What to make a battery master key. How to make a master key for different locks

  • 12.06.2019

Today we will talk about master keys from what and how to make them.
What do we need for this:
1.drill or machine, or better sharpened
2.Ground circle (if only drill) see Photo1
3.folding meter see Photo2 or a suitable plate with a thickness
0.5-0.7mm (the main thing is to be made of good metal and not
bent too much, such as a knife, a hardened plate or a spring of the right size)
from it we will make the master key itself.
4. a small hexagon from it we will make a knob
5. tested (any suitable mask from the lock, but better some Korean
as it is easier to start training)
6.tesky (without them it will be very inconvenient)
7.patience and hands from the right place
Let's start
First you need to choose what kind of master key we want to make (there is a huge selection of them)
We will do one of the three simplest and most common
We disassemble the meter for this, it is necessary to grind off the rivets on the sides, just do not throw them away
we will also need see Photo3
The next stage is the processing of the meter link, we process it according to the dimensions given on Photo4
Processing is carried out using a stone nozzle, see Fig. Photo1 the main thing is not to overheat the meter link
too long working part it’s not worth doing, because it can break, but we need everything
For the master key to reach the last soldier, see Photo5

After we have made the master keys, we need to polish them, this is done in order to
they didn’t cling to anything, so that no one would speak, and it’s easier to work with polished master keys
(opening locks with master keys is a very subtle science)
Now we fasten the finished master keys in three pieces with the same rivets, but you can not fasten them
whichever is more convenient for you, see Photo6
The next thing we will do is a pusher, we need it to give a turning
castle efforts
We take a hexagon 3 or a suitable bar from good metal and make a poker, see Photo7
You can also make a pusher from a key, see. Photo8 we just remove the working part
leaving only the top part of the key.

Now consider other types of locks , master keys to them and methods of opening without master keys.
Let's start in order
The first one we'll look at is Finnish castle so-called disk
with round keys
. It usually opens in two ways.
1. Roller it is made from nozzles (bits) from KRAFTOOL or similar
well-known firms, but not from such as STAYER and similar consumer goods
You can make it from bars of a good alloy, it is checked by poking
It is best, of course, to make it from titanium, you can get it from turners and process it there
Looks like a convolution, see Photo9 as a blank wrench with a hex at the end for the head
Processing bits with the same stone, see. Photo1 and most importantly, the temperature of the bit during processing
should not exceed 80 degrees, as this will lead to metal tempering
after processing, the finished roll must be polished, this is done so that it does not break
imagine if you make a scratch on the glass and hit it, then the glass will break in this
place on the fold is the same if there is a scratch, then it will curl up in this place
Well, everyone understands how to use it. We insert the roll up to the stop in the lock, put on the head
And we turn clockwise.
2.Using a puller. Buy self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the discs
all the way so that the bolt head protrudes from the lock by a centimeter, this is done in order to
puller caught. The puller looks like this Photo10
the same way you can open english castle(pin)
Consider padlocks
Well, it's all just opening padlocks makes no sense if it can be bypassed
We take an adjustable wrench with a length of 40 centimeters, the longer the easier it is to wield it
We clamp one of the darlings of the door and bend it.
Bambing This method was invented back in 1950, it was based on simple method
We all played billiards, if we hit ball 1, then we give it an impact impulse
Ball 1 hitting ball 2 stops and ball 2 starts moving
As we know, cylinder locks have two soldiers in each cell.
If we hit the upper soldiers, then they will remain in place and the lower ones will go into
down to the stop for a few nano seconds if we start to turn at this moment
then the lock will open, it's not difficult as it seems the first time.
According to this method, spring pistols were invented that hit the soldiers
But more recently, they came up with the ingenious thing BUMP-key how to make it, see below. Photo11
Now I will explain the meaning of the alteration
We need to open the lock, no matter how good the company gets the key to the same
lock, we grind grooves to the maximum length of the secret, now we grind the spout
and the emphasis of the key, this is done so that the key after we have inserted it
left a gap between the key and the cylinder 0.5-1.0mm now if we hit on
the end of the key, then it will go 0.5-1.0 mm into the cylinder, forcing the soldiers to go down
forward energy to the lower soldiers and at this moment we turn the key.
This way you can open even Mul-T-Lock and absolutely any cylindrical locks
with vertical and horizontal cutting of secrets
Good luck in your endeavors!!!

Before learning how to open locks with a paperclip without a key, it is important to know that such in a simple way you can open far from every locking mechanism and a master key from a paper clip will not help. To unlock some of them, you need a special specific tool that differs from ordinary stationery.

There are several main types of locks:

Work materials

To make a homemade master key, you need three things that are not at all in short supply and are always available:

Tool making

To open the door without a key from two paper clips with pliers, you need to make a master key and a tensioner.

Opening locks with a paperclip

Depending on the type of lock, there are enough ways to open the door with a paper clip.

Method 1. It can be used to open pin door locks with a cylindrical mechanism, as well as a simple padlock.

  • The tensioner must be inserted into the lock hole and circular pressure should be applied in the direction of rotation of its mechanism. First you need to try to move the paperclip to the right. Usually in locks, the key turns clockwise, although there are exceptions. Sensitive hands themselves will be able to choose the right direction of rotation. With the right actions at the moment of turning the mechanism, the paper clip encounters less resistance than when choosing the wrong direction.
  • In the process of work, the presence of a constant small tension of the mechanism is important. After determining the direction of rotation, the pressure on the paper clip must be fixed, and with a paper clip, try to feel the pins in the cylinder. Most locks have five pins, which in a certain combination open the lock. They need to be pressed in order, starting from the rear edge of the lock well.
  • When slowly winding the tensioner, each of the pins must be fixed. When setting the pin in correct position you can catch a small movement or hear a click. You need to work with a clip-master key until you get the feeling that all the lock pins are in place. Then the tensioner should be turned in the selected direction, and the lock will immediately open.

Method 2. It is usually used when the lock is located inside the interior door handle.

  • At the same time, the working tool is slightly modified: the paper clip must be unbent, and its end bent in the form of the letter “G”.
  • The prepared master key must be inserted into the lock hole and strongly pressed against the pressure plate of the mechanism, while turning the handle. This will open the lock.

Method 3. They can open interior door when jamming the "tongue" of the castle.

  • The paperclip should be fully extended and bent into a semicircle. Then the tool must be inserted into the space between the end of the door and its box with the grip of the "tongue" so that both ends of the paper clip are in the hands.
  • Pressing the door, they need to be pulled towards you until the “tongue” snaps into place. As a result of these efforts, the door will open.

Method 4. In this way, constipation, made in the form of a latch, opens.

  • The straightened end of the paper clip must be passed between the door leaves so that it is located under the latch.
  • Then the paper clip must be lifted up until the latch is removed and the door opens.

On such constipation, the door is considered the most unreliable and accessible for intruders to enter the housing.

Method 5. In this way, you can easily open the locks for suitcases with a paper clip.

  • The end of the paper clip must be bent into a small loop, as closely as possible following the contour of the lock key from the suitcase.
  • Then the end of the paper clip must be inserted into the well and turning it, feel for the clamp of the mechanism.
  • After the spring is released, the lock will open.

We told you how to make a master key from a paper clip and open simple locks with it. We hope that you use our advice in good intentions. It is also important to know that most locks will not be able to guarantee the complete security of your home and property. They are only a kind of deterrent that requires additional measures to protect housing.

The ability to work with a master key is "aerobatics" in the field of opening locking devices without a key. Unlike rough breaking, often door master keys do not damage the lock, making it possible to use it in the future, opening it with a native key. Manipulative autopsy has always impressed people watching this process from the sidelines. However, it does not occur to many that this spectacular business may be more accessible, you just have to show patience and skill.

What is necessary for successful work with a master key?

Everyone can learn how to work with a master key against weakly protected locking devices. For this, some special skills are not required, but to pass "through the locks" of the 3rd and 4th protection classes is a real skill. To open well-protected locks with a master key, it is not enough to have the right tool at hand, you need to have necessary set skills and abilities that need to be constantly honed.

We make a set of master keys with our own hands

It is quite expensive to buy lock picks in the online store. Plus, in sets of factory master keys, there is not always the whole essential tool not to mention its quality. Therefore, we initially do not look for easy ways, trying to make the necessary master keys on our own. To make our first master keys we need:

  1. emery;
  2. a set of files and files (which will have to be spoiled);
  3. Screwdriver Set;
  4. vise and pliers;
  5. hammer;
  6. and most importantly brains and straight arms.

In addition to the specified list, you will also need templates for making various master keys. But they can be found quite easily on the Internet, so we will not talk about them in detail. Now we need to take a set of needle files and files and turn it into a set of picks by modifying their sharp metal handles. The fact is that files and needle files are made of durable tool steel, which means that the master keys will be durable and withstand significant loads.

  • To begin with, we will make hook-shaped master keys. Referring to the configuration of the rod in accordance with the template, we process the tip of the needle file handle, giving it the desired shape. Then, very carefully holding the needle file in a vise, we bend it with pliers at the desired angle. We do the same with other hook-shaped unlocking devices, you will get three of them.
  • Now let's make a pick with a tooth on the end, designed to lift the pins of the cylinder lock. To do this, we find the template of the corresponding master key and determine the size of the tooth. Then, on the emery, we grind the thick part of the needle file handle, leaving a part that looks like a tooth. Now we clamp our workpiece in a vise and process it with a file to give the tooth the desired shape, not forgetting to grind the sharp edges.
  • Next, we will make a master key-comb. We take files and grind several recesses on its handle with the help of a second file, so that we get teeth. The template will help us with the dimensions.

Important! The sizing and fit of the teeth is often quite difficult to implement on a workpiece using just a file and a ruler, so be prepared to mess up a few picks before you get something worthwhile.

In addition to the above set of master keys, we need a good tensioner and a roll. The tensioner can be quite simply made from a curved hex key, the edges of which need to be turned on sandpaper. We will make a roll-up from a screwdriver with a rod of suitable thickness, bending it with a hammer at the desired angle.

The basics of picking a cylinder lock

To open the cylinder lock, we need a tensioner and a master key with a clove at the end. First, we insert the tensioner into the keyhole and try to turn the larva towards the opening, creating tension. Then we introduce a master key with a tooth into the lock and try to catch the first pin. The lock responds to our every action with light clicks, so listen carefully and react correctly.

Our first task, without removing the tension from the cylinder, is to hook the first pin, giving it a position corresponding to the opening. As soon as this succeeds, the cylinder will move a little, then the next pin is next in line, and so on until the lock opens. Quite rarely, after the first iteration of the pins, it is possible to open the lock, so after going through a series of secret elements once, do not hesitate to try again. It will definitely work the second time around.

Remember! When manipulating the master key in the cylinder, you need to be extremely careful, because the larva inside is quite fragile.

We open the lever lock with a master key

When opening a lever lock with a master key, it is also very important to feel the secret mechanism with your fingers. After all, you can’t look inside, and heavy plates need to be properly lifted, while leaving the deadbolt in tension. All this requires a fair amount of training. But if there is a desire to learn, then why not?

For manipulative opening of the lever, we need a roll-tensioner made of a flat screwdriver bent at a right angle and a hook-shaped master key suitable sizes. It is better to sharpen the tip of the pick hook first, and spray WD-40 liquid into the keyhole of the locking device we are interested in. It will facilitate the movement of the plates.

We introduce a screwdriver-tensioner into the keyhole to the end and turn it in the direction of opening the lock. Holding the deadbolt in tension, we insert the hook-shaped master key and begin to catch the first plate. As soon as we succeed, we lift it, at the same time trying to make a turn with a roll. Next, we catch the second plate, then the third and so on until the lock opens.

In conclusion, we note that every good owner should know the basics of manipulative opening of locking devices. Well, you can make master keys for locks with your own hands. To become a highly qualified specialist in this field, you need interest, dedication and years of training. But in order to find a way out of life situation related to the castle in most cases it is enough to know the basics!

PRO lockpicks

I am often asked questions about how to make master keys, how to learn how to unlock locks with the help of master keys. I will answer, why do it, they have been made and adjusted for you for a long time industrial production. All the lockpicks that you see in the photographs are manufactured abroad in an industrial way. Their purpose is very diverse: they are for the police, and for rescuers, firefighters, etc. However, they are commercially available and anyone can buy them. Lockpick sets can also be ordered online.

You see the picks that are used to unlock the locks with a cylinder mechanism, they are also called locks with a profile cylinder. These are the locks that are most easily unlocked, which is why I recommend starting with these locks. Learning how to use them is very simple, for this you just need to understand how such a mechanism works. Work principles different types locks are very clearly presented on the website of the "Factory of locks and hardware" where there are professionally made flash videos showing the operation of locks. Below are photos of single picks and cylinder lock release sets with one row of pins.

The unlocking principle is as follows. An "L"-shaped plate is inserted into the key hole in the upper part (they are visible in the photographs) and is created using its tension (turn) of the cylinder. But the cylinder does not rotate, because. it is prevented by spring-loaded pins. Next, the master key itself is inserted into the keyhole and the pins are lowered alternately, while not loosening the tightness. In this case, at some of the moments of the pins sinking, a small (fraction of millimeters) rotation of the cylinder mechanism will occur. Due to the error in drilling the holes for the pins, which is always there, even in the most expensive locks, one (or several) pins are "hung out" when lowered, i.e. no longer interfere with the rotation of the cylinder, then, pressing the remaining pins in stages, we lower them all to the break line (the pins usually consist of three parts) and turn the cylinder one turn, then the operation is repeated again. You read this much longer than unlocking the lock. It's definitely better to see it once.

But this is already a mechanical "pistol" for unlocking locks with a cylinder mechanism, they can already unlock cylinders with two rows of pins. The principle of its work is the same. With a “L”-shaped plate, we make an interference fit to the cylinder, insert a master key into the keyhole, which is fixed at the end of the “pistol” and, pressing the “trigger”, strike the pins. When they fail, the cylinder rotates. The "pistol" has an adjustment of the amplitude of the movement of the master key, and you can adjust the frequency of blows with your own hand.

Well, these are already electrical devices, the same as a mechanical "gun", but for the lazy - they work on batteries. But in fact, it is much better than the mechanical counterpart, because it allows you to subtly manipulate the master key in the keyhole.

I myself used all these devices for unlocking locks. By the way, I started training only when a mechanical "gun" fell into my hands. After that, I became interested in unlocking the lock in the old, "old-fashioned" way. Let me put it this way, I've only unlocked locks for fun and in class with my experts, and I've done it in seconds. True, I unlocked old domestic locks (they did not differ in the accuracy of production), and the current Chinese ones (including APEX). Well, now think about how many seconds a thief will open your door?

May troubles pass you by!

Method one:

two paper clips are taken, the first is fully unbent, and folded in half. After that, one half of it bends several times, so that the bends form between themselves no more than an acute angle, as shown in diagram 1.

Then you need to determine which side the cylinders are located on - scheme 2, and insert the made master key all the way into the keyhole, with the curved side towards the cylinders and try to turn it clockwise, with sharp but gentle movements, trying not to bend. If the attempt fails, repeat the whole action again, but so that the "pattern" of the master key being made does not coincide with the previous one.

Some useful tips:

Always keep an eye on the top or bottom of the cylinders, it usually depends on which way to turn the master key. For example, if the cylinders are on top, as indicated in diagram 2, then the master key must be turned counterclockwise, and not vice versa. These types of locks are usually installed on office furniture (drawers, cabinets, etc.). If the made master key does not fit the lock you are currently opening, in no case should you throw it away. It can still be useful to you, it didn’t fit this castle, it will fit another. For these purposes, I advise you to get a special wallet or something like that, where you will put the master keys you made at your leisure (always carry this wallet with you, just in case, because there are different cases).

The most popular secrecy mechanisms in locks are cylinder ones. Secrecy in such a lock is provided by several pairs of pins: code and locking. These pins do not allow the core of the cylinder mechanism to rotate in its body if a non-native key is inserted into it. When the “correct” key is inserted into the keyhole (the key that comes with the lock or its copy), the pins get into the right position: the interface line of all pairs of code and locking pins is at the level of the connector between the cylinder body and the lock body. Thus, in order to turn the lock without damaging the pins, you need to come up with a way to set the pins to the desired level.

Why won't the lock open with any key? If the grooves on the working part do not match the configuration set by the set of pins, then either the pin located in the cylinder will partially enter the lock body (if the cutout is small), or the pin from the lock will enter the cup on the cylinder under the action of the spring. In any case, one or more pins will not let you turn.

Since the pin mechanism is hidden inside the lock, for most people, opening the lock of such a system without a key will be an overwhelming task. You can be sure that the key to the neighbor's door won't fit yours. However, the films claim that any blonde (if, of course, she is also a special agent or grew up in a criminal area) can open the lock with a hairpin. Indeed, with some practice, this puzzle can be solved with the help of improvised means or a simple special tool. We will assume that the hero of our article is not an immoral burglar, but a locksmith who frees a child locked in an apartment and does not want to spoil the lock, the key to which was left inside the apartment.

So, knowing the device of the lock, we formulate the task: we need to set the pins to the desired height and turn cylinder mechanism. A typical lockpicker's kit consists of several tools made from curved metal plates. As an experienced dentist chooses a suitable hook for working with a tooth cavity, so a locksmith determines the necessary master key with a trained eye. For each specific lock, he will need at least two of them: one - it can serve as an ordinary slotted screwdriver - is needed in order to turn the lock. With the help of another, he will put the slots in turn into the desired position. Sometimes for this purpose you will need several approaches with a change of master key.

So, the locksmith inserts the “screwdriver” key into the lock and turns the cylinder slightly, as far as the pins will allow it. This is necessary so that the pins are slightly pressed and do not move independently under the action of the springs. The holes located in the cylinder and the lock body opposite each other will slightly shift, forming a ledge. Now the locksmith inserts a suitable lock pick up to the first pin, making such fidgeting movements with it. Its purpose is to ensure that the junction of the first pair of pins is aligned with the line separating them. seats. As soon as the pins are in place, the locksmith will hear and/or feel a barely audible click with his fingers. The upper contact pin has fallen into place and now does not go inside the cylinder under the action of a spring, but rests on a ledge. It will not go back in until the lock cylinder is loaded with force turning it through a pick-screwdriver. Now you can move on to the next pair of pins. Once all the pins are in place, the cylinder will turn and you can make a complete turn. If the lock is closed by two turns, then this will delay the locksmith (burglar) for twice as long ... that is, for a few more minutes.

Theoretically, blocking the mechanism of a cylindrical lock is a fairly simple process, but in practice it requires the skill of a master. The locksmith must learn proper pressure and listen carefully to sounds and tactile sensations. Ideally, this skill can be obtained on a castle model, where the student acts not only by touch, but also sees the result of his actions.

Lock manufacturers do their best to complicate the process of opening the lock without a key, placing the pins not in the same line and at different angles. But professionals say that for an experienced person there is no fundamental difference. It is advisable, of course, to explore the castle new design and choose the appropriate shape of the master keys for the new species.

It turns out that the authors of detective books and films do not greatly sin against the truth, arguing that the lock can be opened with a hairpin or pin. It's just that the less professional tool a cracker uses, the higher his qualification should be. So why do we lock doors at all if they open so easily? There is good expression"Locks serve to protect against honest people". A locked door limits the territory, the entrance to which will be interpreted as a violation of the right of inviolability of the home or property of the organization. Opening the lock is a clear evidence of the maliciousness of the action. A neighbor who has accidentally drunk and mixed up the floors will not burst into you and behind the lock you can hide from annoying guests. And, no more.

Summary: "Citizens, keep money in the savings bank!"