Bush autumn flowers. Autumn plants and flowers

  • 14.06.2019

September is an amazing month. It does not come, but imperceptibly seeps with a yellow glow into the blueness of summer, gradually scattering drizzling clouds and whitish fogs. He allows the summer to slowly say goodbye to us, leaving autumn flowers on the still warm earth, as evidence of his love and sadness from parting. Maybe that's why September flowers are so touching and poignantly beautiful...

Let's go early autumn garden and consider the gifts of the summer just past.


Chrysanthemums in autumn flower beds are so good that they invariably occupy the very top of the flower charts. The variety of colors never ceases to amaze and delight: white and cream, pink and bronze, yellow and orange, copper-red and lilac… they alone can decorate the whole world without repeating themselves and without tiring with monotony.

The name "chrysanthemum" is translated as "golden flower". He is indeed revered in the East as an extraordinary value. From time immemorial, a belief has come that a chrysanthemum flower is truly endowed with magical powers on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year, and if you pick it on that day, the flower will be a guardian talisman all year long, ward off misfortune and protect from the evil eye and diseases. Try it!

Chrysanthemums are short-day plants, which is why they begin to bloom when the days are waning. There are many varieties of these wonderful plants that will decorate any autumn garden. True, large-flowered ones are quite difficult to grow in our conditions, but many magnificent smaller forms please the eye. Many flower growers today gave their hearts to the unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums, abundantly strewn with joyful flowers. Such as this small-flowered terry chrysanthemum "Mishal". Well, is it really a miracle?

Chrysanthemum "Mishal", photo by Valentina

You can learn a lot of new and interesting things from the publications of our summer residents on the website:


One of the most beautiful and unpretentious flowers. About 20,000 species of these flowers are known. They differ in the height of the bushes, in the shape and structure of the inflorescences, in the size and type of inflorescences. Our flower growers are equally fond of peony and anemone dahlias, needle and collar, spherical and nymph.

Natives of distant Mexico and Guatemala, dahlias have remained warm lovers, and the slightest frost is fatal for them. In the meantime, the September sun is warming, the wonderful heads of dahlias delight summer residents, decorating any corner of the garden.

Our gardeners have also already talked about these flowers on the site: And in the next video, Oleg Krivoshein shares the beauty of dahlias grown on his plot, admire it too:


Someone quite rightly said: if only phloxes remained on Earth from flowers, then even then the planet would still be beautiful - the world of these most beautiful flowers is so rich and diverse. Blooms profusely in September phlox paniculata(Phlox paniculata) - bushy, tall, with a bright juicy color of delicate quivering petals.

Variety"Vladimir", photo from wikipedia.org, by Dmitriy Konstantinov

Breeders have tried very hard, and today gardeners can decorate flower beds with panicled phlox of various colors - pink, scarlet and carmine, burgundy and crimson, lilac, purple and even striped!

Phloxes decorate the garden in September late deadline flowering - "Vladimir", "Cloud", "Andre" and "Creme de Mente"; the snow-white "Anna", the light salmon "Bornimer Nachsrmmera", the white-blue "New" and the tricolor "Margri" are blooming ... and these are the last flowering representatives of this year.

In the language of flowers, phlox means "the flame of your lips", so it turns out that the September phloxes give us the farewell kiss of the past summer...

Gelenium is a real gift of autumn. Its flowers are so numerous and beautiful that a fully bloomed bush looks like a festive fireworks of sunny yellow, brick-purple or orange-red splashes. Tall gelenium bushes resemble the shape of a large compact bouquet and invariably become an autumn decoration of any summer cottage.

One of the legends says that bright sunny flower Helenium is named after the beautiful wife of Menelaus, Helen, whose abduction by her beloved Paris caused the Trojan War. They say that the unusual vibrant color of gelenium resembles the gold of Elena's hair ... everything can be, although the assumption that the flower is called "a drop of the Sun" is also no worse.

Gelenium is a real gift of autumn

Our summer residents most often use hybrid forms with inflorescences of different shades - yellow, red-orange and terracotta. Favorite and varieties with double flowers.

Gelenium will accompany us until the very frosts, collecting bees from all over the area and attracting glances with its joyful sunny flowering.

In the following video, Elizaveta Burova offers an excursion into the wonderful world of gelenium:

Rudbeckia looks like a bright yellow chamomile with a dark velvety center, which will delight us with sunny blooms throughout September. A native of the prairies of North America, she found her second home in our flower beds, took root well and fell in love with everyone. Before rudbeckia dissected(Rudbeckia laciniata) grew on almost every personal plot, in every front garden and was known to everyone as the "Golden Balls". Many people still have warm memories of her as a flower of childhood.

Today, other species are more common on the plots - rudbeckia brilliant(Rudbeckia fulgida) and rudbeckia glossy(Rudbeckia nitida). Now other names are also in use - "Golden Umbrella", "Golden Tower" ... But look how interesting: everywhere it is golden)

Regardless of the type and variety, rudbeckia is unpretentious, not capricious and always stunningly beautiful.

If you are interested in this flower, you can learn more about it in the materials:


These cute touching flowers are reminiscent of spring primroses. Delicate and light, they conquer with their defenselessness on the eve of winter, and the more striking is the contrast between the warm purity of the petals and the cold signs of the withering of nature.

Name anemone (anemone) is of Greek origin, its philosophical interpretation means something like this: "The gusts of wind that open the flower will eventually carry away the withered petals." But, despite their visual fragility and the inevitable cold, anemones show amazing resilience and are very unpretentious in their care.

Autumn anemones entering September bloom:

  • anemone japanese(Anemone japonica);
  • felt anemone(Anemone tomentosa);
  • vine anemone(Anemone vitifolia).

On the summer cottages most often grown hybrid anemones - Japanese and felt; grapevine is less spectacular, so it is rarely cultivated.

The following video invites you to admire this miracle - the Japanese anemone:


Colchicum, or Colchicum, is still considered one of the most mysterious plants of our nature. Its development cycle and chemical composition are unusual and of great interest. This flower was called colchicum because it begins to bloom, contrary to its “bulbous” nature, not “when it is supposed to”, but without any regard for time - almost before the first snow. But purely humanly, one can understand it: here it is, autumn nature, has already extinguished many colors, grasses wither, leaves dry up - and here I am, fresh, spring-like gentle and luxurious!

Indeed, colchicum during flowering makes a charming impression. Its main advantages are the unexpectedness of spring color among the yellow shades of autumn and unpretentiousness in flowering. Such virtues make kolchikum a welcome guest in autumn flower arrangements.

Colchicums are very beautiful in group plantings along paths and around ponds, on lawns and in rocky gardens. If you are interested in this flower, you can learn more about it in the materials:

This autumn beauty is a classic of the genre in any autumn flowerbed. Huge variety of shapes and colors for autumn period- just a gift of nature! The one who planted asters on his site, one might say, “rented” the summer for another two months. And for the whole of September, they will definitely blaze with all the shades of the summer that has just gone: white and pink, red and purple, crimson and blue!

Asters can be planted anywhere: in the middle of a flower bed or at the end of a vegetable patch, along a path or a hedge - this wonderful flower will look beautiful everywhere.

By the way, it will surprise some, but the flower that we used to call garden aster does not belong to the genus Astra, but to the genus Callistefus (although many gardeners out of habit call callistefus an annual aster).

The most famous perennial asters that bloom in autumn, New Belgian (Virginian) and New England (American). We have these luxurious bushes with pink, purple and purple flowers often called Septembers or Octobers.

Small-flowered asters are easy to care for, they do not need a garter to a support, and even night frosts are not terrible. You can learn more about asters by reading the materials of our website:

  • Graceful zinnia is one of the most beloved ornamental flowering annuals by gardeners.

    Due to its stability and unpretentiousness, zinnia is always a welcome guest at any summer cottage, and how butterflies and birds love it! The language of flowers has awarded zinnia with its significant symbols:

    • white zinnias are a good attitude;
    • red - constancy;
    • yellow - longing and thirst for a meeting;
    • pink - a symbol of memory of someone who is not around now.

    If you haven’t had zinnia in your garden yet, plant it for sure! She is modest and undemanding, and with the advent of these joyful multi-colored majors, your site will immediately be filled with buzzing, cheerful, very summer fuss and positive.

    This native of South Africa intrigues from the first minutes of meeting, as soon as it turns out that she has not one name, but four! In addition to scientific , there is an obsolete, but still used - Montbrecia, less known tritonia and fourth, folk - Japanese gladiolus. And here is such a mysterious plant belonging to the Iris family, it also looks like an iris)

    Crocosmia is a very decorative and exquisite plant. It decorates the September garden with lush thickets of linear leaves and bright orange, intense red or yellow flowers. After drying, the flowers begin to smell like saffron, hence the scientific name (from the Greek "krokos" - "crocus, saffron" and "osme" - "smell").

    Crocosmia is a very decorative and exquisite plant.

    Crocosmia is not yet a frequent visitor to our summer cottages, but it will definitely win the hearts of gardeners with its beauty and unpretentiousness. Moreover, dug up in the fall (before frost) and transplanted into a flowerpot, this orange beauty can continue to bloom on the balcony of a city apartment for another month!

    More about crocosmia - in the material Well, we ran through the September flower beds, took a closer look at the nine autumn plants that adorned them. There are still many beautiful autumn trees left behind the scenes: this is a rose, and Franchet physalis, gladioli and gerberas, goldenrod and marigolds, lilies and yarrow ... Our nature is inexhaustible and, thank God, it has something to decorate the Earth in summer, autumn, and even winter .

    Today's flower journey is over, but autumn is just beginning, and we will have many more reasons to meet at autumn summer cottages)

Autumn magic of September colors
September is an amazing month. It does not come, but imperceptibly seeps with a yellow glow into the blueness of summer, gradually scattering drizzling clouds and whitish fogs. He allows the summer to slowly say goodbye to us, leaving autumn flowers on the still warm earth, as evidence of his love and sadness from parting. Maybe that's why September flowers are so touching and poignantly beautiful...

Let's take a walk through the early autumn garden and consider the gifts of the summer that has just gone.

Chrysanthemums in autumn flower beds are so good that they invariably occupy the very top of the flower charts. The variety of colors never ceases to amaze and delight: white and cream, pink and bronze, yellow and orange, copper-red and lilac… they alone can decorate the whole world without repeating themselves and without tiring with monotony.

The name "chrysanthemum" is translated as "golden flower". He is indeed revered in the East as an extraordinary value. From time immemorial, a belief has come that a chrysanthemum flower is truly endowed with magical powers on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year, and if you pick it on that day, the flower will be a guardian talisman all year long, ward off misfortune and protect from the evil eye and diseases.
Try it!
Chrysanthemums are short-day flowers, and therefore begin to bloom when the days are waning. There are many varieties of these wonderful plants that will decorate any autumn garden. True, large-flowered ones are quite difficult to grow in our conditions, but many magnificent smaller forms please the eye. Many flower growers today gave their hearts to unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums, abundantly strewn with joyful flowers. Such as this small-flowered terry chrysanthemum Mishal. Well, is it really a miracle?

You can learn a lot of new and interesting things from the publications of our summer residents on the website:
Chrysanthemums - planting, growing, care,
6 most beautiful chrysanthemums,
The story of Japanese love for chrysanthemums,
Modest small-flowered chrysanthemums,
Chinese chrysanthemums - the charm of antiquity,
Two-color chrysanthemums of the autumn ball,
Chrysanthemums of the autumn ball

One of the most beautiful and unpretentious flowers. About 20,000 species of these flowers are known. They differ in the height of the bushes, in the shape and structure of the inflorescences, in the size and doubleness of the flowers. Our flower growers are equally fond of peony and anemone dahlias, needle and collar, spherical and nymphaeum

Natives of distant Mexico and Guatemala, dahlias have remained warm lovers, and the slightest frost is fatal for them. In the meantime, the September sun is warming, the wonderful heads of dahlias delight summer residents, decorating any corner of the garden.

Our flower growers have also already talked about these flowers on the site:
Dahlias - planting and growing,
Dahlias - air ballerinas,
Dahlias - decoration of an autumn flower bed,
And in the next video, Oleg Krivoshein shares the beauty of the dahlias grown on his site, admire it too

Someone quite rightly said: if only phloxes remained on Earth from flowers, then even then the planet would still be beautiful - the world of these most beautiful flowers is so rich and diverse. In September, panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata) blooms magnificently - bushy, tall, with a bright juicy color of delicate quivering petals.

Breeders have tried very hard, and today summer residents can decorate flower beds with panicled phlox of various colors - pink, scarlet and carmine, burgundy and crimson, lilac, purple and even striped!

In September, the garden is decorated with late flowering phloxes - "Vladimir", "Cloud", "Andre" and "Creme de Mente"; the snow-white 'Anna', the light salmon 'Bornimer Nachsrmmera', the blue-white 'Nova' and the tri-coloured 'Margri' are in bloom… and these are the last blooming specimens of this year.

In the language of flowers, phlox means "the flame of your lips", so it turns out that the September phloxes give us the farewell kiss of the past summer..

You can read about phlox:
Phloxes are so simple and so beautiful,
Phlox - early spring planting and care,
Phloxes. Fillings.,
Phloxes are welcome guests for any flower garden

Helenium autumn
Gelenium is a real gift of autumn. Its flowers are so numerous and beautiful that a fully bloomed bush looks like a festive fireworks of sunny yellow, brick-purple or orange-red splashes. Tall gelenium bushes resemble the shape of a large compact bouquet and invariably become an autumn decoration of any summer cottage.

One of the legends says that the bright sunny flower gelenium is named after the beautiful wife of Menelaus Helen, whose abduction by her beloved Paris caused the Trojan War. They say that the unusual vibrant color of gelenium resembles the gold of Elena's hair ... everything can be, although the assumption that the flower is called "a drop of the Sun" is also no worse.

Our summer residents most often use hybrid forms with inflorescences of different shades - pure yellow, red-orange and terracotta. Favorite and varieties with double flowers.

Gelenium will accompany us until the very frosts, collecting bees from all over the area and attracting glances with its joyful sunny flowering.
The next video offers an excursion into the beautiful world of gelenium

Rudbeckia looks like a bright yellow chamomile with a dark velvety center, it will delight us with its sunny blooms throughout September. A native of the prairies of North America, she found her second homeland in our flower beds, took root well and fell in love with everyone. Previously, dissected rudbeckia (Rudbeckia laciniata) grew in our country in almost every household plot, in every front garden, and was known to everyone as the Golden Balls. Many people still have warm memories of her as a flower of childhood.

Today, other species are more common on the plots - shiny rudbeckia (Rudbeckia fulgida) and glossy rudbeckia (Rudbeckia nitida). Now other names are also in use - “Golden Umbrella”, “Golden Tower” ... But look how interesting: everywhere it is golden)

Regardless of the type and variety, rudbeckia is unpretentious, not capricious and always stunningly beautiful.

If you are interested in this flower, you can learn more about it in the materials
solar rudbeckia and Rudbeckia sun in the garden. -

These cute touching flowers are reminiscent of spring primroses. Delicate and light, they conquer with their defenselessness on the eve of winter, and the more striking is the contrast between the warm purity of the petals and the cold signs of the withering of nature.

The name "anemone" (anemone) is of Greek origin, its philosophical interpretation means something like this: "The gusts of wind that open the flower will eventually also carry away the withered petals." But, despite their visual fragility and the inevitable cold, anemones show amazing resilience and are very unpretentious in their care.

Autumn anemones entering into September flowering are the Japanese anemone (Anemone japonica), the felt anemone (Anemone tomentosa) and the grape-leaved anemone (Anemone vitifolia).

In summer cottages, hybrid anemones, Japanese and felt are most often grown; grapevine is less spectacular, so it is rarely cultivated.
The next video invites you to admire this miracle - the Japanese anemone

You can read more about anemones in the materials Secrets of growing anemone sissies and The forest anemone re-blooms in October

Colchicum, or Colchicum, is still considered one of the most mysterious plants of our nature. Its development cycle and chemical composition are unusual and of great interest. This flower was called colchicum because it begins to bloom, contrary to its "bulbous" nature, not "when it is supposed to", but without any regard for time - almost before the first snow. But purely humanly, one can understand it: here it is, autumn nature, has already extinguished many colors, the grasses are withering, the leaves are drying up - and here I am, fresh, spring-like gentle and luxurious!

Indeed, colchicum during flowering makes a charming impression. Its main advantages are the unexpectedness of the “spring” color among the yellow shades of autumn and unpretentiousness in flowering. Such virtues make kolchikum a welcome guest in autumn flower arrangements.

This autumn beauty is a classic of the genre in any autumn flowerbed. A huge variety of shapes and colors for the autumn period - just a gift from nature! The one who planted asters on his site, one might say, “rented” the summer for another two months. And for the whole of September, they will definitely blaze with all the shades of the summer that has just gone: white and pink, red and purple, crimson and blue!

Asters can be planted anywhere: in the middle of a flower bed or at the end of a vegetable patch, along a path or a hedge - this wonderful flower will look beautiful everywhere.

By the way, it will surprise some, but the flower that we used to call garden aster does not belong to the genus Astra, but to the genus Callistefus (although many gardeners out of habit call callistefus an annual aster).

The most famous perennial asters that bloom in autumn are New Belgian (Virgin) and New England (American). We have these luxurious bushes with pink, purple and purple flowers are often called Septembers or Octobers.

Small-flowered asters are easy to care for, they do not need a garter to a support, and even night frosts are not terrible. You can learn more about asters by reading the materials of our website:
Asters - landing and care,
15 flower crops

Zinnia graceful is one of the most beloved ornamental flowering annuals by gardeners. By the way, zinnia is known to many under the common name "majors" or "majors". These bright cheerful flowers, really standing like soldiers at attention on their straight stems, will bloom the autumn flower bed with all sorts of shades and will delight the whole of September with rich, stable flowering.

Due to its stability and unpretentiousness, zinnia is always a welcome guest at any summer cottage, and how butterflies and birds love it! The language of flowers has awarded zinnia with its significant symbols:
white zinnias are a good attitude
- red - constancy,
- yellow - longing and thirst for a meeting,
- pink - a symbol of memory of someone who is not around now

If you haven’t had zinnia in your garden yet, plant it for sure! She is modest and undemanding, and with the advent of these joyful multi-colored majors, your site will immediately be filled with buzzing, cheerful, very summer fuss and positive.

This native of South Africa intrigues from the first minutes of meeting - as soon as it turns out that he has not one name, but four. In addition to the scientific Crocosmius, there is an outdated, but still used Montbrecia, a lesser known one - Tritonia and a fourth, folk - Japanese gladiolus. And here is such a mysterious plant belonging to the iris family, it also looks like an iris)

Crocosmia is a very decorative and exquisite plant. It decorates the September garden with lush thickets of linear leaves and bright orange, intense red or yellow flowers. After drying, the flowers begin to smell like saffron, hence the scientific name (from the Greek "krokos" - "crocus, saffron" and "osme" - "smell").

Crocosmia is still an infrequent guest in our summer cottages, but she will definitely win the hearts of gardeners with her beauty and unpretentiousness. Moreover, dug up in the fall before frost and transplanted into a flowerpot, this orange beauty can continue to bloom on the balcony in a city apartment for another month!

Well, here we ran through the autumn September flowerbeds and took a closer look at the nine autumn plants that adorned them. There are still many beautiful autumn trees left behind the scenes - this is a rose, and Franchet physalis, gladioli and gerberas, goldenrod and marigolds, lilies and yarrow ... Our nature is inexhaustible, and, thank God, there is something to decorate the Earth in summer, and in autumn, and even in winter .

Today's flower journey is over, but autumn is just beginning, and we will have many more reasons to meet at autumn summer cottages)

autumn plants and flowers are good because in spring and summer they perform a decorative function. With lush foliage, they fill the empty space between and create a beautiful background for them. And when summer crops wither, autumn crops come into their own and enliven the front garden with fresh colors.

Here are 8 of the most popular autumn plants that bloom until late autumn along with and. Compositions of these flowers on will enliven your design and allow you to extend the summer for some more time.

Rudbeckia (Golden Ball)

The plant is very impressive and unpretentious. Feels great in a sunny bed and in partial shade.

Rudbeckia grows quite widely. therefore, it must be planted at intervals of at least 0.5 m. And so that the culture does not lose its decorative effect, every 6-8 years the bushes should be transferred to a new place.


Buzulnik inflorescences reach a height of up to 2 m. But even with such a rapid growth of fertile soil, the plant does not require, it can be grown in one place for up to 30 years.

However, the culture loves shade and moisture, and therefore it should be placed under trees and on the banks of water bodies.

Buzulnik propagates in the spring by dividing the roots. We leave 1-2 buds on each division and bury them in the soil by 3-5 cm.

Calendula (Marigold)

With its dense foliage, calendula perfectly drowns out, repels with a pungent smell garden pests, and the phytoncides secreted by it destroy pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to their useful properties, calendula is advisable to make therapeutic baths and balms based on it.

Flowers, low up to half a meter, are perfect for decorating borders and bloom until frost at -7 C.

Tagetes (Tagetes)

The smell of this plant with openwork leaves and fiery flowers is also not to the liking of harmful insects. Therefore, it can be planted not only in the flower beds, but also between the beds.

When propagating tagetis by seeds, one must pay attention to the timing of their collection, sowing material two years ago sprouts poorly. Different varieties should be planted at a distance from each other, as they are easily cross-pollinated.

Dahlias annuals

Looks great among autumn flowers, especially annual varieties, perennials are thermophilic and therefore their rhizomes have to be dug out for winter storage before the first frost.

And late-flowering at this time are in the active phase and it is not advisable to disturb them.


It is necessary to grow chrysanthemums in places protected from the wind, otherwise the bushes will become disheveled and will not look neat.

For an autumn flower bed, both annuals and perennial varieties, because they do not need to be dug up for the winter, just cut and cover. Chrysanthemums bloom until the first snow.


Annual asters do not need special care. But for abundant flowering they need loose fertile soil. It is very useful to bring sand and humus under their landing.

It is better to do this before winter, so that the organic matter has time to decompose and does not cause Fusarium disease in the future.

In one place, you can plant asters for 6 years in a row, and after that - 4 years where calendula or tagetis used to grow.

Mattiola (Levkoy)

Blooming mattiola fills the garden with the intoxicating honey aroma of the passing summer. It grows on any soil except acidic (it’s not difficult even without a device), so you can’t bring fresh manure under it, it’s better to feed the beauty with ash and mineral fertilizers.

It is better to plant matthiola where cruciferous plants have not grown before, with which she has common diseases.

Helichrysum (Immortelle)

You will certainly not regret if you single out an elevated sunny place for this plant in the flower bed, it will fit perfectly into the design of the alpine slides. And in order for the plant to bush better, you need to pinch its central shoot above 5 leaves and remove wilted inflorescences.

And so that the hylechrysum would please even in winter, you can dry it by hanging it upside down under a canopy, and then put it in a vase.

So if you fall in love with these autumn plants and flowers and make friends with them, then the gray, dull autumn will not touch your front garden, blazing like a fire with yellow, orange and red autumn colors.


garden ideas website

Autumn fills the garden with bright, but sad colors. The green foliage is replaced by red, orange, yellow. And what about the flower beds? Exuberant flowering ends with the departure of summer, and many flower beds look very deserted ... But knowing what flowers bloom in autumn, you can revive the garden and, as it were, delay the onset of winter.

plants, blooming in autumn, much less than summer and spring flowering, but still enough species are known to allow you to create any composition.

No matter how different the autumn-flowering plants are, they all have one thing in common - they need a short daylight hours to lay buds and bloom. Below are the most common garden flowers.

Callistephus sinensis- this is the well-known annual aster, which has conquered gardeners for many years with its diverse inflorescences. There are more than 3,000 varieties that differ in the shape and color of flowers, their number and size of the bush. There are dwarf varieties with pillow-shaped outlines of the bush, as well as medium and tall specimens that form columnar or spreading forms.

The timing of flowering may vary, but, as a rule, most varieties open their buds at the end of summer and continue to delight the eye until mid-autumn, and in the southern regions, without frost, flowering continues in winter.

Callistefus is unpretentious in care and can grow on any soil, the main thing is to choose a sunny place for planting. It also tolerates partial shade, but this affects the number and size of flowers. It is best to grow this bright flower in seedlings.

Aster- This is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is also known to many. Represents
strongly branched shrub with many medium-sized flowers. The leaves resemble the leaves of an annual aster in shape, but are slightly smaller.

Among this culture there are also dwarfs and giants with various form bushes. Flower color and size also varies. Autumn asters bloom in early September and are strewn with buds until mid-November.

The plant as a whole is unpretentious, but the place for planting, as in the case of other perennials, must be thought out in advance.

Croxomia- a magnificent native of Africa. This relative of the iris blooms until late autumn with bright orange or red inflorescences of large flowers. The whole bush looks very decorative - hard xiphoid leaves and a branched peduncle strewn with buds.

The plant is quite large and reaches a height of up to 70 cm, and also grows significantly in width.

Croxomia is unpretentious and grows in any place where moisture stagnation does not form. It is planted in the spring to a depth of 7-10 cm, depending on the size of the corm. Frost resistance depends on the variety, but most endure our winters with shelter in the form of a thick layer of sawdust.

Chrysanthemums are another autumn-familiar flowers; these bright bushes adorn almost any area.

Chrysanthemums form dense, highly branched bushes with a height of 20 to 150 cm. The shapes and sizes of inflorescences are also different - there are simple, double and semi-double varieties, varieties with needle-like, pinnate, tubular petals. Colors are the most varied.

The timing of flowering is also very different, the earliest ones are covered with flowers already in June, and autumn ones can bloom until the snow falls. Actually, thanks to this diversity, you can create a flower bed of chrysanthemums alone.

The best place for a chrysanthemum is a well-lit hill or slope. Any land is suitable, but the bush grows most magnificently in light fertile soil.

Helenium- another lovely one. It is a rather dense and tall (70-150 cm) bush with small lanceolate leaves and bright flowers. Inflorescences are yellow to red-brown in color, depending on the variety. The timing of the blooming of the buds also depends on it - in addition to the autumn-flowering ones, there are both spring and summer varieties.

Actually, a gelenium bush is not a bush at all, but a colony of single specimens. Flowering shoots live one season, but by winter many new leaf rosettes are formed, which will give out flower stalks next year.

Gelenium loves sunny places and moist soil. There is no need to worry about close proximity to other representatives of the flora - this species grows well in densely planted flower beds.

Colchicum- a small bulbous perennial that is very similar to crocus. Its large, flat leaves appear in spring, but die off by mid-summer. Delicate blue-lilac flowers appear in September-October.

This strange flower prefers light soils and sunlight, although it can grow in partial shade. Looks spectacular when planted in groups. It is worth remembering that all parts of the colchicum are poisonous.

September is an amazing month. It imperceptibly seeps through with a yellow radiance, gradually scattering its drizzling clouds and whitish fogs.

September allows the summer to slowly say goodbye to us, leaving autumn flowers on the ground. Perhaps that is why September flowers are touching and very beautiful...

Autumn will always remain the brightest time, even despite the approach of cold weather, the plots are decorated not only with an abundance of colors of fallen leaves, but also with a mass of autumn flowers. They will decorate the situation, and become the cradle for the falling asleep autumn garden.

Let's walk through the autumn garden together and look at the gifts of the past summer.


One of the most unpretentious and beautiful flowers. There are about 20,000 types of dahlias. Among themselves, they differ in the height of the bush, in the structure and shape of the inflorescences, in the size of the flowers.

Our gardeners are equally fond of anemone and peony dahlias, collar and needle, nymph and spherical.

Dahlias bloom in September and decorate the autumn flower bed until frost. In the meantime, the sun is warming, dahlias delight flower growers, decorating the autumn garden.


The chrysanthemum in the autumn flower bed is so good that it undoubtedly occupies the very top of the flower charts.

A variety of colors of chrysanthemums never cease to amaze us: pink and bronze, white and cream, yellow and orange, red and lilac… chrysanthemums alone can decorate the whole world.

Chrysanthemum is a flower of a short day, and therefore blooms when the day is waning. There are many varieties of chrysanthemum, they will decorate any autumn flower bed.

But, large-flowered chrysanthemums in our conditions are quite difficult to grow, but it pleases the eye and a large number of magnificent smaller forms. Today, flower growers have given their preference to unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums, strewn with joyful flowers.

Chrysanthemums are planted in flowerbeds, flower beds, in group plantings and along paths.

These cute flowers look like spring primroses.

Light and delicate, they captivate with their defenselessness on the eve of a harsh winter, creating a contrast between the soft purity of the petals and the cold withering of nature.

On the garden plots hybrid anemones, felt and Japanese anemones are grown.

Colchicum or Colchicum.

Colchicum is considered a mysterious plant in our nature. The chemical composition and cycle of its development are unusual and of great interest.

Colchicum during its flowering period makes an indelible impression.

Its main advantages are the unexpectedness of the “autumn” color among the yellow shades of autumn.

These advantages make colchicum a welcome guest in an autumn flower bed.

Colchicum is very beautiful in group plantings around ponds, along paths, on a lawn and in a rocky garden.

Perennial asters.

This beauty is a classic of the genre in the autumn flowerbed.

A wide variety of shapes and colors for the autumn time is a real gift from nature.

Throughout September, the aster will blaze with all the shades of the past summer: lilac, pink and purple flowers.

Sometimes we call these charming bushes September or Oktyabrinks.


Goldenrod, autumn mimosa, northern mimosa, solidago ... you can name a plant in any way that can complement the design of the garden in autumn.

You can plant goldenrod in group plantings, you can create small flower beds of the same type.

Goldenrod is used in autumn bouquets, it perfectly complements winter bouquets, so try to find a small corner in your garden for this beautiful plant.

The stonecrop is prominent.

Stonecrop prominent - cold-resistant plant that is not afraid of frost. Stonecrop blooms in August, and when almost all the flowers have faded, the prominent stonecrop continues to bloom with a bright spot.

The plant is native to Korea, China and Japan. There are several varieties of this stonecrop, they differ in shades: white, pink-lilac, purple, red.

Stonecrop prominent unpretentious - cold-resistant, drought-resistant, winters well and is practically not affected by pests. Prefers fertile soil- on it, a prominent stonecrop blooms luxuriously.


Large bushes of shiny and glossy rudbeckia look spectacular in large arrays against the background of conifers or lawns. In vain, forgotten by flower growers, the once so popular variety of rudbeckia "Golden Ball". Its high, about 2 m, yellow curtains are visible from afar.

This plant is suitable for the background to decorate large spaces.

So we ran through the autumn flower beds and looked at the autumn plants. Behind the scenes, there are still many beautiful autumn flowers - these are the physalis Franchet, rose, gladiolus and yarrow, marigolds.

Our nature is simply inexhaustible, it has something to decorate our Earth in autumn, summer, and even winter.