How to cook green radish recipes. green radish salad

  • 29.06.2020

To prepare not only a tasty, but also a healthy snack, expensive products are not needed at all. With a simple set of ingredients, you can make a green radish salad. By the way, this root crop has found application in folk medicine.

Culinary secrets:

  • Before cooking, be sure to thoroughly wash the radish, and then clean it. Then rinse the root crop again using a special brush.
  • So that the radish does not give bitterness, cut it into slices and pour cold water over it, leave for an hour.
  • Even the most simple salads with green radish, do not rush to try it right away. Let the dish sit in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  • Green radish harmoniously combines to taste with carrots and apples. By adding these ingredients to a salad, you get an appetizer with an interesting slightly sweet aftertaste.

Easy quick snack

Let's start from the very easy way cooking green radish salad. It can be made in minutes with a minimum set of products. Determine the amount of ingredients based on your own taste preferences.


  • radish;
  • salt;
  • sour cream;
  • green onion feathers;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Prepare the radish: clean and rinse.
  2. Grind the root vegetable on a grater.
  3. We introduce sour cream, salt and ground pepper to taste.
  4. Stir the salad and put on a dish.
  5. Decorate the appetizer with green onion feathers.

Healthy snack for daily meals

Green radish salad with cucumber and potatoes is not just a hearty snack. It brings many benefits. Radish acts as a kind of panicle for our body, cleansing it of toxins and harmful substances.


  • 1-2 cucumbers;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • radish;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 10-12 pcs. marinated champignons;
  • salt;
  • blend of peppers;
  • green onion;
  • garlic cloves to taste.


It is interesting! V Kievan Rus radish was eaten in large quantities during Lent, so it was considered a "repentant" root crop.

Assorted vegetables - an unforgettable taste

Try the green radish salad with carrots. You will surely like it. If you plan to feed them to a child, exclude mayonnaise from the composition.


  • radish;
  • 1-2 cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • Dill;
  • 50 ml sour cream;
  • 50 ml of mayonnaise;
  • salt.


Vitamin bomb on your desk

Need for hastily do delicious salad with green radish? The bacon recipe is perfect. This salad can also serve guests. Trust me, everyone will love it!


  • radish;
  • greenery;
  • carrot;
  • 0.2 kg smoked bacon;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • a blend of spices.

On a note! The salad will turn out more juicy if you season it with mayonnaise or sour cream. But the calorie content of the snack will also increase.


It is interesting! The history of the radish goes back to ancient times. Even Hippocrates considered it incredibly useful. The ancient Egyptians made oil from the seeds of the radish, and used the roots to prepare a variety of dishes. It is believed that the radish is best eaten before the lunch meal, as it improves the digestive process.

Spicy chicken salad

Delicate in taste is a green radish salad with chicken meat. It can be served as an independent dish and as a side dish for fish.


  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 radishes;
  • carrot;
  • 2 eggs;
  • greenery;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


On a note! traditional healers advise with bronchitis or just a strong cough to grate the radish and apply it to the back or chest instead of mustard plasters. And the root juice will help with bruises and abrasions.

Radish is a product that combines excellent taste and benefits for the body. The crispy structure of the radish will fit perfectly into any salad, give it a new touch, and eating this vegetable will only be a plus for health. That is why nutritionists recommend including any kind of radish in the daily diet - of course, if there are no contraindications. This is quite simple, because radish dishes are varied, and it is stored all year round.

Useful properties of green radish

Green radish, or loba, is the most popular type of vegetable, most often used in cooking. This is easily explained - black radish is very bitter and burning, while white radish is less accessible and more expensive than its "sisters". But the green root crop has all the advantages in plain sight - low price, ease of transportation and storage, and the richest composition.

Radish is one of the lowest calorie vegetables. There are only 21 kcal per 100 g of pulp, that is, you definitely won’t be able to get fat from such a product.. Exactly low calorie makes radish a desirable component of dishes for, and for everyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle.

Composition of vitamins in radish

Of the fourteen essential vitamins in radish, there are as many as nine, and those that are really vital for the body. Of the fat-soluble vitamins found in the pulp:

  1. Tocopherol, or vitamin E. It is a strong antioxidant that prevents cells from being damaged during oxidative reactions. Necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, the brain.
  2. Vitamin A, or retinol. It is very important for the retina of the eyes (from the Latin "retina" - retina). Without retinol, the normal functioning of the mucous membranes, the respiratory apparatus is impossible, it forms immunity, helps fight infections.

Quite a lot of ascorbic acid in the radish. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, a protein found in almost every tissue in the body. Without ascorbic acid, wounds heal slowly, cartilage and teeth are destroyed, gums bleed. It is also an important antioxidant, a participant in immune reactions.

Of the B vitamins in radish there are:

  • Niacin - is part of the enzymes, ensures the functioning of the digestive organs, the nervous system
  • Pyridoxine - responsible for human growth, for preventing depression, hormone production, hemoglobin production
  • Folic acid - forms nervous system fetus, helps to synthesize blood cells, and is also involved in the reproduction of DNA
  • Pantothenic acid - promotes the synthesis of amino acids, improves the appearance of the skin
  • Thiamine - helps carbohydrates to be converted into energy, participates in the activity of the heart, blood vessels, nerves, muscles
  • Riboflavin - a participant in the formation of red blood cells, maintains the health of the skin, digestive organs

Minerals in radish

Everyone knows about the benefits of minerals, without them the normal function of organs and systems is impossible. If you eat green or other types of radish regularly, the body will not experience a deficiency of most minerals. Radish is very rich in iron, and it is part of hemoglobin, a substance that carries oxygen to tissues. That is why radish is one of the best fighters against anemia.

It should be noted a large number of calcium and phosphorus in the root. These minerals are important for building bone tissue, teeth, and help renew collagen stores. Without calcium, there will be malfunctions in the blood coagulation system, in the transmission of nerve impulses, and vitamin D will not be absorbed normally.

Potassium, which is also abundant in the vegetable, is responsible for regulating the work of the heart, helps to transmit nerve impulses. Manganese stimulates cell renewal, magnesium regulates muscle excitability and energy metabolism. Sodium is a participant in the formation of osmotic pressure, copper is part of enzymes and hormones. Small amounts of chlorine and sulfur were found in radish - they protect the body from infections, stimulate respiration, reproductive function, and regulate blood sugar.

What else is in a radish?

Thanks to such a unique substance as lysozyme, it is recognized as an antiviral “medicine”. Lysozyme is in our body, and when viruses penetrate, it does not allow viral enzymes to dissolve cell membranes and invade them. The more lysozyme in the blood, the faster the recovery will come.

Enzymes are found in the radish - participants in healthy digestion, as well as glycosides. These biologically active substances have a lot of positive effects - from the regulation of metabolism and ending with the formation of the heart rhythm. Phytoncides in radish fight foreign organisms - microbes, fungi. Fiber is urgently needed by our intestines, and amino acids are involved in building proteins and carrying out the work of the most important organs.

Green radish - is there any harm?

In radish, the burning taste is due to the presence of essential oils and a number of other components, therefore, with inflammation of the digestive organs, the product may have a negative effect. Overeating radish can cause pain and heaviness in the stomach even in a healthy person, so you can not abuse the product. With gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis without exacerbation, you can eat it only occasionally and in very small portions.

Due to the stimulation of bile secretion, the product is dangerous in the presence of large ones - they can set in motion and clog the bile ducts. In a large number of root crops, it can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. When lactating, you should not get carried away with radish either - the product causes intestinal colic in the baby.

Radish - cooking features

Exquisite radish salad


  • Radish - 1 piece
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Celery - 2 stalks
  • Salt to taste (sea salt)
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Honey - a tablespoon
  • Apple juice - tablespoon

Grate carrots, radish, previously peeled. Mash the vegetables with your hands, add the celery cut into small pieces to them. Prepare dressing from apple juice, olive oil, honey, mix well. Pour dressing over salad; season with salt to taste. If desired, you can sprinkle the salad with chopped herbs.

Garnish of radish, turnip, celery


  • Large green radish - 1 piece
  • Celery - 1 stalk
  • Turnip - 1 piece

Wash and clean all vegetables. Cut into large cubes. Heat olive oil in a frying pan (you can add a little chopped garlic to it), throw vegetables. Fry for a few minutes, add water, salt, simmer until tender. Season with any spices.

Chowder with radish


  • Kvass - to taste
  • Green radish - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Sour cream

This green radish dish is a variant of okroshka itself. easy cooking. It is necessary to boil the potatoes, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater. Also clean the radish, rub in the same way. Pour the mass with kvass, salt. Add sour cream if desired.

Mushroom salad with radish


  • Any radish - 2 pieces
  • Canned champignons - ½ can
  • Chicken breast - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise

Cut the chicken breast into 2 parts, boil with spices in water until tender. Grate the radish on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, cut into rings. Fry the onion in vegetable oil along with the mushrooms until golden brown. Cut the boiled breast into cubes, mix with onions, mushrooms, radishes. Mix everything thoroughly. Add salt, mayonnaise. The spice "pepper mix" goes well with this salad.

Rare tomato salad


  • Green onions - 4 feathers
  • Sour cream - 150 g
  • Radish - 1 piece
  • boiled egg- 3 pieces
  • Tomato - 4 pieces
  • Salt to taste

Boiled eggs cut into cubes (large). Cut the tomatoes in the same way. Put both components in a salad bowl, mix gently. For dressing, peel the radish, grate it on a fine grater. Sprinkle radish with salt, add chopped green onion. Combine rare mass with sour cream, let stand for 10 minutes. Pour the dressing over the salad and leave in the fridge for 5 minutes. After that, you can serve the dish to the table.

Appetizer with herring and radish


  • Lightly salted herring - 1 piece
  • Green radish - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
  • Vinegar - tablespoon (6%)

Cut the herring in half lengthwise, after removing the head, tail, intestines. Remove the skin from the herring, remove the bones, prepare 2 strips of fillet, cut into strips. Onion cut into half rings. Peel the green radish, rub on a coarse grater. Make a separate dressing. Whisk vegetable oil with vinegar a little with a fork, add sugar and pepper, mix thoroughly. Combine radish and herring, pour dressing. Leave for 30 minutes to infuse and combine flavors.

Salad with crab sticks


  • Crab sticks - 100 g
  • Green radish - 1 piece
  • Avocado - 1 piece
  • Sesame - a tablespoon
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Wine vinegar 4% - a tablespoon
  • Lemon juice - teaspoon
  • Honey - a tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon
  • Salad leaves for serving

Wash the radish, peel, rub on a Korean grater. Do the same with an avocado, but it must be immediately sprinkled with lemon juice. Connect the components, add to them cut into strips crab sticks. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate and spread lettuce on top.

Prepare the dressing. Mix together vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable oil, sesame, honey (it can be replaced with maple syrup). Pour the dressing into the center, mix gently.

Green radish is a fairly common product in Russia. Domestic chefs love to cook main courses with this vegetable, bake it in the oven and even add it to soups. There are many dishes where green radish is used. Recipes with this product are very popular, especially for salads.

the birthplace of this healthy vegetable is Uzbekistan. Once upon a time, culinary specialists prepared the original delicacy “mazulya” from green radish. The vegetable was cut into thin slices, spices were added and dried for two weeks in the sun. Then the resulting product was ground into flour and sieved through a sieve, after which it was boiled in white molasses with spices and spices. And what do modern Russian culinary specialists cook from green radish today and how is the above product useful? Interesting? Read on!

Benefits of the above product

Green radish, as experts say, affects our body as follows:

  • stimulates appetite;
  • activates the digestive tract;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves metabolism;
  • positively affects the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • restores the level of calcium in the body;
  • strengthens human bones and teeth;
  • prevents the occurrence of constipation;
  • has a choleretic property;
  • treats pneumonia, cough, flu, colds;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • reduces the amount of excess cholesterol in the body;
  • eliminates the symptoms of dysbacteriosis;
  • strengthens hair;
  • performs the prevention of baldness.

In addition, the benefits of green radish are expressed in its other abilities. So, it improves vision and calms the nerves, eliminates signs of irritability. Radish also has wonderful antibacterial properties. Regular use of this product is the key to the health of the human skin. This vegetable perfectly tones the skin, cleanses it of stains and eliminates other problems.

It is worth noting that green radish is able to remove harmful heavy metals, toxins and other substances from the body that adversely affect our health.

Calorie content and composition

Green radish, recipes from which are very popular among many chefs, has a fairly low calorie content. 100 g of the above product contains only 32 kcal.

This vegetable has a fairly rich composition. So, this root crop contains many vitamins and other nutrients and no less useful substances: retinol, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, niacin, etc.

In addition, green radish contains phytoncides, fatty acids, fiber, essential oil, macro- and microelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sulfur and sodium salts). Therefore, when eating this product, we saturate our body with a mass of useful substances.

Green radish with meat: original salad recipe

For this dish, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • two green radishes;
  • one large onion;
  • fresh chicken fillet in the amount of 200 g;
  • a few tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • a few pieces of ordinary red radish;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • sprig of fresh dill.

Peel the green radish from the skin and cut into thin strips. Boil chicken fillet. Chop the red radish into thin slices. Then cut the onion into half rings, and the meat into cubes, lightly fry them in vegetable oil.

Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise according to your own taste. You can decorate the dish with a sprig of fresh dill.

Green radish with carrots

To prepare this salad, you will need the following ingredients:

  • green radish - half a kilo;
  • two carrots;
  • about 150 g of white cabbage;
  • half a large green apple;
  • a spoon (tea) of fresh lemon juice;
  • 10 ml of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of pepper, optional
  • salt to your own taste.

Thinly chop the cabbage, radish, apple, carrots grate for carrots in Korean. Mix all ingredients well. Season with unrefined vegetable oil and lemon juice, lightly salt and pepper. Garnish the salad with a thin slice of lemon.

Features of the use of green radish

The above product must be included in your diet, but you should follow some recommendations for its use:

  1. use better green radish fresh, since heat treatment significantly reduces its value.
  2. The skin of the product can not be cut off, but the vegetable should be washed very carefully.
  3. At night, it is not recommended to eat dishes with this root crop.
  4. Green radish is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of rheumatic pain, joints, neuritis and sciatica. To do this, you need to grate it, make a compress and apply it to the sore spot.

Contraindications for use

The benefits of green radish are not disputed by anyone today. But still there is a category of people to whom the above product is strictly contraindicated. These include:

  • patients suffering from gastroduodenitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system as a whole;
  • people who have symptoms of inflammation of the colon or small intestine;
  • patients with kidney and liver problems.

The green radish is extremely useful product. By consuming dishes with this vegetable regularly, you can easily get rid of multiple health problems: improve the digestion process, strengthen hair, bones, teeth, cleanse the body of excess cholesterol, implement reliable prevention infectious diseases(flu, colds).

Radish today can be found in almost any supermarket. This vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins, so it should be included in your menu all year round. For example, cook delicious healthy salads from radish.

Ingredients: 270 g of green radish, 160 g of carrots, a small sweet pepper, a bunch of any greens, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, a pinch of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare a vitamin green radish salad.

  1. Peeled carrots are cut into strips. It is convenient to use special grater or even a food processor.
  2. Salt is poured to the root crop, and it is slightly kneaded by hands.
  3. Sweet pepper and green radish are cut in the same way. The last minute for 10 - 12 is filled with a mixture of water and lemon juice. This will make her taste not so "vigorous".
  4. For dressing, mix the remaining ingredients. The greens are very finely chopped.
  5. In a bowl, mix carrots, squeezed radish and pepper from water. Greens and dressing are added.

Before serving, the radish salad with carrots should be infused for several minutes.

Easy White Radish Salad Recipe

Ingredients: 420 g of white radish, 2 large carrots, 2 sour apples, a large spoonful of natural yogurt (unsweetened) and mayonnaise, salt, a pinch of freshly ground pepper, fine salt.

  1. Carrots and apples are peeled. Next, these ingredients are rubbed on a grater with medium holes.
  2. Peeled radish is crushed in the same way.
  3. The appetizer is dressed with a sauce of yogurt, mayonnaise, salt to taste and freshly ground pepper.

Immediately after mixing, the salad can be served at the table. Instead of unsweetened yogurt, medium-fat sour cream is allowed.

Cooking from black radish with eggs

Ingredients: 2 small black radishes, large sweet carrots, strong fresh cucumber, large egg, 1 - 2 garlic cloves, low-fat sour cream, salt to taste, a bunch of lettuce leaves.

  1. Of all the listed ingredients heat treatment only an egg is required. It must be boiled to a hardened center and cut into very small cubes.
  2. Fresh radish is washed, peeled, rubbed on the smallest or medium grater, salted. Next, it pours ice water and left for 10-12 minutes.
  3. The remaining vegetables (peeled carrots, peeled cucumbers) are also chopped with a grater. Washed lettuce leaves are shaken off the water and finely torn with your hands.
  4. All components prepared in the previous steps are mixed. The radish is carefully squeezed out of the water beforehand.
  5. You can season this appetizer with different sauces. But low-fat sour cream with crushed garlic and salt is best suited for it..

As a dressing for black radish salad, you can also take regular mayonnaise or refined oil. In addition to garlic, you can use any favorite seasonings that will make the taste of the dish even brighter.

Vegetable salad with meat

Ingredients: large black radish (approximately 320 - 360 g), 180 g fresh veal, 160 g medium-fat sour cream, large head onion, 2 - 3 large eggs, ½ small. tablespoons of rock salt, the same amount of freshly ground pepper.

  1. The radish gets rid of the peel, washed with ice-cold running water and rubbed on a grater with medium holes. If it is very bitter, the resulting chips should be soaked in cold liquid for about half an hour.
  2. A frying pan with well-heated oil is sent to the stove. Miniature onion cubes are fried on it until transparent and ruddy.
  3. The meat is boiled in salt water until tender, after which it is chopped into strips or any other convenient pieces.
  4. The radish is squeezed out of excess liquid, laid out in a salad bowl. Veal and cooled fried onions are also poured there.
  5. Eggs are boiled to a hardened center, cooled, peeled and diced.
  6. The prepared ingredients are thoroughly mixed, peppered to taste and salted.

A radish salad with sour cream meat is dressed, after which it is immediately served for dinner (without preliminary infusion).

Delicious appetizer of daikon radish

Ingredients: 2 - 3 onions, 1 pc. daikon, large fresh cucumber, 2 - 3 sweet bell peppers different colors, 320 g ham, 4 tbsp. l. 5% vinegar, 2 small. l. sweet mustard, 8 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt, dried dill.

  1. Daikon is cut into thin strips. Then it is sprinkled with salt, mixed well and left for 17 - 20 minutes. Then the radish is squeezed out by hand, the secreted juice is drained.
  2. The onion is cut into thin half-rings. He also rubs his hands lightly with salt. You can use not only white, but also a purple variety.
  3. The remaining vegetables are cut into thin long strips. The ham is ground according to the same principle. The amount of meat can be increased according to your own taste.
  4. All components of the future snack are combined.
  5. The dish is poured with a dressing of oil, vinegar and mustard.
  6. Salt and dried dill are added.

The appetizer should brew a little in the cool, after which it can be served to guests.

Salad "Bishop"

Ingredients: large radish, 110 g of fresh champignons, 3 medium carrots, the same amount of turnips, a pound of chicken, a package of low-fat mayonnaise, fine salt, 5 large boiled eggs.

  1. The radish is peeled, washed, rubbed coarsely, sprinkled with a pinch of salt and put away in the cool while the rest of the ingredients are being prepared. This will allow the sharp specific smell of the product to disappear. Ideally, the radish should stand in this form for 2 to 3 hours, but half an hour will be enough.
  2. The chicken is sent to cook until fully cooked, after which it cools and breaks into fibers. The remaining broth can be used as the basis for various first courses or gravies.
  3. Randomly chopped onions and carrots are fried in well-heated fat in a frying pan. Strong browning of vegetables should not be. Next, miniature pieces of champignons are poured into them, and the mass is cooked until all the liquid released from the mushrooms evaporates.
  4. Eggs are cut into medium pieces.
  5. Prepared ingredients are combined in one bowl. Roasting of onions and carrots is used already cooled down. The radish is preliminarily squeezed out of excess liquid.

The resulting appetizer is dressed with salted mayonnaise, infused for an hour in the cold and served at the table. Thanks to mushrooms and chicken, it turns out to be very satisfying and nutritious.

Fresh appetizer with cucumbers

Ingredients: 3 strong fresh cucumbers, half a red onion or a small whole, a bunch of fresh various greens, a small piece of ginger, 1 small. spoon of 9% vinegar, 5 - 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, fine salt, seasoning for vegetable salads.

  1. The radish is well washed, cleaned, coarsely rubbed.
  2. The root of ginger is cleaned from a hard skin and rubbed smaller.
  3. The onion is cut into small cubes. Cucumbers - quarters or semicircles.
  4. The greens are well washed, shaken off excess liquid.
  5. The products prepared above are combined.
  6. It remains to prepare the dressing. To do this, mix table vinegar, olive oil, salt and spices.
  7. The resulting sauce is generously poured over the appetizer and mixed again.

You can try the salad immediately or send it to brew a little in the cool.

Salad "Klyazma"

Ingredients: 320 g beef, 160 g fresh radish, 3 pre-cooked large eggs, 90 g fresh carrots, purple onion, 60 ml refined frying oil, salt, mayonnaise, pepper mixture.

  1. Meat should be put in salt water and send to cook until cooked. When the beef has completely cooled, it gets rid of the veins and is cut into cubes. To make the meat more juicy, you need to cool it without removing it from the broth.
  2. Carrots are cut into strips, onions - into half rings. Together they are fried until golden brown.
  3. The radish is also cut into strips - very thin. It is not recommended to grind it with a grater, as too much juice is lost in the process.
  4. Boiled and cooled eggs are cut into cubes.
  5. An excellent sauce for Klyazma salad is obtained from ordinary mayonnaise mixed with peppers and salt.
  6. It remains to combine all the components and flavor them with dressing.

Before serving, the appetizer will be infused for a couple of hours in the cool.

Spicy and salty radish appetizer "Kaktugi"

Ingredients: 2 pcs. daikon, 4 large spoons of coarsely ground red pepper (flakes), 2 large spoons of granulated garlic, coarse salt and grated fresh ginger, 1 large spoon of dry salted anchovies, light sesame seeds and ready-made fish sauce.

  1. The first step is preparing a traditional Korean spicy dressing. For her, coarsely ground red pepper is steamed hot water. Under no circumstances should boiling water be used at this stage. In the bowl should be a mass of consistency like thick sour cream.
  2. Dry garlic and chopped dry anchovies are poured to the pepper, ready-made fish sauce is added.
  3. All ingredients are mixed very well and left in a glass jar under the lid for 24 hours.
  4. Daikon is washed, peeled, cut into medium cubes. Their optimal diameter is about 2 cm.
  5. The radish is salted and left for about an hour. Further, its cubes are washed well and recline in a colander.
  6. Sesame, ginger and savory infused dressing from the first two steps are sent to the daikon. Products are mixed with hands in rubber gloves.
  7. Prepared components are removed under oppression and left for 3 days in a room. The future snack will ferment during this time, a large amount of juice will stand out.
  8. After the start of fermentation, the ingredients are closed with a lid and cleaned in a cool place.

You can try kaktugi in a week. Over time, the taste of the snack will become more and more interesting. It can be stored refrigerated for up to 4 months.


Ingredients: 270 g chicken meat or beef, 2 green radishes, salt, purple onion, 3 boiled eggs, sour cream, half a bunch of fresh herbs.

  1. A thin straw of peeled radish is poured with water for 15-17 minutes to remove bitterness that can spoil the taste of the finished snack.
  2. Onion half rings are fried until golden brown.
  3. Gently squeezed radish and onion are mixed in a bowl.
  4. The selected meat is boiled until fully cooked, cooled, cut into cubes. Then it is laid out to the products from the third step.
  5. Chopped greens are also sent there.
  6. The salad is dressed with salted sour cream, mixed very well.

Served ready snack "Tashkent" for lunch with large slices of peeled boiled eggs. Instead of sour cream, if desired, the salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise or any other suitable sauce.

Vitamin salad with cabbage

Ingredients: 160 g of green radish, 340 g of fresh white cabbage, 70 g of juicy carrots, a pinch of salt and sugar, ground sweet paprika to taste, 2 tbsp. spoons of refined sunflower oil, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

  1. White cabbage is thinly chopped, poured into a convenient salad bowl, sprinkled with salt and kneaded well with your hands. This is necessary in order for the vegetable to become softer.
  2. Raw carrots are cut as thin as possible. This is most conveniently done with a regular vegetable peeler.
  3. The vegetables prepared in the steps above are poured into a bowl, sprinkled with salt and sugar. Once again they wrinkle their hands.
  4. Peeled radish is cut in the same way as carrots and laid out on top of vegetables.
  5. Oil with vinegar is poured into a bowl, sweet paprika is added.
  6. After another thorough mixing, the appetizer is served for dinner.

She perfectly complements hot meat dishes. It is especially important to serve it with beef and lamb.

  1. The radish is peeled, coarsely chopped on a grater and slightly squeezed out of the secreted juice, which gives bitterness. It can be safely poured out - the liquid will not be used further.
  2. Eggs cool and also rub coarsely.
  3. The apple gets rid of the peel and seed box, after which it is crushed into strips.
  4. The ham is cut into fairly large cubes so that it feels good in the finished dish.
  5. Nut kernels are finely chopped.
  6. All crushed components are combined.
    1. The radish is peeled and chopped on a special Korean grater.
    2. She immediately gets enough sleep in a convenient bowl.
    3. A thin long straw of raw carrots is sent from above.
    4. The heart is boiled in salted boiling water until tender, after which it is cut into cubes.
    5. Small onion cubes are sprinkled with spices and fried in a small amount of oil. After cooling, they are also transferred to other components.
    6. Sprinkle very finely chopped fresh garlic on top. If desired, it can be replaced with granular.
    7. It remains to add a thin straw of peeled apple and salt to the future salad.

    The appetizer is seasoned with any sauce. You can use regular light mayonnaise for this. The best is homemade.

    Korean Vegetarian Salad with Vegetables

    Ingredients: 3 white radishes, 4 pcs. radishes, carrots, 1 tsp each light sesame seeds, granulated sugar, salt, freshly ground black pepper, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce (classic), 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

    1. All vegetables are washed and peeled.
    2. Radishes are cut into small sticks, carrots and radishes are cut into thin long straws. Top the prepared ingredients with soy sauce.
    3. The mass is salted, peppered, sprinkled with sugar. All the oil is immediately poured into it.
    4. The products mix well.

    Ready white radish salad is sent to infuse in the cool. It is best to put it in a glass container, close the lid and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.


  • 1 large black radish;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.


Cut the radish into thin sticks, the onion into half rings. Stir vegetables. Salt, season with oil and sprinkle with lemon juice.


  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1 black radish;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 20-30 g of any chopped nuts;
  • 1 bunch of greens.


Mix lemon juice with mustard and gradually pour in olive oil.

Cut the radish into thin slices. Lightly salt, pepper and stir.

Lay the radish layers on a flat plate. Pour dressing over each of them, sprinkle with chopped nuts and chopped herbs.



  • 1 large radish;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 apple;
  • 60 ml sour cream, kefir or Greek;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice;
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon sesame;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sprig of greens and lime slices for decoration.


Grind the radish, carrot and apple on a coarse grater. For the sauce, mix sour cream, juice, vinegar, honey and sesame seeds.

Season the salad, salt and refrigerate for an hour. Garnish with herbs and lime before serving.


  • 450 g potatoes, preferably young;
  • 1 medium radish;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • 4 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon smoked or ground paprika
  • 1 pinch of pepper;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of onions;
  • 3-4 sprigs of parsley;
  • 10 shelled walnuts.


Boil potatoes, cool slightly and cut into small pieces.

Grate the radish on a coarse grater. Salt and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Then add warm potatoes, vinegar, oil, paprika and black pepper, chopped garlic, onion and herbs. Stir.

Sprinkle with chopped nuts before serving.


  • 1 orange;
  • 1 small head of fennel;
  • 1 small black radish;
  • 2-3 stalks of leeks;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar;
  • salt, black pepper and paprika - to taste.


Remove the skin from the orange and chop it. If you use a special peeler, remove the residue by hand.

Divide the fruit itself into two parts. Disassemble one into slices, peel them from the films and cut into halves. Place in a salad bowl. Squeeze the juice from the second half of the orange there.

Finely grate fennel and radish on a grater-shredder. Add to citrus. Sprinkle with chopped onion and drizzle with oil and vinegar.

Salt, pepper and mix.


  • 1 black radish;
  • 1 bunch of arugula or your favorite greens;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds (leave a few for garnish)
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin or other vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon wine vinegar.


Slice the radish into thin slices. Mix with arugula, salt and pepper.

In a blender, make a sauce of seeds, oil and vinegar.

Dress the salad before serving. Garnish with pumpkin seeds.



  • 200 g pork or beef;
  • 2 eggs for decoration - optional;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 pinch of pepper;
  • 2 medium radishes;
  • mayonnaise or olive oil - to taste.


Boil meat and eggs until tender. Cut the meat into thin slices and fry in oil along with onion half rings. Salt and pepper.

Cool and put in a deep bowl. Add grated radish. Stir and season olive oil or mayonnaise.

Cut the eggs in half and decorate the salad with them.



  • 3 eggs;
  • 2-3 medium carrots;
  • 250 g of ham;
  • 1 large radish;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • 150 g of mayonnaise;
  • 1 sprig of greens for decoration.


Boil eggs and carrots until tender. Grate on a coarse grater along with ham and radish. Finely chop the tomatoes and onion.

Mix everything in a deep bowl. Salt and pepper. Season with mayonnaise.

Garnish with a green sprig before serving.



  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1 radish;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • sprig of greenery for decoration.


Boil the eggs until done. Fry the mushrooms in oil until golden brown.

Grate the radish and cheese on a coarse grater. Pepper cut into small cubes.

Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. Salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

Leave in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours. Garnish with herbs before serving.



  • 4 eggs;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 1 beet;
  • 200 g of beef or pork (canned fish can also be used);
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 radish;
  • 1 large apple;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • greens - for decoration.


Boil eggs, carrots, potatoes, and meat until cooked, and then cool. Finely chop the meat, potatoes and onions. Grate eggs, carrots, beets, radishes and apples.

Lay out the salad in layers: potatoes, carrots, radishes, meat, onions, apple, eggs and beets. After each make a mesh of mayonnaise. Sprinkle a little eggs on top or decorate with herbs.

Refrigerate for at least 6-7 hours before serving.