How to improve the quality of life without increasing costs. Development of recommendations for improving the quality of life of the population of Russia - abstract

  • 24.09.2019

What is quality of life? It can be defined as the degree of satisfaction of a person with the conditions of his existence, the degree of comfort both in his own private life and in society. According to the definition of the All-Russian Health Organization, the quality of life is a person's subjective perception of his own position in life in the context of cultural and social values ​​that are accepted in society.

Everyone wants to live well

Of course, improving the quality of life is a concern for every sane person. Anyone wants to spend their existence in comfortable conditions, be happy, enjoy, not suffer. Often people ask themselves the question: "What do I like in life? What would I like to improve?". Every event in our life can be positive or negative. At present, a person is forced to live according to externally imposed standards. It becomes difficult for him to assess whether this or that event is good for him or is harmful. He finds it difficult to answer a simple question: "What do I really want in life?".

Subjectivity of perception

For example, a mother wants to send her child to additional courses in mathematics. She is looking for a prestigious university, gives a lot of money for classes. With great difficulty, the child is still enrolled in these courses, but later it turns out that it is difficult for the child to cope with both the main program and additional classes. He completely loses his passion for learning. Is then such a “good”, as taking courses at a prestigious university, an improvement in the quality of life, or, on the contrary, does it worsen the conditions of existence? Everyone must answer this question for himself.

Often, those events that seem to us a source of joy can only bring disappointment. As often happens, a girl who has dreamed of getting married all her life is later disappointed in this undertaking. Having achieved the desired goal, celebrating a magnificent wedding, she is faced with the realities of everyday life, not feeling happy at all. “It would be better for me to live with my parents,” she draws a sad conclusion. What was supposed to improve the quality of life turns out to be just another source of difficulty.

Unambiguous harm

However, there are some indicators that can be assessed unambiguously. For example, alcohol or nicotine addiction only brings harm. No matter how hard the supporters of the “green serpent” try to justify their actions, in fact, such a way of life brings nothing but destruction. Smoking is no less dangerous. The number of those who develop cancer due to this seemingly harmless habit is constantly growing. In addition, cigarettes contain a large number of substances that adversely affect the body's ability to resist various infections. Therefore, the harm from smoking can be indirect, which further exacerbates the situation. Improving the quality of life is out of the question here. Health is the first condition that is necessary in order to feel happy.

Main condition

One of the main conditions for a quality life is safety. If a person lives in extreme conditions, and the only task facing him is survival, then it is difficult to talk about the comfort of existence. Improving the quality of life of citizens is largely the concern of the state. And it is the political structures that take responsibility for ensuring that the people can live in safety, under the protection of the country's Armed Forces. Only in conditions of peace can we talk about building our future, working and living in good conditions.

Increase income

Another important indicator is income. Many dream that one day a huge inheritance will fall on their head. The girls dream of meeting a rich prince with a million dollar bank account. However, improving the quality of people's lives is 99.9% dependent on themselves. It is foolish to dream of prosperity without putting any effort into it. The economic situation in the country is constantly changing. There is either an increase in unemployment, then an increase in prices, then a decrease wages. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself, your strengths and skills. How to increase your income, thereby creating conditions for improving the quality of life? Consider several options for additional income:

  • Babysitting (babysitting).
  • Writing term papers for students.
  • Opening your own beauty salon.
  • Dog walking.
  • Tutoring.
  • Growing aquarium fish.

Financial indicators

To calculate the amount of money that is necessary for a quality and comfortable life, you need to include several indicators. Firstly, these are the costs of housing, food, gasoline, the purchase of household items, clothing, money for recreation. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of purchasing household appliances, study. For a comfortable life you need good food, clothing, education, the opportunity to attend cultural events. Without all this, it is difficult to say that living conditions correspond to a certain level. It is advisable to have an idea of ​​​​what the annual amount of expenses will be equal to, because incomes can change every month, even if a person can work in an enterprise.

After that, a person can understand why else he might need money. As a rule, after taking into account all the expenses required for a comfortable life, people begin to think about making their dreams come true. Only at this stage does a person have a keen interest in making money. And the improvement of the quality and standard of living is possible only if the basic needs are satisfied and there is no need to worry about a piece of bread and paying utility bills.

The role of education

Another condition for a quality life is a good education. Without it, in many areas it is simply impossible to build a career. Even if a person somehow manages to gain experience in a particular field without a diploma and works better than his colleagues, most employers will require a diploma of education to get a job. And even those who have already graduated from the university still have to constantly improve their skills and improve their knowledge in the professional field. After all, without this, you can work all your life in the same position. And without a promotion, it becomes impossible to increase income.


It often happens that a person loses his job for reasons beyond his control. For example, in a region where the majority of the male population works in mines, politics suddenly change and the mines begin to close. What should an adult with a family and children do in this case? The only way out is to get a new education. That is why, in order to improve the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to create as many opportunities for learning as possible, including retraining.

Success depends on us

But in many cases education alone is not enough for success. Many graduates of even prestigious universities often earn less than their former C grade classmates. This is due to the fact that in order to achieve success, it is also necessary to have practical intelligence. Many scientists middle class, having a sufficiently high IQ, go unnoticed forever. The reason for this is the inability to communicate with people, express their opinions, achieve their goals and apply the knowledge gained in practical life. Therefore, no matter how important education is, the quality of a person's life largely depends on his own actions.

Oksana Manoilo is with you again, and we will continue the theme of the meaninglessness of life and think about how to improve the quality of life and can it be changed?

As Viktor Tsoi sang in his song: “So-runs-for-a-year-year, so-life-passes-it-it…”. And the very fact of the senselessness of living this life in this kind of bleak irregularity makes this fact a hundred times more offensive. No brainer that changes are needed, but what exactly to change in life? Job? Location?

No, of course, if there is determination and an understanding of what everything is for and what exactly to do next to improve the quality of life, these radical options can be good. If the work pulls on itself all the time and all personal concentration, devouring your life, but it would be nice to think about whether such work is needed.

Improve the quality of life, ways that work

However, in the vast majority of cases, life can be changed and harmonized., and improve one’s own and moral condition through only

The quality of life will improve for sure, try it!

So, motivation, investing time in yourself, exercise stress creating a tone, and life according to the sun, are able to create a miracle, namely, to return you to yourself, awakening a taste for Life.

The first way to improve the quality of life.

Motivation. What is the most important thing you do in your job? What is its meaning and benefit to other people? Even if at first glance it seems to you that your activity is just a part of another larger activity, and that one is part of something else, then your task is still to get to the very top, to that useful thing for other people that brings that good. which is worth the effort to achieve.

For example, a simple accountant, preparing a report, makes a significant contribution to the well-being of the financial turnover of the organization in which he works, which means that all the good goals pursued by this organization are realized better and better. Cleaners on the streets give people cleanliness and good mood from contemplation of well-kept streets.

People in uniform every day make their contribution to the security of our country and all its citizens. The seller in the grocery store sees the meaning of his work in giving people the opportunity to purchase quality products - tasty and healthy.

You can continue to infinity. In a phrase from everyone's favorite movie "Office Romance" - "Work, as you know, ennobles." However, in the context of our discussion, it would be good to replace the word “work” with the word “service”, and then the right mood appears. The main thing is to penetrate. To do business and apply one's own physical and personal efforts solely because of the desire to receive a salary means, ultimately, to come to

Whereas, on the contrary, service, the feeling of the need for one’s work for the common cause and the importance of oneself as a quality worker who cares about the welfare of other people, turns the routine into a cumulative energy rotor and the opportunity to receive real moral satisfaction from any work. ... Although, I will make a reservation. Not from anyone.

Solutions that improve the quality of life

If you carefully thought and thought and still did not see any benefit for other people in your work, moreover, the end product of the organization in which you work causes this or that harm to people - change your job, because such work will eat you, your energy and take your health.

This applies to workers in the alcohol or nicotine industry, enterprises that produce counterfeit products, or build their activities on conditions that are deliberately destructive, for example, for the environment.

It is just as destructive for the soul and, as a result, for physical body today and work in the livestock industry
- the vibrations in this kind of activity are too low and you will have to pay a hundredfold for participation, even indirectly, in taking away many other people's lives.

Because if earlier, in times of scatter of cause and effect, it was possible to reap the “fruits” of such labor in one’s life only after many years, and not even connect one with the other, then in our time, acceleration of space for such involvement in destructive destructive activity can be severe and painful almost immediately. At the same time, we all understand that there is no one to complain about, since everything is a personal choice and these are only its consequences. Therefore, it is possible to change life, improve the quality of life, but only by approaching it, and not moving reflexively.

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I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. Now you are on my site.

Order your photo diagnostics from me. I will tell you about you, about the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

We list some criteria that directly affect the quality of life, and tell you how to change them in better side. Individually, these changes may seem small, but together they make a big difference in how happy and fulfilled you feel.


How does it affect the quality of life

Any health problems reduce the quality of life. However, not all people seek to quickly get rid of pain and discomfort, continuing to endure and hope that the body will cope on its own.

In some cases this is true, but not in all. For example, if you feel pain in your tooth when you eat sweets, it is understandable that the tooth will not recover on its own. By postponing a visit to the dentist, you simply worsen the quality of life and exacerbate the problem.

How to change

Don't neglect your health. Go to the dentist if you know you have cavities. So you keep your teeth longer, without leading to pain, removal and prosthetics.

Women should do breast ultrasound every six months: breast cancer ranks first among women's oncological diseases and is well treated in the early stages.

Do not tolerate pain in the lower back and neck after a working day - go to a surgeon or a chiropractor without waiting for a hernia and pinched nerve.

Make health a priority and you won't have to deal with the consequences of your negligence.


How does it affect the quality of life

Junk food impairs health and shortens life, spoils well-being and leads to obesity, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

Yes, the quality of food to some extent depends on the level of income: healthy foods like red fish and beef, out-of-season fruits and vegetables, nuts are quite expensive. However, by reducing the amount of fast food, sweets and other junk food, it is quite possible to buy healthy products even with a limited budget.

How to change

Go to healthy eating quite easy, the main thing is to learn and clearly define why you are doing it. By the way, to eat healthy food you don't have to spend a lot of money: here's how to save on food and eat right.

Bad habits

How do they affect the quality of life

Dependence on cigarettes, alcohol, sweets reduces the quality of life. You spend several thousand rubles a month on something that most often does not bring pleasure and benefit, you experience negative emotions from public condemnation or condemn yourself for weakness. In addition, your addictions, like junk food, are bad for your health and shorten your life.

How to change

To fight bad habits you need a target and a replacement.

A goal will help support your determination to get rid of the addiction during the withdrawal process. Ideally, this goal should have a real result that can be tracked. For example, improving performance in sports.

However, no goal will help you last if you don't have a replacement. Addiction serves as a source of pleasure and helps to cope with stress, so you need to find something that replaces the usual actions.

Try to go in for sports, start a hobby, meet new people. Such pleasures will help you get rid of stress and change the environment, which is also very useful when fighting bad habits.

Order in life

How does it affect the quality of life

One of the criteria for the quality of life is domestic comfort, which is impossible without cleanliness and order. Clutter reduces concentration, increases stress levels and causes negative emotions. Clutter in the home reduces comfort and even causes people to consume more unhealthy food. Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption. .

How to change

To keep your home from becoming overgrown with dust and rubbish, start to fight the mess:

  • put things in their places;
  • wash dishes immediately after eating;
  • throw away things you don't use;
  • do a general cleaning once a month.

Satisfaction with life

How does it affect the quality of life

If the standard of living is determined by objective indicators, such as the level of income, working conditions, opportunities for education and recreation, then the quality of life often depends on the subjective opinion of a person - whether he is satisfied with his life or not, how he evaluates its conditions.

It turns out that the quality of life can be improved under any external conditions, simply by changing your attitude to what is happening.

How to change

Very often we are not upset by real events, but by memories of the past or fear of the future. If you learn to focus on the present moment, without flying your thoughts into the past or future, the source of much anxiety, stress and anxiety will disappear. negative thoughts. Due to this, psychological comfort and satisfaction with life will increase.

At first, focusing on the present moment, or, in other words, will require effort from you. In order not to tire yourself, try practicing mindfulness not all the time, but several times a day, for example, while cleaning or eating.

Meditation also helps to accustom yourself to awareness. Just do not try to immediately meditate for a long time: you will quickly get bored, and you will no longer be able to force yourself. Start slowly and form a habit - this is the key to success in any business.

As you can see, to improve the quality of life, it is not necessary to earn twice as much. Sometimes it’s enough to fix a tooth that has been bothering you for a week, feel a surge of energy from a healthy lunch, clean up the trash on your desktop and notice what delicious coffee you are drinking or how glad you are to see your friend.

There are more people with a physical or mental disability in our society than you might imagine. Ensuring the best possible quality of daily life for people with disabilities is very important, not only because they are human, like all of us, but also so that their dignity and social well-being are not reduced only because of disability. Disability can be due to illness, old age, accident and injury, as well as many other reasons that can happen to anyone and that we all will encounter at some stage in life. The great thing is that helping to improve the quality of life of a person with a disability and make life easier by making everyday tasks simpler and easier to complete is not that difficult. Here are some tips to help improve the quality of everyday life for the person you care for with a disability.


Improve your home and living conditions

Think about the needs of the person as an individual. Each of us has different needs and desires and it is important to remember that we are all human beings and we all have the same basic needs. Each of us can experience for ourselves what a serious illness, injury or other circumstances, including elderly age when there is often a need for outside help. Therefore, it is very important to remember that what we call a disability has many different components, and although the basic needs of all of us are the same (for example, the need to eat, pay expenses, be clean and be clean, safety, etc.), ways How to improve the quality of life is very individual and depends on lifestyle and specific health problem. The best way understand what a particular person needs - spend time with him and discuss with him what he needs. This is perhaps the only accurate way to determine what a person really wants and needs. You may experience, for example, a person with necrosis of muscles, bones, or a similar problem related to movement or problems such as blindness, deafness, inability to speak, etc. There may be times when a person needs high-quality medical care and it is necessary to hire a full-time carer for this, for example, to care for a person after a serious injury or illness, including a mental health condition or mental illness, such as autism, and may need temporary help caring for those with less severe injuries. Care can be permanent or temporary (such as a broken bone that eventually mends) and may involve assistance with mobility.

    Learn and install special devices or systems that allow everyday life in the house is easier for people with disabilities. What each particular person needs depends on what problems this particular person faces in everyday life. Ask him what he needs - he knows better. If a person with a disability lives with another person who does not have mobility problems, it is always better to think about how to make innovations that will be convenient for both.

    Sometimes major changes need to be made, such as home and garden renovations, but not all changes are highly complex and require a large capital investment. While the biggest changes to the environment are typically required for people with mobility issues (from chairs that a person with a disability can lift to high-end, fully automated electric wheelchairs), there is always something that a particular person needs. , depending on his health problems.

Here are some examples:

1. More expensive options. Full or part time carer, wheelchair ramp installation, extension garden paths, halls and doorways for the passage of wheelchairs, improvement of the design of personal hygiene rooms, rooms for washing clothes, as well as the installation of equipment in the kitchen to enable washing dishes, etc. It is possible that a person with a disability needs a bedroom with an attached bathroom and/or toilet for quicker access to the toilet at night.

2. Refurbishment at medium cost. Installing a low-hanging clothesline or portable clothes-drying rack that allows a person with a disability to hang clothes to dry without problems; buying low benches and tables where wheelchair users can sit and work with documents, cook food, fix something or engage in hobbies. Installation door handles, switches and cords to lower the curtains (if needed) at a lower level. Low refrigerators (for example, a refrigerator bar), benches for access to microwave oven etc. Automated systems watering, so that the watering of the garden is done on time (this can be very important for a person who loves his garden). Installation of a panic button or other contact emergency system. Some models allow you to install such a button on the necklace and simply by pressing it, a person will be able to call family members and / or an ambulance, police or fire brigade.

3. Budgetary projects, including the installation of wall handles in bathrooms, toilets and other rooms, the purchase of small containers for washing, washing dishes and other small items. There are also other devices, such as special nets that you can lean on while standing or kneeling while gardening, and long-handled tools to pick up clothes or trash without bending over, or, for example, take dishes from the top shelf.

Consider the aesthetics of the house. We are all dependent on the décor that surrounds us: dark, curtained rooms will sway even the most determined, cheerful person. Naturally, color is not important for a person with visual impairments or total blindness, but humidity in the room, smells, temperature, sounds, etc. are important to him. These nuances always depend on the individual. Talk to a person with a disability and find out their thoughts on what to change in the decoration of the apartment and their environment to cheer up. This could be a freshly painted room, a new CD or MP3 player to play your favorite songs and instrumental music, reading literature or educational lectures, new curtains or blinds, lighting, additional furniture, etc.

Find out if his insurance, social services, or government covers these changes. Maybe you should arrange for mail and pensions to be delivered directly to the apartment of a person with disabilities, and neighbors to help with garbage disposal. It may be worth paying for private lawn mowing services, for help in maintaining and cleaning the house and summer cottage.

You should also consider financial questions. Many prefer to pay with a credit card or bank transfers, but for some people this is not possible or they prefer to do without it. You can sign a notarized power of attorney for a reliable and an honest man who, if necessary, will look after finances, pay bills, file tax returns, make sure there is always enough cash to pay in case of emergencies or household expenses.

Improving social well-being

Plan regular trips or visits to interesting places. Even in the most well-furnished and attractive home, you can feel like in a golden cage, so the life of a person with disabilities will improve significantly if he has the opportunity to go for a walk in the park, visit shopping center or a cafe, plan a day trip, go on a picnic or go to the beach. Even if, due to your personal schedule or family circumstances, such a trip can only be arranged once a month, it is better than nothing and will really change the life of your beneficiary for the better. Consider whether other members of your family can organize excursions from time to time, as the more people there are who can make such trips a reality, the better. Talk to a social worker to see if there are day trips and other programs for people with disabilities offered by special organizations. A social worker or volunteer may also make home visits, but this will never replace family and old friends, so if visits are not possible due to long distances, keep in touch with the person, whether by phone, e-mail or by regular mail. People often feel unwanted and unwanted when they cannot move around as easily as other people. Stay in touch with them, let them know that they are loved and needed, that they have someone to rely on if they need help. Tell them about online grocery stores and other home delivery services, if any. appropriate. It is possible that charities in your city offer food/grocery delivery services, check that out. At the same time, we should not forget that sometimes a trip to the store delivers great pleasure and helps to diversify the life of a person with disabilities. If a person shows interest in this, find a pet for him. This is a great option for people who love animals and are able to take care of them. But remember that pets are not a substitute for socializing with people. Guide dogs are more than just pets, but they also become friends with their owners. In this matter, it is worth asking the opinion of the person you want to help. Some may be able to take care of a cat or dog that needs quite a bit of grooming. Others prefer animals that do not require such care, such as, for example, gold fish, canaries in a cage, etc. It is important that often people who are taken care of do not feel that they also have a chance to take care of someone. This gives a person self-confidence, self-respect, mental well-being and a sense of responsibility, which in turn can distract them from their own troubles. Electronic pets can never have the same effect, but not only animals can have this effect - many people with varying degrees of mobility impairment or mental problems are interested in bonsai or growing plants in pots. Plant care, such as bonsai (growing dwarf trees) or growing roses, orchids, and other plants in pots can increase concentration and help a person express themselves artistically. Growing vegetables, fruits or herbs is practical and enjoyable.


Ask the person with a disability if they would like to take classes and activities outside the home, such as art, music, cooking, sports, etc. Keeping the mind active is important for health, and besides this, such activities bring a sense of satisfaction. Not all people with disabilities are unable to obtain higher work qualifications and study at higher educational institutions. They can enroll in a correspondence course or enroll in online classes at an online university. If physically possible, offer to sign up for a fitness club or sports section. It is usually worth looking at light sports such as Tai Chi, water exercises and other types of exercises aimed at improving mobility and circulation, or more complex sports such as kayaking, archery, basketball, netball, long distance running, etc. Further. Find ways that a person with a disability can make a difference and help others. In the previous section, it was discussed that the opportunity to care for someone gives a person a sense of confidence in himself and his abilities. The same applies to the opportunity to contribute to public life or help other people. Perhaps a person will be happy to be able to express appreciation or gratitude to relatives or friends who bought him a new DVD player or replaced a light bulb, etc., or maybe he will feel part of big world and will be glad that he can still be a useful person for society and apply his skills in practice. A person with a disability can do volunteer work, such as knitting blankets or scarves for the homeless, helping other people with disabilities, or finding something else they can do. There are companies that specialize in attracting people with disabilities to paid work and even organize transportation. If the person was part of a religious community, consider how they can continue to participate in common activities (eg help with fundraising, cleaning, etc.). It is important to understand that not all people with disabilities are not able to make a career. A skilled professional such as an accountant, architect, telephone salesperson, etc. can still work from home using a computer, so it makes sense to find out if his employer can find ways not to fire an employee, but to allow him to work from home.

health care

Arrange regular visits with the social worker, at least once a month, and ideally once a week. The task of a social worker is to check mental and physical health, as well as to assist in improving the standard of living. It is important for a person to be able to talk to someone, especially if they need more advanced medical care. These services are also very important if the next of kin do not live nearby and cannot get there quickly when emergency. Some centers, church organizations, and community social services offer home help for people with disabilities who can't do it themselves or who can't use a computer. Such services range from pleasure activities such as going to the cinema, parks, zoos, museums and cafes, as well as functional assistance such as going to the shops, hairdresser, pharmacy or post office. If you have a car, this is the most important help that you can provide to a person with disabilities. Without this help, often the only way out of the house for such people is to go to the doctor.

    Finally, try to understand that in order to fundamentally change a person’s life, he needs to be truly helped to see how he himself can change his life in order to live it with meaning and purpose, regardless of whether his options are limited or not.

    Often it comes down to finding ways to help the person regain self-confidence, the ability to continue doing things that were previously taken for granted, and to invest in the person’s heart and mind that they need to be more independent, self-confident, and lead a normal life. life when there is no one around to help him.

  • There are many organizations working to improve the health and well-being of people with disabilities. Although many of them do not have enough people and funding, how can you know that they will not help you until you ask them to?


  • If you don't know people with disabilities, don't speak negatively about them. Some people are disabled from childhood, others become disabled due to injury or accident. No one becomes disabled in their own way. own will, but you won't be able to help other people if you have prejudice against people with disabilities.
  • At the same time, avoid displays of false kindness and compassion. There is true compassion, which is sincere and genuine, and false compassion is when we want others to see that we are kind and perceive us in this light.

A person to a greater extent chooses how happy he will be. Therefore, the improvement of your life is in your own hands, and no one else can influence your well-being. Here effective ways that will help you.


Cultivate a sense of gratitude. At the end of each day, you need to say out loud or write in your journal what and whom you are grateful for.

Physical exercise

Ride a bike, walk, climb a mountain, swim, or go to the gym. All types physical activity cheer up and create positive emotions. When enough endorphins are in your body, you feel euphoric. So you can actually become happier after a run.


Spend more time with your family, forming and strengthening bonds.


You need to build a strong support network. If your blood relatives are unavailable for one reason or another, you need to find yourself a second family. Make real friends. They are the harbingers of happiness.


In difficult times, you need to feel free to ask for help and let others help you instead of fighting problems on your own. Independence is a healthy addiction.


You should close all cases from the past and forget about all the problems that spoil your life in the present.


Heal all your relationships. Forgive everyone who has hurt you in one way or another, and first of all, forgive yourself. Notice how old grudges make your life difficult, especially if you cling to them a lot. And if you are not ready to forgive others, start with yourself.

Mindful Meditation

Meditation allows you to focus and concentrate. It allows you to literally be present in the present moment, not in the past or future. You can also practice unbiased awareness. Journaling can be a form of written awareness. This is a very powerful practice for those who want to learn how to concentrate their mind.


Know what you need and make sure all your needs are met.

A game

Find fun partners and play with them as often as possible, thereby bringing back the magic and wonders of childhood. Regain the innocence of the happy child that lives in every person. This will allow you to look at the world through the eyes of a child, that is, with delight and surprise.


It's so nice to give! You should do some volunteer work, do something good, especially by accident. Give gifts, recognition and your attention.


Develop your potential by identifying your own core strengths. As you become proud of your accomplishments, you will notice your self-esteem and life satisfaction increase.


If you take risks, you develop courage. Happy people never stop at comfort and safety. They are ready to experience disappointment, defeat, disapproval, shame, and even humiliation in order to achieve greater success in the end.

Rethinking Success

You should stay away from the common belief that success is determined by money, status, power and influence, because true success is determined by the number of real strong relationships.

Self care

Practice self-care, which is also known as healthy selfishness.


Forget about worries both at work and in personal life. Anxiety in the future. These terrible things may never happen. Live in the moment, believing that everything will be fine.


Practice kindness towards others as well as yourself.


If you enjoy the moment, you can live it. In addition, enjoyment can mean both the memory of something good from the past, and the anticipation of what will happen in the future.


Go in search of that part of you that believes you deserve to enjoy life.


Always be present here and now, because that is where life takes place.

Values ​​and goals

Understand your values ​​and goals, and live by them.


Listen to your body, which sends you signals when you need to rest or relax, and be sure to respect the opinion of your own body. You definitely need to stop and calm down to look at your life and understand where you need to make any corrections. You don't need to focus on any results, and put aside all the gadgets. You can do this on your own or with someone else.


If you live honestly and authentically, then you won't care too much about social conventions, and that's when you can live according to your own inner truth. To do this, you need to become the owner of your own shadow, both good and bad.


You should follow your passions if you want your spirit to be always satisfied. You should find out what exactly your spirit feeds on, and then feed it as often as possible. It could be dancing, singing, yoga, playing musical instrument, time with children or grandchildren, solitude, music, relaxation, being in nature, creative expression, drawing, writing, beading and various hobby groups.


Focus on the spiritual, not the material.

the beauty

Recognize and express your inner artist and creator.


Stick to flexible opinions (no radical attitudes!), and this will allow you to grow and develop. Openness invites novelty and adventure into your life that allows you to live your life to the fullest.


If necessary, then you need to make the transition from pessimism to optimism. It is in your power to consciously and consistently change the way you think.


Use the power of your intentions, you have no idea what you are really capable of.


Listen to the call within you to understand what your purpose is. If you find out what the main meaning of your life is, you will be able to live more meaningfully, as well as do the good that only you can do.