Perennial asters - all about planting, caring for and growing in the open field. Asters: planting and care in the open field, growing from seeds, watering How to plant asters with seeds in open ground

  • 17.06.2019

Flowers in the flower beds for every summer resident and owner of a private house are an object of contemplation, care, and joy. Plants for those who love them are like children who cannot be left unattended. In return they give a lot positive emotions, and in our time of stress and haste - it is important, even necessary, to restore vitality and balance in the soul. Today we will talk about the favorites of all flower growers - asters. These beautiful flowers will decorate any area, anyone can grow them. Of course, you only need to know some of the subtleties of planting asters and caring for them in the open field.

Asters are as beautiful as roses

Givings about the origin of flowers

With many things that are on our planet, certain legends are associated. Flowers are a separate world, which has always been an object of admiration for a person. Their beauty evoked the brightest feelings that encouraged people to compose romantic stories. But who knows, maybe some of it is true. Asters are beautiful, and there are legends about them, we will tell you the two most common ones.

The first legend says that once the Taoist monks decided to find a path that would lead them to the stars. They went on a thorny path that was full of hard trials. The monks were left without strength, their legs were bleeding from wounds. But suddenly they saw a clearing where there was a lake. The travelers decided to rest there and gain strength, but among all the vegetation they saw wonderful flowers - asters. Then the monks realized that there is no need to look for stars in heaven when they are here - in our world. They collected aster seeds as gifts and germinated.

For information! Translated from Latin, aster is a star. Flowers on earth have been known for hundreds of years and have many varieties.

The second legend is more mythical, because it comes from Ancient Greece. The daughter of the goddess Demeter was given in marriage to Hades, the ruler of the underworld and gloomy. The young girl was doomed to go underground and live there every autumn and winter. The goddess was unhappy, and one day she saw a couple in love, which she could not achieve. She burst into tears and the tears that fell to the ground sprouted, and as you understand, they were asters. Well, we move on to more pressing matters and talk about how to grow these beautiful flowers.

Agricultural technology or how to plant asters - two ways

Growing garden crops, flowers can occur in two ways - this is first planting seeds for seedlings, and after planting them in the ground in a greenhouse or on the street. Or immediately by a seedless method in flower beds and beds. Only not all plants can be grown according to two methods at once, because the climate in our country cannot be called fertile, if only in the regions of the south. But the aster is also beautiful because the seedless method can be used not only in warm regions, but also in the temperate zone. So, let's talk about both methods, and you choose the best for yourself.

For information! The seedling method involves sowing seeds to obtain seedlings at home or greenhouse conditions. Seedless - this is when crops are carried out immediately into the soil and no more transplanting is required, maximum picking.

Seedling method of growing asters at home

Growing flowers and crops in this way is a very common option. It allows you to control the situation as much as possible and minimize all risks - you can plant seedlings when all frosts and showers have already passed, following the weather forecast. It is safe and convenient, but understandably more troublesome. if you have extra time, a place to grow, it is definitely worth a try, especially since new experiences always come in handy. So, to start growing aster seedlings, you must first prepare everything necessary materials, so to speak.

Choose a place

To grow horticultural crops and floral at home, you need at least a window sill on which you can freely put the trays. It is better that this window is on the south, southeast or east side - here is the most sun. But if you only have a server or western window sill, then this does not mean that you will not be able to grow aster seedlings. Firstly, seedlings are sown late - in the third decade of March and April, when it is already quite sunny most often in all regions. Secondly, you can always buy a lamp and put it over the seedlings.

For information! Seedlings without good lighting begin to stretch strongly, they are frail, thin at the root, break and die. Or seedlings develop for a very long time and do not produce flowers.

Separately, it must be said about these same lamps. They will always come in handy if you plan to start growing seedlings. Yes, even for indoor flowers sometimes there is not enough light, because the climate is not happy now, and it doesn’t even happen year after year, as they say. The lamp will always help.

Which one to choose? If you need high quality and for a long time with maximum efficiency, then immediately buy phyto-lighting - you can buy it in special stores or on the Internet, which is very convenient. The advantages of such light are the desired spectrum, efficiency, quality, cons - the price is higher than that of simple lamps. You cannot buy phyto-lighting, then simple fluorescent lamps in the form of long tubes will come to the rescue, and they are sold everywhere at a budget price.

If we talk more about the place of cultivation, then it is important that the room be warm - at least 17-19 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will slow down in growth and development, and you will not have time to grow it by the summer season. Also, the room should have optimal humidity, there can be no drafts. And the last - the place where the seedlings stand is not accessible to animals, but convenient for your care.

Choosing soil and container

The second important point in answering the question of how to grow asters is, of course, good soil. This is necessary condition for seedlings, but also quite doable. Nowadays, the soil, which will be optimal in composition, can be bought almost everywhere. It can be a universal soil mixture, for flowers or just for aster. Such soil can be poured completely into trays, but it is better to mix it 1/1 with garden soil. This gives the seedlings the opportunity to better adapt to the soil in the flower bed, also purchased soil quite loose, which is not always good.

Advice! Alternatively, you can use peat tablets, then you do not have to dive seedlings, but at the sowing stage you need to place 1-2 seeds per tablet.

You can go the other way and make the soil completely yourself. This is good experience, and the options might be:

  • sod land, humus, sand - 1/1/0/5. And add a spoonful of wood ash;
  • garden soil and superphosphate - about a spoonful of fertilizer;
  • sod land, sand and peat - 1/1/1.

As for the planting container, it is best to take long trays that have holes for drainage, and they fit well on the windowsills. There is another option - these are trays made of soft plastic, from which it is convenient to remove seedlings after planting in a permanent place. You can first sow the seeds in a common container, and during the picking, select the best seedlings and plant them in separate plastic cups or peat pots. The advantage of the latter is that they can be placed with seedlings directly into the ground.

Choosing the right time to sow

We already mentioned a little earlier when to sow asters for seedlings - from March to April. But here it is still important to choose a specific day, the growth and development of flowers will depend on this. What are these days? Those that the gardener's lunar sowing calendar recommends to us. We cannot give you a specific date, as each year is different and different for each culture. The phases of our satellite affect the plants to a large extent, and the full moon and the new moon are, in general, days when it is better not to do anything in the garden and garden, especially not to produce crops. You can find out the dates on the Internet or by buying yourself a lunar calendar for a given year.

We sow

You have already learned very important subtleties, the success of the landing, so to speak, is not far off. It is easy to carry out crops - pour a layer of drainage into your elbows - brick, expanded clay or crushed stone, fill everything with soil mixture. Astra is sown to a depth of no more than a centimeter, lightly sprinkled with soil on top. In order not to wash off the crops, watering should be carried out from a spray bottle.

And for better germination, a greenhouse effect is needed. This is one of the main rules in both growing asters from seeds and vegetable crops and other colors. the greenhouse effect provides a film or a simple package, but transparent, which needs to be put on trays. You will remove the shelter when the seeds hatch.

Important! When buying seeds, pay attention to the date. It is better to take material for sowing no older than a year, since the seeds of the second year of life do not sprout so amicably.

Seedling care at home

After the seeds have germinated, they need watering with warm and settled water, and only as the soil dries out. When the seedlings have given 2-3 true leaves, they dive into a convenient container. The soil is taken of the same composition. Transplant seedlings are not afraid, but it is easy to damage it. Now needed good light, watering, you can make once a mineral dressing for flowers. Also make sure that the seedlings do not lean, turn them over to the light. If the air in the room is dry, then spray the seedlings daily.

Transfer to a permanent location

When to plant asters for seedlings, you already know, but when to transfer them to the street? Best of all, when the last frosts have passed - approximately in the second and third decade of May. But again, keep an eye on the weather forecast and the dates of the lunar calendar. The place should be chosen bright, not in a lowland where water will accumulate during rain. Asters do not like stagnant moisture and can start to hurt.

If the bushes are tall, as will be written on the pack of seeds, then do not plant seedlings close - no less than 30-40 cm. Low-growing asters are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Care will be discussed in more detail below.

Advice! Tall flowers are great for cutting into bouquets, but plant them so that they don't interfere with other plants. Low asters can decorate any flower bed, create an alley, a carpet, look great along long paths, like a living border.

Seedless growing method

Here you don't have to do much. We have already talked about the place. Sow seeds in rows, the soil must be prepared in advance. You can dig a garden bed, pour humus along the entire length, spill it with an additional complex preparation. After that, the seeds are sown, sprinkled with a layer of soil. In this case, you can plant both in spring and before winter. In the latter case, asters will bloom later for a couple of weeks, but the flowering itself will be longer.

On a note! Often people ask the question when asters bloom. There is no definite answer, since it all depends on the variety that you have chosen. Some flowers please only by the end of summer, some can give buds in May. Usually the dates are indicated on the packages with seeds.

With a seedless method of growing, the following rules are important:

  • if you sow seeds in the spring, then the soil should already be moderately warmed up - the end of April - the beginning of May. In autumn, sow around October under a layer of mulch. It can be sawdust, compost. In the spring, the beds are only weeded around, but the mulch is not touched until the emergence of shoots;
  • both in spring and autumn, it is better to shed the soil with boiling water with potassium permanganate - both disinfection and additional heat;
  • do not make the beds deeper than 2 cm;
  • mark your landings so that they are not trampled later or dug up;
  • do not forget to water the area with asters warm water, but this is done very rarely if the soil has already become too dry and it is quite hot outside;
  • when the seedlings are about 4-5 cm, then they need to be planted, it is better to do this in the evening hours and also strictly according to the dates of the lunar calendar.

How to care for a flower bed with asters?

Well, here we come to the end. You already know everything about planting asters, it remains to say a few words about caring for them in the open field. We have already talked about watering. Of course, for the beauty of the flower bed, weeds still need to be removed. They also provoke the development of pathogenic flora. After watering, loosen the soil, this will protect against stagnation and will destroy the shelters of insects, if any.

During the season, you can apply liquid top dressing 3-4 times, for this, use fertilizers for garden flowers. Fasco preparations help flowering well, and in order for the seedlings to take root better, they can be shed with Kornevin. But make sure that the top dressing does not have a lot of nitrogen, otherwise you will get a lot of leaves, not flowers. You can also use superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate. It is useful to mulch the soil with sawdust, now beautiful decorative, spruce needles are on sale.

If you want to plant your flower bed, then dividing the bush is the easiest and most effective method. Just separate the part and plant it in the right place. In the fall, collect the seeds to plant next year. How to collect aster seeds? Yes, it’s very simple - when the flowers are completely dry, they will easily crumble, then they are collected. But not in fog and rain.

Everything is simple, agree. These rules are simple, a little hassle, and the flower bed will delight you and your family.

Astra is a flower known to everyone since childhood. In autumn, it becomes the main decoration of gardens and household plots. Came to Europe and Russia from Asia. It is believed that a French monk brought samples of seeds from China at the beginning of the 16th century.

The scientific name of the garden aster is calistemma. There are many types. Plants are both annual and biennial. Astra is considered not whimsical plant. Modern varieties are able to grow in various climatic zones.

The root system of the plant is fibrous, formed at a depth of 20 cm, and has good restorative properties. The length of the stems depends on the variety. There are undersized plants, the height of which does not exceed 20 centimeters, and there are also tall ones about a meter tall.

The stems are strong, straight, green. The lower part of the stem is covered with large dark green leaves. The leaves are smaller at the top. They are oblong in shape with serrated edges. The surface of the stem and leaf blades may be slightly pubescent.

Baskets of inflorescences consist of many petals, the shape of which is tubular or petal. The color is varied, all shades of red, blue, white. The central part is often yellow. The diameter of the baskets is from 3 to 20 cm.

A novice florist may be confused by the abundance of varieties of asters. Before buying seeds, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the flower. Flower plant parameters:

  • plant height;
  • bush shape;
  • flowering time;
  • the nature of the branch;
  • inflorescence size;
  • inflorescence structure;
  • inflorescence form;
  • appointment;
  • Colour.

Good seed producers indicate the basic data in the description of the product. It's a good idea to check them out before buying. Right choice varieties are the first step to a beautifully designed garden.

Planning the landing of asters along garden paths pay attention to the seeds of low asters. They grow no higher than 25 cm. Dwarf asters are good for discounts, borders of flower beds, they are terry and needle-shaped. The color scheme is represented by a wide range of shades, these are lavender-blue, and hot pink, and red.

For those who like to make bouquets and flower growers who grow flowers for sale, varieties of medium and tall asters are suitable. Tall asters planted in groups look very impressive. Ideal for cutting.

Particularly impressive are columnar bushes with peony, showy flowers. Popular varieties:

  • White Tower;
  • blue tower;
  • apolonia heavenly;
  • rosana;
  • gala.

Tall needle asters are no less beautiful. There are many varieties of this species, you can choose for every taste:

  • Naina;
  • Night star;
  • Timiryazevka;
  • Anniversary white;
  • Blue-eyed;
  • Isadora;
  • blue frost.

Pompom asters are not inferior in beauty:

  • Winter cherry;
  • Harlequin;
  • Feuertoth.

When buying seeds, remember that germination is better with fresh seeds, last year's harvest. Seeds collected more than two years ago do not need to be purchased. Germination will be low.

Seed bags often say that the seeds can be sown directly into the ground. You should not follow this advice. Asters begin to bloom no earlier than 3 months from the date of planting, so experienced flower growers recommend using the seedling method when growing asters.

Roughly speaking, the sowing time lies in the range from March to April. For an accurate calculation, you need to know the growing season of the plant. All varieties of asters are divided into groups according to the timing of flowering:

  • early;
  • mid-early;
  • later.

Calculating the timing of sowing seeds, proceed from the fact that early flowering will begin 90 days after sowing.

Mid-early will bloom in the very first days of August. It will take at least 110 days from sowing.

Late asters, bloom from the last decade of August until mid-September. When calculating the landing period, take 130 days. If the autumn is warm, the flowering of late asters lasts a long time until frost hits.

It is important to sow the seeds at the right time. For gardeners planning to get their seeds in the fall, this is especially important, they should not delay sowing. Seeds will not ripen when sown in late dates.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

When sowing aster seeds for seedlings, not only the climatic features of the region, but also the phase of the moon are taken into account. Like others flowering plants, asters require landing on the growing moon. In open ground, seeds can be sown only in the southern regions. In the middle climate zone and in the north of the country you will have to start growing seedlings at home. Moon calendar for 2019 gives the following recommendations for planting asters in auspicious days:

  • in March - 9-15, 17-19, 26;
  • in April - 7-13, 16-18, 25.

Seed treatment begins a week before the intended sowing. That is how long it will take the planting material to germinate. The date of soaking will be considered the day of sowing, because the growth processes begin from the moment the seeds get into a humid environment.

Planting dates for aster seeds for the Moscow region

The weather conditions of the Moscow region already in early May allow planting seedlings of asters in open ground. Planting asters should be planned from May 1 to 20. It takes at least 1.5 months to grow seedlings. The end of March is the time to sow the first seeds. You can continue sowing until mid-April.

Asters planting dates for the Urals

In the Urals, asters are planted in open ground from mid-May to mid-June. Late varieties of asters should be sown in the last days of March. Early and middle varieties can be sown on favorable days in April.

Landing dates for Siberia

In Siberia, frosts may occur after May 20. It is better to plant asters in the garden in the first half of June. It makes no sense to sow seeds for seedlings in March. Seedlings will outgrow before the onset of heat. April is the best month for sowing.

Asters seedlings can be grown on the windowsill. Room temperature between 23° and 25° is favorable for seed germination. Windows facing south and southwest are best suited. In addition to seeds, you will need containers for germination, not necessarily large, PVC film to create mini-greenhouses. The soil.

Prepare the soil yourself or buy. Choose a composition ready for use. They speak well of the soil "Terravita". When preparing the soil on your own, take equal parts of garden soil, humus, sand. Normalize acidity with ash by adding it to the soil.

You can disinfect the soil the old fashioned way, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A more modern method of processing is the use of a phytosporin solution. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for use.

Prepared soil, pour into containers, spill with water, let stand for a while. Start sowing. Spread the seeds in rows on the surface. Pour the earth on top with a layer of no more than 2.5 cm thick. Cover the boxes tightly with foil and put on the windowsill.

After a week, sprouts will hatch. By the end of the second week, the first leaves are formed. This is a signal - it's time to dive. Plant seedlings in deeper boxes. Keep the distance between plants at least 5 centimeters. Very long roots can be shortened. The seedlings will be stronger if, after rooting, it is hardened - take out the boxes in warm weather on the balcony. Before planting in the ground, water the plants after the topsoil has dried.

Seedlings, ready for transplanting in 50 days. The stem is longer than 6 centimeters. The number of leaves is at least 5 pieces. A plant with such parameters can be planted outside. Determine by the weather when to plant asters. Believe the forecasts of weather forecasters or folk omens. According to popular beliefs, if the bird cherry has faded, there should be no more frosts. It's time to plant asters.

Choosing a place for a flower bed

The place should be decided in the fall. Penumbra is allowed. And the sunny side is more favorable for long flowering. There are no special soil requirements. Soils with a light, breathable structure, normal acidity are more suitable for the root system of asters.

It is necessary to remember the plants, after which it is not recommended to plant asters. The earth, after gladioli, levkoy, cloves, tomatoes, potatoes, may contain the causative agent of Fusarium disease. For asters, these are bad predecessors.

In autumn, take measures to improve the structure of the soil. Under digging add to each square meter: humus - 0.5 buckets and 2 kg of river sand. In the spring, it does not hurt to add mineral fertilizers to the heavily depleted land: superphosphate - 1 tbsp. l., ammonium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l., potassium salt - 1 tbsp. l.


Dig up the ground again before planting. Calculate the distance between the holes based on the size of the plants. Plant low, curb varieties close to each other, leaving 15 centimeters between the holes, growing, they will merge into a continuous beautiful strip. Astra tall develops better if the bushes are 30 centimeters apart from each other.

Dig holes no deeper than 20 cm, since the root system is located in the upper soil layer. When transplanting, do not damage the roots, this will help the plant take root faster. Asters transplanted in cloudy weather will hurt less. If the days are clear, transplanting work should be done in the evening, when the sun is already setting. It is good to shed the earth around the plants with warm water. Do not wet the leaves.

Astra care does not require much time. Drought can harm her. Abundant watering is necessary on hot days. Many inflorescences are tied in plants growing on fertile, loose soil. Watering is carried out in the morning. Make sure that there is no waterlogging. Water stagnation causes root rot leading to the death of the flower. Watering carried out during the formation of buds is especially good for the beauty and size of the inflorescences.

Astra responds well to root feeding. Apply infusion of ash or use mineral fertilizers. Feed for the first time after 14 days. Plants by this time will take root, start up new shoots. Before the buds appear, fertilizers can be applied to the soil. Norm per square meter:

  • superphosphate - 2 tbsp. l;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tsp;
  • ammonium nitrate - 1 tbsp. l.

During flowering, ammonium nitrate should be excluded from top dressing. The use of organic fertilizers is permissible, only on very poor soils.

Monitor the cleanliness of the soil in the flower beds all season. Remove weeds before seedlings appear on them. Upper layer loosen the earth. The depth of loosening is not more than 5 centimeters. Mulching can make soil easier to maintain. Mulch layer: sawdust, dry grass, shredded bark retains moisture, reduces the number of weeds.

During flowering and active growth, you can pinch the tops of the shoots in some varieties of asters. This promotes the formation of side shoots. Be sure to remove faded inflorescences. Monitor the condition of the plant

Improper care, bad weather conditions, contaminated soil can lead to aster disease. Asters diseases are the most common:

  • fusarium;
  • jaundice;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew.

Plants affected by Fusarium become weaker. There is a yellowing, blackening of the leaves. The stems are withering. There are no cures for the disease. Only observance of crop rotation helps to avoid infection.

Carriers of jaundice - aphids, cicadas. The disease is viral. Symptoms: growth retardation, the leaf plate brightens, the buds stop tying. Recommended spray preparations:

  • pyrethrum;
  • actellik;
  • pyrimor.

If a large number of plants are infected, it is worth destroying them by burning.

Rust infects asters growing, not far from coniferous plants. The spores damage the leaves, causing the plant to wilt. The weekly treatment of plantings with Bordeaux liquid (1%) helps.

Powdery mildew can be identified by white bloom. Thickened plantings, excessive moisture become infected with the fungus. You can save plants with the help of drugs: topaz, fundazol.

Aster seeds, especially late varieties, rarely ripen outdoors. It will take at least 50 days from the start of flowering. The weather often prevents ripening. Rains, low temperatures cause rotting of heads with seeds.

Experienced gardeners dig up aster bushes, place them in pots and ripen the seeds in room conditions. Requires at least 2 weeks. Seeds need light to ripen. Flower pots are rotated around an axis.

Withered flowers are cut off. Store in the dark, packed in paper. The optimum temperature of the storage room is not higher than + 5. Under such conditions, the seeds are stored without losing their germination capacity for about 2 years.

Asters. Growing seedlings: video

Growing from seeds of asters, planting and caring for them in the open field do not require special efforts, even a beginner can handle it. When and how to plant seeds for seedlings and how to propagate your favorite plants you will learn from the article.

Due to unpretentiousness, ease of cultivation, beautiful and long flowering, asters won the love of flower growers.

Description and photo

The plant has straight, stable stems crowned with flowers. Inflorescences are multi-layered, composed of many small petals.

More than 600 varieties have already been bred aster. Among them there are specimens that can amaze with the shape and color of even a sophisticated grower.

There are annual and perennial varieties aster. They can form single large flowers, or cover the entire bush with buds.

Usually, when making bouquets, annuals are used. asters, or callistefuses, because of the huge double flowers. Within the group annual asters there is a further division.

According to the shape of the petals, they distinguish:

  • reed;
  • tubular;
  • and transitional.

In each class there are varieties:

  • cutasters with a long even stem and large inflorescences, intended for cutting into bouquets;
  • casing- low bushes, characterized by the abundance and duration of flowering, intended for decoration of borders, flower beds, etc .;
  • universal- plants of medium size, suitable for both decorating the site and for cutting;
  • potted- small, compact house flowers.

Landing methods

Aster- a light-loving plant. At the same time, it is resistant to cold and prefers slightly cool places with sufficient humidity. Light sandy loamy soil, in no case acidified, is suitable for it.

The flower can be grown from seeds in seedlings or by planting directly in the ground. Seeds lose their germination capacity already in the second year, so when buying, you should specify the packing date and give preference to more fresh seed.

Reference! Asters are planted based on the flowering time. At early varieties flowering can be expected about three months after germination; in medium-late - after a hundred days; and in the later ones, after four months.


If you choose a seedling method of growing, by the middle of summer you can admire flowering bushes. Seeds for seedlings are sown in late March - early April, so that in May transplant them outdoors.

The process takes place in several stages:


With seedless cultivation asters sown either in spring or before winter. In the spring - when the earth warms up, that is, in late April - early May. In autumn, when the soil freezes, the furrows are prepared in advance. In the latter case, the buds will bloom two weeks later than usual, but they will please with a long and abundant flowering.

Advice! For sowing in open ground, shallow - about two centimeters - furrows are marked. Water them with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The seeds are carefully laid out in the furrows and covered with a thin layer of earth. Then, if sowing was carried out in the spring, the beds are watered with warm water and covered with a film. If desired, you can not use the film, but mulch the beds with a centimeter layer of humus. Just as with seedling cultivation, until seedlings appear, crops do not need to be watered.

As soon as the third or fourth true leaf has appeared, thinning is carried out. The optimal distance is indicated on the packaging, separately for each variety. When thinning, care should be taken: it is better not to pull out excess plants like weeds, but carefully transfer them to another place.

Winter crops asters cover not with earth (since it had already frozen by that time), but with a three-centimeter layer of humus or compost. In the spring, after waiting for a thaw, the aisles are loosened. Humus is left until shoots appear.

Watch the video! Asters - planting and care in the open field


Asters Care standard. It includes watering, loosening, top dressing and weed control. They loosen and weed at the same time when the earth is well moistened. Regular repetition of these procedures is the best prevention of diseases. It is not necessary to loosen deeply, the maximum depth is six centimeters. To accelerate the growth of the roots of planting spud to a height of 7-8 centimeters. Hilling should be done before the stem begins to branch.


Seedlings are watered as the soil dries. Do not allow excess moisture. If you try to grow aster in damp places, where ground water lie close to the surface, its roots are likely to rot, and all the work will be in vain.

top dressing

This culture responds well to top dressing. Mineral fertilizers are used: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, wood ash and others. Only nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided. The abundance of nitrogen causes rapid growth of greenery and crushing of inflorescences.

Top dressing is applied in the form of a solution or sprinkled in a dry form. This must be done at least three times per season.

When ten days have passed after planting, make:

  • ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20 grams per square meter;
  • potassium sulfate in the amount of 10 grams per square meter;
  • and superphosphate at the rate of 50 grams per square meter.

Important! As soon as the formation of buds began, astram needs potassium sulfate and superphosphate in the same doses.

When the flowering period has begun, the plants will benefit from:

  • potassium sulfate at the rate of 10 grams per square meter;
  • and superphosphate in the amount of 35 grams per square meter.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

  1. Seeds are collected from faded plants, after which the bushes are dug up and burned to prevent the spread of diseases.
  2. Seeds can be used for winter crops. Either in autumn, after the first frosts, or at the end of December - January right into the snow. In the spring they will need to be covered with foil.
  3. If the plant is perennial, then after collecting the seeds, wait for it to dry and prune. If desired, the bush is dug up, divided and seated. perennial for the winter asters needs to be covered.

Plant propagation

asters reproduce vegetatively and by seeds. For annuals aster spring sowing is typical, while winter sowing is preferable for perennials.

Vegetative propagation, that is, dividing the bush, is used in the cultivation of perennials. Aster almost no stress when dividing. If you spend it in the spring, then in the fall the separated plant will bloom. In order for vegetative propagation to be successful, the detachable segment must contain 3-4 young shoots, a bud and several roots.

Advice! From August until the end of summer, asters can be propagated by cuttings.

The cuttings are cut in the upper part, they are made about six centimeters long. The resulting material is rooted in turf mixed with sand and peat. This takes about a month.

Diseases and pests

asters often become victims of pests and diseases, especially viral and fungal. They hit them even with careful care. The most common threats are listed below.

Fusarium. The causative agents of this fungal disease live in the soil. They are activated under conditions high humidity and hot weather. Most often hit annual varieties. An infected plant develops dark streaks on one side. After that, the leaves turn yellow, the buds wither, and as a result, the plant dies. The fight consists in reducing the acidity of the soil by liming and spraying plantings with copper chloride. For prevention, it is necessary to monitor asters and prevent the appearance of aphids.

Blackleg. One more fungal disease, whose pathogens are constantly in the ground. The fungus often affects young plants. The stem near the base turns black, dries up, after which the plant usually dies. The disease spreads rapidly in acidic and excessively moist soils. Prevention consists in disinfecting garden tools and soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and maintaining a normal level of humidity. If some plants are already sick, they must be destroyed so that the disease does not spread to healthy ones.

Septoria, or brown spot. The causative agents of septoria live in plant debris. They breed in heat (≈25°C) and high humidity. Affected bushes develop characteristic rusty or brownish spots on the leaves. After some time, the infected leaves fall off. To stop the spread of the disease, flower beds are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride once every 14 days. Affected bushes are burned.

Mosaic disease (jaundice)
. A viral disease carried by aphids and cicadas. Externally manifested in the form of light veins on the leaves. The growth of the plant stops, the buds do not open. There is no cure for jaundice, but it can be done preventive measures: Destroy insects and diseased plants.

Bacterial spotting. Bacteria can be found both in plant debris and in seeds. During the budding period, the entire plant: stem, leaves, buds is covered with brown spots. The disease gradually captures all the leaves, and they dry out. At the first signs of the disease, you need to start spraying with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride about twice a week.

Advice! As a prevention of diseases caused by fungi, you can water the flower bed with a dilute infusion of nettle or celandine. To do this, a kilogram of fresh grass is poured with a bucket of boiling water and left for three days. Then filter and use in the proportion of a glass of 10 liters of water.

. Danger is represented by adult insects. Peak pest activity occurs in mid-June. Earwigs devour flowers and buds, do not ignore leaves. Spraying with foundation helps against them.

plowed slug. It breeds in high humidity. Eats greens asters, but sometimes spreads to the buds.

You can recognize the pest by the tracks: it leaves behind oblong eaten holes, next to which you can see spots of mucus. Slug control involves the destruction of weeds, sprinkling lime on the borders of the site and carrying out autumn plowing.

Aster blizzard. The wingspan of this butterfly is only 20 millimeters, but it causes no small harm. Both an adult insect and its caterpillars are dangerous. They usually attack flowering plants. The butterfly lays its eggs on the flowers, the hatched caterpillars first eat the pollen, and then the entire inflorescence.

spider mite. A small yellowish insect that actively breeds in drought. It sticks to reverse side leaf and draws juices from it until the leaf dries and falls off. Mass attack spider mites can kill all plants.

Against the pest, spraying with a 0.2% solution of karbafos is used. You can use folk remedy- onion infusion. It is prepared as follows: 100 g of warm onions are placed in a three-liter jar of water, tightly sealed and left for eight hours. Then the liquid is filtered and diluted with 7 liters of water. The effect will be enhanced by 45 grams of grated laundry soap.

Aster it is no coincidence that it is called a star: it shines on the flower bed, attracting attention with bright and varied colors. If you properly care for the flower, without neglecting simple rules, it will become the pride of any garden.

Watch the video! Annual asters - growing from sowing to flowering

Before you grow these amazing flowers, you need to prepare planting material. Seeds collected on your site must be treated with any fungicide or potassium permanganate solution. In 100 ml of water, put a few crystals (1 g) of potassium permanganate and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is diluted with another 100 ml of water. So we get a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate for seed treatment.

The resulting solution is poured into a cup, a cloth is placed and seeds are poured on it. They must be immersed in the solution. After 25 minutes, the napkin is removed and the seeds are washed in clean water.

It is worth noting that seeds collected from their own plot do not retain the properties of the parent plant variety. It is better to buy planting material of well-known companies in specialized stores. So there are more chances to get high-quality planting material that no longer needs processing.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Callistefuses are grown both by sowing seeds immediately to a permanent place, and through seedlings. Consider first sowing seeds in seedling boxes.

In March-April, earth is poured into prepared boxes (garden mixed with humus) and rows are made 0.5 cm deep every 2 cm. The soil is moistened and the seeds are laid out. From above they are covered with earth and covered with a transparent film or glass.

The optimum germination temperature is +20-25 0 С. After about a week, the first shoots appear. The growing temperature is reduced to + 16-18 0 C. When the first pair of leaves appears, they dive into boxes with fresh earth according to the 5x6 scheme. Already at this stage, it is recommended to treat the seedlings with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the development of the black leg and fusarium.

In May, you can plant seedlings in a permanent place in the flower garden. healthy seedlings should be strong with a thick stem and have 5-7 well developed bright green leaves. Low-growing varieties (10-30 cm) are planted according to the scheme 20x20 cm, medium-sized (30-60 cm) - 25x25 cm, tall (60-90) - 30x30 cm. The color looks good along garden paths and paths, especially dwarf varieties.

Planting asters with seeds in open ground

Callistefuses work well on any garden, well-fertilized, sandy, light and medium loamy soils. To avoid Fusarium disease, fresh manure should not be applied. The best predecessors are marigolds and calendula, refuse sowing after carnations, tulips and gladioli.

Seeds are sown outdoors in spring and autumn. Podzimnie crops give early friendly shoots that develop well and tolerate cold snap, drought more easily, bloom earlier by 2 weeks and are more resistant to diseases.

Spring sowing can be carried out in 2 terms: in April, as the weather permits, and May. This makes it possible to admire beautiful lush inflorescences from mid-July until late autumn.

Seeds are sown in pre-spilled rows 1 cm deep, spreading them every 1.5 cm. You can mix the seeds with a handful of dry sand to facilitate sowing.

Seeds can be soaked in advance by spreading out on a damp cloth, but dry ones germinate quite quickly. The seeds are covered with humus and covered with a film, securing it around the perimeter with planks or bricks.

When shoots appear, the film is removed. It is advisable to thin out overly thickened crops. Seedlings removed during thinning can be used as seedlings.

Cultivation and care

The plant is very fond of watering and loose soil. It is necessary to water rarely, but abundantly, followed by loosening. Up to 2 buckets of water are approximately poured per m 2.

Top dressing:

  • With the development of 4-5 pairs of true leaves, buds are laid. During this period, you need to feed the plants with ammonium nitrate (matchbox per 1 m 2).
  • With the advent of buds, a second top dressing is carried out. They take a matchbox of superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrate per 1 m 2.
  • The third phosphorus-potassium (30 g per 1 m 2) top dressing is carried out with the beginning of flowering.

In dry summers, top dressing is applied in liquid form. If the summer is rainy, then top dressing is done in a dry form, followed by incorporation during loosening.

Many gardeners prefer to weigh fertilizer almost by the gram. For them, it can be advised to use ready-made liquid mineral fertilizers for flowers, for example Florist for Growth and Florist for buds.

Planting and caring for asters will not be difficult, but pleasant memories of the summer when watching these luxurious flowers will remain for sure. Asters have many varieties. Almost all of them can endure any weather conditions, respond well to transplantation and quickly take root in a new place.

Selection of quality seeds

This is the first and most important task of every grower who does not know how to grow these flowers. The health of the plant, its effectiveness and decorativeness depend on this. Even for an experienced gardener, due to a large number varieties of asters will dazzle. Therefore, before purchasing seeds it is important to pay attention to such characteristics, as the shape of the bush and inflorescences, the height of the flower, the month of flowering, the splendor of the inflorescences, the color of the flowers, the purpose of growing asters.

If aster seeds are not collected independently, but are purchased in a store, it is better to give preference to the manufacturer, who indicated the maximum information about the seeds. This information should be carefully reviewed. The variety of asters must be chosen depending on the place where they will grow and the purpose of cultivation.

In order to green the edges of garden paths, flower beds, they prefer dwarf, terry or needle-shaped species. The color scheme can be any. For cutting (for sale or just for those who like to decorate bouquets), medium-sized and tall varieties of flowers are suitable. Planting such flowers in groups will be especially effective.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of aster seeds. It is not recommended to purchase planting material that was collected more than a year ago, as there is a risk that germination will not please.

Growing from seed, when to plant and how

Not many gardeners have adapted to sow asters in open ground for the winter. This has its advantages. Such plants will be stronger and healthier. This is a great option when the spring is either too dry (the seeds will then pick up moisture from melted snow), or with constant rains that would not allow plants to be planted in a timely manner. A plot with such crops is mulched and covered in autumn. This makes it possible for the seeds not to freeze, but simply to cool. It is important with this method of planting to guess the time of sowing. If this is done too early, the seeds will germinate in the fall.

Features of transplanting into open ground

When to plant asters? Somewhere in 1.5 months, when 5-6 small leaves appear on the seedlings, and the stem is at least 5 cm, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. At the same time, take into account the weather on the street - there should no longer be frosts.

A place to grow asters

It is preferable to grow asters on the sunny side, but partial shade is also allowed. They do not require a special type of soil, but it is better if it is light soil with normal acidity. Experienced gardeners also do not recommend growing in the place where gladioli, cloves, tomatoes, and potatoes were planted. After them, pathogens that are dangerous for asters can remain in the soil. It is better to prepare a place for planting in the fall: dig up the site and fertilize it with humus and sand (preferably river sand). If the soil is very depleted, then in the spring fertilize it with mineral fertilizers.

Plant transplant

How to plant asters In the spring, before planting, it is better to dig the site again. The distance between the holes will depend on the variety of asters. For undersized best distance about 14-16 cm. So the flowers will grow and create a beautiful flowering strip. It is better not to allow a distance of less than 25 cm between tall plants. Do not dig the holes themselves deeper than 20 cm. Transplant carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is recommended to transplant asters in cloudy weather or in the evening. Water the planted plants after planting. It is desirable that water does not get on the leaves.

How to care for asters after transplantation

How to deal with diseases and pests

These flowers are easy to grow, but most varieties of asters are not very disease resistant. They can be provoked by bad weather conditions, poor-quality care.

Most often, gardeners are faced with such diseases on flowers: