How to effectively prioritize and plan your life. Life Planning: Practical Tips

  • 24.09.2019

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20-30 years ahead when you are 50-60+ years old

Have you ever assembled a picture from puzzles? Especially if there were a lot of them - 1000-1500 or even 2000?

Remember the state when all the components are poured out of the bag onto the surface where the picture will be assembled? Shock! How can you put together something whole out of these little pieces?

But the picture, which is always on the top of the box, helped us to come to our senses. We have a kind of end result that we need to strive for. This picture helped us in the most difficult moments, when there was a feeling that the factory obviously mixed up something and did not put the most necessary details or replaced them with details of some other picture :-). But, looking closely, we found how to put together a picture from what we have.

Now imagine that there is no final picture! And there is only a large package of small incomprehensible puzzles ... What to do in this case? Do you think you will be able to assemble the whole picture in this case, and if so, how much more time will you need compared to the process of collecting a picture based on the final drawing?

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What does it have to do with puzzles to the topic “LIFE PLANNING” for those who are 50-60+ years old today?

When we were little, parents told, explained, showed us a picture of what we should become adults. How to study, where to enter, what languages ​​will be useful to us in the future, what skills and knowledge are required for happiness, what grades to get. They drew us a picture, based on which we lived and with its help built ourselves and our lives.

When we became adults, then society began to create a picture of the future for us. This picture must have good job, money, home, family, career, children, cottage, car, clothes, figure, health .... And we ourselves were already reaching out to build this picture and put all the puzzles together so that our life picture turned out better than others

When we were 50-60... the basic picture of life is already complicated in one way or another. It can only be improved, changed, painted. But she's complicated! There is no new pattern! We are told, “Make up your own mind. You are free. Here is a mountain of puzzles for you and make any picture you want .... ”

Again…. Remember your state when 2000 puzzles are crumbling in front of you ... but there is no overall final picture ....

The whole generation doesn't have it!

Although ... Someone did collect his own picture ... Perhaps unexpected, non-standard, personal .... And the rest look at him and think: “What a fine fellow! I would like that!” ... And then they look at their puzzles and ... give up

A whole generation does not have a picture of a possible future!

Therefore, I propose to start creating "Gallery of the Future" where we will collect various options Visions of the future, based on which any person from our generation can create a “Plan for their future life”. Without the final version, the final picture, it is very difficult to assemble puzzles ...

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I am a Certified Business Management Consultant . This is my second higher education. The first one is “Higher Mathematics, Methods of Mathematical Physics”. And I spent many years working with various companies and their owners. We created strategic and tactical plans for the development of their business with different teams.

In order to understand what to do today, it is necessary to understand where we want to be tomorrow. In business, before all possible crises, it was customary to plan at least 10 years ahead. And having created a Vision of what will happen in 10 years, plans were created for what should be in 5 years, in 2 years, in a year, in six months and two months. This planning is called “Planning from the result”. Not from today's point, but from the final point, to which we strive. This is very smart technology. It can also be called "Memories of the Future". Getting to the end point, we kind of remember how we came here ....

If we plan from today, then
- We have too many choices and temptations to do one thing or another, then give in to a momentary impulse and try the third. And our path is like a chaotic movement in different directions
- We do not have criteria for choosing from a variety of possibilities. And sometimes we make decisions emotionally or under the influence of other people and circumstances.

Doesn't this remind you of the process of putting together a picture from puzzles? In both cases, a Vision is needed, a common final picture of what we are building and where we are going. And once it's there, we've got it
- decision selection criteria
- and the possibility of planning from the result

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Now to us change ages….

How to apply it? Based on what is written above, then we need the final picture of what we want to create.

Where is this final picture? How to create it?

Conditionally, let's take the age of 80-85 years. Regardless of how old you are now. What should be the desired picture?

At the same time, let's we will ask our inner critic to go for a walk… Because “I will not live” or “I will be decrepit” is not the picture we need.

If you can’t imagine yourself at 80, then add 10 years to your current age and ask yourself “What will happen, what picture of my future do I see?”

Based on a survey that was conducted in a closed group of the project, the main aspects that concern and interest people 50-60+ are:
1. Self-realization, need, employment, demand
2. Health
3. Personal relationships

So let's build a picture according to these parameters. At the same time, let's forget about all the restrictions that the mind tells us ...

After all… have you seen what bionic prostheses are now? Have you seen how human organs are 3D printed or grown from a single cell? Perhaps we are the first generation that will not die………… Who knows 🙂

So go ahead, dream, imagine, create a picture, Vision!

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So: 80 years

1. Health
A strong flexible body that is trained and serves us well. The body is great. All organs are healthy.

2. Relationships
We do not live alone. Near either loving person opposite sex. And either companions that are interesting to us, who share our interests, views with us and are ready to support us in any adventure

3. Wellbeing
We have funds. They consist of active (if we want) and passive income. These funds allow us to live comfortably and interestingly.

4. Case
We are engaged in a business that we like very much, which brings not only pleasure, but also income. Which gives energy, recognition and has growth prospects and opportunities for professional growth and new achievements

Other components each person can add himself

So, whether you believe in such a possibility or not, if you take such a picture as a basis, then a certain path is immediately built up that you need to go through in order to put it together.

And if you start planning from the result, remembering the future, then ... For example!

To have a flexible body at 80-85, you need to have it at 75 and 65. And you need to start doing stretching, Pilates or something like that right now, and if we assume that at 80 you can do 120 different yoga poses , then at 75 80, at 65 - 50, then in a month from today you should master 25.

You can plan to become not just a yogi, but a yoga trainer for adults who travels around the world with a master class and who has been awarded various titles and is the winner of various competitions and tournaments. If you rely on this part of the vision, then in six months it is advisable for you to enter the School of Instructors and start tracking all the events related to tournaments and competitions.

If you want to have material well-being, then you do not need to complain about the state and a small pension. So, let's imagine that you have a stable passive income at the age of 80-85 and you get something else for your favorite job. How did you achieve this? Let's “remember the future”….Maybe at 75 you moved to another country and get a completely normal pension there? Or have you bought and rented a small apartment and started renting it out? Or perhaps you have set up a small business that runs on your own and you live off the percentage of income? Or maybe you successfully married at the age of 65 (option for girls :-))? Or do your children earn well and pay you a family pension?… What did you do and at what age? Or did they do it all at once?

Etc… For example, you live with a partner. What have you done to stay healthy together? Or if you are single now, and in the picture of 80 years old you have a partner near you, then when exactly did you find him and started living together. If at 65, then think about what happened in your life at 70 and at 75. And be sure to think about what you did to win his heart and soul at 64, what you did to meet him at 63 ...

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Weird? Is it unusual to think so? NOTHING WRONG!

That's what you did as a child and said " When I grow up I will become, I will do, I will fly ….”

The same thing you did in your youth when choosing a specialty, looking for a partner, thinking about children, dreaming about traveling, about a career... And you were thinking for many years to come! And planned and imagined...

How is today different from previous ones? NOTHING! Well, maybe only because it could be the last one. Well, so what…?! Or maybe it won't….

Glory to the brave who dare to love, knowing that all this will come to an end. Glory to the madmen who live for themselves as if they were immortal.”(Quoted from the movie "An Ordinary Miracle").

objection 1.
All this can not take place?
Yes maybe. Like every person who plans something in life ... Remember the song:
- What follows from this?
- You should live, sew sundresses and light dresses from chintz.
Do you think all this will be worn?
— I believe that all this should be sewn.

If you plan and do you are more likely to have it come true than just waiting for what will happen and reacting to random things happening in life.

objection 2.
What if I now come up with 30 years ahead, and in a year or two I don’t like everything?
Well, dislike…. So what? Build yourself a new version of the future and again plan out the result.

Stop being afraid to make mistakes and choose the only right path which is guaranteed to bring success. Thinking like this, you waste time, energy and self-confidence.

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Drawing up a personal life plan for self-development by example.

Why make a plan

The point of making a plan for the year is to live a happier year than without a plan. The plan must guide us along the way happy life. Support our growth above ourselves. Expand our capabilities and grow our self-image.

Plan for the year - structures our development and slightly pushes in the back when we stop. It should have goals, the achievement of which is significant for us. It is overvalued to be effective, the plan for the year serves this task.

And “keep the goals in mind” is a slingshot, smoothly turning into a remote control from the telly.

I've been planning goals for 5 years now. To convince you of the benefits of drawing up a plan and not clog the article, it’s hard for me to give not hundreds, but just one strong argument. Heard everyone wants to "travel and lie under a palm tree." Without work is a boring fairy tale. So I work and live in the palm countries 260 days a year.

The plan is to expand our freedom, and not to squeeze us into the framework of old and imposed goals. If our life is shackled: the obligation to earn a living or work for other people's goals, then it will be more far-sighted to make a plan to change our lives.

Basic principles of life planning

The first step is to make a draft list of goals. It is convenient from December to start collecting goals, to look closely at them. You can check them for compliance with yourself, if it is vocal - go to a trial lesson.

But even before you start making a plan, it's helpful to adopt the principles to make it fun to follow the plan:

Goal Sources

The main source of goals for the year is our personal meaning of life. If we have compiled it, it will be much easier for us in the future: to determine what is valuable for us in the year, and what to discard. Or we will proceed from the idea - what we want to achieve in 5 years. I'll give you abbreviated examples.

My draft version of the personal meaning of life: figure out "Who am I?" and where I am.
Goals for the year: read books on psychology, philosophy, religion. Expand "I" - unusual behavior, roles, habits, self-image, travel.

Year planning results

We don't know what will happen in a year. We can be wrong about our desires. Example - planned to move to the city center, but left abroad. The plan didn't work - we just changed.

On the New Year we make a plan. If it is implemented, we will be delighted. And an unfulfilled plan will remain in our head - an unpleasant burden. Therefore, we are cunning.

The plan for the beginning of the year is taken as 100%. Those 25% of free space - we fill with new goals. We consider everything based on the original plan, and additional goals as overfulfillment of the plan.

The plan is necessary for us to feel better, so that it fills us with the will to move forward, and not slow us down. In life, an order of magnitude more will happen than is written in the plan. Unplanned meetings with friends, emotional gatherings, some joyful moments. But they will not be taken into account in the plan. Remember that following a plan is a part of life, not all of life.

It is important not to draw up a plan correctly, but the planning of life itself is significant.

Planning without action is a dream.
Action without planning is a nightmare.
Japanese proverb

So you have decided to build a house. A team of builders arrived and asked for a 100% advance payment.
And when asked what the result will be, they answer - we will not draw a plan, it is boring, limits development and kills creativity. We will build as we can. What happens - in that you will live.

Would you risk giving them money?
I would not.

And we're talking about construction. ordinary house. And how without a plan in the matter of building a skyscraper called human life?

I really like to plan my life and then implement the prescribed plans.
It's so exciting when you realize your wildest fantasies and dreams. When you see the material result, which yesterday was just a sketch on a napkin.

The system of planning their life for at least 5 years ahead is the first thing my students start with.
Every year my planning system becomes more effective, and I can clearly see why it is important to plan your life:

1. I achieve what I want

I don't go where TV, chance or public opinion leads me.
I go exactly where I want to go. And I do what realizes my goals and desires.
Planning allows me to see the main thing in the current time, to focus on the goal or dream that I have set for myself now. From the whole sea of ​​resources and opportunities, I choose those that now lead me the shortest path to the materialization of my plans.

2. I gain true freedom

I often hear that planning is boring, living within rigid limits is so tiring.
Only without knowing it, those who say this are in a stricter framework than I am, implementing a typical template: “I will finish school, go to college, find a job, get married / get married, maybe have children, an apartment, a car, a dacha, a pension” .

I clearly know that if I do not control my life, then someone else controls it. And this other will realize his plans, dreams and desires.
For me, true freedom is to live your life in accordance with your "Wishlist". And this is possible only by carefully planning your actions.

3. I reduce my stress levels

I know in advance how much time, money, employees and other resources I need to achieve my goals. I know in advance when it should appear and in what quantity. This significantly saves my nerve cells.

I learned how to plan complex enough things to make them as profitable as possible.
Aerobatics for me is when one well-planned action solves several problems at once. In such cases, I feel like Superman.

4. I improve my well-being

I am a professional entrepreneur. I get great pleasure from creating mutually beneficial benefits for people. Money for me is a ruler - how cool in terms of utility I created a thing.

How more money people are willing to pay me, the more useful what I do. And I plan my life in such a way that the amount of usefulness created is constantly growing.
In addition to earning, planning helps me not to spend too much. As in a joke - "all marketers and merchandisers of the world are powerless against a man with a shopping list."

5. I improve my health

I have a mandatory morning run at least 3 times a week.
In the nearest plans for 1-2 years I have classes related to flexibility - yoga or qigong. Also in the growth zone for the next year is diet planning.

I also have annual check-ups and a visit to the dentist.

Potential health hazard for early stages eliminated quickly and with small budgets.

Mandatory weekly vacation every 2-3 months of work is a rule that I try to instill in my students. At first, it seems difficult to get off the wheel of business 3-4 times a year. And then you try it and you understand that when a vacation is planned in advance, then customers and employees are ready for it. And calmly and according to the plan give you the opportunity to recharge.
And then you arrive healthy, really filled with energy and the results of your company go uphill.

6. I improve my efficiency

In my plan, 2 times a month - a mandatory walk in nature for 3-4 hours "to think", put everything in order and determine what can be done more efficiently.
I actively promote this to my students.

It is very important to schedule time to sharpen the axe.
For those who don't know, this is from a joke:

Competition for the best lumberjack. The final. The top two participate: a Canadian and a Norwegian. Their task was as follows: each of them was given a certain area of ​​the forest. The winner was the one who could knock down the largest number trees from 8 am to 4 pm.
At eight o'clock in the morning the whistle blew and two lumberjacks took up their positions. They cut down tree after tree until the Canadian heard the Norwegian stop. Realizing that this was his chance, the Canadian redoubled his efforts.
At nine o'clock the Canadian heard that the Norwegian had set to work again. And again they worked almost simultaneously, when suddenly at ten minutes to ten the Canadian heard that the Norwegian stopped again. And again, the Canadian set to work, wanting to take advantage of the weakness of the enemy.
At ten o'clock the Norwegian went back to work. Until ten minutes to eleven, he stopped briefly. With an ever-increasing sense of jubilation, the Canadian continued to work in the same rhythm, already smelling victory.
And so it went on all day. Every hour the Norwegian stopped for ten minutes while the Canadian continued to work. When the signal for the end of the competition rang out, at exactly four o'clock in the afternoon, the Canadian was quite sure that the prize was in his pocket.
Can you imagine how surprised he was when he found out that he had lost?
- How did it happen? he asked the Norwegian. “Every hour I heard you stop work for ten minutes. How the hell did you manage to cut more wood than me? It's impossible.
“Actually, everything is very simple,” the Norwegian answered bluntly. Every hour I stopped for ten minutes. And while you were cutting down the woods, I was sharpening my axe.

7. I have enough time for everything

Seriously, I can do everything.
Well, or almost everything 🙂 Still, plans are not life, and life sometimes likes to throw new growth zones.
I have time to sleep, work, live, create, love, read, admire, learn, learn, learn and teach.
A clear plan and highlighting the most important goals for the result allows me to keep my focus on those 20% of actions that give 80% of the results.
I regularly check my plans and adjust my trajectory to success.

And, finally, a wise thought from the Internet bourgeois

Planning your life is to make a step-by-step route to achieve results that will definitely please you.

Remember "procrastination is the road to poverty!" (Oh, I came up with a new slogan))

For those who have realized how much time they actually have left and want to use it as efficiently as possible, I recommend watching the webinar "How not to miss 2017".

What you will learn at the webinar:
How to identify growth areas for your life next year
- How to make a roadmap for the development of life up to 100 years
- How to write a step-by-step business plan to achieve your goals for 2017
- Why is it important and how to conduct a retrospective of the outgoing year
- How to learn to highlight and visualize correctly key points next year

Few people have long-term plans. An even rarer phenomenon is the arrangement of life priorities and the ways of their implementation, time limits. Making a life plan can be tricky. This is an important and time-consuming process, but necessary. After all, this is planning the main events of your life: what, how and when it will happen, what results it will bring.

Of course, such a plan is not a guarantee that everything will be implemented. But the very existence of life planning makes it more likely that desired things will happen, and not random, influenced by the emotions or decisions of other people.

It is very important to lay down exactly your vision of what is happening, and not spend your whole life following imposed patterns. Making a plan means thinking clearly about high and inspiring goals for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years or more. An example of the first construction of a plan from famous people was Benjamin Franklin.

It is much easier to live with dreams that have come true and no hopes, complain about fate or believe in luck. But this is ineffective. A plan is a reality, a do-it-yourself throw into the future. There are only a few people who truly live in the future. After all, it is determined by our today's actions.

Why You Need a Long Term Plan

Every person has 24 hours in a day. But everyone uses them differently. What one person manages to do in this time, another will not even do in a week. The point is the proper distribution of resources: time and effort. One will view life as a long-term project that requires attention, while the second simply lives for today, thinking little about his future, not making any plans.

Of course, the results obtained will vary. Nobody wants to be a loser, mired in a routine of meaningless affairs, with zero investment in the future. Life planning is relevant for those who want to achieve a lot, are ready to work hard and treat this with all responsibility. As they say, success is determined not by high and beautiful initial dreams, but by the real results of what has been achieved.

Proper structuring is designed to create an optimal to-do list, a general vector of life that will allow you to determine your values. This approach does not exclude rest at all, on the contrary, sometimes it makes you relax, even if you don’t want to, but there is a need for this. The use of this method develops self-control, contributes to the emergence of self-esteem, gives optimism and composure.

Debunking myths about planning

Life priorities and goals, aspirations and dreams. How can you make a plan and think about the right execution? To some this may seem absurd.

Here are some of the myths people associate with planning:

  • Systematization breeds boredom

Fundamentally wrong judgment. Life priorities and their placement, a clear layout, allow you to make room for bright emotions and more events. This means the disappearance of chaos in actions.

  • Development restriction

If the plan is small, nondescript, and with uninteresting or simply not your goals, then this breeds boredom. If you colorfully paint everything that you want to achieve and look at the allotted time, you understand that there is not so much of it. After all, everything needs attention. Therefore, development will take place at a double speed!

  • The plan cancels creativity

You can make an action plan not only 1 time. It can be corrected at least every six months, introducing a new vision of the situation. Also, no one bothers to creatively design it and develop it. critical thinking with a variety of implementation approaches.

  • Planning kills the enjoyment of the present

Many people do not know how to enjoy the present at all. If you understand how to properly plan your time, distribute resources, your activities and hobbies, free time will never harm your main goal.

Principles of building a plan

A ready-made plan for a year or more helps us, becoming a guide in the dark when strength is left. Then, reading important points, there is a chance to collect and continue, this is a kick to do it yourself. How to make the right plan for the year so that it expands our life, gives hope and freedom, and does not drive it into certain limits.

How to plan correctly? First of all, life planning begins with making plans for today. And ends in decades. This is a multi-step process. The whole pyramid is based on your true values. Only from them comes the countdown.

Basic principles:

  • We take into account the length of life

A goal achieved within a month with pleasure will bring much more benefit than through coercion and restrictions, but the result is in 2 weeks. Slow pace is more reliable than sprints.

  • No pain, no growth

It is reasonable to push yourself a little and achieve those goals this year that will open up new prospects next year. Missing opportunities because of laziness, being afraid to experience stress is not for fighters.

  • Constant conversion

If at first everything is based on a dream, then after the time during which you took actions to realize it, results appear. New people, ideas, prospects that you never even dreamed of!

  • Rejection of extra effort

Measure is important in everything. Forcing yourself is good, but the approach must be reasonable. It is easier and more effective to run several kilometers every day than once a week - a whole half marathon.

Step by step instructions

There is nothing better than starting with how to make a plan for the year. This will help you keep your life under control, even during times of change.

So, where to start to make a plan for a year and more:

  • Understand what role you are in

There are important and minor aspects of your personality. Everyone plays a certain social role. You can be a student, someone's daughter and mother, but also an artist, a lover, a business manager, a thinker, a mentor, a cheese lover. All this is what fills your days. It is worth choosing those roles, the implementation of which is most important to you.

  • Decide what you want to be in the future

Choose those roles that you want to develop as much as possible so that they are associated with your personality. At the same time, look at what negative aspects you have, where your energy is being spent. Perhaps if you transfer strength from them to achieve your goals, the work will go faster?

  • Disassemble your motives

There is a reason why you want to achieve certain goals, how your life priorities have been formed. Try to understand what will happen when you embody them, what emotions will arise. How important they are, whether you want to implement them all your life. Personally for themselves, for society or specific people. Being honest with yourself is the key to success.

  • Write down your findings

After analyzing the motives, it is easy to make up your life goals and tasks in planning the future. Realizing your true values, write a list based on them.

  • Distribution of goals by category

This is an important planning step. It will help not to lose sight of any of the important aspects of life. Write down everything you want to achieve in categories such as career/vocation, family/society, knowledge/intelligence, health/spirituality.

  • Set a time frame

After setting a specific goal, determine the exact date when you wish to achieve it. Let's say you go to Nepal for a week until June 2017, lose 5 kg by spring, develop and submit a geodesy project before the end of the fourth year.

  • Building small steps

To move in the right direction, you need to understand how to plan to achieve your goals. The steps you need to take depend on where you are in the present. Do you have to start from scratch or do you already have certain developments. Develop a clear strategy to achieve each goal in chronological order and prioritization.

  • Constantly check the relevance of the life plan

Life does not stand still and neither does man. It is quite normal that things can change. Periodically reviewing your life planning, you can understand: are you following it or not, are you happy, are there any prerequisites to change something in your goals. Do not be afraid if life priorities have changed the vector, and you want to change something. The plan is important for tracking your successes and achievements, updating the reasons for failures.

A plan is needed so that a person feels better, filled with positive and has his own motivation, moves forward, and does not slow down.

With this publication, I would like to open a cycle of 4 posts dedicated to life planning. In it I will present my practical experience transition to a state of complete control over my own life, which took me a little less than a year.

First, let me explain how it all started. Now I am 36 years old, I am quite a successful leader small company. From the moment I entered adulthood in the late 90s to the beginning of my 40s, I lived quite by myself. ordinary life not unlike the lives of many other people of my generation. An important feature of this life was that 90% of it passed in unmanaged mode: its long-term and medium-term goals were not clear, daily activities were carried out in reactive mode, similarly made decisions related to career, money, personal life, health, etc. Of course, like many others, I read all the classics from The 7 Habits to Time Drive, but all the knowledge gleaned from these sources did not make me a person who could be proud of being in control of his life.

A few years ago, I could say by accident, I achieved visible results in the field of self-improvement, such as giving up smoking, losing 13 kilograms, or learning a foreign language from almost zero. All this, as well as the emergence of a family and a child, finally led me to the idea that life should be lived in a “managed drive” mode, or, as David Allen calls it, cruise control. Better late than never! Having set out to plan my life and take control of it, I began to study the well-known books and publications on this topic and came across a surprising fact: despite the variety of sources on this topic, I couldn't find any step by step method. Those. there was not a single, let’s say, “manual” that would clearly say what and in what sequence I need to do in order to reach the state where I live my life not “as it will turn out”, but “as I want”.

So, to begin with, I would like to point out that the control over life implies the answer to two fundamental questions: “where do I want to go” (life goals) and “how to be sure that I am moving there” (daily activities that bring us closer to achieving our life goals).

There are classic symptoms that demonstrate the lack of answers to these questions. Here they are.
Regarding life goals:

  • lack of vision / meaning / goals of all life;
  • lack of a clear description of personal values;
  • living year after year downstream;
  • lack of "drive", "guiding star" or ikigama;
  • feeling of impending so-called "mid-life crisis".
Regarding daily activities:
  • the absence of a direct connection between albeit not formalized life goals and daily activities
  • constant worry about missing tasks or that the tasks being completed are not important in the context of a lifetime;
  • the presence of "worms" that sharpen our minds every day;
  • an enduring feeling of imbalance in the work-life balance;
  • lack of movement in some areas of life and work;
  • continuous work on urgent matters instead of important ones;
  • regular time wasting and procrastination;
The idea expressed in many sources is very simple: formulate the main goal of life and decompose it into daily actions. However, in reality, it turned out to be not so easily achievable. The fact is that it is very, very difficult for an “unpumped” person who has just embarked on the path of taking control of his life to formulate many of the postulates that lie at the top of the pyramid of life goals: personal mission, values, global goals throughout life by region, and so on. The books say, "meditate and formulate." Need to think? How can you think about such high-level things if any average person is simply not ready for it? Thus, in my opinion, the recommendations of 90% of books in the style of “life goals - decade goals - yearly goals - daily goals” do not work and only demotivate and distance us from building a system for managing our own lives.

Here we come to the first practical advice to any person who decides to embark on this difficult path: "start from the middle":-) What is meant? It is about planning the first year of your new life on a whim, using only your intuition, and including in this plan the goals necessary to create complete system life management. The advantages of this approach are: 1) easy to start, 2) no chance to plan forever, 3) a quick transition to using at least some system, 4) having enough time (a year) to form all the components of a life plan.

Take for example simplest way planning of the year: 101 tasks for the year. Despite the criticism of this approach, I find it quite workable. We include in this plan everything that comes to mind, systematizing tasks by area. Each one may be different. For example, I had:

  • Self-development;
  • Business, money;
  • Health and beauty;
  • Self-organization;
  • Friends;
  • Training, education;
  • Family;
  • Culture, art, religion;
  • Rest;
In the “Self-development” section, in addition to what you might just think of, we write tasks such as “Formulate a personal mission”, “Define personal values”, “Define areas of my long-term interests”, “Create a description of my days in 10, 20 , 30 years" and, most importantly, "Create a plan for life."

It took me 2-3 weeks to form the first “plan 101” in my life, plus, during the first two months, the plan was added and corrected.

Then, during the year, it is necessary, using any tool you like (I used GTD), to progressively move on these tasks. The features and best practices that I have discovered in using GTD will be described in a future post.

In conclusion of the first publication, I would like to describe a few recommendations regarding the formation of your first "list of 101".

First. Trust your intuition. Let go of the thought that you don't have long-term goals that would give you solid guidance on what to do in this very first year. Life is long, and you will come to the point where all the goals for the year will be clearly related to your life plan.

Second. Consider that there are five types of goals you can set for yourself.:
One-time. Goals that you can achieve at any point in time during the year. For example, skydiving. In order to achieve this or a similar goal, you just need to decide exactly when you want to do it and ... do it. Everything is simple.

  1. One-time, requiring monitoring. Goals of this type are similar to the previous ones with only one clarification that you will need to monitor for a year, and maybe for the rest of your life, that this goal is still in the “achieved” status. For example, wake up early. You can start getting up at 6 am from tomorrow and the goal will be achieved in this way, but you need to make sure that you do not return to your old habit of lying in bed to your heart's content.
  2. Goals that take time. In order to achieve this goal, several steps must be taken, which can take weeks or even months. My experience is that there is a pitfall here, which is that you need to determine in advance how much time you need to achieve this goal and determine the time period within the year when you would work on it. An example of such a task from the screenshot above is "Take a course at a Western university or equivalent." To achieve this goal, you need to choose a course, enroll in it, and spend several weeks to successfully complete it. As soon as this happens, the goal is achieved.
  3. Goals that require time and monitoring. These goals are similar to the previous group, plus we add monitoring, which was mentioned in the second group of goals. An example of such a goal is to pull yourself up 20 times. It is necessary not only to spend time to learn how to pull up, but also to maintain this skill for a long time.
  4. The last group of goals are goals, the achievement or non-achievement of which we will be able to determine only after a whole year has passed. The simplest example such a goal is to receive X rubles of passive income based on the results of the year.
Third. A lot about goal setting, so I’ll just highlight those recommendations that seemed to me the most useful:
  1. Goals should be yours. Don't let stereotypes or outside opinions determine what's important and what's not important to you.
  2. Goals should be interesting and promising.
  3. Goals should be realistic, meaningful, measurable and specific. I would like to pay special attention to this, because when you first draw up a plan for a sufficiently long period, there are quite good chances to formulate an unrealistic, immeasurable (how will I understand that the goal has been achieved?) and not a specific goal (an example of such a goal is “ be a good friend."
  4. Goals must be flexible. Do not wear iron shackles. If by the middle of the year you realize that the plan is 10% completed, the level of motivation will fall so low that you will most likely end the year with 20% completion. I recommend adding to the plan a few goals that are not difficult at all, which will be easy for you to achieve. This will allow you to see the dynamics and satisfaction from the fact that the movement according to the plan is taking place.
  5. Goals must be balanced. Make sure that in every area of ​​your life there are several goals, and there are no biases in one direction or another.
  6. Goals require effort. As you understand, engaging in self-deception, making absolutely all goals unnecessarily easy, is the last thing a person who decides to change his life should do.
That's all. In my next post, I'll share the techniques you can use to achieve the goal of "Formulate a manageable and orienting plan for life."