What helps radish juice with honey. Green and black radish with cough honey

  • 15.07.2020

Hello my readers! Let's talk today about the benefits of radish with honey.

Cold season is coming, so let's talk about effective and simple ways treatment.

Radish with honey has been known for a long time, but recently about such a wonderful folk recipe just forgot.

My grandmother treated her children and us grandchildren with this remedy.

And the effect has always been amazing! Let's remember!

Radish contains in its composition many vitamins, oils and trace elements, the intake of which in the human body is necessary daily.

Honey is no less useful - its properties are known to everyone.

What happens if you combine two products?

You will get the most the best medicine from many diseases, as well as a means for their prevention.

From this article you will learn:

Radish with honey - recipe

Useful properties of black radish

It is hard to imagine, but the common radish contains a huge number of useful components:

  • essential oils;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • vitamins A and D;
  • sulfur.

For example, the last component promotes expectoration, hence the statement that the root crop helps to overcome well and not only: it can cure all colds due to its phytoncides, which perfectly fight bacteria and viruses.

With all the variety of varieties, it is black radish that is considered the most useful for coughing and has such effects as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • bactericidal.

Useful properties of honey

The product of beekeeping does not retreat even half a step in terms of usefulness.

Now, probably, all adult uncles and aunts will remember how in childhood their mother gave them such a nasty “solution” at that time - milk and honey.

Meanwhile, useful action honey has a lot:

  • bactericidal;
  • medical;
  • dietary;
  • preventive;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiallergic.

And it contains:

  • minerals;
  • Sahara;
  • trace elements;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins;
  • biologically active substances;
  • chlorine;
  • zinc;
  • folic and pantothenic acids;
  • silicon;
  • chromium;
  • osmium.

It is advised to choose such varieties of honey as sweet clover and linden, because during the illness these two types cope with viruses most effectively.

It must be remembered that even honey may not be real, but artificial, with a bunch of preservatives and chemicals.

Therefore, it is better to buy, if possible, from the beekeeper himself, as a last resort, on the market, after checking the availability of the necessary documents.

Recipe for radish with cough honey

Black radish can be purchased from farmers, but even better if the root crop grows in your own garden.

There are several ways to prepare a wonderful medicine, and I will tell you now how to make a healing remedy.

  1. The vegetable needs to be washed very well, cut off the “cap”, but not thrown away - it will still come in handy.
  2. The “stuffing” is cut out so that a layer of about three centimeters remains inside.
  3. A couple of tablespoons are placed inside (a little more is possible) and everything is covered with a cut-off “hat”, and then moved to a dark place for about twelve hours.
  4. During this time, radish juice is formed inside, which helps in the fight against colds.

Video recipe for cough radish

If you do not understand, be sure to watch this video, and everything will fall into place)

Quick ways to prepare radish with cough honey

In this recipe, everything is very simple, only there are situations when it is simply impossible to wait half a day.

Well, or you don't want to. For such cases, there are simplified methods for preparing a wonderful potion.

Among them:

  1. Wash the radish, cut into cubes and pour one tablespoon of honey on top. You still need to wait, but not for long - the release of juice will occur very quickly.
  2. The second option: the vegetable is wiped, then spread, for example, in gauze, and the juice is squeezed out. Add honey to it - and you're done!

How to take radish with cough honey

How to cook clearly, it remains to figure out how to take.

After all, nothing should be with an "excess" or "deficiency", otherwise the remedy will not only not bring benefits, but even harm.

  • Adults

Drink juice before meals, one tablespoon. Do this at least four and no more than six times a day. The maximum duration of admission should not exceed three weeks.

  • children

The recipe for a child is no different from the cooking methods described above. Reception begins with a few drops to identify possible allergic reaction.

If there is one, then the baby should not be given it. If not, then children take the medicine in the same way as adults, only not with a tablespoon, but with a teaspoon, and the duration of treatment is less - a maximum of a week.

  • Pregnant

Such treatment during pregnancy is carried out with great care.

The point here, of course, is in the vegetable, in its juice. Presence in the composition essential oils, slowly excreted from the body, can contribute to the appearance of uterine tone.

But with the product of bees, you should be more careful. Even if a pregnant woman does not have an allergy, the baby may have it.

For this reason, it is recommended to replace honey with sugar. Of course, before using this tool, you will need to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. And even if the doctor allows, you can not be treated in this way for more than four days.

Contraindications to the use of radish with honey

First of all, it is important to note that it is strongly not recommended to exceed the doses indicated above.

There may be a kind of overdose, which is fraught with consequences. Among the first is the hepatotoxic effect due to structural and functional disorders of the liver.

To determine the sensitivity of the stomach, you must first try a small piece. If this is followed discomfort, you should not use radish.

It is also necessary to first consult with your doctor or pediatrician (if given to a child), who will determine the contraindications and advise whether or not to eat the root crop.

You can not eat radish if gastritis and peptic ulcer have been diagnosed, as well as with low acidity of gastric juice, heart disease and enterocolitis.

Honey can cause allergies. In this case, it must be excluded or replaced with sugar. Prohibited use with diabetes you can't eat too much.

It should also be noted that allergies can be caused by a specific variety.

That is, if a species was bought that had never been eaten before, it is better to first try a drop to determine this factor.

Have you tried this recipe for cough treatment with radish and honey?

If yes, please share your experience! Even more recipes for treating cough at home, see here!

Alena Yasneva was with you, good luck to you, health and good mood!

Photo @ worldnews

  • 1. The use of a non-standard combination
  • 2. Contraindications
  • 3. Cooking recipes
  • 4. Dosage

During an illness, it becomes absolutely all the same what to prepare the medicine from, the main thing is that it be natural and not have side effects. This is especially important for children and pregnant women: their immune system is constantly in the process of rebuilding and the slightest draft threatens to catch a cold, and antibiotics only aggravate their health. In this case, you can use recipes that have been tested by more than one generation of our ancestors. Black radish with honey works flawlessly during pregnancy, in addition, unlike mixtures with garlic and onions, it is easy to give to a child.

The benefits of a non-standard combination

It is clear that honey is an ancient remedy for all diseases, which helps to strengthen the immune system. It contains more than 300 components whose biological activity and beneficial properties are recognized not only by folk doctors. Sweet medicine can:

  • quickly restore strength;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • remove intoxication;
  • stop the development of bacteria and viruses;
  • stop the pain syndrome;
  • help tissue regeneration.

Why did a recipe spread that mixes black radish juice with honey, and not with onions or garlic, for example? The answer is simple: this combination has a less pronounced aroma and is easier to perceive by patients. Everyone has come across how difficult it is to make a child drink a nasty medicine, and in pregnant women, a heightened sense of smell and frequent toxicosis play a role in this regard.

Black radish, like green radish, which is close to it in terms of useful properties, is perfectly stored until spring and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, which together help strengthen immunity and improve metabolism. One of the main advantages of black radish is the presence of phytoncides, the amount of which is comparable to the same onion or even horseradish. They are the main useful components that exhibit bactericidal and antiviral properties.

  • colds;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • and even pulmonary tuberculosis.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that this is an auxiliary tool. Although, black radish with honey during pregnancy can be a great alternative to antibiotic treatment.

Before embarking on the process of preparation and treatment, you need to carefully read the possible contraindications, and even better, consult your doctor.


Any remedy from the arsenal of apitherapy, in addition to benefits, can deal a real blow to the immune system. This is especially true if you:

  • allergy;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes.

It is no less dangerous to take black radish with:

  • pancreatitis;
  • acute inflammatory processes organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis, accompanied by high acidity;
  • heart problems.

If there is a history of at least one of the listed diseases, the use of both black and green radish will have to be abandoned.

The use of honey for children, or during pregnancy is associated with risks. After all, their immune system is constantly in a state of restructuring, and sweet medicine contains a huge amount of active and potentiating compounds. They are quite aggressive and can provoke artificial intolerance. In the case of pregnant women, the consequences can also affect the unborn child.

cooking recipes

There are several ways to prepare a miracle cure.

Recipe number 1. The classical way assumes the presence of time. For him, they take a black radish and prepare it for fermentation with honey:

  • wash, dry, remove the "tail". It is advisable to take a root crop large and juicy;
  • then you need to make a kind of glass out of it, that is, remove the top and carefully, without damaging the outer walls and bottom, remove the pulp with a spoon;
  • the resulting cavity is filled with honey, about 1/3 short of the edge, and left overnight either in a cup or in a plate.

In the morning, the remedy will be ready: the root crop will release juice, which will inevitably mix with honey. During the night they mix well, after which the juice can be drunk with a strong cough, sore throat or nasal congestion.

Recipe number 2. If you peel the radish, cut into pieces and pour honey (weight ratio 3:1), the effect will be the same as in the first recipe - the radish will secrete juice overnight, which will mix perfectly with honey. Just in the first case, you can involve a child in cooking: it will not only be interesting for him to make a barrel of radish, with no less pleasure he will agree to try the medicine in the morning. You don't have to look for arguments for treatment.

Recipe number 3. Express cooking. If there is no time to wait until the black radish with honey releases juice, and they mix on their own, then you can prepare the medicine easier and faster. To do this, the radish is cleaned to a white core and passed through a meat grinder. Then you need to make a gauze filter, put the resulting slurry into it and carefully squeeze it into a jar. Honey is also spread there (for 3 or 4 parts of juice - 1 part of honey) and mixed thoroughly.

It can be treated immediately after preparation.

If it is impossible to get black radish, it can be replaced with green radish in recipes. It is no less useful, and treatment with its help will be just as effective. In this case, it is necessary to take large round roots of an intensely green color, which may be the same inside. White industrial varieties will not work.

Black radish with honey


The benefits of a medicine made according to such prescriptions are unconditional, but it cannot be taken uncontrollably. Radish phytoncides and active substances of honey can provoke an allergy if you drink them together with excess of permissible norms.

The average dosage of medicine for a child is 3-4 teaspoons fractionally per day. It can also be given with water or tea. It is recommended to start with half a teaspoon. You can give the medicine only after eating.

Adults can take the medicine up to 4 tablespoons per day. You also need to drink fractionally, stretching the daily allowance for the whole day.

The benefits will be evident in a couple of days, and for the 7 days prescribed for a cold, all symptoms will definitely be eliminated.

The use of these recipes will show therapeutic properties not only for symptoms of seasonal colds or exacerbation of bronchitis. This remedy is great for depression. nervous tension and excess cholesterol. These properties should be adopted not only by pregnant women, they are suitable for everyone. True, it is not recommended to use such a remedy for longer than 7 days, especially for preventive purposes.

Treatment must be beneficial. This is possible only with the correct diagnosis. This means that in the first place, even with the appearance of a runny nose, especially during the rampant viruses and infections, you need to see a doctor. After the diagnosis is made, it is up to him to decide whether it makes sense to use exotic recipes.

Black radish, or the "Queen of Vegetables" received a loud name for a reason. Since ancient times, the root crop has been used by healers to treat ailments. There were stories about the radish, it was praised, it was used everywhere. Today, many people want to know if the product is as valuable as Hippocrates said about it? Can a root crop harm the human body? Let's consider the important aspects in detail.

Chemical list of elements and calories

Radishes are full of carbohydrates, both fast and complex. The vegetable includes minerals that support all the work of the body. Of the most popular, potassium, sulfur, iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus, strontium, magnesium, sodium and others are distinguished.

In addition, there is a mass of mustard oils in the root crop, which give the radish a burning sensation and aroma. It includes proteins, esters, unsaturated fatty acids.

As for vitamins, the most useful are retinol, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or niacin), the entire B-group, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene.

If we talk about nutritional value, there are more than 2 grams in a radish. protein, 0.2 gr. fat, 6.6 gr. carbohydrates, 2 gr. dietary fiber (namely fiber). Also in the root crop there is a lot of water, ash, di / monosaccharides, organic acids.

Interestingly, with such an extensive list, the calorie content of black radish is only 35 Kcal. per 100 gr. This feature allows people who are obese or carefully monitor their figure to consume the root crop.

the benefits and harms of horseradish

The benefits of black radish

  1. The root crop has the ability to remove bile and water, dissolve sand and stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. At the same time, it is useful for people without such ailments to eat radish for preventive purposes.
  2. The vegetable is considered the winner in the fight against harmful microorganisms. Radish easily eliminates the symptoms of a cold, viral infections, helminths. If you combine black radish with onions or garlic, you will increase intestinal motility and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Radish is often used to treat coughs, in which case it is mixed with honey and consumed as a porridge. The root helps to cure whooping cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, hemoptysis, and also partially relieve asthma symptoms.
  4. The product increases appetite, increases the secretion of gastric juice. Incoming esters and dietary fiber speed up metabolism, thereby allowing you to lose weight slowly and safely.
  5. If you make a compress from black radish passed through a blender, you can easily get rid of pain with a severe bruise or sciatica. Also, radish puree warms up the ligaments during stretching, contributing to their contraction.
  6. Radish is responsible for cholesterol levels. It removes harmful compounds, leaving only useful ones for the body. This eliminates the likelihood of blood clots and subsequent blockage of the blood channels. This property invaluable for varicose veins.
  7. Iodine, contained in large quantities, controls the activity of the thyroid gland, making up for the lack of hormones necessary for full-fledged work glands. Complete prophylaxis of the endocrine system is also carried out.
  8. It is useful to consume black radish for hepatitis at any stage, cholecystitis, chronic intestinal obstruction, stones in the cavity of the kidneys and gallbladder. The root crop prevents and partially treats the listed ailments.
  9. The product relieves swelling of the internal organs, limbs and face. This is achieved due to the ability to repel harmful salt and remove excess fluid.
  10. Lysozyme, which is not deprived of radish, is a serious prevention of the development of malignant tumors. With regular consumption, toxic compounds are removed from the body, which can cause the appearance of cancer cells.

the benefits and harms of squash

The benefits of black radish juice

the benefits and harms of zucchini

Harm of black radish

  1. The root crop will not be useful if you have its individual intolerance or allergy.
  2. Pregnant ladies can consume radish only after the approval of the doctor. Incoming compounds cause uterine tone, resulting in a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. People with peptic ulcer and gastritis, which are accompanied by high acidity, should not eat radish.
  4. Radish is contraindicated for admission to categories of people who have kidney or gallbladder diseases that are not related to the presence of sand or stones.
  5. It is forbidden to eat radish with enterocolitis, pancreatitis, as well as in the case of a recent heart attack.

The value of black radish is determined by the accumulation of essential mineral compounds and vitamins, which must be ingested with food without fail. If there are contraindications, you should refuse to take it.

benefits and harms of garlic

Video: the right vitamin black radish salad with carrots

The history of radish goes back several centuries. The ancient Greeks were the first to grow it. She decorated their tables and was presented as a gift to the gods as a valuable product. Today, its position has not changed, and people still use it for many diseases, making salads, mixing with honey or squeezing juice.

Today we will look at the benefits and harms of radish juice and share a few recipes.

Chemical "stuffing"

The most popular varieties of radish are green and black. The first is more palatable than the second, which has a pronounced sound of bitterness and sharpness. V traditional medicine mainly black radish, known for a wide range of medicinal effects, appears.

The chemical composition of the two varieties is identical. It is presented:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • glucosides.

Attention! Freshly squeezed radish juice retains all the beneficial substances contained in the root crop.

15 Health Benefits of Black Radish Juice

Drinking black radish nectar is not entirely pleasant because of the burning taste, but its benefits are enormous, and for the sake of health, you can endure it! It has the following healing properties:

Attention! So that black radish does not cause you persistent hostility, combine it with other vegetables, and dilute the juice with water. This will help numb her burning bitterness.


Black radish is widely used in folk medicine. Since this variety has a firm and rigid structure, it is better to use it in the form of juice.

How to squeeze juice

Use a juicer to make black radish juice. However, you can do without it:

  • Rinse one small root crop thoroughly.
  • Without freeing it from the peel, grate it on a fine grater.
  • Squeeze the resulting slurry through gauze.

Attention! Ready drink can be drunk in its pure form or diluted with water.

With honey

Delicious, healthy black radish juice with honey helps with cough, increases lactation in nursing mothers, treats bronchitis and cholelithiasis.

Radish juice with honey effectively treats cough

The tool is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • Select one large root crop, cut off its upper part (in the form of a lid), remove the core and put honey (up to half) into the depression formed.
  • Close the "vessel" with the top cut off earlier and take it to a warm place for 5-6 hours.
  • During this time, the vegetable will secrete juice, which should be taken 1-2 tbsp. spoons three times a day after eating.

For joint ailments (sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis), black radish juice with honey is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1. The mixture is applied to the affected areas.

Attention! Only 100 g of radish per day provides the body with the necessary amount of magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Radish damage

Beneficial features radish juice are impressive, but the drink can harm the body. It has an impressive set of contraindications.

Unreasonable use of the drug is fraught with unpleasant consequences

Radish juice is forbidden to receive:

  • with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • with gastritis with high acidity of the digestive juice;
  • with colitis and enterocolitis;
  • with chronic cardiological ailments;
  • with inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • in acute form of chronic pancreatitis;
  • with gout;
  • with a predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • patients with violations of tooth enamels;
  • pregnant women.

Factors such as the benefits and harms of radish juice are determined by the way it is used. Uncontrolled and excessive intake, ignoring contraindications can result in serious health problems for the patient. In the case of reasonable use, the drink will only benefit the body.

Attention! The use of radish provokes bloating.

Radish juice in children's diet

Children should drink this drink with caution. Before taking black radish juice, it is better to mix it with honey. Be sure to monitor how the child's body reacts to the remedy.

Attention! Radish nectar is not recommended for babies under one year old.

1-3 year old children are allowed to drink no more than 1 teaspoon per dose. After 7 years, the serving increases to 1 dessert spoon. The standard dose (1-1.5 tablespoons) is prescribed only upon reaching the age of 12.

Radish nectar is prohibited for children under one year old

Be sure to include the drink in your diet! However, check with your doctor before doing so. Strictly follow the rules of use, as the benefits and harms of radish juice are separated by a thin line that is very easy to cross.

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in folk medicine. The healing properties of this wonderful root vegetable were well known to the ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates also appreciated them. He treated with her help dropsy, many diseases of the lungs. The ancient Greeks used radish to fight various types of coughs, normalize digestion, and even treat eye diseases. Interesting fact: black radish and garlic were part of the daily diet of the Egyptians, who were involved in the construction of the pyramids, to prevent various diseases.

Black radish is a close relative of cabbage. Do not be surprised, it belongs to the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). This amazing root crop is not included in the register of medicinal raw materials, but at the same time, even official medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of radish and recommends including the vegetable in the diet and using it along with traditional therapeutic agents in the treatment of many ailments, which we will discuss below.

The miracle root crop is still widely used today in the treatment of many ailments. Black radish, the benefits and harms of which are well studied today, is a native of Asia. This is a biennial plant up to 80 cm high. Today, annual varieties have also been bred. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use medium-sized fruits. They contain the largest amount of minerals and vitamins.

Biochemical composition

Radish is rich in trace elements and vitamins. It contains carbohydrates and proteins, essential oils and minerals, glucosides. In addition, the root crop is rich in sodium and potassium, phosphorus and iodine, iron and magnesium, calcium and other useful substances. It also includes the main vitamins: B, A, C and E. One hundred grams of black radish contains only 16 calories.

Beneficial features

It should be said that the main medicine based on a bitter vegetable - black radish juice. The benefits of this substance have been proven by modern scientists. In its composition, the radish is close to well-known natural remedies - fresh onion, garlic, bee honey. And sometimes its bactericidal properties surpass them. This is due to the high content in the vegetable of a large number of glycosides and essential oils.

In addition, the antimicrobial substance lysozyme was found in the radish. It is able to destroy harmful microorganisms: mycobacteria, pertussis and diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus. With the help of a root crop that has a sharp and harsh taste, you can rid the body of harmful substances, viruses and bacteria. Potassium, which is found in large quantities in radish, normalizes water-salt metabolism, freeing the body from excess fluid. The root crop is mild in its action laxative and diuretic and remedy.

Black radish juice: effects on the body

The beneficial effect of this substance is difficult to overestimate. Judge for yourself:

So, you consulted with your doctor and decided to use black radish juice for treatment. How to prepare a healing agent? This can be done in two ways. Let's consider each of them.

First way

Wash the medium-sized root crops well under running water and grate them together with the peel. Fold the gauze in several layers, put the grated vegetable on it and squeeze the black radish juice. If you have been diagnosed with bronchitis or other inflammation of the respiratory tract, then do not rush to throw away the pulp left after squeezing the juice: it can be used instead of mustard plasters.

Spread the pulp (in gauze) and put it on the chest (bypassing the heart area), cover with polyethylene, and then with a towel and leave it until the skin turns slightly red. This procedure usually takes no more than 15 minutes. Before and after the compress, drink a tablespoon of juice, which can be mixed with honey (1:1). The medicine will become more pleasant to the taste and the healing properties will increase.

Second way

Sugar and honey perfectly draw out the juice of black radish. Wash the root vegetable, cut off its top, and then with a knife or spoon, select the central part of the pulp, making deep hole. Pour sugar into it or pour honey. Juice begins to be produced in two to three hours. Pour it into an enameled or glass dish, and again add honey or sugar to the hole. It is advisable to drink the juice immediately. In order not to wait a long time for the next portion of juice, make several of these fruit cups at once.

Cough treatment

Black radish juice is used to treat many respiratory diseases. For cough, a mixture of juice and honey is most often used. This pleasant-tasting and very useful medicine is taken with pleasure not only by adults, but also by children. It will help not only cure a cough, but also return a "shrunken" voice, eliminate a sore throat, as well as symptoms of bronchitis.

To obtain the drug, use the second method described above. But in this case, only natural liquid honey should be used to fill the recess in the root crop. One root crop is usually enough for several days. Then the root crop will wither, and the juice will cease to stand out. If during this time the cough has not stopped, use another fruit.

chronic cough

This is what doctors call cough for pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, smoker's cough, etc. And in this case, a drug containing black radish juice will help you. The composition will help you get rid of a cough, which is not difficult to prepare. For this you will need:

  • black radish juice;
  • ginger juice;
  • badger (or mutton) fat;
  • bone marrow (preferably from lamb bones);

Fat, brain and honey are taken in 250 grams. 100 ml of black radish and ginger juice are added to them. Fat must be melted in a water bath, and then add the rest of the ingredients to it and put in a water bath for about thirty minutes. Then the composition must be cooled at room temperature and transferred to a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Take on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon (tablespoon). The product should be mixed in half a glass hot water or milk.

Treatment of children

It is no secret that when a child falls ill, parents try to use the most effective and safe means. If a child has a cough, it is urgent to show it to the doctor. When the diagnosis is made, along with the traditional therapeutic treatment, you will also need black radish juice. Children can take it from the age of three. Radish with honey is an excellent remedy for treating all types of coughs in children. It tastes very good, so even sick children, who are usually naughty, willingly take it.

Black radish juice is known for its powerful expectorant effect, it accelerates the process of sputum separation. Such a sweet medicine is safe for kids because it is made from natural products. The only restriction to its use may be an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. The drug is prepared in the same way as for adults.

Black radish juice: how to drink?

The use of radish juice in the treatment of other diseases

Traditional healers successfully use black radish juice to treat many diseases. We will present you only the main, most effective of them.


Wash the root crop thoroughly and, without peeling the peel, chop it on a grater or with a blender. Squeeze out the juice through two or three layers of gauze and wipe the body of a cold person with it at night. Be sure to wipe your feet. Put on pajamas and socks for the patient. Before going to bed, you should drink the remaining juice, diluted with warm boiled water (1: 1). For taste, you can add a spoonful of natural honey.

Treat sore joints

Squeeze 300 g of juice from the grated root pulp, mix it with 200 g of liquid honey, add 100 g of vodka and one teaspoon of salt to this mass. For joint pain, 50 g of this healing composition should be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, it is necessary to rub it into diseased joints. If after taking the remedy you feel discomfort, stop using it inside, use only externally.

Stagnation of bile

This ailment is treated in two stages, and not only juice is used, but also the cake left after its preparation. Ten kilograms of black radish should be washed and grated (with the peel) on a grater. Since the volume is significant, you can use a juicer.

In the cake remaining after squeezing the juice, add honey at the rate of 1 kg of pulp - 300 grams of honey. Put a press on this mass, and remove the container in a warm place for fermentation.

At the first stage, start taking pure radish juice in a teaspoon after each meal. Every day, increase the dose, gradually bringing it up to 100 ml. During treatment, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Carefully monitor your condition: if there are pains in the liver (tolerable), you should not interrupt the treatment, just put a warm heating pad on the liver.

When all the squeezed juice is over, proceed to the second stage. Now it is necessary to take two tablespoons (tablespoons) of fermented pulp during meals until it runs out. This course is recommended twice a year.


This is an insidious, and for a long time not making itself felt, disease. Very often, official medicine offers a prompt solution to this problem. Folk healers claim that black radish juice works wonders for gallstone disease. It helps to clear the gallbladder of bilirubin sediment and dissolve the formed stones. And its use for preventive purposes prevents the formation of new stones. We offer you three ways to treat this disease.

radish juice

Every day after a meal, one hundred grams of freshly squeezed radish juice should be taken. You should take 400-500 ml per day. Treatment continues for at least two weeks. This remedy can only be used if you are not bothered by pain in the liver area.

Radish and honey

Many people do not like radish juice in its pure form. Mix it with honey. To 100 ml of juice add 80 ml of honey. The mixture is prepared immediately before taking. The course of treatment is at least thirty days.

Juice mix

To 180 ml of juice, add 50 ml of beetroot and carrot juice. They are mixed before use, and the entire volume is drunk immediately. Treatment continues for fifteen days.

With hypertension

Grind in a meat grinder and blender one medium-sized root crop of black radish, red beet and add 200 grams of cranberries. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and mix it with 200 g of high-quality cognac. Keep this product in a cool place. Take one tablespoon (tablespoon) one hour before meals.

dissolving stones

If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones, try drinking fifty milliliters of radish juice after meals for two months.

Runny nose and sinusitis

Everyone knows how painful a common cold can be, not to mention such a serious illness as sinusitis. Traditional healers recommend instilling three drops of black radish juice into each nostril.

General tonic

And this tool is suitable for everyone who feels a breakdown, fatigue, especially in spring. It can be used daily in the morning: add three quarters of a glass of chilled boiled water to a quarter glass of juice. A spoonful of natural honey will improve the taste of the product.


To cleanse the walls of blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol, it is necessary to consume a spoon (table) of juice daily three times a day. In addition, include in your diet raw radish, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band watered with unrefined sunflower oil. Salt in this case is better not to use.


As you can see, black radish juice has many healing properties. This remedy also has contraindications and they cannot be ignored. These include:

  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • transferred heart attack;
  • some kidney disease;
  • heart defects.

The use of radish juice for cholelithiasis requires caution and constant monitoring of medical workers; this remedy should not be used to treat children under three years of age. All preparations based on radish juice should be completely excluded with a tendency to allergic reactions and loose stools.

Despite the fact that radish in its pure form rarely causes allergies, treatment with its juice should be started with small doses (1 tablespoon) and, of course, only after prior consultation with your doctor.

So far, there is no official information on how black radish affects the body of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother. The benefits and harms of juice in this case have not been established either, so it is better to refrain from using it.

Today we talked about the medicinal properties of black radish juice. But many doctors and traditional healers we are sure that in order not to lead to many serious health problems, it is enough to eat black radish in winter and spring, preferably raw.

Health benefits of radish with honey

Vegetables come in different varieties, but traditional medicine appreciates the black root crop more, as it contains many useful and nutritious substances for the human body. In early spring it is especially useful to use black radish juice with honey for coughs, since at this time of the year the immune system of many people is weakened.

The vegetable has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and blood pressure due to its high potassium content. People suffering from vascular diseases and high blood pressure can use medicinal pulp or juice as a preventive measure or therapy.

Dietary fiber normalizes the work and nourishes the tissues of the digestive tract, and also removes congestion from the body.

Phytoncides give the vegetable a bitter taste. These substances are also part of horseradish and onions in considerable quantities.

Black radish contains essential oils that have a bactericidal effect.

The essential oils contained in the dark-colored root can become competitors to antibiotics, as they have a bactericidal effect. For this reason, it is recommended to use it for the treatment of:

  • bronchitis;
  • dysbacteriosis (to eliminate pathogenic microflora);
  • pneumonia;
  • sore throats;
  • flu;
  • whooping cough

With regular use, the medicine eliminates chronic fatigue, nausea, pain in the head area, conducts bowel therapy, and also cleanses blood vessels.

The product can be eaten in order to prevent urolithiasis and colds, swelling of various localization, atherosclerosis.

The active substances included in the composition medicinal plant, help dissolve stones in the bile and urinary ducts, remove excess cholesterol from the body.

During heat treatment, many useful substances disappear, therefore it is recommended to use a fresh product for therapy and prevention.

Despite the low cost, a healing vegetable is considered a storehouse of vitamins, micro and macro elements. It also prevents colds.

Composition of radish

The plant has a rich composition. It includes proteins, carbohydrates, glucosides, minerals, essential oils, vitamins B and C, which normalize the functionality of the body.

Black radish with cough honey is used as a treatment for bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis, pulmonary inflammation, bronchial asthma.

Useful properties of honey

Honey enhances the antibacterial effect of the drug and eliminates the bitter taste of radish

Honey is rich in glucose, fructose, vitamins, microelements, and also has the following beneficial properties:

  • Antibacterial. It is often used to treat purulent wounds.
  • Restorative and tonic. These qualities are due to the unique composition.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The ability to eliminate both internal and external inflammatory manifestations.

It is added to the root crop in order to enhance the antibacterial and antiviral effect, to eliminate the taste of bitterness. It also gives the dish juiciness, since the vegetable pulp itself is rather dry.

Read this article on how to give antiviral drugs to children from 3 years old.

Classic Recipes

In alternative medicine, there are several recipes for black radish with cough honey.


List of ingredients:

  • 1 root crop of medium size;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey.

At the radish, you need to cut off the top and make a recess. Pour honey into it.

First you need to cut off the upper part about 2 cm thick and make a funnel 2.5 cm deep. Pour honey into the hole and cover the vegetable with a cut top. Put in a bowl vertically, leave for 4 hours at room temperature.

Give black radish with cough honey to children 1 tsp each. twice a day (day and evening), adults - 1 tsp. 5 times a day. Store the product for no more than 24 hours in a cold place.

Grated radish juice

For cooking you will need:

  • honey (2 tablespoons);
  • 1 radish.

The root crop must be peeled, washed and grated in large slices. Squeeze juice from the resulting vegetable mass (you can use gauze). Mix the liquid with honey to enhance the healing effect.

Recipes involve the preparation of a one-day dose of medicine that can be drunk by children in 1 tsp. 3 times a day, adults - 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. The syrup should be consumed 30 minutes after a meal or before a meal. As an additional therapy, a cough massage is prescribed, which accelerates the withdrawal of sputum from the bronchi.

Watch in this video how to cook radish with honey according to the classic recipe.

How to introduce medicinal juice into the diet of children?

Black radish juice can be given to children from 2 years of age

Children under 2 years of age should not use the medicine. During this period, dry cough syrups are used. Licorice root syrup has proven itself well.

Two-year-old babies should be given juice very carefully (drop by drop), mainly in the morning. This is necessary to identify a possible allergy to one of the components.

If the child's body normally accepted the syrup, the dosage can be gradually increased to 1 tsp. If there is an allergy to honey, sugar can be replaced. The therapeutic course is designed for 21 days.

Alternative cough recipes

There are also alternative ways how to cook black radish for cough.

Medicine from radish and carrots


  • 1-2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • carrot;
  • root crop of medium size.

Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer. Add sugar to the vegetable liquid and shake. Ready syrup for children to take 1 tsp. every 2 hours, adults - 2 tbsp. l.

Infusion of radish


  • medium radish;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey.

The root crop must be cut into cubes, pour honey and leave for 12 hours

Peel the root crop, rinse, cut into small cubes. Mix vegetable mass with honey. Leave for 12 hours. During this time, medicinal juice will stand out from the pulp. Children take 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day, adults are allowed to increase the dosage to 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

This method of making a folk antitussive is the most economical. However, with a barking cough in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor - self-medication is dangerous.

Radish with sugar

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 small radish.

The vegetable must be thoroughly washed and cut into slices of arbitrary size. Add sugar, mix, leave for 5 hours. Next, you should strain the healing juice. Use black radish cough medicine three times a day, adults - 1 tbsp. l., children - 1 tsp.

baked radish


  • black radish - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Wash the root crop, peel and chop. Sprinkle with sugar, transfer to a baking dish with a closed lid. Bake in the oven for about 2 hours at 100–120 °C. Use black radish for coughing for children 1 tsp, adults - 1 tbsp. l.

Grated radish with raspberries


  • radish,
  • raspberries,

To prepare the medicine, you will need a grated peeled root vegetable and raspberries in equal parts, as well as 2 parts of honey. All components must be thoroughly mixed. For children, the allowable single dosage is 1 tsp, for adults - 1 tbsp. l. Take 3-4 times a day.

Outdoor use

Cough treatment with black radish with honey is carried out using compresses. In action, they can be compared with mustard plasters. Put the mashed vegetable on gauze bags (radish) and put on the back. When redness and burning of the skin appear, gauze compresses should be removed.

The action of black radish compresses is similar to mustard plasters.

You can prepare a compress with the addition of onions. For this you will need:

  • 0.1 kg of vegetables;
  • 20 g badger or goose fat.

Mix vegetables in a blender, add fat, mix thoroughly until a thick consistency. Rub into the chest and back area in the evening before going to bed. Then it is necessary to cover the area with the applied medicine with cling film and a woolen scarf.

Is it possible to take medicine during pregnancy

Both black radish for coughing and honey have no contraindications during the period of gestation. An exception is individual intolerance to one of the ingredients. If the expectant mother is allergic to honey, it can be replaced with granulated sugar.

In the event of an existing threat of miscarriage, the plant is strictly not recommended to be used. It contains essential oils that increase the tone of the uterus. For healthy body a pregnant woman, medicine is considered an excellent method of dealing with colds.

Before using the remedy, a medical consultation is necessary in order to avoid negative consequences.


Despite the many useful properties, the juice has some contraindications. It can not be used for diseases such as:

  • gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach in an acute form;
  • colitis, enterocolitis;
  • heart disease (stroke, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction);
  • decreased stomach acidity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • inflammation of the kidneys or liver;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • stones in the bile ducts and kidneys;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • toxic goiter.

Before use, you should seek the advice of a doctor, as the products in question are medicinal.


Radish treatment with honey or sugar is considered one of the most common antitussive methods. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the syrup contains natural substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. Treatment in this way is quite economical.

Radish with cough honey is a popular folk recipe for the treatment of respiratory diseases. This remedy helps in relieving dry and wet coughs, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Another advantage is that such a home remedy can be used for both adults and children without harm to health. What is important, especially for children, the final product has a pleasant taste.

The principle of antitussive action of radish juice with honey

The remedy is a combination of two powerful natural cough remedies - radish and honey. Due to this composition, it is suitable for the treatment of almost any colds. The radish contains a large number of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant (eliminates toxic products of metabolic reactions), enhances immunity, increases the body's natural resistance. In addition, the radish contains natural antibiotics and other medicinal substances, due to which it has an anti-inflammatory and even some antipyretic effect.

The second component, honey, is no less useful. Like other bee products, it contains a large number of trace elements that improve metabolic processes in the body. It also enhances the body's resistance to aggressive factors, promotes a full-fledged immune response. Honey also has a local effect - it relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Radish contains natural antibiotics and other medicinal substances, thanks to which it has an anti-inflammatory and even some antipyretic effect.

Based on the reviews, including the famous doctor Komarovsky, radish juice with honey is an effective and reliable remedy, which is not inferior in effectiveness to many pharmaceutical preparations.

How to cook radish for cough with honey

Making radish with honey is quite simple, there are several recipes - classic, modernized, simplified, etc. What is the best recipe for radish with cough honey for children? Any of them will do, subject to the approval of the attending physician and the absence of individual intolerance. In case of an allergy to bee products, honey is replaced with sugar - such a replacement has little effect on the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Below are the recipes step by step.

Black radish

Recipe 1. Cook the black radish root pretty big size. The product must be fresh, whole, without cracks, evenly colored (no stains). An old radish will not work, because it has little juice, the same applies to unripe, green ones. The root crop should be thoroughly washed and cut off the top - the so-called "lid". Just cut off a small part of the vegetable peel horizontally at the very top. After that, proceed to the preparation of the "bowl". In the pulp of the root crop, it is necessary to cut a recess with a knife or spoon without damaging the walls. This is where the juice will collect. As for the size of the recess, then count so that a tablespoon of honey will fit plus the same amount of juice obtained. It is desirable to take honey not candied, but the main thing is that it be natural. After placing a spoonful of honey inside, cover with a lid and leave to brew overnight (8-10 hours will be enough). In the morning, a medicinal juice is formed in a niche inside the radish - it is he who benefits in the treatment of cough. The photo below shows the final stage of preparation of the drug.

Recipe 2. Take the washed root crop, peel it, cut it into small cubes. Pieces of radish should be put in a clean glass jar, layered with honey. No need to screw the jar with a lid, one layer of bandage or gauze is enough. Infuse the remedy in a dark place for two to three days, while honey may darken, gradually it becomes much more liquid due to the fact that the root crop gives off a lot of juice.

Based on the reviews, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky, radish juice with honey is an effective and reliable remedy that is not inferior in effectiveness to many pharmaceutical preparations.

Recipe 3. This method allows you to quickly get the medicine when there is no time to wait for the juice to stand out and infuse. A small root crop is cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is wrapped in cheesecloth and squeezed carefully to get as much juice as possible. Add a tablespoon of honey to a bowl with squeezed juice and mix. As soon as the honey is completely dissolved, and the syrup takes on a uniform consistency, the drug is ready to be taken.

Recipe 4. For the treatment of bronchitis, a radish compress with the addition of honey is used, which can also be used as a rubbing agent. To prepare it, you need to grate 2 large or 3 medium radishes on a coarse grater, put the resulting gruel in a clean glass jar. Then a few tablespoons of honey, 50 ml of vodka are added to it and mixed thoroughly. Infuse the mixture should be at least 1 day, preferably 2-3. Since the product contains ethanol, it is better for children to lubricate the skin with a protective moisturizer before use. You can soak gauze in the resulting solution, or apply directly to the skin and rub it hard until redness and a feeling of warmth, then wrap the patient in a towel or blanket.

green radish

You can take not only black radish with cough honey, but also green. It differs somewhat in its composition and taste, sometimes it even has a large amount of vitamins, it has a denser pulp. But this root crop is also widely used in traditional medicine, and it can be used to prepare a cough remedy using various methods.

Recipe 1. The tool is prepared in the same way as from black radish. The algorithm is simple, first the top is cut off, a cavity is created, a spoonful of honey is added, after which it is infused (green radish is infused longer, 12 hours). After that, the medicine is ready for use.

The radish contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant (eliminates toxic products of metabolic reactions), strengthens the immune system, increases the body's natural resistance.

Recipe 2. A variant of medicinal green radish juice with the addition of milk. Cut into small cubes green radish poured with honey and infused for several days. After that, it is squeezed out, the resulting juice is stored in the refrigerator and used as an additive to milk. To do this, the milk is heated until it is warm enough (but not hot), a teaspoon of the product is added to it. Take a drink half an hour before meals. However, for children, such milk can replace one of the meals, for example, an afternoon snack.

How to take radish for cough with honey

You can use radish juice with honey for dry and wet coughs, inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, pneumonia, and sore throat. High temperature does not exclude the possibility of using this agent.

Contraindications for use - allergic reactions to the components of radish juice or honey, hypersensitivity to them, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach or duodenal ulcers. Can pregnant women take honey-rare syrup? The answer is unequivocal - this cannot be done, since radish increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature contractions and provoke a miscarriage.

You need to drink medicine prepared by any of the methods three times a day - before meals for 20-30 minutes, or 2 hours after meals, drinking plenty of liquid, this will provide an additional mucolytic effect.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

Radish has been known to Russians for hundreds of years. Once this root crop was included in the conditional list of the most popular snacks and was valued for its taste, and most importantly, healing properties. There are several varieties of it: green, white, red and, of course, black. At the same time, it is black radish that is most beneficial for health. Its juice is used in the treatment of many diseases, in particular colds.

For example, its juice in combination with honey is famous, popular and very effective remedy against cough. This mixture is included in the complex treatment of bronchitis, gallstone disease and some other diseases.

How to use black radish juice with honey, what are the benefits and harms of this drink? Let's talk about it today. And we will also consider how to prepare a healing drink and clarify whether it can be taken during pregnancy. To begin with, let's find out how radish juice is useful and remember the healing properties of honey:

Useful properties of radish juice

The juice contains all the useful substances that are in the composition of the root crop. For example, there is a large amount of phytoncides, essential oils and sulfur. It is these substances that contribute to the treatment of colds, bronchitis. For example, phytoncides have a detrimental effect on pathogens - viruses and bacteria. And sulfur has an expectorant effect. Therefore, black radish juice with honey helps to cure a cough, even a protracted or allergic one.

In addition to these valuable substances, the vegetable itself and the juice from it contains vitamins A, C, D and B. There are many trace elements: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, as well as iodine, iron and magnesium.

Due to its composition, the juice has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, as well as immunostimulating properties and has a healing effect on the body weakened by the disease. It is deservedly called a natural, very effective antibiotic.

Healers recommend taking it for hoarseness, and include it in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, whooping cough and many other diseases. In particular, it is taken for cholelithiasis, as this remedy helps to dissolve stones formed in the gallbladder.

Freshly squeezed juice is recommended to be taken to cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. With its help, you can effectively get rid of constipation. It will rid the body of excess bad cholesterol, help the vessels to clear cholesterol deposits. Taking juice for preventive purposes improves the intestinal microflora, improves metabolic processes, and eliminates harmful microbes in the mouth and throat.

It is also used externally: they rub the chest, back with a cold, make compresses on sore joints. With the help of lotions, ulcers, purulent rashes on the skin are treated, and sore spots are lubricated with bruises and sprains.

Beauticians also appreciate radish juice, as it effectively cleanses the skin, makes freckles less noticeable, and lightens age spots on the body.

Honey is a sweet medicine

Probably everyone knows about the healing properties of this sweet product. Its composition is represented by a significant part of the elements of the periodic table that are valuable to humans. Therefore, natural bee honey in combs is an indispensable product for improving overall health and treating many diseases.

In particular, it is useful to include it in the treatment of colds. With its help, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis are effectively treated. Used in the treatment of laryngitis, pneumonia, etc.

It is taken not only inside. For example, mixed with petroleum jelly, a healing warming mixture for external use is obtained. She rubs the chest, back and feet with colds.

Honey is an excellent remedy for cough, including protracted, chronic. Well, the use of a mixture of honey with black radish juice significantly increases healing properties both products. That is why this remedy is so effective in coughing.

Radish juice with cough honey - how to cook?

To prepare an effective healing agent, you will need a dense, juicy, fresh, healthy root crop and natural bee honey, preferably bought directly in the apiary.

Healing, natural cough remedy is prepared different ways. We will look at a few popular recipes:

Recipe 1

Wash the root crop well under running water. In this case, it is better to use a brush. Dry the washed radish with a towel and cut off the top by about a third (do not throw away). Scoop out the middle with a spoon or knife. It should look like a cup. Leave about 1-2 cm of pulp along the edges and at the bottom (depending on the size of the root crop).

Pour honey into the resulting cavity. Close the top with the cut off top and leave warm for 6-8 hours. During this time, the radish will release juice, which will gradually mix with honey. It is this mixture that is taken to treat cough. When finished, honey is poured again.

Just do not use one radish for more than three days. The vegetable will go bad and instead of good, you can get poisoned. Therefore, when the mixture runs out, take a fresh root crop to prepare a new one. How to take, I will tell a little later.

Recipe 2

Wash the vegetable well, peel it, and then cut it into small pieces. Put them in a jar, fill with honey. Close the lid and wait 6-8 hours for the juice to mix with honey.

Recipe 3

Grate the peeled root vegetable on a grater, squeeze through cheesecloth. Mix the resulting mass with honey, wait 6-8 hours, squeeze through gauze and you can take it.

Take this natural medicine as follows:

Children (under 12 years old) - 1 tsp, three times a day, before meals.
- Adults - 1 tbsp, three times a day, before meals.

You can make mustard plasters from the remaining cake: spread it over a thick gauze napkin, apply it to your back, chest to warm it up. The exposure time is 20 minutes for adults and 10 minutes for children.

For the treatment of joint disease, sore spots are rubbed with a mixture of juice and honey. Only you need to first dilute the healing mixture with vodka: approximately, for half a glass of the mixture - 150 ml of vodka.

Black radish juice with honey - harm, contraindications for use

In some cases, a healthy mixture cannot be taken so as not to harm the body. In particular, root juice can be harmful if taken with colitis, enteritis, pancreatitis, acute gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Do not use this remedy for patients with gout, as well as for inflammatory processes in the liver or kidneys.

It must be remembered that honey can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the therapeutic mixture should not be taken by people prone to allergies.

Experts recommend starting to take it gradually, "listening" to your own body. If everything is in order, there are no negative manifestations, you can continue treatment. If there are signs of an allergy, the mixture should be stopped.

Healing mixture during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers take radish juice with honey in the treatment of colds and coughs. However, doctors warn that it is not so safe. The root juice increases the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, in the first - third trimester of pregnancy, it is better to use another natural cough remedy, for example, a decoction of figs in milk. Be healthy!