Dream Interpretation Extra Fingers. Living hand in a dream

  • 22.09.2019

Why dream of fingers

Miller's dream book

When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there is a danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck.

If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, it means that you will fail in business. The absence of a large paly means need and loneliness.

If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, a fleeting joy awaits you. An unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.

If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure by giving free rein to your passions.

Too long thumbnail - indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin.

Seeing fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows.

If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers - in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will make you famous.

If you dream that there are no fingers on your hands, this dream promises great material losses.

Why dream of fingers

Freud's dream book

The finger is the symbol of the penis.

If you play with your fingers, you are prone to self-gratification.

If a woman touches a man's fingers, plays with them, she wants to have sexual contact with him.

If a woman touches a man's fingers with her fingers, she likes to provoke men into sexual contact, but at the last moment she can reverse.

If a man touches a woman with his fingers, he wants to have sexual contact with her.

If a man hurt his finger, he doubts his potency.

If a woman hurt her finger, she may be subjected to violence.

Bandaged finger - indicates the need to use condoms.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Finger to spend - losses; cripple - you will be respected and loved; to have beautiful fingers - you will achieve high honor.

Why dream of fingers

Family dream book

Seeing your thumb in a dream - take a closer look at your surroundings: no matter how you have to become a victim of dodgers and swindlers!

Feeling pain in the thumb - portends failure in business.

The absence of a thumb - promises need and loneliness.

If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, a fleeting joy awaits you.

And an unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.

If you see your thumb dirty - give free rein to passions, and you will experience pleasure.

A too long thumbnail is a warning: do not sin!

Dirty and scratched fingers - dream of trouble.

And beautiful, well-groomed hands - to mutual love and success.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The thumb and forefinger in a dream - symbolize your willpower, the rest - friends or people close to you.

Toes - mean business partners, as well as everyone on whom your well-being and position in society depend.

Beautiful, well-groomed fingers are a sign that you are stubbornly achieving your goal and you are provided with the support of friends.

A dream about wounded or broken fingers is most often a signal of a possible failure. Most likely, you are building your relationships with others too rigidly, and this can become a source of trouble and conflict.

The absence of a thumb or index finger, or the inability to move them, is a sign of a decline in will. Perhaps you lack the determination to carry out any plans. The absence of other fingers means that you risk losing someone's support.

Why dream of fingers

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Break your finger - you will fall under the influence of a strong, authoritative personality.

Fingerprints, if your own - to commit actions that fall under the article of the Criminal Code.

Why dream of fingers

Spring dream book

Seeing one finger means that they will tell you how to live.

Ring finger with wedding ring- to an affair with a married man.

Snap your fingers - to triumph over enemies, to victory over an ill-wisher.

Bend your fingers - to a series of troubles.

Why dream of fingers

Summer dream book

Examine in a dream a finger with a beautiful ring - for engagement.

Ring finger with a wedding ring - this dream for the wedding.

Snap your fingers in a dream - to attract attention.

Seeing in a dream how a child, trying to learn how to count, bends his fingers, means that you will have to count the number of successful days this year on your fingers.

Why dream of fingers

Autumn dream book

To see in a dream how a finger is pointed at you is to experience moments of shame in reality.

Ring finger with a wedding ring - to the dissolution of marriage.

Snap your fingers - to subjugate the weak.

Bend your fingers in a dream and feel how they hurt - to arthritis.

Why dream of fingers

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream, when asked how things are going for you, you show your thumb, they say, everything is fine - it means that in reality everything will be just the opposite.

Folding figurines from fingers - portends an unexpected refusal, and if they show you a fig - you will come in a state of extreme excitement and do stupid things.

Fingers folded into a fist with which you threaten someone in a dream portend participation in a scandal, quarrel or fight.

If in a dream you scratch your fingers - this is a sign of profit, cut your nails on them - to trouble, do a manicure - you will experience loneliness away from home.

Seeing a cut off or severed finger - to the loss of a relative, ugly twisted - friends will turn away from you, broken - to danger from rogues. If a wounded finger hurts in a dream, this is a failure in business.

Losing a finger in a dream is a harbinger of need and suffering. Seeing more than five fingers on the hand - to new connections, profits and inheritance. Burn your fingers - lose the opportunity to have children. Putting a ring or ring on your finger - to enter into a second marriage or cohabitation with a widower. A thimble on a finger means serious trouble that cannot be avoided.

Seeing thin artistic fingers plucking the strings of a guitar or fluttering on the piano keys - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will lead you to sin. Thick, like sausages, fingers - you will encounter a misunderstanding of the interlocutor, to whom elementary things do not reach.

Little children's fingers seen in a dream - fleeting joy awaits you. Dirty or dirty fingers - portend gossip and gossip around your love affairs. Scratched, knocked down or calloused fingers - mark the onset of sad events and the forced abandonment of the original plans. Well-groomed fingers - to luxury and wealth.

If you dreamed of too long manicured nails on thin long fingers, then in reality you will experience a strong love passion. Seeing crooked fingers with claws instead of nails is a loss of money.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment.

If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means great material losses. If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers.

If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you.

Too thumb - means that your success will be swift and brilliant.

If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions.

Too long thumbnail - says that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Fingers - some kind of fuss, stupid work.

Why dream of fingers

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger (at an object or at a subject of action) - very big changes; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost or damaged - hardships.

Why dream of fingers

Modern dream book

If you accidentally lose your finger, your actions are very reasonable and there is no cause for concern.

If in a dream you saw your index finger - look for the cause of your troubles and troubles in yourself.

Pointing your finger means that very soon you will regret what you have done and will be annoyed by what you have done.

Indicate to someone - to realize your guilt.

If you dream of dirty or scratched bleeding fingers, the dream promises trouble and suffering. On the life path You will often despair.

See in a dream beautiful hands with white fingers - means that your love will be mutual and your generosity will glorify you.

The dream in which your fingers were cut off predicts that enemies will deprive you of wealth and inheritance.

Seeing a thumb in a dream is a sign that smart people will patronize you, and your future will be uncertain.

If you dreamed that you had a wound on your thumb, you would suffer losses in commercial affairs, and your companions would turn out to be unpleasant people.

If you see that your finger is missing on your hand, this dream foreshadows a woman's misfortune that can happen to her child; men - this predicts a loss of respect from friends or colleagues.

If you find that one of the fingers stands out for its size among the others, this portends a situation in which you have not yet had to find yourself.

If the thumb seems unnaturally small, your pleasures will be fleeting and short-lived.

If it is abnormally large, a great stunning success awaits you.

Dirty thumb - dreams to satisfy your passions.

Too big a nail on the thumb - predicts that in pursuit of strange pleasures you will get into trouble. If you accidentally lose your finger, then your actions are very reasonable and there is no cause for concern.

If in a dream you donated a finger, you will receive good news or a gift.

Why dream of fingers

Eastern dream book

Seeing beautiful hands with white fingers is a sign that love will be mutual.

Dirty or scratched fingers - dream of trouble and suffering.

If your fingers are cut off, beware of the machinations of enemies who are trying to deprive you of wealth and inheritance.

A dream in which you see that you are missing a finger on your hand, for a woman - portends a misfortune that can happen to her child, for a man - a loss of respect from friends or colleagues.

The absence of a thumb - predicts need, deprivation and loneliness.

Seeing a thumb is a sign that some influential people will patronize you.

If the thumb is injured, be careful in business.

A dream in which you are surprised to find that one of the fingers is much larger than the others means: you will find yourself in a situation in which you have not yet found yourself.

If the thumb seems unnaturally small, your pleasures will be fleeting and short-lived.

If it is unnaturally large, a great stunning success awaits you.

Dirty thumb - dreams of satisfying passions.

Too big a nail on the thumb - warns: in pursuit of dubious pleasures, you will get into trouble.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

clean, healthy - good luck in business; dirty, sick - shame and failure.

Why dream of fingers

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Scratching your fingers is a danger that old things will come up.

Pointing a finger - to show cringing.

Burn your finger - get married.

An ache in the finger is a danger that old things will come up.

It is obsessive to see fingers in a dream - to internally feel that you missed some important trifle.

To prick a finger is a disease.

Break the little finger - a quarrel.

A finger that has fallen off, broken off, missing from you is a vague, unclear consciousness of your own guilt and fear of retribution.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Fingers in general - helpers, children, loved ones, loved ones.

Beautiful - good luck in love.

Pointing - serious attention should be paid to something.

In rings and rings - demonic temptation, seduction by something or some kind of secret knowledge.

Extra - acquisition, inheritance.

Lacks fingers on the hand, cut off - losses, failures; separation from spouse, children or death of one of them.

Consider, itch - for money.

Why dream of fingers

Love dream book

If in a dream you saw beautiful hands with white fingers, mutual love awaits you, which will forever live in your heart.

Why dream of fingers

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

The most common finger sleep indications are: your children; your nephews; people in your service; friends.

If you dreamed of a right hand devoid of fingers, then in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (possibly a nephew).

Fingers clenched into a fist portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you are unlikely to be able to fully deal with the problems of your own family.

The toes seen in a dream are a sign that everything is in perfect order with you.

If you dreamed that your fingers and toes were broken, you need to seriously go about your business while you can still save at least something.

A dream in which milk drips from the little finger or blood drips from the index finger portends a difficult relationship with your spouse's mother.

An unusual and rare dream, when you hear a voice sounding from your finger, means that your relatives are plotting against you.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Fingers - Fingers in a dream indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems. (See also Nails) Seeing fingers - many small things will arise. Burn your fingers, injure - a warning against interfering in other people's affairs. Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives or damage.

Why dream of fingers

Women's dream book

Fingers - Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment.

If your hands are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers in a dream, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will earn you respect.

If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means great material losses.

If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers.

If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness.

If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you. Too much thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.

If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions. Too long a thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

This symbol is very significant: hands are considered a part of the body, without which it is impossible to lead a normal life and enjoy the fact that you live.

To dream that you are looking for something and understand that you need them like hands, you cannot do anything without them - this dream indicates the need for an assistant; you have to find a new way to achieve what you need; you will not be able to fulfill the promise.

To dream of people who scold you for a broken vase and, laughing, say that you do not have hands, but hooks - to criticism, dissatisfaction with yourself; to reflection and the next awakening of old complexes.

To see that you are carefully trying to wash your hands and therefore rub them with each other with all your might - you have no one to rely on, so make your own decision; so as not to get stuck in a dirty business, be able to

To dream that they pour water from a jug on your hands and you wash your face - you are preoccupied with the plans that you keep secret and are trying to develop a course of retreat in case of failure; you will be persecuted for hiding the truth.

To dream that you are sitting in a hole and cannot get out, but no one comes to cry for help, no one lends a hand to you - this dream portends disappointment; you quarrel with a reliable person; you are destined to experience new sensations.

To see a man who sits like an idol and his arms are lowered along the sides - you will have to deal with an incorrigible lazy person; what you have in mind will not come true, because you will not have real allies; to misunderstanding and communication with empty people.

To dream that you are starting to drown, but do not ask for help, but are trying to get out of your last strength on your own - to the recognition of your merits; to a new project; to a good deal.

You are looking for the culprit who left dirty handprints - this dream warns you that you should expect trouble; you will be involved in unpleasant rumors; you have to work hard to insist on your own; you have to learn something special that will cause a lot of trouble.

Why dream of fingers

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

FINGERS - “do not hit a finger on a finger” - inaction, idleness; “know something like the back of your hand (very good). "Look through your fingers" - connivance, do not pay attention. "Circle around your finger" - deceive. "Press to the nail" - ruthlessly punish, force. “Suck it out of your finger” - invent, greatly exaggerate; "pointing finger"; "to beckon with a finger" (to attract, to call). "Catch the finger" - a special sensitivity, but not so significant. See add. arms.

Why dream of fingers

Idiomatic dream book

“Do not hit a finger on a finger” - inaction, idleness; “to know something like the back of your hand” is very good; “look through your fingers” - connivance, do not pay attention; "circle around your finger" - deceive; “to press to the nail” - ruthlessly punish, force; “Suck it out of your finger” - invent, greatly exaggerate; "beckon with a finger" - to attract, to call; "Catch the finger" - a special sensitivity, but not so significant.

Why dream of fingers

Online dream book

If you missed some finger in your hands - expect some kind of trouble that will happen to your child in the near future.

One of the phalanxes is larger than the others - you will soon find yourself in some unforeseen situation.

Index dreamed - you are the culprit of all your troubles and misfortunes.

Fingers in blood and mud - you will suffer greatly.

You see magnificent hands with snow-white skin - your feelings are mutual, and thanks to your generosity you can become famous.

The thumb on the hand is dreaming - some nosy people run your life. The dream book warns you that because of these people, your entire future will be unclear.

They saw a wound on it - it means that soon you will suffer big financial losses, and your business partners will turn out to be vile personalities.

Feel some kind of ache in your finger - expect trouble, as all your long-standing bad deeds may come up.

If in a dream he is superfluous, in the near future you will receive some kind of inheritance.

Bite off your own or someone else's finger - to useless chores and fuss, you will try to return what has already left you forever, so try to take everything for granted and just move forward to new victories and achievements.

According to the dream book, even, refined, very attractive, and also just thumbs - promise you well-being and success in personal life.

You see that there are six of them on your hands.

To see them on their feet - in the near future, those who occupy a higher position than you in society will, to one degree or another, determine the course of your affairs, you will act in accordance with their instructions.

You dreamed that your fingers were cut off - in reality, when working on some kind of project, you will have serious difficulties that it will be extremely difficult for you to cope with, but you will need to mobilize all your strength, otherwise the desired will remain unattained.

If they are broken - due to a series of failures that haunt you in the near future, you may feel upset, it will seem that life is going downhill. But you need to drive such thoughts away from yourself, since everything will get better very soon, you just need to take a time out and fully relax.

Why dream of fingers

American dream book

Thumb - will.

Thumb up - go ahead.

Thumbs down - forget it!

Point your finger at something - vital details.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a finger or fingers is a sign of the need to think and analyze your life in order to understand why the events that happen to you develop in this way, where such a state of health comes from.

Why dream of fingers

Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself in a dream tearing out his nails from his fingers - bad - the work of his hands will be taken away.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Scratching your finger - getting a debt.

Why dream of fingers

Medieval dream book of Daniel

To see that there is no finger is a loss.

To see a decorated finger - to wealth.

To have many fingers - to multiply the money.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

To look closely at a finger in a dream - to try to see fate, to predetermine the future (path). Sleep is favorable or unfavorable, depending on the awareness of sleep and the dreamer's actions in reality: the initial impetus for movement in a dream has been given, it remains to apply your mind, talent and strength.

Seeing someone else's crippled finger is a state of imbalance and illness. The internal pathology of the organ gives rise to an inadequacy of the perception of the external world, since the whole organism begins to live in a rhythm that is sparing for the sick place, both movement and perception. This can result in damage in business and physical injuries, when in an extreme situation it will be necessary to realize all the abilities of perception, and some of the abilities have already been lost - a loss is inevitable.

In addition, injured fingers in a dream can warn of possible physical injury not only internal organs but also external parts of the body. Dependence such: a thumb - a head; index - left hand; middle - left leg; nameless - right leg; little finger - right hand.

Why dream of fingers

Dream interpreter 1829

Burn your finger in a dream - there is a sign of envy; circumcised fingers to see - portends the death of friends or servants; to have more than five fingers on your hand - marks new connections, friendship, happiness, profit and inheritance.

Why dream of fingers

Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Fingers - The most common finger dream indications are: your children; your nephews; people in your service; friends.

If you dreamed of a right hand devoid of fingers - in reality you are destined to lose a close relative or even your own child (possibly a nephew).

Fingers clenched into a fist - portend that, due to very serious obstacles, you are unlikely to be able to fully deal with the problems of your own family.

The absence of a ring finger on your hand in a dream is a harbinger of financial loss.

The toes seen in a dream are a sign that everything is in order with you.

If the toes are damaged, this is a harbinger of property problems.

Cut fingers - to separation from people close to you.

Broken fingers - to the death of a relative.

If you dreamed that your fingers and toes were broken - you need to seriously go about your business, while you can still save at least something.

A dream in which milk flows drop by drop from the little finger or blood drips from the index finger portends you a difficult relationship with your spouse's mother.

An unusual and rare dream, when you hear a voice sounding from your finger, means that your relatives are plotting against you.

Why dream of fingers

Islamic dream book

Pain in the fingers - portends a misfortune that will affect the children of the author of the dream.

If he does not have them, he will refuse to pray.

If someone sees himself with a cut off ring finger, he will have a son.

If he sees that his middle finger has been cut off, he will learn about the death of a famous scientist or judge in his country.

If he sees that four fingers have been cut off at once, he will marry four women, who will all die soon.

If the sleeper sees that he is cutting off someone's finger, this means that he will cause that person losses.

It is said that the disappearance of fingers means the absence of servants.

If he sees in a dream that someone is cutting off his toe, it will become known that he is refusing to pay the debt or his cash income will be depleted, with which he expected to ensure his existence.

Why dream of fingers

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing fingers clean and healthy - success in business, dirty or sick - unsuccessful business.

Lack of fingers on the hand - material problems.

To see that the thumb on the hand is increasing in size is a quick rapid ascent through the ranks.

Why dream of fingers

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Scratching a finger in a dream - to profit, to see a severed with blood - to the loss of a relative, to cut off a finger - to the trouble that you can cause a friend, burn him - means to enter into a second marriage, to be completely without fingers - a sign that you risk losing children.

If you examine your fingers in a dream, it means that you will soon count money.

An ache in the finger means the danger that your old dishonest deeds will come up.

Break the little finger - to a quarrel.

Your lack of a finger is a sign that a vague consciousness of your own guilt and fear of retribution will come to you.

An extra finger - dreams of an inheritance.

Showing, poking a finger in a dream is a sign that big changes await you in life.

Why dream of fingers

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

To see in a dream an index finger pointing in your direction means that in reality you will become a scapegoat. For ten days, do not share secrets with anyone and try not to get involved in adventures, otherwise, in the end, all sins and sins will be blamed on you and you will be made guilty before your superiors.

If you are pointing your finger at someone in a dream - on the first day of the next month you will unfairly accuse a person devoted to you and thereby undermine your reputation as a thoughtful and sober person. This is especially unpleasant for businessmen, for whom death is like a stain on their reputation.

If in a dream you raise your thumb up as a sign of approval, in reality you will have to part with your loved one. If in a dream you do not feel sadness, then the separation will be temporary, most likely, it will not last longer than a month, but if you are worried, then you are in danger of parting forever.

If someone else raises your thumb up, and you look at it, then expect guests to your house soon - one of them will bring you a joyful message or make a gift that will make you change all your plans and go for a month to another city or country.

In a dream, to see two fingers raised up as a sign of victory with the Latin letter v means that you need to wait and take no action, during this time you will receive new information that will radically change your plans and direct your thoughts in a different direction.

Why dream of fingers

Aesop's dream book

This symbol is very significant: hands are considered a part of the body, without which it is impossible to lead a normal life and enjoy the fact that you live. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings among the people, in which there is a mention of hands. They have different meanings, so the meaning of the symbol cannot be spoken even approximately.

To dream that you are looking for glasses and understand that you need them like hands, you cannot do anything without them - this dream indicates the need for an assistant; you have to find a new way to achieve what you need; you will not be able to fulfill the promise.

To dream of parents who scold you for a broken glass and, laughing, say that you do not have hands, but mounting hooks - to criticism, dissatisfaction with yourself; to reflection and the next awakening of old complexes.

To dream of a person with strange hands, they look like wings and stick out from the back - you will not be lucky with new employees; to household problems; to trouble.

To dream that your hands are very itchy - to a fight; to clarify relationships with unbalanced people; accident or money.

To dream that you are trying on large mittens with prickly spikes on your hands - this dream portends a promotion; relations in the family will improve; your children will present a pleasant surprise; you will find a solution to a problem that has long caused a headache.

To see that you are carefully trying to wash your hands without soap, and therefore rub them against each other with all your might, you have no one to rely on, so make your own decision; in order not to get stuck in a dirty business, be able to give a categorical refusal in time; you can't hide what you've done.

To dream that they pour water from a jug into your hands and you wash your face - you are preoccupied with plans that you keep secret and are trying to develop a course of retreat in case of failure; you will be persecuted for hiding the truth.

To dream of a person who does everything with his own hands and offers his help - this means that you will make a good acquaintance; a person with great connections will appear in your circle; you have to get out of a confusing situation.

To see a dream in which you are appointed by the right hand of the boss - your ambitions are not destined to receive a worthy reward; do not rush to change jobs; to a good conversation; to the fulfillment of desire.

To dream that you are sitting in a hole and cannot get out, but no one comes to cry for help, no one lends a hand to you - this dream portends disappointment; you quarrel with a reliable person; you are destined to experience new sensations.

To see a man who sits like an idol, and his arms are lowered along the sides - you have to deal with an incorrigible lazy person; what you have in mind will not come true, because you will not have real allies; to misunderstanding and communication with empty people.

To dream that you are starting to drown, but do not ask for help, but are trying to get out of your last strength on your own - to the recognition of your merits; to a new project; to a good deal.

You are looking for the culprit who left dirty handprints all over the apartment - this dream warns you that you should expect trouble; you will be involved in unpleasant rumors; you have to work hard to insist on your own; you have to learn something special that will cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing in a dream a person who is constantly spinning in the cycle of affairs and cannot even sit down to take a break - this dream portends boredom, fatigue and a monotonous occupation.

To dream of a person who, with all his appearance, inspires confidence and the ability to stand up for himself, about whom they say that do not put a finger in his mouth - it seems to you that your opinion is not taken seriously; to doubt; to clashes with the mighty of this world, those in power.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you dream of a raised index finger, this is a dream warning: if you do not follow the precautions, then you are in great danger. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that your ill-wishers during this period will attempt to put you on the bandwagon. Try to control your emotions, do not waste your energy on trifles, you will still need them in the struggle for a place in the sun.

Broken finger - no matter how hard you try, nothing comes out the way you would like it to. You are completely exhausted. It seems to you that nothing good will happen in your life in the near future. Believe me, this will soon pass - after a little rest, you will again get down to business.

Bandaged finger - to a short illness that awaits you or someone close to you. You should not be scared ahead of time, because it will be a slight ailment that will not cause any complications.

If in a dream you see a severed finger, this means that in reality you risk losing the support of others. This is caused by your behavior, with which you have recently offended people close to you who treat you - regardless of their mood - sincerely and kindly. Remember that all patience eventually runs out.

Burn your finger - you will find yourself in a difficult position from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. The exit is difficult because no one can help you. You will have to extricate yourself.

Hairy fingers - to unexpected profits. Such a dream means that you can receive an inheritance from a wealthy relative or a reward for your work at work.

Crooked fingers - your envious dream of harming you and are looking for all sorts of ways to do this. Be especially careful with those you trust little, especially those you don't trust at all.

Why dream of fingers

Dream Interpretation 2012


The first is a reflection of the perception of oneself.

The second is a reflection of the perception of another person.

The third is a reflection of perception in general.

The fourth is a reflection of the perception of how the dreamer looks in the eyes of others.

The fifth is a reflection of the perception of one's own potential.


Big - a reflection of the relationship with oneself.

Index - a reflection of the perception of the relationship of other people with the dreamer.

The middle one is a reflection of the relationship in general.

Nameless - a reflection of the perception of the dreamer's relationship with another person.

The little finger is a reflection of a potential relationship.

The fingers still retain the old meanings, which depend on the cultural environment of the dreamer (different cultures attached different meanings to the fingers). In the West, the ring finger often symbolizes marriage and/or partnership. Medium - anger, insult, a hint of a phallus. Big - all is well or pointing down, all is bad. Index - indication, accusation, condemnation. Little finger - manipulation and / or insignificance. The interpretation will depend on the dreamer's perception.

Why dream of fingers

ABC of dream interpretation

Fingers in a dream - indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems.

See fingers - many small things will arise.

Burn your fingers, injure - a warning against interfering in other people's affairs.

Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives or damage.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about the people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

20 lunar day

Sleep can be useful for those who want to look into their future. It is believed that on this lunar day, people can consciously control dreams, and with the appropriate skills, they can also enter other people's dreams.

Waning moon

Sleep on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

24 February

Dreams are usually filled with joyful and happy images. For their interpretation, the detailing of what is seen is important: small details are endowed with key meaning. Implementation time - up to two weeks.

This symbol is very significant: hands are considered a part of the body, without which it is impossible to lead a normal life and enjoy the fact that you live. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings among the people, in which there is a mention of hands. They have different meanings, so the meaning of the symbol cannot be spoken even approximately.

To dream that you are looking for glasses and understand that you need them like hands, you cannot do anything without them - this dream indicates the need for an assistant; You have to find a new way to achieve what you need; You will not be able to fulfill the promise.

To dream of parents who scold you for a broken glass and, laughing, say that you do not have hands, but mounting hooks - to criticism, dissatisfaction with yourself; to reflection and the next awakening of old complexes.

To dream of a person with strange hands, they look like wings and stick out from the back - you will not be lucky with new employees; to household problems; to trouble.

To dream that your hands are very itchy - to a fight; to clarify relationships with unbalanced people; accident or money.

To dream that you are trying on large mittens with prickly spikes on your hands - this dream portends a promotion; relations in the family will improve; Your children will present a pleasant surprise; You will find a solution to a problem that has been causing headaches for a long time.

To see that you are carefully trying to wash your hands without soap, and therefore rub them against each other with all your might - you have no one to rely on, so make your own decision; in order not to get stuck in a dirty business, be able to give a categorical refusal in time; You can't hide what you've done.

To dream that they pour water from a jug on your hands and you wash your face - you are preoccupied with plans that you keep secret and are trying to develop a course of retreat in case of failure; You will be persecuted for hiding the truth.

To dream of a person who does everything with his own hands and offers his help - this means that you will make a successful acquaintance; a person with great connections will appear in your circle; You have to get out of a confusing situation.

To see a dream in which you are appointed by the right hand of the boss - your ambitions are not destined to receive a worthy reward; do not rush to change jobs; to a good conversation; to the fulfillment of desire.

To dream that you are sitting in a hole and cannot get out, but no one comes to cry for help, no one lends a hand to you - this dream portends disappointment; You will quarrel with a reliable person; You are destined to experience new sensations.

To see a man who sits like an idol, and his arms are lowered along the sides - you will have to deal with an incorrigible lazy person; what you have in mind will not come true, because you will not have real allies; to misunderstanding and communication with empty people.

To dream that you are starting to drown, but do not ask for help, but are trying to get out of your last strength on your own - to the recognition of your merits; to a new project; to a good deal.

You are looking for the culprit who left dirty handprints all over the apartment - this dream warns you that you should expect trouble; You will be involved in unpleasant rumors; you have to work hard to insist on your own; You have to learn something special that will cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing in a dream a person who is constantly spinning in the cycle of affairs and cannot even sit down to take a break - this dream portends boredom, fatigue and a monotonous occupation.

To dream of a person who with all his appearance inspires confidence and the ability to stand up for himself, about whom they say that do not put a finger in his mouth - it seems to you that your opinion is not taken seriously; to doubt; to clashes with the mighty of this world, those in power.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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In a dream, a person is resting, but there are such dreams, after which you need to turn to special literature for interpretation in order to calm down. Dreams about fingers are no exception, so you need to know their meaning.

Why dream of fingers in Miller's dream book?

An American psychologist explained dreams about fingers like this. If the hands with fingers are flawed, then there will be sadness in life, they are beautiful and clean - wait for good luck and prosperity. A painful thumb dreams of failures in professional activities; its absence will lead to general abandonment.

If you dream that the finger is extremely large or, conversely, small, this may mean a bright opportunity to prove yourself, but the happiness from this will not last long. A dirty thumb on one hand is a dream before a happy event.

Finger in a dream - Vanga's dream book

The clairvoyant predicted what she saw in a dream in the most accurate way. A mutilated or injured finger, according to her, in a dream will lead to minor troubles that are easily resolved in reality. If there are more than 5 fingers on the hand, it is clear sign the fact that someone significant will appear in a person’s life, communication with him will lead to a loss of authority among relatives and friends.

What does it mean to dream of fingers - interpretation according to Freud

This versatile person contributed to the worldview of the future generation. Based on his statements and conclusions, a dream book was created that describes dreams as a subconscious sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

If in a dream a person plays with his fingers, this means that he lacks only sexual satisfaction, and independent satisfaction, for a complete feeling of happiness.

A woman sees a man's fingers in a dream, then he is her choice as a partner in bed. A man sees his hands with injured fingers - he is embarrassed to show his ego and thinks about sexual inferiority. woman similar dream serves as a warning of an attack. If the finger is wrapped in a medical bandage, you should think about the means of protection during sex.

Why dream of fingers in the dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Fingers mean the closest relatives of a person according to this dream book. Well-groomed, healthy fingers speak of the well-being of the family and its prosperity. Small and sore fingers mean the decline of the family and each of its members in particular.

Cut off or break one of the fingers - get rid of or lose a loved one. If in a dream you hear how the bones of the fingers break, this may mean a quarrel with relatives, and they will speak impartially about you.

Why dream of fingers in the dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo

A broken finger dreams that the intended business will still not be successful, no matter how hard you try. A finger pointing in some direction makes it clear that you need to be extremely careful when choosing your own path, and if it is raised up, this is a sure sign of impending danger.

Bandaged finger - for treatment, but it will be short and effective. Hairy fingers in a dream foresee the receipt of a fee or profit, what you have worked long and hard for will bear fruit.

Curved fingers show the attitude of envious people towards you. They clearly want to harm you, so you should be careful with statements about strangers.

Why do fingers dream about the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The astrologer says that in a dream you can see the solution to the problem and choose the suggested path. Examine fingers in a dream - for the imminent return of a loved one. Beautiful even fingers dream in anticipation of new romantic feelings.

Cut fingers dream of changes in personal life, the second half may leave or there will be a cold in the relationship, which will develop into indifference. Rings on the fingers mean that someone wants to command you, while not taking into account your opinion.

More than 5 fingers suggest that a person will receive an unexpected material reward or inheritance.

Why dream of a wedding ring on your finger

Many interpreters urge to take what they see in a dream literally. An engagement ring on your finger can mean a change in your personal life, getting on the path of family or permanent relationships.

If a girl has a ring in size, then the choice of a life partner is right and you should hold on to him, because this man can make her happy. If the ring is small or large, this indicates that no matter how much one wants, a man will not lead a girl down the aisle. It is too early for her to think about starting a family, or she needs to wait a bit and then there will definitely be happiness.

The girl sees the ring on the finger of her beloved - this means that his intentions are the most serious, he will be a faithful and kind husband. An engagement ring slipping off a finger predicts changes in a couple's relationship, there will be quarrels and misunderstandings.

A married lady dreams of a ring on her finger that she accidentally breaks - her husband will fall ill soon, and there is very little chance of saving him.

What is the dream of a golden ring, a ring, a silver ring on a finger?

Gold is a symbol of devotion and love. A gold ring on a finger means a long happy marriage with sincere, tender feelings. All life plans will be implemented, and good luck will accompany you all the time. If the jewelry on the finger is broken, this bad sign, the troubles will start soon and will last for a long time.

A ring on a finger in a dream means love experiences and the imminent appearance of a surprise in life. If there are rings on all fingers, this means that new deeds will bring stable income and satisfaction.

The silver ring signifies loyalty and affection. A woman who dreamed of a silver jewelry can be sure of her chosen one, he will fulfill all the desires of her beloved. If she wants to remove the ring, then this indicates her doubts about the man.

Why dream of fingers or toes?

Dreams in which a person sees his toes mean possible journey, road. If they are well-groomed and clean, then everything is going well in life, dirty - this portends problems in work or personal life.

If in a dream you are angry with yourself for having ugly fingers, this means dissatisfaction with your own actions and a desire to change what you have done. Injure your toes - soon in reality there is a danger of getting a fracture.

If you step on your toes in a dream, then you are on the right track and there is an opportunity to get around competitors, envious people. In any case, beautiful, even and neat fingers always talk in a dream about correct position affairs, and broken, dirty, maimed ones hint that something needs to be changed in life.

What is the dream of the ring, index, thumb, middle finger, little finger?

Fingers on the hands can be interpreted in different situations in different ways. The thumb says that everything in life goes on as usual and you need to react to changes calmly, raised up, it shows the right direction of the path.

The index finger, as a rule, means condemnation of other people or your displeasure with them. Perhaps you are in danger in the event of negative statements towards ill-wishers. The middle finger is the reproductive organ, its position indicates the possibility of sexual activity.

Healthy and even, it symbolizes the ability of a man to satisfy his woman. For women, such a dream promises passionate kisses. Ring finger - success in marriage, business and friendship. Little finger - relationships with people around you that may have an impact on your position in society.

Why dream of cutting your finger? Blood from a finger in a dream

Blood means family ties, kinship. Cutting a finger means a quick quarrel with loved ones. It can also mean trouble in the service, but in this case, the family will become a support and support. Blood from a finger in a dream broadcasts a meeting with distant relatives, not always they can come, having warned in advance.

Dream Interpretation - broken, cut off, severed finger

A broken finger bone means irreversible trouble in business. You can not try to change the situation, the result will still be negative. A cut off or severed finger is a loss of trust in a loved one, his illness or even death. Depending on which finger is severed, it could be a close relative or friend.

Many fingers in a dream

If additional fingers are found in a dream, this promises success in business. So, you are on the right path and, perhaps, higher people will help you. If in a dream you are not satisfied with so many fingers and you decide to get rid of them, this suggests that, rejoicing, on the one hand, for help from the strongest, you subconsciously want to finish the job on your own.

Why else is the finger dreaming? Various variations of dreams

  • A splinter in a finger in a dream warns of possible obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • If you were shown an indecent finger gesture in a dream, expect a refusal in your request.
  • Dreaming about how you do a manicure to a stranger, this means that you miss your relatives who are away from you.
  • A needle stuck in a finger means a warning and imminent failure in the professional field.

Any dream is the result of a person's imagination, experiences and aspirations. Dreams can be interpreted depending on the situation or the feelings experienced. What a person thinks about, he will probably dream about it soon, therefore, when figuring out the meaning of a dream, you need to study several interpretations.

A dream in which you happened to see fingers or toes is interpreted taking into account many details. Such a vision is considered to be associated with many things: loved ones, enemies, family, business relationships. Therefore, it is important to remember what the fingers were like in night dreams, what you did with them, whether they were healthy or covered with wounds. The meaning also changes if they were decorated with different rings.

  • Dream Interpretation, thumb, interprets as an emotional orientation of future events: if it is raised up, then expect negative phenomena; if down, then this is a positive change.
  • on the thumb - grandiose changes in fate.
  • Forefinger. The dream interpretation is interpreted as a warning against careless actions, otherwise the victory will go to the enemies.
  • “Hand: fingers, middle”, the dream book interprets as a sign of authority and respect for others.
  • The ring on the middle finger, the dream book interprets as a sudden improvement in affairs. Projects that have been in a lull will suddenly start to develop.
  • The dream interpretation of “breaking the middle finger” is interpreted as a decline in the field of finance. There are bad times for money relations, refrain from unreasonable spending.
  • Dream: ring finger right hand predicts conflicts in family relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring finger on a hand with a ring, interprets it as a sign of discord in family relationships. For the lonely, vision seems to be a chance to arrange their family happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation, extra fingers, promises a sudden acquisition of a large amount of money that you do not have to earn.
  • Why dream of 6 fingers on a hand? Easy implementation of plans. Everything that you begin to take on will be fulfilled quickly and naturally.
  • Signet on the finger - the dream book is interpreted for girls as the likelihood of meeting with their future husband.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of rings on the fingers - for married ladies they predict the appearance of a mysterious unfamiliar admirer who will remain incognito for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wedding ring on a man’s finger - a dream tells about him as a reliable person, but inaccessible, since his heart is already taken.
  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's fingers with rings - you will be able to start a business that will bring excellent income in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: put on a wedding ring on your finger - you are ready for a marital relationship, and your partner shares your desire.
  • Dream Interpretation: remove the ring from your finger - talks about the desire to renounce your vows.
  • Why dream of a big ring on your finger? The dream tells that your heart is in search of love, despite the fact that there is a loved one nearby.
  • Dream Interpretation: a golden engagement ring on the finger - there will be an existence in abundance and bliss. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a golden ring with a stone on the finger tells about good organizational skills and the talent of persuasion.
  • Dream Interpretation: a silver ring on the ring finger - they will unexpectedly come to your aid in a difficult matter; the beginning of an exciting romance that will give delightful emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a black stone on a finger - a vision is a symbol of protection that only a few can see, but many can feel. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a black ring on the finger - negative emotions, longing and sadness for past events that are very difficult to forget.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a red stone on the finger - predicts a sensual connection, marked by strong passion.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a ruby ​​on a finger predicts a whirlwind of strong emotions that a strong but short-term connection will give.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a green stone on the finger - marks you as a creative person who needs to develop further in the chosen direction.
  • Dream: a diamond ring on your finger - a vision promises fame and recognition, if the jewelry is on your hands, or it is presented as a gift. (cm. )
  • from the finger of the hand - talks about the need to leave their native lands.
  • Sleep: take blood from a finger - predicts upset feelings of relatives because of your person.
  • Sleep: toes "blood" - a dream promises the arrival of adversity and sorrow.
  • from a finger indicates the development of a complex disease, and recommends visiting a specialist to prevent complications.
  • Dream Interpretation: tore off a finger - irreparable losses in reality.
  • Why dream of a finger cut? Feelings that plans will have to be postponed for indefinite term. At present, their implementation will inevitably lead to collapse.
  • Dream Interpretation: prick your finger - the implementation of your plans is impossible; collapse of hopes, monetary loss.
  • bitten by the finger of the hand - an insidious and dangerous enemy is plotting an obstacle to your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dog bites a finger - a person whom you have helped for a long time will decide on betrayal and deceit.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rat bit his finger to blood - a difficult emotional period of blues and melancholy. If you let go of the situation, then getting out of it will become much more difficult.
  • A spider bite in a dream in the ring finger is an insidious machinations of ill-wishers aimed at destroying the family union. (media )
  • Why dream of a splinter in the finger? Minor obstacles on the way, which still need to be eliminated, otherwise the plan will be in jeopardy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Freud's dream book

  • Sleep: the finger is a symbol of the male genital organ.
  • Dream Interpretation: cut a finger - for men, it is a sign of doubt about their male viability.
  • Dream Interpretation: a finger cut - a woman warns of the likelihood of violence.
  • Dream Interpretation: the ring on the finger represents the female reproductive organs.
  • Dream Interpretation: putting a ring on your finger is the personification of sexual intercourse.
  • Dream Interpretation: a golden ring on a finger, presented by a representative of the opposite sex, tells that he dreams of entering into a long intimate relationship with you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Dream Interpretation: the thumb, like the index finger, is a symbol of your willpower.
  • Dream Interpretation: the big toe represents business connections, and the personalities on which your career depends.
  • Seeing well-groomed and beautiful fingers in a dream is interpreted as your desire to achieve what you want by any goal.
  • Dream Interpretation: broken fingers - warn of the possibility of developing a big conflict with others due to your inability to build relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: cut off thumb - tells that your strength is leaving you, you lack the determination to bring what you want to a victorious end.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring on your finger tells you that you are bound by promises with certain personalities.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring on the ring finger tells that your friend needs your help, take care, and do not refuse the request.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a ring on the middle finger - you will have a married life with a devoted and sincere partner.
  • The ring on the index finger, the dream book interprets in the same way as on the big one - you made a vow that you intend to follow in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wedding ring on your finger, which causes a feeling of interference, is interpreted as events that cause you inconvenience in reality; you want to get rid of them.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams of “splinters in the fingers” means that you provided yourself with your own unpleasant character traits to participate in the conflict.

Jewish dream book

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a severed finger for women becomes a warning that trouble awaits her child.
  • Dream Interpretation: “without fingers” for men predicts a loss of position among colleagues.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing fingers randomly - tells that everything is going the right way, and you have no reason to worry.
  • Dream Interpretation: bite off a finger - you will be forced to keep a secret. This will be a difficult test for you, but you will endure it and receive a well-deserved gratitude.
  • Dream Interpretation: blood from a finger is work for the good of the family, get gratitude from relatives for your actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: they take blood from a finger - the sudden acquisition of a relative about which you did not know anything.
  • Sleep: give blood from a finger of a hand for analysis - predicts a difficult relationship with relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: the index finger of the right hand is the cause of troubles in yourself.
  • Thumb - a dream predicts the protection of influential personalities; nebulous events in which you happen to take part.
  • Seeing a wounded thumb in a dream - unreasonable conclusion of business contracts will bring waste; allies in business matters will turn out to be unpleasant personalities who do not inspire confidence.
  • Sleep: the thumb is missing - you have to find out the difficulties, lack of money and deprivation.
  • Dream Interpretation: cut your finger to blood - despair and difficult times lie ahead.
  • Dream Interpretation: severed fingers - prophesy the loss of an inheritance or a large amount of money as a result of the intrigues of enemies.
  • A signet on a finger in a dream - a pregnant woman predicts the birth of a child with excellent health.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring on the ring finger of the right hand predicts a strong marriage, marked by true love and sincerity.
  • Dream Interpretation: two rings on the finger mark the beginning of a positive stage in the life path, your projects will start successfully and will bring income and prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: a guy puts a ring on his finger - prosperous marriage giving joy and strong kids.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring on a man’s finger tells about your unconscious avoidance of the opposite sex.
  • Dream Interpretation: golden rings on the fingers, interpreted as an increase in income, strengthening the position among others.
  • Dream: a gold ring on a larger ring finger tells about the loneliness of your heart, despite the presence of a partner nearby.
  • Dream Interpretation: a silver ring on a finger predicts gaining power over a partner, which does not require sacrifice and is dictated by love. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a diamond ring on your finger predicts easy communication, during which there is a chance to get to know the person you are interested in better.
  • A lot of rings on the fingers in a dream - for girls, the vision tells of the need to stop looking and take a closer look at who is nearby.
  • Dream Interpretation: bite your finger - a vision tells about your desire to gain power over another person, which will lead to sad events for both sides.
  • Dream Interpretation: biting fingers - a vision in which they bite you warns of a situation that enslaves your will. You are in danger of being enslaved by another.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rat has bitten a finger - heavy negative emotions will cover you; the blues and melancholy will be so strong that you will have to expend a lot of effort to free yourself from these oppressive emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dog has bitten a finger - the person you are trying to help will turn out to be ungrateful and will plot something unkind against you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider has bitten a finger - an extremely insidious person who does not differ in principles and decency will strike at your affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake bit your finger - an unexpected negative event that will greatly shock you and deprive you of peace of mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mouse bitten by a finger is an inconspicuous and not prominent enemy that can cause damage to reputation by spreading malicious slander and rumors.
  • Pus from a finger - a dream book warns against nervous disorders, this can turn into a serious illness or a nervous breakdown.
  • from a finger - warns against falling into an absurd situation that will pretty badly spoil your mood.
  • Dream Interpretation: a splinter in the finger tells about the feeling of unprecedented confusion that has gripped you. You rush about in search of a safe way out of the situation, but you can’t make the right decision.
  • too long on the big toe - a reminder that sinful actions should be avoided.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon
Dream Interpretation: to see a wedding ring on a finger predicts a marriage ceremony.
Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

  • Dream Interpretation: the fingers on the hands are different - they are interpreted depending on the details, and the environment to which the dreamer belongs.
  • Dream Interpretation: ring finger - is a sign of an imminent wedding celebration, or finding a reliable ally.
  • Dream Interpretation: middle finger - indicates the presence of negative emotions, feelings of anger.
  • The thumbs and big toes are interpreted by the dream book as a positive symbol of order and tranquility.
  • Seeing an index finger in a dream is an accusatory emotion against others or oneself.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring on the finger of the left hand - tells about harmonious relationships, and the ability for eternal and deep love.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi

  • Dream Interpretation: a man without fingers on his hand, right - predicts the loss of one of his loved ones.
  • Why dream: fingers folded into a fist? The obstacles that constantly arise in your life path will not allow you to finally clarify the current situation in the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: the ring finger of the right hand is missing - monetary losses are inevitable; an unfavorable stage in monetary relations, when it is recommended to exclude serious acquisitions and investments.
  • Dream Interpretation: toes are seen in a calm and favorable life situation.
  • A dream about injured toes portends the emergence of difficulties that will be associated with your property.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting fingers - warns of an early separation from relatives; long stay away from family and loved ones.

Gypsy dream book
Dream Interpretation: a hand without fingers predicts the death of one of your relatives or friends.
Dream Interpretation: six fingers - promise interesting business acquaintances with the right people who will help in the implementation of new projects and plans.
Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation of Karatov

  • Dream Interpretation: to see burnt fingers - someone from your environment is jealous of you.
  • Severed toe - the dream book interprets how imminent death some of your friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: fingers on the hands are superfluous - they prophesy new ones profitable connections which will give you a good position in society.
  • on the finger prophesies parting with a companion or litigation.
  • Dream Interpretation: put a ring on your finger - warns of the appearance of patrons.

Dream Interpretation Melnikov

  • Dream Interpretation "online" fingers forming a figure predict a sudden failure.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see fingers folded into a fist - you have to defend your opinion; participation in strife and confrontations.
  • Seeing a cut finger in a dream - you will need your help in resolving a difficult issue.
  • Sleep: six fingers - predicts cash injections.
  • Dream Interpretation: blood from a finger for analysis - the acquisition of a new member of the family.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • The interpretation of dreams "fingers" personifies loved ones, helpers, relatives.
  • Dream: the index finger calls to pay attention to an event that requires your close attention.
  • Dream Interpretation: put a gold ring on your finger - you will be subjected to sinful thoughts and temptations.
  • Dream Interpretation: six fingers on the hand - get sudden money as a gift.
  • Dream Interpretation: injure a finger - farewell to the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cat has bitten a finger - a sudden illness will strike.

Women's dream book

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
Dream Interpretation: 6 fingers is interpreted as receiving a substantial amount of money.
Dream Interpretation: pinch your fingers - you have to go through difficult times filled with trials and hardships.
Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff
Dream Interpretation: the finger fell off - is interpreted as a defeat by the illness of one of the relatives.
Dream Interpretation: an extra finger or toe - tells about the thirst for money, the desire to possess wealth.
Autumn dream book

  • Dream: pointing a finger - in reality, it threatens to get into an extremely awkward situation in which you will have to experience a sense of shame and embarrassment.
  • Dream: a ring on the ring finger of the left hand - you have to go through the dissolution of the marriage.
  • Seeing a big toe or hand in a dream is a good deal.
  • Dream Interpretation: many fingers or toes - unexpected events will cause positive feelings.

Spring dream book
Sleep: bend your toes or hands - a negative life streak will follow, which will be difficult to survive.
In a dream, fingers are more than normal? Fate sends you the opportunity to change for the better and get happiness.
Summer dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a wedding ring on the finger of the right hand is a love affair with a married man.
  • The ring on the ring finger in a dream is an imminent engagement.
  • An extra finger in a dream tells about the opportunity to get happiness and peace.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book "a ring on a finger" is interpreted as protection against the betrayal of his lover.
  • Dream Interpretation: the ring broke on the finger - you will be haunted by evil fate, you will have to endure many sorrows and hardships on the way to peace.
  • Dream Interpretation: rings on other people's fingers predict an increase in income; new useful acquaintances will be made that will help in arranging your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing a finger - a vision predicts a deterioration in financial condition.

Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation Longo

  • Pointing a finger in a dream - if you see the index finger, then you need to be careful, otherwise you risk incurring the wrath of others.
  • Breaking fingers in a dream - the plan fails, no matter how hard you try. Spending the last of your strength, you do not see the return. Take a break and outline a plan of action so as not to be sprayed in vain.
  • Dream: tore off a finger - others will not be able to turn a blind eye to your behavior for a long time, and you will lose their support. Learn to restrain your impulses if you want to be treated politely.
  • Burn your fingers in a dream - you will have to get out of an unpleasant situation on your own, you should not count on the help of loved ones.
  • Hair on the fingers in a dream is an unexpected benefit, receiving money as a gift or by will.

Family dream book

Medieval dream book of Daniel

  • Sleep: the finger came off - hardships and worries await you on the path of life, you will lose something valuable to yourself.
  • Sleep: rings on the fingers - cash receipts.
  • 6 fingers - a dream predicts a strengthening of the position, and an increase in wealth.

Noble dream book Grishina

Generalized dream book

  • Why is the thumb dreaming? The appearance of a person endowed with extensive powers.
  • Why is your thumb dreaming? You will be able to take matters into your own hands and prove to others that you can achieve everything.
  • Why do big toes dream? Your patron will be either a very close relative or leader.
  • Why is the index finger dreaming? The dream talks about the need to concretize own desires, determine the direction and means. By which it will be achieved.
  • The middle finger in a dream tells about the need to work in a team in order to achieve the best results.
  • Why dream of the ring finger of the right hand - your loved ones love you and are ready to support and take care in any life situation.
  • What is the dream of the ring finger of the left hand? Ready for a serious relationship.
  • Lose fingers in a dream - for girls, a vision is a warning against the trouble that threatens her children.
  • Cut off a toe - a dream warns men about the loss of a good attitude from employees.
  • Cut off a finger in a dream by accident - everything is moving properly, you should not worry.
  • Dream: cut off a finger for a victim - wait for good news.
  • They cut off the index finger in a dream - the source of your troubles is your own person.
  • Why dream of a severed finger? Trouble, as a result of which you will have to suffer heavy losses.
  • Why do severed fingers dream? Some members of your formed team will leave it.
  • A finger broke in a dream - severe depressive thoughts that will be very difficult to get rid of.
  • Sleep: blood from a finger is a negative life stage, marked by obstacles in business, and troubles in personal relationships.
  • Seeing someone else's fingers in a dream - a vision is interpreted for close relatives.
  • Dream: 6 fingers on the hand - is interpreted depending on the emotions that you experienced: annoyance and anger tell about vain intentions to help; routine and familiarity tell that everything will go as planned.
  • Sleep: fingerprints serve as a reminder that all bad deeds are followed by inevitable retribution.
  • Sleep: a splinter in the finger is an obstacle in the fulfillment of the intended goal, which will be difficult to eliminate or bypass.
  • Sleep: pull a splinter out of your finger - you will be able to find workarounds in solving a difficult problem.
  • Prick your finger with a needle in a dream - you will have to consciously create barriers to competitors.
  • Dream: a dog bites a finger - deceit will come from the person from whom you least expected it.
  • Dream: a rat bites a finger - a major disaster lies in wait for one of your friends, come to his aid when he finds himself in a difficult situation.
  • In a dream, a fish bitten by a finger - you have to worry about close friends and relatives.
  • Why dream of a snake bite on the finger? The blow will fall on the closest people, causing you grief and suffering.
  • What is the dream of the ring on the finger? Such visions predict the conclusion of a family union, a meeting with a chosen one.
  • Why dream of a wedding ring on your finger? The decoration represents the union of two loving hearts, and contains everything positive.
  • Why dream of a golden ring on your finger? A dream prophesies a strong and happy relationship between two people for a long time.
  • Why dream of a silver ring on your finger? Prosperous period for making new acquaintances. Interesting meetings that will give a lot of wonderful impressions and contribute to the acquisition of faithful comrades.
  • Why dream of a ring on your finger? You have to meet a person who is meant for you.
  • Why dream of a ring on an unmarried finger? A vision warns single girls not to miss their chance to meet an ideal companion. For loving couples, it promises a new stage in the relationship: a marriage proposal.
  • Why dream of a ring on her husband's finger? The vision tells about his sincerity in showing emotions to you.
  • What is the dream of the ring on the ring finger? For free people, the vision tells about the imminent upcoming choice of a companion. For married people - a reminder of this vow, which must be fulfilled.
  • What is the dream of the ring on the index finger? The dream tells that you have problems in your relationship: it is difficult for you to trust each other, everyone is trying to dominate the pair.
  • What is the dream of the ring on the middle finger? The vision represents your partner's devotion.
  • Why dream of putting a ring on your finger? Your dreams will be given a chance to come true.
  • Why dream of removing rings from fingers? You will experience bitter feelings from saying goodbye to your partner and realizing that you will no longer be together.
  • Why dream of a ring on a guy's finger? An outsider will help you cope with a difficult situation.
  • Why do you dream of rings on your fingers, a lot? You have chosen a reliable partner, you do not need to spray yourself on others, losing what you have.
  • Why dream of a ring on a man's finger? There is a romantic adventure with a non-free personality.
  • Why dream of a broken ring on your finger? Your impulsiveness in disputes, and the inability to admit your mistakes will lead to separation from the chosen one. With wisdom and patience, you will be able to save your relationship.
  • Why dream of a cracked ring on your finger? Discord in the family, scandals and omissions.
  • Why dream of a falling ring from a finger? The dream warns that your chosen one will betray you by committing treason and thereby destroying your relationship.
  • Why dream of a black ring on your finger? Mourning events that will fill your home with grief and sadness.
  • Why dream of trying on a ring on a finger? In reality, you have to make a choice that will affect your entire life path.
  • Why dream of finding rings on your finger? You are ready to meet and find a suitable candidate for further married life.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream of a ring on your finger? A vicious circle of events that cause unpleasant emotions.
  • Why dream of a golden ring on your finger? It tells about the heartfelt attachment that connects you with a certain person.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a ring on the finger of a dear person? You agree to fulfill the promises made to her.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “a wedding ring on a finger” sounds like a promise of a harmonious marriage.
  • Dream: put a ring with a stone on your finger - you can trust the vows of the giver, his intentions are direct and sincere.

Dream Interpretation of Simeon Kananit

  • To dream of “putting a ring on your finger” - minor minor events will give you a few minutes of joy.
  • Dream: a wedding ring on a man’s finger is a quick marriage.
  • Dream: a golden ring with a stone on the finger - predicts harmonious relationships in everyday life.
  • Why dream of severed fingers? To the loss of something important.
  • Cutting your finger in a dream is a respectful emotion towards you from those around you.

New dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Emperor

  • Seeing your hands and fingers in a dream - wait for a situation in which you will be overcome by a feeling of helplessness and unreality of what is happening.
  • A finger cut, a dream is interpreted as honor and respect from the environment.
  • Why dream of a severed finger? Vision predicts financial losses.
  • Sleep: prick your finger - difficulties in the work process.
  • Sleep: an extra toe - you will find a profitable relationship.
  • Sleep: many toes - significant cash receipts.
  • Putting a wedding ring on your finger in a dream - be careful in pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Eastern female dream book

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya
In a dream, they put a ring on the ring finger - for girls, a vision predicts sincere love from a partner; strong family for many years.
Seeing a ring on the ring finger in a dream - for married people, it promises harmony and mutual understanding in the family.
Collection of dream books

  • What are the fingers on the hands for? Your feelings will be reciprocated. A romantic adventure will give a lot of pleasant emotions.
  • Why do you dream of many fingers? Improving your financial situation - get an increase in salary, which will be enough to get a long-desired thing.
  • What are the extra fingers for? Acquisition of funds without effort - receive them as a gift or as a result of a will or winnings.
  • Why is the middle finger dreaming? Warning about negative emotions which you will experience soon. Possible problems in the sexual area.
  • Hand, fingers - the nameless one dreams of success in the field of creativity. Your studies will allow you to achieve mass recognition, which will ensure your continued existence.
  • Dream: six fingers on the hand tells about the feeling of embarrassment or awkwardness that you experience in a new relationship.
  • Fingers grew in a dream - a vision predicts women the onset of a desired pregnancy. Beautiful fingers are the promise of a healthy and beautiful baby.
  • Seeing a lot of rings on your fingers in a dream - you will have a secret admirer who will hide his identity for a long time. Dream interpreters do not advise reciprocating such a person, and interrupt communication.
  • Dream: three rings on her fingers - for a girl it will be a sign that she will soon receive a marriage proposal.
  • Help interpret the dream “fingers, wounds” - your social status will increase as a result of a noble deed that you happen to accomplish.
  • Why dream of cutting a stranger's finger? Difficulties in the workflow as a result of improper fulfillment of requirements. Your inattention can worsen your career.
  • Why dream of a wound on a finger that hurts - predicts separation from loved ones, which will benefit.
  • Why dream of a finger cut with blood? The dream advises you to mind your own business, and not to impose a personal vision of the situation on everyone around. Your problems stem from your unwillingness to focus only on your studies.
  • Why dream of cutting a finger consciously? Your inability to cope with surging emotions will bring serious health problems. It is recommended to contact a specialist who will help you understand your feelings and find the right way out of this situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams of “splinters in the fingers” - a girl’s dream warns of the appearance of an obsessive person who will annoy her with her courtship.
  • Prick a finger in a dream - a dream tells about health problems, you need to monitor your body in order to avoid the development of serious diseases.
  • Sleep: needles in your fingers tell you that you are tired of problems and want peace and quiet. At present, you are close to a nervous breakdown and dream of loneliness.
  • Why dream of a rat biting a finger? Trust your inner voice if it tells you that a close friend is helping your competitors. It is better to be cautious in advance than to reap the bitter fruits of your carelessness later.
  • Why dream of squeezing pus out of your finger? Negative changes are taking place in your mind. An upset caused by a nervous shock requires the intervention of a specialist.
  • Why dream of biting off a finger? You have to keep someone else's secret. Storage will be hard for you, but gratitude for this will fully pay for your suffering.
  • Why dream of cutting off your index finger? Your unwillingness to put up with the feelings of other people, and a rude manner of expression will alienate even the closest and most loving people.
  • Why dream of cut off fingers from an outsider? Others will consider it their duty to tell you how to act and act correctly.
  • A dream about a hand without fingers is interpreted for married ladies as a harbinger of a major conflict with a spouse, which will lead to a final break.
  • A broken thumb on a hand in a dream predicts a long time away from a lover.
  • Seeing a broken index finger in a dream - a loved one has too much influence on you and your opinion. He directs your actions and actions, hiding behind the concern for you.
  • Breaking a toe in a dream indicates serious health complications in one of your close relatives. Pay attention to their state of health.
  • Seeing a ring on your finger in a dream - you have to have fun and joyfully spend the evening with your comrades.
  • Dream: a ring on the ring finger of the right hand portends an imminent marriage.
  • Dream: a ring on the ring finger of the left hand predicts quarrels in the family. Grief will happen to one of the couple.
  • Dream: a ring on a man’s finger predicts a fleeting, easy relationship with a married man.
  • Dream: a wedding ring on a woman's finger - portends a mutual passion between partners. A comfortable and joyful existence is ahead, unburdened by quarrels and squabbles.
  • To see a wedding ring on a finger in a dream - a girl's dream predicts a marriage proposal or the opportunity to meet her lover.
  • Dream: the ring on the index finger tells about the problems that exist in your relationship with your partner. There is no understanding between you, and you do not feel the needs of others.
  • Dream: a silver ring on a finger - tells about favorable moments for meeting interesting people. Spend as much time as possible in communication, it will be useful to you in the future.
  • Wearing a ring on a man's finger in a dream - you are lucky in the implementation of your plans. Everything will turn out exactly as you envisioned.
  • Dream: a guy puts a ring on his finger - he decided on the choice of a companion for his future life path.
  • In a dream, putting a ring on the ring finger for women predicts the likelihood of conceiving a child.
  • Dream: the ring fell from your finger - you will face the betrayal of a loved one after learning about a romantic adventure.

Dream Interpretation Hasse
Dreaming: cut off your toes - big waste awaits you.
Why dream of broken fingers? honors from those around you.
Universal dream book

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream finger - seen beautiful and white limbs predict a happy period on the path of life.
  • In a dream, to see extra fingers in oneself - getting money in an easy, easy way.
  • Seeing hands without fingers in a dream is adversity and difficulties that will cause many problems.
  • Seeing a cut finger in a dream - you will refuse a friend in a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation E.R. Romanova

Two rings on the finger in a dream are seen for an imminent wedding.

The dream in which you saw fingers cannot be considered frankly bad, or only positive. It has many meanings, and portends different things: from unexpected wealth to serious illness. It is important to understand the sign that the future gives and try to act according to the current situation.

Modern dream book

Why do fingers dream:

If you accidentally lose your finger, your actions are very reasonable and there is no cause for concern.

If in a dream you saw your index finger - look for the cause of your troubles and troubles in yourself.
Pointing your finger means that very soon you will regret what you have done and will be annoyed by what you have done.
Indicate to someone - to realize your guilt.
If you dream of dirty or scratched bleeding fingers, the dream promises trouble and suffering. On the path of life, you will often despair.
Seeing beautiful hands with white fingers in a dream means that your love will be mutual and your generosity will glorify you.
The dream in which your fingers were cut off predicts that enemies will deprive you of wealth and inheritance.
Seeing a thumb in a dream is a sign that smart people will patronize you, and your future will be uncertain.
If you dreamed that you had a wound on your thumb, you would suffer losses in commercial affairs, and your companions would turn out to be unpleasant people.
If you see that your finger is missing on your hand, this dream foreshadows a woman's misfortune that can happen to her child; men - this predicts a loss of respect from friends or colleagues.
The absence of a thumb - predicts need, deprivation and loneliness.
If you find that one of the fingers stands out for its size among the others, this portends a situation in which you have not yet had to find yourself.
If the thumb seems unnaturally small, your pleasures will be fleeting and short-lived.
If it is abnormally large, a great stunning success awaits you.
Dirty thumb - dreams to satisfy your passions.
Too big a nail on the thumb - predicts that in pursuit of strange pleasures you will get into trouble. If you accidentally lose your finger, then your actions are very reasonable and there is no cause for concern.
If in a dream you donated a finger, you will receive good news or a gift.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing fingers in a dream means:

Scratching a finger in a dream - to profit, to see a severed with blood - to the loss of a relative, to cut off a finger - to the trouble that you can cause a friend, burn him - means to enter into a second marriage, to be completely without fingers - a sign that you risk losing children.
If you examine your fingers in a dream, it means that you will soon count money.
An ache in the finger means the danger that your old dishonest deeds will come up.
Break the little finger - to a quarrel.
Your lack of a finger is a sign that a vague consciousness of your own guilt and fear of retribution will come to you.
An extra finger - dreams of an inheritance.
Showing, poking a finger in a dream is a sign that big changes await you in life.

Imperial dream book

A dream with fingers in a dream book is interpreted as:

To look closely at a finger in a dream - to try to see fate, to predetermine the future (path). Sleep is favorable or unfavorable, depending on the awareness of sleep and the dreamer's actions in reality: the initial impetus for movement in a dream has been given, it remains to apply your mind, talent and strength.
Seeing someone else's crippled finger is a state of imbalance and illness. The internal pathology of the organ gives rise to an inadequacy of the perception of the external world, since the whole organism begins to live in a rhythm that is sparing for the sick place, both movement and perception. This can result in damage in business and physical injuries, when in an extreme situation it will be necessary to realize all the abilities of perception, and some of the abilities have already been lost - a loss is inevitable.
In addition, injured fingers in a dream can warn of possible physical injury not only to internal organs, but also to external parts of the body. Dependence such: a thumb - a head; index - left hand; middle - left leg; nameless - right leg; little finger - right hand.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Sleeping with fingers means:

Seeing one finger means that they will tell you how to live.
Ring finger with a wedding ring - to an affair with a married man.
Snap your fingers - to triumph over enemies, to victory over an ill-wisher.
Bend your fingers - to a series of troubles.

Miller's dream book

Meaning of sleep fingers:

When you dream of a thumb on your hand, there is a danger that you will become a victim of dodgers and dubious luck.
If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, it means that you will fail in business.
The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness.
If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, a fleeting joy awaits you.
An unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.
If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience pleasure, giving free rein to your passions.
A too long thumbnail indicates that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you into sin.
Seeing fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to sorrows.
If you dream of beautiful white hands with well-groomed fingers, then in reality your sincere feeling will be appreciated. Your kindness and generosity will make you famous.
If you dream that there are no fingers on your hands, this dream promises great material losses.

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if fingers dream:

Miller's dream book

What fingers can dream of:

Slavic dream book

Fingers in a dream mean:

Very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger is a big change; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost - litigation; scratching a finger - profit; burn - enter into a second marriage; hand without fingers - lose children.

Love dream book

If fingers dream, then this means:

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Ukrainian dream book

Fingers in a dream Small dream book

A dream in which you see dirty or scratched fingers, then a dream means that trouble and suffering await you. You cannot escape disappointment and despair. Seeing beautiful hands with white fingers in a dream means that your love will be mutual and your generosity will justify itself. If in a dream your fingers were cut off, then beware of the machinations of enemies who are trying to deprive you of wealth and inheritance. If you see that your finger is missing on your hand, then for a woman this dream portends a misfortune that can happen to her child, and for a man this predicts a loss of respect from friends or colleagues. The absence of a thumb predicts need, deprivation and loneliness. Seeing a thumb in a dream means the patronage of some influential people, but your position will be uncertain for a long time to come. If the thumb is injured, then be careful in business. A dream in which you are surprised to find that one of the fingers is much larger than the others means that fate has prepared for you a situation in which you have not yet had to find yourself. If the thumb seems unnaturally small, then your pleasures will be fleeting and short-lived. If it is unnaturally large, then a great stunning success awaits you. A dirty thumb dreams of satisfying your passions. Too big a thumbnail predicts that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you will get into trouble.

Fingers in a dream The latest dream book

Fingers in a dream ABCs of dream interpretation

Fingers in a dream - indicate the relationship of the situation to practical activities, solving everyday problems.
See fingers - many small things will arise.
Burn your fingers, injure - a warning against interfering in other people's affairs.
Cut off fingers - loss of friends, relatives or damage.

Fingers in a dream Family dream book

Seeing your thumb in a dream - take a closer look at your surroundings: no matter how you have to become a victim of dodgers and swindlers!
Feeling pain in the thumb - portends failure in business.
The absence of a thumb - promises need and loneliness.
If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, a fleeting joy awaits you.
And an unnatural thumb means that your success will be swift and brilliant.
If you see your thumb dirty - give free rein to passions, and you will experience pleasure.
A too long thumbnail is a warning: do not sin!
Dirty and scratched fingers - dream of trouble.
And beautiful, well-groomed hands - to mutual love and success.

Fingers in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

Examine in a dream a finger with a beautiful ring - for engagement.
Ring finger with a wedding ring - this dream for the wedding.
Snap your fingers in a dream - to attract attention.
Seeing in a dream how a child, trying to learn how to count, bends his fingers, means that you will have to count the number of successful days this year on your fingers.

Fingers in a dream Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how a finger is pointed at you is to experience moments of shame in reality.
Ring finger with a wedding ring - to the dissolution of marriage.
Snap your fingers - to subjugate the weak.
Bend your fingers in a dream and feel how they hurt - to arthritis.

Fingers in a dream Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing the fingers on your hands dirty and scratched - to bitterness and disappointment.
If your hands are beautiful, white, with well-groomed fingers in a dream, the sincerity of your feelings will be appreciated. Your benevolence and generosity will earn you respect.
If you dream that you have no fingers on your hands, this means great material losses. If in a dream you focus on your thumb, there is a danger of becoming a victim of dodgers and scammers.
If in a dream you experience pain in your thumb, you will fail in business. The absence of a thumb means need and loneliness.
If in a dream your thumb seems unnaturally small to you, fleeting joys await you.
Too thumb - means that your success will be swift and brilliant.
If you see that your thumb is dirty, you will experience great pleasure, giving free rein to your passions.
Too long thumbnail - says that the pursuit of dubious pleasures will lead you to sin.

Fingers in a dream Dream Interpretation Grishina

To consider fingers in blood - to count money.
Scratching your fingers is a danger that old things will come up.
Pointing a finger - to show cringing.
Burn your finger - get married.
An ache in the finger is a danger that old things will come up.
It is obsessive to see fingers in a dream - to internally feel that you missed some important trifle.
To prick a finger is a disease.
Break the little finger - a quarrel.
A finger that has fallen off, broken off, missing from you is a vague, unclear consciousness of your own guilt and fear of retribution.

Fingers in a dream Gypsy dream book

Fingers in a dream Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Different fingers - have different meaning. This especially depends on the cultural environment where you are, as different cultures have assigned different meanings to different fingers.
In Western cultures, the ring finger often symbolizes marriage and partnership.
Middle finger - marks anger, and can also be perceived as a phallic symbol.
Thumb - says that everything is in order.
Index finger - can express accusation. Do you blame others, point the finger at you with condemnation?
Thumb - means: "Go ahead." The thumb down says, "Forget it."

Fingers in a dream American dream book

Fingers in a dream Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing fingers clean and healthy - success in business, dirty or sick - unsuccessful business.
Lack of fingers on the hand - material problems.
To see that the thumb on the hand is increasing in size is a quick rapid ascent through the ranks.

Fingers in a dream Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Fingers in general - helpers, children, loved ones, loved ones.
Beautiful - good luck in love.
Pointing - serious attention should be paid to something.
In rings and rings - demonic temptation, seduction by something or some kind of secret knowledge.
Extra - acquisition, inheritance.
Lacks fingers on the hand, cut off - losses, failures; separation from spouse, children or death of one of them.
Consider, itch - for money.

Fingers in a dream Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

To see in a dream an index finger pointing in your direction means that in reality you will become a scapegoat. For ten days, do not share secrets with anyone and try not to get involved in adventures, otherwise, in the end, all sins and sins will be blamed on you and you will be made guilty before your superiors.
If you are pointing your finger at someone in a dream - on the first day of the next month you will unfairly accuse a person devoted to you and thereby undermine your reputation as a thoughtful and sober person. This is especially unpleasant for businessmen, for whom death is like a stain on their reputation.
If in a dream you raise your thumb up as a sign of approval, in reality you will have to part with your loved one. If in a dream you do not feel sadness, then the separation will be temporary, most likely, it will not last longer than a month, but if you are worried, then you are in danger of parting forever.
If someone else raises your thumb up, and you look at it, then expect guests to your house soon - one of them will bring you a joyful message or make a gift that will make you change all your plans and go for a month to another city or country.
In a dream, to see two fingers raised up as a sign of victory with the Latin letter v means that you need to wait and take no action, during this time you will receive new information that will radically change your plans and direct your thoughts in a different direction.

Fingers in a dream Idiomatic dream book

“Do not hit a finger on a finger” - inaction, idleness; “to know something like the back of your hand” is very good; “look through your fingers” - connivance, do not pay attention; "circle around your finger" - deceive; “to press to the nail” - ruthlessly punish, force; “Suck it out of your finger” - invent, greatly exaggerate; "beckon with a finger" - to attract, to call; "Catch the finger" - a special sensitivity, but not so significant.

If in a dream you scratch your fingers - this is a sign of profit, cut your nails on them - to trouble, do a manicure - you will experience loneliness away from home.

Seeing a cut off or severed finger - to the loss of a relative, ugly twisted - friends will turn away from you, broken - to danger from rogues.

If in a dream your wounded finger hurts, this is a failure in business.

Losing a finger in a dream is a harbinger of need and suffering. Seeing more than five fingers on the hand - to new connections, profits and inheritance.

Burn your fingers - lose the opportunity to have children.

Putting a ring or ring on your finger - to enter into a second marriage or cohabitation with a widower.

A thimble on your finger means serious trouble that cannot be avoided.

To see thin artistic fingers plucking the strings of a guitar or fluttering on the piano keys - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will lead you to sin.

Thick, like sausages, fingers - you will encounter a misunderstanding of the interlocutor, to whom elementary things do not reach.
Little children's fingers seen in a dream - fleeting joy awaits you.

Dirty or dirty fingers portend gossip and gossip around your love affairs.

Scratched, knocked down or callused fingers signify the onset of sad events and the forced abandonment of the original plans. Sleek fingers - to luxury and wealth.

If you dreamed of too long manicured nails on thin long fingers, then in reality you will experience a strong love passion. Seeing crooked fingers with claws instead of nails is a loss of money.

Fingers in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

The thumb and forefinger in a dream: symbolize your willpower, the rest of your toes: mean business partners, as well as everyone on whom your well-being and position in society depend.

Beautiful, well-groomed fingers: a sign that you are stubbornly achieving your goal and you are provided with the support of friends.

Dream of wounded or broken fingers: most often a signal of possible failure. Most likely, you are building your relationships with others too rigidly, and this can become a source of trouble and conflict.

The absence of a thumb or index finger, or the inability to move them: a sign of a decline in will. Perhaps you lack the determination to carry out any plans.

The absence of other fingers means that you risk losing someone's support.

Fingers in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

Beautiful, well-groomed fingers - to good luck in business and in love.

Dirty, sick - to failure, shame.

Point your finger - to change.

An extra finger - to receive an inheritance.

Lose - to the loss of a relative.

Trim, mutilate - cause trouble to a friend or hope for someone's love.

Examine fingers - return a loved one.

Burn your fingers - enter into a second marriage.

To be without fingers is to lose children.

Fingers itch - to profit.

The thumb dreams of deception.

Pain in the thumb - to failure in business.

Lack of it - to loneliness and poverty.

Dirty it - to love pleasures.

In the old folk Slavic tradition, the fingers of the right hand mean your property and male relatives (big - father, index - uncle, middle - children, property, nameless - friends, little finger - grandchildren), and the fingers of the left hand - female relatives.

Accordingly, all the meanings of what happens to the finger in a dream were transferred to the actions of this relative in reality.

Fingers in a dream Dream interpretation for girls