How to properly tune in to work after a vacation or a “long” weekend. How to return to work after vacation: how to tune in to work

  • 11.10.2019

That sweet word "vacation"! We have been waiting for him for months and dreaming about how we will sunbathe on the beach, climb mountains or just lie on the couch - there is already someone who likes to relax. But returning to work after a vacation is quite difficult for most people. This is mainly due to the moral and psychological state of a person, since on vacation he relaxes as much as possible and “forgets” about work. Surely each of us at least once caught himself thinking: “After the holidays, I don’t want to work!”. And that doesn't mean that you don't like your job. Such thoughts are completely normal. But if you read our advice, then it will be much easier to tune in to work after the holidays.

How to return to work after vacation

Any vacation ever ends, and you have to return to the office again and continue to work. In psychology, there is even such a thing as “post-holiday syndrome” - when a sudden change of scenery (from rest to work) results in stress, irritability, laziness, depression and other unpleasant things for a person. On average, about 40% office workers have some problems with a comfortable return to work after a vacation.

To start working after vacation as efficiently as possible and without prejudice to your moral and psychological state, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Try to take a vacation so that you went to work after it not from the beginning of the working week, but from its middle. That is, on Wednesday, and even better on Thursday. Starting work on Monday after a few weeks off, work week will seem painfully long. And if you work only 2-3 days before the weekend, then the process of establishing a working rhythm will be much more comfortable.

2. After vacation do not immediately rush to do all the accumulated household chores. On the day you return home, you should not start a general cleaning, complete repairs in the corridor, or start another routine homework. Even if these tasks are urgent, nothing bad will happen if you do them a few days late. But save your nerves and psychological health.

3. If you are going on vacation to another country, then plan your trip so that you returned home at least 2-3 days before going to work. During these days, you will have time to adapt a little to your familiar environment and there will not be a sharp change in the situation from the sunny beach to the gray walls of the office.

4. Before going to work, think about why you love her. Think about the most pleasant moments associated with work, about your favorite colleagues. Maybe you will even realize that you are bored with work and it will be much easier and more pleasant to return to your duties.

5. Before the first working day after the holiday, be sure to sleep well, take a shower, have a tasty breakfast and dress for the weather. That is, try to minimize all situations that can spoil your mood.

6. It is quite possible that after a vacation you will have a lot of work tasks, and you can just get confused by their number. Don't panic. Calmly prioritize all tasks and start doing them sequentially, at your normal work rhythm. No need to try to do absolutely everything in one working day that you would have done during the entire vacation.

7. On the first working day after the holiday, try step back from making responsible and important decisions. If possible, postpone them for a few days later. When you fully enter the working rhythm, you will be able to look at the situation differently and make a more competent decision.

8. There is an opinion that after a long rest, a person's ability to think processes somewhat decreases, in other words, IQ falls. And for it to recover, it takes some time, from a couple of days to a week. Therefore, if you notice behind yourself that the first working days are “stupid”, you should not scold yourself for this or panic. Just do lighter tasks during this time.

9. Eat right. Nutrition always affects our well-being, both during holidays and during work. If you eat foods with enough vitamins and exclude fast food and other harmful things from your diet, then the process of transition from a “non-working” state to a “working” state will also be more successful.

10. Tell colleagues how you spent your vacation. Share your impressions with them, tell them where you were and what you saw. Such a conversation will add a positive note to your first post-holiday working day and defuse the situation. Besides, this great way once again relive all the emotions received on vacation, even if only mentally.

11. Don't sit at your desk. And in the usual working rhythm, you sometimes need to get up from your workplace and show at least minimal physical activity. And after the holidays, this is especially important. Walk to colleagues in the next department or go outside and breathe fresh air 5 minutes. And you need to do this not once a day, but at least 4-5.

12. Before going on vacation don't leave a mess on your desktop. After returning from vacation and seeing chaos of pieces of paper, gadgets and other items on your desktop, this will definitely not add to your good mood. Take care of this moment even before you go on vacation to return to cleanliness and order.

13. If you feel like you're getting into post-holiday depression, devote enough time to your hobbies, hobbies and just relaxing. It is impossible that after a vacation, work absorbs you completely. Even if you are a workaholic and are used to working a lot, start devoting 1.5-2 times more time to rest and your favorite activities.

Stick to these simple tips, and then you will not have a problem called “I don’t want to work after my vacation”. Getting back to work after a vacation is not so difficult, the main thing is to use the right approach!

Throughout the year, working people look forward to vacations. This is the most wonderful time when you can relax, chat with friends, go for a walk. Leave to rest on the sea, in the mountains or go abroad, where everything is included and you can forget about everything. Vacation gives us the opportunity to have a good rest, relax and forget about work. But once everything ends and the day comes when you need to go to work. After a long rest, this is very difficult. How to tune in to work after the holidays, we will consider in our article.

How to deal with stress after a holiday?

It is very difficult to tune in to the work process and return to the usual mode. Many people even experience stress, psychologists call it “post-holiday syndrome”. This is the kind of stress that comes after a relaxing and enjoyable period in life. To get rid of this stress, you need to make significant efforts, sometimes even people turn to specialists for help. Studies have been conducted in various institutions that have shown that 67% of employees experience stress when returning to work after a vacation.

The most common signs of such stress are:

  • headache;
  • sadness;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • despondency;
  • yearning;
  • anger;
  • nervousness.

In order to cope with stress, you need to take care of yourself and not give up. To tune in to the working regime after the holidays will help:

  • gradually begin to return to your working mode, do not immediately plunge into work with your head;
  • on the first working day, it is advisable not to plan serious and business meetings;
  • try to go in for sports or do at least the lightest physical exercises, because. sport helps to deal with stress;
  • treat yourself, buy a gift, go to a cafe, meet friends.

In the early days, try not to plunge completely into the labor process, take time for loved ones, friends, and yourself in particular. You should have harmony inside. Take a break from negative emotions and thoughts. And most importantly, start thinking about where you will spend your next vacation, this will help you tune in and get into the rhythm.

Where to begin

You were away from work for a couple of weeks, or even a whole month. There have been a lot of cases during this time. Do not rush to do them right away, otherwise you will forget by the evening that you were on vacation, and new fatigue will fall on you. First, calmly assess the situation. Select what needs to be done urgently, and what can wait until tomorrow. When you prioritize, it turns out that there are not so many important things to do.

Exit Pros

Find the positives in your return to work after the holidays. For example, someone misses their colleagues, someone is happy to return to their hometown, and someone will perceive their old job as a start in search of a new one.

Get into the rhythm

How to recover after vacation? I know from my own experience that the most difficult thing after a vacation is to force yourself to get up early for work. If during the holidays you are used to sleeping off, then I hope that my advice will help you get in shape faster and get in the mood for work. Make it a habit to treat yourself to something early in the morning. For one, it will be a jog along the alleys of the park, forgotten on vacation, for the second a small slice of chocolate, and for someone it will be a pleasant surprise for a loved one. After all, it is often more pleasant than receiving them.

Change for the better

Returning from vacation is a pleasant opportunity to start something in your life in a new way. For example, quit smoking or turn from a gray mouse into a stunning beautiful lady, or go on a diet ... Choose for yourself the activity for which you didn’t have enough time or energy before the holidays. You will see that when you leave your vacation with new strength and mental attitude, you will move mountains! For the speedy implementation of your plans, write them on a clean piece of paper. Just set yourself specific realistic goals, and not get rich like Rockefeller or buy a yacht like Abramovich.

Drive thoughts

And the last. If during work you will mentally constantly return to a tent on the shore, a cozy restaurant or romantic evening then you obviously won't be able to work. Tell your friend about a wonderful vacation, show photos, share your impressions and ... forget about it until the next vacation. It's time to think about where you will fly, swim or ride during your next vacation.

I want to offer you video tips from a professional psychologist Ksenia Taylor on how to safely return to work after a vacation, not get depressed and set yourself up for work. Happy viewing.

And this video is for a good mood. If you need to quickly pack up and take your laptop on the road, take note.

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