How to make a foam volcano. Volcanic eruption is an unforgettable experience with kids! Paper mockup

  • 24.05.2019

You can watch how the volcano erupts at home not only on TV. With the help of a small chemical experiment, you will make a real eruption on a fabulous island.

From this article you will learn

All that is needed

It will take a little for experience household chemicals and decorative elements to create an island. An island with a volcano can be made from natural materials or use kits sensor boxes with dinosaurs.

The model of the volcano is molded from plasticine. Creating a fabulous volcanic island for the experience is central to the development of a child's imagination and creativity. Such classes will help instill a love of chemistry and geography. Fine motor skills fingers, the child will develop during the manufacture of plasticine terrain and its inhabitants.

To make an island you need:

  • cardboard;
  • stapler or narrow tape;
  • box with colored plasticine;
  • small animal toys;
  • multi-colored pebbles;
  • a large plastic box or bowl in which the island will stand;
  • glass or plastic container with a volume of 200 ml for the vent of the volcano.

For the experiment you will need:

  • soda 20 g;
  • food coloring:
  • vinegar 9%;
  • detergent for dishes 25 ml;
  • water 100 ml.

Usually, the experience takes place until Mom runs out of all the soda and all the vinegar, so please be patient.

Children cannot conduct the experiment independently without adults. If vinegar gets into the eyes or mouth of a child, it may burn the mucous membranes, and if swallowed, it will burn the esophagus.

Making a fabulous island

You can build an island in a large plastic container... Pour real water, line the bottom with round pebbles. Make a container for a volcano from a jar for baby food or an old glass. For the mountain, inside which the container will stand, you need to make a cardboard model, his child will gladly coat it with plasticine.

The sequence for making a volcanic mountain:

  • a circle of the required diameter is cut out of thick cardboard;
  • make an incision from the edge to the center of the circle;
  • fold the cone;
  • the edges of the cone are fastened with a stapler or tape;
  • the upper part of the cone is cut off at a height equal to the container selected for the volcano;
  • place the container inside the cone.

I cover the mountain with plasticine on top. To do this, roll out small plasticine cakes. Brown and adhered to a paper cone, completely covering the cardboard. The top of the volcano can be made of red plasticine, which will simulate hot lava.

Set the volcanic mountain on a dry pebble island. They are seated around small rubber animals that are among children's toys. Multi-colored amazing dinosaurs or wolves, foxes, bunnies, bears and other inhabitants of the forest and jungle. Depending on which animals were planted, vegetation is selected for the island. Large tree ferns and horsetails for dinosaurs, and ordinary Christmas trees and birches for bunnies and foxes.

Plastic plants are also often sold in children's play sets. You can use a leaf of a live fern and twigs of plants if it's summer outside. Plants can also be molded from plasticine, made from threads and beads, or ordinary cardboard.

Can be made from cardboard small houses, for plastic Indians and toy soldiers. It is better to use cardboard for making plants and houses when the island is in a container with blue colored sand instead of water or on a blue plasticine sea.


Finally the island is ready. All toy animals and people froze in anticipation of an interesting event - a volcanic eruption. They know that the volcano is not real and therefore are not afraid of it.

For the experiment, a tablespoon of soda is poured into a jar-mouth of the volcano. Add a tablespoon of dish detergent. Red or orange food coloring is dissolved in 100 milligrams of water and poured into baking soda and detergent. The basis for the experiment is ready, it remains to add vinegar. Mom, you can let the child pour vinegar into the volcano on their own, under her supervision, so that he does not do it in her absence. It is better to repeat the experiment for an encore, pouring vinegar into the "mouth" of the volcano and pouring soda there, while the child is interested and asks to repeat the experiment.

When the vinegar is added, the baking soda will begin to foam, erupting from the "volcanic vent" like red or orange lava. The detergent will allow the "lava" to foam longer and more profusely, overflowing from the vent and flooding the surroundings along with plants and animals that are inadvertently placed too close.


A volcano experiment for young children is safest with baking soda and vinegar. It can be repeated many times, but necessary materials for experience it will not be difficult.

The most interesting thing in the experience is the creation with the child of your own fabulous island, which can be used not only for the chemical experiment "Volcano", but also for an exciting game.

With older children, you can conduct the "Volcano" experiment at home using
, potassium permanganate and glycerin. For the experiment, ammonium dichromate is poured into an evaporation bowl in the form of a slide, in the middle of which a depression is made. A little potassium permanganate and a few drops of glycerin are added to the well.

After a few minutes, due to the interaction of potassium permanganate and glycerin, the ammonium dichromate will ignite. Sparks will be sprinkled from the volcano in all directions, and a fountain of fire will begin to erupt. Before starting the experiment, the bowl must be placed on foil so as not to burn the surface on which the experiment will take place.

Ammonium dichromate can simply be ignited and it will burn like a volcano, emitting sparks. The experience is exciting, but without the presence of adults, children are best not allowed to do it. In addition to sparks, burns can also be caused by the chemicals used.

Good luck with your experiments!

Galina Shinaeva

To arouse interest in learning among preschoolers, so that they fall in love with chemistry and physics, we conduct various entertaining experiments with them.

After the New Year holidays, we tested our model volcano with the preparation.

The purpose of the experiment:

give preschoolers a basic understanding of natural phenomenon- volcano, to visually show the interaction of alkali with acid (neutralization reaction).


tell children about the existence of an acidic and alkaline environment,

to form ideas about volcanoes, the dangers they pose;

foster interest in cognitive and research activities, independence.


mountain, volcano, crater, lava, alkali, acid.

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations depicting volcanoes.

Conversations about types of volcanoes

Viewing presentations

Reading children's encyclopedias

Making a model of the volcano.


electronic presentation - illustrations of volcanoes, model of a volcano, mix for eruption

Eruption Mix:

Soda - 2 tablespoons

Citric acid -2 tablespoons

Red paint -1 teaspoon (gouache,

Liquid soap -1 tablespoon

Water - 150 ml. water.


1) Consideration of illustrations, conversation about volcanoes (remind children - mountain, volcano, crater, lava)

2) Repetition of the rules of conduct during the experiment.

Listen attentively.

Do not touch anything unless asked to do so.

Do not push as chemicals may be spilled or equipment may be damaged.

3) Let's start the experiment.

In the "crater of the volcano" t. e. a bottle in a mock-up;

pour 2 tablespoons of soda;

add 1 spoonful of red paint (gouache);

then - 1 spoonful of liquid soap.

Mix citric acid with water

Carefully pour acidic water into the "crater"

The volcano wakes up

It is the acid-citric and soda-alkali substances that interact

After the experiment, we summarize:

Experience shows the interaction of alkali with acid. The substances around us behave differently in different states.

The experience was not in vain.

After class there was a second breakfast, oranges were given. The children noticed that an orange is almost as sour as a lemon.

Did another experiment with orange juice and soda.

Artyom squeezed orange juice into soda in a saucer.

The substances also reacted.

Related publications:

Work on the introduction of experimental activities in the organization of the educational process of children with speech impairment purposefully.

For work we need the following materials: newspaper, white paper, plastic bottle 0.5, scissors, PVA glue, paste, a piece of dense.

From salted dough, we formed the mouth of a volcano, inside it a cut off a small plastic bottle. Then we painted our volcano with acrylic.

Summary of the final cognitive lesson on experimentation in the preparatory group "Journey to the foot of the volcano" The lesson acquaints preschoolers with the natural environment, forms an interest in natural phenomena, expands the understanding of natural science.

Abstract of the GCD for cognitive development "Volcanic eruption" (preparatory group) Integrated collaborative activities with children (cognitive development, speech development, physical development) Topic: "Volcanic eruption".

Today I suggest you watch a simple experience with a volcanic eruption, but first I will tell you a legend. "There lived a god.

to enrich the consciousness of children with new content that contributes to the accumulation of ideas about the world around them;

to expand the idea of ​​children about objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;

develop activity, initiative and independence in cognitive activity.



Experimental activity "Volcanic eruption"


Cognitive development:

to enrich the consciousness of children with new content that contributes to the accumulation of ideas about the world around them;

to expand the idea of ​​children about objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;

develop activity, initiative and independence in cognitive activity.

Speech development:

to expand vocabulary on the basis of the rich ideas about the world that are formed in children, to activate them in independent statements;

activate vocabulary in speech practice: lava, volcano, volcanologists, ash, dormant volcano, active volcano, extinct volcano, etc.

Social and communicative development:

foster interest and desire for creative knowledge of the world around

create a condition within the framework of the lesson for independent cognitive activity of children.

support the child's desire to actively engage in interactions with peers and adults;

to form equal, benevolent relationships between peers;

Physical development:

Promote the health of children.

Problem question: What is a volcano?

Hypotheses: 1. The volcano is a fire-breathing mountain.

2. The volcano is an ordinary mountain.


pictures of volcanoes;


video film;


lemon acid;

dry red paint;

washing liquid;



glasses of water;


clarity: pictures with the phenomenon of nature,

preliminary work: acquaintance with natural phenomena.

The course of knowledge

Hello guys. I am glad to meet you. My name is…

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds

Let's enjoy the smiling faces

Good morning, let's say to friends. ...

Good morning, let's say to the guests,….

My children are very fond of observing natural phenomena. What natural phenomena do you like to observe? … (images)

My children have prepared a riddle for you. What natural phenomenon can you and I observe in spring, summer, and autumn? …….)

If children find it difficult, the teacher uses a riddle

Let me help you. Guess the riddle:

Wet the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know it's -.


But we're not talking about rain. About what? About such a mysterious, enigmatic, amazing and formidable natural phenomenon like "volcanic eruption".

Hear an interesting legend.

“There lived a god named Vulcan and he liked blacksmithing - standing by the anvil, hitting the iron with a heavy hammer, fanning the fire in the forge. He built himself a blacksmith inside a tall mountain. And the mountain stood right in the middle of the sea. When the volcano worked with a hammer, the mountain trembled from top to bottom, and the rumble and rumble echoed far around. Hot stones, fire and ashes flew from the hole on the top of the mountain with a deafening roar.

Since then, people began to call all the fire-breathing mountains "volcanoes". “The volcano is working” - people said with fear, and left to live far from this place.

In our time, so that trouble does not happen, scientists specially observe volcanoes. They shoot their observations with the help of a video camera.

I invite you to the cinema. Gesture. Come on in. Take a seat. ...

Viewing is accompanied by explanations of the teacher.

Fragment 2: - Lava is melted stones. It flows down the slope and flows out very, very far from the volcano. On the way, she burns grass and trees, destroys all living and nonliving, turning into ash. When lava flows away from the volcano, it solidifies and turns into stones.

Fragment 3: See what a volcanic eruption looks like at night. Like a fiery river of lava flows.

How does a volcanic eruption begin? (First comes ... smoke)

How does lava flow?)

What remains after a volcanic eruption? ... (frozen stones, burnt trees) ...

We watched an active volcano with you. And there are also sleeping and extinct ones.

Which volcano do you think is called a sleeping one? ... Sleeping is a volcano that looks like an ordinary mountain, but can explode with fiery lava at any moment.

I tried to make a model of a sleeping volcano. Exhibits

It seems? … How? … (Shape, there is a hole on top). A cone-shaped volcano.

Top part with funnel. This is a volcano crater.

The crater of a volcano is a huge bowl with steep slopes, and at the bottom there is a reddish-orange maw - a crater, a hole that goes deep into the ground.

It's interesting to watch the volcanic eruption. It's safer to do this in a movie theater. You can also make a model of the volcano and watch the eruption of lava, reviving the volcano.

Before conducting an experiment to revive the volcano, I would like to check if you know how to be attentive, careful, not to make prohibited movements.

The game is called Forbidden Movements. Rule: it is forbidden to do such movements…. Be careful, I will show forbidden movements as well.

Everyone tried to be attentive. This means that during the experiment you will work carefully and accurately, following the instructions.

Look, the tables have models of volcanoes and equipment that will help us wake them up.

In order not to harm ourselves and those around us, we will work according to the scheme, observing the rules of safe behavior.

We need to work carefully:

do not take anything in your mouth - a symbol

sprinkle powder carefully - symbol

pour water carefully - symbol

do not touch lava - symbol

use a napkin symbol

To wake up the volcano, you need to:

put 1 spoonful of red magic powder - symbol

pipette 5 drops of yellow liquid - symbol

add water no more than 4 spoons - symbol

The eruption begins after the addition of water, but not immediately. You need to check how many tablespoons of water to add so that the lava flows.

We take jobs. Each has its own model of a volcano, measuring spoon and pipette. The scheme of the experiment, red powder, yellow liquid, water and the scheme lie in the center for two. It will be necessary to negotiate so as not to interfere with another accurately conduct the experiment.

So what do we need to check? … We need to check how many spoons of water to add to make the lava flow.

The kids are doing the experience. The teacher consults, monitors compliance with the rules of safe behavior.

What beautiful, wonderful, unusual volcanoes you have revived.

After that, in what order of spoon did the lava begin to appear? ...

Who was pouring lava very quickly? ...

When did the lava flow faster, after three or four spoons? ... So, in order to observe for a longer time, it is better to put three tablespoons of water.

So, today we talked about a volcanic eruption. Did you like it? … Can you tell the other children of the group about this? ... I think you will succeed. And for this I give you an album with photos of the volcano, a diagram of the experiment, the composition for the experiment, and a model of the volcano.

With an active volcano. The craft is completely made of waste material.

One of the most interesting elements in the dinosaur world is the volcano. It's real, Anya really likes it when we launch it. True, she hides dinosaurs in caves in advance so as not to perish.

And today I want to tell you how to make a home volcano. By the way, the volcano is interesting not only from the point of view of the game, but also from the point of view of the child's development. When you launch a volcano, you are doing a little chemical experiment showing your child how soda and vinegar can interact together. An older child can be told that the bubbles that are released are carbon dioxide.

First, I'll show you how to make a reusable volcano that can be launched repeatedly. It will take some time to create it. At the end of the article I will tell you about one more thing - quick way creating a home volcano.

To create a volcano you will need:

  • plastic bottle 1.5 l.;
  • plastic lid (for example, from sour cream, mayonnaise, or from an ordinary plastic disposable round jar);
  • masking tape and ordinary tape;
  • gypsum plaster (or salted dough);
  • acrylic paint (or a mixture of gouache with PVA);
  • base for the volcano (we have a plastic base for the cookies);
  • paper or old newspapers;
  • foil.

1. Cut plastic bottle desired height, set it to plastic cover and secure with tape.

You will have a solid base for the volcano.

2. Attach the future volcano to the plastic backing with tape. You can also use a piece of plywood as a base.

3. Shape the bottle into a cone.

To do this, we tore off small pieces of paper, crumple them and spread them around the volcano and secured with molar tape, gradually going up. To prevent the paper from getting wet from the plaster, cover it with foil (we also fix the foil with masking tape).

4. Dilute the gypsum plaster to the consistency of a very thick homemade sour cream and cover the volcano with it. Try to give a relief to the volcano: make something like grooves along which lava flowed and ledges.

Instead of gypsum plaster can be used - just overlay them with the base of the volcano, giving the desired relief.

Alternatively, you can cover the volcano with paper soaked in glue using the papier-mâché technique.

5. Wait until the volcano dries up and paint it. Use different shades of brown paint. Use red paint to paint traces of lava.

The volcano is ready!

To erupt a volcano you will need:

- a teaspoon of baking soda;

- a drop of dishwashing liquid;

- red paint or red food coloring;

Let's get down to the funniest stage! Put a teaspoon of baking soda inside the volcano's vent, add red food coloring or red gouache (we used gouache), add a drop of dish soap. You can pour some water, but we did without it.

Gently pour into the mouth of the volcano table vinegar and the eruption begins!

Dishwashing liquid makes chemical reaction more active - a lot of beautiful red foam (lava) is obtained.

And as promised, an easier way to create a volcano.

How to make a volcano out of paper and plasticine

Roll a sheet of cardboard in the form of a cone and cut off the top. This will be the shape for a home volcano. Cover it with plasticine on top so that the cardboard looks like a mountain. It is better to place the volcano on a plate or baking sheet so that nothing gets dirty during the eruption.

Place a jar inside the cone (for example, from under baby food or soap bubbles). Put the lava mixture (soda, paint, food coloring) into the jar.

That's it, the volcano is ready. This volcano is very quick to make, it is convenient when you want to show your child a real volcanic eruption right now.

We took the second option for creating a volcano from the book "".

Now you know how to make a volcano. Experiments can be done!

Hello dear readers! It's no secret that all children love the mysterious, beautiful and magical. Probably, your kids also like everything fabulous and interesting? Would you like to be a magician for your baby? Surprise him with unusual phenomena, make an indelible impression?

I bring to your attention the experiments at home that we conduct with children. Today I will tell you about the "Volcano" experience for children- this is an amazing, mesmerizing sight, children are watching the volcanic eruption with interest, I recommend trying. Your kid will definitely appreciate it!

In addition to this experience, the kids and I conducted several more: the experiment with milk (you can see it) and the experiment with water (see it), which I think your child will also appreciate!

  1. Cardboard
  2. Plasteline
  3. Jar (I took from under the baby puree)
  4. Plate or tray
  5. Stapler
  6. Scissors
  7. Dishwashing liquid 1 tbsp
  8. Soda 1 tablespoon
  9. Acetic acid
  10. Diluted paint

Making a blank for the Volcano experiment

Experience at home Volcano

Now I will explain in detail how to make a volcano experience. By the way, during the experiment, the children took an active part - they pasted over a paper cone with plasticine, poured soda into a jar, poured detergent, dyed the water with paints, after which the resulting colored solution was poured into a jar. The only thing I did myself was cut out the cone, fastened it with a stapler and poured vinegar into the mouth of the volcano, after which the eruption began. So, we proceed directly to the experiment.

And what experiments did you do with toddlers - preschoolers or maybe with older children, please share in the comments, it’s very interesting to know