Functions of sociology. Training courses

  • 12.10.2019

Sociology in the system of sciences

In the system of relations taking shape in society, any science performs its own specific functions. This is the range of its activities, and responsibilities, as well as important areas of activity. The methods and functions of sociology are closely interconnected and determine each other. So, on the basis of certain roles, ways of studying social processes are developed.

In accordance with the functions, cognitive activity is built, methods of action and their order are selected.

Main Functions of Sociology

In all existing scientific sources they are classified and defined differently. However, the following can be considered optimal.

1. Theoretical. It is a concentration, replenishment, explanation and enrichment of already existing knowledge in sociology. It is also the development of social concepts, theories and laws. This function consists in clarifying the patterns that manifest themselves in society. The enrichment of scientific knowledge occurs on the basis of the improvement of the theory of this discipline.

2. Prognostic. It, like no other function of sociology, characterizes this science. She the best way distinguishes it from other social disciplines, identifies it. These include: forecasting trends in processes and phenomena, their generalization and disclosure. This is a kind of presentation of social "predictions" in a scientific way. As a rule, they are short-term and long-term. Social forecasting can be presented as finding science-based ways to realize what the state of society will be in the future. This tactic is widely used during election campaigns.

3. Descriptive. The essence of this function of sociology is to systematize and update the material received. It exists in the form of reports, records, charts, books, articles. They form and outline the ideal picture of the social object. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn and given practical advice regarding decision making.

4. Information. This function is implemented by collecting, replenishing and systematizing social data that are obtained as a result of ongoing research. Information is accumulated in large scientific centers and stored on modern electronic media.

Functions of sociology, according to other sources

1. Ideological. It consists in expressing the diverse interests of various strata of society.

2. Practical. Sociology involves the study of processes and phenomena occurring in society, with the help of theoretical and empirical analysis. Based on it, she develops practical recommendations for solving a number of problems that arise in society.

3. Cognitive. The essence of this function is reduced to the study of phenomena occurring in society, with one goal: to obtain scientific and adequate ideas about their nature. Based on the analysis of social processes, forecasts of their development in the future are developed.

The question of the ideological function of sociology

As for its social and scientific legalization, this problem has not been solved to this day. On the one hand, sociology, as a science, expresses certain interests of various social groups, circles, political parties and movements, classes. Indeed, the results and generalizations acquire a certain ideological connotation and content. In this respect, sociology is always guided by some kind of ideology. It's hard to predict this, of course. But it is necessary to avoid, at least, bias and excesses in relation to this science.

1. Cognitive function. This function of sociology is to study social phenomena in order to obtain adequate scientific ideas about their essence and content, connection with other phenomena, the nature and patterns of development. Sociology attaches paramount importance to the study of social relations that develop between various subjects, the analysis of the objective and subjective aspects of their activities, as well as the analysis of the functioning of social institutions.

The system of ideas and concepts about social processes is fixed at the levels of sociological knowledge (see Chapter 1). On each of them, these processes are reflected with varying degrees of depth. At the level of general sociological theories, more ambitious scientific generalizations and conclusions are made in comparison with special (private) sociological theories. The function of specific sociological research is to collect primary data characterizing the daily practice of people, and in their empirical analysis.

The cognitive function of sociology also lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of social processes, to develop scientific forecasts of their further development in the sphere of material, political or spiritual life of society. Such forecasts can be of a long-term or current nature: at the level of general sociological theories, we can talk about deep foresight of trends in the development of society in the near and distant future, in framework special sociological theories can be developed useful predictions.

2. Practical function. The practical function of sociology is to, on the basis of empirical and theoretical analysis social phenomena and processes, to develop practical recommendations, for example, on strengthening incentives and increasing the efficiency of people's activities in the sphere of material production, improving economic and political relations and the activities of relevant social institutions.

Ultimately, these recommendations are aimed at improving the mechanism of social management, increasing its effectiveness at all levels - from managing a team to managing the affairs of society. To a greater or lesser extent, all modern societies do this, especially the most civilized ones. None of them let the development of the economy, social class and national relations, political system society. Their development is carried out under a certain influence of the relevant management structures, the activities of which are provided scientifically. The complication of modern societies and the conditions for their development (economic, environmental, political, and others) increases the need for a targeted impact on social processes. Sociology can and often does play its role here, which performs a significant amount of work, from conducting so-called sociological measurements of the functioning of various aspects of society and obtaining primary sociological information to developing scientifically substantiated conclusions and recommendations.

Sociological forecasts regarding the immediate and distant future of society, scientific predictions of the development of the economy, social, political and spiritual spheres of society are of great practical importance.

3. Ideological function. One of the important functions of sociology is ideological, since sociology in one form or another expresses the interests of certain social groups, classes, political parties and movements. This cannot be avoided, even if the goal is to completely get rid of the ideological approach in specific sociological research and in the formulation of the provisions of special sociological and general sociological theories. After all, a sociologist occupies a certain social class position and often belongs to one political party or another. He comprehends the social processes he studies, public relations and the activities of various subjects from the standpoint of a certain worldview, the formation of which depends on its social position. Conclusions and generalizations formulated by a sociologist concerning certain aspects public life, affect not only the interests of the social group to which he belongs, but also the interests of other social groups, including classes. Thus, these conclusions and generalizations acquire an ideological content, a certain ideological connotation.

Of course, it is wrong when the scientific approach is replaced by an ideological one, which was often observed in the recent past of Soviet sociology. For a sociologist, an objective analysis of social phenomena is always important. However, his social status is a moment of this analysis itself, which will inevitably affect his conclusions and generalizations regarding the studied social phenomena and processes. In this sense, sociology is always ideologically oriented. And in order to avoid ideological distortions, it is necessary to avoid excessive ideologization and politicization both in the course of sociological research and in formulating conclusions and generalizations, including theoretical ones. It is also useful to correlate them with universal human values.

Sociology The functions of sociology, as well as the structure of sociological knowledge, indicate its place in the system of social sciences and the humanities.

Thus, general sociological theories that reveal the social structure of society, the laws of its development, the interaction of objective and subjective factors of the historical process, play an important ideological and methodological role in explaining the problems of history, political science, jurisprudence, social psychology, ethics and other sciences. General theoretical sociology helps to consider the problems of these sciences in a broad social context, to identify the place and role of the phenomena they study in society and in the historical process. Thus, it develops general theoretical approaches and methodology for scientific analysis and interpretation of these phenomena.

Of certain importance for a number of sciences are the provisions and conclusions formulated at the level of special sociological theories. They may relate to problems of work, life, various kinds people's activities. These issues are also considered by other sciences, including economic, ecological, pedagogical, etc. However, special sociological theories have their own perspective of considering these problems. In this sense, they supplement the data of other sciences, equip them with their own conclusions and contribute to a comprehensive study of the relevant phenomena.

Special sociological theories reveal the social aspects of labor, political and other activities of people, the conditions of their social (for example, urban or rural), family and personal life. They reflect the possibilities of social self-affirmation of the individual and various social groups in the system of economic, political, legal and other social relations. We are talking about the specific properties of these relations, first of all, about the possibilities of people's life activity contained in them, the satisfaction of their urgent needs and interests. Substantiated conclusions drawn at the level of special sociological theories may have one or another meaning for various social sciences and the humanities.

Specific sociological research is carried out within the framework of many social and human sciences in order to obtain operational data on certain processes of social life or to reveal people's attitudes towards these processes. Sociology develops techniques and methods for such empirical research and processing of their results. Thus, it helps to ensure that research data, in whatever area scientific knowledge they were not carried out, they made it possible to obtain the most adequate information about the studied phenomena and processes. This makes it possible not only to comprehensively consider individual phenomena of social life, having operational information, but also to more specifically reveal their place and role in a particular social system and society as a whole, to identify the interaction of macro- and microprocesses in the life of society.

Review questions

1. What are the main functions of sociology? Expand their content.

2. How are the problems of theory and practice combined in sociology community development?

3. Show the place and role of sociology in the system of modern social sciences.

2. General sociological theories.

Chapter 3 Classical Western sociology XIX - early XX centuries.

This chapter characterizes the most significant Western general sociological theories that have played or are currently playing an important role in the development of sociology. The content of modern trends in sociology is largely determined by the sociological views of prominent thinkers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. ABOUT. Comte, G. Spencer, E. Durkzeim, M. Weber, L.F. ward, as well as modern scientists T. Parsons, R. Merton, P. Lazarsfeld and etc.

1.1.2. Functions of sociology

The term "function" in translation from Latin means "execution". In sociology, this term is understood as the role, purpose, specific activity of an element of the system. Sociology as a science is not only an element of the system of sciences, but also a particle of the all-encompassing system of human society. What are the functions of sociology in society?

epistemological(cognitive-theoretical) function allows you to get new sociological knowledge, create and refine theories, concepts, develop a common view of society, its social ties.

Informational This function makes it possible to obtain sociological knowledge not only for specialists, but also for the public.

managerial function does not mean that sociologists directly control society. Their task is to develop recommendations for social management, to explain social phenomena, to search for their causes and possible solutions.

Organizational the function of sociology is to organize various groups: in production, in the political sphere, in military units, on vacation, etc.

predictive function allows you to predict the future. It is especially valuable for those who draw up and approve long-term plans and make responsible decisions concerning the distant future.

propaganda the function of sociology makes it possible to form social ideals, values, create images of the heroes of society, certain social relations. This function is especially active in education, politics, in the activities of the media, and in the military sphere.

The presence of these functions shows the significance, usefulness of sociology for society, its functionality.

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The functions of each science reflect the diversity of its links with the daily practice of society. Thanks to the functions performed by a particular science, the need of society for a specific action aimed at understanding phenomena is satisfied. environment or on their transformation, transformation. Accordingly, the purpose of sociology is determined by the needs associated with the functioning and development of the social sphere, that is, society and man.

Studying public life, sociology solves the following tasks:

1. Sociology decides scientific problems related:

With the formation of knowledge about social reality;

With the development of a conceptual apparatus, with the help of which it would be possible to produce an adequate and corresponding to one or another research needs description;

With description, explanation and understanding of processes social development, as well as

With the development of methods of sociological research.

2. Sociology also studies the problems associated with the transformation of social reality, the analysis of ways and means of systematic, purposeful impact on social processes. This area almost entirely belongs to applied sociology.

Fundamental and applied sociology differ in the goal they set for themselves, and not in the object and method of research. Applied sociology, using the laws and regularities in the development of society known by fundamental sociology, is looking for ways and means of transforming society in the necessary direction. Therefore, she is mainly interested in the practical branches of human activity, for example, the sociology of the family, the sociology of political conflict, the sociology of law, the sociology of work, the sociology of culture, etc.

It should be noted, however, that the division of sociological knowledge into theoretical (fundamental) and applied is rather arbitrary, since both theoretical sociology and applied sociology equally contribute to the solution of both scientific and practical problems. The difference between them is primarily related to what goals are primary for them, and what are secondary, or rather, in what - theoretical or practical - sphere their interests are concentrated. Indeed, theoretical studies as their logical continuation have practical use(to test the put forward theory, to explain the facts, etc.).

In turn, applied research can reveal facts that cannot be explained in terms of existing theories and, consequently, it stimulates the search for new theoretical positions.

The same applies to empirical sociological research: they can also be oriented toward solving practical problems.

The following functions of sociology are distinguished:

1. The epistemological function assumes that sociology is a field of scientific knowledge, different from ordinary knowledge, theological ideas, ideology, and is specialized, objective, evidence-based knowledge. This knowledge involves the use of special language, as well as special methods of fact-finding and is transmitted through education.

In reality, a specific situation acts as an unknown social fact that must be described in the interests of practical activity. A social fact is a single socially significant event typical of a given sphere of social life. The theoretical and empirical analysis of this social fact is the expression of the cognitive function of sociology. At the same time, knowledge is accumulated about the nature of a particular state of a social phenomenon, its transformation and the real result of the development of this phenomenon. In other words, the cognitive function simultaneously turns out to be descriptive (descriptive) and diagnostic.

2. The cognitive function should help predict and foresee the course of social processes. For example, it is important to know not only how close people are in a given group, team, but also what needs to be done to make them even more united.

To solve this problem, sociology, as a rule, relies on related sciences - economics, demography, psychology.

Another side of the cognitive function is the development of the theory and methods of sociological research, methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing sociological information.

3. The transformative function implies the use of sociological knowledge in various areas of social practice, including in the mutual adaptation of the individual and the social environment.

There are varieties of this function: informational, managerial and prognostic.

The information function has as a kind of continuation the function social design, since without a project it is impossible to create a social technology, to develop a plan for its implementation. Social design is a scientifically based design of a system of parameters for a future object or a qualitatively new state of an existing object.

This is one of the forms of social control. In social design, first of all, social problems are solved. At the same time, in general, it does not matter what the object of social design is, whether it is actually social (hospital, school) or industrial (factory, factory), architectural (neighborhood), etc. The main thing is that this project includes social parameters that require comprehensive provision of conditions for the implementation of all interrelated goals of social design.

A managerial function is a system of means that determines the order and clear rules practical action to achieve a specific result in improvement social organization, social process or social relations, solution different kind social problems: increasing labor productivity, improving the organization of management, targeted impact on public opinion through the media, etc. In other words, it is the creation of social technologies.

The predictive function of sociology is a reflection of the society's need to develop scientifically based methods aimed at the development of both society as a whole and each social division of society.

Science is able to build a short-term or long-term forecast based on:

Knowledge of the qualities and essence of reality;

Knowledge of the laws of functioning and development of reality.

With regard to social phenomena, forecasting is especially important here, as it helps answer four important questions:

Is there a need for certain changes?

Is it possible to implement these changes?

In what direction should these changes take place?

How and by influencing which aspects of society can this change be brought about? Sociology in this case relies on:

On knowledge of the general foundations of the development of the society under study;

On the knowledge of the specific capabilities of an individual social subject.

For example, when predicting the prospects for the development of a particular state enterprise, including changes in the social structure of the team, the degree of satisfaction with work and its conditions, development opportunities, etc., we rely on an analysis of all positive and negative factors. This means the following. Firstly, we should take into account the general trend of today's transformations of the public sector (privatization, the creation of joint-stock companies, the cessation of subsidies to unprofitable enterprises, etc.). Secondly, we must rely on the study of the potential capabilities of this enterprise, taking into account the specific people who manage the enterprise, the contingent of employees, the characteristics of the raw material, scientific, material and technical, social and household base, etc. Without an analysis of all these components, we cannot give the necessary estimated characteristics of the possible future state of the subject in the forecast period and offer effective recommendations.

Social forecasting must take into account the impact of the forecast on the consciousness of people and their activities, which can lead to its "self-realization" (or "self-destruction"). This feature of forecasting requires the development of a scientific forecast in the form of options, development alternatives that describe possible forms and manifestations, the pace of deployment of processes, taking into account control actions, as well as their qualitative changes.

There are 2 types of social forecasts, in which prediction and goal setting are combined in different ways:

The search forecast describes a possible state based on current trends and possible impacts;

Normative involves setting goals, describes the desired state, as well as ways and means to achieve it.

Forecasts can be short-term, medium-term and long-term.

For forecasting are used statistical analysis, method of expert assessments, mathematical modeling, etc. In this case, the best effect is always given by a combination of different methods.

Sociologists conduct predictive developments in various areas, for example, the development of the social structure of society, social problems of labor, social problems of the family, social problems of education, social consequences of decisions, etc.

Social forecasting should be distinguished from utopias and futurological concepts (from Latin futurum - future and logos - knowledge), which primarily perform ideological functions.

Worldview function suggests that sociological knowledge, as well as social and humanitarian knowledge in general, contributes to the development of its orientation in society, its attitude towards oneself and others.

Sociology implements all the functions inherent in social science: epistemological, critical, descriptive, prognostic, practical-transformative, ideological.

Theoretical-cognitive the function of sociology is manifested in the most complete and concrete knowledge of social reality. Performing this function, sociology accumulates knowledge about certain aspects social life, systematizes them, seeks to give a holistic view of the problems of development modern society. The theoretical-cognitive function of sociology also includes the disclosure of the nature of people's social existence, the characteristics of their behavior and consciousness, spiritual activity, and lifestyle. It is obvious that without specific knowledge about the processes occurring within individual social communities, groups or associations, it is impossible to ensure effective social management.

Critical function sociology is to study the negative phenomena in the life of society and find ways to eliminate them. Sociology shows, on the one hand, what needs to be preserved in social life, and on the other hand, what requires radical changes. Investigating the processes of social disorganization, sociology puts them a kind of social diagnosis and gives recommendations for restoring the social health of society.

Descriptive function sociology is to systematize, describe the material received by researchers in the form of various analytical notes, scientific reports, articles, books. They should reflect the real characteristics of the studied social object. Naturally, this work suggests high level professional ethics of a scientist, because practical conclusions are drawn and managerial decisions are made on the basis of the materials obtained. These materials will serve as a reference point, a source of comparison for future generations of researchers.

predictive function sociology - making scientific forecasts for the development of social processes in all spheres of society. Such forecasts are of a long-term or current nature. They are especially important in the transitional period of the development of society. And here sociology is capable of:

determine what is the range of opportunities that open up for the participants in the events;

present alternative scenarios of likely processes associated with each of the selected solutions;

Practical-transformative function sociology is to, on the basis of empirical and theoretical research develop practical recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of social management mechanisms. These recommendations can be used both for social planning of the life of cities, villages, individual enterprises and collectives, and for improving economic and political relations and the activities of relevant social institutions. The role of this function of sociology is constantly growing, because the complication of modern society requires a more targeted impact on social processes.

Ideological function sociology is connected with the fact that sociological theories and concepts to varying degrees express the interests of certain social groups, political parties and movements. The choice of a research topic, the development of a problem, and the interpretation of the results obtained are often determined by the sociologist's sociopolitical position and depend on his value orientations and political interests. According to a number of leading sociologists, sociological science should be ideologically neutral. Therefore, the task of a sociologist is not to replace the scientific approach with an ideological one, but to conduct an objective analysis of social phenomena and processes.