Taras Bulba

The Cossacks are a widespread movement that includes camaraderie, support of friends, protection and devotion to native Ukraine. As a rule, the Cossacks did not disobey the orders of their elders and followed the path that their parents passed on to them, but there were exceptions.

So Gogol in his work "Taras Bulba" portrayed two brothers who were brought up in the same way, in equal conditions, but in the end they had a different fate. Andriy grew up affectionate and had a good relationship with his mother, and his brother Ostap took after his father - he did not tolerate a woman's business. Already at school, the difference in characters was noticeable, Ostap did not like to study, and Andriy worked hard. Ostap famously fought with his fists and could beat anyone who would go against him, his parents or his homeland. So, when meeting with his father, he started a fight - he was not afraid. Further, both of them are tested in battle, Ostap immediately acted clearly according to plan, and his brother completely surrendered to emotions, but was also a brave warrior.

Gogol shows in his story how Andriy falls in love with a girl who professes a completely different faith and is considered his enemy. He brings her bread while everyone is sleeping, so that she does not starve to death, and stays with her, thereby renouncing his relatives and his native country. Ostap bravely dies in captivity of enemies. Andria is killed by his father for treason.

From the very beginning, it is clear that the brothers are completely different in character, and then in their actions. They have one thing in common - courage. Andriy's courage manifests itself in hidden help to the girl he loves, while Ostap shows courage in battle and in attacking the enemy. Their differences are that they different opinions about honor and love, therefore everyone has their own death. Ostap decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, adhering to the old nomes and customs, Andria was led by the feelings to which he succumbed.

Undoubtedly, each hero had his own positive and negative qualities like every person

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A courageous Cossack and a traitor to the family and homeland for the sake of love - this is the first impression of the sons of Bulba. However, in fact, the brothers are both similar and different from each other. Let's compare them according to such criteria: childhood, appearance, character and actions.


The two brothers grew up in the family of a wealthy retired Cossack colonel who dreamed of sending his children to the Zaporozhian Sich. However, the youngest son grew up in a favorite maternal environment, and the eldest was drawn to his father, to the male craft. Taras loved his sons equally, tried to instill courage and nobility. Therefore, the father gave his children to science. It is in the Kyiv Academy that the brothers begin to acquire personal characteristics.

Ostap begins to love nomadic life and dream of heroic glory, while Andrei is somewhat calm in this matter, sensitivity, dreaminess wake up in a young man. What is simple and bypassed for Ostap is unknown and mysterious for Andrey.


Undoubtedly, their lifestyle, goals, interests were reflected in the appearance of young people. The image of a fearless conqueror tried on Ostap. Amazing appearance: velvet eyebrows and wheaten coachmen attracted girls and flattered Andrey. Although Andrei was strong and courageous, he easily performed any work, but such activities weighed on him. Solitude with oneself and nature is the main thing for the hero. At that time, Ostap doted on the Cossack society, looking for comfort among his brothers.

Andrei finds solace on the chest of a Polish lady.


From early childhood, Ostap lived according to established rules: brotherly love, obedience to elders and hatred of the enemy. The restraint and fortitude of the young man's spirit was a symbol of pride for his father. In the Sich he was known as a valiant warrior, and Ostap was his reflection.

Andrei's thoughts were initially occupied not by the war, on the road he thinks about his mother, yearns for her. In the character of the young man we see elements of inconstancy, dreaminess and alienation. The fact that Andrei did not have a clear position in relation to the Motherland, to his father, and took him aside. He quickly exchanged valor and honor for a brief satisfaction of his desires.

Actions and destiny

Ostap, a faithful son of the Fatherland, without hesitation, went into battle. Defending his comrades, he died at the hands of the enemy. However, he died a worthy death - the death of a Cossack who made every effort and defended others to the last drop of blood.

Andrei chose a different path, love and the desire to rule took over him. Without hesitation and without pangs of conscience, he gives homeland and faith, acts as a hussar on the Polish side and fights against his brothers. But fate did not leave him without revenge: the father himself kills the traitor.

Option 2

Siblings with different characters, whose destinies intersect, as it seemed, cannot follow a completely different path. In this work "Taras Bulba" Andriy and Ostap live exactly the same childhood, and the attention of the father and mother was given equally to each. The father spent very little time at home, so the mother took on most of the upbringing. Ostap, who was older, always wanted to be like his father, and Andriy was more of a mother's favorite.

The guys studied in one educational institution. Bulba, a man who has seen life, decided to send his children to Bursa. The guys during their studies were clearly different from each other. Andriy loved studying, he liked to comprehend something new, to engage in self-education. There were times when Andrii was punished, but he refused to the last, avoided punishment in every way. Ostap had a tense relationship with his studies. For him, study was not the main thing and he did not take it seriously. The guy could have escaped from Bursa, and once he even buried his primer. Ostap initially showed strong-willed qualities, even when he was punished, he accepted everything as it was and endured the blows and did not cry. His comrades respected him for his loyalty and for the fact that he never attached to anyone. But when Bulba found out about the poor progress of his son, then after a severe punishment, Ostap became one of the best students.

After studying, Andriy and Ostap, together with their father, went to the Zaporizhzhya Sich. And there the guys also showed themselves with the absolute opposite. Andriy was less prudent in battle, and simply forgetting about everything, he rushed into battle. Ostap was very smart in battle, prudent and made decisions with a cold mind. Bulba believed that as a warrior Ostap was better than Andriy.

When the war came, the most terrible event for Bulba happened. Andriy betrayed his comrades and went over to the enemy. Perhaps this is due to the fact that, unlike Ostap, Andriy was not so devoted to his homeland and relatives and did not have specific views on life. Taras Bulba had a choice. He could forget about his son, but he decides to punish him, namely to kill him with his own hands. And so it happened. Andriy was lured from the battlefield to a quiet place, where his father shot him. Andriy's eyes showed fear and misunderstanding. Ostap was taken prisoner and even during a difficult and painful execution he did not cry out a word and met his death with pride.

Although the brothers were born in the same family, and their childhood was the same, and life was lived in completely different ways. Ostap lived his days with pride and respect and died gloriously, while Andriy became a disgrace to the Cossacks and his father.

Composition Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

In a large-scale work by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" describes the history of the formation of Ukraine, the moment of the struggle of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks against Poland.

In the center of the story is the fate of the sons of Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy.

Ostap and Andriy spent their entire childhood in the same way, grew up and frolicked in the same house, and were also brought up in the same way.

Taras Bulba himself was rarely at home, most of all he was occupied with the fate of his Motherland, its freedom and independence. Therefore, the mother was engaged in raising sons.

Understanding the need for education, Taras sent his sons to study in Kyiv, at the seminary.

As they got older, the brothers began to differ from each other.

Ostap is a strong, straightforward and proud Cossack who passionately loves his Motherland.

At first, he did not have a craving for knowledge, disrupted lessons, ran away several times, got rid of textbooks. But after his father threatened him with a monastery, Ostap began to study with zeal.

His strong-willed character and perseverance soon allowed him to become one of the successful students of Bursa.

While studying in Bursa, Ostap was a good friend, never let his friends down, helped the weak. The seminarians valued his friendship and treated him with respect.

These qualities of Ostap developed further, when he, Andriy and Taras, arrived at the Zaporozhian Sich.

The Cossacks highly appreciated the character and temperament of Ostap, because for them the law of partnership is the main thing.

Ostap was on an equal footing with the Cossacks, respecting their opinion, he strives with all his might to be like them, sacredly honors the traditions and laws of the Cossacks.

Having been captured by the Poles, Ostap remains the same brave and fearless warrior, taking painful death without a single groan.

With all his heart he hates people of a different faith who encroached on the freedom and independence of his native Ukraine. He is a true patriot and a worthy son of his father, Taras Bulba.

Unlike his brother, Andriy developed a different character, he is more gentle and impressionable. As a warrior, he was also brave and fearless, but his meeting with a Polish woman changed his whole life. For the sake of love for a Pole, Andriy, without hesitation, went over to the side of the enemy, abandoned his relatives and friends, betrayed the Fatherland, and died as a traitor, at the hands of his own father.

Two brothers, and such different fates.

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The story "Taras Bulba" was written by N.V. Gogol in 1835. His interest in the history of Ukraine (Little Russia), namely the struggle of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks for independence from the Poles, prompted Gogol to write this story. His attitude to the role of Ukrainians in the political and cultural life of Russia was ambiguous.
But the story "Taras Bulba" is one of Gogol's favorite works, where he showed that the main force in accomplishing historical events people can come forward. The writer himself wrote about the story: "Then there was a poetic time when everything was mined with a saber, when everyone, in turn, strove to be an actor, and not a spectator."
Knowledge of the national character of the Cossacks, their customs helped Gogol to create vivid and expressive images of the heroes. The family of Taras Bulba became this example. showed the manners and customs of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks of those years.
The main character Taras Bulba was not poor and could send his children to study. He believed that children should be educated and strong. There were severe morals in the Sich. Zaporizhian Cossacks taught their children discipline, shooting and horseback riding. But they won't be like that around their mother.
The two sons of Taras Bulba, who were brought up in the same conditions, are completely different types. It was difficult for Ostap to study. He repeatedly escaped from the bursa. He was flogged and again forced to study. Frightened by his father's threats that he would be sent to a monastery, Ostap decided to study, but he still got the rods.
By nature, Ostap was kind, straightforward, and at the same time stern and firm. He never "leaded others" and was a good comrade. And in daring enterprises and undertakings, he was always the first, and, if anything, he took all the blame on himself.
Ostap, brought up on the traditions of the Zaporizhian Sich, always honored them and always dreamed of becoming a successor to these traditions. Like his father, Ostap believes that it is his duty to defend the Motherland, so he has no choice who he will be. Ostap knows that his business is that of a warrior.
Andriy was the complete opposite of his brother. He studied willingly and without tension, but he was more sensual, more romantic and softer than his brother. Unlike Ostap, he liked to lead friends on the surface, he was drawn to exploits. On the other hand, Andriy experienced some other feelings, and he left his friends and wandered alone.
Having got to the Sich after their father, they soon began to stand out "among other young people with direct prowess and luck in everything." The father rejoiced that he had raised his sons to match himself.
“Hey, there will be a good colonel,” old Taras admired his son. “Yes, even such that the dad will plug it into his belt.” This is what Taras said about his eldest son.
Ostap is the embodiment of courage, courage, love for the Motherland, close and dear people. These qualities are always inherent in the selfless defenders of their homeland, and many Cossacks possessed these qualities. Each of them, risking his own life, tried to come to the rescue of a comrade.
It was not in vain that his father Taras Bulba, addressing his soldiers, said: "There are no ties holier than camaraderie." He called to protect not only his people, but all Christians. And Ostap, brought up by his father in the traditions of his people, who did not bow his head before the invaders, did not disgrace his honor and did not drop his own. He fought like a hero next to his father and, dying, wanted his father to see that Ostap did not become a traitor. He endured all the inhuman torture, but did not flinch.
Comparing Andriy with his older brother, we consider him a traitor. His image stands apart, but this makes his fate no less tragic. Andriy fought as desperately as his brother, but without any calculation. He did things, guided only by "passionate passion." But fate decreed otherwise. Love for the Polish lady made the youngest son Taras Bulba a traitor. Taras could not forgive this to his son. Nothing can atone for treason, let alone justify it. Such a shame as the betrayal of his son, Taras Bulba could not bear. Andria was executed by his father himself, saying before that: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you."
Featuring two brothers in his story