Comparative characteristics of ostap. Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy in the story Taras Bulba essay

  • 30.09.2019

Theme: "Two lives, two destinies."
(comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, the heroes of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba").

Lesson Objectives:

    Educational: to teach to write a characterization of the hero and find means of its disclosure;

    Educational : learn to work with a table, work independently with a textbook, learn to think, compare, draw conclusions;

    development of the ability to find in a literary text the material necessary to characterize the hero, the ability to show the attitude of the author, his position on the text;

    Educational : to cultivate love for the history of the Motherland, a sense of patriotism and national pride;

    learn tolerance.

Lesson objectives:

1. Develop the concept of a literary hero

2. Show the features of the image of a person in the story

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

3. Help students comprehend the uniqueness of the conflict in the story.

4. Instill skills independent work with text.

5. Improve text analysis skills.

6. Develop oral speech students.

7. On the example of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" to educate

feelings of patriotism, responsibility for their actions,


8. Do students should understand that the writer, with the help of various

literary devices shows the reader that it is impossible

make an unambiguous and uncompromising judgment about a person.


1. Texts of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

2. Comparative table "Characteristics of Ostap and Andriy."

3. Multimedia projector.

4. Screen.

5. Presentation on the topic "Characteristics of a literary hero."

6. Music for relaxation.

During the classes:

Lesson stages



Organizing time.

Greetings, checking readiness for the lesson.


Learning new material.

Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Before we write down the topic of the lesson, I want you to guess whose image this is?

<…> <…>

- It seemed to him that the battle path and the difficult rank to manage military affairs were written in the family<…>

Who do you think we are going to talk about in class today? What is the topic of the lesson? (Answer)

The theme of our lesson today is "Two lives, two destinies." Write down the subject. And what tasks will we set for the lesson?

Match the main characters of the story;

Find out what are the similarities and differences between the brothers;

Answering a problematic question - why did Andriy betray the Fatherland? We will try to answer this question with you at the end of the lesson.

Slides 1, 2, 3

1 student reads

Reading 2 student

Write number, topic


We learn about the hero of the story by his actions, from the stories of the author.

And let's remember with you - What is patriotism? Who do we call a patriot? Who do you know from history? Who sacrificed their lives for their country? What war did N.V. Gogol devote his story to?

Who is a literary hero? What is an image? Let's turn to the dictionary. You have a dictionary of literary terms on your table. Find the definition of what is a literary hero? What is an image?

Literary hero- is a character literary work.

Image- a complete whole, the totality of all characteristics and actions

In characterizing, we must pay attention to common features heroes and differences between them read out fragments of text. The characteristic will be presented in the form of a table. The plan of the table lies on our tables.

Notebook entry.

Compiling a table.

1 group: characteristics of Ostap.

2 group: characteristics of Andriy.

Table layout:

1. Appearance.

2. Attitude towards learning?

3. Character?

4. Youthful dreams?

5. Behavior during combat?

6. Attitude towards partnership?

7. Closeness to parents?

8. Attitude towards personal happiness?

9. Similarities?

10. Features of difference?

Group work

Comparative features



1) appearance

“...two burly fellows who were still watching seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were

did not touch the razor.

frowningly, as recently

graduated seminarians,

covered with the first fluff of hair,

which has not yet been touched by a razor.

2) attitude to learning

“... in the first year I still ran. They returned him, flogged him terribly and put him behind a book. Four times he buried the primer in the ground, and four times, after tearing it inhumanly, they bought a new one. Taras threatened to leave his son in the monastery servants if he did not learn all the sciences, only after that Ostap began to study.

“He studied more willingly and without strain…

He was more resourceful than

his brother…"


Outwardly severe, restrained, but in the soul sympathetic. Clear mind, strong will, honesty, courage, restraint.

Sensitive, gentle, but

little responsive.

4) youthful dreams

He dreamed of becoming a real Cossack and going to the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Boiled on one side

thirst for achievement, but sometimes

love to dream and

wander alone in

streets of Kiev.

5) behavior during the battle

Patriotism, hatred of the enemy, heroism.

Boastfulness, betrayal.

6) attitude towards partnership

Until the last minute of his life, he remained a true comrade.

Betrayed his comrades when he saw

hunger, poverty, human suffering

besieged city; frivolity, aimlessness of life.

7) closeness to parents

closer to father

closer to mother

8) attitude towards personal happiness

Never aspired to personal happiness.

Dreamed of personal happiness.

9) similarities

One family; environment; upbringing

10) features of difference

Appearance, character, behavior in battle; attitude towards people, the last day of life.


Imagine "Favorite vacation spot" - music for relaxation.

The guys are taking comfortable posture, if desired, they can close their eyes and imagine to the music favorite place recreation. The music stops, the students return to their usual state, and rested, they continue to work in the lesson.

Table check.

Discussion of a problematic issue.

Why does Andriy go to the besieged city?

Why did the young man betray his homeland?

Has the hero changed?

(Slide 7)

What qualities should a person who loves his homeland, who is faithful to her, have?

Write in your notebook keywords with which you associate the images of Ostap and Andriy?

Students answer:

Andriy's feelings for the girl came to life and obscured the mind, this choice inevitably leads to betrayal.

Andriy not only loves the Pole, but also feels “reverent fear” before her; he loses his will and no longer belongs to himself - he is ready to destroy himself for the sake of love. This means that the young man is ready to sacrifice everything: family, faith, comrades, countrymen. I believe that he betrayed the Motherland, because he loved recklessly ...

Andriy entered into a tragic conflict with everyone, but he did not betray himself, this is a choice that has become a tragedy; this conflict could not be resolved otherwise than by the death of the hero.

Lesson summary: Gogol condemns Andriy for treason. Andriy dies, according to the author, "ingloriously, like a vile dog." Ostap causes deep sympathy and love of the author. Gogol draws him as epic hero, the defender of the Motherland, compares with a lion, says that “the way of battle and difficult knowledge to manage military affairs was written for him in the family.” As in Taras Bulba, Ostap embodies the best features of a Russian person who is ready to die for the Motherland.


What was the prevailing mood?

Which character do you like best and why?

What conclusions can you apply to modern life? (slide 8)

Seventh-graders answer questions at will.

Self-esteem. Fill out cards.

Fill out.

Homework. Choice

    Answer the question in writing:

Why did N.V. Gogol show the sons of Taras Bulba with such different destinies?

    Draw pictures: the image of Ostap or Andriy.

    Page 210 question number 3. (orally)

"My self-assessment and assessment of the work of the group"

Questions to the student

Answer "Yes"

Answer "No"

Was I active in class?

Were my answers original?

Did I contribute to the work of the group?

Did I feel supported by my group?

Was it interesting and informative to work in my group?

Comparative features


1) appearance

2) attitude to learning


4) youthful dreams

5) behavior during the battle

6) attitude towards partnership

7) closeness to parents

8) Death of heroes

9) similarities

10) features of difference

Comparative features


1) appearance

2) attitude to learning


4) youthful dreams

5) behavior during the battle

6) attitude towards partnership

7) closeness to parents

8) Death of heroes

9) similarities

10) features of difference

- "Ahead of the others, the hero rushed all the more brisk, all the more beautiful. So black hair flew from under his copper cap; an expensive scarf tied around his arm curled, sewn by hand first beauty<…>And meanwhile, embraced by the ardor and heat of battle<…>rushed like a young greyhound dog, the most beautiful, fastest and youngest of all in the pack (Andriy)

It seemed to him that the battle path and the difficult rank to manage military affairs were written in the family<…>Already experienced confidence now began to signify his movements, and in them the inclinations of the future leader could not but be noticeable. His body breathed a fortress, and knightly qualities have already acquired the broad strength of a lion. "(Ostap)

  1. Introduction: Are Ostap and Andriy Enemies?
  2. Comparison of Ostap and Andriy
  3. Differences in the characters of the brothers
  4. Why are Ostap and Andriy enemies?
  5. Conclusion (statement of the main thesis)

Composition on the topic “Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy”

(the meaning of opposition and comparison of images)

The historical story "Taras Bulba" is not an easy work, but it is read in one breath. Why? I think the reason lies in the peculiarity of the conflict. The bloody strife between two kindred peoples is shown on the example of the enmity of two brothers. The tragedy of the story is that people who grew up and studied together and belonged to the same family became enemies as a result of discord. However, despite their kinship, we see another circumstance: they show that the brothers were very different from each other, just as two peoples who clashed in battle were different. Maybe their confrontation is inevitable, and Ostap and Andriy are enemies from the very beginning?

The comparison between Ostap and Andriy should start from the moment they returned to native home. When their father began to provoke them to measure their strength, Ostap immediately accepted the rules of the game and stood up for his supposedly offended honor. The hero obviously went to his father, because he has the same hot temper of a born warrior, for whom a fight is a pleasure, profession and life. Andriy, on the contrary, did not agree to fight on the threshold of the house he missed so much. He is as gentle, affectionate and soft as his mother. But this does not mean that the hero is not capable of a feat. He can fight, and quite well, but he is forced to do so. The younger Bulba is a defender, but not a striker.

Because of this difference in character, the brothers do not understand each other. When Andriy goes to a beautiful Polish woman, Ostap regards this act as a betrayal. He cannot comprehend how important the family is for such a kind and sensitive Andriy. Creation is important for the hero, and destruction is not, even for the sake of revenge. The older brother has other ideals. He treasures the most military honor and the homeland given to him by his father and mother. But for the younger brother, the homeland is where his heart is, and his heart is with the Polish woman. That is, the heroes understand their homeland and life in different ways, so they fight on different sides.

Both heroes, like two peoples, are fighting because of faith. “Lyakhov” might have been accepted, but they are Catholics, which means they live wrong. However, how do these people understand what Christianity teaches? No, since they are fighting and torturing each other. I think, of all the heroes, Andriy is closer to understanding. He leaves the war for love, and goes to kill just to protect his family. Ostap and Taras did not save the family, so they can only take revenge. Their motives in the decisive battle are different, as well as their behavior. Andriy turns his cheek, allowing his father to kill himself, sacrifices himself. But his relatives fight to the last drop of blood, not realizing that all Christians are brothers, and any war between them is fratricidal. Ostap is a symbol of those age-old delusions and prejudices that are passed from father to son. Andriy is a symbol prodigal son who, nevertheless, is able to change something in the world, because he prefers to seek the truth himself.

Thus, we can sum up: Andriy and Ostap are enemies, they are completely different people who would be at odds with each other anyway. The same can be said about the peoples they represented in the fight. Although they are relatives, they are united only by fighting courage, but the whole Bulba clan was famous for it.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Ostap and Andriy are the eldest and youngest sons of the main character of the story, Taras Bulba. Ostap is 22 years old, Andriy is barely 20. The brothers return to their home from the Kiev bursa after graduation, their meeting with their father and mother is described. The mother misses her sons, she is driven to despair by her husband's desire to immediately take them to the Zaporozhian Sich.

Taras Bulba, on the contrary, is not inclined to sentimentality and intends to acquaint the guys with life in the harsh conditions of the battlefield. “What do you care? Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! Do you see this sword? here's your mother!" It is also known that Bulba sent horses to the young men only at the end of their studies; they used to walk home every vacation. The manifestation of feelings in men of that time was not honored. Duty to the Motherland is the sacred duty of the Cossack.

Ostap has an unbending will and an iron character; he does not have any doubts and hesitations. As a teenager, taking part in the pranks of seminarians, he showed himself to be an excellent comrade, never betraying anyone and not trying to get away from fair retribution in the form of a flogging. He had no desire to study, he got rid of his primer more than once, but as soon as his father threatened Ostap with a monastery, he quickly found himself among the best students. He knows how to set goals and look for ways to achieve them, proving himself to be a competent strategist on the battlefield. In battle, he is cold-blooded, hardy and tireless, solving a clearly defined task: to defeat the enemy.

Andriy "had feelings somewhat more alive and somehow more developed." During the training period, he was more often than Ostap the leader of youthful pranks, but he tried to find a way to evade punishment. He is also brave in battle, like an older brother, but much less prudent: “forced by only a passionate passion, he rushed to something that a cold-blooded and reasonable would never dare, and with his furious onslaught he performed such miracles that they could not help but be amazed. old in battles.

Andriy differs from his brother in greater emotional mobility: “... He was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was also available to other feelings. The need for love flared up in him vividly when he crossed over eighteen years ... ". He is also capable of compassion: he was deeply shocked by the scene of the execution of the murderer, when he was buried alive in the grave, placing the coffin of his victim on top; going to save his beloved, he throws a piece of bread to the starving man. He is embarrassed by the manifestation of feelings, because at that time it was not accepted at all. This spiritual need alienates him from his fellow Cossacks, becoming fatal.

Having met a charming lady, Andriy falls in love with all the ardor of a youthful heart and renounces everything sacred for the Zaporozhye Cossack: faith, Fatherland, father's house. Of course, this is a betrayal. But betrayal almost always goes hand in hand with cowardice: this is not about Andrii. His betrayal speaks of perhaps greater courage and courage than the behavior of his older brother during torture and execution. Most likely, he understands that his story with the lady will not end with anything particularly good; most likely, due to his youth and ardor, he still hopes for a successful outcome of the situation, but in spite of everything, he cannot leave his beloved.

The fact of betrayal of the Motherland is obvious, but this is not a consequence of the meanness of a person, but an irresistible property of his nature. The need for love is one of the basic ones in the life of our contemporary, and now my words seem ridiculous because of their perfect obviousness; at that time people thought in other categories, and in this sense, of course, Andriy was more mentally developed than other characters in the story.

For both brothers, the outbreak of war was, in fact, the first and only. Ostap fights heroically, but is captured in an unequal battle. He is executed. The scene of torture is terrible, but perhaps the most desperate moment, when he, an unbending, purposeful, incredibly strong person in spirit and body, calls his father before his death, and he responds to him.

As before, at the moment of retribution, Ostap does not dream of mercy and does not pray for it, taking inevitable death for granted. But at the last moment, he hopes for the support of "a firm husband who would refresh him with a reasonable word and console him at his death."
Andriy dies earlier at the hands of his father: Taras does not find an opportunity to come to terms with his son's betrayal. Like Ostap, he does not resist his fate, but at the muzzle of a gun he remembers only his beautiful lady, regretting her - not about treason.

It is difficult to compare brothers with each other. Outwardly, everything looks simple: the elder is the hero of the Fatherland, the younger is a vile traitor who sold everything in the world for a skirt. But not everything in life can be measured in black and white. The brothers have speaking names. "Ostap" means "stable", which is quite suitable for his character, and "Andriy (Andrey)" - "a man, courageous, brave."

So the author does not consider his young traitor a traitor to all that is most holy ... The younger brother fell into such unfortunate circumstances for himself, when everything that is sacred for a Cossack turned out to be opposed to him personal shrine- deep love. And if we narrow the concept of the Motherland to a single person, then both brothers were faithful to her to the end.

Ostap Andriy
Key qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensual to beauty and has a delicate taste.
Character Stone. Refined, flexible.
Traits Silent, reasonable, calm, courageous, straightforward, faithful, courageous. Brave, courageous.
Attitude towards traditions Follows tradition. Adopts ideals from elders implicitly. He wants to fight for his own, not for traditions.
Moral Never hesitates when choosing duty and feelings. Feelings for the Pole overshadowed everything and he began to fight for the enemy.
World view The world is simple and harsh.
Interest in "foreign" (foreign) Not interested in politics, the opinion of "strangers". Sensitive to the “other”.
Epoch Heroic, primitive era. Refined civilization and culture. Wars and robberies are replaced by trade and politics.
Relationship in the family Imitates his father. Mommy's joy.
Place of study Kiev Bursa.
Studies He did not like to study, often ran away. After he received punishment from his father, he became one of the best students. Andriy is easily given knowledge without much effort.
Attitude towards punishment He does not avoid punishment, he lays down on the floor and suffers blows. Never betrayed friends. He got out to avoid punishment.
Dreaming About exploits and battles.
Thoughts on a trip to Zaporizhzhya Sich Thinks of battles, dreams of exploits. I thought about meeting in Kiev with a Polish woman, I could not forget my feelings for her.
Behavior in battle Calmly calculates the threat, behaves calmly and judiciously. Can find a way out difficult situation and with benefit. Whole dives into the battle, while forgetting about everything. Enjoys the battle, without fear, rushes to hell itself. Intoxicated by the sound of weapons, the gleam of sabers and the whistle of bullets.
Thoughts during the siege in Dubna About war. About mother.
Attitude towards comrades Along with the father, they are the most expensive thing there is. I renounced them, family and Motherland for the sake of love.
Relationship between father and son Father's pride. True Cossack. Father's shame. Traitor son.
Doom He was tortured with terrible torments, but he did not say anything. He was executed by his enemies. Father killed.
  • "He was stern to other motives than war and reckless revelry, at least he almost never thought of anything else."
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  • “His younger brother, Andriy, had feelings somewhat more alive and somehow more developed”
  • “And this is kind, the enemy would not take him, warrior; not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior.”
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    • The era reflected by N.V. Gogol in the comedy "The Inspector General" is the 30s. XIX century, during the reign of Nicholas I. The writer later recalled: “In The Inspector General I decided to collect in one measure all the bad things in Russia that I then knew, all the injustices that are done in those places and those cases where it is most required from a man of justice, and at once laugh at everything. N.V. Gogol not only knew reality well, but also studied many documents. And yet the comedy The Inspector General is a fictional […]
  • Ostap and Andriy Bulbenki are the sons of Taras Bulba, the Zaporizhzhya ataman, the hero of the book of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.

    “They were two burly fellows, still looking sullenly, like recently graduated seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that a razor had not yet touched.

    Sons differ from each other in character. The eldest, Ostap, is a cold-blooded and firm guy. He is selflessly devoted to his father, Zaporozhye, never changes his decisions. He studied wonderfully, but only in order to quickly get rid of the hated bursa and get to Zaporozhye. His character is hardened by constant rods of teachers. Girls are not interested in Ostap, although he is not devoid of human feelings.

    “Ostap was always considered one of the best comrades. He rarely led others in daring undertakings - to rob someone else's garden or vegetable garden, but on the other hand, he was always one of the first to come under the banner of an enterprising bursak, and never, in any case, betrayed his comrades. No whips and rods could force him to do this. He was hard on other motives than war and revelry; at least never thought of anything else. He was straightforward with equals. He had kindness in the form in which it could only exist with such a character and at that time. He was spiritually touched by the tears of his poor mother, and this alone embarrassed him and made him bow his head thoughtfully.

    The second son, Andriy, is a softer person, and more sensitive than Ostap. More tenderness is expressed in his features. Like his brother, he was not very interested in studying at the bursa and sciences out of touch with life. He is more cunning than Ostap, his pride is more painful, and outbursts of it can lead to acts of insane courage, like trying to crawl through the garden to a beautiful Polish girl.

    “His younger brother, Andriy, had feelings somewhat more alive and somehow more developed. He studied more willingly and without the tension with which a heavy and strong character usually takes on. He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to evade punishment, while his brother Ostap, putting aside all care, threw off his scroll and lay down on the floor, not thinking at all to ask for mercy. He also seethed with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was also accessible to other feelings.

    The need for love flared up in him vividly when he passed the age of eighteen. The woman more often began to present herself to his ardent dreams; he, listening to philosophical disputes, saw her every minute, fresh, black-eyed, tender. Incessantly flashing before him were her sparkling, resilient breasts, her tender, beautiful, all naked hand; the dress itself, clinging around her virginal and at the same time powerful members, breathed in his dreams some inexpressible voluptuousness. He carefully concealed from his comrades these movements of a passionate youthful soul, because in that age it was shameful and dishonest to think of a Cossack about a woman and love without having tasted the battle ... "

    Passion for a Pole that gripped Andriy, chivalrous feelings for a girl suffering in a town dying of hunger, made him a traitor to his father and brother. He abandons his family and fights against them. The feelings of his mother, father and brother do not interest him: he is engulfed in winning the girl's hand. Andriy goes into the camp of yesterday's enemy just as easily as during his studies he gathered a gang for someone else's garden: he doesn't care what he fights for, and the battle for the interests of a girl with the prospect of possessing her attracts him more than a battle in his father's camp.

    Taras kills his son as a traitor, but until the very end, Andriy feels love and passion not for his family, not for his homeland, but only for a charming girl ... Everything else has become alien to him.

    “And he saw in front of him only a terrible father .... Andriy did not know anything to say and stood with his eyes downcast on the ground ...! Obediently, like a child, he dismounted from his horse and stood dead or alive in front of Taras... Andriy was as pale as a sheet; one could see how quietly his lips moved and how he pronounced someone's name; but it was not the name of the fatherland, or mother, or brothers - it was the name of a beautiful Polish woman .... He was beautiful even dead: his courageous face, recently full of strength and invincible charm for wives, still expressed wonderful beauty ... "

    “What would a Cossack be? - said Taras, - and a tall camp, and black-browed, and a face like that of a nobleman, and his hand was strong in battle! Disappeared, disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog!

    Ostap Bulba pities his brother, does not condemn, but does not justify either. He proposes to bury him not as a traitor, but as a knight. But for Ostap, the betrayal of his comrades is personally inconceivable. He is one of those who rush to the aid of his own in battle, trying to win a minute in order to save those over whom the ax is already raised.

    Captured Ostap is executed in Poland. His brother dies in stupid fear of his father. Ostap, on the contrary, calls on his father to support his spirit, to comfort him at his death. He deliberately sets an example of stoicism before the mockery of the executioners:

    “Ostap endured torment and torture like a giant. Neither a cry nor a groan was heard even when they began to break the bones on his arms and legs ... when the ladies turned away their eyes, nothing resembling a groan escaped his lips, his face did not tremble .... »

    Alas, both brothers lay down their lives young in a military meat grinder, this is the sad similarity of their destinies. The death of both was called shameful: the death of Andriy was such for relatives, and Ostapov for his opponents, who led him to the scaffold. Nevertheless, for relatives, the death of Ostap was a glorious feat, and Andriy disappeared for nothing. It is not known whether his beautiful Polish girl cried for him at least once, whether he was remembered kind word hussars, for whose sake he cut down his compatriots with a saber.