Five-story panel houses of series 1 464. Three ingenious options for redevelopment of Khrushchev

  • 17.06.2019
1-464 (house series)
Location Russia Russia
Construction Late 1950s -
late 1970s
Usage House
Technical specifications
Number of floors 3-5
Number of elevators Not
Architect N.P. Rozanov (head), engineers B.G. Kocheshkov, A.G. Rosenfeld, I.P. Polozov (Giprostroyindustry)

1-464 - series residential buildings in the USSR, developed by the Giprostroyindustriya Institute in the late 1950s. All-Union series of panel Khrushchevs, built throughout the USSR from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, modifications - until the end of the 1970s. Khrushchevs of the 1-464 series are outwardly recognizable by the windows on the interfloor area in the entrances, identical to the 2-leaf windows in the apartments.

Series 1-464 is recognized as quite successful among panel Khrushchevs and is widely distributed throughout the USSR. In Moscow, a Moscow version of the 1-464 series was built with an increased area of ​​​​apartments under the index 1605-AM / 5, this modification is classified as a series to be demolished.



Houses of multi-section type, the most common are 4-section ones. The house consists of end and ordinary sections.

The height of the house is 5 floors, less often 3 or 4 floors. The first floor is residential.

The basis for the solution of houses of the 1-464 series is a cross-wall structural system. External walls - 1- and 3-layer reinforced concrete panels thickness from 21 to 35 cm, depending on the climatic region of construction. External panels - with a "narrow pitch", a width of 2.6 and 3.2 meters. Panels are smooth painted or unpainted with gravel. The balconies are located on panels 3.2 m wide.

Overlappings - solid reinforced concrete slabs 10 cm thick. Partitions - reinforced concrete, solid section, 12 cm thick.

The roof is flat combined, non-ventilated. The roof extends beyond the walls with a "visor" and is covered with rolled bituminous material. Gutters external or absent. There is no technical floor (attic). Ceiling height 2.5 m.


Heating - central water, cold water supply - centralized, sewerage - centralized. Hot water supply - centralized or local (gas water heaters), in the latter case, chimneys are provided in the design of the house. Ventilation - natural in the kitchen and bathroom, ventilation ducts are located in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen.

There is no elevator or garbage chute.


The houses have one-, two- and three-room apartments. There are 4 apartments on the landing. In the end sections, a set of apartments is 1-1-2-3 or 1-2-2-2, in ordinary 1-2-3-3 or 2-2-2-3.

Rooms in 2-room and 3-room apartments are adjacent, in corner apartments - separate. The bathroom is combined in all apartments.

Standard projects of plants

For the production of sets of products of the I-464 series, the Institute "Giprostroyindustriya" in 1959 developed standard projects factories. The authors of these projects of plants were engineers V.A. Girsky, N.M. Gaysinsky, M.Z. Okun, A.A. Susnikov, M.I. Vitaliev and N.M. Antoshchenko.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. The cross-wall construction of the building is stronger and more durable than the other popular 1-335 Khrushchev series, which uses an "incomplete frame".
  2. Compared to other series of Khrushchev houses, there are balconies almost everywhere.
  3. More three-room apartments compared to common modifications brick Khrushchev 1-447 .
  4. Residential buildings of the 1-464 series, as a rule, are located in areas of the "middle belt" of cities with well-developed infrastructure and transport accessibility.


  1. The impossibility of redevelopment of the apartment due to the presence of internal load-bearing walls. It is possible to dismantle only two walls of the bathroom and some partitions.
  2. Low thermal insulation of external walls.
  3. Poor soundproofing inside the house.
  4. A flat soft roof has a short service life (10-15 years). In summer, the roof gets very hot.
  5. Adjacent rooms in three-room and the largest (44-46 sq. m.) two-room apartments. "Carriage" proportions of rooms in the form of an elongated rectangle with a window on the smaller side.
  6. Close hallway.
  7. Shared bathroom in all apartments.
  8. Like all Khrushchevs - the small size of the kitchen.
  9. Very small landings, even in comparison with some series of Khrushchev houses (2 times less than that of the 1-335 series, which is almost identical in layout).
  10. With the layout option with a predominance of two-room apartments (in the end sections 1-2-2-2, and in the rows 2-2-2-3), all apartments, except for the corner ones, face one side of the world.



Nine-story building series 1-464D in Volgograd
Location Russia Russia
Construction 1966 -
Usage House
Technical specifications
Number of floors 5, 9, 12
Number of elevators 1-2

In 1960, the Giprostroyindustriya institute carried out work to adjust the projects, as a result of which corrected drawings of projects with the “A” index were issued. In 1963-1964 on its basis, the Institute of TsNIIEP Dwellings developed an improved series 1-464A with indices 14..18.

In houses of series 1-464A-14..1-464A-18, the number of walk-through rooms has been reduced, separate bathrooms, two-room apartments with bilateral orientation ("undershirts"). Four-room apartments with two small rooms along the end wall could be located in the corner sections. On the landing of 3 apartments. Outside, the house can be distinguished by twin balconies on the side of the entrances and a reduced number of balconies on the back side.

In 1965-1966 TsNIIEP Dwellings was constructively redesigned the current series 1-464A and significantly expanded the range of projects for residential buildings. Such projects were assigned the index "D".

Based on the 1-464D series, the 111-121 series (originally called 1-464M) was developed. The structures of houses 111-121 were unified with 1-464D, which made it possible to simplify the readjustment of house-building factories. The layout of the apartments was completely redesigned, the area of ​​two- and three-room apartments increased by 8-12 m 2, so 111-121 belongs to the rather comfortable late Brezhnev series (“new layout”).

Regional modifications



One- and two-room apartments are one-sided, three-room apartments are two-sided. All rooms in the apartments are isolated, the area of ​​the common room is 17 m2, the bedrooms are 12-12.5 m2, the kitchens are 8.7 m2. Separate bathrooms with a transversely oriented bath and space for washing machine. All apartments have balconies located on the back side of the house and recessed into the facade. AT three-room apartments in addition, there is a balcony located on the side of the entrances, to which there is an exit from the common room. The three-room apartments are equipped with small closets located at the end of the intra-apartment corridor.

Houses of the 1-464DYa series were produced by the Yaroslavl DSK in the 1970s and 1980s. The construction of houses was carried out mainly in Yaroslavl (Bragino) and, as well as in Rybinsk, Rostov and other cities and towns of the region.


In 1972-1977, in the young city of Novopolotsk (Belarusian SSR), large-scale panel construction was underway, and new city-forming enterprises were introduced. To this end, BelNIIPgradostroitelstva has developed a number of regional-type block sections for production at Novopolotsk DSK. The regional series received the index 1-464DN. In 1980, the project 1-464DN was adjusted. Novopolotsk DSK and Trust No. 16 "Neftestroy" produced panels until the mid-1990s (then the last 10-storey building of the series was assembled in Novopolotsk, and production was stopped).

According to some reports, a total of 219 houses were built, 106 of them in Novopolotsk, 78 in Polotsk. Also 2 houses were built in Leningrad.

13 block-section formats were developed with the placement of apartments and the number of rooms in them. Separate bathrooms, apartments have balconies and balconies (in three-room apartments - one loggia and one balcony, in four-room apartments - two balconies and one balcony, one loggia goes to the end of the house). The entrance to the apartments is through a common pocket-tambour, on the stairwell on even floors there are tanks for the garbage chute. A passenger elevator has also been designed (in high-rise buildings).



  • Typical series of residential buildings in Novosibirsk: redevelopment options, layouts
  • N.P. Rozanov, Large-panel housing construction, Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1982, 224 pages with illustrations.
  • V.A. Kossakovsky, Pioneer of industrial housing construction, Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1980, 80 pages with illustrations.

Planning to buy an apartment in Barnaul? Are your eyes wide open from the abundance of houses and layouts? In fact, the entire housing stock of the regional capital can be divided into several categories: stalins, of which there are not so many left, classic Khrushchevs, houses of the 97th series and modern objects. It is the penultimate ones that are among the most common and sold.

What is the difference between the 97 series?

Such objects began to be erected from the mid-70s of the last century, and in some cities they continue to be built to this day. As a rule, such objects have a height of 10-11 floors, apartment layouts differ in certain sizes, bathrooms are shared, located in close proximity to the kitchen, which has tiny sizes - from 9 to 13 squares, depending on the number of rooms in the room. The entrance is distinguished by the absence of "pockets" and the presence of garbage chutes.

Layouts of apartments of series 97 in Barnaul

Layout 1 room apartment in the house of 97 series may seem boring to many. Such premises have an area of ​​​​either 34 square meters or 43. The bathroom is separate, which, by the way, is a fundamental difference from Khrushchev, and it is located at the entrance. In addition to the room and the kitchen, there can be a pantry inside, which was previously used for its intended purpose, and now becomes part of the living space, turns into a dressing room, an office, a laundry room. Maybe there is a loggia inside. With her, the situation is similar - modern residents try to make the most of every meter of the apartment, because the layout of apartments in typical houses does not suit everyone.

There is one important similarity in the 2 and even 3-room apartments of series 121 and 97: all the rooms in them are isolated from each other, which is lacking in khurshchevkas, in which most of the rooms are walk-throughs. This causes a lot of inconvenience to the residents. The layout of the 4-room apartment is built on the same principle. True, such apartments are rare for Barnaul.

In general, houses of the 97th series experienced peculiar reforms several times. So, in the 90s they began to build one-room apartments with an area of ​​​​41 square meters, after the 2000s, developers began to allow themselves some liberties regarding the size of apartments.

  • Odnushki began to have an area of ​​​​up to 46 square meters inclusive.
  • Kopeck pieces - up to 72.
  • Treshki - up to 93
  • Fours - up to 86, which, by the way, some residents did not like: the area of ​​​​the rooms was much smaller than in threes.

The builders also increased the kitchen to 16 squares, which is almost 2 times more than originally planned in the 1970s. The housewives were able to appreciate this advantage: there was much more space for cooking.

True, even such objects are not without drawbacks. The first and most important is insufficiently good sound insulation due to the use of special materials in construction. Another minus - design features do not allow redevelopment to increase the number of rooms. And finally, the third disadvantage is the cost. So, the price of a 2-room apartment can exceed a similar offer in Khrushchev by 20-30%. However, the decision of this issue is up to the buyers.

1 bedroom apartments:

2-room apartments:

3-room apartments:

4-room apartments:

Episode 121

1 bedroom apartments:

2-room apartments:

3-room apartments:

4-room apartments:

Episode 464

1 bedroom apartments:

2-room apartments:

3-room apartments:

4-room apartments:


1 bedroom apartments:

In fact, the first, really all-Union panel series (335 - appeared later)
It was built everywhere, and survived in variations until the end of the 70s.
Extremely cheap square meter living area,
layouts such as "closet with a window", as well as ease of construction.

There are very few of them in Moscow, but in the Moscow region ...

The construction of the 464 series of houses began in 1959.
However, at first, these houses did not receive much distribution,
In addition, the 464 series had a small step of transverse carriers.
walls 2.6-3.2 m.

The main characteristics of the 464-series:

Bearing wall thickness: 0.35 m
Load-bearing wall material: coated concrete ceramic tiles
Ceilings: reinforced concrete, flat per room. (See attached drawings)
Kitchen area: 5-6 m2

House 464-series consisted of 3
sectional five-story house. Section consists of 4 apartments
on the floor: one 1-room, one two-room
(with adjoining rooms) and two 3-room
(with adjoining-separate rooms) apartments.

Well, now a little more about the 464 series.

Basic series:

Its development, after its transfer to TsNIIEP-dwellings:

Improved 9-storey series.

and panel design.

Well, now some regional variations:


(STANDARD PROJECTS 1-464A-51, 1-464A-52, 1-464A-53 AND 1-464A-54)

Typical projects of 9-storey large-panel residential buildings of the 1-464A series for construction in Kyiv were developed by KievZNIIEP taking into account specific construction conditions, as well as the fact that products for houses are manufactured at a specialized house-building plant in Kyiv (DSK-3), which previously produced products for standard 5-storey residential buildings of this series. From the general range of 9-storey residential buildings of the 1-464A series, working drawings of four 9-storey residential buildings (1-464A-51, 1-464A-52, 1-464A-53 and 1-464A-54) were smoked and put into operation for building under normal conditions.

The layout of 9-storey houses is based on six main sections - 3 latitudinal and 3 meridional with a step of 2.6 and 3.2 m. 3.3 (ordinary) and (end face). The project provides Various types apartments (1-, 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments) differing in their planning structure and sizes. The apartments are designed with a maximum number of impassable rooms, with separate sanitary facilities in 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments and combined in 1-room apartments. All apartments have 130 cm wide fronts, pantries and mezzanines.

Fragment of the construction of the array "Komsomol" in Kyiv.

The staircase is combined with an elevator shaft and a garbage chute. The expressiveness of the architectural appearance of 9-storey large-panel residential buildings is decided by the large rhythm of the loggias. The light-and-shadow expressiveness of the rhythm of the loggias is complemented by color - painting or facing with colored glazed ceramic tiles of the internal walls and loggias. The facades of buildings from the side of the staircase, along with the rhythm created by the stairs, have the rhythm of paired balconies.

Provided various options outdoor wall panels staircases, railings for balconies and loggias. Structural scheme of houses is solved with load-bearing transverse and longitudinal walls with floor panels supported along the contour. This ensures the stability and rigidity of the building, considered as a spatially working structure, consisting of a system of closed rigid boxes that perceive vertical and horizontal loads.

External step panels are designed as multi-layered 300 mm thick. Rigid mineral wool boards on a phenolic binder with a thickness of 120 mm are used as a heater. The internal wall panels of the ground part and the wall panels of the loggias are taken with a thickness of 140 mm. Floor panels are designed in the form of solid flat slabs 100 mm thick, resting along the contour on the transverse and longitudinal walls. The roof is flat, combined, ventilated, with an internal drain. The houses are equipped with all kinds of modern engineering equipment. The construction of 9-storey large-panel residential buildings of the 1-464A series began in 1967.

Team of authors: architects L. D. Kulikov, G. I. Koporovsky, Z. S. Chechik, R. V. Knizhnik, F. I. Borovik, S. Ya Khodik; engineers I. V. Onishchenko, M. I. Medvedev, V. I. Repyakh, N. N. Stelmashenko, A. I. Braverman, L. I. Gerentseva, E. Ya. Sharder, I. M. Kozyr, A A. Faktorovich.


The planning structure of the 12-storey large-panel residential building was based on the end section of the 9-storey residential building 1-464A-52 using a new vertical transport hub solution. The smoke-free staircase, required by the standards for 12-storey buildings, is moved outside the building and gives the facade from the entrance side a new architectural expression.

This made it possible to use the vacated space for the installation of a second elevator and the organization of floor elevator halls connected to the stairs by passages. Setting the staircase at an angle to the building made possible device a small entrance lobby on the ground floor leading to the elevator hall. The garbage chute is placed in a separate light room. The 12-storey building is designed as a 2-section building. If necessary, sections can be combined into 4- and 6-section residential buildings.

Team of authors: architects A. I. Zavarov, Yu. G. Repii, F. I. Borovik, S. Ya. Khodik;
engineers: I. V. Onishchenko, M. I. Medvedev, I. S. Gorokhov, V. G. Zhitomirsky, A. F. Kosoy, Yu. P. Golovchenko, P. G. Sapak, B. I. Veksler, O. A. Zgursky.


The planning structure of the house is based on a section with a set of To give the house a curvilinear shape, the ends of the section are beveled on both sides by 60 cm along one of the facades within steps of 2.6 and 3.2 m. The house has 5 through passages. Distinctive feature home is his exterior finish. External wall panels are manufactured in the factory with white glazed ceramic tiles, loggia walls, entrances, stairwell ends and driveways are lined with dark green, loggia screens are lined with light gray glazed tiles.

Team of authors: architects A. I. Zavarov, S. Ya. Khodik; Yu. G. Repin, F. I. Borovik, E. V. Ryazantseva;
engineers I. V. Onishchenko, M. I. Medvedev, I. S. Gorokhov, B. G. Zhitomirsky, Yu. P. Golovchenko, A. F. Kosoy, N. G. Sapak, O. A. Zgursky th.

LenZniiEpovskaya series 464 for Yakutsk.

Novosibirsk clones 464 series

A classic Khrushchev building of 5 floors with a narrow step (2.6 + 3.2 m step) of transverse walls. It was built by Sibakademstroy (now ZZHBI-3 LLC, KPD-Gazstroymontazh LLC). The first 4-storey building was built in Akademgorodok in 1961. Later the series was built by DSK-1. Layout 1-464:

The most massive Novosibirsk series. Under the brand name 1-464, both five-story and nine-story ("brezhnevka" 1-464D) Houses. Despite the difference in appearance and in planning, structurally, the buildings are very close and were made of the same elements. The first 9-storey large-panel house DSK-1 was assembled in 1968 on Zatulinka. In 1972, DSK-1 became the general contractor for the construction of all houses of the 1-464 series, produced until the mid-1990s. Layout 1-464D:

In the series, in addition to 5 and 9-storey houses, 12-storey 2-entrance houses were also produced, the first of which were built on the Chelyuskinsky housing estate in the early 80s. The head organization that developed the projects of the 1-464 series in the USSR was TsNIIEP housing. Loggias 1-464D, unlike 111-90, are recessed into the plane of the facade. Most of the residential areas of Novosibirsk are built up in a series, except for the Kalininsky and Sovetsky districts (in "Shch" and Eltsovka; both 1-464D and 111-90 were built at the Ob-HPP and Shlyuz).

And in the Baltic republics:

Five-storey panel houses series 1-464

Large-panel 4-5-story residential buildings of the 1-464 series of standard projects are the most common first-generation prefabricated buildings. The solution of the houses of the considered series is based on the cross-wall structural system.

The main load-bearing skeleton of the buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls, located at intervals of 3.2 and 2.6 m, due to which the houses of this type are called houses with a "narrow" pitch of transverse load-bearing walls. Reinforced concrete floor slabs of the size “per room” are supported on them. They also rest on the outer and inner longitudinal walls, which take part of the vertical load, while at the same time providing the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

The floor slabs laid at 3.2m spacing are calculated and operate as supported along the contour. Since all interior walls separating rooms are loaded by floors and floors above, it is not possible to move these walls and thereby change the width of the rooms. For the same reason, the removal of the outer walls at a step of 3.2 m is excluded, without ensuring the support of the floor slab along the short outer wall.
The outer walls are made of panels - three-layer, consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (made of lightweight concrete). Internal load-bearing walls 12cm thick and floor slabs 10cm thick are solid reinforced concrete flooring. Roof - combined with roll soft roof or attic truss with corrugated asbestos cement roofing.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, it becomes necessary to install new or expand existing openings in the transverse walls. This is possible to a limited extent, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing a building, floor slabs cannot be dismantled. However, during the superstructure of the building, the floor slabs above the existing fifth floor can be partially dismantled. The arrangement of new openings in them is possible, but with large sizes of such openings, reinforcement of the overlap may be required.

In the series under consideration, balconies are placed at a step of 3.2 m. Balcony reinforced concrete slabs 10 cm thick and 90 cm wide were mounted according to two schemes. During the initial period of construction, they relied on outer wall and were held in the project position by two metal rods, which, passing through the joint between the outer walls, were attached to the end of the inner wall panel. In later projects, this solution was abandoned and, considering the balcony slab as a cantilever supported on the outer wall, they connected it to the floor slab using welded embedded elements.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-468

Typical projects of residential buildings of the 1-468 series were originally developed at the Gostroyproekt Institute, since 1961 - at TsNIIEPzhilishcha.

The load-bearing frame of the houses of this series are transverse load-bearing walls located in the plan with a step of 3 and 6 m, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this constructive system received the name of houses with a "mixed" step of transverse load-bearing walls.
The most common representative of the houses in this series is a five-story, four-section residential building. In it, the outer wall panels are made of autoclaved cellular concrete or lightweight concrete, and hollow-core reinforced concrete floors rest on transverse load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The longitudinal walls of the building are self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were erected in two versions: combined with roll coating and an attic truss with a roof of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses in this series is that the floor panels do not rest on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, except for individual sections inner wall, adjoining the stairwells and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building, can be dismantled in some places. It is this circumstance that, when modernizing such buildings, opens up wide opportunities for eliminating the shortcomings in the layout of existing apartments by adding additional volumes to the building. The device of new and expansion of existing openings in the bearing transverse walls is possible only if the calculation confirms and strengthens the "contours" of the openings.

Five-storey panel houses series 1-335

Five-story residential buildings of the 1-335 series of standard projects are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical designs of this series were originally developed by the author's team of the Leningrad Design Bureau, and then continued at the LenZNIIEP Institute.

The structural scheme of the house is a so-called "incomplete" frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the middle longitudinal axis of the building with a pitch of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete crossbars located across the building and resting on one side on reinforced concrete columns, and on the other hand, on metal support tables embedded in the body of the load-bearing outer wall panels. Reinforced concrete floor slabs "per room" in size are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides. The columns are interconnected by girders that provide longitudinal rigidity of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, load-bearing external walls were used mainly layered. They have an outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed “shell” and an inner (insulating) layer of foam concrete 26 cm thick, the surface of which is plastered from the side of the premises. There are no internal load-bearing walls in these houses, with the exception of stiffening diaphragms, which are the intersection walls of the stairwells.

With the same dimensions and steps of houses of different series in the houses of the frame-panel system, the principle of "free planning" can be fully implemented. The presence of crossbars under the floor slabs can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of living rooms.

A modification of this constructive system was the introduction of two more rows of columns into it - at the outer walls of the building to support crossbars on them. Such houses are called "full frame houses". In them, the outer walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-storey brick houses series 1-447

The 1-447 series includes standard projects of 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. The load-bearing frame of the houses in this series are three longitudinal load-bearing walls and transverse brick walls- external end and internal, between which staircases are located. Transverse brick walls act as stiffening diaphragms. All other walls (internal and inter-apartment) are non-bearing.

The floors are made in the form of reinforced concrete multi-hollow slabs, supported by short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the floor panels rest on both sides. Openings in the outer longitudinal walls can only be enlarged by eliminating the window sill while maintaining the existing piers. Lintels above windows should also be preserved. In the end walls of the building during reconstruction, it is possible to make openings.

Possible dismantling of partitions in series 1-447