Sea buckthorn juice at home is simple. Recipe for winter sea buckthorn without cooking

  • 02.04.2021

Many berries are famous for their healing qualities, a bright orange beauty is one of them. To preserve the full range of vitamins, housewives try to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking, using a variety of recipes with sugar - jam, jelly, jam, or simply grinding valuable fruits. The blank will go to pudding, pancakes, ice cream, casseroles, toast and a layer of pastries.

When harvesting for the winter with sugar, it is important to observe the exact proportions so that the preservation does not “ferment”. The ratio of berries to sweetness is 1:1. As a rule, without heat treatment, live jam is stored on a refrigerator shelf.

Sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking with sugar

A classic recipe for winter harvesting without cooking. A large amount of poured granulated sugar will become a berry preservative, which will keep sea buckthorn for a long time and without loss of the vitamin component.

  • Sea buckthorn berries and granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.5 kg.

How to prepare:

  1. Measure out one and a half kilograms of sand.
  2. Pour the cleaned, washed and dried fruits to the bottom of the jars.
  3. Then add a layer of sugar. Next, make a layer of berries again.
  4. Fill the jar to the top. Screw it up and place it on the refrigerator shelf.
  5. Over time, the berries will release juice. The sugar will settle and mix with the juice. As a result, sea buckthorn will swim beautifully in syrup.
Advice! Practical hostesses use cake left over from processing berries to make sea buckthorn oil. The easiest way: fill it with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:1. Insist in a dark cool place. After 2-3 months, a healing remedy for burns, bedsores, and stomach treatment will appear in your home. The basis for cosmetic masks, a means for facial skin care.

The remaining cake can be chopped with a blender, add sugar. And then prepare the marshmallow, spreading it out in a layer on parchment paper.

Fruit seeds can be dried, ground into flour and put into baking.

Grated sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking

Pureed candied sea buckthorn keeps well throughout the cold season. In the cold, sweet and sour fruit drinks are made from the workpiece, jelly and compotes are cooked. Live jam is both a sweet delicacy and a healing dessert.


  • Sea buckthorn - kilogram.
  • Sugar - kilogram.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Sort the berries, removing debris. Sort out the damaged ones; only whole specimens are used for winter harvesting without cooking.

Rinse under running water, let drain. I advise you to get rid of excess moisture by spreading the berries on a paper napkin.

Add sugar in the required proportion.

Grind in any way possible (wooden pusher, combine, through a meat grinder, blender). The method of turning sea buckthorn into puree does not matter.

If you decide to remove the cake, then wipe the mass through a sieve.

Leave the resulting sea buckthorn puree (with or without pit) for a couple of hours. Do not forget to stir, helping the sugar to disperse and combine with the juice into a syrup.

After making sure that there are no grains left, distribute the jam into jars. Leave some distance to the edge of the neck. Pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar there, this will save the workpiece from mold.

Twist the jars, place in a permanent place in the cold.

Sea buckthorn for the winter with honey without cooking

Double the healing qualities of live sea buckthorn jam by replacing sugar with honey. Honey is excellent in winter, being an excellent preservative in itself. Kids will love the treat. Use it as a tasty medicine for colds, after illness, helping to recover.

Would need:

  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Honey - 0.75 kg.


  1. Punch the peeled, selected berries with a blender (meat grinder).
  2. Combine with honey. Stir the mass thoroughly, achieving uniformity.
  3. Divide into jars, seal. Choose a cool place for storage.

Sea buckthorn syrup without boiling

A zealous hostess will always find a use for syrup. In most cases, for the preparation of a delicious vitamin drink, especially useful for children during the period of illness. The syrup is concentrated, when used in fruit drink, it is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2.

Would need:

  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

How to prepare:

  1. Be sure to dry the washed berries well. Use a juicer to collect the juice. Send the cake to the preparation of oil.
  2. Strain juice, add sugar.
  3. Stir until the sweetness is completely dissolved. This can take a long time, please be patient. Do not forget to stir the mass.
  4. Divide into bottles. Syrup can be stored indoors.

Jam without cooking from sea buckthorn and orange

Orange is friends with all fruits and berries, sea buckthorn is no exception. Bright orange fruits complement and emphasize the taste of each other. Raw jam can be safely served to guests, they will appreciate the exquisite taste of dessert.

You will need:

  • Orange.
  • Berries - 400 gr.
  • Sugar - 400 gr.

We prepare:

  1. Wash the berry cleaned from debris, dry it. Put in a bowl, sprinkling with sugar.
  2. Take a break for 1-2, waiting for a large amount of juice to be released.
  3. Squeeze out the juice from the orange, pour into the sea buckthorn. Love dessert with pieces of citrus - finely chop the pulp and put it in this form.
  4. Stir the mass. Fill sterile jars. Choose a cool place for storage.
Attention! According to almost all the proposed recipes, you can prepare raw jam with the addition of various fruits. Very tasty with apples and lemon. An interesting take on ginger.

Sea buckthorn jelly without cooking - recipe through a meat grinder

Sea buckthorn berries are endowed with a considerable content of natural pectin, so it is possible to prepare jelly without the addition of gelling crystals. Having prepared a dessert, in winter you will have the basis for vitamin drinks, a wonderful delicacy for tea, an addition to casseroles and other sweet dishes.

  • Sea buckthorn - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 750 gr.

How to prepare:

  1. The preparation of jelly differs little from other blanks.
  2. Wash selected sea buckthorn, dry it, laying it out on a paper towel.
  3. Make a puree by processing the fruits with a meat grinder, blender.
  4. Strain through a sieve.
  5. Add sugar, wait for complete dissolution. Transfer to jars. Send to refrigerator.

How to prepare sea buckthorn without sugar

Experienced housewives know the secrets of preserving the harvest of berries without cooking and without sugar. Keep some of them.

  1. Cut the berries together with the twigs, spread them evenly in one layer in a cold place. At a constant temperature of 0-4 o C, the harvest will last until spring without loss of quality.
  2. Select intact berries, put in a jar. Fill with cold boiled water. Keep in refrigerator.
  3. Freezing is the ideal way to harvest. Arrange the berries in a layer on a baking sheet. Freeze by turning on the quick freeze mode. Divide into containers, sachets in single portions.

Video recipe for harvesting sea buckthorn for the winter. Good luck with your preparations!

Only the lazy have not heard about the healing and beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. These berries have absorbed all the best and most valuable from nature. They have been used as a cure for many ailments since ancient Chinese medicine. And if not everyone likes the use of the berries themselves because of their tart-sour taste, then, for example, both adults and children eat and drink juice from sea buckthorn with pleasure.

Traditional medicine suggests using this valuable product with maximum benefit to get rid of many health problems.

In the presence of tumors, disorders in the digestive tract, various inflammations of the mucous tissues, skin diseases, rheumatism, gout, problems with the heart and blood vessels, during bronchitis or pneumonia, and even with hair loss, sea buckthorn juice is recommended as a natural medicine. It is advised to be taken by pregnant women, and even added to infants when they reach the age of 3-5 months. For such babies, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of juice to milk.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, you need to drink half a glass of juice daily, dividing it into several servings. If desired, it can be diluted with water. Drinking the drink eliminates cholesterol plaques in the vessels, reduces blood density, and normalizes blood pressure. Sea buckthorn juice is rubbed on joints affected by arthritis, gout and rheumatism. You can also make compresses: a piece of soft natural tissue is moistened with heated juice, applied to a sore spot, wrapped with plastic wrap, and on top with a woolen scarf. The compress should be kept for about 2 hours and done twice a day, morning and evening.

To get rid of stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, use a mixture of juice and water in proportions of 1/2. The resulting composition rinse the mouth and throat 3-4 times a day. After rinsing, you can not drink and eat for half an hour.

For bronchitis, colds, pneumonia, cough, juice should be taken every day, no more than half a glass. It is added to and decoctions of medicinal herbs, or drunk separately.

The use of juice in cosmetology

Sea buckthorn juice is no less popular component of home cosmetics than sea buckthorn oil. Face and hair masks are prepared with it, ice cubes for rubbing the skin, the product is added to home scrubs. The drink is used as a soothing agent for dry, damaged skin - for this, the face is simply wiped with a cotton swab dipped in juice. After 3-4 minutes, the product is washed off with plain cool water.

Problematic skin with enlarged pores and comedones will benefit from a mask with: for its preparation, berry juice and low-fat cottage cheese are taken in a ratio of 1/1, the ingredients are combined and mixed. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 2-3 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

And from a mixture of juice and water in proportions of 1/2, useful ice cubes are made. The composition is poured into an ice mold and sent to the freezer until solidified. If you wipe the skin of the face with this remedy every morning, it becomes more elastic and clean, the pores narrow, the complexion will become even and healthy.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite the impressive number of useful properties, sea buckthorn juice is not always beneficial for the body. Its use can cause problems in the pancreas, as it strongly stimulates the production of enzymes. Due to its choleretic properties, the product can contribute to the development of cholelithiasis.

Contraindications to taking the drink are pancreatitis, gastritis and an ulcer in the acute stage, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis. In addition, the berry is an allergen, so those who suffer from individual intolerance to sea buckthorn should not drink a drink from it either.

Before you start harvesting juice for the winter, it makes sense to consult a doctor about whether it can be consumed so that all the work done is not in vain.

A convenient and inexpensive way to save a vitamin treasure for the winter is to stock up on sea buckthorn juice. In addition to being fragrant, rich and beautiful in appearance, the drink contains all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn berries, which is why sea buckthorn juice is so popular in folk medicine and cosmetology. The product helps to strengthen the immune system and get rid of colds and coughs, has a strengthening and tonic effect on the body, and is used to treat many diseases. A small portion of the drink, taken daily, works as a powerful prevention of cancer, vascular, heart, and nervous system diseases. Jam is made from juice, valuable is extracted, it is added to pastries and cocktails.

It is unlikely that anyone will disagree with me that sea buckthorn juice is a very healthy drink. Almost all vitamins are collected in this berry, and in order to preserve them, it is best to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter without boiling and boiling. The only feature of such a seaming will be that it is recommended to store it only in the cold - in a cellar or refrigerator. But even in winter, you will be provided with a healthy and tasty vitamin cocktail that can be added to tea or coffee, to create fruit drinks from it.

So, let's get or collect the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

Fill the berries with water so that all the debris floats to the surface. Remove it and thoroughly wash the sea buckthorn, removing stiff cuttings, if any.

Puree the berries with an immersion blender or chop in the bowl of a food processor. Add sugar and citric acid. Let's beat it again. Citric acid plays the role of a preservative here, but if the berries are sour, then you can not add this ingredient - it is better to add more sugar.

Then grind the resulting orange mass through a strainer, separating the cake from the juice. By the way, sea buckthorn cake can not be thrown away - fill it with vegetable oil and you will get excellent sea buckthorn oil, which will need to be allowed to brew for a week.

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter without cooking and boiling is ready. You can pour it into steamed bottles or jars and tightly screw the lids on the containers, and then take them to the basement or store them in the refrigerator.

However, do not forget to keep one jug for yourself and taste the prepared drink, stocking up on useful vitamins.

Sea buckthorn is deservedly considered a health berry. Sour berries are not very palatable, so many people prefer to drink sea buckthorn juice. The drink can be prepared with fresh or frozen berries. But fresh fruits are eaten only in the fall, the freezer in, as a rule, is already completely filled with other fruits and vegetables. You have to preserve a healing drink in glass jars - below I will give a recipe with sugar and without sugar, how to cook sea buckthorn juice for the winter at home with and without boiling. But first, briefly about the benefits of sea buckthorn juice, how to use it.

Benefits of sea buckthorn juice and how to drink it

This is a fragrant, tasty, healthy, rather high-calorie drink (about 82 kcal in 100 ml). A large one is due to the presence in the chemical composition of berries (as well as juice from them) of a high concentration of substances that are healing for our body. It is useful:

  • With avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis. To strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with energy, as well as increase resistance to microbes, viruses.
  • As an effective means of combating colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • With female and male ailments (problems with potency).
  • From tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, diseases of the oral cavity. Used for gargling, mouth, after diluting with warm boiled water (1:1).
  • With diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system.
  • Against rheumatism, gout, arthritis - used for compresses, joint rubbing.
  • For facial skin care - products based on it tone, moisturize, nourish the skin.

It turns out that with skillful use, sea buckthorn juice is a real home doctor - it helps with almost all health problems. But there are contraindications - do not forget about it. It is harmful to drink this remedy for diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver (in acute form), as well as for individual intolerance to sea buckthorn. Before using for treatment, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

How to drink sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn juice is useful for all people, of course, provided there are no contraindications for use. How and how much to drink depends on the purpose of consumption:

  • To strengthen immunity, prevent colds (especially for pregnant women, the elderly, children). It is enough to consume only 3-4 tablespoons daily.
  • With anemia. It is recommended to drink 50 ml daily with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • In the treatment of colds, flu, accompanied by a strong cough. It is useful every day to drink half a glass of drink with the addition of honey. So until full recovery.
  • To normalize the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques. It is advised to drink 0.5 cups daily in several doses.
  • With reduced potency. It is recommended to use 1 s three times a day for 1 month. l. a mixture of sea buckthorn juice and mummy (ratio 20:1).

How to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter

The most useful, of course, fresh fresh. But, if you prepare a canned product for the winter correctly, it also retains many healing substances, of course, provided that it is properly stored. Canned at home using different recipes. Whoever likes it - with and without sugar, with boiling or with sterilization.

Sea buckthorn juice with sugar for the winter

The recipe for this is:

  1. Sort the berries, crush (with a potato masher or in any other way), transfer to an enamel pan.
  2. Pour in warm water (0.5 cups per 1 kg of berries), heat to 60 ᵒC, quickly wipe through a sieve.
  3. Pour 30% sugar syrup into the resulting mass, heat for 5 minutes at a temperature of 85 - 90 ᵒC.
  4. Quickly fill pre-sterilized glass jars and seal immediately.
  5. You can store in a regular home pantry, without cold.

Sea buckthorn juice with sugar for the winter without boiling

  • Prepare juice using a juicer, according to the recipe above or in any way convenient at home and filter.
  • Add sugar (ratio 1:1), stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
  • Pour into dry sterilized jars, cork.
  • Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn juice without sugar for the winter

You can also prepare juice without sugar, because it (if desired) can be added before drinking. How to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter without sugar? It's simple:

  1. Mash the fruits, add warm water (1 cup of water per 1 kg of sea buckthorn), put on fire (in an enameled or glass container).
  2. Heat to 50 ᵒC and remove from heat. Squeeze out the liquid with a press, strain through several layers of gauze.
  3. Heat to 90 ᵒC, pour into jars.
  4. Sterilize in a water bath, covered with lids (0.5 liter jars - 10 minutes, 1 liter jars - 15 minutes), seal tightly.
  5. It can be stored under normal conditions, without cold.

It is not difficult to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter with or without sugar at home, if you know a simple recipe. And as a result, you will be able to use a healing vitamin drink all year round, which is useful as a food product and for strengthening health, getting rid of ailments.

Amber sea buckthorn berries are known for their medicinal properties. Due to the special astringency of the fruits and the presence of a large stone, they are inconvenient to eat in their natural form, but it is quite simple to make sea buckthorn juice from them - fragrant, like honey, bright, tasty, from which it is impossible to break away.

Juice from sea buckthorn berries is considered one of the most useful, it is a real pantry of health. It contains important biological components: vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, F, PP. The set of macro- and microelements consists of iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, manganese, boron.

Sea buckthorn also contains organic acids: oxalic, malic, tartaric. Tannins give berries astringency, natural sugars - glucose and fructose are responsible for the sweet taste, phytoncides and flavonoids have a pronounced immunostimulating and bactericidal effect.

In addition to all of the above, the composition includes valuable fatty acids: ursulic, oleic and recently discovered, rare succinic acid, which minimizes harm from drugs, X-ray exposure, and toxic effects.

Sea buckthorn juice with pulp is rich in vegetable fibers, and its calorie content is not more than 60 kcal per 100 g of drink in its pure form.

Benefits of natural sea buckthorn juice

The beneficial effect of amber berries on the human body is difficult to overestimate. The complex of natural vitamins, minerals, fatty acids in the composition of the juice equates it to a drug. Moreover, a freshly squeezed bright drink is not subjected to heat treatment and retains all the beneficial properties, color and aroma. Gives visual and taste pleasure.

If you regularly use sea buckthorn juice for therapeutic purposes, you can improve the functioning of important organs and systems:

  1. Heart and blood vessels. Folk remedy reduces the formation of blood clots, raises venous and capillary tone, and normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Throat and lungs. Sea buckthorn drink is useful for colds, accompanied by complications in the form of bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia. For the treatment of cough, it is recommended to dilute the sea buckthorn mass with warm water and drink a little during the day. As a result, the sore throat dulls, sputum thins and comes out more easily.
  3. Joints. External use of an orange drink in the form of compresses can reduce the manifestations of rheumatic disease, arthritis, gout.
  4. Stomach. Unpleasant symptoms of gastritis are associated with exposure to an aggressive acidic environment. The powerful anti-inflammatory effect of amber juice helps to reduce pain and discomfort, activates tissue regeneration. Due to this unique property - to heal ulcers and wounds - it is successfully used for inflammation of the stomach. Under the protective film, damaged areas of the mucous membrane do not come into contact with acid and recover faster.

Ursolic acid in sea buckthorn berries has a positive effect on the internal systems of the body and on damaged skin. It is prescribed to patients with Addison's disease, a rare disease associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

You can moisturize the skin with a nourishing mask with sea buckthorn, just remember that carotene stains in yellowish hues.

Those who want to improve the condition of weakened hair, get rid of dandruff and reduce the oiliness of the scalp, need to periodically make masks from sea buckthorn oil. The healing composition is left on the hair to act for 30 minutes, then washed off thoroughly.

You should be careful to drink sea buckthorn juice in case of pancreatic diseases: some acids in the composition of the drink can adversely affect your well-being, worsen the course of the disease and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

What can be harmful

Even natural sea buckthorn juice is not only beneficial, but also harmful. Drinking a tasty drink in excessive quantities sometimes leads to bad consequences. The presence of fatty acids and other active substances does not benefit all people. Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance, allergy;
  • pancreatitis in the acute phase;
  • cholecystitis;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Concentrated sea buckthorn juice can harm the body, while diluted and in small doses, it gently affects vital systems. And yet, patients at risk should consult a doctor before starting treatment with a folk remedy.

How to make and save

It’s great if there are freshly picked berries for making a drink, but frozen ones are also suitable.

You can prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter by following the sequence of actions:

  1. Sort the fruits, rinse and dry from excess liquid;
  2. Mash the prepared raw materials with a wooden pusher or pestle (if you use a blender or meat grinder, bitterness from the seeds will get into the juice);
  3. Transfer the semi-liquid mass into a deep enameled pan, add boiled water in the proportion of one glass for each kilogram of sea buckthorn berries, heat to a temperature of 55 - 60 degrees;
  4. Strain the resulting slurry through a sieve, wipe the cake with an effort to squeeze out as much pulp as possible;
  5. Heat the liquid passed through the filter again, avoiding boiling;
  6. Pasteurize over low heat for 10 minutes;
  7. Hot juice should be poured into sterilized jars or bottles, rolled up and left to cool slowly.

After some time, an oily suspension forms on the surface, most of the useful substances are concentrated in it. Before drinking the drink, you need to shake it up, so it will again become homogeneous and as useful as possible.

Store the juice in a cool cellar or refrigerator. You can increase the shelf life if you add sugar to the berries at the first stage of processing.

Freshly squeezed nectar without heating is the most useful, all valuable vitamins remain in it, but it should be drunk immediately after preparation.

How to drink medicinally

If there are no contraindications, one glass of juice per day is considered the norm. During the period of respiratory infections, to prevent the disease, you need to drink 100 ml of warm sea buckthorn nectar in the morning and before bedtime.

With angina, gargling is very useful, but it is even better to drink warm liquid in slow sips, holding it in your mouth. This method of administration helps to reduce pain and relieve inflammation of the tonsils.

When fatigue takes its toll, and there is no desire to work, healing nectar will come to the rescue, in which honey and mint are added. In order to strengthen the nervous system and replenish the vitamin reserve, a tasty drink should be drunk three times a day for half a glass. It should be borne in mind that when sugar or honey is added, the calorie content of the drink increases. Therefore, even such a useful remedy should be used in a reasonable dose.

Sea buckthorn drink has a rather specific taste, with a hint of bitterness. To mask the taste, you need to mix the vitamin liquid with other juices, then even children will enjoy the sweet, healthy mixture with pleasure.

Nature generously offers its gifts to man. Fans of traditional medicine are happy to use the golden drink from sea buckthorn for medicinal purposes. If there are no contraindications, then stock up on ripe berries, but remember that uncontrolled intake of strong natural remedies can be harmful.