International Student Scientific Bulletin. Modern problems of science and education Healthy child and how to improve the health of the child

  • 14.02.2021

The analysis of foreign and domestic studies on the state of health of the child population in different age groups was carried out. General trends in the incidence of children and leading nosologies (diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and digestive organs, diseases of the nervous system, ENT pathology) were revealed. In many studies, there is a decrease in the number of healthy children to 7.0-10.0% and an increase in functional disorders among children already in the early stages of development. The WHO European Office has developed a prevention strategy, which, according to experts, is the most effective investment in the health of children and society as a whole. A review of domestic research has shown that in modern conditions an interdisciplinary and integrative approach is needed with the introduction of new disciplines in the educational process in preventive pediatrics.


health group



2. Interdisciplinary analysis of socially determined risks of children's health / N.N. Shigaev [and others] // Modern problems of science and education. - 2016. - No. 2.? id = 24246 (date of access: 05/17/2017).

3. Investing in the future of children: European child and adolescent health strategy 2015–2020. // WHO Regional Committee for Europe, Sixty-fourth Session (Copenhagen, Denmark 15–18 September 2014). - Copenhagen, 2014. - 25 p.

4. Merenkova V.S. Influence of the mother's history on the health of children in the first and second years of life / V.S. Merenkova, E.I. Nikolaeva // Psychology of education in a multicultural space. - 2010. - V. 3, No. 3. - S. 53-80.

5. Mazur L.I. Monitoring of indicators of physical development of morbidity in children of the first year of life / L.I. Mazur, V.A. Zhirnov, M.V. Dmitrieva // Modern problems of science and education. - 2016. - No. 2.? id = 24318 (date of access: 05/17/2017).

6. Bogdanova L.V. State of health of children in the critical period of development / L.V. Bogdanova, V.I. Shilko // Ural Medical Journal. - 2011. - No. 7. - S. 39-42.

7. Paranicheva T.M. Health and physical development. Dynamics of the state of health of children of preschool and younger school age / T.M. Panaricheva, E.V. Tyurina // New research. - 2012. - No. 4 (33). - S. 68-78.

8. Luchaninova V.N. On the system of health formation in children and adolescents / V.N. Luchaninova, M.M. Tsvetkova, I.D. Pavement // Modern problems of science and education. - 2016. - No. 4.? id = 24969 (date of access: 05/17/2017).

9. Communication between the severity of the course of the disease in the perinatal period and the state of health of children in the school period / E.A. Kurzina [et al.] // Translational medicine. - 2013. - No. 2 (19). - S. 38-44.

10. The incidence of children aged 5 to 15 years in the Russian Federation / L.S. Namazova-Baranova [et al.] // Medical Council. - 2014. - No. 1. - S. 6-10.

11. Strategy "Health and development of adolescents in Russia" (harmonization of European and Russian approaches to the theory and practice of protecting and strengthening the health of adolescents) / A.A. Baranov, V.R. Kuchma, L.S. Namazova-Baranova and others - M .: Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2010. - 54 p.

12. Baranov A.A. Preventive pediatrics - new challenges / A.A. Baranov, L.S. Namazova-Baranova, V.Yu. Albitsky // Questions of modern pediatrics. - 2012. - T. 11, No. 2. - S. 7-10.

13. Sabanov V.I. Age-sex gradations of the state of health of children based on the results of preventive examinations as the first stage of medical examination of the child population / V.I. Sabanov, O.F. Devlyashova, E.V. Pelikh // Bulletin of Roszdravnadzor. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 56-62.

14. Kildiyarova R.R. Fundamentals of the formation of children's health - a new discipline in teaching medical students / R.R. Kildiyarova, M.Yu. Denisov // Vestnik NGU. Series: Biology, clinical medicine. - 2013. - T. 11, no. 2. - S. 175-177.

15. Glazkova I.B. On the issue of the academic discipline "Fundamentals of medical knowledge and children's health" // Pedagogy, psychology and medical and biological problems of physical education and sports. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 29-33.

According to the European Community, prevention at all stages of life is the most effective approach (from an economic and medical point of view) to invest in health and the development of a harmonious society. Undoubtedly, the individual characteristics of a child largely determine the degree of exposure to risk factors (gender and ethnicity; genetic predisposition; emotional stability), among which social, economic and environmental determinants (the level of income and family education, living conditions and labor).

It is social determinants, according to WHO experts, that play a leading role in shaping population health. With a decrease in the adaptive-compensatory capabilities of the body against the background of high aggressiveness of environmental factors and an unfavorable social portrait of the mother (alcoholism, smoking, poverty), social predictors contribute to an increase in the incidence and disability of children during critical periods of growth and development.

In the perinatal period, the foundation for the health of the adult population is laid, determining the further development of the body. According to WHO studies, young mothers with a disadvantaged social status are more likely to give birth to children with low body weight, which, in turn, is a predictor of many age-related pathologies and is directly related to an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, arterial hypertension and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. At the earliest stages of life, the family plays an important role in shaping the physical and mental health of the child. Thus, according to the European Community, those who experienced childhood abuse have a higher risk of smoking, abdominal obesity and alcoholism later in life.

The current state of health of children in the European Region is characterized by high infant mortality under the age of five years, especially in the first month of life, which accounts for 50.0% of cases. The leading causes of this are neonatal pathological conditions (prematurity, sepsis, asphyxia at birth), trauma, pneumonia and diarrhea. At the age of 5-19 years, road traffic injuries take the first place. In the structure of unintentional injuries, road accidents account for 39.0%, drownings - 14.0%, poisoning - 7.0%, fires and falls - 4.0% each. Unintentional injuries are responsible for 42,000 deaths between the ages of 0 and 19. Along with this, more than 10.0% of adolescents have mental disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders are the dominant cause of disability among this age group. In terms of prevalence among children 0-17 years old, major depressive disorders are in the first position, then in descending order - anxiety disorders, behavioral disorders and disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

The study showed that every third child aged 6-9 years suffers from overweight or obesity. In the group of 11-13-year-old children, similar figures range from 5.0 to 25.0%. According to forecasts, more than 60.0% of children who are overweight before puberty retain a similar trend at an early working age, which contributes to the development of mediated interdependent pathologies - cardiovascular diseases and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

The state of health of children of different age groups and the factors that determine it are the subject of study by domestic authors. So, V.S. Merenkova et al. 50 pairs of "mother-child of the first year of life" with an average age of the mother of 24.46±5.57 years and 50 pairs of "mother-child of the second year of life" with an average age of the mother of 25.54±4.9 years were studied. In the course of the work, it was revealed that the deterioration in the health of children is directly related to maternal factors: in the first year of life - with fetoplacental insufficiency, the threat of abortion and the presence of preeclampsia (r = 0.44; 0.38 and 0.35 at p<0,01, соответственно); на первом-втором годе - с преждевременными родами (r = 00,63 при p<0,001), и на 2 году жизни - с анемией, венозными осложнениями и болезнями почек у матери (r = 0,51 при p<0,01; 0,48 при p<0,01, соответственно) .

The study of the health of children in the first year of life in Samara for the period 2012-2014. showed that respiratory diseases are in the lead in the structure of morbidity, there is a high level of intestinal infections, diseases of the nervous system and alimentary-dependent pathologies (anemia, rickets).

An expert assessment of the health status of children aged 3-7 years attending a preschool educational institution in Yekaterinburg (n = 322) revealed that none of them belonged to the I health group, group II included 58.7 ± 2, 7%, and in group III there were 41.3±2.7%. In general, the incidence of this age group was characterized by multimorbidity, with respiratory diseases in the first place, diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the second, and diseases of the digestive system in the third. A rather high percentage was made up of children with chronic diseases - 41.3±2.7%, of which 52.8±4.3% accounted for multisystem lesions.

Monitoring the health of children aged 5-9 years (n = 738, of which 418 boys and 320 girls) found that already at the preschool stage, healthy children are no more than 10.0%; 70.0% of the examined patients have multiple functional disorders. Among the nosologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system prevail (46.1%); diseases of the digestive system and the circulatory system (16.7%); ENT pathology (17.8%) .

Similar data were obtained in a two-stage study of children's health and the health of interdependent sequential groups in Primorsky Krai and Vladivostok. The study involved 626 children aged 4-17; 226 children aged 4-6; 224 5th grade students and 176 high school students. At the same time, families expecting a child (n = 54), infants (n = 60), preschoolers (n = 126) and adolescents (n = 123) were analyzed. The results of the study made it possible to develop effective preventive measures at each stage of ontogenesis: family-newborn-preschooler-schoolchild-adolescent-family. The result of the work carried out was an increase in the number of physiologically occurring pregnancies from 38 to 90.0%; acute respiratory diseases were registered less often among children of the first year of life - from 50 to 75.0%; there was an improvement in the health status of children in all age groups.

As noted above, the course of the perinatal period largely determines the resources of health. Follow-up of 136 children aged 4 years (n = 48; for children born in 1994) and 11 years old (n = 88; children born in 1991), who are at the initial stage of life in intensive care units, revealed a close relationship between the severity of the disease of the newborn and the state of health in general, determined by the NTISS scale (Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, Gray JE et al., 1992). It was also found that the degree of functional disintegration in the neonatal period and in follow-up directly correlate with each other. Consequently, the cross interaction of a set of health parameters and perinatal factors on an individual characteristic of the constitution and reactivity determine the features of the course of pathology in the perinatal and subsequent periods of ontogenesis.

A large study on the basis of preventive examinations was carried out by the Research Institute of GIOZDiP "NTsZD" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 6 preschool institutions in Moscow (n = 383 children, of which 200 boys and 183 girls) and in schools among students from grades 1 to 9 (n = 426 children; 216 boys and 210 girls). The final data showed that 5.0-7.0% of children belong to health group I, 40.0-45.0% to II, and 50.0-55.0% of preschool children to III. In this age group, functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, pathology of the oronasopharynx, and functional mental and behavioral disorders are recorded. There is a progressive deterioration in health among schoolchildren: in the 1st grade, the I health group is 4.3%, and in the 9th grade, only 0.7%. According to gender distribution, boys are more prone to functional disorders and diseases. Chronization of diseases occurs already by the 7th-9th grade. The leading positions among functional disorders are occupied by cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary pathology and disorders of the digestive tract.

The health of adolescents, ensuring their normal growth and development determines the level of well-being and regional stability of the country for decades to come. A multidimensional study by A.A. Baranova et al. states that over the course of a 20-year period, the trend towards an increase in morbidity by 2.0-4.0% per year among the child population remains, an increase in chronic pathology is recorded, and the number of healthy children in all gender and age groups decreases. As the authors note, according to state statistics, the overall incidence of children aged 0 to 15 years exceeds 2400‰, and the overall incidence of children aged 15-17 is close to 2000‰. There is an increase in primary morbidity among children aged 15-17 for all classes of diseases by 66.0-64.6%. At the same time, the most significant increase in the indicator was found in neoplasms (+97.7%), blood diseases (+99.2%), circulatory system (+103.1%), digestive organs (+80.7%), musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (+96.9%), genitourinary system (+77.2%), the effects of external causes (+71.8%). As the authors note, an unfavorable trend is the deterioration of the reproductive health of children, especially in older age groups. Thus, more than 30.0% of boys and girls have delayed puberty, the frequency of menstrual dysfunction in girls aged 15-17 years is increasing (+ 96.5% for the period 2001-2008); inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (+46.2%); about 40.0% of boys and young men aged 15-17 suffer from diseases that can disrupt the implementation of the reproductive function. Another worrying point, according to the authors, is that one of the leading ranking places in the structure of adolescent morbidity is occupied by mental and behavioral disorders, the rate of which for the period 2001-2008. increased by 43.4% and 25.3% (respectively, the total and newly diagnosed incidence). Their structure is dominated by behavioral syndromes, non-psychotic and neurotic disorders associated with stress; somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Against this background, there is no tendency to reduce the incidence of children with mental disorders of organic origin and mental retardation.

Preserving and strengthening the health of children is a multifaceted problem. According to the 2006 WHO Regional Office for Europe Prevention Core Principles, spending on disease prevention in childhood is an investment in a country's health and development. To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to create a favorable environment for the health of children with the education of the need for a healthy lifestyle; ensure universal access to health care services and state support for the implementation of preventive programs. Children's exposure to behavioral, social and environmental risks should also be monitored in order to use this data to determine the social determinants of children's health and interventions.

According to a number of domestic authors, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the legislative framework regarding the protection of children's health; carry out prevention and monitoring of infant mortality, child morbidity and disability; create protocols for the preventive activities of medical organizations at all levels with an interdisciplinary and integrative approach; solve personnel issues with the introduction of the specialty "social pediatrician"; introduce new forms of rehabilitation; involve the media to inform the population on the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, the improvement of education is required, for which an additional professional advanced training program for pediatricians and healthcare organizers “Actual Issues of Preventive and Social Pediatrics” is provided; introduction to the educational process of the section "Fundamentals of the formation of children's health" (which provides basic knowledge on preventive medicine, including the concept of healthy lifestyle, and on the prevention of addictive behavior; recommendations for maintaining the health of preschoolers and schoolchildren; children involved in sports; the concept of mental health) and discipline " Fundamentals of medical knowledge and children's health”, carried out in accordance with the Concept of medical education of teachers on the basis of curricula for students.

Thus, the analysis of domestic and foreign studies showed that at the moment there are unfavorable trends in the state of children's health. The solution of this problem requires an interdisciplinary approach aimed at introducing a set of preventive measures throughout ontogenesis, but specific to each age group and taking into account the existing functional reserves of the child's body. An important role in achieving this goal is also played by the introduction of new professional training programs for pediatricians in the basics of protecting children's health from the standpoint of preventive and social pediatrics.

Bibliographic link

Sokolovskaya T.A. CHILDREN'S HEALTH: MAIN TRENDS AND POSSIBLE WAYS OF ITS PRESERVATION // Modern problems of science and education. - 2017. - No. 4.;
URL: http://site/ru/article/view?id=26572 (date of access: 01/31/2020).

We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Mateikovich E.A.

ORCID:0000-0002-2612-7339, PhD, Associate Professor,

Tyumen State Medical University



The solution of one of the most urgent problems of health care - the preservation of the reproductive health of children and adolescents - faces difficulties due to the material conditions of family life, poor ecology, and the way of life of a child or adolescent. The literature indicates an increase in the general and gynecological morbidity of girls and girls. The author aimsto analyze the structure of gynecological morbidity in children and adolescents in the city of Tyumen in different age periods, to propose preventive measures and options for managing these patients in order to preserve their reproductive health. During the study, outpatient records of 600 girls and girls who applied for medical help to a pediatric gynecologist at a multidisciplinary clinic of the Tyumen State Medical University were selectively studied. The work notes the widespread among girls ininflammatory diseases of the genital organs, caused by a violation of the hygiene of the genital organs, concomitant pathology, uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Girls have a low level of culture of sexual behavior, the presence of bad habits that have a direct negative impact on gynecological morbidity. The importance of the participation of a gynecologist during preventive examinations in schools and preschool institutions is stated.

Keywords: reproductive health, gynecological morbidity, children and adolescents, extragenital pathology.

Matejkovic E.A.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2612-7339, MD, Associate professor,

Tyumen State Medical University



The solution of one of the most topical issues of public health is to preserve the reproductive health of children and adolescents, it faces difficulties due to the material conditions of the family, poor ecology, the way of life of a child, and an adolescent. In known scientific paper they indicate the increase in the overall and gynecological morbidity of girls. The author aims to analyze the structure of the gynecological incidence of children and adolescents in Tyumen at different age periods, proposes prevention measures and options for maintaining these patients in order to preserve their reproductive health. Medical treatment records of 600 girls who applied for medical help to a pediatric gynecologist in a multidisciplinary clinic of the Tyumen State Medical University were selectively examined during the research. Author highlights a widespread occurrence of inflammatory diseases of genitals among girls, caused by a violation of hygiene of genitals, concomitant pathology, uncontrolled reception of antibiotics. Girls have a low level of culture in sexual behavior, the presence of bad habits, having a direct negative impact on gynecological morbidity. The importance of participation of a gynecologist in conducting preventive examinations in schools and pre-school establishments is ascertained.

keywords: reproductive health, gynecological incidence, children and adolescents, extragenital pathology.

Preservation of the reproductive health of children and adolescents is one of the priority tasks of healthcare both in Russia and abroad, since girls and adolescents form the population reproduction reserve of any country in the world. It is in childhood and adolescence that violations of the specific functions of the body of an adult woman are formed, and during this period of a person’s life, his reproductive system is especially vulnerable. At the same time, the state of reproductive health of children and adolescents is influenced by many factors that require independent study: heredity, material living conditions of the family, lifestyle of the child and adolescent, environmental well-being, etc.

Numerous studies of recent years actively point to a sharp decrease in the proportion of absolutely healthy girls, and this trend characterizes both general and gynecological morbidity. The vast majority of girls and girls are diagnosed with one, and often several chronic diseases. A significant part of adolescents have metabolic disorders, bad habits and early sexual experience, the latter factor determines the identification of sexually transmitted infections in them, which is one of the possible causes of infertility in the future.

In the structure of violations of sexual development and gynecological morbidity in children and adolescents, premature sexual development (from 2.5 to 3% of girls under the age of 8 years), lack of sexual development (2-3% of girls aged 12 years), congenital malformations of the uterus and vagina (4% of congenital malformations), dysmenorrhea (39% in girls aged 13 years, 72% at the age of 17 years), abnormal uterine bleeding (from 10 to 37.3%), oligomenorrhea (12.6% of adolescents aged 15-18 years), vulvitis and vulvovaginitis (65% of girls aged 1 to 9 years), synechia (85% of girls aged 1 to 5 years), chronic salpingo-oophoritis (14.6% of sexually active girls aged 13-18 years), tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries (from 7.5% to 19.2%),,,.

Scientists note that the state of reproductive health of children and adolescents is different in urban and rural areas, in mountainous areas and on the plain. It is important to conduct regular medical examinations with the participation of a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other narrow specialists. Regular conduct of such examinations allows timely detection of extragenital and gynecological pathologies in children and adolescents and, if possible, to prevent their adverse effects on the reproductive system of the child.

Living in the West Siberian Lowland, where the Tyumen Region is located, also affects the general and reproductive health of children and adolescents. Thus, latent iron deficiency was detected in adolescent girls, which exceeds the population threshold by 22%, so young pregnant women are reasonably at risk for anemia.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the structure of gynecological morbidity in children and adolescents in the city of Tyumen in different age periods, to propose preventive measures and management options for these patients in order to preserve their reproductive health. The author has been consulting girls and adolescents as a gynecologist for a long time in a multidisciplinary clinic of the Tyumen State Medical University

During the study, outpatient cards of 600 girls and girls who applied for medical help to a gynecologist were selectively studied on the basis of a specially designed card that takes into account such information as age, social living conditions, diagnostic data, including complaints, gynecological history, results of gynecological examination and additional research methods. The analysis of medical records was carried out subject to the consent of the patients' parents to the processing of the data contained in them.

Results and discussion. Of the 600 patients who applied for an appointment with a gynecologist, 45 were in infancy (7.5%), 273 (45.5%) were in the neutral period (from 1 to 7 years), including 160 in early childhood (from 1 years to 3 years), 113 (18.8%) - in the period of first childhood, 40 (6.7%) - in the prepubertal period (from 8 years to menarche), 242 - in the pubertal period, including in phase I (from menarche to 14 years) - 242 (40.3%), in phase II (from 15 to 18 years) - 162 (27%).

In the structure of gynecological pathology in infants, synechia was most common (82.2%), including 33.3% against the background of chronic vulvitis. 13.3% of girls had vulvovaginitis, including 11.1% - nonspecific. Only 2 infants (4.5%) were found to be gynecologically healthy.

In early childhood, vulvovaginitis comes first in the structure of gynecological morbidity: secondary (33.7%), including 21.8% against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis, 11.9% against the background of urinary tract diseases, nonspecific (23. 1%), specific (candidiasis) - 2.5%. Synechia is observed in 34.4% of girls, of which 14.4% are against the background of chronic vulvitis. Only 6.3% of girls were recognized as gynecologically healthy.

In girls during the first childhood, vulvovaginitis also prevails: nonspecific (40%), specific (candidiasis) - 5.3%, secondary (27.4%), incl. 27.4% - against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis, 10.6% - against the background of urinary tract diseases. Synechias are much less common - in 14.1% of cases, of which 8.8% are observed against the background of chronic vulvitis. Only 3% of girls are recognized as gynecologically healthy.

In the pubertal period, 15% of patients were recognized as gynecologically healthy. The rest had vulvovaginitis: 47.5% - non-specific, 10% - specific, 27.5% - against the background of extragenital pathology (secondary), including intestinal dysbacteriosis (17.5%) and urinary tract diseases (10%).

In the structure of gynecological morbidity of girls in the pubertal period, various menstrual dysfunctions are leading (60.7%), including: algomenorrhea (19.4%), oligomenorrhea (13.6%), irregular menstruation (10.3%) , amenorrhea (8.7%), hyperpolymenorrhea (6.2%), SMC (2.5%). Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs occur in 19.4% of girls, of which 9.1% are vulvovaginitis: nonspecific (4.5%) and specific (9.1%) - chlamydia (5%), candida (3.7% ), gonorrheal (0.4%), as well as inflammatory diseases of the upper genital organs (5.8%). Ovarian cyst was detected in 6.2% of patients, bacterial vaginosis - in 4.9%, PCOS - in 3.7%, adrenogenital syndrome in "mild form" - in 2.5%. Only 2.9% of girls are recognized as gynecologically healthy.

The revealed results mainly correlate with the structure of gynecological morbidity in children and adolescents in the whole country,,. At the same time, in the studied cases, a single number of gynecologically healthy patients in all age groups draws attention, which requires more extensive preventive work, increased promotion of a healthy lifestyle and a culture of sexual behavior, regular medical examinations, primarily in socially disadvantaged families.


  1. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis) in the period of neutral childhood occupy the first place in the structure of gynecological pathology.
  2. Menstrual dysfunctions such as algomenorrhea, hypo- and hypermenstrual syndrome, SMC were the main reasons for visiting a gynecologist in girls.
  3. In young children, inflammatory diseases are mainly due to a violation of the hygiene of the genital organs, comorbidities such as intestinal dysbacteriosis, urinary tract diseases, uncontrolled intake of drugs, in particular antibiotics.
  4. In girls, the main cause of inflammatory diseases are sexually transmitted infections, which indicates not only the early onset of sexual activity, but mainly the lack of a culture of adolescent sexual behavior, alcohol and drug use, and a low social level.
  5. The inclusion of a gynecologist in regular medical examinations of girls and adolescents contributes both to the timely detection of gynecological diseases, their treatment, and the prevention of possible complications for a woman's gynecological health, and, therefore, the preservation of the reproductive potential of future generations.

Bibliography /References

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  10. Khashchenko Ye.P. Sovremennyye podkhody k diagnostike i vedeniyu patsiyentok s sindromom polikistoznykh yaichnikov v podrostkovom vozraste / Ye.P. Khashchenko Ye.P., Ye.V. Uvarova // Akusherstvo i ginekologiya. – 2015. – No. 5. - P. 5-9.

1 Omsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

2 BPOU of the Omsk region "Medical College"

3 BU DPO NGO "Center for advanced training of health workers"

A comprehensive analysis of the influence of the conditions and lifestyle of the family on the health of children is presented. The results of studies conducted in the field of children's health in various types of families prove that social ill-being, as well as the stratification of the population according to social composition, with the peculiarities of conditions and lifestyle inherent in each social group, is reflected in certain deviations in the growth and development of children, interferes with normal development, negatively affects physical, somatic, mental and moral health, contributes to the development of a state of chronic stress in a child, which, against the background of functional and somatic immaturity of the body, leads to the early onset of a number of diseases. This review has been prepared in order to systematize the literature data on the problem of the relationship between the conditions and lifestyle of the family and the state of children's health. The necessity of taking into account social and hygienic factors that adversely affect the health of children is substantiated.


risk factors

1. Adaptation and psycho-emotional state of children in the third year of schooling living in single-parent families / M.A. Punina, N.N. Ryabkina, Z.V. Lipen, O.A. Sivakova, V.N. Shestakova // Bulletin of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 42–45.

2. Albitsky V.Yu., Sigal T.M., Ananyin S.A. The state of health of children from sociopathic families // Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics. - 1994. - No. 1. - C. 8–11.

3. Babenko A.I., Denisov A.P. Medico-social aspects of the health of young children and their families // Problems of social hygiene, health care and the history of medicine. - 2007. - No. 5. - S. 18–20.

4. Denisov A.P., Banyushevich I.A. Factors affecting the health status of young children from different types of families // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. - 2012. - No. 2 (114). – P. 11–14.

5. Health of children and adolescents in Siberia as a basis for the formation of the labor potential of the region / I.I. Novikova, G.A. Ogleznev, V.A. Lyapin, D.M. Plesovskikh // Questions of modern pediatrics. - 2005. - V. 4. No. S1. - S. 380-381.

6. Karakeeva G.Zh. The state of health of children from large families: dis. … cand. honey. Sciences. - Bishkek, 2012. - 111 p.

7. Keush V.M. Features of the formation of single-parent families and the state of their health in rural areas: Ph.D. dis. ... cand. honey. Sciences. - Krasnoyarsk, 2004. - 24 p.

8. Kislitsyna O.A. Housing conditions and health // Public health and disease prevention. - 2006. - No. 6. - S. 23-34.

9. Lebedev D.Yu. To the question of the health of children living in poor families in rural areas // Russian Medical and Biological Bulletin. Academician I.P. Pavlova. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 59–62.

10. Lezhnina Yu.P. Socio-demographic characteristics of the poor in Russia // Sotsis. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 20–28.

11. Leonova I.A., Khomich M.M. Physical development of children in families with different financial situation // Hygiene and Sanitation. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 72–74.

12. Lyapin V.A. Socio-hygienic and environmental problems of maintaining the health of the child population // In the collection: Actual problems of health of the population of Siberia: hygienic and epidemiological aspects. Materials of the V interregional scientific-practical conference with international participation. 2004. - S. 81-85.

13. Medico-social aspects of the formation of the health of children of early age / A.P. Denisov, A.I. Babenko, O.A. Kuhn, I.A. Banyushevich. - Omsk, 2015. - 172 p.

14. Monakhov M.B. The quality of life of families with children and its impact on the incidence and disability of children: Ph.D. dis. … cand. honey. Sciences. - M., 2008. - 26 p.

15. Novikova I.I., Ogleznev G.A. Modern problems of children's health // Proceedings of the Regional scientific and practical conference: Public health: development strategy in the regions of Siberia [ed. V.N. Denisov]. - 2002. - S. 29-30.

16. Ogleznev G.A., Novikova I.I., Lyapin V.A. Socio-hygienic and environmental problems of maintaining the health of the child population // In the collection: Health, education and upbringing of children: history and modernity (1904–1959–2004). Union of Pediatricians of Russia; Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - M., 2006. - S. 134-137.

17. Safronova M.V., Gavrilova E.V. Mental health and individual psychological characteristics of children brought up in large families // Uchenye zapiski Rossiiskoi gosudarstvennogo sotsial'nogo universiteta. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 158–162.

18. Smerdin S.V. Scientific substantiation of the strategy of protecting the health of families with children in the municipalities of Siberia: dis. … Dr. med. Sciences. - Krasnoyarsk, 2008. - 228 p.

19. Characteristics of the medical and social status of modern families raising children / N.A. Sadovnikova, B.A. Polyakov, D.L. Mushnikov, A.V. Naumov, L.G. Ananyina // Journal of Scientific Articles "Health and Education in the 21st Century". - 2012. - V. 14, No. 1. - S. 164–166.

20. Kharichkin E.A. The right of the child to a family // Bulletin of Roszdravnadzor. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 30–35.

21. Shvedovskaya A.A., Zagvozkina T.Yu. Socio-economic status of the family and mental development of the child: foreign research experience // Psychological science and education. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 73–84.

22. Yakovleva T.V., Kurmaeva E.A., Volgina S.Ya. The state of health of preschool children from poor families // Questions of modern pediatrics. - 2008. - V. 7, No. 14. - S. 14–18.

23. Evaluation of a mental health outreach service for homeless families / V. Tischler, P. Vostanis, T. Bellerby et al. // Arch. Dis. child. - 2002. - V. 86. - P. 158-163.

24. Factors influencing iron nutrition among one-year-old healthy children in Sweden / A.C. Bramhagen, J. Svahn, I. Hallstrom, I. Axelsson // J. Clin. Nurs. - 2011. - No. 5. - P. 10.

25. Nelson R.,PaynterJ., Arroll B. Factors influencing cigarette access behavior among 14-15-year-olds in New Zealand: A cross-sectional study // Journal of Primary Health Care. - 2011. - No. 3 (2). - P. 114-122.

26. Wen M., Lin D. Child development in rural China: Children left behind by their migrant parents and children of nonmigrant families // Child Development. - 2012. - No. 83 (1). - P. 120-136.

The changes taking place in modern society have an impact on everyday life, transforming social relations, including in the family and in the field of family policy, since in difficult economic and social conditions, the family institution becomes especially vulnerable.

It is natural and legitimate for every child to be brought up in the family, since it is this family that is extremely necessary for his socialization and development of individuality.

The entire potential of health, intelligence, physical and creative capacity is laid and formed mainly in childhood, especially in the first three years of a child's life. At the same time, there is a change in the nature of the course of diseases in children, the emergence of their new nosological forms, the levels of acute morbidity increase, and the frequency of combined and chronic forms of diseases increases.

Purpose of the study: systematization of literary data on the problem of the relationship between the conditions and lifestyle of the family and the state of children's health.

The formation of chronic pathology occurs gradually under the influence of socially significant factors, leading then to a possible decrease in labor activity and life expectancy. Recently, the term “sociopathic family” has become widespread - a family where parents (one or both) lead an antisocial lifestyle to one degree or another, that is, they are imprisoned, suffer from alcoholism, etc. .

Differences in children's health indicators were found in families with different financial status. Thus, a study conducted by D.Yu. Lebedev, made it possible to obtain a socio-hygienic portrait of a poor rural family raising children. The main characteristics of such families were: low level of education of fathers and mothers, predominantly low-skilled labor, living in unsatisfactory living conditions, unregistered marriage or single-parent family, low income, frequent conflicts, low medical activity. Approximately 50% of children from poor families were lagging behind the norm in terms of physical development. More than 30.1% of children had chronic pathology.

According to T.V. Yakovleva et al., in the structure of morbidity, according to the data of the appealability of preschool children from poor families, respiratory diseases were in the first place, diseases of the musculoskeletal system were in the second place, diseases of the circulatory system, as well as endocrine system and metabolic disorders were in the next places. In boys, normosomy (lack of body weight) and short stature with normal body weight were more often recorded. According to the results of the survey, it was found that most children from poor families are not ready for schooling, and more than 30% of children had chronic pathologies, and more than 50% had morphofunctional disorders.

It has been established that children born in poor families are much more likely to exhibit signs of antisocial behavior. However, as soon as their parents get the opportunity to earn a lot of money and as a result the financial situation of the family improves, the behavior of children begins to fall within the normal range.

The stability of intra-family relations largely depends on the psychological climate in it, which ultimately determines the development of both children and adults. However, the state of the psychological climate cannot be unchanged, given forever. Whether it will be favorable or unfavorable depends on the behavior of family members, and it depends on this what it will be like. Thus, the psychological climate of the family can be defined as the result of family communication, that is, a more or less stable emotional mood characteristic of it. For example, signs of a favorable psychological climate are: the possibility of a comprehensive development of the personality of all its members, their high benevolent demands on each other, a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, pride in belonging to their family, as well as responsibility and family cohesion.

In addition, the determining criteria for the presence of a favorable psychological climate in the family is the desire of all its members to spend free time in the home circle, communicate on topics of mutual interest, do homework, and at the same time open the family, its wide contacts. Thus, only 13% of children from poor families are brought up in a good (favorable) psychological climate. At the same time, 28.3% had a bad psychological climate. WHO experts have convincingly shown that children suffering from insufficient communication with adults and their hostile attitude, as well as children brought up in conditions of family discord, are much more likely to experience various mental health disorders.

At the same time, 3.2% of children from poor families were not welcome. Children from such families were more often brought up by one parent than children from "rich" families. Parents in "poor" families were less likely to have higher education than those in "rich" families. At the same time, parents in "poor" families often have temporary jobs, and parents from "rich" families are more socially active in search of work and more often than parents from "poor" families work in other cities.

At present, an incomplete family, having many children predetermine the low material status of the family.

The majority of incomplete families are socially disadvantaged families, that is, families with a complex of risk factors, including those for health reasons. Socio-hygienic factors that have a negative impact on the health of children from single-parent families are, first of all, the low level of the financial situation of the family, unsatisfactory living conditions, malnutrition, low cultural level of the family. As well as the presence of an unfavorable psychological microclimate in the family, bad habits in parents, low physical activity of children, occupational hazards in parents, low self-esteem and low motivation to educate children, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and low medical activity. The main medical and biological risk factors that determine the state of health of children are the presence of malformations and comorbidity in a child from an early age, hereditary burden, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and disharmonious physical development. The high-risk group includes children from single-parent families with poor adaptation and low compensatory reserve capabilities due to severe anxiety, irritability and high fatigue, as well as disharmonious physical development as a result of underweight and short stature. Thus, a study conducted by M.A. Punina et al. , showed that 66.9% of incomplete families ate irregularly, the predominance of bakery and pasta in the diet, an extremely small amount of vegetables and fruits, on the contrary, in complete families, such a pattern was not established.

The largest proportion of families living in unfavorable housing conditions was found in families of single mothers. According to the financial situation, the majority of single-parent families (86.4%) belong to a low and very low level of well-being.

Women with illegitimate children were characterized by a lower level of education than women-mothers raising children in a complete family. At the same time, among single mothers, the proportion of those employed at work for more than nine hours was higher; in this regard, they could devote much less time to the child, including talking with him about the principles of health care, a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. That is, such single-parent families are characterized by a sharp deterioration in the psychological state of mothers (as a single parent), a sense of self-doubt, a sense of fear and irritation due to a decrease in the material well-being of the family. Such families are largely characterized by a formal attitude to caring for the child, mothers, due to chronic lack of time and fatigue, have little interest in the life of the child, and grandparents, on the contrary, often show excessive guardianship.

For children from incomplete families, compared with complete families, more frequent cases of health disorders were characteristic, the formation of chronic diseases and functional disorders was more often observed, and in the structure of diseases there was a predominance of diseases of the cardiovascular system (30%), gastrointestinal tract (26% ), central nervous (25%) and musculoskeletal systems (20%).

The structure of morbidity in children living in incomplete and complete families, according to the main nosological forms, was similar, however, chronic pathology was observed 1.5 times more often in children from single-parent families than in those from complete families. Violations of the harmony of physical development (lack of body weight, low growth), a decrease in mental and physical performance as a result of an insufficient level of adaptive-reserve capabilities were more often recorded.

The level of general morbidity in children in single-parent families in the class of mental and behavioral disorders is 2.3 times higher than in children brought up in intact families, having a direct correlation with the level of mothers' morbidity in this class of diseases. The proportion of children with health group III in single-parent families was 1.4 times higher than in complete families.

The completeness of vaccination coverage of children, which is one of the main characteristics of the medical activity of the family, showed that the largest proportion of children (37%) did not receive vaccinations in families where both parents were absent; 32% of children remained unvaccinated in families raising a child without a father. As the level of material support of the family decreased, the proportion of vaccinated children also decreased.

A similar situation is traced in families with many children, where children also lag behind in terms of physical development, have high morbidity and mortality. Large families in modern Russia are going through hard times: there are financial difficulties, poor living conditions and problems with finding a job. An increase in the size of the family proportionally leads to the inevitable progression of problems: there is a decrease in per capita income per family member, the quality of food, clothing, and there is no way to pay due attention to the upbringing and education of children.

According to M.V. Safronova, E.V. Gavrilova, prosocial behavior as an inevitable attempt to protect children from large families is more pronounced in the case of burdening large families with a low level of material income of the family. In such families, all children experienced communication problems with peers, regardless of the socioeconomic status of the family.

Studying the medical and social state of families depending on the number of children, S.V. Smerdin identified the characteristic features of such families, namely:

A high proportion of disadvantaged families in terms of social status, which is associated with a state of risk and an unfavorable state of health of the 1st degree, is a characteristic feature of small families;

Medium-sized families belong to the group of medical and social risk;

The appearance of families with III-IV degrees of dysfunctional health is typical for families with many children.

In the works of M.A. Punina, D.Yu. Lebedev studied the influence of bad habits on the health of children. According to their research, moderate alcohol consumption (no more than once a week) occurs in 2-3% of cases. A similar level is set for the level with the frequency of alcohol consumption several times a week. However, it is rather difficult to consider these data as objective enough, since it should not be ruled out that the quite possible concealment of adequate information about alcohol consumption is extremely, since real information about this is often hidden. It is very likely that, speaking about the consumption of alcohol only on holidays and family celebrations, the interviewed persons also include ordinary drinking among these events.

Unfortunately, Russia belongs to the group of the most "smokers" among industrialized countries. This fact proves that more than 60% of men smoke in the country and almost 10% of women. Recently, there has been an unfavorable trend in the increase in the prevalence of smoking, especially among young people and women. However, maternal smoking is highly likely to put children at high risk of poor health and chronic disease.

Thus, the share of smoking mothers (43%) from "poor" families prevails over that of mothers from "rich" families (15%). Of the total number of mothers who smoked, 33% smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day. Moreover, in 25% of families, adults smoked in the presence of a child. At the same time, it is well known that passive smoking adversely affects many functions of the child's body. However, 4% of schoolchildren from “poor” families and 3% of children from “rich” families have already started smoking to some extent.

Thus, studies conducted in the field of child health have convincingly shown the decisive influence of social ill-being on an increase in the risk of acute and chronic diseases of a low level of physical, somatic, neuropsychic development and moral health, as a natural result of the development of a state of chronic stress in a child. background of functional and somatic immaturity of the organism.

Bibliographic link

Denisov A.P., Kun O.A., Denisova O.A., Filippova E.D., Ravdugina T.G., Banyushevich I.A. STATE OF HEALTH OF CHILDREN DEPENDING ON THE CONDITIONS AND WAY OF LIFE OF THE FAMILY (REVIEW OF LITERATURE) // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2017. - No. 10-2. – P. 236-240;
URL: (date of access: 01/31/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

School age is an important period of childhood and adolescence in terms of its responsibility, significant both in itself and as a stage in the socialization of the individual for further adult life, professional activity, and the creation of a family (“Our New School”, 2010). General education institution, i.e. the school is a place of active activity of the child for 11 years - the most intensive period of his development, therefore, it must create conditions that guarantee the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

Children's health is a prerequisite and goal of the modern concept of general (school) education, which is presented as a state of the individual, when all his organs and the body as a whole are able to fully perform their functions in the absence of illness and disease.

The advancement of the problem of children's health among the priority tasks of social development determines the relevance of the theoretical and practical development of this problem, determining the need for the deployment of relevant scientific research and the development of methodological and organizational approaches to maintaining health, its formation and development.

The health of the child is formed in the process of implementing the genetic development program in specific conditions of the social and natural environment, which determine the implementation of biological and social functions. Children, regardless of their social well-being, are subject to special protection, including care for their health and appropriate legal protection in the field of health protection, and have priority rights in the provision of medical care. Children from incomplete families deserve special care, because Pediatric scientists studying the state of their health (Kuchma R.M., Skoblina N.A., Milushkina O.Yu., 2002) conclude that children with one parent are much more likely to suffer from acute and chronic diseases. In such families, the mother is forced, first of all, to deal with material support to the detriment of the upbringing and strengthening of the health of children. Children from incomplete families have a lower level of optimism, mood and well-being, a lower desire for a healthy lifestyle, they more often violate the rules of rational nutrition. .

The Government of the Russian Federation has designated the task of preserving and strengthening the health of 13.5 million students of general educational institutions and the formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​in them as the most important strategic priority for reforming the education system. The protection of children's health is recognized by the state as the most important and necessary condition for the physical and mental development of the younger generation (Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of the Health of Citizens, Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011). According to Article 41 of the Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the health of schoolchildren determines the obligation to regularly undergo preventive medical examinations and medical examinations.

The environment of general education schools is a complex set of conditions that shape a child's lifestyle and ensure the learning process. The school microenvironment includes the conditions for placing an institution on the territory of a settlement, the architectural plan of the building, the sanitary and hygienic condition and maintenance of the premises, the organization of the educational process, physical activity, nutrition and medical care, etc.

The quantitative indicator of "ill health" is equally maximal in children of the regional center and schoolchildren in the village. The results of scientific research show that only 10% of school graduates are healthy, 40% have various chronic diseases, among which 30% have diseases that limit their choice of profession. In terms of the level and structure of physical development, rural schoolchildren differ from urban schoolchildren, especially in terms of indicators characterizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The revealed differences were registered against the background of slight discrepancies in the values ​​of indicators of total body parameters: for example, rural girls do not lag behind their urban peers in terms of height and body weight. The morphofunctional characteristics of adaptation features, according to the cardiointervalogram and hemodynamic parameters, indicate an increase in the stress index in rural schoolchildren at the stages of individual development, unlike children in a metropolis, while not going beyond the physiological norm.

The implementation of the principle of variability of school education is achieved by creating new types of educational institutions (gymnasiums, lyceums, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects) with the right to develop their own curricula and apply various pedagogical technologies that do not receive sanitary and hygienic examination for their harmlessness to the health of schoolchildren. The constantly increasing intensification of the study load exposes a significant part of students (up to 80%) to school stress, which increases the level of neuroticism among children and increases the number of didactogenic neuroses among them (up to 50%). This leads to a 2-fold increase in the prevalence of all classes and groups of diseases among students of schools of a new type, which exceeds the prevalence of the corresponding pathology among children and adolescents in mass schools. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, less than half of rural schoolchildren in the Nizhny Novgorod region (2010) were recognized as healthy: 1st health group - 10.1% of schoolchildren, 2nd - 34.2%, 54.6% of children were sick, of which 53.2% with chronic pathology are in the stage of compensation and 1.4% are in the stage of subcompensation. The distribution of schoolchildren by health groups, depending on the level of education, shows a decrease in the number of healthy children with an increase in academic experience - from 63.3% in the lower grades to 35.5%) in the older ones. The level of morbidity among rural schoolchildren is lower in terms of appealability compared to the results of in-depth medical examinations of urban children, which is associated with the lower availability of qualified medical care in the countryside and the reduced medical activity of rural residents.

According to the Concept of State Policy for the Protection of Children's Health in the Russian Federation (2009), a child's health is a process of his individual physical, mental, mental, spiritual, moral, cultural and social development, not limited by factors of the internal and external environment.

The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of nutrition, as well as the level of physical development of rural schoolchildren differ in the most important indicators from the corresponding indicators of urban children. and living in rural areas of the Nizhny Novgorod region, due to the rapid increase in the number of risk factors affecting growth and development, and the urban environment is projected more negatively on the morphofunctional development of the modern younger generation. .

Over the past 20 years, both in Russia and in other countries, trends in physical development have begun to be noted, showing a decrease in chest circumference, a decrease in muscle strength, and a shift in growth spurts to an earlier age. The research results show two extreme trends in body weight changes: underweight and overweight, with the second being much more common and positioned by European scientists as an “obesity epidemic”. An analysis of the results of the functional parameters of students in the Nizhny Novgorod region showed that modern schoolchildren, in contrast to their peers of the 70s of the last century, have lower values ​​of functional capabilities indicators due to a decrease in the results of the Stange test, life and strength indices, while the indicators of the Genchi test decreased slightly . The revealed changes in the indicators of functional reserves occurred against the background of a significant increase in the total body parameters and episodically multidirectional changes in the vital capacity of the lungs and dynamometry, which may have led to reduced values ​​of the studied indices and samples.

The level of biological maturation of rural schoolchildren over the past 45 years has grown statistically significantly and tends to converge to that of urban schoolchildren at the beginning of the 21st century. Modern rural schoolchildren in the Nizhny Novgorod region are characterized by high variability in the onset of the stage of the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and their severity. The results of the study showed that over the past 40 years there have been ambiguous changes in the indicators of the functional state of rural schoolchildren with a decrease in the overall adaptive resources.

Thus, a comprehensive study of the processes of morphofunctional development, as an indicator of the achieved level of students' health, has become an indispensable component of the system for monitoring its quality among the younger generation. The dynamics of the conditions of the learning and upbringing environment justifies the regularity of the development of new, more informative methods for studying age patterns of growth and development for a correct assessment of children's health in modern conditions, incl. living in rural areas.

Bibliographic list

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