How to wash the generator. Method for cleaning the windings of an electric generator

  • 15.06.2019

Among the general industrial ones used to account for products and raw materials, commodity, automobile, wagon, trolley, etc. are common. Technological ones are used to weigh products during production in technologically continuous and periodic processes. Laboratory tests are used to determine the moisture content of materials and semi-finished products, to conduct a physicochemical analysis of raw materials, and for other purposes. There are technical, exemplary, analytical and microanalytical.

It can be divided into a number of types depending on the physical phenomena on which the principle of their operation is based. The most common devices are magnetoelectric, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, ferrodynamic and induction systems.

The scheme of the device of the magnetoelectric system is shown in fig. one.

The fixed part consists of a magnet 6 and a magnetic circuit 4 with pole pieces 11 and 15 between which a strictly centered steel cylinder 13 is installed.

The frame is fixed on two axes with cores 10 and 14, abutting against thrust bearings 1 and 8. Opposing springs 9 and 17 serve as current leads connecting the frame winding with electric circuit and input terminals of the device. Arrow 3 with balance weights 16 and an opposing spring 17 connected to the corrector lever 2 are fixed on the axis 4.


1. The principle of active radar.
2. Pulse radar. Principle of operation.
3. Basic timing of the operation of a pulsed radar.
4. Types of radar orientation.
5. Formation of a sweep on the PPI radar.
6. The principle of operation of the induction log.
7. Types of absolute lags. Hydroacoustic Doppler log.
8. Flight data recorder. Work description.
9. Purpose and principle of AIS operation.
10.Transmitted and received AIS information.
11. Organization of radio communication in AIS.
12. The composition of the AIS ship equipment.
13. Structural diagram of the ship's AIS.
14. The principle of operation of the GPS SNS.
15. Essence of GPS differential mode.
16.Sources of errors in GNSS.
17. Structural diagram of the GPS receiver.
18. The concept of ECDIS.
19. ENC classification.
20. Appointment and properties of the gyroscope.
21. The principle of operation of the gyrocompass.
22. The principle of operation of a magnetic compass.

Connecting cablestechnological process obtaining an electrical connection of two cable segments with restoration at the junction of all protective and insulating sheaths of the cable and screen braids.

Before connecting the cables, measure the insulation resistance. For unshielded cables, for ease of measurement, one output of the megohmmeter is connected in turn to each core, and the second to the remaining cores connected to each other. The insulation resistance of each shielded core is measured when the leads are connected to the core and its screen. , obtained as a result of measurements, should not be less than the normalized value established for this brand of cable.

Having measured the insulation resistance, they proceed to the establishment or numbering of the cores, or the directions of the lay, which are indicated by arrows on the temporarily fixed tags (Fig. 1).

Having finished preparatory work, you can start cutting cables. The geometry of the cutting of the connections of the ends of the cables is modified in order to ensure the convenience of restoring the insulation of the cores and the sheath, and for multi-core cables, also to obtain acceptable dimensions for the junction of the cables.




Purpose of the cooling system:

  • heat removal from the main engine;
  • heat removal from auxiliary equipment;
  • heat supply to the Shelter and other equipment (GD before start-up, VDG maintained in "hot" reserve, etc.);
  • receiving and filtering outboard water;
  • blowing out kingston boxes in summer from clogging with jellyfish, algae, mud, in winter - from ice;
  • ensuring the operation of ice boxes, etc.
Structurally, the cooling system is divided into fresh water and intake water cooling system. Cooling systems of the ADG are autonomous.

Rice. 1. Diesel cooling system

1 - fuel cooler; 2 - turbocharger oil cooler; 3 - expansion tank of the main engine; 4 - water cooler DG; 5 - oil cooler of the main engine; 6 - kingston box; 7 - sea water filters; 8 - kingston box; 9 - receiving filters VDG; 10 - outboard water pumps VDG; 11 - fresh water pump main engine; 12 - main and standby pumps for outboard water of the main engine; 13 - oil cooler VDG; 14 - VDG water cooler; 15 - VDG; 16 - expansion tank VDG; 17 - thrust bearing of the shafting; 18 - main thrust bearing; 19 - main engine; 20 - charge air cooler; 21 - water for cooling compressors; 22 - filling and replenishing the fresh water system; 23 - connection of the internal combustion engine heating system; 1op - fresh water; 1oz - sea water.


During operation, its winding gradually fails, taking on the impact of various negative factors. You can restore the engine to work by rewinding. You need to perform the procedure if there are signs of breakdowns.

Causes and signs of winding wear

The motor winding is rewound in the event of such “symptoms” as extraneous noise and knocking, accompanied by a violation of the integrity and loss of elasticity of the insulation. This happens for several reasons. The main ones among them are:
  • impact natural phenomena including high humidity, temperature fluctuations;
  • ingress of engine oil, dust and other contaminants;
  • improper operation of the power unit;
  • impact on the motor vibration loads.
A frequent cause of wear, stretching, loss of integrity are temperature moments. When overheated, excessive overvoltage occurs, which makes the winding sensitive to external influences. The slightest shock and vibration lead to breakage.

Also, a common cause of failure of the windings of electric motors is the breakdown of bearings, which, due to overloads or due to temporary wear, can scatter into small pieces, which leads to the burning of the windings.

Sayug Sovetsknk Socialist

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USSR but invented and discovered (23) Priority

(53) UDC 621.7. .024.2 ° 06 (088.8) B. A. Saveliev, V. P. Pinchuk, B. M. Borisov f. D. Starichenko and V. G. Rozhkov (72) Inventors

State Union Production Trust; Perizhiykh Power Plants and Novosibirsk Industrial Repair and Adjustment Enterprise (71) Applicants (54) METHOD FOR CLEANING ELECTRIC GENERATOR WINDINGS

The invention relates to a technology for cleaning parts of engines and generators with detergents. oil and sludge pollution and can be used at enterprises for the repair of machines and power equipment.

A known method of cleaning containers from residues of petroleum products using jet devices using emulsion compositions, which consists in removing at 70-90 C and a pressure of 5o

However, the cleaning method is not effective enough to clean the windings of the electric generator and breaks the insulating coating of the windings.

The purpose of the invention is to increase the efficiency of cleaning and exclude on-. destruction of the insulating coating of the windings of the electric generator.

This goal is achieved by introducing a surfactant into the emulsion composition and cleaning is carried out at 60 C, under a pressure of 3-5 atm., After which jet washing is carried out hot water and subsequent drying with hot air at

The drawing schematically shows a method for cleaning the windings of an electric generator. thirty

The solution, for example, "Thermos" is heated in the supply tank 1 to

60 C and with the help of a pump 2 under a pressure of 3 to 5 atm is fed into the manifold 3, equipped with a hinged fastener. lazy nozzles. Hot showering (in case of small pollution of the generator 4) or with the nozzles removed, a multi-jet solution (in case of severe pollution of the generator) obliges the generator 4 (or separately the rotor and stator) for 30-40 minutes. The electric generator is installed above the settling bath 5. Further, the electric generator is rolled out of the washing eon, washed with hot water 6, and then subjected to forced drying with hot air 7 at 100 C, supplied as a compressor 8 and heated, for example, with an electric heater. Drying with air is carried out for 4-6 hours.

The contaminated washing solution collected in the settling bath 5 is regenerated by thermal settling at

90 C. At the same time, a layer of oil (contamination) and the main amount of surfactants are separated from above.

Solid particles of dirt are deposited on the bottom, the water layer is clarified. This


VNIIPI Order 9886/10 Circulation 667 Subscription

Branch of PPP "Patent", r. Uzhgorod, st. Design, 4 an aqueous solution containing a small amount of surfactants and oil contamination is again used to prepare a new cleaning solution. Upper layer oils and this slag are transferred to the residue tank 7 with the help of taps 9.

The clarified and purified aqueous solution is transferred to the supply tank 1 with the pump 10. The required concentration of the initial cleaning solution is provided by adding a concentrate, for example, "Termos".

This solution, with the right technology of use, satisfies the requirements that apply to detergents when f$ cleaning the windings of electric motors.

It is fireproof, does not damage the winding insulation, cleans the surface of electrical equipment well, makes it possible to automate and mechanize the cleaning process.

The proposed method is illustrated by a diagram, where 1 is a consumable container containing an emulsion detergent composition;

2 - a pump that pumps the washing composition from tank 1 to collector 3 with shower nozzles, through which the solvent is supplied to the contaminated electric generator 4 (or diesel generator, or separately the stator and rotor, etc.). Contaminated solution drains into settling tank 5, from which, after regeneration, it

With the help of pump 10, it is again pumped into supply tank 1. Washed slags and oils after settling of the contaminated solution are collected in tanks 11 and burned. Drying of the electric generator is carried out with the help of an air jet 7 heated, for example, by an electric heater, obtained from the compressor gg

8. Immediately before drying with air, the electric generator is flushed with a jet of water - 6. Taps 9 are designed to bypass slop oils and slags into container 11.

The spent cleaning solution with oil and slag must be burned at the final stage. Incineration is carried out by the "wet combustion" method, which ensures the complete elimination of spent cleaning solutions.

Thus, the use of a cleaning solution of the "Termos" type according to the proposed method provides good quality washing the windings of the electric generator from oil external contaminants. The insulation resistance of the control sections of the stator before and after washing followed by drying was from 5000 mΩ before cleaning and

8000 mΩ after cleaning.

In addition, labor safety conditions have been significantly improved by eliminating the use of gasoline as a flammable solvent, toxic solvents such as chlorine derivatives. about

A method for cleaning the windings of an electric generator, including jet cleaning with an emulsion detergent composition, characterized in that, in order to increase the cleaning efficiency and prevent damage to the insulating coating of the windings, a surfactant is introduced into the emulsion composition and cleaning is carried out at

60 C, under a pressure of 3-5 atm, after which jet washing with hot water is carried out and subsequent drying with hot air at 100 C.

Sources of information taken into account in the examination

After 1000 km of car run, it is necessary:

  1. Check the reliability of the fastening of the generator and the tension of the drive belt.
  2. Check the reliability of connecting the wires to the generator terminals.

After every 6000 km of run, you should:

  1. Check the reliability of fastening the generator to the bracket and the bracket to the cylinder block.
  2. Tighten the tightening bolts of the generator covers.
  3. Check and, if necessary, adjust the tension of the driven fan belt.
  4. Clean the outer surface of the generator from dust and dirt.

After every 12,000 km of run, you should:

  1. Remove the protective tape from the generator housing and inspect the condition of the commutator and brushes. It is necessary that the working surface of the collector is smooth and does not have any signs of burning. The brushes must move freely in the brush holder guides and not have excessive wear (brush height must be at least 14 mm). The normal spring pressure on the brushes should be in the range of 800-1250 g (checked with a spring dynamometer).
  2. Dust from the brushes and dirt accumulated on the cover on the collector side and on the brush holders should be removed by blowing the generator with dry compressed air. Wipe the collector with suede slightly moistened with gasoline.
  3. If the dirt is not removed with suede, it is necessary to clean the collector with fine glass sandpaper.

After 18,000 km of run, you should:

  1. Lubricate the front (drive end) bearing of the alternator armature shaft. To do this, put 5-6 drops of oil used for the engine into a drip oiler on the front cover of the generator housing.
  2. Lubricate the rear (collector side) bearing of the alternator shaft. To do this, remove the cap plug and put 1.5-2 g of CIATIM-201 lubricant into the bearing.

During further operation (after 18,000 km of run), the front bearing must be lubricated every 2,000 km of run, and the rear bearing - every 6,000 km of run with the above lubricants in the same quantities.

  1. Remove the generator from the engine, disassemble and clean the outer and inner surface cases and covers.
  2. Carefully inspect all parts, replacing worn or damaged parts.
  3. Rinse the generator bearings in kerosene, dry them and fill them 2/3 of the volume with fresh CIATIM-201 grease.

The disassembly of the generator must be done in the following order:

  1. Remove the protective tape covering the windows of the generator housing.
  2. Remove the bearing cap from the manifold side by unscrewing the three screws securing the cap.
  3. After securing the pulley from turning, unscrew the nut from the shaft on the collector side and remove the spring and flat washers from the shaft.
  4. Loosen the screws securing the tips of the brush cords to the brush holders, lift the spring levers of the brush holders and remove the brushes.
  5. Loosen the two alternator mounting bolts.
  6. Remove cover from manifold side.
  7. Remove the pulley from the armature shaft with a puller and remove the key.
  8. Remove the drive side cover from the armature shaft.
  9. Remove the output terminals from the housing.
  10. Remove the levers and springs of the brush holders, unscrew the screws securing the gland holders on the covers, remove the glands and remove the ball bearings.

Assemble the generator in reverse order.