Business in the UAE advantages and benefits. Registration of an open joint stock company

  • 23.09.2019

United Arab Emirates provide wonderful conditions for business. Factors include the absence of taxes, a competitive economy, low import rates and a unique strategic position on the map. Indeed, being in this country, you can access many international markets (China, Africa, Asia, etc.).

List the benefits of organizing a business in UAE can be long enough. It is only worth noting that this option is the most preferable if we compare the requirements for start-up capital and possible income. It doesn’t matter if you are an expat or a local, in the Emirates success awaits those who are ready to accept it.

We have prepared for readers the best ideas for small and medium-sized businesses in the UAE.

21 ideas for a "budget" business in the UAE

The main criterion for selection best ideas lay not profitability, as you might think at first glance. Of course, in the Emirates you can carry out absolutely diverse activities: sell goods, provide various services, etc. However, in order to perform certain functions, enterprises need permits, which are quite expensive to obtain. Therefore, the below list of business ideas in the UAE contains such options that would be in demand among consumers and would not require going through lengthy procedures for opening.

Business - Restaurant / cafe in the UAE

Let's start with a rather banal idea that blooms with new colors in the modern realities of the Emirates. Most of the inhabitants of this country simply do not have time to eat at home, which makes them potential customers of catering establishments. Given the multinational society in the UAE, it can be argued that the cuisine of almost any country will be in great demand here.

Business in the UAE for the delivery of food cooked at home

Recently, food has been in great demand in the Emirates home cooking. Again, there are many working people in the country who do not have time to eat at home. At the same time, fast food cannot become a regular option, due to its harmfulness. Therefore, it is good to think about cooking delicious homemade food. Let's say you can enter into agreements with several offices and companies, delivering food to them for lunch a certain number of times a week. To organize such a business, it is not necessary to rent a kitchen space - cooking can be done in a simple apartment.

Organization of tourist tours in the UAE

Registering a company in the UAE can also be useful if you decide to try your hand at being a tour operator. Not only Dubai, but also other emirates of the country are suitable as starting point hundreds of tourist destinations. Despite the fact that this business in the UAE is already very popular, you can interest a potential client with original offers and discounts.

Property Management Business in the UAE

The Emirates is one of the richest countries in the world, so it is not surprising that a considerable number of wealthy businessmen live within their borders. Rich people are not always able to manage their own affairs, and this is a great opportunity for optimistic and smart people to display their abilities.

Recruitment agency in the UAE

Immigration to the UAE is becoming an excellent option for many professionals and specialists. Local residents, of course, turn out to be no worse than visitors, forming a market for skilled labor with foreigners. Business in the UAE needs employees on a daily basis, however, enterprises do not always have time for careful selection of personnel. Actually, it is in this aspect that you can help many companies. Form lists of people who want to get a job, comparing them with the requests of firms.

Business for the care of the sick and children in the UAE

Life in the UAE flows quite quickly, and working people do not always have time for their own children and loved ones. Organize a company to care for disabled citizens. Alternatively, you can hire employees who provide part-time tutoring services, or even open an entire childcare center.

UAE Cleaning Services

Based on the above thesis about the general employment of people in the UAE, it can be assumed that they are unlikely to have even one free hour to clean their own homes. In addition, cleaning services are always in demand among office companies, so this business development option can be very cost-effective.

Services in the UAE for home repair

Among other workers, those people who have skilled hands are very popular in the UAE. We can talk about repairing the sink, installing cornices and other household tasks. Having several "Kulibins" under your control, you can guarantee yourself a permanent clientele not only in Dubai, but also in other emirates of the country.

Store of original pastries and "snacks" in the UAE

Characteristic of society in the UAE is a large number of any holidays and celebrations. When one religious denomination finishes its festivities, representatives of another religion will certainly come to its place. Of course, all these events are not complete without kilograms of all kinds of dishes and snacks (including pastries). Therefore, if you have a certain penchant for making sweets, you can try to build on this when starting a business in the UAE.

A company in the UAE providing florist/flower delivery services

A "color" business can generate income not only during romantic holidays (Valentine's Day, March 8, etc.), but also on a daily basis. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and various other celebrations take place in the Emirates on a daily basis and people buy flowers for these holidays. It is worth considering the popularity of online ordering and delivery services when organizing your business in the UAE, taking into account the availability of these options. By the way, do not limit yourself to flowers alone - add sweets and other delicacies to your assortment.

Gift and souvenir shop in the UAE

This business development option is characterized by the fact that you can deploy it almost instantly. You don't need to make your own products - just buy a variety of "trinkets" (preferably from a famous brand) and seal them in your own packaging. Such a product can sell out as quickly as flowers, if not faster. The only thing worth thinking about is the creation of unique packaging and the selection of the original assortment.

Preparation and processing of documents in the UAE

More and more people are coming to the UAE for work or business purposes. When it comes to preparing the necessary documents, most begin to have serious problems. Receipt necessary papers requires considerable time costs, and the procedure itself can consist of many stages. People simply do not have enough time to study all the nuances of the UAE legislation. It is around this problem that you can build your own profitable business.

Online trading in the United Arab Emirates

There are practically no differences between virtual and real trading, with the only exception that in the first case you do not need a room. All you need to take care of is the design of an online storefront and the organization of a delivery service. For starters, you can sell on one of the big auction sites to grab a clientele. In parallel, you can start creating and promoting your own website in order to switch to direct sales in the future.

Network business in the UAE

This industry can include a wide variety of virtual enterprises providing services on the network. We are talking about online marketing, PR firm, content creation agency, etc. However, in order to succeed in this business in the UAE, you need to take care of hiring qualified personnel. It's good to know your chosen activity.

Business broker in the UAE

The brokerage market (B2B market - “business to business”) is very developed in the Emirates. This is due to the fact that companies in the UAE are extremely active, participating in many transactions on a daily basis. If you have experience in B2B, then you will definitely be able to find interesting options for yourself.

Insurance broker in the UAE

Medical and car insurance are mandatory in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, as well as in other emirates. This means a high demand for the services of insurance brokers, and you can become one of them. To begin with, it is worth operating under the auspices of larger firms, profiting from the percentage of each transaction. Having issued Required documents and having acquired connections, you can think about opening your own insurance company.

Dry cleaning services in the United Arab Emirates

As you probably guessed, the UAE residents do not have enough time not only for food and raising children, but also for washing things. Why not help them with this? Please note that those companies that provide the service of receiving / delivering things, as well as mobile laundromats, are in special demand in the Emirates.

Hairdresser in the UAE

Unlike a spa or beauty salon, a hair salon requires less investment. In addition, in this case, the demand is formed due to the need. Man with limited budget may refuse expensive spa services, but he is unlikely to deny himself a haircut. For greater success, it is worth finding the most strategically advantageous position for the future hairdresser.

Mobile service station in the United Arab Emirates

Where there are cars, service stations are always needed. However, at the moment there are enough companies in the UAE that provide these services. To be successful, you need to think about interesting features your future business. Alternatively, you can create a mobile service station that would help drivers stuck in the middle of the road.

Repair of mobile phones and devices in the UAE

Modern society is equipped with advanced mobile devices and gadgets, so repairing and selling them is very profitable business in the UAE.

Car wash in the UAE

On the roads of the Emirates you can meet a lot of luxury cars, along with inexpensive and used vehicles. The surrounding desert does not make cars cleaner, and their owners are forced to periodically wash their "fireballs". To stand out from the crowd of car washes, try to surprise your customers with good cleaning products and high service. Most importantly, do not forget to put a coffee machine.

The secret of business success in the UAE

The voiced ideas for small and medium businesses are good, but they will not work if you do not show enough dedication. At the United United Arab Emirates observed high level competition in many industries, including those cited in the article.

Hard work and smart decisions are the secret of success, not only in the Emirates, but all over the world. If you have ideas for successful business in the UAE, feel free to share them in the comments.


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One of the readers wrote to us that not everything is so smooth. Below is his story about how his attempt to do business in the Emirates ended.

“I lived in the UAE for two years, from 2005 to 2007. A friend was engaged in the diamond business here in Russia, and since my student years I have been working with real estate, including foreign real estate: in Spain, Switzerland. I saw real estate boom in the UAE, and in 2005 I suggested: "Let's go international."

We arrived - our eyes lit up, everything is great and cool there. Everything is very competently done for the divorce of beginners, as I now understand. We chose the DMCC (Dubai Multi-Commodities Center) free zone, one of the largest in Dubai. At that time, a new complex was being built there, the hallmark of this free zone, three skyscrapers Almaz Tower, Gold Tower and Silver Tower. Everything was already almost sold, we literally made it to the last car of the train, having managed to buy half a floor in the Silver Tower. Registered Three Stones DMCC.

It's true that there are no taxes there - you paid for the license, and that's it. But they constantly sent me some bills, sometimes for utility costs, sometimes for something else. I was even indignant: what are you doing, I pay for my own area as if I had it on rent.

But there are few options. If you don't want it, don't buy it, there's no other place like it anyway. This office complex is built in the most interesting place where there is a brisk trade in diamonds and diamonds. The whole complex is imprisoned for this, very strict security, service personnel - Indians - are not allowed out of the building, they live right there, four people in a room of 12 square meters. meters.

We were engaged in the purchase and sale of diamonds and polished diamonds. Things were going well, but in 2007 trouble began. They just stopped letting me into the country. I flew to Dubai, at the airport I was met by a representative of the travel agency, who was supposed to make me a visa, and said: "It's better to fly back." Of course, I did not believe it, I was indignant, began to scandal - all to no avail. Then I hired several more travel agencies who undertook to make me a visa, but none of them succeeded. Finally, my Dubai friends explained to me what the matter was: “There are so many criminal cases against you that you will never enter this country again.” Trade in prostitutes, drugs, something else. And that's it, I'm banned. I turned to friends from the FSB, they say: indeed, it is, criminal cases. Generally on level ground.

What to do? I found an acquaintance in Syria who used to work as a consul in Dubai and personally knew the sheikh. Paid this man $200,000 to close all criminal cases (they have such a procedure, the sheikh can grant pardon to anyone if he wants). Whether the sheikh got this money or not, I don’t know, but they nevertheless issued me a pardon. They sent me an e-mail: fly to Dubai, go to such and such a counter at the airport, give your name, and you will be given a document to enter the country. It was scary, mom, don't worry. There, after all, half the country was in prison. They sit in jail, it's like drinking coffee with us.

It was a pity, of course, $ 200,000 dollars, but the money at stake was much more. And so I took a Syrian translator in case of conflicts, and entered the UAE. It was already in 2008. It became clear to me that I had to get rid of the business quickly. He spent ten days in the country, gave letters of attorney to his friends to sell his property, and left in secret. I didn’t tell anyone when I was leaving, not even my translator, I just left him at the hotel and rushed to the airport.

At the exit, the passport girl checked something on the computer and said: “Go to that office over there.” I was scared, but I went where to go. I gave my passport to some Arab, he rummaged through the databases for a long time, then, I looked, he became sad, apparently, he saw the pardon documents, he took out the stamp himself, put it in the passport, and that's it.

Although, of course, a sin to complain. As a result, I earned about 40% of the profit due to rising property prices. Sometimes I want to send them a thank you song on the radio, because after I sold everything, just a couple of months later a crisis began and prices fell by half.

Honestly, I didn’t really delve into what happened there, I had to carry my legs, and that’s all. Beat - run. Either someone liked our business, or my property. My friend lives in the UAE, he said that he was constantly pressed by the special services: tell me about all the Russians who come. Not everyone is so simple there, they listen to your every word. True, at that time I drank pretty much, literally every day. Now I don't drink at all. Maybe they found out about it and decided: "our client." But they didn’t manage to take the property, I fussed in time. Then I heard a lot of similar stories and read on the forums, only they are not advertised very much in the UAE.

To be honest, I only know one really successful Russian in Dubai who made a big fortune there. But he has been living in the UAE for 20 years already, everyone knows him, and he knows everyone, he is already there like his own.

I understood that if you want to do serious business in the country, get to know people there, with the authorities, get some kind of administrative resource. Everything is like ours, in general. Many of us think: we are the smartest. And the locals, maybe they didn’t study mathematical analysis at school, but they’re not idiots either, they look at who they can take what from.

After the UAE, I went to Panama, the first year I didn’t do anything at all, I just went to bars and met people. And only when I realized that I know everyone there, including the president's brother, did I start doing something.

And in the Emirates more than a foot.

Today in the UAE news, we have prepared for you a list of small business ideas in the UAE.

Everyone has ever dreamed of starting their own business. But where to start? Some lack ideas, some lack finance. Today we have sorted for you all business ideas by the size of the initial investment. We hope you enjoy them and can use them.

Business with investments up to $20,000.

1. Making souvenir coins.

Souvenirs sell well in tourist cities, especially in Dubai. There are many options and ideas for the design of souvenir coins. This business is only limited by your imagination!

2. Organization of non-standard tours.

Another good idea for a tourist city like Dubai. If you understand tourists and have been living in Dubai for a long time, you probably know a couple of interesting places. Make inquiries, find out more and you will already be able to organize your custom tours in Dubai.

3. Car tuning with luminous paints.

We all know how people different countries and different nationalities love to show off in Dubai. So give them the opportunity to show off the beautiful and glowing patterns on their cars. Tuning a car with luminous paints and drawings is exactly what this city lacks!

Business with investments from $20,000 to $40,000.

4. Production and sale of cotton candy.

Everyone's favorite cotton candy sells so well in our home countries. So why isn't she here? Cotton candy is easy to manufacture and easy to sell. She has always been loved by children and will never go out of style.

5. Implementation of soft ice cream from the freezer.

This business is very popular in America. We are sure you have seen a painted ice cream truck more than once. Perfect for the hot emirate of Dubai! Everything is simple and interesting - negotiate with suppliers, buy ice cream, sell it near pedestrian zones.

6. Dry washing of vehicles.

Dry washing is something new for the emirate of Dubai. You can't be completely sure about this business. It is new in itself, and therefore there is little risk. However, if dry washing is to the liking of the people of Dubai, you will definitely become famous.

Business with investments from $40,000 to $65,000.

7. Making and selling donuts.

At first glance, this idea may seem frivolous, but multi-colored buns with holes in the middle have always been popular with people, especially children. American culture can no longer exist without donuts and coffee, so why not bring this idea to the UAE?

8. A network of shops for loose tea.

This is a special type of business that implies a certain niche. This business should be done if you yourself love tea and understand it. You need to choose the right place, the success of your stores depends on it.

9. Biohumus production.

Where there is no soil, but only sand, biohumus production can bring good money. Briefly, vermicompost is a soil with fertilizers, which is specially sold for those who want to grow something where nothing grows. In other words, it may be in demand in the UAE.

Business with an investment of $65,000.

10. Production stretch ceilings PVC.

Stretch ceilings are a unique design element that may appeal to many residents of the UAE. Choose special colors for Arabic style, suggest modern design for residents. Consider the features of the local interior and you can succeed in this type of business.

The United Arab Emirates provides excellent conditions for business. Factors include the absence of taxes, a competitive economy, low import rates and a unique strategic position on the map. Indeed, being in this country, you can access many international markets (China, Africa, Asia, etc.).

List the benefits of organizing a business in can be long enough. It is only worth noting that this option is the most preferable if we compare the requirements for start-up capital and possible income. It doesn’t matter if you are an expat or a local, in the Emirates success awaits those who are ready to accept it.

We have prepared for readers the best ideas for small and medium-sized businesses in the UAE.

21 ideas for a "budget" business in the UAE

The main criterion for choosing the best ideas was not profitability, as one might think at first glance. Of course, in the Emirates you can carry out absolutely diverse activities: sell goods, provide various services, etc. However, for the implementation of certain functions, enterprises need permits, which are quite expensive to obtain. Therefore, the below list of business ideas in the UAE contains such options that would be in demand among consumers and would not require going through lengthy procedures for opening.

Business - Restaurant / cafe in the UAE

Let's start with a rather banal idea that blooms with new colors in the modern realities of the Emirates. Most of the inhabitants of this country simply do not have time to eat at home, which makes them potential customers of catering establishments. Given the multinational society in the UAE, it can be argued that the cuisine of almost any country will be in great demand here.

Business in the UAE for the delivery of food cooked at home

Recently, home-cooked food has been in great demand in the Emirates. Again, there are many working people in the country who do not have time to eat at home. At the same time, fast food cannot become a regular option, due to its harmfulness. Therefore, it is good to think about cooking delicious homemade food. Let's say you can enter into agreements with several offices and companies, delivering food to them for lunch a certain number of times a week. To organize such a business, it is not necessary to rent a kitchen space - cooking can be done in a simple apartment.

Organization of tourist tours in the UAE

Registering a company in the UAE can also be useful if you decide to try your hand at being a tour operator. Not only Dubai, but also other emirates of the country are suitable as a starting point for hundreds of tourist destinations. Despite the fact that this business in the UAE is already very popular, you can interest a potential client with original offers and discounts.

Property Management Business in the UAE

The Emirates is one of the richest countries in the world, so it is not surprising that a considerable number of wealthy businessmen live within their borders. Rich people can't always manage their own affairs, and this is a great chance for optimistic and smart people to show their abilities.

Recruitment agency in the UAE

Immigration to the UAE is becoming an excellent option for many professionals and specialists. Local residents, of course, turn out to be no worse than visitors, forming a market for skilled labor with foreigners. Business in the UAE needs employees on a daily basis, however, enterprises do not always have time for careful selection of personnel. Actually, it is in this aspect that you can help many companies. Form lists of people who want to get a job, comparing them with the requests of firms.

Business for the care of the sick and children in the UAE

Life in the UAE flows quite quickly, and working people do not always have time for their own children and loved ones. Organize a company to care for disabled citizens. Alternatively, you can hire employees who provide part-time tutoring services, or even open an entire childcare center.

UAE Cleaning Services

Based on the above thesis about the general employment of people in the UAE, it can be assumed that they are unlikely to have even one free hour to clean their own homes. In addition, cleaning services are always in demand among office companies, so this business development option can be very cost-effective.

Services in the UAE for home repair

Among other workers, those people who have skilled hands are very popular in the UAE. We can talk about repairing the sink, installing cornices and other household tasks. Having several "Kulibins" under your control, you can guarantee yourself a permanent clientele not only in Dubai, but also in other emirates of the country.

Store of original pastries and "snacks" in the UAE

Characteristic of society in the UAE is a large number of all sorts of holidays and celebrations. When one religious denomination finishes its festivities, representatives of another religion will certainly come to its place. Of course, all these events are not complete without kilograms of all kinds of dishes and snacks (including pastries). Therefore, if you have a certain penchant for making sweets, you can try to build on this when starting a business in the UAE.

A company in the UAE providing florist/flower delivery services

A "color" business can generate income not only during romantic holidays (Valentine's Day, March 8, etc.), but also on a daily basis. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and various other celebrations take place in the Emirates on a daily basis and people buy flowers for these holidays. It is worth considering the popularity of online ordering and delivery services when organizing your business in the UAE, taking into account the availability of these options. By the way, do not limit yourself to flowers alone - add sweets and other delicacies to your assortment.

Gift and souvenir shop in the UAE

This business development option is characterized by the fact that you can deploy it almost instantly. You don't need to make your own products - just buy a variety of "trinkets" (preferably from a famous brand) and seal them in your own packaging. Such a product can sell out as quickly as flowers, if not faster. The only thing worth thinking about is the creation of unique packaging and the selection of the original assortment.

Preparation and processing of documents in the UAE

More and more people are coming to the UAE for work or business purposes. When it comes to preparing the necessary documents, most begin to have serious problems. Getting the right papers requires a lot of time, and the procedure itself can consist of many stages. People simply do not have enough time to study all the nuances of the UAE legislation. It is around this problem that you can build your own profitable business.

Online trading in the United Arab Emirates

There are practically no differences between virtual and real trading, with the only exception that in the first case you do not need a room. All you need to take care of is the design of an online storefront and the organization of a delivery service. For starters, you can sell on one of the big auction sites to grab a clientele. In parallel, you can start creating and promoting your own website in order to switch to direct sales in the future.

Network business in the UAE

This industry can include a wide variety of virtual enterprises providing services on the network. We are talking about online marketing, PR firm, content creation agency, etc. However, in order to succeed in this business in the UAE, you need to take care of hiring qualified personnel. It's good to know your chosen activity.

Business broker in the UAE

The brokerage market (B2B market - “business to business”) is very developed in the Emirates. This is due to the fact that companies in the UAE are extremely active, participating in many transactions on a daily basis. If you have experience in B2B, then you will definitely be able to find interesting options for yourself.

Insurance broker in the UAE

Medical and car insurance are mandatory in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, as well as in other emirates. This means a high demand for the services of insurance brokers, and you can become one of them. To begin with, it is worth operating under the auspices of larger firms, profiting from the percentage of each transaction. Having completed the necessary documents and got connections, you can think about opening your own insurance company.

Dry cleaning services in the United Arab Emirates

As you probably guessed, the UAE residents do not have enough time not only for food and raising children, but also for washing things. Why not help them with this? Please note that those companies that provide the service of receiving / delivering things, as well as mobile laundromats, are in special demand in the Emirates.

Hairdresser in the UAE

Unlike a spa or beauty salon, a hair salon requires less investment. In addition, in this case, the demand is formed due to the need. A person on a budget may forego expensive spa services, but he is unlikely to deny himself a haircut. For greater success, it is worth finding the most strategically advantageous position for the future hairdresser.

Mobile service station in the United Arab Emirates

Where there are cars, service stations are always needed. However, at the moment there are enough companies in the UAE that provide these services. To succeed, you need to think about the interesting features of your future enterprise. Alternatively, you can create a mobile service station that would help drivers stuck in the middle of the road.

Repair of mobile phones and devices in the UAE

Modern society is equipped with advanced mobile devices and gadgets, so repairing and selling them is a very profitable business in the UAE.

Car wash in the UAE

On the roads of the Emirates you can meet a lot of luxury cars, along with inexpensive and used vehicles. The surrounding desert does not make cars cleaner, and their owners are forced to periodically wash their "fireballs". To stand out from the crowd of car washes, try to surprise your customers with good cleaning products and high service. Most importantly, do not forget to put a coffee machine.

The secret of business success in the UAE

The voiced ideas for small and medium businesses are good, but they will not work if you do not show enough dedication. In the United Arab Emirates, there is a high level of competition in many industries, including those that were cited in the article.

Hard work and smart decisions are the secret of success, not only in the Emirates, but all over the world. If you have ideas for a successful business in the UAE, feel free to share them in the comments.


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