How to age a painted tree with your own hands. How to artificially age a tree with your own hands - a master class with photos and videos

  • 13.06.2019

Give your interior a personal touch different ways. Most often, this is done by focusing on certain little things, for example, the use of unusual textures or colors. One of the technologies in demand for the formation of the original texture is do-it-yourself wood aging. The technique allows you to give the surface a unique pattern, while the basis is natural material.

The need for a procedure

Those who want to make antique furniture with their own hands should learn how to give its surface the most realistic appearance. For this, an artificial process is used - brushing (from the English brush - brush). During operation, the structuring of the fibers occurs wooden elements. In nature, a tree reaches such a visual state over a longer period, but using modern facilities, it is possible to significantly narrow this time interval.

Under natural conditions, an aged tree loses its strength, and under artificial impact, the reverse process occurs, depriving the material of weak fibers and providing greater strength.

Such treatment also helps to protect the surface from the effects of bark beetles and other insects. As a result, it will be possible to achieve the necessary colors and stylish appearance. You can age a tree with your own hands for any need: from small photo frames or boxes to making furniture or parquet.

The use of wood species

It is important to consider that not every type of wood can be processed in this special way. The final quality is influenced by the structure of the natural material. In most cases, artificial aging of a tree is applied to the following species:

  • larch;
  • nut;
  • ash.

The internal structure of the tree should have a visible fibrous pattern. It will become the basis for the formation of the invoice. Deprived of this property, wood species with extremely hard fibers are not commonly used. These include:

  • pear;
  • maple;
  • Cherry;

The task of the performer is to directly influence the soft structure located between the annual rings. In the presence of the most homogeneous environment, it will not be possible to form the aging of a tree with your own hands.

So, for example, by burning, you can turn ordinary pine into a rare and valuable species of tropical wood obtained from the Wenge tree.

VIDEO: We turn pine into wenge

Application of the mechanical method

When carrying out a full cycle of brushing, the following algorithm of actions is carried out:

  • carrying out grinding work with a roughing brush with polymer bristles or the use of sandpaper with a coarse abrasive;
  • applying stain or other types of dyes to the treated surface;
  • polishing work or applying several layers of varnish, in the intervals between drying, sanding is carried out with “zero” sandpaper

During the artificial aging of wood, drills or grinders are used to reduce the volume manual labor and improve performance. The process uses brushes with aluminum, steel, copper and artificial polymer bristles.

Do-it-yourself wood aging, as shown in the video at the end of the chapter, begins with roughing, when the tool is driven along the arrangement of the fibers with the same speed and uniform pressure over the entire surface.

Processing should not form unwanted "pits" in the blanks, so you need to enter the tool evenly, without much pressure, if the idea does not require the formation of a target rough relief.

The light during work must be of high quality and provide a vision of the natural pattern. In this regard, the lamp beams are directed perpendicular to the length of the fibers. In such a situation, the desired pattern is shaded.

The moisture content of the processed wood is selected in the range of 15-16%. This value will provide the preferred finish surface roughness without raised villi. If, before aging a tree at home, you use a polymer processing tool, you will achieve an effect with a less pronounced relief.

The next step in the form of sanding will cut off the raised wood pile from the fibers. Sandpaper or abrasive brushes successfully cope with the task. You can control the degree of roughness manually.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself artificial aging of wood. Carpentry Tricks

Applying a coloring layer

The prepared relief with the help of mechanical means is processed by staining. This will significantly enhance the result and hide fresh peeling by mechanical means. Thanks to the play of colors, it will be possible to obtain the required presentable effect.

It is customary to stain similar antique wood products with stain, and then wash it off. This will allow the material to enter almost instantly into the soft structure of the tissues, while the hard one will not have time to absorb the applied color. Natural beauty material will be fully revealed to the outside.

It will be possible to leave particles of gold paint on the surface if you apply a small layer of it with a brush, and then remove the residue from the surface with a hard spatula. The particles will penetrate into the depressions and pores, which will ensure a successful result.

You can protect the cavities and grooves formed during the machining process with a transparent putty. This technique is useful in the manufacture of countertops, shelves or other practical surfaces. During their operation, fine dirt will not be clogged into relief zones.

Since the tree must be artificially aged carefully and with the possibility of its use, the finishing operations are:

  • polishing;
  • varnishing;
  • waxing.

It will also be possible to achieve an interesting texture for designers with the help of craquelure varnishing. It forms on front side small cracks and chips. Paint or coal dust must be rubbed into them, providing a unique individual pattern.

Choose craquelure in specialized stores and within expiration dates. In most cases, expired varnish does not give a cracking effect.

Using chemical brushing

In the process of chemical action on the fibers, it is possible to achieve similar results that are obtained from mechanical processing. For this, active solutions are used that can affect the structure of the soft fiber. Corroding the desired areas, an original pattern is formed on the surface of a wooden blank.

Chemical brushing

The technique does not require the use of brushes and sandpaper during the active phase. For several cycles of applying and washing off the solution, the canvas is transformed.

In pickling, preparations are used that contain particles that are poisonous to humans, therefore, in order to prevent poisoning of the body with chemical vapors, it is recommended to work in open space.

The chemical solutions that are used in fiber softening contain a high percentage of alkali. You can take for this purpose a drug that cleans the oven. After a good rubbing, the layer is washed off, and the cycle is repeated until the desired effect is obtained. After etching, the finishing operations coincide with those that were carried out during machining.

Work with chemicals must be carried out in compliance with the means personal protection: gloves, goggles, petal and protective gown or apron. After the operation, all residues of the substance from the surfaces are washed off under running water.

VIDEO: How to make an antique wood table top with your own hands

Interior and household items decorated with artificially aged wood:

Table and chairs - made of larch

Kitchen. Facade - larch, shelves - pine

This is tracing paper already from Italian - patina. In a broad sense, patina is the noble traces of aging. The essence of the method: we select the paint to match the furniture, cover it in one layer and let it dry (sand the surface before painting). Then we make the shade lighter - repeat the procedure. Now we take fine skin or a hard sponge and sculpt scuffs. It is important that through upper layer looked through the base. It must be seen that the furniture was painted more than once. Adjust the degree of wear to your liking. At the end, cover the product with clear varnish or wax.

Patination is suitable not only for wooden surfaces, but also for metal and plaster, for example. Keep this in mind when choosing paint. They differ just in the type of material on which you will use them. The most popular are acrylic.

Passionate about the process? In addition to furniture, anything can be patinated - from sockets and baseboards to photo frames. And by the way, to start with, it’s better to practice on the latter, and not on the closet.

InMyRoom Tip: sand the first coat lightly to improve its adhesion to the new paint.

How to age a tree at home? This wood finishing technique is popular among gardeners, designers and self-taught craftsmen. With its help, you can make a unique interior and exterior design.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

How to age a tree: the main points

To add age to a tree with your own hands, you need to be able to work with natural materials and stock up on tools. Of the tools you need to have:

  • metal brush;
  • electric or hand planer;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinder.

In addition to the listed tools, you must also have dust protection equipment. It can be a respirator or goggles. Since there will be a lot of dust in the process of creating crafts, you should think about ventilation methods. It is advisable to carry out this work on outdoors. If this is not possible, then the tree is recommended to be slightly moistened before abrasive processing. But before opening with varnish, it must be dried. Also, do not forget that it is absolutely impossible to sweep the dust formed from the surface with your hands in order to prevent the appearance of splinters. Hands also should not touch the surface in order to feel its relief. This can be done only after the complete removal of dust.

In the interior, this technology is used very often. It successfully combines with stone, metal and ceramics. Without it, Provence interior style is unthinkable. But then special painting of the boards is required.

Aged wood is used inside the house for steps, benches, as well as to create a designer lamp or chest of drawers. It can be used to make furniture, such as a table or chairs. It also makes unique boxes. There are many ways to use an old tree in the interior, the choice depends on the design style and aesthetic tastes of the owner.

An artificially aged tree should resemble as much as possible a natural one, which has been exposed to sunlight, wind, rain and other natural phenomena. Therefore, only hand tools and manual processing of the material should be used here, if possible. It is also important to choose the right varnishes and paints for the exterior coating. Today there is a huge range of those, so it is important to make right choice depending on the desired result.

In order to achieve the effect of antiquity at home, it is first recommended to practice on a piece of wood. This will allow you to evaluate the result and avoid mistakes. For training, you need to take the type of wood from which the entire structure will be made in the future.

To make a beautiful and durable wooden structure with the effect of antiquity, it is important to choose the right type of wood. Coniferous trees they are not suitable for this idea, as they contain resin, which interferes with the creation of the effect. It is also worth abandoning birch, cherry, maple, pear, juniper. It is better to pay attention to ash, larch, oak, wenge, merbau, dussia.

In order to properly make the effect of aging wood, you need to take old boards. They are the easiest to machine and absorb paints and varnishes well. It is desirable that they have knots. This will add even more beauty to the craft. If there are no such boards in the house, then you can ask your neighbors or acquaintances. Surely someone stocked these, but did not find a use for them. You can often get them for free. The young forest does not have many fibers, therefore it is difficult to process, it is better to leave it until the right time.

A master class on creating an aged tree can be easily found on the net. There are many videos and detailed descriptions process. So don't worry if you have no experience with natural materials at all. In just a few hours of studying the information, you can understand the essence of finishing and choose the easiest and most beautiful way for yourself.

There are many ways to create the effect of aging. Among them, there are the simplest ones, which take several hours, as well as more difficult ones, the production of which takes several days. Everyone chooses for himself, based on his stock of tools and the expected result. There are ready-made boards with the effect of antiquity on sale, but the process of creating them at home is much more exciting and pleasing.

How to age a tree with paint?

Painting is a mandatory part of all ways to create an aged tree. If paint is not used, then the outer layer is covered with a colorless or colored varnish. This is necessary to protect the outer layer and give a beautiful texture. Translucent glaze "Belinka" - the basis on which you can apply other layers of paint. It covers the surface after machining. Before coating with varnish or white paint, the surface must be treated with a soft brush to give relief. A colorless varnish is applied to a slightly dried paint. Thus, wood with a slight effect of antiquity is obtained. It comes out light in color and without gross damage.

If you like aged aggressive effect, then you can not do without multi-layer painting. Also here you should expose the boards to all kinds of damage: beat with iron rods, scrape, make holes with an awl. If you want to completely achieve naturalness, then you can make wormholes, but this option is suitable for the most daring and creative.

Wood, painted several times, acquires a deep color. Pinotex is often used for priming; it unevenly covers the surface. It also serves to create a thick color to the lowest layers of the board. After it dries, it is necessary to make minor damage to the surface and proceed to further processing.

Usage white paint is welcome in some cases. It will help create crafts in the spirit of Provence and give a beautiful shade. Since it can give a glossy sheen, it is recommended to dilute it with white spirit.

How to age a tree in Provence style?

To create an interior in Provence style, you can not do without old white boards. They have a very different purpose: they are used for shutters, for furniture or steps. After the main coating with a primer, the surface is covered with white paint. It does not have to be applied in an even layer. After drying, you need to walk with a brush to further achieve the effect of antiquity.

Loft involves the use of gray aged boards that resemble concrete as much as possible. You can make them gray using acrylic paints desired shade.

How to age a tree with your own hands in white?

If you need to paint the board gray, then you can do without paints. Chemical method aging involves the use of alkaline agents or ammonia. When using this method, you need to take care of your safety: wear a mask and gloves. After treatment with alkali, the future product can be covered with a film to reduce the drying rate. When the craft dries, traces of alkali should be removed: for this, it must be rinsed with vinegar and brushed. The last stage is the coating with a colorless varnish.

How to age a tree using decoupage technique?

To make cracks on a product using decoupage technique, the surface is processed step by step with special paints. For the first layer, you need to take paint that will shine through small cracks. Next, you need to apply craquelure varnish on the dry first coat. It should be applied in a thick layer. After waiting for almost complete drying or speeding it up with a hairdryer, you need to apply the top layer with confident strokes. For small cracks, it is recommended to dilute acrylic paints. Craquelure on the craft can be considered ready after the paint has dried (30-40 minutes).

How to quickly age a tree?

Most fast way- this heat treatment wood and subsequent varnishing. A blowtorch or burner will help you achieve the desired effect very quickly. The top layer of burnt must be removed to facilitate staining.

How to age a tree with a patina?

Wood aging ammoniacheap way get the patina effect. You can also use special paints with gold, bronze or silver particles to refine the wood. You can also achieve a patina with a stain. It is used for full or partial patching. The stain will protect the wood from moisture, fungus and mold. Of the minuses of its use, only one can be distinguished - the result is only a dark color.

aged wood effect

Imitation of a tree damaged by the sun and rains is popular for decoration. country houses And modern apartments. You can’t do without such wood when creating certain styles in the interior. It is successfully used for the design of facades.

It's been quite popular lately. Antique interior items are very refined and beautiful, but not everyone can afford it, sometimes the price just rolls over.

Designers have long come up with ways to give new things an aged look without spending large sums of money. There are dyes for wood, antique metal paint is also done. So there is a choice in this matter.

Today we will talk about how to make antique wood and metal. Also on the video in this article and the photo you can get and Additional information which can make this job much easier.

Antique paint on wood is a way to turn the most ordinary things into a highlight of the interior and an object of admiration. You can paint any items: furniture, doors (see) and decorative accessories.

Aged wooden and metal products look especially realistic. The choice of technique for creating the effect of aging is also unlimited. The most popular are those methods that allow you to realize the most daring ideas at home with your own hands.

Surface preparation

Any item that will be painted must be pre-treated.

We make the basis for applying the dye


  • First of all, the product is cleaned. Lacquer, paint or any other coating must be completely removed (see). Fittings or other interfering parts, if any, are also dismantled. They can also be aged or replaced with vintage ones.
  • Then, to remove all major irregularities, the cleaned surface is ground first with a coarse-grained sandpaper, and after a smaller one.
  • The already polished object is cleaned of dust and other contaminants, which may interfere with the uniformity of the future coating.
  • The last stage of preparation is coating with an antiseptic primer. It will protect against rotting, mold or corrosion, and will also help the future paint to firmly attach to the product.
  • Puttying small irregularities is not recommended.. And even vice versa. If the surface is perfectly flat, then small cracks and chips can be artificially added. They will give the future product realism.
  • After preparation, you can proceed directly to the creative part. Be sure to experiment on less visible areas first to see if you like the result.

Modern designers offer many techniques for giving wooden products aged look. For each individual item, you need to choose the most suitable method.

The effect of a dilapidated and shabby surface

This method is also called brushing. This is a fairly common method that is great for furniture or wood products.

In order for the wood to acquire a dilapidated and shabby look, it is necessary:

  • Apply to prepared surface and dry completely. It is better to choose matte shades, this will give the product the appearance of antiques that have been gathering dust on the shelf for many years.
  • Create natural abrasions with fine-grained sandpaper or a metal sponge. Thus, the tree will acquire relief and texture.
  • Clean the surface from the formed dust.
  • Apply a second thin coat of paint.
  • For a more vibrant faded effect, individual places can be further treated with abrasive material.
  • At the final stage, go through fine-grained sandpaper over the entire painted surface.

To attain this effect it takes not so much time as labor to make traces of decades appear on a tree in a short time.

Crackle technique

Another effect can be achieved with a special craquelure varnish. Under the action of the composition, a pattern of small cracks forms on the paint. The product takes on a sun-burnt appearance when the coating cracks and peels off. Craquelure is perfect for wood products, furniture elements and even for doors and glass.

If you use a special craquelure varnish, then you need to follow the instructions:

  1. A layer of paint is applied to the cleaned product. Cracks in the final work will be named after this background color.
  2. After drying, the product is covered with craquelure varnish strictly in one direction.
  3. The main color paint is applied on top. Under the influence of the finishing layer, thin cracks form on the surface.
  4. At the final stage, a transparent varnish is applied to protect the coating.

You can achieve the effect of cracks without buying expensive craquelure.

To do this, you need to follow just two steps:

  1. Cover the surface with any paint (except water-soluble).
  2. When the first layer dries slightly, you need to apply the base color acrylic. Due to the fact that the final layer dries faster, cracks will appear on the product, through which the base layer of paint will appear.

Attention: Craquelure as a way of decorating allows you to complement the interior with furniture and interior items in Provence or country style.

patina effect

Many antique metal objects acquire a specific blue-green coating. Due to the long-term influence of precipitation, a patina is formed (see).

To achieve the antique effect, a special paint is used - patina.

To obtain quality coating, the following conditions must be met:

  • Initially, the wood is varnished. You should choose varnishes that form a film that makes the surface durable and wear-resistant.
  • After drying, the product is covered with a very thin layer of paint with a patina effect.
  • After at least 30 minutes, the entire surface is treated with a metal sponge or sandpaper. The stronger the treatment, the more pronounced the effect will be.
  • Remove all dust with a dry soft cloth.
  • Finally, varnish is applied.

Each product with a patina effect brings uniqueness to the interior and does not require special care.

color effect

Multi-layer staining gives wooden products a shabby look.

What is needed for this:

  • It is recommended to artificially inflict all sorts of minor damage. In random order and at different angles, drill holes that imitate the moves of grinder beetles or bark beetles. You can beat off with a hammer, pierce with an awl, walk with a saw. The main goal is to give the wood the relief of antiquity.
  • The surface is covered with a thin layer of paint of the main color so that the wood pattern shows through.
  • Sandpaper or a metal brush creates abrasions.
  • The second color is applied with light brush strokes. To increase the realism in places, you can shade the paint.

This method is based on the color and texture impression of old wood.

pollution effect

Many items in the process of use acquire natural scuffs, giving them an outdated look.

  • To achieve this artificially is quite simple. In those places where there should be scuffs, hard wax is applied in one direction and with intermittent movements. Then the product is varnished.
  • Dark wax, applied to the recesses in the surface of the tree, greatly increases the effect of antiquity.

Protection and care of aged items

In order for things created by one's own hands to please as long as possible, it is necessary to protect them from external influences:

  • Can be applied to wooden surface wax or wax-based mastic. They will perfectly protect water-based paint from damage and extend the life of the product. Using a soft, dry cloth or sponge, evenly cover the object with wax and rub it if necessary.
  • If the surface of the object is going to be used extensively, then in addition to waxing it is necessary to cover the wood with a matt acrylic varnish. It will need to be updated over time.
  • Aged items do not require special care. They must be wiped with a damp, lint-free cloth, and to add shine, use special means for polishing.

Attention: Proper protection and care will help to keep the product, and it will please the creator for a long time.

metal aging

Many people make products from metal. But not always a modern product can fit into the overall interior of the building. This is especially doors and gates (see). Here, too, it is quite possible to give the effect of antiquity. These are either dyes for bronze, or giving the effect of aging metal.

Imitation of expensive metal

Items made of precious metals make the interior sophisticated, but not everyone can afford them.

Modern stores offer a wide range of paints with imitation of bronze, silver or gold. They are safe, easy to use, withstand high temperatures and protect the substrate from rust.

Metal products can be painted in one tone, or you can try to achieve a deeper coating:

  • Initially from metal product remove all contaminants and degrease. Then comes the primer treatment. This will improve the quality of adhesion to the base color.
  • With one-color staining, you can immediately cover the product with metallic paint in several dense layers.
  • If you want to achieve the effect of antique metal, then after a single coloring, all the recesses are tinted with a darker paint. After complete drying, you need to give the product a worn look. To do this, light paint is applied to all corners and protruding parts with a dry brush. Finished with a clear lacquer finish.

antique metal effect

Lots of decorative styles suggests the presence of interior items with traces of time. Antiques are very expensive and require restoration and special care.

The best way out of this situation is to independently create the effect of aged metal:

  1. On a dry and clean prepared surface, preferably with a brush, metallic paint is applied with careless movements.
  2. After drying, the product is evenly coated with a craquelure primer. During drying, a transparent polymer film is formed.
  3. At the final stage, craquelure is applied, which will add cracks and give the object the appearance of an old, corroded material.

What way to age objects is not chosen, the main thing is that the finished product brings joy and harmoniously fits into the interior.

Antique brick paint is applied or antique wood is painted, the preparation of the plane is extremely important. Only then will the dye lie down evenly and efficiently. The instructions will help you avoid mistakes in this work.

Modern design developments for interior design or the creation of furniture structures from natural wood have recently proven themselves to be very original proposals. One of the fashion trends is the use of wood with the effect of aging, which is achieved by artificial methods.

What is brushing?

The word "brushing" is translated from in English like "brush". Do-it-yourself tree brushing is done with a hard brush, which removes some of the fibers from the surface of the workpiece, and the created relief is emphasized by coatings. The process involves the creation of a surface in which rings appear and a pronounced structure.

How does a tree age?

Today, ordinary furniture can be given original style if the tree is subjected to artificial aging special methods. Interiors made of such details will also look expensive. Natural conditions help the tree grow old, but it takes quite a long time. At home, reducing time, you can get the final result by subjecting the wood to machining and coating special formulations. In this article House master will receive not only advice, but also an answer to the question of how to age a tree with your own hands using special methods.

A few tips:

  1. A good effect can be achieved if used for work old boards. The absence of such simple material at home or on the site does not mean that it is not nearby. Most often, neighbors are willing to give away unwanted boards for free.
  2. It should be remembered that the purchase of old boards facilitates the work process, it is not difficult to age them.
  3. Wood different breeds ages differently regardless of the fact that the same coating materials are used. Fastening products with different effects of aging must be provided in advance in the finished wooden structure.
  4. A finished aged board today can be easily purchased at a store or on the market, sometimes there is no need to do the work.

Necessary materials

Work on the aging of the tree is carried out using:

  • brushes with metal bristles;
  • circular brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • sawdust brushes;
  • several brushes;
  • white spirit (solvent);
  • dark "Pinotex";
  • transparent and white azure "Belinka";
  • big sponge.

Wood processing can be carried out in five ways.

Wood aging workshops

1. Aging by removing fibers from the surface, followed by painting.

For aging a tree with your own hands is used brush with metal bristles. It removes some fibers, due to which a unique pattern is created, which will later be emphasized by painting.

First the tree is needed sand, then process with a circular brush in an automated way. You can use a brush with a metal bristle and carry out the processing manually. In any case, the lines are drawn along the fibers.

When the sawdust is removed, a completely new look of the board is revealed, which needs to be emphasized with paint to age the wood.

Then the cleaned product is processed twice with a brush or roller, a translucent azure is applied to it. Belinka».

Later a short time with a sponge, it is necessary to remove a small layer of coating to reveal relief. If such an aging effect satisfies the master, he can apply a transparent varnish on top.

In another case, the effect can be emphasized by applying another thin layer. azure, which is also removed with a sponge to make the bleached linen popular in this style. Lacquer or transparent paint is applied to the dried tree in one layer.

Various elements wooden structures, made using this technology of wood aging, are perfectly combined in the old style.

2. Creating the effect of aging with a brush.

With the help of a brush, the wood is processed manually, which is covered with a white opaque azure in one layer. When the coating dries, the product is processed again.

Surface becomes aging white color with embossed pattern.

3. Creating an antique pattern on a tree, which is covered with several layers of paint.

With the help of this do-it-yourself wood aging, you can give it ancient view when a thing looks like it has been worn from time to time. To begin with, the material is subjected to minor damage when it can:

  • beat with a hammer;
  • pierce in some places;
  • scratch with a cutting tool;
  • damage with a screw head or an iron bar;
  • and other.

All possible manipulations are performed on the tree that can emphasize the ancient relief. After a layer is applied to the surface Pinotex having a thick consistency. Due to its density, it will be laid unevenly.

After the thick layer has dried, the surface must be finely brushed or sanded again. Damage should be kept small so that the effects of time appear to be minimal. Now the product is covered with white azure " Belinka", which has a liquid consistency. The coating must be applied in a thin layer, not necessarily evenly.

When the top layer dries, it must be scraped off, for which a brush is used, which performs longitudinal movements. The resulting relief emphasizes the effect of antiquity, but the color is still far from the real color that an aged tree has.

Now, in order to make a thing more natural, its shade must be slightly muffled. Azure is mixed with white spirit in a ratio of 1:1.

The product treated with the mixture has a calm surface in a warm tone, from under which the dark surface of Pinotex is visible. In this way, it is good to create aged wood furniture with your own hands.

4. Treatment by fire.

used gas-burner. The result can be achieved in three ways:

  • Wood processing is not required, its structure is emphasized by firing. Then the material is processed with fine sandpaper, sawdust is removed, and varnish is applied.

  • Mechanical processing is carried out and the material is fired. As a result, the surface looks three-dimensional, and the tree looks rich.

  • Do-it-yourself wood aging is achieved by intensive firing, when some fibers are removed. Then the product is mechanically processed with a brush having a hard metal bristle.

5. Creation of a three-dimensional product with gross damage, varnished.

The wood brushing tutorial shows what you need to do step by step in order to properly age the wood:

  1. First you need to make the right choice wood. She can't be young or tarry. It is better to use material with a clear structure.
  2. Manual processing is used plane, and not electric, which is not able to emphasize the natural effect.
  3. On the board manually with chisels serifs are made that do not have the correct shape. Notches must be made on the edges so that it looks like the product was chopped with an ax.
  4. In automatic mode with drills and hard fibers of the nozzle soft fibers are removed from the wood. Movement during work should be light. If you use a regular brush, then the processing will be rougher.
  5. Stupid nail allows you to add wormholes to the decor. It can be used to make shallow holes.
  6. The surface is cleaned with a brush from debris, it is applied Pinotex Ultra. This paint-lacquer is resistant to environmental influences.
  7. After drying, the surface is treated fine sandpaper, the processing of which will emphasize dark depressions and light ledges, giving the product volume. The pronounced wood structure now looks very beautiful.
  8. In conclusion, the tree is covered again varnish.

Photo of brushed wood

Examples of photographs depicting processed material allow you to see the wide decorative possibilities of wood aged by artificial methods. Products from various breeds old wood, opened with varnish, paint, wax, oil after brushing, can acquire all kinds of shades and get a new life.