Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group “Sound E and letter E. Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy to children of a preparatory group for school

  • 30.09.2019


    Riddle: Who is this girl?

    Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman….

    A poem about the letter E

    In the yard - such a pity! -

    Our ladder is broken

    our ladder is broken

    Letters on the board


    Pinocchio stretched,

    Once - bent over

    two - bent over

    Raised hands to the sides,

    Apparently the key has not been found.

    To get us the key

    You need to get on your toes.

    Words: eat, eat, eat

    Game "Funny Letters"

    Gymnastics for fingers:

    Let's squeeze our fingers

    And of course let's break it down

    Let's squeeze our fingers again

    And of course let's break it down

    Now let's rub our hands

    And blow into them a little

    Each finger is a friend and brother

    And he will be happy to write.

    Card review

    Listen to a poem

    Spruce, hedgehogs, blackberry, raccoon,


    raccoon, blackberry.

    A raccoon picks blackberries.

    Children do a physical exercise.

    Carry out the task.

Summary of the lesson :

How many sounds does the letter E have?

How was the lesson?

Did you like the lesson?

Did you understand everything?

With the letter E

Two sounds.

Expected Result:



Be able to:

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“Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy on the topic “Letters E, e Sounds [th" e]. "»

Routing organizations learning activities on _ 11/20/2015

0 "B" class Govorukhina E. P

Educational area: Communication.

Chapter: Teaching reading and writing.

Topic: Her letters, sounds [th "e].


Introduce the letter E, its constituent elements and their location; Strengthen the skills of discrimination and correct pronunciation sounds [th "e]. in syllables, words, phrases;

Develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention; the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences.-

To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, camaraderie, attentive attitude towards each other when working in the classroom. - education of the ability to listen to the teacher;

Developing the ability to act according to the instructions of the teacher.

Working methods: explanatory - illustrative, partially - search, verbal, visual, practical.

Materials and equipment:,didactic material, notebook, pencils, cardboard sun and cloud for reflection.

Bilingual component: spruce - shirsha, letter - аріп.



Actions of the educator

Children's actions




Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!
Hello free breeze!
Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same region
I welcome you all!

Speech. : "We are funny guys."

We are funny guys
We are preschoolers.
We don't offend anyone
How to take care, we know.
We will not leave anyone in trouble,
We will not take away, but we will ask.
Let everyone be good
It will be joyful, light!!!

Organizing time:

Check it out buddy
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Everything is all right.
Is everyone seated correctly?
Is everyone watching closely?
Everyone sat down in their places, no one is crowded,
I’ll tell you a secret: “It will be interesting!

Today in the lesson, guys, a lot of interesting tasks await you, and your assistants will be: attention, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Words are spoken.

They say a speech.

Listen to the teacher.



Review of the past: show a card with letters. their characteristic.

Acquaintance with Her letters and sounds [th "e].

Riddle: Who is this girl?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman….

She does not sew anything herself, but in needles all year round.

Look guys what a beautiful spruce came to visit us.

Showing a card with a spruce and the letters Her.

Listen to a poem about the letter E

A poem about the letter E

In the yard - such a pity! -

Our ladder is broken

our ladder is broken

the letter E, however, remained. / E. Tarlapan /

Acquaintance with the articulation of sounds [th "e]. (When pronouncing sounds [th" e], the chin drops).

Choral and individual pronunciation of sounds [th "e]. Characteristics of sound [th" e]. (the letter E has 2 sounds - a vowel, it can be sung and pulled, indicated in red).

Letters on the board

List the words that start with the letter E.

Guys, look at the picture, what do we see?

Come up with one sentence for this picture.


Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over

two - bent over,

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

Work in the alphabet of a notebook page 49

Find and paste a sticker with the letter Her.

Reading syllables: Oe, s, her, her, her, en, eat, eat

Words: eat, eat, eat

Suggestions: I eat, We ate, He ate, She ate, They ate.

Game "Funny Letters"

Guys, look funny letters came to our class, they had so much fun that their colors were mixed. Let's help the letters with you.

Gymnastics for fingers:

Let's squeeze our fingers

And of course let's break it down

Let's squeeze our fingers again

And of course let's break it down

Now let's rub our hands

And blow into them a little

Each finger is a friend and brother

And he will be happy to write.

Here we stretched our fingers, let's open the notebooks and print the letter Her.

Well done guys, you did a great job today.

Children name letters, say what they are vowels, consonants.

Children guess the riddle, say: spruce

Card review

Listen to a poem

Reading the poem together.

Listen and speak with the teacher

Consideration of the letter Her and the sounds [th "e].

Spruce, hedgehogs, blackberry, raccoon,


raccoon, blackberry.

A raccoon picks blackberries.

Children do a physical exercise.

Carry out the task.

Read syllables, words, sentences.

Children call the letter and say what color it is, if it is not correct, they correct it.

Perform gymnastics for the fingers.

Open notebooks and print the letters Her



Summary of the lesson :

What letter did we meet?

How many sounds does the letter E have?

Now take the sun or clouds and show me:

How was the lesson?

Did you like the lesson?

Did you understand everything?

With the letter E

Two sounds.

Children show the sun if they liked everything, and everything was clear. The cloud, if something was not clear, did not like it.

Expected Result:

Know: Previously learned letters, the letters Her.

Have: reading skills of syllables, words, understanding of double sound.

Be able to: make a sentence according to the picture, write the letter Her, listen carefully to the teacher.

Burlinskaya secondary school

Lesson summary

By subject

Teaching literacy and writing

Her letters, sounds [th "e].

0 "B" class

Prepared by: Govorukhina E.P.


Topic: Sound-letter analysis"Sound and letter E".

Goals and objectives: introduce children to the sound and letter e; to teach the correlation of sound with a letter and a symbol; to acquaint with the norm of articulation of the sound E; develop the skills of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis; enrich the vocabulary of children with words with the sound E; to form knowledge of spelling norms; practice making sentences using verbs perfect look.

Equipment: speech therapy albums, class presentation, projector, laptop, individual mirrors

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment ( slide 3)

(children enter, greet)

Welcome speech speech therapist slide 4

1. Consolidation of knowledge about the sound composition of the word. slide 5

Speech therapist Choose a word for the proposed schemes

Select the letter E.

1ist 3litk1 26l1k2

kr3 gi 1k1 pl3g

k1r1nd1sh k3k3r3z1 k2mn1t1

Key to schemes A-1, O-2, U-3

2. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson through the development of sound analysis slide 6

Make up the name of the girl from the first letters of the picture words. Write it down according to the diagram.

Speech therapist. What is the first sound in the word Emma? (E.) slide7 The topic of the lesson is the sound and the letter E. slide8

II main part

1. Pronouncing the sound E (working with mirrors). Acquaintance with the norm of articulation. slide9

2. Correlation of the sound E with the letter and symbol required

to indicate in writing

Speech therapist Listen to the story about the letter E. slide10

Letter E is unhappy

Uh-uh, - the letter E grumbled, - they put me almost at the very end of the alphabet ... Ek, I was brought there! Oh, I would like to start, in the first place! Hey letters. Let me go ahead! But the letters said:

Stay where you are. And do not talk in vain with your long tongue. Does it matter where you stand? It's important to be helpful.

3 . Examining the stylized letter E Reading a poem (you can prepare a student).

Letter E with an open mouth And a huge tongue!

Hey hey! - screamer screams. The tongue is sticking out of the mouth!

Examining and writing in a notebook the capital and capital letters e slide 11

4. Development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist: Listen to the sounds, syllables and words and raise the red square if you hear the sound E.

Sounds: a, o, i, e, a, u, e, a, o, e.

Syllables: ep, in, at, then, uv, ev, ym, yk, ek.

Words: Emma, ​​Alla, Edik, Olya, Ira, Elvira.

5. Development of sound analysis at the word level.

Speech therapist: Emma brought pictures. Review them and name them. Try to explain the meaning of each word. Find among the pictures those that represent related concepts.

Pictures: popsicle, screen, excavator, airport, airfield, escalator, emblem, excavator, elevator, electric train, electrician. slide 12

6. Physical Minute slide13

Performing movements in the text (improvisation).

This is the sun, this

This is a desk, this is me!

7. Development of spelling norms. slide14

Speech therapist: Say for Emma the names of the pictures in syllables and write them down (writing on the board). Indicate the presence and place of sound E. Check slide15

8. Vocabulary Enrichment slide 16

Speech therapist: Look at and name the pictures. Write down their names, highlight the sound E.

(If children find it difficult to name words, the speech therapist offers them several options to choose from. If the help is used incorrectly, then the speech therapist himself explains the meaning of this word.)

Pictures Eskimo, bookcase, tour, screen, electric locomotive, Eskimo. Click check

9. Making sentences using perfective verbs slide 17

Speech therapist: Make sentences from sets of words.

yard, stands, in, excavator.

children, excursion, let's go, on.

Emma, ​​popsicle, delicious, bought

Click check

III. Summary of the lesson

Pronunciation, characterization of sound E. slide 18 Recall and inventing words for the sound E.

Thank you for the lesson slide 19

Topic : "Visiting the sound [E]".


· introduce children to the new letter E, the new sound [E], itsclassification;

· develop the ability to distinguish by ear words with a given sound;

· to consolidate the ability to compose words, their sound schemes, divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables, sounds, letters in a word;

· exercise in solving crossword puzzles, develop logical thinking;

· cultivate a feelingpartnership, mutual assistance, the desire to help a friend.

Equipment : cash desk of large format letters, individual cash desks of letters foreach child, plates of beans, sets of multi-colored squares for making a sound scheme of the word red, blue, greencolors, puzzles, cards for individual work, pencil, illustrations.


I . Organizing time.

(Toys are laid out on the table )

Guys, look at the table, choose any toy you want, take it and stand in a circle. (children do the task)

-The task: name the chosen toy, name the first sound in this word, characterize it.

II . Introductory part.

Guys, now we have a literacy lesson for you. What are we learning in this lesson? (sounds and letters)

How are sounds different from letters?

What are the sounds?

Give an example of vowel sounds. (A O U Y Y I)

What sounds are called consonants?

What are consonant sounds? (voiced and deaf)

Game exercise "Name the paired sound"

Target: consolidate knowledge of paired consonants.

Stroke: V-l calls a voiced consonant sound, and the children in response call a deaf consonant.

B - P Z - S V - F D - K W - WD - T

III . Main part.

1. Acquaintance with a new sound.

I want to tell you a story about a boy named Eric. Listen please:

Eric and his grandfather were walking in the forest.

Eric shouted loudly: "uh-uh", and from the forest someone quietly answered: "uh-uh."

Who's screaming there? Eric asked.

It's an echo, said the grandfather.

Guys, how did Eric shout? (Children answer loudly: "uh-uh.")

And how did they answer him from the forest? (Children quietly answer: "uh-uh.")

Today we will learn a new sound[E].

Do you think this sound is a vowel or a consonant? (vowel)

Why do you think so?

2. Articulation of sound [E].

The tongue heard Eric screaming. He opened the house quite wide, lay down on the floor himself, arched his back and began to repeat after his grandfather: "uh-uh." The air from the house-neck comes out freely and does not encounter any obstacles in its path.

How did the tongue repeat? (Children repeat the sound[E].)

3. Game exercise "Hear the sound"

Target: to consolidate the ability to allocate by ear words with a given sound.

Stroke: V-l calls different words, and children clap their hands when they hear a word with the sound [E].

(I read the words: table, house, echo, yard, carpet, excavator, kitten, beetle, popsicle, bathrobe, escalator, chair, book, relay race, eucalyptus, shop, game, Eskimo, excursion)

4. Acquaintance with the letter E.

Guys, you know that sound is what we say. But each sound is designated by a certain letter. Look at (pointing to the letter):


This is E:

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue.

(G. Yudin)

5. Writing a letter in the air . Now get your index fingers ready. We'll write the letter E in the air. (I stand with my back to the children, raise my right hand and write a letter in the air with my index finger, comment on my actions: put a point, draw a line in a semicircle from left to right, down, round, to the left, stop, draw a straight line in the middle. Children repeat after me .)
6. Finger gymnastics.
One thumb up

Index - behind him,
The middle one wakes up nameless,

He raised his little finger.
Everyone stood up - "Hurrah!", "Hurrah!"

It's time for them to go to work..
Methodical instructions:
We unbend our fingers, starting with the big

Spread fingers wider

Move your fingers freely.
7. Laying out the letter E from beans .
- Take the beans and put the letter E out of it in front of you on the table. (At the end of the work, the children put the beans back in place).

Guys, Snow White came to visit us. She asks us for help. The gnomes decided to play with her and came up with various tasks for her, they put each task in a separate envelope. Look how many there are (showing envelopes). Snow White alone is very difficult to complete all these tasks. Let's help her.

Envelope 1, task 1.

Game exercise "Make a picture"

Target: to consolidate the ability to compose a whole picture from parts, acting collectively, to find the place of a certain letter in a word, to divide a word into syllables, to complete the task in a coordinated, friendly manner.

Stroke: cut pictures are laid out on the table. Children are divided into two teams, and each makes up its own picture of the parts (excavator and electric train). At the end, each word must be divided into syllables, determine their number and highlight the shock.

Envelope 2, task 2.

Game exercise "Solve the crossword puzzle."

Target : develop the ability to solve crossword puzzles, replacing pictures with words, develop logical thinking, quick wits.

move : V-l hangs out crossword puzzles on a magnetic board in turn, the children compose the words encrypted there. Each word is divided into syllables.





Visual gymnastics

Once - to the left,

Two to the right

Three - up

Four - down

And now we look around

To see the world better. (Children do exercises with their eyes).

Envelope3, task 3.

Work in split alphabets.

1. On a stick, in a piece of paper,

In a chocolate shirt

It asks for itself in the hands.

What is this?., (eskimo)

Solve the riddle. Make a word at the box office, make a sound scheme.

6 sounds, 6 letters.

2. In a dark forest, behind any pine

A marvelous wonder of the forest is hiding

I shout: "Aw!" and it will resonate

I laugh and it laughs. (echo)

Solve the riddle. Make a word at the box office, make a sound scheme.

3 sounds, 3 letters.

Envelope 4, task 4.

Game task "Divide into syllables."

Target: To consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word.

Stroke: V-l distributes individual pictures, which depict an object and under it 5 squares of the same size. Children need to divide the word into syllables and paint as many squares at the bottom as there are syllables in the given word) .. When summarizing, analyze several options for the task.

Well done, guys, helped Snow White solve all the tasks. Now she will go home, and when the gnomes return from work in the evening, she will be able to tell and show them all these tasks.

III . Outcome.

Guys, what new sound did we meet today?
- What is that sound?

Russian words starting with the letter E
few in our vocabulary:
hey, and eh, and this one.
And the equator, relay race,
electricity, screen
came to us from distant lands.
But our language is used to them,
our language has become richer.


· children who liked today's lesson raise a green square

· children who did not like the activity very much raise the blue square

· children who did not like the activity raise a red square.

Abstract of the lesson in preparatory group on the topic: "Sound and letter E"

Target: Introduce children to the sound and letter "E".

Tasks: to consolidate the skills of distinguishing and correctly pronouncing the sound "e" in syllables, words, phrases; exercise in determining the place of the sound "e" in words, in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure; learn to determine the shortest and longest word; improve the skills of sound analysis of the word, printing of syllables, words, sentences; to form the skill of reading sentences with different intonation; teach children to ask questions to animated and inanimate objects; to fix the visual image of the letter, to develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention.

Equipment: demonstration material - subject pictures with the sound "e", a magnetic board, colored markers, the letter "e", tables for reading, a ball; handout - ropes, notebooks, pens, colored pencils, cards with the letter "e" and "s".

Lesson progress

I. Organizing time.

The one who names the first sound in the word sits down: arch, wasps, smart girl, ears, hoop, etc.

1. Repetition of the past:

2. Introduction to new material. The teacher makes a riddle:

Nobody saw him
And to hear - everyone heard.
Without a body - but it lives,
Without language - it screams. (Echo)

What is the first sound we hear in the word "echo"?

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson.

3. Acquaintance with the articulation of the sound "e". (When pronouncing the sound "e" lips "laugh").

4. Choral and individual pronunciation of the sound "e".

5. Characteristics of the sound "e". (The sound "e" is a vowel, it can be sung and pulled, indicated in red).

6. Didactic game"Clap, don't yawn!" The teacher pronounces a series of sounds, syllables, words, and the children clap their hands if they hear the sound "e": e, a, e, y, o, e; eh, ah, uh, eh; Emma, ​​Anna, Edik, echo, Olya.

7. Game exercise "Speech exercise" (children repeat the chain of syllables):

8. Didactic ball game "Where did the sound "e" hide?" (determining the position of the sound "e" in words). Speech material: poet, elf, emblem, whatnot.

9. Didactic game "What's gone?" (support - subject pictures with the sound "e": popsicle, excavator, electric train, screen: The teacher exposes

5 subject pictures on a typesetting canvas, the children close their eyes, the teacher removes one picture, the children open their eyes and answer the question: "What is missing?").

10. Pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure, dividing words into syllables, determining the shortest and longest words: tightrope walker, electric welder, electric locomotive, electric iron, tour guide, electrician, crew, electrical appliance, eucalyptus.

11. Didactic exercise "Who is it? What is it?". Continue row:

    Who is it? This is a girl, a butterfly, a cat: What is this? This is a doll, a chair, a ball:

12. Fizminutka.

Stand up together, stretch!
Walk, turn around.
Hands to the right, hands to the left
And then be bold.
Get up again, stretch
And smile at each other.

13. Acquaintance with the letter "e" (showing the letter).

This is E
With an open mouth
And with a big tongue.

14. Laying out the letter "E" from the ropes, drawing "e" in the air.

15. Work in notebooks. Printing letters "E", "e"; syllables: "em", "ep", "et", "ek", "me", "pe", "te", "ke"; words: "it", "emu", "emma".

16. Sound analysis of the word: emu (a sketch of a sound scheme in notebooks).

17. Reading sentences with interrogative and declarative intonation:

Who is this? It's a cat. Who is this? This is Emma. Who is this? This is a spider.

Reading the story of G. Yudin "Excavators".

(Memorize as many words with the [e] sound as possible.)


Yesterday Edik ran into me from the fifth floor.

Drop your labels! - screams. - We have a real escalator in our yard!

I say:

An excavator, probably, escalators are only in the subway.

We ran out into the yard, and there really is an excavator. The motor is running, but the excavator has gone somewhere. We climbed slowly into the cabin. And Edik took it and accidentally touched some kind of handle. The excavator suddenly twitches, how it goes! And ahead is an electric pole. Excavator on this pillar - r-r-time! Pillar on the side - two! And all the wires were broken. In our entire house, the electricity immediately went out and electric irons, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, televisions and everything powered by electricity stopped working.

Then the excavator driver came running, shouted and kicked us out of the cab. And in the evening, dad came and. Well, I'm not interested in remembering this at all.

a) Free statements of children on the content of the story.

b) Name the words that you remember with the sound [e].

c) Children's reasoning about compliance with safety rules.

III. Summary of the lesson:

1. - What sound and what letter did we meet today? Describe the "e" sound.

2. - Cross out the letter that is different from the rest (work on cards):


3. Evaluation of children's activities.



Correctional and educational:

Acquaintance with the sound and letter E;

Isolation of sound [E] from a number of vowel sounds and the beginning of a word;

Analysis of a number of EUA type vowels;

Reading a series of vowels;

Education plural nouns.


Correct pronunciation of the sound [E] in words and sentences;

Extension vocabulary on the topic "Autumn";

The use of words with diminutive suffixes;

Development of memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational:

Raise the desire to actively participate in the educational process.

Equipment: subject pictures, painting "Autumn in the Forest", material for analysis, board, markers, letters.

GCD progress

1.Org. moment

The one who calls the word that begins with the sound [I] (A, U) will sit down

2. Repetition

What is sound?

What sounds do we know?

What are these sounds? Why?

e / game "What sound do I want to say?" (silent articulation)

How did you guess?

How many sounds did I say? (AI, IAU) - analysis

3. Acquaintance with the sound [E]

Now I will open my mouth wide, put my wide tongue behind my lower teeth and say E-E-E.

What sound did I say?

Say this sound in unison, one at a time.

What do you think the sound [E] is? Why?

This sound is in the words:

Emma Echo Electric Excavator Tour

Ella It's Electricity Escalator Tour Guide

Edik Screen Whatnot Squadron Floors

D / game "Echo"

The 1st row says [E] loudly, the 2nd - quietly.

D / game "Clap your hands when you hear the sound [E]"


D / game "Find and name"

Children are given the task to find among the surrounding objects for a given sound ([U]: iron, duck, corner; [E]: bookcase, screen, electricity, print; [I]: toys, games, tools; [A]: lampshade, orange , car, alphabet.

4. Conversation on the painting "Autumn". Formation of nouns. numbers.

Tree-trees, trunk-trunks, stump-stumps, squirrels-squirrels, leaf-leaves, grass-herbs, mushroom-mushrooms, lair-dens, bird-birds, hare-hares, hedgehogs ...

b) choose action words:

wind: blowing, swinging, circling, howling ...

trees: grow, sway, turn yellow ...

leaves: turn yellow, crumble, spin, rustle ...

c) d / game "Call me affectionately"

wind-breeze, tree-tree, leaf-leaf, squirrel-squirrel, grass-grass ...

5. Connected speech. Retelling of the story "Autumn in the Forest"

After a hot summer, autumn has come. It got colder. Birds fly to warmer climes. It often rains. The ground is covered with colorful leaves. Squirrels, hedgehogs and mice store their food for the winter. The bear is looking for a place for a den.. The hare is changing his fur coat. People gather mushrooms and berries in the forest. This time of year is called sad.

6. Letter E.

This is E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue.

7. reading AUE, EIU, UIA, UEA ...


What sound did you learn?

What is this sound?

Name words for this sound.

Name names for this sound (Ella, Edik, Emma)

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