Programs. Thematic science shows for children

  • 13.10.2019

Entertainment scenario "Journey to the world of experiences and experiments"

Targets and goals: to draw the attention of children and adults to such an activity as experimentation; to acquaint children with some properties of air and water, to teach them to conduct simple experiments using improvised means and objects; to teach to reason, analyze, draw conclusions and explain "miracles" from a scientific point of view; let children feel the joy of discovery, develop curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind, cognitive interest.

Equipment and materials: tables covered with oilcloth, containers and vessels different shapes and size, jars of cold water, a kettle with hot water, bottle with a narrow neck, a coaster, salt, sugar, a jar of jam, soda, citric acid, 2 jars with a solution of watercolor yellow and blue flowers, 2 raw eggs, a balloon, measuring spoons, pipettes, tweezers, wooden sticks, cocktail straws, a geyser model (a bottle covered with plasticine in the form of a mountain with a vent).

Entertainment progress:

Hello children! My name is Associate Professor Pochemachkina (DP). Today I invite you to my scientific laboratory. Do you know what a laboratory is? (Children answer)

What smart guys you are, yes, the laboratory is a special place where experiments and experiments are carried out. Do you like to experiment? (Children answer)

Today we are going to do this exciting activity together with you. Just for starters, remember the safety rules:


Get up from your seat

Touch equipment, devices and reagents

Put something in your nose, mouth, ears, etc.

Tell me, children, why do scientists conduct experiments and experiments? (Children answer)

Of course, scientists want to unravel the mysteries of nature. And for you I have the first riddle: what is there a lot in this hall, but we do not see it? (Children answer)

Now we will conduct such an experiment that everyone will be able to see the answer.

I need two assistants.

(Selects two children from the audience, invites them to blow through straws into a jar of water. While the children blow, the DP addresses the audience with questions).

What do we see? (Children: Air bubbles, air)

Where does this air come from? (Children: Children inhale it and exhale through a tube)

Where do the air bubbles go? (Children: They emerge from under the water, and the air returns to the hall)

Why don't bubbles stay in the water? (Children: Because air is lighter than water)

Yes, air is lighter than water. This has been confirmed by many experiments. We will do one of them today.

What color is the air? (Children: None, the air is clear)

Can you hear the air? (Children: you can hear the wind, blizzard, musical wind instruments. The DP invites one child to inflate the balloon, and then releases the air from the balloon through the slot so that a sound is made. The kids are laughing.)

What do we hear? (Children: Air)

I suggest you get acquainted with one more property of air. To do this, we will conduct an experiment - we heat the air, and then cool it.

The teacher invites the child to put the ball on the neck of the bottle; puts the bottle in a container of hot water, the balloon is filled with warm air and takes the form of a mushroom; let the children make sure the water is hot; puts the bottle in a container of cold water; let the children make sure the water is cold; the air in the bottle and the balloon cools, and the balloon is drawn into the neck of the bottle; children try to pull the ball out of the neck of the bottle, but they fail; children help explain what happens to the air during the experiment).

Having heated up, the air expanded, it became larger, it inflated the balloon. When the air cooled, it contracted, there was so little of it that the ball was drawn into the bottle. So air expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

(Children repeat this property of air, accompanying the words with movements: for words - expands - stand up, arms to the sides, narrows for words - sit down, lower your head, pull your knees up and hug them with your hands).

Another question about the property of air - what does air smell like? (Children answer. The teacher encourages them to name different smells and aromas, asks what the air smells like in the village, in the city, in the forest, in the kitchen, etc., what it smells like in this room.)

DP: Why do we need water? Where she lives? She is alive? (Listen to children's answers.)

Does water have color? (No, it is colorless.) Can it become colored? What needs to be done for this? (Add paint. DP does what the kids say.) Does the water smell? (They sniff the water, make sure that it does not smell of anything.) What can be done to make the smell appear (Make tea, coffee, dissolve jam.) What does the water taste like? (Tasteless.) And if you throw salt, sugar, pepper, a slice of lemon into it? Let's play a little. We will all be droplets. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands tightly. Imagine that it is very cold. What have we become (Into ice.) Yes, we have become solid. And now let's scatter in different directions and imagine that spring has come. What have we become? (Into droplets.) And then the droplets gathered together again and became streamlets that quickly ran into rivers, seas, oceans. So what can water do? (Flow)

You guys must have done buoyancy experiments with the group. Let's play the sink-float game. I will show the object, and you show it, if it sinks, sit on the chairs and say “boo-boo-boo”, if it floats, get up, row your hands and say “slap-slap-slap”.

(The game "Sink-floats" is being conducted, real objects, pictures or images on a multimedia screen can be used for demonstration).

I know another very interesting experience buoyancy, many of you are regular participants. Raise your hands who loves to swim. (Children raise their hands). Tell me, where do you swim? (Children: in the pool, on the river, in the sea, in the lake, on the pond). Where is the easiest place to swim? (Children: at sea). And why? (Children: the water in the sea is salty, it holds better). Absolutely true, my friends, and we will confirm this with you with the following experiment. (In one bank - plain water, and salt is added to the other. In fresh water, the egg sinks, and in salt water, it floats. By adding either salt or fresh water to the jar, DP causes the egg to either float or sink to the bottom of the jar, and ensures that the egg hangs in its middle. Children actively help in the experiment).

At the end of our meeting, I suggest you make a volcano! No, a volcano is not allowed, safety measures do not allow ... Then - a water volcano, that is, a geyser! My assistants have already constructed a crater (they take out a model of a geyser, it remains only to activate it!

The teacher invites those who wish, the children pour soda into the crater and citric acid, DP pours water into the crater and, the audience gasps in surprise - a geyser spews an effervescent fountain).

Now let's sum up the results of today's meeting. What did you, my friends, like today, what surprised you, what did you learn today, what did you learn new things? (Children answer)

Our journey into the world of experiences and experiments does not end there. I wish you to continue it together with your teachers and parents! Watch the world around, ask questions and ask questions, experiment and discover the laws of nature and the universe! Until we meet again, friends!(Music from the program “Obvious-incredible” sounds. DP says goodbye to the guests)

Dear friends, only until the end of summer there is a promo "Birthday Light" in the museum "LabyrinthUm". You can celebrate your child's name day in the company of 5 children and 5 adults at a special price - 5500 rubles! The birthday party is held within two hours. For an hour and a half, children will participate in an exciting show program, conduct experiments in physics and chemistry and have fun from the heart. And half an hour is allotted for the sweetest part of the program - tea drinking. In addition, after the program, you can stay on...

Friends, in the museum "LabyrinthUm" on Petrogradskaya you can celebrate an unforgettable birthday of your child! For the youngest science lovers we offer you the program "Miracles from a hat". Bunny Fock and Mr. Pook know how to make a birthday truly magical! They have prepared incredible surprises and magic tricks: a flying festive table, snow buns, a miracle bag and much more that is stored in a hat of a real magician. Hurry up to see this amazing show! The program is suitable for children...

November 21 and 22 "Masterslavl" accepts congratulations and waits for guests. The guests of the holiday are waiting for: scientific shows of the Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium", space master classes of the Interactorium "MARS-TEFO", the creation of a cartoon about dream professions with "Multnauka", games and puzzles of the Darwin Museum, the construction of the Shukhov tower with the project "Moscow through the eyes of an engineer" , Chinese tea drinking with the "Okay" school, the kindest and most cheerful photos from the "Portrait of a Citizen" and much, much more! WITH...

Today is your holiday. You are our little hero. You are seven years old. Let the whole world know about it. You are making progress at school. And you are not afraid of interference. You go stubbornly towards your goal. smart, healthy grow, learn Never give up and hold on tight! © Congratulations on your birthday 7 years old girl, boy Birthday is exactly seven Let's tell everyone about this holiday You have grown up another year And now you know that ...

Does your child have a birthday? Are you looking for a clown and Balloons? Are you sure that it will be interesting for children? Now I'm starting to doubt! Of course, a talented clown is able to surprise and make even adults laugh. But let's come up with something more original and at the same time useful and educational for the children's holiday!

The wonders of science, fun experiments, a magical laboratory with funny scientists - all this will certainly arouse children's interest! Create an educational holiday for the children with real scientific experiments that are absolutely safe and so exciting. Recommended Scenario children's day birth for children 7-12 years old.

Thematic design of a children's holiday

To decorate a children's holiday, we will choose the brightest colors and icons, symbols from a chemistry textbook associated with science, an experimental laboratory. And, of course, for decoration we need toy white mice, test tubes,

When decorating the table, it is better to give preference to unusual snacks and desserts: blue and green drinks, colored jelly, bags of marmalade of the most unusual shapes.

As an invitation, you can take the idea of ​​a nominal pass to a secret laboratory. Children will also be happy if they are given a uniform and initiation into secret scientists.

Games and entertainment for the children's holiday Little Einsteins

To realize the idea of ​​a holiday with scientific experiments, it is best to invite animators with a suitable program. But you can also purchase a ready-made kit for experiments that can be carried out with children.

Parents can be the facilitators and play the role of eccentric scientists. You will need a white coat, glasses and a suitcase with props. You can add a mustache like Einstein and a funny giant watch on a chain to the image.

You can divide this time into 3 parts:

An exciting one-hour program with fun experiments, scientific discoveries, in which your children will participate;

Outdoor games;

Delicious change.

You can start the program by initiating children into the secret employees of the experimental laboratory. The tests may include: a quiz on the topic of various natural phenomena, learning and performing a dance in which the secret code for opening the laboratory is encrypted. It can be interesting for children to solve charades and puzzles, build logical chains, as well as active ball games "Edible - not edible", and, of course, participation in real experiments.

Scientific experiments and experiments for children at home

We mix liquids of different densities and colors.

Pour 1 part water, 1 part sunflower oil, 1 part bright-colored syrup. Children can watch the magical distribution of liquid in layers.

Use ready-made kits for conducting such scientific experiments for children. The holiday will turn out not only fun, but also educational!

Don't forget the photographer children's holiday, which captures this unusually cheerful and interesting day.

This original and exciting scenario, which includes a large number of fascinating and breathtaking experiments!


We search the Internet for an image of a scientist, in a photo editor we make a collage with a photo of your child, write the necessary information, and you're done!


We draw a sign with the name of the research laboratory and hang it in a conspicuous place.

We buy a set of badges and insert printed comic signs into them, which we give out to guests at the entrance.

We buy white coats and comic glasses with a nose and mustache for each participant.

In a spacious room, we set up tables with sets of materials for experiments (at least one for two). We place glass jars on the tables with colored liquid and various toy insects and other reptiles floating as if in formalin.

Before we let the children into the laboratory, we place glasses with colored liquid on the tables and throw dry ice into them for effect.


Experiment 1

You will need:
- drinking soda,
- vinegar,
- spoons,
- clear glasses
- food colorings,
- a tray for glasses, so as not to stain the table.
Experiment progress:

We drip a few drops of dye into each spoon and sprinkle soda to the top.

We fill the glasses 2/3 with vinegar, immerse spoons in them and observe a foamy avalanche.

Experiment 2

You will need:
- large container
- 2 packs of drinking soda,
- straws,
- pipettes,
- vinegar,
- food colorings,
- molds for ice.
Experiment progress:

Pour baking soda into a container.
Pour vinegar into ice cube trays and add food coloring.
We insert the straws into the soda, we collect some liquid from the ice mold into the pipette, we inject it into the straw and watch the volcanic eruption!

Experiment 3

You will need:

drinking soda,
- vinegar,
- plastic bottle,
- balloon,
- 2 funnels.
Experiment progress:

Using a funnel, fill the bottle 1/3 full with vinegar.
Using another funnel (dry), fill the ball ½ with soda.
Gently put the ball on the neck of the bottle, trying not to spill the soda into the bottle.

We lift the balloon, pouring soda into the bottle, and watch the contents of the bottle begin to bubble, and the balloon inflates!

Experiment 4

You will need:
- a plate with sides,
- full fat milk
- food colorings,
- dishwashing liquid,
- toothpicks.
Experiment progress:

Pour milk into a plate and randomly drip dye over the entire surface. We dip a toothpick in dishwashing detergent and, poking it into the centers of colored drops, we observe how the drops turn into circles with an intricate pattern.

Experiment 5

You will need:
- drinking soda,
- gel transparent glue (polyvinyl),
- food coloring or fluorescent marker,
- a plastic bag with a lock,
- glasses,
- scissors,
- a spoon,
- pliers,
- measuring cup.
Experiment progress:

We take a felt-tip pen, take out the plug with pliers. We take out the rod, cut the shell lengthwise, unfold it, lower it into a glass of water, mix with a spoon.
If there is a ready-made dye, you can add it right away.

We insert an open bag into a glass and pour 60 ml of glue into it.
Add 60 ml of colored water and, after closing the bag, knead the contents well with your hands to mix everything.
Add one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of dye and mix well.

Open the bag again and pour 45 ml of the solution from a glass with dye and soda into it. Close the sachet and rub it in your hands for 5 minutes.

We take out a bright and viscous rubber from the bag.

Experiment 6

You will need:

10 Mentos candies,
- 2 liter bottle of Cola,
- Scotch,
- paper.
Test progress:

We twist the paper into a tube so that it fits snugly into the opening of the bottle and fix it with tape.
We set the bottle in the center of an open area, take the children to a distance of at least 20 steps.

One of the adults should open the bottle, lightly insert a tube into its neck and, abruptly pouring dragee into it, remove the tube and quickly run to the side, watching the Kola eruption.

Strictly following the chosen theme, make a cake in the form of a flask, made up of two high biscuit cakes, where only the bottom and a cylindrical core remain from the top cake. To decorate the cake, use colored chocolate, and for a heightened effect, put a piece of dry ice on the very top.

Show "" is a script for special events such as: New Year's holiday, Children's birthday, September 1, Science Week at school or Prom elementary school students. No matter what the event will be dedicated to - "Wonders of Science" is ideal whenever you want to arrange an unusual and fun holiday for children.

This is a holiday for a group of children ranging in size from 5 to 50 people;
are exciting demonstrations, games and science experiments that amaze and entertain young audiences of all ages.

Guys will be able to:
- find out how an egg can be placed in a flask with a narrow neck, without damaging it, and then taken back;
- see how the water in the flasks, as if by magic, changes its color, and find out what, in fact, it is chemical reaction,
- take a magical shower, and, at the same time, not get wet at all, “build” real factory foam
- "conjure" an ominous fog from dry ice and much more.

The duration of the program is 60 minutes. One instructor takes part in the performance.

New Year's Performance

Show program for the New Year holidays- this is an unusual performance filled with "magic" scientific experiments, New Year's transformations and the expectation of wonderful discoveries. All experiments have New Year theme and festive mood
- children will learn how to make magic snow,
- learn about wonderful ways to inflate balloons,
- prepare fantastic New Year crackers,
- see a real festive mini-fireworks!

Forget everything you've seen before! Scientific holidays are something fabulous, amazing and absolutely special! V New Year together! The New Year's performance is suitable for a group of up to 50 people. Order New Year's program and surprise the children with an extraordinary show that they will remember for a long time! We guarantee the most unusual entertainment and vivid memories for children and adults about new year holiday"not like everyone else"!

Duration - 60 min. One instructor takes part in the performance.

space odyssey

Lots of experiments with space theme! This holiday scenario is simply created for those who like to unravel the mysteries of the universe. It contains all the best and most interesting things you need to know about the Cosmos!

The guys will take part in a competition for launching rocket balls;
- study the composition of the comet;
- learn why shooting stars do not reach the earth, and see a demonstration of this phenomenon;
- practice creating lunar craters;
- reveal the secret of the "ominous nebula" and much more.

Duration - 2 hours 30 minutes. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. Two instructors take part in the performance. If there are more than 15 children in the group -

Chocolate Science

Fun party and amazing treats! Check it out and believe me - science can be not only interesting, but also very tasty!

The guys explore their language;
- learn about the history of chocolate and the technology of its preparation;
- try hot chocolate from the chocolate fountain;
- they will make their own sweets that each child will take home in memory of the holiday.

The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. Duration - 60 min. One instructor takes part in the performance. If there are more than 15 children in the group -
the cost is calculated individually.

detective science

Every child will feel Sherlock Holmes and plunge into the world of secrets, riddles and access to answers to many questions.

During this program, children will learn how to take fingerprints, soles and other surfaces.
Will be able to detect evidence and write with invisible ink.
They will be able to distinguish blood from syrup, make an identikit and independently make a tool for comparing evidence, and then take it with them.

And also, your child will be able to solve simple problems and, having chosen the right clue, will receive a holiday gift.

Duration - 90 minutes. According to the scenario "Detective Science" 1 or 2 instructors participate

Under the dome of the circus

The festive scenario will introduce children to amazing and mysterious circus tricks!
- children will see how the water disappears from the cup right before their eyes;
- create a real desktop fireworks;
- see a bright and colorful show of fountains;
- learn what invisible colors are, and will be able to draw "invisible pictures";
- unravel the secret of paper cups that cannot be broken and bent;
- and at the end of the show, the guys, together with the instructor, will arrange experiments with lasers and magic fog*!
* The smoke used in the experiment is not recommended for children prone to allergies.

The scenario is suitable for a group of 20 to 60 people. One instructor takes part in the performance.

Effervescent physics

- children will reveal the secret of "magic soda";
- purple mist and airtight bottle;
- make soda fountains;
- conduct an experiment with fizzy sweets;
- they will launch unusual firecrackers together with the "Mad Scientist";
- make "magic cupcakes"... and much more.

Reactions in Motion

- children will reveal the secret of invisible ink;
- learn how to heat and cool water without fire and ice;
- learn about sand, which is "not afraid" of water;
- conduct experiments with a plasma ball;

Duration - 60 min. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. If there are more than 15 children in the group, then the holiday is organized only with the involvement of a second instructor.

Everyone's crazy about blue

- together with the Mad Scientist, the guys will arrange a small fireworks display;
- will conduct experiments with special make-up and ultraviolet light;
- reveal the secret of the "ominous" green glow;
- be able to "catch" their own shadow;
- through special glasses they will see the rainbow, and find out what colors it consists of;
- they will make their own "Mad Slime", which they will take with them as souvenirs ... and much more.

Duration - 60 min. Attention! The program requires the possibility of darkening the room. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people.
If there are more than 15 children in the group, then the holiday is organized only with the involvement of a second instructor.

air burst

Children will blow out the candle in the most unusual way;
- create small tornadoes;
- learn how to put an egg in a flask with a narrow neck, without damaging it, and then get it back;
- learn how to pierce balloons so that they do not burst;
- be able to see a mini-lightning in the room;
- they will make their own "Mad Slime", which they will take with them as souvenirs ... and much more.

Duration - 60 min. The scenario is suitable for a group of up to 15 people. If there are more than 15 children in the group, then the holiday is organized only with the involvement of a second instructor.

"Science Club" at school

This cycle of children's interactive seminars in chemistry, physics and astronomy. These workshops are additional educational sessions and are created on the basis of primary classes, for children aged 6 to 11 years.

The goal of the "Science Club" is to develop a positive attitude towards learning among students, to arouse interest in scientific knowledge and give maximum motivation to children at the first stage of schooling.

The mission of this project is to prove to primary school students that learning can be exciting and interesting. The program of the "Science Club" is designed for the academic year and includes thirty-seven scientific and educational seminars (4-5 seminars per month).

The cost of participation in the "Science Club" is only 900 rubles per child per month (when enrolling in a group of 25 to 30 people). We are ready to organize a "Science Club" at your child's school right now!

Your actions:
1. At the next parent (school) meeting to discuss the possibility of creating a “Science Club”;
2. Gather a group of children from 25 to 30 people!
3. Select a representative from the group who will be its contact person;
4. Call us on contact numbers, discuss the number, choose topics and schedule classes;
5. Conclude an agreement with us;
6. Pay for our services and wait for "Crazy Science" to visit!

Topics of classes in the "Science Club":
Conquering the warmth
Light... Color... Motor!
magnetic magic
optical illusions
tantalizing taste
sound waves
Static electricity
The ocean is in danger
Our Feelings
air pressure
Planets and moons
Beyond the atmosphere
Space Phenomena
sun and stars
Life in Space
Space trip

Children's graduation

Kindergarten graduates and primary schools waiting for an unforgettable journey into the world of science and new discoveries.

Our company will come up with and organize a unique holiday for those who are not used to sitting still.

Our scientists will unforgettable experiences and make children's graduation unlike all other holidays.

Holiday "September 1"

In order for the school to become a favorite place for the child, and classes do not seem boring and tedious, Crazy Scientists came up with exciting program. The purpose of this program is introduce children to the mysterious world of science and show how fun and amazing learning can be. Chemical experiments with steam and sound, optical illusions and experiments on his own shadow - he will introduce children to all this and many other things " crazy science". For those who go to school for the first time - this is a great chance to instill a love of knowledge, and for those who are already familiar with the school firsthand - another reason for a fun meeting of the new school year!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that graduation celebration scenarios are updated and compiled according to the individual wishes of the client.

Seminars about health

"Life without tobacco", "Alcohol - No!" and "Kids Against Drugs"- it scientific and educational programs that educate children about the negative and dangerous consequences of bad habits. Crazy scientists on the example of fascinating experiences, experiments and role playing demonstrate to children how alcohol, smoking and drugs destroy the human body.

Scientific presentation" Life without tobacco" was created in order to prevent smoking among the younger generation. Scientific presentation " Alcohol - No! " was created in order to foster scientific literacy and prevent alcohol use among the younger generation. " Children against drugs"- a new social program, which is part of" Lectures on health"and clearly demonstrates to children what effect narcotic substances have on the vital organs of a person and on the whole organism as a whole. With the help of this program, in the language of experiments and experiments, we want to explain to each child that drugs are deadly poisons that kill a person, to develop a negative attitude of children towards these substances.

The duration of the performance is 60 minutes. These workshops are suitable for children aged 7 to 13.

All our activities are entertainment with benefits for the health and development of your child!