First time travel experience. Is time travel possible? (7 photos)

  • 29.06.2020

Time is perhaps one of the most mysterious and inexplicable phenomena of our life. Everyone exists in it, but no one knows what it is, according to by and large, is an. From a physical point of view, time serves as a certain quantity, per unit of which human brain processes a certain amount of information. He is considered a revolutionary in the field of practical study of the concept of space and time. Before him, only science fiction writers talked about traveling to the past and the future.

According to the theory of the great scientist, time can slow down when it reaches a speed equal to or close to the speed of light. The idea of ​​creating a time machine excites the minds of both world-class physicists and "Kulibins from the people" who are trying to comprehend the laws of the universe. Despite the controversy of opinions, there are many facts about temporary teleportations - there are more than two hundred of them in the annals of the British Royal Metapsychic Society alone, and what can we say about the archives of other organizations and the media.

Fiction or truth? Everyone decides for himself, but not to take into account the huge number of stories about travel in space would also be wrong. Here are just a few of them.

The photograph, kept in the Bralorne Pionner virtual museum, still raises many questions and surprises. The picture is dedicated to the opening of the Golden Bridge in Canada and dates back to 1941. Everything would be fine, but only in a crowd of people it is easy to see one man who stands out strikingly from the rest of the onlookers. His whole appearance does not correspond to the spirit of that time - a T-shirt with a modern print, a sports jacket, sunglasses, a hairstyle, and the completion of the picture is a portable camera, the production of which in the 40s of the 20th century was not even in the project.

In 1950, in France, a young guy named Rudolf Fetz died under the wheels of a car. Arriving at the scene of the tragic accident, the police noted with bewilderment that the man was dressed in ancient clothes of the last century. During the investigation, it turned out that the deceased was listed as missing in the police archives of 1876. Not only did the descriptions of appearance and clothes match, but also the things that were with him before the disappearance: business cards, business papers, a flask for beer. All of the listed items were found in the pockets of the deceased, and without any signs of aging.

Rita Harsfeld, who lives with her family in Louisville (USA), still keeps a postcard from her business, received in 1955. It depicts Frankfurt am Main in Germany, and the date of issue of the postcard is 1983. Many of the buildings shown in the picture were not yet built in the 50s, so it is not surprising that the strange postcard has become a real attraction in the family album.

Another portion of the "obvious-incredible" series

Facts about time travel can be confirmed in the most different situations. For example:

At an altitude of 2800 m in the Altai Territory, Mongolian shepherds discovered an ancient burial site, the “highlight” of which was a woman wearing shoes that clearly resembled Adidas sneakers. According to archaeologists, the find dates back to approximately 500 AD, so the remains found can be considered a kind of greeting from the future. Several photographs from the excavations hit the Internet, which made a splash among history buffs and paranormal activity.

Mobile phone in Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus"

The keen eye of a documentary filmmaker, who was watching DVD materials for the film "Circus", filmed in 1928 with the participation, found an interesting detail. The video clearly shows a woman walking down the street and talking on mobile phone. The device is almost completely covered by the palm of the hand, but the position of the hand and the facial expressions of the passer-by clearly make it clear what she is doing at the moment she enters the frame.

Ghost trains going from nowhere to nowhere

Fans of stories about time travel must have heard about the mysterious ghost train that imprisoned more than a hundred people in its walls and disappeared without a trace in a tunnel in Lombardy (Italy). Events unfolded on June 14, 1911, when the Rome Railway Company staged an advertising presentation of an elite pleasure train, giving passengers a free sightseeing trip with a tour of local attractions and a new tunnel dug into the rock, a whole kilometer long.

The enthusiastic audience was delighted with the upcoming event, but everything did not go according to plan. The train fell into darkness and did not leave the light, literally dissolving in the air. Only two men managed to escape, who jumped off the steps, intuitively sensing the danger. The incident seriously frightened the Romans and received noisy publicity in the press. The iron branch was no longer used, and the tunnel itself was walled up. Later, during the Second World War, a bomb hit there, which irrevocably destroyed the entire structure.

An ancient chronicle is kept in a monastery near the Casta Solei estate, which tells of a giant iron wagon that once rolled up to the entrance of the holy monastery and belched out clouds of black acrid smoke. The terrible sight caused panic among the servants of the monastery, and when several clean-shaven and incomprehensibly dressed people got out of the devil's car, all the monks began to read prayers in unison and ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Thanks to the powers of God, the vision disappeared, and the fact of its appearance was recorded in the annals.

The medical records of psychiatrist José Saxino, who practiced in Mexico City in the 1840s, describe amazing story about how more than a hundred people were admitted to his hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Moreover, all the people stated clearly and confidently that they were Italians and had come from Rome by train. How could they get to railway from Italy to Mexico across the ocean, it was not clear, so the doctor had no choice but to put everyone in a mental hospital. Further biography of the unfortunate "crazy" is unknown.

In the autumn of 1955, Pyotr Ustimenko, who worked as a switchman near Balaklava and entered the service, almost turned gray when he saw a train running towards the barrier. The locomotive was not on schedule, but this was not what horrified the poor man - the unannounced "guest" was rushing where there were no rails. In appearance, it was a pre-war train, which included three small wagons without lighting. Crossing himself, the switchman lowered the barrier, and the train disappeared into the darkness as swiftly as it had appeared.

You may or may not believe in the mysterious travels of the Italian ghost train, but real facts, captured in the annals and described by eyewitnesses of our time, make you wonder - maybe all this is true?

Tricks of scientists

Some scientists, who admit the possibility of time travel, approach the issue not only from a theoretical point of view, but also try to get real facts to confirm their scientific hypotheses. From the outside, their actions often look funny and strange, but, you see, “who does not take risks, that ...”.

One of the most famous physicists of our time has repeatedly published statistical observations about temporary teleportation and even said that he knew how to design a time machine. In 2009, he conducted an interesting experiment, which, alas, was not crowned with success. They organized a party for tourists from the future, and the trick of the experience was that no announcements were made about the upcoming meeting. That is, according to the idea of ​​the scientist, someone in the future should have learned about this event and went on a journey through time, jumping over the Nth number of years (or centuries).

Stephen Hawking is not the only one who has tried to hook tourists from the future. A few years before his fake party, Amal Dorai, a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts, had already tried something similar, deciding to call an entire time travel convention as bait. Only he did not act secretly, but, on the contrary, with the maximum PR scope. The scientist launched a large advertising campaign involving the top newspaper publications such as the Washington Post and the New York Times. But not a single “walker” from the future has ever announced the fact of his real existence, but in the journalistic environment, an ambitious scientist was trolled to glory.

Teresa Willson and Robert Nemiroff of the Michigan Technological University decided to use the Internet as a tool to test their hypotheses. According to their version, time travelers had to leave evidence of their presence through any posts and publications - in other words, light up on the network and lay out facts from the future that have not yet occurred in the present. Searching the length and breadth of Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms, desperate scientists did not find anything suspicious that could attract their attention. But they themselves fell under the sight of television cameras and were notably ridiculed by more than one entertainment show.

Time travel through the eyes of filmmakers

Not only writers, but also filmmakers love to surf the universe in search of adventure. In their exuberant creative head, sometimes such fantastic stories are born that one can only wonder how multifaceted and unpredictable human fantasy can be. Do you still remember these films?

"Back to the Future". Martin McFly has become one of the most memorable time travelers and a favorite of millions of viewers. With the light hand of a half-crazy friend-inventor Doc, he manages to move into the past and not only look at his young parents from the side, but also get into a real love triangle with their participation.

It was not easy to throw him into the future with no less exciting and dynamic events. "Is this possible in reality?" - the question involuntarily arises in the course of viewing the trilogy. Not a fact, but more than 20 years have passed since the release of the film, and it is interesting to watch it, even when you already know all the scenes and dialogues of the actors by heart.

"Groundhog Day". The inimitable, who embodied the gloomy and sarcastic Phil Connors on the screen, turns out to be a hostage of the same day in which he cooks from morning to night and slowly goes crazy.

And only a happy coincidence of circumstances pulls him out of this vicious circle (not without love charms, of course), preventing him from finally turning into a schizophrenic. Despite the comedy format, the movie opens up another facet of what time travels are and what they can lead to in the end.

"12 monkeys". The film is set in the future, and its picture is far from idealistic. It's 2035 outside. Almost 99% of the population was destroyed by a monstrous virus, which literally only a few could resist. The lucky survivors are forced to hide underground, turning into half-dead dead, not knowing what will happen to them tomorrow.

The task of saving humanity falls to the felon James Cole, who voluntarily decided to go on a dangerous journey through time and collect all the facts and evidence to help scientists unravel the mystery of the mysterious virus.

"Time loop". Fulfill an order to kill yourself, who arrived from the future? This can only be dreamed of in a nightmare, but no - it turns out that the scenario also works in reality, when the mafia gains access to the time machine and begins to turn its dark deeds with its help.

To understand everything and turn back time falls to the lot - where without him, this professional world saver. The action movie is looked at in one breath even by those who skeptically deny the very possibility of the fact of movement in space.

Believing in time travel or supporting the company of skeptics is a personal matter for everyone, but you must admit that the topic is very exciting. At least in the perspective of "and to talk ...".

Ever dreamed of going somewhere else? No, not at the usual speed with which we "boringly" go forward - second by second. Or:

  • faster, so that you can climb far into the future, remaining at the same age;
  • slower so that you can do much more than others in the same amount of time;
  • in the opposite direction, so that you can go back to the era of the past and change it, perhaps changing the future or even the present?

It may sound downright sci-fi, but not everything on this list will be purely "fantastic": traveling through time is a scientifically possible process that is always with you. The only question is how you can manipulate it for your own purposes and control the movement in time.

When Einstein proposed special relativity in 1905, the realization that every massive object in the universe must travel through time was just one of its startling consequences. We also learned that photons - or other massless particles - cannot experience time in their reference frame at all: from the moment one of them is emitted to the moment it is absorbed, only massive observers (like us) can see the passage of time. From the position of a photon, everything is compressed into one point, and absorption and emission occur simultaneously in time, instantly.

But we have a lot. And anything that has mass is limited to always traveling at less than the speed of light in a vacuum. And not only that, but no matter how fast you are moving relative to something - whether you are accelerating or not, it does not matter - for you, light will always move with one constant speed: s, the speed of light in a vacuum. This powerful observation and awareness comes with a surprising consequence: If you are watching a person moving relative to you, their clock will run slower for you.

Imagine a “light clock,” or a clock that works on the principle of bouncing light back and forth in an up and down direction between two mirrors. The faster the person moves relative to you, the greater will be the speed of light in the transverse (along) direction, and not in the direction up and down, which means that the clock will go slower.

Similarly, your clock will move slower relative to them; they will see time flowing more slowly for you. When you get back together, one of you will be older and the other younger.

Such is the nature of Einstein's "twin paradox". Short answer: assuming that you started in one frame of reference (e.g., at rest on Earth), and you end up in the same frame later, the traveler will age less, because time will pass “slower” for him, and the one who stayed at home, will face the "normal" passage of time.

Therefore, if you want to accelerate in time, you have to accelerate to near-light speed, move at that pace for a while, and then return to your original position. You have to turn around a bit. Do this and you can travel days, months, decades, epochs, or billions of years into the future (depending on your gear, of course).

You could witness the evolution and destruction of mankind; the end of the earth and the sun; the dissociation of our galaxy; the heat death of the universe itself. As long as you have enough energy to spaceship, you can see as far into the future as you want.

But going back is another story. Simple special relativity, or the relationship between space and time at a basic level, was enough to take us into the future. But if we want to go back in time, back in time, we need general relativity, or the relationship between space-time and matter and energy. In this case, we regard space and time as an inseparable fabric, and matter and energy as something that distorts this fabric, causes changes in the fabric itself.

For our Universe as we know it, space-time is rather boring: it is almost perfectly flat, almost not curved, and in no way obsessed with itself.

But in some simulated universes - in some solutions of the Einsteinian general theory relativity - you can create a closed loop. If space loops on itself, you can move in one direction for a long, long time to get back to where you started.

Well, there are solutions not only with closed spacelike curves, but also with closed timelike curves. A closed time-like curve means that you can literally travel through time, live in certain conditions and return to the same point from which you left.

But this is a mathematical solution. Does this math describe our physical universe? It seems not quite. The curvatures and/or discontinuities we need for such a universe are wildly inconsistent with what we observe even in the vicinity of neutron stars and black holes: the most extreme examples of curvature in our universe.

Our universe may rotate on a global scale, but the observed limits of rotation are 100,000,000 times tighter than those that allow for the closed time-like curves we need. If you want to go forward in time, you need a relativistic DeLorean.

But back? It might be better if you can't travel back in time to prevent your father from marrying your mother.

In general, summing up, we can conclude that traveling back in time will always fascinate people at the level of the idea, but, most likely, will remain in the unattainable future (paradoxically). It's not mathematically impossible, but the universe is built on physics, which is a special subset of mathematical solutions. Based on what we have observed, our dreams of righting our wrongs by going back in time are likely to remain only in our fantasies.

With the advent of such a genre as a fantasy novel in literature (and later with the development of cinema), the theme of time travel became very popular. So, for example, the heroes of the George Lucas trilogy "Back to the Future" move through time, interfering in the course of certain events, thereby changing their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Agree, this is quite an exciting idea. After all, you can not only correct the mistakes of the past, but also find out the truth about certain periods in the history of our planet. You can meet and personally get acquainted with outstanding personalities, for example, with Aristotle or Omar Khayyam. You can try to save from the fire, and someone will even try to prevent Adolf Hitler from becoming the leader of Germany, and so on. Traveling to the future can be no less exciting... but is time travel really possible? And if so, is such pleasure available to everyone? However, is it fun? In this article, we will try to figure out how close scientists have come to creating the notorious time machine. It seems that we will not sin against the truth if we dare to assume that such attempts have taken place, and more than once. And to convince readers that the impossible is possible, consider the facts of time travel recorded in world history.

Philadelphia experiment

This case could be called the first officially registered fact, in which there was a movement in time and space, if not for one BUT. The American government classified all the materials on this case, moreover, it even denies the fact of the experiment itself. Nevertheless, information about him leaks to the media, and feature films about those events were even shot in Hollywood.

Let's take a quick look at this scientific experiment. The events described occurred on October 28, 1943 in the military port of Philadelphia. The naval destroyer (DE 173, better known as U.S.S. Eldridge) was equipped with several electromagnetic generators. It was assumed that the mentioned equipment would generate huge electromagnetic fields that would cause radio and light waves to wrap around the destroyer, making it invisible. After turning on the generators, the ship was allegedly enveloped in a greenish fog, after which both the ship and the fog itself began to dissolve and completely disappeared. A few minutes later, the destroyer appeared at the same place, but later it became known that at the time of his disappearance at the place of the experiment (Philadelphia), he appeared, and then disappeared at his base in the docks of Norfolk (Virginia). The project was led by none other than Albert Einstein. It is believed that the scientist, through his generators, made a hole in space and time. He was so shocked by the results that he burned all his notes on this experiment and declared that humanity was not yet ready to use this kind of force.

Findings from the Philadelphia Experiment

Although the visible part of it was successful, the results were disastrous. Of the 181 crew members of the ship, only 21 (!) people returned unharmed. It turned out that most of them became mentally ill, some sailors disappeared altogether, and their fate remained unknown. But the most mysterious and terrible thing is that five people turned out to be, as it were, "fused" into metal constructions vessel. Many of the "returned" had severe burns, from which they died a few hours later. The participants of the project said that they got into another, apparently a parallel world, in which they observed creatures they did not understand. That had such a strong impact on their psyche. Half of the surviving officers and crew members turned out to be completely insane, most of them ended their days in a psychiatric clinic. A completely incomprehensible incident happened to one of the members of the experiment: he went through the wall in front of his wife and child own apartment and no one has seen him since.

Not surprisingly, the US government did not dare to publish such results. That's how jokes can end up over time. Before moving on to the modern vision of scientists on this issue, let's consider cases of time travel that were recorded at various periods of our history.

Facts that have no explanation

Despite the rapid development of all branches of science, today there is no evidence that time travel is real. However, no one can prove otherwise. At the same time, many things have been accumulated in the history of mankind that make one think and admit that time travel is possible. Such cases are described even in the annals of the era of the pharaohs and the Middle Ages. Similar facts continue to accumulate today. In order not to be unfounded, let's look at some of them.

Cases of people moving in time

This story took place in August 1897, in the Siberian city of Tobolsk. A man by the name of Krapivin, who was distinguished by very strange behavior and appearance, was detained. He was taken to the police station and interrogated, the results of which surprised the investigators. And there was something to be surprised! The man claimed that he was born in 1965 in Angarsk and works as a PC operator. The mystery man could not explain in any way how he appeared in Tobolsk, according to him, he felt a severe headache and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I saw an unfamiliar town in front of me. A doctor was called, who diagnosed him with "silent insanity", and the man was sent to a lunatic asylum.

There is other evidence of time travel as well. Here are a couple of them:

1. In 1976, Soviet pilot V. Orlov said that during a flight on a MiG-25 aircraft, he saw that hostilities were underway on the ground. According to the descriptions of the pilot, he was an eyewitness to the battle that took place near Gettysburg in 1863. It should be noted that the Soviet military, unlike their American counterparts, have always been restrained in such statements, because such information could put an end to their career.

2. In 1986, a similar situation happened to another Soviet pilot- A. Ustimov. During the mission, he discovered that he was above... Ancient Egypt. According to him, he saw that one pyramid was completely built, and the foundations of others were located nearby, near which people were swarming.

And what do foreign pilots say?

In 1985, while flying over Africa, a NATO pilot noticed that it was not a desert that stretched under him, but a huge savannah with big trees. He also allegedly saw dinosaurs grazing peacefully on the lawns. Soon the vision disappeared.

Another American pilot (again NATO) said that in May 1999, flying over Germany, he saw a group of fighters approaching him. All planes were somehow unusual. Flying closer, the pilot recognized them as German Messerschmitts. While the American was thinking about what to do, a Soviet fighter appeared, attacking the enemy. Soon the vision disappeared.

Many such facts (failures into the past) could be cited, but they also do not prove anything. Now let's look at examples of travel into the future.

Aliens from the past in modern warfare

In 1944, during the fighting on the territory of Estonia, not far from the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance battalion Soviet troops under the command of Troshin, he ran into a group of cavalrymen dressed in an old uniform. The latter, at the sight of tanks, rushed to their heels. As a result of the persecution, one fugitive was detained, who was taken to the headquarters. The cavalryman explained French. Our people were not at a loss, they quickly found an interpreter, and the man was interrogated. He claimed to be a cuirassier in the French army commanded by Napoleon. The remnants of his corps are trying to get out of the encirclement after retreating from Moscow. In addition, the soldier claimed to have been born in 1772. The further fate of the cavalryman is not known, since he was taken away by employees of a special department.

The following fact takes us to the 80s of the 20th century. As a result of a storm, the diesel forces of the USSR under the command of captain second rank I. Zalygin were forced to make an emergency ascent not far from the coast of Sakhalin. The watch officer reported to the captain that there was a floating craft directly ahead, which turned out to be a lifeboat. A man in the military uniform of a Japanese sailor during the Second World War was found in it. During a search, documents issued in 1940 were found on him. The incident was reported to headquarters, the captain was ordered to proceed to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where the detainee was handed over to counterintelligence.

Road accident victim

In 1952, a strange story happened in New York. There was an accident on Broadway, as a result of which a pedestrian died. The policemen were surprised by the clothes of the victim - they were of an old design, and an old watch and a knife made in the last century were found in the pockets. With the victim, they found a certificate issued 80 years ago, and business cards, which indicated the victim's profession - a traveling salesman. The police checked the address recorded in the documents. It turned out that this street has not existed for about 50 years. Subsequently, it turned out that a person with such data lived in New York and disappeared about 70 years ago. Moreover, it turned out that at that time his daughter was alive, who provided photographs of her father, depicting the deceased under the wheels.

You can endlessly enumerate cases that recorded the movement in time. Stories of this kind, telling about races both in the past and in the future, have always interested the public. For some, they are even collectibles. This is such an interesting hobby. However, we will not focus on this and move on to modern scientific developments.


According to Israeli scientist Amos Ori, time travel is possible and scientifically proven. Mathematical calculations of the scientist were published in special printed editions. He claims that the creation of a time machine requires the presence of giant. The basis for his research was the conclusions of Kurt Gödel, made in 1947. The essence of the latter is based on A. Einstein's theory of relativity. According to Ori's calculations, the probability of traveling into the past arises in the case of giving curved space-time structures the shape of a funnel or ring. Thus, each turn of the resulting structure will take a person to the past. According to Amos Ori, humanity has come close to creating a time machine. It is possible that soon it will become an objective reality, and not just the plot of science fiction novels and films. But are we ready to face the unknown? What awaits us there - beyond? ..

Bermuda Triangle

This anomalous zone is famous for its bad reputation, ships and planes often disappear in it. Sometimes they are found, but they are more like ghost ships. Cases were recorded when ships without a crew were found there, and there were no signs of evacuation, all things remained in place, food was cooked in the galley, and there was even a smell of cigarette smoke in the cabin. It seemed that the crew and passengers had left the ship just that very minute. Another oddity that the rescuers noted was that on all the watches found on the “ghost”, the time was significantly behind the real one. So this phenomenon quite falls under the category of "moving vessels in real time". However, to date, there is not enough information about this phenomenon, so it is not possible to draw correct conclusions.

Aircraft movement in real time

By the way, you and I can easily travel in space without any cars there. An alternative way to get ahead of time is air travel. The essence of this method is to move between time zones. For example, a flight from the Far East to the European part of the Eurasian continent. As a result of such a journey, you can overtake time, there are even extreme lovers who meet several times New Year, dangling from one time zone to another.

Everyone, probably, would not mind being able to travel in time to fix something in the past or peep into the future. The only pity is that this is not possible. Or perhaps?

If the stories in this collection are to be believed - and they seem very realistic - some people have managed to cheat the laws of physics and logic and make jumps through time and space.

1. Rudolf Fentz

In 1951, a man in a traditional 19th-century outfit was seen in New York, who was genuinely surprised at the cars driving around the city. As it turned out later, this same man went missing in 1876. The "belonging" of the stranger to the last century was confirmed by the contents of his pockets. But even this did not convince some scientists who believe that the story of Rudolf Fentz is nothing more than a legend.

2. Chronovisor

In one of his books, Father François Brun, a French priest, told that his colleague Pellegrino Ernetti, who was also a scientist, developed a kind of machine that allows him to see through time and space. Such statements made a lot of noise, but there was no official confirmation of the existence of the chronovisor.

3. Ettore Majorana

On March 27, 1938, the Italian scientist Ettore Majorana disappeared on his boat in the waters between Palermo and Naples. The disappearance became a sensation. Majorana was searched for by all authorities, but even a trace of the scientist could not be found. Only in 1955, a man was found in Argentina, like two drops of water similar to Ettore. An analysis of the photos of the two men confirmed the high probability that they depict the same person. And since, after almost two decades, Majorana has not changed at all, many have decided that he simply invented a time machine and traveled with it.

4. Nicolas Cage

Tentatively, this photo of "Nicolas Cage from the past" was taken in 1870. Although no one knows for sure who exactly is depicted in the picture, it was sold on eBay for a million dollars.

5. Charlotte Mauberly and Eleanor Jourdain

In 1911, a pair of these English scientists and writers published The Adventure under the pseudonyms Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. Women claimed that they managed to return to the past, and also talked about their meeting with the ghost of Marie Antoinette. Reading, I must say, turned out not too convincing and caused a lot of indignation.

6. Hakan Nordqvist

Swede Hakan Nordqvist has uploaded a video to YouTube in which he allegedly met himself from the future from the present. The author assured that he got into 2042 thanks to the bedside table under the sink, where the portal was located - the guy found it when he undertook to repair the pipe. However, as it turned out later, this video was nothing more than an advertisement for one insurance company.

7. "Philadelphia experiment"

This is the name of the tests of the US Navy, conducted during the Second World War, during which the destroyer "Eldridge" bounced back in time by 10 seconds and due to this became invisible to radars. Alas, many experts consider this story an ordinary fiction.

Swiss Meyer claims that he communicated with aliens. The latter allegedly kidnapped him and brought him back to the past, where he took several photos of dinosaurs, which, unfortunately, did not convince critics of the veracity of Billy's story.

9. Iranian time traveler

In 2003, the Iranian Fars News Agency broke the news that a 27-year-old scientist had succeeded in developing a time machine with which people could see the future. But a few days later a refutation of this amazing story followed.

10. Andrew Karlssin

In January 2003, he was arrested on suspicion of financial fraud. Andrew made 126 very risky trades, and all of them were successful. His starting capital was only $800. After the transactions, Karlssin's fortune increased to 350 million. Later in the reports, he stated that he had simply been in the future and even knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding.

11. "A man handing a letter to a woman in the hall of the house"

That was the name of the painting that Tim Cook admired while at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Is it a coincidence that the letter depicted on the canvas is shaped very much like an iPhone? The similarity surprised Cook, who says that he always knew the dates of the invention of the smartphone from Apple, but now he began to doubt his knowledge ...

12 Chaplin Time Travel

In 2010, director George Clark posted on the Internet a video cut of stills from the films of Charlie Chaplin. At some point, a woman appears on the screen, talking on a mobile phone. At least her posture strongly indicates this. But since we are talking about frames edited in 1928, many critics, skeptics and scientists have come to the conclusion that most likely the heroine of the movie is simply holding a hearing aid in her hands or straightening her hair.

13. "Fort Apache"

The film was made in 1948. During a stagecoach ride, the hero of actor Henry Fonda took out something resembling an iPhone in order to get directions. Seeing this, the audience made a real commotion - where did the modern gadget come from in the picture of the 48th. But the experts hurried to reassure everyone and assured that this was something in the hands of the Foundation - just a notebook.

14. Eugene Helton

A rather eccentric man who calls himself VonHelton and shows himself in photos from different periods of history. In his opinion, this proves his ability to travel through time. But do not forget that Eugene sometimes calls himself a vampire and periodically asks NASA for the coordinates of the "space fleet".

15. CD box

In the 1800s painting in the hands, some people could see the CD case. And it really looks like it!

16. Montauk Project

One of the US Air Force experiments related to time travel, which, like the Philadelphia experiment, is not taken seriously by scientists.

17. Mike Tyson vs. Peter Mac Neely

At the 1995 fight, a man was seen in the stands holding an object very similar to a smartphone. The photo of the “unidentified object” became the subject of heated discussions, but in the end, the debaters came to the conclusion that it was just an old digital camera.

18 DuPont Factory Worker

In the crowd of workers leaving the factory after a day's work, one woman catches the eye, who seems to be talking on a mobile phone. And a certain lady, who claims to be the granddaughter of the lady in the photo, confirmed that her relative was indeed testing the new wireless machine.

19. John Titor

From 2000 to 2001, the name of a certain Internet user, John Titor, was rumored, who claimed that he had arrived from the future - 2036 - on a military mission. The “Messiah” assured that in 2008 the United States would be destroyed during a civil war, and after that, in 2015, the world would be subjected to a nuclear attack. After his predictions did not come true, John Titor disappeared from all radars and did not make any more predictions.

20. Film about civil defense of the 50s

In the video, the blackboard reads "Game 2 Giants 9 Rangers 0" along with the words "C", "No", "Warning". American football fans quickly realized that this was a real account of the second game of the 2010 World Series, in which the Giants and Rangers met.

21. Andrew Basiago and William Stillings

In 2004, Basiago, an American lawyer, claimed that he was part of a time travel experiment that the government conducted in the 70s. According to Andrew, he was in the Civil War and even visited Mars. Soon Basiago's words were confirmed by several other people, among whom was William Stillings. All of them said that they also participated in the experiments, during which the United States sent about 100 thousand people to a secret base on Mars, of which only 7 thousand managed to survive.

22. Tim Jones

In the early 2000s, a man calling himself Tim Jones sent out emails, in which he asked the recipients for a “generator of dimensional deformations”. In the end, it turned out that these were the tricks of the spammer Robert Jay. Todino, who actually believes he is capable of time travel.

23. A man from the future at the opening of the bridge

He earned the nickname "the time-traveling hipster". He was spotted in a photo from the opening of a bridge in British Columbia in 1941. The man caught my eye because he is wearing a printed T-shirt, dark glasses, and he also holds a camera in his hands, which did not exist in those days. But skeptics, of course, argue that this is no time traveler, and all doubtful things could easily be bought in many stores already in 1941.

It turns out that Nicolas Cage is not the only time-traveling actor. John Travolta, for example, also visited the past. Around 1860. Oddly enough, the photo of the "actor" was also put up for sale on eBay. But the fact that the seller asks for a picture of only 50 thousand dollars is strange.

25. Unknown Time Traveler

According to the theory of relativity, fast motion greatly slows down the passage of time. That is, if you go into space at a speed close to the speed of light, you can eventually return to Earth in about 100 years. This means that, in principle, travel to the future, from a physical point of view, is permissible. But science does not know how to return to the past. And even if someone did manage to break the space-time continuum, we will not know the result of the experiment - sending a message is problematic!

In the spring of 2003, unknown Andrew Karlsin made $350 million on the stock exchange with $800, making 126 trades in two weeks. The US Securities Market Commission suspected Karlsin of obtaining insider information from company owners, and the man was detained by the FBI. After interrogation, he admitted that ... he arrived from 2256 in a time machine to earn money on historical information. This was written by the weekly tabloid Weekly World News, posting a photo of 44-year-old Karlsin. Later, unidentified persons posted a bail of $1 million for the man, and no one saw him again. This fantasy story would have been more like the plot of the movie "Back to the Future 2", if not for a number of statements by scientists in recent months.

At the end of March 2017, Popular Mechanics published an article about the possibility of time travel due to the principles of quantum mechanics. Three methods of teleportation are known today. The first one has been repeatedly described by science fiction writers - the body moves through the "rabbit hole" of time. The second method involves the biotechnological disassembly of a person or objects into molecules that are easier to teleport separately, and then collection at the point of arrival. And the third method - it seems to scientists the most probable, although it sounds absolutely fantastic. A person is scanned at the atomic level, then the information is sent to the point of arrival and there a new body is created from the available materials with information attachment to the molecules of the transmitted information. This method is reminiscent of scientists trying to put the human brain on the World Wide Web by creating human-based artificial intelligence.

Note that teleportation itself - moving at a distance, has already taken place in 2012 and 2014 in London by the efforts of physicists. And already in the fall of 2016, these experiments were successfully repeated in Canada and China. Canadian scientists moved photons - particles of light - 6 km, and the Chinese twice as far - 12.5 kilometers. So far only teleportation of photons and atoms is possible. Thanks to such a property as "quantum entanglement" in quantum mechanics, a change in a particle can be instantly transferred to another particle that has an information connection. As a result, one particle can influence another, as well as transfer properties to it. This phenomenon can be called the quantum Internet, which will become cosmically fast. That is, we are talking about the first stage of teleportation.

Photo: Zuma/GlobalLook

Foreign scientists believe that human teleportation is possible by 2050-2080. Today's failure is associated with the lack of the necessary technologies, since it is necessary to form the architecture at the mathematical and biotechnological level human body. That is, take on the role of God, the Architect. The lack of technology can be compared to the desire to introduce wireless cellular communication, cordless phones in the 1930s. You can know how to do it theoretically, but the lack of compact transistors - microchips, will make you wait for the development of technology.

True, there was one video recording of 1938, where a girl walks through the territory of the industrial giant Dupont, talking on a compact mobile phone. Conspiracy theorists hurried to record the girl as a time traveler, but in 2013 the grandson of the "girl" - Gertrude Jones, was found, who discovered the secret. Dupont was researching mobile radio communications and the girl was given the device to test, and she spoke to a man who was walking not far from her with the same tube.

There are hundreds of stories of people who have seen "time travelers", but the most popular are authentic photos and videos. One of the most popular and still unsolved is a 1940 photo of the opening of the South Fork bridge over a river in the Canadian province of British Columbia. On the picture appearance the guy was radically different from the style of the 1940s and 1950s. He is wearing trendy sunglasses, a printed T-shirt and a cardigan - a knitted jacket jacket, hair in the style of the 1990s. But even if you believe in his fashionable predictions, there is no way to explain a compact camera that was ahead of its time by several decades. The experts who studied the picture are sure that there is no computer manipulation. The person is present in different pictures from different angles taken by different photographers.


It is difficult to say whether the guy ended up in the past by accident or on purpose. There is a high probability that people can be divided into travelers and "passengers" natural area movement in time. One of the most popular travelers from the future was the American John Titor in early 2000. He appeared on the Internet on forums, blogs and claimed to have come from 2036. The only reason why he was not mistaken for a schizophrenic, but continued to listen and discuss, is the knowledge of complex software algorithms, with the help of which time travel occurs. He also predicted the war in Iraq, the conflict in the US presidential elections in 2004 and 2008. According to him, in 2015 the Third World War, which will kill about three billion people. Then there will be a global computer failure, destroying the usual infrastructure.

USA will start Civil War, which will split America into five factions with the capital in Omaha. A computer virus will force mankind to return to agriculture for survival, but the global network will partially work. Titor himself is allegedly a soldier sent in 1975 to collect information about the IBM-5100 computer, as his grandfather worked on the creation of a computer. The old model should help defeat the virus, however, he did not explain how. And in 2000, he got to meet his three-year-old self. On March 24, 2001, Titor gave his final piece of advice: "Take a can of gasoline with you when you leave your car on the side of the road." Then he logged out and went back. Since then, no one has heard from him again.

Like Karlsin, Titor is perhaps a conscious traveller. Nobody saw him, but Karlsin was photographed, but still not identified. Moreover, Wall Street traders are sure that all 126 transactions for $350 million could not be calculated, even with classified information. Part of the stock has risen in price for completely unexpected reasons, including political and military, and natural phenomena. It's impossible to collect classified information on 100 companies and pull it off in two weeks and use $800 to get $350 million. It is suspicious that the Weekly World News site has completely removed all information about Karlsin, despite the fact that it does not shun fried stories. Deleted all messages from his journalists about the investigation of the traveler and the Yahoo News portal.

If the stories of "tourists in time" are rare, then there are no less random "passengers" than UFO evidence. True, witnesses do not always manage to take pictures. So in 1932, the reporter for the German newspaper Hutton and the photographer Brandt involuntarily found themselves in a different time. The journalists went to a shipyard in Hamburg to make a report. Upon their return, they stated that they had miraculously survived the bombing by unknown aircraft. Brandt took photographs of the city blazing from hundreds of bombs, but the film was empty. The editor-in-chief advised not to abuse alcohol, and 11 years later, when Hamburg was completely destroyed by aircraft during the Gomorrah operation, he remembered the story. 600 bombs were dropped on the city, a firestorm killed 40,000 people.

All "passengers" can be attributed to the victims of the "Bermuda Triangle" phenomenon. During the second half of the twentieth century, this small point on the map of the Earth gained fame as a natural time machine. According to unverified reports, the Pentagon classified the incident with the submarine in the 1990s, when the boat was passing Bermuda. In one second, she disappeared from the radar, and in a moment she got in touch from indian ocean. At the same time, the entire crew has aged 20 years.

But the Earth is full of places where a person falls, as if into a well, at another time, and after a couple of hours he ends up at home. A similar incident occurred in 1992 with the Italian Bruno Leone, who disappeared right in front of his wife during their joint walk. Bruno returned two days later, looking very tired and confused. And no wonder, because the disappeared suddenly moved into the future five centuries ahead. He turned out to be a curiosity among identically dressed descendants. When he managed to explain that he was from Italy, it caused great astonishment. According to them, such a country ceased to exist in the 21st century. The city of the future seemed to Bruno uncomfortable and hostile, there was not a single old building familiar to him, trees and even bushes did not grow. Food in the future did not differ in variety, it was replaced by some colorless jellyfish-like jelly - tasteless, but very satisfying. The descendants decided to show him the most safe places, where he could survive the future in the twenty-first century. cataclysms. When they began to show him Mongolia, Siberia, he suddenly moved back to his own time.

If humanity manages to survive the twenty-first century. without global upheavals, and in the second half of the century we will be able to teleport, then such travel, in the first place, will allow states to take crime under control. Looking a little ahead, it will be possible to prevent murders and robberies at the stage of the idea. This will lead to a total reduction in thoughtful, organized crimes and the prevention of everyday crimes. At the same time, businesses will be able to organize "oceanariums", parks with animals and plants from a time 20-50 thousand years later, simply by moving people in a safe capsule. Partial entry into the past will allow teachers to show students real gladiator fights, attend meetings of Alexander the Great and Napoleon.

At the same time, if humanity wants to take control of time into its own hands, then it is ready either to oppose itself to God, or to take an atheistic position. Since time is a tool for the destruction of matter, it is intended to demonstrate to a person the frailty and momentary nature of material goods, in contrast to eternal spiritual values. Time will tell how far humanity will be allowed to go in its aspirations.