Qigong - what is it? Chinese health gymnastics. Qigong for beginners

  • 16.10.2019

Qigong gymnastics is one of the oldest methods aimed at healing the body and restoring vitality . In this practice, the most effective methods, used about 5 thousand years BC in China. Thanks to the careful storage of knowledge, these secrets of health and longevity have come down to our time. The qigong complex includes breathing practices and, as such, gymnastics.

Qigong: Fundamentals of Philosophy

According to qigong philosophers, the world is filled with qi energy. It continuously flows in living and inanimate objects: in trees, and in the air, and in stones, and, of course, in a person.

According to the teachings, in the human body, the movement of energy occurs along certain meridians. It tends to accumulate, the places of greatest accumulation are called dantani.

The main task of Qigong gymnastics is the correct distribution of Qi flows in the human body. Special exercises allow you to increase the flow of vital energy and fill it with three main dantani, which are located in the following areas:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • abdomen.

A set of exercises with these areas allows you to use the natural forces of the body for treatment and recovery.

Qigong: basic exercises

The basis of qigong health measures is a complex of physical exercises and. Classes are best done to relaxing, pleasant to the ear music, making smooth, measured movements.

The goal of Chinese qigong practice is to harmonize the body on three levels:

  • intellectual;
  • physical;
  • spiritual.

Qigong exercises help to achieve the normalization of all physiological processes, cleanse blood vessels, and improve overall immunity. Qigong restores the strength of the body, and allows you to slow down the aging process. Chinese gymnastics includes a number of different activities:

  • tension with subsequent relaxation of the body - concentrate internal energy;
  • fixing the body in a certain position - strengthens the muscular corset;
  • stretching and stretching - increase muscle elasticity, range of motion of the joints;
  • hangs - stretch the spine;
  • breathing exercises- saturate body tissues with oxygen.

Performing this complex, you will feel incredible changes in well-being in a short time. Performing qigong gymnastics is available to people of any age and physique.

Breath qigong

Qigong masters claim that the vast majority of people breathe incorrectly, using no more than 1/3 of their lungs. A set of breathing exercises will help to significantly increase this volume, providing a full-fledged oxygen exchange, which will significantly support the physical condition of a person. Saturation of the blood with oxygen improves thinking by supplying the brain with oxygen.

Qigong exercises for beginners should also be accompanied by deep breathing. At the same time, there are some peculiarities: you need to breathe not with your chest, as most people do, but with your stomach or diaphragm. During this action, the chest is in a stationary state, and the stomach protrudes during inhalation, as if filled with air, falling when exhaling. In this case, the head must be kept straight, the neck, back and spine should be located in one straight line.

Each exercise is performed with a special kind of breathing:

  • biphasic breathing - inhalation is carried out through the nose, followed by a sharp exhalation through the mouth. In this case, the sound "ha" should be obtained;
  • breath of fire - inhalation and exhalation are performed by rhythmic and sharp contractions of the diaphragm. As a rule, it is practiced in dynamic exercises to eliminate oxygen deficiency;
  • slow deep breathing - with this breathing, inhalation and exhalation have the same intensity. This technique is used for cleansing and relaxation.

Proper breathing techniques during exercise will increase their effectiveness, fill the body with energy.

Exercises for the spine

This qigong complex includes special exercises aimed at developing energy zones located in the spine.

Such exercises are available to absolutely everyone, since they do not require special physical training, so even weakened people can perform them.

All movements are performed smoothly and slowly, jerks are unacceptable. Each complex must be repeated at least 8-10 times. To achieve the maximum effect from the training, all actions should be performed in a clear sequence.

snake exercise

In a standing or sitting position, it is necessary to contract the muscles of the back, like the movement of a snake. Wriggling movements from the coccyx to the top of the head perform 30 times. Movements provoke a powerful surge of internal energy, so the exercise is highly effective.

sea ​​dragon exercise

Allows you to eliminate congestion in muscles and tendons. All movements are performed from a standing position, while trying not to bend your knees. Twist your torso downwards, pressing your chin to your chest. Get as low as possible, ideally if you touch your feet with your hands. Next, raise your head and, trying to bend as much as possible, emerge from a bent position, like a dragon from the water. You need to “surface” only with your head, while your hands are pressed to the body.

Attracting the flow of Qi

Creating a flow of Qi aids in the treatment of many diseases. The great doctors of the past recommended this exercise as the best remedy treatment and prevention of diseases.

To do this, you need to wear comfortable clothes and find a comfortable place for training.

Take a standing position, try to relax. On the navel area you need to place middle finger right hand and press 10 times. Lower your hand. Then raise your other hand, massage the top of your head five times. Return your hand to the starting position. Perform these actions 15-20 times, space between them, feeling how the energy flows along the body. This exercise should be done before and after any qigong training.

Weight loss with qigong

The qigong complex aimed at losing weight is fundamentally different from European weight loss methods. In Chinese medicine, the forced reduction of calories from food and the burning of them by training is not part of the concept of a healthy lifestyle. In general, it's not about the concept of a healthy lifestyle as such. The goal of all Chinese wellness activities is to achieve harmony, for which it is necessary to take care of the body and spirit. At the heart of qigong gymnastics is a series of exercises aimed at weight loss.


Exercise has a powerful stimulating effect on the body, significantly speeds up the metabolism. Assume the lotus position and practice deep diaphragmatic breathing for 5 minutes. The exercise is performed at intervals of 1 minute. Do 3-4 sets.


Bend your legs at the knees, lying on your back and firmly pressing your feet to the floor. The hand of one hand is located on the chest, put the other on the stomach. While inhaling, draw in the chest, inflating the stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, make a mirror opposite movement. Repeating 20-30 times will help get rid of the most severe hunger.


Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Wrap the fingers of your right hand around your left hand. Put your elbows on your knees and tilt your body forward a little. Keep your back straight while doing this. Put your head on your hands, start breathing, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible. This complex will help to significantly reduce appetite.

The qigong complex allows you to overcome the imbalance of yin-yang, the restoration of these energy flows will lead not only to a decrease in overall weight, but also to a complete restoration of health.

Qigong is an ancient Chinese health gymnastics dating back to several millennia.

Qigong is very difficult to fit the concept of " gymnastics". It's a whole art philosophical system, which includes physical exercises, special breathing practices, work with consciousness and its own philosophical concept.

Qigong is closely related to Chinese martial arts, its elements are an integral part of them.

This gymnastics is based on the postulate about qi energy, which circulates through our body, is the basis of our life and the proper functioning of the human body. Energy moves through our body along special channels or meridians.

If the channel is blocked, then one of our organs cannot work normally - failures begin, and then diseases. So, at least, the adepts of qigong believe.

Video lessons "qigong for beginners"

Thousand years of healing experience

There are several types:

  1. martial qigong serves to develop the physical capabilities of a person
  2. medical qigong used to treat various diseases.

This gymnastics is suitable for people of any age and any degree of training, it has no contraindications or side effects.

By doing qigong gymnastics, you can not only improve your health, but also better know yourself, your body and inner world.

Qigong is the path of personal growth and self-improvement.

If we talk about the therapeutic effect of this gymnastics, then it is truly amazing. Qigong perceives our body as a whole complex, and not as a set of organs. With this practice, you will be able to:

  1. Get rid of excess weight
  2. Forget about cardiovascular disease
  3. Heal your back
  4. Heal joints
  5. Normalize metabolism.

Qigong exercises for beginners

Here are some examples simple exercises qigong gymnastics. As you do this, pay close attention to your breathing. and also try to absolutely focus on their implementation.

Try to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts as much as possible and feel the movement of energy through your body. Qigong has hundreds, if not thousands, of different exercises.

Legs shoulder width apart. The body needs to be relaxed as much as possible. We rise on our toes, and then sharply fall to the ground.

At the same time, we imagine how “bad” qi goes into the ground. Breathing is free. Exercise serves to relieve fatigue, relax, remove negative energy.

Hands below, hands and forearms form a right angle, and fingers point at each other.

Raise your arms forward while inhaling deeply and smoothly. Raise your hands above your head and hold your breath, then look at your hands, gently lower them through your sides, exhale.

Feel the flow of energy that moves from top to bottom along your body. Do the exercise 10-12 times. Do it in the morning after waking up.

This is another simple exercise that, according to qigong experts, has an amazing rejuvenating effect.

So. Stand up straight, relax as much as possible. Slowly lean forward and lower your arms. Your legs and arms should be straight. Feel the energy rising through your body from your lower back to the back of your head.

Stand straight, raise your hands straight in front of you. Continue to raise your arms while inhaling slowly and deeply through your nose. Throwing your arms over your head, imagine that you are holding the moon with your index fingers and thumbs. Bend back and mentally move the moon away. Don't breathe for a couple of seconds.

Straighten your body and lower your arms, exhale. Imagine the chi energy flowing through your body in a rush. Do 5-6 repetitions.

Qigong practice for beginners includes a large number of a wide variety of factors. This is work with the spine, psychological aspects, and even energy management.

What does qigong mean?

Very often you can hear a variety of questions that relate to the benefits of such art. Those people who have heard about its miraculous effects and become interested in it, first of all want to figure out what qigong is for beginners.

It is impossible to quickly understand what qigong is. And the whole point is that the system is multifaceted. This art combines both and the complex. There is also martial qigong. But in this review we will talk about what it is - qigong for beginners.

What are the benefits of a set of exercises?

What is the use of such a system? Almost every person can be attracted to what is closest to him. For some, an important issue is recovery, for someone - physical form and endurance. But the majority of qigong practitioners consider the system as a base for the knowledge that could be used to solve specific life problems.

Health benefits are a must

It is impossible not to notice the fact that the main goal of the qigong complex for beginners is health benefits. And this is not even disputed, since art is viewed from the position of a system that includes a whole range of bodily practices in which most of the attention is paid to the physical state. The person who decides to dedicate his life to qigong will be able to develop not only flexibility. He will be able to develop his stamina and physical strength.

A healthy spine is the key to success

The practice of qigong for beginners pays a lot of attention to working with the spine. His condition plays a very important role in all types of practices and directions. To perform many exercises, one must not only feel the spine, but also be able to lean on it. In Taoist ideas, this part of the body acts as a kind of physical expression of the human axis. It is a kind of support for the performance of any activity, both physical and energetic. Anyone who has begun to practice qigong can be completely sure that this will have a positive effect on the condition of the spine. Naturally, this is only possible with the right approach to the entire system as a whole.

In medicine, the spine is given a lot of attention. Many people know that the main part of chronic diseases is directly related to this “detail” of the body. For example, as a result, pinching of the nerves that control a certain organ can occur.

At the very beginning, there are failures in activities that are simply not paid attention to. After a certain time, these minor problems lead to quite serious diseases, which are often very difficult to cure.

However, qigong can bring impressive results. It will not only allow you to start the countdown, but also return the original health.

Don't Forget About Breathing

Qigong gymnastics for beginners focuses on proper breathing. Therefore, it is very important to immediately familiarize yourself with the breathing exercises that are available.

But even without focusing on this issue, it can be noted that when performing the "breathing qigong" complex, practitioners will automatically begin to adjust the correct breathing with the stomach. Not so long ago, even medicine began to recognize the benefits of this method.

Why is it important to breathe correctly?

It has been determined that breathing exercises, which are practiced in qigong, improve lung ventilation. In addition, there is a massage of absolutely all organs that are present in abdominal cavity. Performing breathing exercises with the stomach, a person removes part of the load from the heart.

Already only the above factors indicate that qigong is of great benefit. But if this is not enough for you, then it is worth moving on to the psychological benefits of such a system.

Qigong aims to work with human psychology

It is no secret to anyone that through work with the body you can deal with a large part of psychological problems. And the work with which is included in the qigong classes for beginners is the most simple example this.

Constant stress, strong emotions, nerves - all this affects the physical condition of a person. Quite often, these problems are manifested by muscle clamps, such as a flattened muscle or even a whole group. Emotions that are suppressed by a person (due to some unresolved situations) are also reflected in human physics. Even in situations where people simply do not notice the moment of stress, there is still a subconscious suppression of emotions.

Ways to solve psychological problems

All of the above problems can be solved by different ways. And going to a psychiatrist is the most difficult option for solving any problems. Naturally, people are not always able to cope with psychological aspects. They just don't know how to do it. In addition, psychological trauma can be inflicted deep in childhood. But qigong gymnastics for beginners will allow you to cope with psychological tasks by simply relaxing the muscle clamp.

Naturally, to believe what is said above is quite difficult. And this is because people in modern conditions do not always feel that there is quite a difference between the body and the mind. close connection. But those who practice exercises with their bodies are able to boldly assert that the restructuring of the body entails changes in consciousness. A person simply changes his attitude to life. Those moments that, it would seem, have long been forgotten, begin to emerge in memory. And this factor allows you to comprehend in a new way the problems that a person faced earlier.

Can analyze old problems

A variety of situations can turn in such a way that people easily and simply solve those problems that once haunted for a long time. And this aspect is the best confirmation that qigong is very effective remedy solutions to psychological problems. This is due to the fact that this system appeared a very long time ago and has managed to develop and improve itself over the entire period of its existence.

It should be noted that the qigong lessons are structured in such a way that each person can harmoniously develop absolutely all bodily aspects. It has long been known that in the physical state of a person lies his psychology. Everyone has the opportunity to look at flexible and mobile people. However, it is not yet known whether they have internal support.

Man must develop harmoniously

In the life of such people, absolutely all actions have this feature: a variety of ideas, the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another, etc. However, all this is rather poorly assembled into a single whole.

Sometimes you can meet another type of people. They have great physical strength, slightly slow movements, and a mind that is slow and solid. But the huge muscles of such people block energy flows. Therefore, consciousness is again incapable of solving some of the particularly difficult tasks that it has created.

Sometimes you can see such a person who experiences some discomfort when in contact with others. This situation speaks of the closeness of this type of people. They are too careful. And this is only a small part of the problems that can arise.

But with the right choice of qigong practice, in which the classes are quite diverse, you can work with each individual problem. All exercises are designed in such a way that a person can quite easily evaluate not only his own strengths, but also analyze the weak ones.

An example is the comparison of qigong with dumbbell exercises. The second type of training has a narrow focus, since only one muscle group is being developed. And in a situation where muscle tissue is not a strong part of the body, you will not only get overdeveloped muscles, but also completely crush your weak traits. For example, flexibility.

That is why there is a danger of those occupations that have a narrow specificity. Based on all of the above, we can say that qigong is very useful for beginners. With the help of practice, it will be possible to harmoniously, and most importantly, comprehensively work with the development of your consciousness.

Work with the energy component

Speaking about such a practice as health qigong, one cannot fail to note its energy aspect. The human body should be considered from the position of a vessel for energy. It needs to be formed into a single whole. In this case, it is necessary to restore the connection between separate parts body and clear those channels through which energy moves. If a person does everything correctly, then energy will not only not be lost, it will begin to accumulate. And this factor entails an excellent mood, excellent well-being and health.

At the moment when it is possible to collect all the available energy, one should begin to improve the work associated with its circulation. In this case, you will need to correctly "build" the position of the body. In other words, at this stage, work should be carried out to systematize the available energy component.

Basic requirements for practice

You should refrain from eating about an hour before the start of the set of exercises. But even after the end, it is better not to eat food for an hour. Showering should be done at least 20 minutes after qigong practice.

Are the exercises over? Then for half an hour it is better not to read books and not watch TV. Classes should begin and end, taking a sitting position and closing your eyes. But do not confuse this with meditation. You will need to relax not only your body, but also your mind, get out of your head absolutely all the thoughts and worries that arise in everyday life.

It is best to practice qigong twice a day. This approach will help you achieve the best results. You can do exercises at almost any time of the day. If you are thinking about morning classes, then the best result can be achieved in the period from 5 to 8 hours. In the evening, it is best to start classes between 18.00 and 21.00.

Dress lightly and freely. It is desirable in favor of such clothes that you will no longer use anywhere except for classes. This approach will allow you to almost instantly tune in to a certain wave. Most of your attention will need to be paid to shoes. It should fit in size and have a wide sole.

If there is an opportunity to conduct classes on the street, then it is worth using it in full. You just need to take into account the moment that the wind should not blow. Also from outdoor activities in winter time best to refuse. The best place for qigong is a quiet park. If you are reluctant to study on your own, then your choice should be made in favor of a traditional school.

Things to Know When Practicing Qigong

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements that apply to those who wish to practice qigong.

  1. Exercises for beginners are required to be performed by focusing their attention on a specific point. You don't have to put in too much effort. Everything should happen naturally. Difficulties may arise in the beginning. But over time, everything will turn out easily and naturally.
  2. Breathing during the exercise should be even. Regardless of the set of exercises you choose, there are always certain requirements for the respiratory process. In most cases, they relate to ways to restore natural breathing and energy. It is necessary to start the next exercise only if breathing is fully restored.
  3. Not only the body, but also the mind should be completely relaxed. You must be at rest.
  4. Rest and performance of the training complex must be alternated.
  5. It is necessary to observe the sequence and systematicity in the practice of qigong. This requirement is mandatory, and it is always presented to those wishing to practice. Do not immediately choose those exercises that are too difficult. You should start your practice with the simplest. Show patience and perseverance. Only in this case, classes will bring the necessary benefits to your entire body.
  6. The choice is best made in favor of traditional schools. Classes should be carried out only under the guidance of a professional instructor. Otherwise, various deviations may occur. Accordingly, to achieve something in such situations will be quite difficult.
  7. Don't waste your energy. On the contrary, it must be accumulated. Savings of any plan is beneficial for you. It is necessary to develop those habits that are completely healthy. Otherwise, practicing qigong will be useless. It will only be a waste of time, money and effort.

How to choose a school and leader?

Exercises of this system have gained wide popularity. At the moment, there are a huge number of schools that will help you compose a qigong complex for beginners. In Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in Volgograd and in many other cities of Russia there are similar establishments. In addition, there are many different books on this subject. But this raises one problem - how to do right choice in the midst of such a huge flow of information. There are a few guidelines to consider to help you find the right qigong practice for beginners.

Books that are devoted to this topic, of course, will be useful. But for practice, an experienced, and most importantly, a competent teacher is required. The goals of the qigong complex should fully correspond to the tasks that you need to solve. For example, if you want to get rid of diseases, then you should not opt ​​for a practice called "Iron Shirt". It represents an opportunity to develop the superpowers of the body only in completely healthy people.

It is necessary to make a choice in favor of the teacher who is able to tell the story of the emergence of his practice and name the teachers who founded the school. Both the system and the teacher should only call positive emotions, as well as the desire to achieve the goal with the help of qigong.

What movements in practice are basic in qigong?

Exercises, of which there are quite a lot, can be very diverse. It is worth citing the basic movements of qigong as an example. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective. You can learn them on your own, without the presence of a professional mentor.

We must take the starting position. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Hands should be lowered along the body. The back must be kept straight. You need to take a deep breath through your nose. In this case, the arms should rise up through the sides. On exhalation, without changing the position of the spine, you need to bend over. You don't have to bend your knees. Everything needs to be done smoothly. The slope should be completed at the moment when the fingers touch the floor. When straightening the body, you need to take a breath and bring your hands to your stomach. The palms should be directed upwards. Without stopping, we begin to raise our hands from the stomach up in such a way as if you want to prop up the sky. At the same time, a full exhalation should be performed. After inhaling, hands should be crossed in front of you. On exhalation, they will need to be parted to the sides.

Taking a deep breath, hands should be lowered, crossing them again at the level of the abdomen. The palms should be pointing up. Having turned them down, the hands should be lowered, while exhaling. All movements are performed without stopping, smoothly. You need to repeat them about 4 times. The body should not tense up. The back should be kept straight. It is necessary to carefully monitor the breathing, which should correspond to the movements. You need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Similar qigong lessons for beginners should be done before each workout.

The essence of qigong practice

Qigong is essentially very similar to sportsmanship. Only unlike other sports, this practice focuses on working with energy. It is from her that the level of power parameters will depend.

Do not be afraid of the phrase "qigong for beginners", thinking that there will be no effect from such practice. It's not like that at all. The main problem for beginners is that they have very poor sensitivity, low level energy. Accordingly, in order to achieve something, you will need to develop your feelings. And only then you can proceed to more complex stages. Remember that if you decide to independently comprehend the practice of qigong, exercises for beginners should not be thrown aside as something ineffective. In addition, a difficult path awaits you. However, no one says that it cannot be overcome.


One simple aspect should be noted when talking about the qigong system. Reviews about her are only positive. In other words, practitioners do not regret starting to realize this path. But everyone has to decide for himself whether it is worth practicing qigong or not. But the benefits are quite large. And this cannot be denied. If you decide to take classes, then we wish you success, as you have a lot to understand and realize.

The word "qigong" is translated from Chinese as "energy management". This ancient Eastern gymnastics is not intended at all for building up relief muscles, but for filling the body with vital energy. Regular exercise helps to improve overall well-being, strengthen immunity and prevent the occurrence of diseases. There are many different qigong techniques, but Eastern experts recommend starting with the simplest and safest.

General principles of gymnastics

No special conditions are required to conduct classes. You can devote any 20-30 minutes of your free time to them. However, it is best to do the exercises in the morning to recharge your batteries for the rest of the day.

Qigong practice must be combined with proper breathing. It is important to breathe smoothly and at a slow pace. With such a rhythm, all organs and tissues begin to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, their metabolism and the formation of energy molecules increase. As a result, after gymnastics, a person does not feel tired, but cheerful and rested.

None of the qigong exercises should cause discomfort. If there are discomfort then complete the exercise and move on to the next one.

Qigong Complex by Lin Housheng

This technique was developed in the late 70s of the last century by the Chinese qigong master Lin Housheng. The complex is simple and easy to perform:

  1. Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the torso. Look ahead. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms just above your shoulders. Slowly exhaling, sit down on an imaginary chair and gently lower your hands to the level of the navel. Finally, lower your arms along your torso, palms down.
  2. Remaining seated in an imaginary chair, move on to the next exercise. Raise your arms to shoulder level, gradually straightening your legs. Keep your palms parallel to each other. As you inhale, gently spread your arms to the sides. As you exhale, bring your hands together in front of your chest, turning your palms down. Sit down again in an imaginary chair, lowering your hands down to the level of your navel.
  3. As you inhale, stand up from an imaginary chair, raising your arms to chest level. Continuing to take a slow breath, raise your arms above your head. As you exhale, slightly bend your right leg at the knee, transfer your body weight to it. Lower your left hand along the line of your shoulders, round your right hand above your head, palm down. Repeat the same on the other side.
  4. Without stopping the movement, return to an imaginary chair. Lowering your arms down, cross them in front of you. The palms should be turned inward. As you inhale, straighten your arms and at the same time gently raise your arms above your head with palms forward. As you exhale, turn your palms outward and lower your arms down, crossing them again in front of you.
  5. While in the last pose, while inhaling, raise left hand palm up forward to shoulder level. right hand pass in an arc and place along the line of the shoulders. Turning the torso to the right, look at the right palm. As you exhale, bend your right arm at the elbow, bringing your palm to your temple. Then also bring your left hand to your left temple. Do the exercise on the other side.
  6. As you inhale, straighten your arms above your head with your palms facing forward. As you exhale, lean forward while lowering your arms down in an arc. Pull your arms back as far as possible. As you inhale, straighten up, again raising your arms above your head in an arc.
  7. After completing the previous exercise, straighten up. Leave your hands back. Taking a slow breath, shift your body weight onto your left leg. Raise your right hand to chest level as if lifting a ball with it. Exhalation. Repeat the same with the left hand.
  8. Lower your arms along your torso. While inhaling, turning the torso to the left, swing both arms in the same direction. Exhalation. Return to starting position.
  9. Slightly bend your knees. Fold your hands into fists and place them on your belt. While inhaling, pull the elbow of the left hand back, turn the torso to the left. Unclench your right hand and move it forward. Exhalation. Return to starting position. Do the exercise on the other side.
  10. Being in the previous position, when the left hand is laid forward, turn it with the palm to the face. Lower the right to the level of the abdomen, turning the brush to the left. On an inhale, move both hands to left side. Exhalation. Raise your right hand to the level of the face, turning the palm inward. Lower the left down to the stomach. Turn your torso and arms to the right.
  11. While inhaling, slowly take a step forward with your left foot (“lunge”). Cross your arms in front of your knee. As you exhale, raise your arms up and, bending back, spread them to the side. As you inhale, lean forward again, crossing your arms in front of your knee.
  12. Standing straight, legs slightly bent. As you inhale, transfer your body weight to your right foot, put your left foot in front of you on your heel. Keep your arms bent in front of your chest with your palms facing forward. As you exhale, roll onto your left leg while moving your palms in front of you.
  13. While in the previous position, while inhaling, shift the weight of the body to the right leg. Raise your arms at shoulder level with palms parallel to each other. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides and transfer the center of gravity to your left leg.
  14. Standing straight, legs slightly bent. Squeeze your hands into fists and place them on your belt. As you inhale, throw your left hand forward. Exhalation. On the next breath, repeat the same with the right hand.
  15. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. As you inhale, spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. As you exhale, sit down as low as possible, while imitating the flapping of wings with your hands.
  16. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Alternating inhalation and exhalation, rotate both hands in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.
  17. Standing straight. Raise your right leg and left arm to shoulder level. As you inhale, lower both your leg and arm at the same time. As you exhale, repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.
  18. Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Turn your palms out. As you inhale, raise your hands to your eyes, palms down. As you exhale, lower your arms down, pushing the air with your palms.

The first exercise must be repeated 5 times, all subsequent - 10.

There are no contraindications for Houshen's gymnastics. Everyone can do the exercises, including the elderly and sick people. The main thing to remember is that all movements must be performed smoothly, and breathing should be kept even and calm.

Qigong gymnastics. Health complex of exercises.

Documentary film “Secrets of longevity. Qigong gymnastics ":

Zhong Yuan Qigong is a simple science of life, an ancient system of knowledge and techniques that will help you normalize your psychophysical state, develop creative abilities, improve health, find spiritual harmony and begin your spiritual growth.

Where did this name come from? Zhong Yuan is the name of the area where this direction of qigong originated more than 7 thousand years ago. Today this region is called Henan, in the center of which is the Shaolin Monastery, known to many of us as the cradle of Chan (Zen) Buddhism. The central peak of the Taoists, Sunshan, also rises here. And in ancient times, the capital of the Xia dynasty was located here, which, according to legend, was founded by the great Yu.

Today, the head of the Zhong Yuan Qigong School is the Master. Under his leadership, the School has become widespread throughout the territory. former USSR, as well as in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the USA, Canada, Chile, showing the whole world its effectiveness and availability.

The training system in Zhong Yuan Qigong contains three blocks:

  • development system, divided into 5 levels, the first four of which are available to everyone and are taught in the form of open seminars
  • i-xiang therapy (thought-image therapy, image therapy), founded more than 2 years ago by the famous doctor of the Middle Kingdom Bien Chue and officially recognized as part of traditional Chinese medicine
  • knowledge transplantation - a method when the teacher transfers his knowledge to the student directly, bypassing the traditional learning process

The steps in the developmental system are held in the form of seminars, where students learn the basic elements and methods to normalize health and develop special abilities.

In the first three steps, students learn the methods of recruiting, assimilating and transforming energy. Here they work with the main reservoirs of human energy, or dantians, the central channel is built, the special abilities of a person are activated.

At the fourth stage, students master the method of communication with everything living on Earth and Space, get acquainted with the principles of interaction between them.

What will you learn at the Zhong Yuan Qigong Level 1 Seminar for Beginners?

At the seminar, you will learn all the basic exercises of the 1st stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong and will be able to perform them at home on your own or in group classes. You will be taught to work with Xia dan tian - the lower "repository" of qi energy. Much depends on the quantity and quality of qi energy: your physical and emotional health, well-being, performance, and even the duration of your life. You will learn several methods of storing chi energy, concentrating chi energy, and using it. You will also receive the first skills in medical qigong and begin to learn methods of treating yourself and your loved ones.

You will study:

  • four preparatory exercises; these simple exercises will give you the opportunity to get rid of blocks in the body, make your body more flexible, open energy channels and prepare you for the basic exercises;
  • "Big Tree" - an exercise for gaining qi energy in the lower dan tian
  • "Yang Qi" - an exercise for the assimilation and transformation of qi energy in the "lower cauldron" (xia dantian), the transformation of coarse energy into subtle, jing into qi
  • "Small celestial circle" - an exercise to open the posterior-median and anterior-median channels
  • breathing through biologically active points located on the palms (lagoons), feet (yunquan) and on the crown of the head (baihui)
  • methods of initial diagnosis and treatment of diseases (medical qigong), such as:
  • method of cleansing and harmonizing the body with an energy ball
  • method of regulating the functions of internal organs (kidneys, liver, heart, spleen + stomach, lungs)
  • eye exercise
  • blood pressure normalization method

What will you get from qigong practice?

  • learn to relax and cope with stress - a constant companion of modern man
  • preparatory exercises will give you the opportunity to get rid of blocks in the body, make your joints more flexible, ligaments more elastic, open energy channels and prepare you for the main exercises;
  • by increasing the level of qi energy, you will significantly strengthen your immunity, colds and even the flu will bypass you
  • increased efficiency is another consequence of increasing your level of chi energy
  • exercise Big tree and small circle of heaven will significantly improve the condition of your spine and independently cope even with such problems as a herniated disc
  • qigong practice allows you to activate the "sleeping" areas of the brain, including the occipital part of the brain, which, according to Chinese tradition, is responsible for creativity
  • if you have problems with your stomach, liver, intestines and other internal organs, the healing process will start, the "fresh" energy received from the practice of qigong will replace the old, stagnant "gray" qi
  • Exercise Small Celestial Circle will help you balance the work of the hormonal system
  • of course it's far from full list benefits from a simple and accessible practice of qigong

The cost of the seminar on the 1st stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong

The cost of the seminar: 9 000 rubles.

For pensioners and students - 20% discount (promotions "Qigong for pensioners" and "Qigong for students").

For those wishing to take the seminar again - 50% discount. To receive a discount, have a qigong booklet with a mark on passing the 1st step with you.

After the end of the seminar, you will receive a "Book of Qigong", where the instructor will mark the seminars you have passed on the Zhong Yuan Qigong steps.

After the end of the Qigong Seminar for Beginners, you can attend group classes.

The cost of one group qigong class for beginners: 800 rubles. The duration of the lesson is 2.5 - 3 hours.

The cost of a subscription for 9 qigong classes for beginners: 6,000 rubles. Subscription is valid for no more than 60 days from the date of attendance of the first lesson.

Our center also conducts individual qigong lessons and individual seminars on the first stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong or "Qigong for Beginners".

You can see the schedule of regular qigong classes for beginners in the "Schedule / Regular classes" section.

Registration for the seminar

In the "Schedule / Seminars" section, you can choose a seminar suitable for you in terms of time and instructor.

To register for a seminar, click on the "REGISTER" button at the top of the page of the selected seminar and fill out the registration form that appears.

You can also leave a preliminary application for a seminar by filling out the registration form at the bottom of this page and we will call you back and select a seminar for you.

Additional Information

It is advisable to attend qigong seminars for beginners in comfortable clothing for practicing qigong. Sportswear is the best.

Our Center has a locker room where you can change your clothes.

Please bring your own pair of shoes to class.