Regular theme budgerigars care content. How to care for budgerigars? Many will immediately ask, so how to care for a budgerigar

  • 21.09.2019

Parrot, you need to properly equip the cage. It should have at least two strong perches, a drinking bowl, a feeder and a bathing container. Hang special rings on which the feathered pet will swing. The bottom of the cage should be retractable, so it will be easier for you to clean it (you need to clean the cage daily, wash it once a week). The cage with the bird should be located away from the sun and drafts. Keep the parrot away from the computer, provide an opportunity for your pet to hide from bright rays in the shade.

It is desirable that the feeder and drinker be made of porcelain or glass. It is better to defend the water first so that the chlorine evaporates, then just pour it into the drinker. You need to change the water daily, in the warm season - twice a day. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to add three drops of fresh lemon juice to the drinker, which helps to strengthen the feather cover and disinfects the water. Wash the drinker and feeder every day hot water with food, wipe dry.

Nutrition should be balanced, so several feeders should be placed in the cage (for grain, fresh fruits and vegetables). One adult is enough per day for two teaspoons of a grain mixture, which consists mainly of oats, millet, canary seed, sunflower seeds. You can give feathered cereals cooked in water, salad, fresh herbs, cottage cheese, germinated cereals. To satisfy the body of a bird in protein, give your pet finely chopped egg. To ensure a good digestion process, the parrot needs clean sand without various impurities.

Caring for a parrot is quite difficult and sometimes care takes a lot of time. But believe me, your emotions from the bird are priceless. Care tips - read this article

parrot care- this is a very responsible matter, because, as Saint-Exupery said: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed." Indeed, a parrot in captivity is similar to small child, which needs to be paid attention to, which needs to be taken care of and with which you need to communicate a lot. If you want your pet to live a long and happy life You need to take care and create the most comfortable conditions for your foreign family member.

Those emotions, the positive that you will experience thanks to this bird are in fact priceless, and the time and effort that you spend on caring for the bird fades before them.

So, here are some tips on how to properly care for a parrot.

Parrot care includes:

1. Right choice cells.

2. The choice of a perch and other necessary elements of the “interior” of the cage.

3. Climatic conditions.

4. Lighting.

5. Location.

6. Properly selected and varied food.

7. The presence of always fresh drink.

8. Regular and frequent communication.

All these points are very important and require special attention.

Point 1. The right choice of cells

The cage for your parrot should be:

1. Medium size. Very large cages make it difficult to tame parrots, while small cages crowd them.

2. Rectangular shape. Round cages do not leave the parrot a place for privacy and they feel uncomfortable.

3. An area of ​​\u200b\u200b35 by 35 cm - for one parrot, 65 by 55 - for two.

4. With a retractable bottom to make it easier to clean the cage.

5. No fillers. On the winter time you need to place a bath with sand for bathing your parrot and for his personal hygiene.

6. No grid at the bottom. The grille can injure the paws of the bird.

Point 2. Choosing a perch and other necessary elements of the “interior” of the cage

A perch for a parrot should be:

1. 2 times the diameter of a pencil. This is necessary for proper grinding of the claws.

2. For the first time (about 3-4 months) it is better to use plastic perches, because ticks are better preserved in wooden perches.

3. After 5-6 months, the material of the perch should be changed from plastic to wood.

4. With pears, cherries or others fruit trees.

5. It is better to place 2 perches so that the parrot has where to have fun.

Item 3. Climatic conditions

1. Room temperature from +18 to +25°.

2. It is very important that there are no sudden changes in temperature.

3. The room should be without drafts, but with fresh air.

Item 4. Lighting

1. Daylight hours average 15-16 hours. That is, the room in which the parrot will live should be well lit.

2. On short autumn and winter days, it is necessary to turn on the light in the room, it is better to do this in the morning and evening.

Item 5. Location

2. Your pet's cage should be at eye level, so it will be more convenient for you to communicate and follow the parrot. Remember that by placing the cage high, you give your parrot the right to be more important than you.

3. Do not place the parrot's cage in a very noisy place. If you are a fan of loud and heavy music, then it is better to place the parrot away from speakers and other musical equipment.

Item 6. Proper and varied nutrition

Remember that proper and varied nutrition guarantees longevity for your bird. And vice versa, not correct leads to diseases of parrots, for example, to diarrhea. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to what the parrot eats and drinks. The parrot needs to be fed:

1. Cereals and cereals: oats, millet, canary seed. Do not forget to get rid of the husk in the feeder 1-3 times a day. It is also recommended to germinate millet and oats in a jar, and then leave it in a cage so that the parrot can feast on it at any time.

Well diversifies the cereal diet of the bird ears of wheat and oats. It is not only good for digestion, but also good exercise for the beak.

Parrots also feed on corn and wild grass seeds, but everything must first be soaked in water to soften the seeds. You can sometimes please a parrot with sunflower seeds and nuts, but no more than 2 things a day.

2. Greenery: nettle, dandelion, plantain, thistle, lettuce, beet tops, St. John's wort, woodlice, knotweed,

3. Live food: moths, larvae, bugs.

4. Fruits and berries, but pitted, as well as vegetables (except garlic and onions).

5. Protein food: finely chopped boiled but cooled egg, low-fat cottage cheese, white, stale bread, after soaking it in tea, water or milk.

1. Dill, parsley, basil.

2. Fruit not the first freshness and with seeds.

3. Food for people: salty, fatty, meaty and spicy.

Item 7. Always have fresh drinks

Drink should be:

1. Always fresh.

2. Water should be at room temperature.

Item 8. Regular and frequent communication

Do not forget that your bird is a living creature that requires attention and care. Parrots are very sociable birds, so they should not be left alone for long periods of time.

If you work late, it is better to turn on the parrot radio. So he will think that he is not alone.

Try to communicate as often as possible, so your parrot will quickly learn to speak and thus please you and your family.

You will need

  • - cell;
  • - feeder;
  • - drinker;
  • - bath;
  • - mirror;
  • - toys;
  • - perches;
  • - a piece of chalk;
  • - sand;
  • - grain mixture;
  • - fresh branches of deciduous trees;
  • - fruits and vegetables;
  • - cottage cheese;
  • - chicken eggs;
  • - herbs.


When purchasing a parrot, first of all, make sure that the bird is healthy. A healthy parrot is active and curious, the plumage is clean, not tousled, without bald spots. The beak is shiny, without chips, nostrils, without crusts and secretions. The parrot should not often yawn and jerk its head, the eyes are round, shiny, clean, not swollen or sunken. In the young, as a rule, the eyes are completely black, and do not have a white iris. Young, healthy birds get used much faster and tolerate room content more easily.

A cage with a parrot is best placed at human eye level, away from drafts and heating appliances. But, in no case, do not put it in the kitchen, and do not place it on household appliances - refrigerators, TVs, computers, etc. The cage should be lit by the sun, but in intense light, part of it should be shaded with a cloth. In case of insufficient lighting, purchase special lighting equipment for parrots. Normal parrot - 20-25 ° C.

To keep a parrot the best option is a rectangular cell with flat roof. The parrot should be able to spread its wings and fly without touching the walls. The minimum cage dimensions are 40x25x30 cm. And the optimal ones for small breeds are 100x50x80 cm. It is best if the cage bars are made of stainless steel. The distance between them should not exceed 1.5 cm. Cages sold usually have retractable plastic trays. This is a convenient option that facilitates the daily cleaning of the bird's home.

A feeder and drinker must be placed in the cage. It is even better if there are 2 feeders - for grain mixture and soft food. The feeder should be made of plastic or porcelain. The drinker can be porcelain or glass. You also need at least two perches of different diameters, made of hard wood - oak, maple, birch. Their optimal thickness is 1.2-2.0 cm. Make wooden ladders in the cage, place toys so that the bird has something to do.

There should be chalk in the cage - this is a source of calcium and a tool that helps grind down the beak. You can pour a thin layer of sand into the pallet. It is necessary for the normal digestion of the bird. It is best to buy it at a pet store. Sand brought from the street can cause infection of the parrot with worms. You can give sand in a separate feeder.

Be sure to get a bath, as many parrots love to bathe. It is not worth keeping it in a cage all the time, but on hot days it is a must. After bathing, the bath should be removed. If your parrot will live alone, attach a small mirror to the cage - this will help create a “flock effect”.

Food and water in the cage should always be. The basis of parrot nutrition is grain mixtures, which include millet, unpeeled oats, and raw sunflower seeds. In winter, it is good to feed the birds with sprouted grain. It should be given in small portions, as it quickly deteriorates. Fruits, vegetables and berries - apples, pears, strawberries, kiwis, mangoes, pumpkins, beets, carrots - will help diversify nutrition. They give parrots and greens - dill, parsley, sorrel, green salad, young nettles and dandelions. Fresh branches of deciduous trees - rowan, linden - should be placed in the cage. They must first be washed with water apple cider vinegar. They give birds and animal proteins - cottage cheese, boiled chicken eggs.

Most people acquire indoor birds, as they say, for the soul, so that they please with melodious songs, cheerful chirping. Often people get birds for children so that from childhood they learn to take care of others, feel responsibility for a living being.

As mentioned above, budgerigars usually do not disappoint their owners, do not announce the house with heart-rending cries, these birds very rarely have a difficult character. But if this happens, it is most often the fault of the people themselves. If a pet is treated with kindness and care, it will definitely repay a person with affection and good disposition.

What you need to know when choosing a budgerigar

When acquiring a feathered friend, many people do not imagine that each bird has a special character, special habits (sometimes very peculiar). Some birds, for example, love to swim, others do not. Some parrots are very tame, they are drawn to people, they get bored if they are forced to stay alone for a long time, while others, on the contrary, are independent and do not like to be held in their arms for a long time.
It should be noted that the character of budgerigars can change with age. The older the bird becomes, the more vulnerable it becomes, the more difficult it is to get used to a new place, the worse it tolerates separation from familiar people. But the parrot becomes smarter, he learns the characters of the household and adapts to them, begins to understand perfectly what the owners require of him.
Most pet parakeets get along well with other pets. There are even cases when a parrot is friends with a cat. But still, you should know that this is rather an exception to the rule. It often happens that birds die in the claws of furry pets. Most dogs treat parrots calmly and rarely show aggression, but irreparable things can happen. The best neighbors for a budgerigar are other non-predatory birds, guinea pigs, and decorative rabbits.

For cats, birds are prey, and instinct tells the little predator that the parrot can become the very game that he so lacks in the apartment.

In order for a parrot to trust a person, you need to spend a lot of time with him. Do not let the bird get bored or fall into indifference.
It is advisable to remember that budgerigars are flocking birds. Without the company of their own kind, they can even get sick, especially if people devote little time to birds.
Parrots are monogamous and, having become attached to a person, they feel almost comfortable. However, the owner needs to regularly play and chat with the parrot, hum and whistle melodies to him, and take care. But even if the relationship between a person and a bird develops perfectly, the parrot will still need the company of other birds. Therefore, it is worth considering seriously before deciding to buy one bird. Perhaps it is better to immediately purchase a pair - a male and a female. This is especially useful if the owner spends a lot of time at work.
Together, the parrots will have more fun, they will not yearn. You can have two birds of the same sex, but it is much more interesting to watch the “married couple”. By the way, not always a couple can easily take place, it happens that parrots do not like each other. It is difficult for a person to understand the reasons for such likes or dislikes, but nevertheless, this factor should be taken into account when choosing individuals. If mutual understanding and love arise between the parrots, such a pair can give offspring.
Before you bring a bird into the house, you should think about the fact that throughout her life she will have to take care of her, remember her needs. It is necessary to think in advance who will stay with the pet if the owners have to go on vacation or on a business trip.
If there are children in the house, they must be prepared for the arrival of a new tenant. A child should not treat a living being as a toy. In addition, if a child was the initiator of the purchase of a parrot, it should be remembered that the main concern for care will still fall on an adult. As a matter of fact, necessary instructions will be needed by all household members, they should know what you can and cannot feed a parrot, when you can let it out of the cage, what feeding it needs, what items can be in the cage, and which should be kept away from the bird, etc. In addition, before bringing a pet into the house, you need to make sure that no one in the house is allergic to bird fluff.
If parrots are kept in pairs or groups, then they do not become tame to the end, although they calmly endure the proximity of a person. But if the chick is separated from its brethren early enough and it does not remember them, then such a parrot begins to reach out to a person. When he is released from the cage, he will sit on his shoulder or arm while in the cage - to strive to be closer to the owner. Such birds especially easily begin to pronounce words and phrases, they themselves listen to the voice of a person. Some of the hand parrots are able to remember and reproduce more than 100 words.

Parrots quickly get used to a new place

Those who wish to acquire a parrot, but do not have the experience of keeping it, should not immediately choose a crested budgerigar as a pet. The care of this species is complicated by the high demands of such birds for feeding and maintenance. It is especially difficult to breed these parrots, which is why they are still few in Russia. Among crested birds, unfortunately, there are many individuals with deviations from the norm. First of all, such deviations are reflected in the behavior of parrots. They experience psychoses and seizures that recur more frequently during the breeding season. Diseases nervous system is not the only problem that the owner may face. Often these parrots have reduced immunity, they can easily catch a cold or catch an infection.
If you are going to acquire parrots, setting yourself the goal of their further breeding, then you should approach the choice of individuals and their maintenance with all responsibility. It is advisable to buy birds from an experienced breeder.
First you need to stock up on information about the features and disadvantages of the selected subgroup. As mentioned above, not all varieties of budgerigars breed easily in captivity. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to set realistic goals.
Well, if the owner first of all wants to have a funny interlocutor? It is believed that "oratory" is better for males. This is not entirely true, and many females willingly engage in "chatter".
One more nuance should be taken into account: females love to torment and peck various objects. This is a natural instinct of a female parrot in nature, because she has to gouge and equip a hollow for a nest. But no matter what gender and variety of parrot you have, do not forget that this is a very sociable bird, it will require the attention and active participation of the owner in her life.

Buying a budgerigar

When the issue of acquiring a budgerigar is resolved and all the nuances are agreed with the household, it remains important point- the place of purchase of the future pet. Now in many pet stores, all kinds of parrots are on sale, as well as cages and other bird care supplies. Trade budgerigars and breeders. It is even more preferable to buy a bird from them, since it is possible to look at the parents of the selected young parrot. Addresses and phone numbers of breeders can be obtained from veterinarians, clubs, animal shelters.

In choosing a parrot, it is first of all recommended to rely on feelings. You will certainly not regret your choice.

When buying, do not rush. First, it is recommended to observe parrots for sale. Perhaps one of them will immediately please you with its cheerful, playful character, perhaps it will attract the attention of an unusually beautiful plumage color, or, having caught the curious look of a bird, you will understand that this is your future pet. However, something should still be considered when buying, for example, the age of the parrot. It is best to purchase a very young bird. The most suitable age is 5-6 weeks. It is at this age that parrots very quickly get used to a person and a new environment. And, of course, the bird must be healthy, then it will be able to perfectly get used to the new house and delight you with its amusements for a long time.
young parrot easy to recognize, he should have large black button eyes that do not yet have white irises. In addition, you should pay attention to the wavy strip that stretches across the entire head of the parrot to the very wax.
A healthy bird cannot be confused with a diseased individual. She looks great, the plumage is glossy, it fits snugly to the body and is fully formed. The feathers near the cloaca are not stained, nothing should flow from the eyes and nostrils.
The paws should be without damage and sores, horny scales should form a flat surface.
It is worth carefully examining the limbs of the bird: all fingers must be available.
Correct location the fingers of the parrot should be like this: two are directed back, two are directed forward. Claws should not be damaged or "disarranged".
A healthy parrot is frisky and energetic, he enjoys life, fervently jumps, preens, chirps. If the bird sits indifferently and motionlessly in the corner of the cage, its plumage stands on end, its eyes are closed, and it hides its beak in feathers on its back, then it is likely that the individual is not completely healthy.
In general, up to 6 months of age, a parrot is considered young, so do not be afraid to take a bird older than 6 weeks. In parrots older than 3 months, the plumage is more beautiful and brighter, unlike very young individuals. In the latter, the plumage is less contrasting and rather dull, the tail is short, and the eyes visually appear larger. Somewhere at 5 months, a healthy parrot can already reach a size of 17–19 cm.
Very young birds (less than 50 days old) should have a small black smear on the beak. Over time, it will disappear by itself; adult parrots do not have it.

Black smear on the beak of a young parrot

In a young bird, the claws on the paws are much shorter than in an adult parrot. A parrot that is more than 2.5 months old is distinguished by yellow or white plumage on the head. This feature is characteristic of green and blue birds. In very young individuals, “beads” (small dots on the neck and head) are not pronounced, they become noticeable only after molting.
In order to determine the sex of a budgerigar, just look at the bird's wax.
In the male it should be bright blue, in the female it should be brown or grayish white. However, in young individuals this is somewhat more difficult to do, up to 3 months the cere in females is light white with blue, and in males it is pale purple. In white parrots, the cere is the same color in both males and females, most often brown or grayish-white. When buying a white parrot, it is better to rely on the help of a professional, he will most accurately determine the sex of the bird you like.
If parrots are purchased for breeding, it is advisable to buy birds from an experienced breeder. Birds should not have a hereditary predisposition to diseases, nervous pathologies, or behavioral defects. If you are interested in a full-fledged healthy offspring of parrots, then first of all their parents should be like that. From birds with pathologies, most likely, there will be the same chicks. Before buying, the breeder-breeder will probably tell the pedigree of a particular bird. It is not worth acquiring related individuals for breeding, the offspring from such pairs will be less viable and weak.

How to prepare a cage for a parrot

Before you bring the parrot home, you need to decide where the cage with the bird will be. A cage for a parrot is his home, living space, so you should not intrude into the personal quarters of a feathered pet without special reasons. At first, the parrot will come to its senses, it is in the cage that it will recover from the stress associated with the change of scenery. And in the future, the bird will rest here, eat, sleep. Therefore, in order for a bird to feel at home in a cage, it cannot be transferred from one place to another.

It does not matter what gender the bird will be, the main thing is that you really like it. After all, she will have to live with you for many years.

It is best to place a cage with a parrot in the living room, so he will have the opportunity to communicate more with the household.
It is advisable to install the cage in a corner, on a bedside table or a shelf securely attached to the wall. The height must be chosen so that the bird can see the people in the room. Usually parrots really like to watch what family members are doing. Do not place other shelves or anything else above the cage, the birds get scared if something rustles above their heads. As mentioned above, parrots do not like drafts, so it is important to place the cage so that it does not blow through. A suitable place can be determined using a burning candle. Usually the flame fluctuates even with a weak air flow. You can not put a cage with a parrot in front of the window, because in summer it is too hot in this place and cold in winter. It is undesirable to place a cage with a feathered pet in the kitchen - this is a dangerous place for a curious and restless bird. Chemicals, which are often used, are very harmful to birds. And then, kitchens, as a rule, are often ventilated, so drafts cannot be avoided.
You should not place a cage with a parrot in a children's room. Firstly, children spend a lot of time outside the room: they are either at school, or in the section, or just walking in the yard or going somewhere on vacation. Alone, the parrot will be sad. And if the child is still small, then the bird can disturb him with his chirping and chirping.
And of course, a completely inappropriate place for a cage is a corridor. There are constant drafts here, doors slamming, there is not enough daylight in the corridor. The parrot will not feel cozy and comfortable in such a place and may even get sick.
Many owners are wondering if it is worth taking a cage with parrots to the balcony. This can be done if the weather is right outside, there is no extreme cold or heat, rain or wind. But in any case, the cage with the bird should not always be on the balcony. Birds can be taken out into the fresh air if the apartment is stuffy or, for example, something is burnt on the stove. In this case, it is necessary to check whether the cage is well closed, otherwise the parrot may fly out of it and get lost.When buying a cage, you should keep in mind that it should be a home for a bird, not a prison. The cage should be spacious so that the bird can jump to its heart's content, spread its wings, and flap them. Even if you assume that the pet will not be locked up most of the time, there will certainly be times when guests will come to your house or it will simply be necessary to thoroughly clean the apartment.
The cage must be bought in advance so that the purchased parrot immediately begins to get used to it. If you purchase a hanging cage, then you should immediately buy a special stand for it. It is usually made of metal and has a heavy base. The cage is suspended from a hook in its upper part. If the base of the cage is bolted from above, check regularly for any loosening of the stand and fasteners. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the clamps that secure the bottom of the cage - sometimes, due to an oversight, the rods simply fall off. To prevent this from happening, you can clasp the cage with a rubber strip - the wider the better.
The ideal dimensions of the cage are 100 x 50 x 80 cm. The cage itself must be metal, parrots gnaw wooden cages and quickly become unusable. But the perches inside the cage should still be wooden, no more than 14–20 mm thick. The parrot should not completely wrap its paws around the perch. The bottom of bird cages is most often made of plastic.

Optimum perch diameter

Do not neglect the swing for birds, parrots willingly spend time on them. In the cage, there must be a box with sand, necessary for birds for dust baths. It is best to secure food and water cups so that the parrots cannot turn them over. Usually two small containers are placed in the cage - one for grain, the other for water.
By the way, parrots love perches in the form of tree branches, that is, with bark - they like to peck them, climb them.
Sometimes bird rings are placed in the cage. Parrots swing on them like on a swing. You should know that a small cage is acceptable only if the bird will spend most of the time outside it. That is, a "playground" for budgerigars is necessary if the cage is not spacious enough. Moreover, you should not keep a pair of parrots in a cramped cage, it is only suitable for placing birds, but not for nesting.

A perch made from a tree branch

In any case, the parrot will not be able to fly in a cage, for this he needs a spacious room. Pets need flights, this is an excellent gymnastics that increases the tone of the bird.
By the way, if you get a parrot with a ring on the foot, then the ringed foot should be examined more often. The fact is that the ring can rub the limb of the bird. In addition, the parrot can catch on something and damage the paw. More often, the owners remove the ring to avoid trouble. However, it should not be thrown away. On the contrary, it is recommended to keep it carefully, as it is a document confirming the origin of the parrot.
In general, it is worth preparing in advance everything that the future pet will need. It’s worth starting with a feed mixture, it should be one that the bird is already used to. Most often, parrots eat millet grains. It is very nutritious and gives the body of parrots the necessary substances. It’s great if there are fresh branches of cereal in the cage, for sure it will be appreciated. More details about the nutrition of budgerigars will be discussed below.
In addition, parrots also need pebbles to sharpen their beaks. It is best to buy them in specialized stores. Do not collect them on the street or the beach yourself. The fact is that the stones that are offered in pet stores contain the minerals necessary to strengthen bone tissue and plumage of budgerigars.
It is better to place a bathing bath near the manhole in a cage. Usually the bottom of the bath is rough so that the parrot does not slip.

You can hang a bottle turned upside down in a cage, parrots usually quickly learn to drink from it, besides, the water in it stays fresh longer.

You can also place a container with mineral additives, such as charcoal, in a cage. However, some owners simply sprinkle food on them, this will protect the bird from diarrhea. But professionals try to teach parrots to eat the required amount of charcoal and other minerals. You can put vegetables and fruits, as well as sprouted grains of cereals in an additional feeder.

Often mirrors or bells are hung in a cage with parrots. These toys are necessary for the parrot for those hours when he will be forced to be alone.
Do not forget about the sand. The parrot needs it to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can be poured into a separate feeder or directly into the cage pan.
Naturally, the cage needs to be cleaned regularly. There are several types of cleaning. For example, crumbs and debris that are at the bottom of the cage should be removed daily. Do not forget about the dirt adhering to the sides of the cage, it and the litter should be removed as it appears. It is also necessary to sweep away the dust, the pallet must be wiped with a damp sponge. Every day you should wash the drinker and feeder of the parrot and change the litter in the cage. It is especially necessary to ensure that mucus does not form on the wall of the drinker, since all kinds of microbes that cause diseases multiply in it. The washed dishes are wiped dry with a cloth.
Monthly in the cage it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning. After ordinary cleaning, the cage is wiped with a damp sponge or cloth. You can moisten a sponge in an infusion of chamomile or wormwood - this is a wonderful and harmless disinfection of a bird's home. After such a wet cleaning, the cage must be wiped dry.
Once every 3 months, the cage should be washed with a warm soda solution (for 1 liter of water 3 teaspoons), then wipe dry, and then rinse again with a solution of chamomile or wormwood and wipe well.
All these measures will help to avoid the development of harmful microorganisms and insects in the cell. They are known to be carriers of serious diseases.

Taming a budgerigar

So, the parrot was bought and brought to a new place of residence. The cage must be fully prepared, it must have everything necessary for a new tenant - a feeder, a drinking bowl, a bath, perches, dishes with charcoal and sand. In addition, it is worth placing in a cage such a useful supplement as crushed eggshells. All this is necessary for the bird to full life and good digestion.
If there are other animals or birds in the house, the parrot must be kept in quarantine for the first time. Its duration is 2-3 weeks. During this time, the parrot should be in a separate cage, and only after there is complete confidence that he is healthy, he can be placed in a cage with other parrots.
The first days in a new place are very important for a bird, so the owner should be especially careful with it. All actions of the owner should be thought out, the parrot should not be stressed. Relations from the very beginning must be built so that the parrot trusts you, is not afraid and does not rush about when you appear. The bird must see in a person, especially in the owner, its patron.
When the parrot is brought home, you do not need to pull the bird out of the portable cage with your hands. In order not to additionally frighten the pet, it is better to move the portable cage close to the new home of the parrot. The bird will move to its home on its own. You can cover the portable cage with a dark cloth, then the parrot will move into the lighted cage.

Do not immediately let the parrot out of the cage or try to stroke it. First, the bird needs to get used to the new living conditions.

In the first days, the cage should be installed so that it is at the level of your eyes. The parrot will gradually get used to the appearance of the new owner. As already mentioned, the location of the cell must be thought out in advance. It should be in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Do not place heaters near the cage.
It is better in the early days to protect the new pet from traumatic factors that can excite or frighten the bird. You can not turn on loud music, knock with a hammer or use an electric drill near the cage.
You should not be afraid if at first the parrot has upset digestion or has no appetite. As a rule, all these troubles are associated with stress, usually parrots are very nervous during transportation. After a few days, parrots, as a rule, begin to eat.
At first, communicating with a parrot, the owner will be helped by a quiet voice and gentle tone. The parrot will begin to get used to the owner when he starts talking to him.

Talk to the bird when you clean the cage or give it food. Be sure to call the parrot by its nickname - the more often you pronounce it, the faster the parrot will begin to respond to it.
In the first few weeks, it is necessary to more closely monitor the parrot, its behavior, health status. The first signs that the parrot does not feel well are easy to notice: the bird loses its appetite, often drinks water, it is inactive, drowsy, often sits ruffled, with lowered wings. In this case, the sooner you see a veterinarian, the better your pet may have an infectious disease.
To build a relationship with a bird, you need to make it become attached to you, begin to trust and experience joy when you approach. But this has to be achieved gradually, day by day. You should be prepared for the fact that you will need endurance and patience.
First of all, you should tame the parrot. The bird should not be afraid of your hand, shy away from it and rush around the cage. You should gradually accustom the parrot to your hand. Take a look at what kind of food your pet prefers the most. Perhaps he likes seeds or pieces of bread, maybe green grass. Offer him a treat from your hand. You should not extend your hand with a treat abruptly, you should do it slowly and carefully, all the while talking affectionately with your pet. It is more than likely that the parrot will not accept the treat at first. It is worth being persistent, do not remove your hand, wait a few minutes. All this time you need to talk with the bird, pronouncing its name.

If the taming process is not very fast, you can not raise your voice: the parrot will immediately feel your negative attitude.

If the first time it was not possible to dispel the fears of the parrot, you can repeat the experiment after a few hours. Most best time to establish contact - this is evening, while the lighting should not be bright. You can try to reach out to the bird with an empty palm without food, but then the hand should be close to the feeder. In the end, the parrot will understand that the human hand does not harm him and you should not be afraid.
Don't rush things. Stretching your hand into the cage, do not move your fingers or try to stroke the pet.
Sudden movements can frighten him and spoil all the results achieved.
When taming a budgerigar, minimize any depressing or intimidating influences on the bird. It is necessary to treat the bird as gently and affectionately as possible. Until the parrot is used to the owner, it is not necessary to let him out of the cage. Usually, the owners do not need to force the bird into the cage. Hungry, the parrot itself returns there.

If, despite much persuasion and all efforts, the bird shied away from the outstretched hand, you can apply the following trick: make the pet starve a little, do not feed it for 5–6 hours, and after this time, offer it food from your hand again. Leaving the parrot without food, do not forget to leave water in the cage, the pet should not be thirsty.
After a month of taming, the parrot will stop being nervous and afraid of your hand. He will boldly move to the palm with food as soon as the owner stretches it out.
When the skills are fixed, you can leave the cage door open. Budgerigars are extremely inquisitive birds, they are happy to start exploring the world that lies outside the cage.
You should not feed and water the bird outside the cage, so she will quickly learn that food and water for her are only in one place - in her home. You can’t lock the cage when the pet is outside it. You can’t remove the feeder from the cage for a long time, the parrot should always have the opportunity to return to the cage and find food and water in it.
Before you let the parrot out of the cage, you need to take care of its safety. It is worth inspecting the room well, removing all objects that can harm the bird. It is better to close the windows with curtains or tulle so that the parrot does not break on the glass. If a cat lives in the house, even if it is well-mannered and calm, it is still better to remove it for a while (close it in another room).
When releasing a parrot from a cage, do not create additional sources noise: do not turn on the vacuum cleaner or hair dryer. The bird must get used to the new territory, understand that it is not in danger.
You can train a parrot on command to sit on your hand when it flies around the room. In this case, the bird is also taught with the help of your favorite food. If the owner sets himself such a goal, the following rule should be followed: there may be food in the parrot's feeder. It should not be something especially loved by the bird, but at the same time, the owner should offer the pet some treat during training. To do this, you need to know the tastes of your bird. A more or less tamed parrot is usually no longer afraid of the owner's hand and pretty soon begins to sit on it.
Often, parrots, on their own initiative, begin to sit on the shoulders, head or arms of the household. Usually, birds already trust a person enough, they are not afraid of him, therefore they strive for communication and contact with the owner. In this case, you can stroke the bird, give it some kind of treat, and talk to it affectionately. Very good when trusting relationship between the owner and the parrot are established, and both strive to support them and are drawn to each other.


As mentioned above, in their natural habitat, the nutrition of budgerigars depends on natural conditions. During the rainy season, it is plentiful, the birds do not need water and feed. But when the drought begins, the birds have a hard time. Plants dry up under the merciless sun, reservoirs dry up. Birds often die in large numbers from lack of food and water. At this time, parrots manage with a small amount of food, only strong and healthy individuals survive.
The pet budgerigar, of course, does not live in such extreme conditions. A person provides him with everything necessary, so domestic budgerigars live much longer.
However, in order for the pet to be healthy and live a long time, the owner of the budgerigar must be informed how to properly feed his pet, what should be the diet, what should not be given to birds. He should also be aware of what supplements his pet needs.

No need to overfeed your budgerigar

You need to feed the parrot 2 times a day. The basis of food for these birds is a grain mixture. Birds get most of the nutrients they need from grain. All other products included in the parrot menu can be considered as an addition to the main diet.
As mentioned above, the main food for them is millet grains, but wheat groats can also be poured into the feeder. It is advisable to give unpeeled grains to birds, since the husk does not allow air to penetrate into the grain, which means it does not allow fats, which are very useful for parrots, to evaporate. Oats are also high in vitamins and amino acids and are the perfect complement to millet. If you provide your pet with a mixture of millet and oats (in a ratio of approximately 3: 1), this will be quite enough for his full life.
Budgerigars love sunflower seeds, and for good reason. The seeds of this crop are known to contain a large number of vegetable fats. The body of parrots assimilates such fats well. But still, do not forget that an excess of oily substances is just as harmful to the bird's body as their lack. A parrot may have a violation of metabolic mechanisms, therefore, even if the bird prefers seeds to all other grains, it is worth limiting it in this food.
In addition to ordinary grain, it is recommended to give parrots sprouted grain, which is a source of vitamin E. Therefore, during the nesting period or in winter, sprouted grain perfectly compensates for the lack of this vitamin.

Sprouted grains can be found at any pet store, or you can make your own by sprouting regular millet and oat grains.

Sprouted grain should be given to budgerigars no more than once a day, preferably in the morning. Do not pour it into the feeder in large quantities, in heat it quickly becomes unusable. However, in a cool place, sprouted grain is also usually stored for a short time, no more than 3-4 days.
If most of the grains have sprouted, you can feed them to the birds, but first rinse the food thoroughly. When the grains germinate, they become a valuable source of vitamins E and B2 for birds.

The basis of the diet of parrots is grain

When buying grain for sprouting, you should pay attention to its appearance and quality. Birds will not eat grain that is moldy, treated with herbicides, or chemically disinfected. Musty grain will not be to her taste either. Quality grain usually has a glossy, smooth surface and a natural, even color. It should not have cracks on the surface or a putrid, musty smell.
Along with the grain mixture, parrots should be fed with such types of feed that contain trace elements and additional vitamins. This is especially important during nesting and raising chicks. During such periods, the need for nutrients in parrots increases significantly. Many useful substances are found in green food, that is, in the leaves and stems of herbaceous plants. Particularly useful for budgerigars are plants such as clover, spinach, alfalfa, dandelion, and lettuce. It is also good to give the birds ordinary green grass, young shoots of fruit trees and shrubs.
Green grass flour is a very valuable type of feed, it is rich in trace elements and vitamins. Many owners of parrots prepare such flour on their own. Harvesting usually begins in late spring - early summer. For this, young buds of dandelion, clover, nettle leaves, and others are suitable. useful herbs. All collected plants are dried and dried over low heat in an oven until the grass is easily rubbed between the fingers.

Green flour is added to grain mixtures, usually no more than 5% of the total feed. Especially it is necessary for parrots in winter.

After that, the grass can be ground into flour. Store such food usually in a closed cardboard box in a cool and dry place.
Often, in order to provide parrots with young sprouts of wheat or oats, even in winter, lovers plant grains of these crops in a box with earth.

Parrots should receive fresh fruits and vegetables regularly.

Useful for parrots and sprouts of canary seed. In order for the grain to germinate, abundant watering is necessary. Water should be settled, room temperature.
Also in the diet of parrots should be vegetables, berries and fruits. However, budgerigars do not eat all fruits, however, it depends on individual characteristics each bird individually.
In order for the chicks to grow faster and gain strength, professional breeders feed them with an egg mixture. It is an extremely nutritious and healthy food and contributes to the rapid and correct formation of the skeleton and plumage of the bird. Egg mixture is easy to prepare - it requires only three ingredients: a hard-boiled egg, breadcrumbs and grated raw carrots. The egg should be chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. If the crackers are not crushed enough, they should be passed through a meat grinder. In appearance and consistency, this food should resemble cottage cheese. As practice shows, feeding with an egg mixture helps breeders get healthy, beautiful and viable young animals.

There should always be drinking water in the parrot's cage. The water temperature should be around 15-18C. Too much warm water, as a rule, cannot quench the thirst of parrots, especially during the hot season. Very cold water can cause indigestion or even a cold.
Remember to change the water regularly, usually once a day. However, in the summer it is worth changing the water more often (2-3 times a day), however, as in the period of feeding the chicks. Do not add tap water to the parrot's drinker, as it contains a large amount of chlorine. Perhaps a feathered pet will refuse to drink such water. It is necessary to collect tap water and leave it for 15-17 hours in an open container. Only after that you can give it to the parrot.
Sometimes owners give their pets silver-infused water that has a disinfecting effect. To get such water, you need to put some silver object in a container with water, after 8-12 hours you can give it to the birds. Do not give birds mineral water, parrots do not like its taste.
In winter, it is useful to add a little lemon juice to the water for parrots, no more than 2 drops per 1 tbsp. spoon.
Lemon juice helps to strengthen the immune system of birds, strengthens their plumage. In addition, it also has a disinfectant effect.
Often budgerigar owners use drinking water to dissolve powdered vitamin supplements and drops in it. Such additives should be used strictly following the instructions, and it is advisable to first consult with a veterinarian. If you add vitamins to drinking water for parrots, then you need to change the water as often as possible, at least 1 time per day. This should be remembered, since vitamin preparations contribute to the rapid multiplication of bacteria.
Balanced feeding is the basis of a parrot's health. The feed must contain all the necessary nutrients, and of course in correct proportions. Very often, parrots die early precisely because of improper feeding. The owners wonder why the bird looks old already at 6-8 years old and soon dies. After all, usually healthy parrots live for at least 15 years, and even at the age of 12, some individuals are able to breed.

At proper feeding parrots are active

What should be the daily diet of a parrot? Firstly, he needs 2-3 types of grain per day, and secondly, a set of feed additives that should fill the bird's need for proteins, amino acids and vitamins. Usually an adult healthy parrot eats about 50% of its body weight per day.
Owners can recommend an approximate daily diet for an adult parrot: oats - 7 g, millet - 11 g, sunflower seeds - 1 g, dry millet - 2 g, canary seed - 3 g, boiled millet - 1 g, roll (bread) - 4 g, flour worms - 500 mg, grated carrots - 3 g, boiled chicken egg - 500 mg, baker's yeast - 150 mg.
Don't change your budgie grain mix often, but if you decide it's necessary, don't change it more than once every 40 days.
Naturally, you can use a different composition of grain mixtures, as well as food additives. And it is not at all necessary to measure out, for example, exactly 4 g of bread every day. It is enough to give your pet a piece of bread once a week or a month.
As mentioned above, the parrot should receive food 2 times a day. The grain mixture is poured into the parrot feeder usually in the evening. Waking up in the morning, the parrot will not rush about in search of the cage, but will immediately start eating. However, do not forget that when birds feed their chicks, they need twice the amount of grain. In this case, the owner must pour the grain mixture in the morning and evening.
Do not give your parrot more food than it can eat. Ideally, he should eat everything that is in the feeder. If he has an excess of food, then he will begin to be picky and will choose only the best grains, leaving the rest untouched.
The parrot usually chooses grains that are rich in vegetable fats, and this is fraught with an excess of fat in the bird's body. The parrot begins to produce excess gastric juice, as well as bile. All this causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Such internal processes can cause diarrhea in the bird.

Feeder for dry food

But lovers should be aware that the daily need for food for a parrot is individual. It depends on the weight and size of the bird, on the characteristics of the metabolism of the individual. If the budgerigar is large enough, then it usually needs somewhere around 50 g of grain mixture. For medium birds, 35-40 g is enough, small birds are content with 20-30 g per day.
Green food is best given to parrots in the morning, at which time they eat it with appetite. Carrots and other vegetables are also better to offer them in the morning. But it is worth taking a closer look and finding out when the bird is most disposed to this type of food.
And, perhaps, it is worth talking about the main vitamins that a budgerigar needs, which must be present in the diet of a bird for its health and normal functioning. Don't forget these important necessary vitamins like retinol (vitamin A), vitamins B2, B6, B12, thiamine (B1), vitamin D, vitamin E.
Vitamin A, or retinol, very important for parrots, as it is a growth vitamin. Most birds get this vitamin in the form of a provitamin. It is found in plants, berries, fruits, and dairy products. Quite a small amount contains this vitamin in dry grains. With a lack of vitamin A, the functioning of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive organs deteriorates. The body of the bird begins to produce less mucus, and this is fraught with a decrease in the protective function of the mucous membranes, which, in turn, can lead to disruption of the respiratory tract and a runny nose in the parrot. Sometimes these diseases are difficult to cure.
An overdose of vitamin A is fraught with accelerated bone growth and improper skeletal formation. Birds can also drop feathers.
Vitamin A is necessary for parrots during the breeding season, and young birds also need it. With its deficiency, chicks may experience impaired motor ability, and adult parrots may suffer from diseases of the feather cover and their reproductive abilities may be reduced.
This valuable vitamin must be given to parrots for the prevention of various diseases, then they will not be susceptible to “deficiency diseases”. Vitamin A will strengthen the bird's immune system.

Wholesome nutrition is especially necessary during the breeding period of parrots

B vitamins are vital for parrots. The supply of these vitamins is usually contained in the daily food of the parrot, but this supply is quickly consumed and constantly needs to be replenished.
Thiamine, or vitamin B1, also needed by budgerigars. With its deficiency, birds lose their appetite, their digestion is upset, convulsions may occur and paralysis may develop. With a deficiency of thiamine, the parrot throws its head back, rests unsteadily on the perch, and can constantly break off it. With a serious lack of this vitamin, the parrot stretches its cramped paws. If the nervous system has not yet been damaged, after taking thiamine, the condition of the bird improves significantly and it is on the mend.
Budgerigars should not be given parsley as supplementary food. Spicy plants are also harmful to them.
The main signs of deficiency vitamin B2 are dysplasia, bone fragility, poorly formed plumage. The result can be disastrous, the lack of this component can lead to convulsions and paralysis. The bird may experience liver dysfunction, crusting on the beak and paws, and granulation on the eyelids. A lack of vitamin B2 can lead to anemia, the plumage of a bird develops poorly and incorrectly, depigmentation of the feather is observed.

wooden feeder

If there is not enough parrot in the diet vitamin B6, the bird loses weight dramatically, it begins to have disorders of the locomotor apparatus. Even with a slight lack of this vitamin in adult birds, reproductive activity is noticeably reduced, and chicks hatch poorly from eggs.

Vitamin B12 found in milk, fish, yeast, cheese. In birds, vitamin B12 is synthesized by the intestinal microflora, but this is not enough for normal life. Therefore, do not forget to introduce it into your pet's diet. Especially this vitamin is needed in the diet of sick birds.

Vitamin D is found in greens, so you need to make sure that it is always in the parrot's cage.

Vitamin D, or calciferol, needed by parrots for normal development skeleton, for bone growth.
It contributes to the proper calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the bird's body. With a lack of this vitamin in the food of a parrot, a violation of the locomotor apparatus, thickening of the joints, curvature of the limbs, spinal column and sternum, deformation of the beak, growth retardation occur. For parrots, the correct ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the diet is necessary. A normal balance is needed for the regulation of minerals in the bird's body.
Vitamin E needed by parrots in greater quantities than by mammals. This vitamin is found in sprouted cereals, in green plants, in sunflower and hemp shoots. If vitamin E is not enough, the parrot begins to weaken, it becomes disheveled, does not hold its head. His coordination of movements is disturbed, the bird trembles, turns its head, rolls over. The reason for this behavior lies in changes in the cerebellum and musculature. In adult birds, reproductive ability is impaired. To avoid such problems, sprouted grain should always be in the parrot's diet.

When a person wants to have a pet, he simply goes to the market and chooses the one he likes. But before you make such an acquisition, you should decide in advance on the animal or bird. We need to collect as much information about him as possible. If the choice falls on a parrot, then you should find out everything about its content. After all, when the bird is at home, it will not be so easy to refuse it. Therefore, how to care for a parrot, you need to know in advance. It is from the owner that the life and health of the bird will depend.

First stay in a new place

The question "How to care for a parrot?" quite popular in our country. A lot of people have them in their homes. After all, it is the full care of the parrot that is the key to a long and healthy life of the bird.

The main components of keeping a pet are some items. For example, perches and a feeder, a bath and a drinking bowl. It is also important to know the diet of parrots.

When an acquired bird is brought into its home, it cannot be planted with other birds. She needs to be alone for a few weeks (two or three). Constantly with a parrot worth supporting close connection. Have sweet conversations in a pleasant voice. So that the bird gets used to the new owner and sees in him his patron. If you know how to properly care for a parrot, then your beloved pet will always be satisfied.

Choosing a place to live

The main detail in keeping birds at home is the presence of a cage. It is sold in pet stores or markets. The cage in the room should be placed in a place where there is a lot of daylight, but there is no direct sunlight (this is very harmful for parrots). It is also impossible for him to be in drafts. Before you care for a parrot, you should buy and install the cage correctly. His house should be at the level of your eyes. This approach will help to get closer to the pet and the owner. Also, heating devices should not be installed near the cage.

At first, parrots may have indigestion or poor appetite. It's not worth worrying about. This behavior is associated with a change of scenery and getting used to it. Also, at first it is not necessary to create conditions that will act as an irritant. For example, you should not listen to loud music, let other pets close to the bird, or persistently try to pet it. You need to wait a little while the adaptation period passes. It is not only important to know how to care for a parrot, but also to communicate properly with it. The voice should be gentle and quiet, you can call by name. Especially when cleaning the cage or changing the water.

Disease symptoms

In the first days of the budgerigar's stay in a new place, you do not need to immediately begin to educate him. First, you should establish close contact with the bird. A little time must pass. Also, for several weeks after acquiring a parrot, you need to carefully monitor its general behavior. Some actions may indicate that the bird is sick and needs specialist help. Then care for the parrot will need more thorough.

So, what behavior can tell the owner that his pet is unwell? First, if he eats badly. Secondly, he drinks liquid very often. Thirdly, he does not move much around the cage, he mostly sits in one corner. Fourth, looks sleepy. Fifthly, it is in a sitting position with lowered wings and ruffled.

If these symptoms are noticeable, it is best to consult a veterinarian for advice. After all, his future life will depend on how to care for a parrot. Animals and birds are not a thing, they cannot be simply thrown away at the first unwillingness to keep or care for them.

Cell cleaning

Cleaning a parrot's home is an essential part of caring for them. Some things need to be done every day, and others once every thirty and ninety days. Now in this article, the existing cleaning options will be considered.

Clean up rubbish and leftover food every day. They can be on the floor of the cage, under the bedding, on the sides. The pallet must be pulled out and carried out under it wet cleaning. The bedding should be changed daily. It is important to wash the drinker and feeder well, you can use soda or detergent. Then the dishes should be wiped with a dry cloth.

Once a month, after regular cleaning, the parrot house is disinfected. You need to wet the sponge in an infusion of chamomile or wormwood and wash the cage well. Then wipe it dry.

Once every three months, you must first wash the bird's dwelling, then wipe it with a soda solution (3 tsp of soda for 1 liter of water), and then with infusion of chamomile (wormwood). After all procedures, wipe with a soft cloth. Budgerigar care is not very difficult. The main thing is to know what actions to take. Then healthy and happy birds will live in the house.

Budgerigar food

The diet of budgerigars does not contain refined wheat groats, namely millet. There is also oats in the grain mixture. These two crops complement each other. Thanks to them, budgerigars get useful amino acids. In addition, birds can be given sunflower seeds in small quantities. Also green types of herbs: dandelion and clover, spinach and alfalfa, lettuce and sprouts of young plants. Some other budgerigars eat fruits and berries. They are useful, but not all birds want to use them. In addition to all these ingredients, you need to put a container with river sand and crushed eggshells in the cage.

Precautionary measures

Care budgerigar a boy is no different from caring for a female feathered one. All birds require attention and special conditions for living at home.

Water for budgerigars should be fresh every day. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water. It will add nutrients to the bird's body. Also important for budgerigars is the ability to fly. All sources should be closed in the room beforehand. fresh air. Otherwise, the birds feel it and fly towards it. It is better to curtain all windows and the balcony so that the parrot does not break on the glass. A tree branch can be placed in the cage, on which the bird will sharpen its beak. A suitable temperature for staying is about 20 degrees Celsius.

Corella Care

If a person takes a cockatiel into his content, then he must understand that these birds require special attention. Feathers are very proud, it is more difficult to establish close contact with them. With Corella parrots, you need to communicate very affectionately, do not raise your voice.

Birds love to bathe, so having a bath in the cage is essential. Spraying may be used. Caring for a cockatiel consists of proper food, free flight and regular cleaning of their homes. Birds are advised to trim their wings (the procedure should be carried out by a specialist).

Corella parrots need to be fed with a grain mixture, dandelion and plantain leaves, birch and willow twigs, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, bread.

Lovebird Care

Different types of birds differ slightly in maintenance and care. Lovebird parrots have a very cheerful nature. They are responsive and free-spirited. Birds are very fond of flying, because in a cage the birds only eat, drink water and sleep. Caring for lovebirds is to properly feed them, choose a strong iron cage and create room for flight. Birds often become obese from lack of movement.

The cage must be constantly cleaned, this must be done in the same way as in the dwellings of other parrots. Bathing water should be warm, you should not force bathing procedures. Food for lovebirds is no different from food for budgerigars.

If you have information about the proper care of birds, then communication with them will be a pleasure for a person!