Where is the line of the child on the hand and what can it tell about the future? Palmistry - a line of children in the palm of the hand of women and men: transcript, photo. What lines on the hand show the number of children, and what do they mean: photo with explanations

  • 16.10.2019

Examples of a marriage line in the palm of your hand:

  • A clear line indicates a close relationship. The number of lines determines the number of marriages or hobbies.
  • Fuzzy lines are a sign of some kind of romantic attachment that does not matter much.
  • Long and straight lines are a sign of a long and happy relationship.
  • Broken dashes - the likelihood of divorce or separation.
  • Double lines report a connection with two partners at once, the strength of the relationship is determined by the straightness of the lines.
  • Starting at a fork in the road - a break in relations at the initial stage.
  • Ending with a fork - separation.
  • The absence of a strip of relationships - there is no manifestation of family life.

How to check the marriage lines on the hand? The value from the photo (specified for men and women) requires the study of the attachment strips on both hands:

  • If on the leading hand the situation has favorable signals in the form of clear and deep lines, this indicates the need for deep, sincere relationships and the desire for change to create a lasting alliance.
  • And vice versa, if the passive hand displays more favorable conditions, relative to the active one.

Line arrangement

The marriage lines are placed on the hill of Mercury. They are looked at on the right hand, the beginning is marked on the edge of the palm - these are horizontal lines located on a small gap between the little finger and above the line of the Heart. Only a strong and clear selection of love lines coming out of the edge of the palm promises good long-term and strong relationships in marriage, barely noticeable lines indicate short romances and relationships that do not lead to marriage.

Marriage lines allow you to learn about the number of important love unions and partings. It is important to pay attention to the location of the dashes. The photo above shows 3 lines indicating a long relationship and cohabitation.

The absence of marriage lines is characteristic of cold natures. People who are married and do not have corresponding lines adhere to a profitable and prudent relationship, without emotional and spiritual relationships. With the temporal separation of events (the first fixed attachments), the countdown is made from the lines of the heart.

When choosing a partner for life, one should study the state of the beloved’s heart line, it determines the quality of feelings and the variability of nature, which is reported by an unstable strip.

A clear and long line facing the tubercle of Mercury indicates a long-term relationship, a high probability of marriage. With an increase in length, one can judge a strong and lasting relationship. The presence of two lines on the tubercle indicates two upcoming marriages. The length of the stripes indicates the duration of the relationship.

Short line of love

The length of the lines allows you to find out about the duration of the connection. The presence of short lines (1) indicates the impossibility of building long-term relationships. This is typical of young people who have not decided on priorities (especially when the line of love is located next to the line of the heart, which indicates relationships at an early age).

Small dashes extending down from the love lines (2) to the strip of the heart indicate problems in marriage.

Marriage lines with a lowered tip (3) and offspring dashes located downward at an angle indicate dissatisfaction from marriage. It was based on high hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Although marriage itself can exist, and dissatisfaction with it is revealed by descending lines. And the closer to the edge of the palm streaks of disappointment appear, the sooner people will begin to experience a similar state of mind.

If the line of love is tilted in relation to the heart, the owner will live longer than the spouse. The intersection of the heart strip indicates grief and loss in the second half.

If the line reaches the line of the head at an angle, negativity reigns in the relationship, accompanied by assault and humiliation. Such signs are typical for representatives of the tender half who are subjected to physical violence or mental pressure.

Lots of love lines

More than 3 dashes indicates intense interest in the opposite sex, the number of marriages. These signs reveal sensitive natures. A lot of dashes on the tubercle of Mercury determines a capricious attitude when approaching this issue. With an increase in stripes, one can judge that there are too many requirements in relation to partners. Owners of signs in sexual life count on increased comfort, the use of fantasy and unusual actions.

Perhaps the intersection on the tubercle of Mercury of the lines of marriage with the lines of Mercury (1), tending to the tubercle. This is direct evidence of a strong passion for the opposite sex, which leads to unreasonable spending or the formation of obstacles when moving up the career ladder.

The line of Mercury, adjacent to one of the lines of marriage, indicates a contradiction with the second half. The owner of the hand has to endure reproaches regarding work, which often leads to a break in relations.

Breaking lines

If the relationship is interrupted, and the case goes to divorce, this will certainly affect the hand. In the photo, the strip of love predicts the next separation (1). In the event of a bifurcation or fork, one should be wary of a divorce. This line in palmistry is considered fateful, warning in advance of the impending separation.

The reunion after a divorce is indicated by the figure numbered (2). The size of the fork or bifurcation of the marriage strip is proportional to the disagreements of the spouses at the break of relations and the emotional load, traced by the width of the angle of the fork bifurcation on the marriage line. The owner of a hand with a similar sign usually acts as the initiator of a divorce.

Relationship band leaning towards the Heart Line

The line of marriage, lowered to the heart band (1), informs the owner that he will outlive his other half. When merging or crossing the line of the heart (2), one can judge grief by the lost partner. In practice, the omitted line does not always confirm the death of one of the spouses; there is a high probability that they will live for a long time in full health.

Human souls are composed of more subtle energy facets that are not related to physical characteristics. This energy appears as a result of the totality of all thoughts, acting as a universal tool that determines the physical condition of people. So, betrayal can give a powerful blow to the heart, and the hand will fix suffering, attracting a line of love to itself. This affects the value change.

Split lines

The formation of a fork or fork at the beginning of the line indicates a re-reunion of marriage, and indicates a preliminary break. It excludes the relationship with a worthy and complete replacement in the short term.

Despite the hard partings that the fork itself on the marriage line reports, the connection of dashes characterizes the acquired happiness with a partner in real time. Otherwise, similar events have been recorded earlier. The beginning of the marriage line from the fork speaks of the initiative of the partner, that is, against the desire of the owner of the mark.

Additional signs

Having decided where the marriage line is on the hand of a woman or man, you should pay attention to the presence of additional signs:

  • An island on the relationship lines indicates a period of difficulties in the relationship due to the behavior of the partner. The island indicates that the owner of the sign blames the partner for the ongoing problems. After the island, the line retains its strength and depth, as before it - the problem is solved. A line ending in an island indicates an inability to forgive or understand a soul mate. It is possible that negative memories leave an indelible mark.
  • The cross above the relationship bar indicates the presence of troubles associated with a partner. The cross at the end of the marriage line, bent down and resting or crossing the line of the Heart, is a signal of a break with a scandal and a division of property. In some cases, public separation is possible.
  • The presence of a cross or star at the end of the relationship line indicates a sudden breakup for various reasons, including the loss of a partner.
  • The crossbar at the end of the relationship line indicates the occurrence of unfavorable circumstances.
  • The triangle on the downward curved union line indicates the intervention of ill-wishers that influenced the gap.

How to calculate the time interval before the formation of a union?

Palmistry will help to decide when the wedding will happen, and how long the relationship will last. The marriage line with explanations (photos and examples correspond to the owner’s age of 40 years), relative to its location, displays when the union happens, focusing on the intersection of the line of Influence and Fate, the following signs report a less accurate date:

  • The presence of a clear band of love close to the line of the Heart indicates an early union (before the age of twenty).
  • The line of love in the center of the area between the base of the little finger and the line of the heart corresponds to 20 years.
  • The passage of the strip in the upper part of the hill of Mercury indicates a late conclusion of the union.

If the partner is older than 40, time should be determined from top to bottom. So the time period reaches up to 80 years.

How to determine the perfect couple?

If both partners' mind lines are bent or straight, they are perfect for each other. If one has a straight line of mind, and the other has a curved one, you should not count on mutual understanding. This property characterizes the basic approach of a person to life. People with a straight line of mind are practical, down to earth and petty. The owners of the curved strip are romantic, emotional and far from everyday problems.

With a weak formation of the life line that goes around and close to the hill of Venus, it is possible to form a strong union with those whose life line goes around this hill in a large semicircle. This is due to the fact that the first is full of energy, and for the second a quiet life is preferable.

If the lines of the heart go the same way, crossing the palm, and they have the same length, this indicates the well-being of the union. In general, if all the main lines - Mind, Heart, Life, Fate - are similar, their owners can become an ideal couple.

Lover's line along the strip of marriage

The line of love, directed from the outside into the depths of the palm, becomes less expressive, this reflects the attenuation of affection with parting in the near future.

For orientation in feelings, one should rely on the line of the heart. With the parallel passage of a thin line that is close to the heart, one can judge the attachment to another person after long doubts and disappointments.

Usually, in practice, the owners of the line have a lover who provides a pleasant pastime. If the second line is gaining expressiveness, the likelihood of a change of partner increases.

The place where the lines of marriage and children pass is too small. On the hill of Mercury, the line of marriage and children (1) is weak and short, as is the line of the lover (2), which displays a secret relationship.

Some people in this zone have big number vertical lines, which predicts a large number of children. To avoid mistakes, you should focus on the most pronounced lines denoting children and a hidden connection.

How to determine the type of love relationship?

Persistence in relationships

The low-passing line of the Heart (1) communicates a practical and rational approach to love, despite the soft-heartedness and nobility of people. Owners of a straight line of the heart think for a long time about the question of whether this or that partner is suitable for them to create a long relationship. But, if the decision is made, then it is forever. The line of the Heart, which has a fork at the end (2), indicates the romantic and tender attitude of the partner. Provided that the line of Fate (3) originates from the line of Life (4), people have a highly developed responsibility to the family.

Shyness in relationships

The Heart Line ending between the first and second fingers (5) shows a caring attitude that proves love through actions. The line of Life, passing next to the hill of Venus, indicates sexual stimuli (6).

Romance and sensuality in relationships

The high straight line of the Heart (7) allows you to know about the tendency to platonic love relationships. The line of the Heart, which ends on the hill of Jupiter (8), belongs to romantic natures, who perceive a love affair as perfection with high, not always realistic expectations.

If there is a chain (9) on the line of the Heart, one should be especially attentive to the sensitivity of the partner, he is very vulnerable. In some cases, this sign indicates promiscuity in relationships.

ardent passion

Passionate people have the "Girdle of Venus" (10). The line of the Mind, forming an arc (the ends take the upper direction) and having an end under the hill of Saturn (11), belongs to ardent natures. The presence of a strong line of Life (12), creating a wide coverage of the hill of Venus, indicates sexual desire.

relationship problems

The presence of a short line of the Heart (13) is characteristic of irresponsible and unfaithful lovers. Weak, with chains or vague lines of the Heart speak of the emotional poverty of a partner who is not self-confident.

The end of the line of Life on the hill of the Moon (14) gives out bachelors and old maids. "Island" at the beginning of the line of Life - the likelihood of impotence or frigidity (15).

First of all, they can tell the number of children. But if you wish, you can see the gender of the unborn child, as well as the probability of having twins. In addition, you can find out if the children will be from the same man. The line of children tells not only about born children. Miscarriages and abortions are displayed in the same place, only with some violations.

It is important to remember that fate is changeable, and sometimes your lines can change several times during your life. This suggests that today's thoughts and actions affect our future.

Line of children on the hand: meaning

Let's try to decipher what these little dashes say:

1. The number of children along the lines on the hand.

It is easiest to see the number of future offspring, you just need to count the number of lines indicated in the diagram.

2. Gender of the child.

The gender of the child can be determined by the length of the lines. Short promises you a girl, and long - a boy. Some experts believe that the floor can be read by the thickness of the dashes. Strong, wide lines - wait for the boy. Weak and thin - the nursery will be in pink colors. Third opinion: straight lines hint at boys, and at an oblique angle - girls.

Twins are reflected on the hand in the form of a symmetrical checkmark, and twins are reflected as two closely spaced sticks. By the way, the distance between the lines also indicates the gap between births.

3. The luck of the child.

If you notice that one of the lines on the outside of the palm is clearly clearer and straighter than the rest, this indicates that the child marked by it will be more successful. A great and outstanding future awaits him (in comparison with the rest of the offspring).

On which hand to look for the lines of children?

Palmistry believes that the lines of children on the right hand indicate the real number. There may be more markings on the left as it shows the potential amount.

If you decide to compare the number of lines on your hand and your husband's, and as a result, someone beat the score, do not be alarmed. Yes, this may be a sign that some of the children will be born in another marriage, however, if your husband has more lines than you, then you may simply not physically be able to realize his potential.

By the way, since the line of children in men, in general, is a rare phenomenon, having discovered them, you can be sure that your husband will be a caring and loving father.

Where to look for them?

by the most the right way considered the study of the hill of Mercury. This is the place between and the little finger (see the designation of lines on the hand in the figure). It is on it that your main relationship (and marriage) is displayed. If ascending vertical lines depart from any of the lines - here it is, your future offspring.

By the way, this way you can track which of the relationships will end up going to the hospital! But some schools interpret marriage lines as childish. There are many options. For example…

Additional lines of children

So, where else on the hand can you find a line of children:

But to get a more accurate result, palmists are always advised to contact a specialist.

The line of children on the hand in palmistry is important for most women. Let's talk about the location and meaning of the line of children in the palm of your hand.

Palmistry helps people know their future, foresee fateful moments and determine how many children they will have. There are stripes on the right and left palms. In right-handed people, their potential, willpower are represented on the right palm, and fateful events are on the left. For lefties, everything is exactly the opposite: fateful events are reflected in the left palm, and on the right - character and abilities.

The lines of marriage, children occupy a small space. Because of this, it is quite difficult to obtain accurate information on them. Palmistry defines marriage not only as an official union, but as a spiritual, cordial affection. And not always this affection ends with a stamp in the passport.

In the process of divination along the line of marriage, one can obtain information not only about heartfelt affection, but also about the number of children that may appear in this union. The marriage line originates at the base of the little finger, on. Smaller ones depart from this strip, which are the lines of children.

As the individual makes his choice, walking along life path, and her fate is changing. The number of stripes determines the possible number of children. However, a woman may not use this opportunity: someone does not want to get married or decides to have an abortion. What does the hill of Mercury tell us about?

  • If the branch of the children moves up from the little finger and it is pronounced, then the baby will definitely be born.
  • The strip is long, deep - there will be a boy. Shortened, not very wide - a girl.
  • The dashes depart from the same marriage band - all children will be born from one man.
  • The elongated strip of the son runs closer to the edge of the palm - which means that he will be the firstborn.
  • The order of appearance of children is determined from the edge of the hill and depends on the distance between the strips. The branches are located at a small distance from each other - there will be a small age difference between the children.
  • The strip has a V-shape - most likely, twins will be born.

Sometimes the stripes on the palm change. Their number, width, clarity may change. It all depends on which path the individual has chosen.


To find out the number of future children, you need to consider the strip located between and area y. To do this, pay attention to the edge of the palm, closer to the little finger. In this area there are processes (heart attachments), called. And even smaller stripes extend upward from them - the lines of children. From this strip, you can predict the sex of the heir.

The number of branches does not always correspond to the number of children born. It must be remembered that these lines determine only the possibility of having offspring. And how this potential will be used depends only on the owner of the palm.

Usually the branches extending from the hill of Mercury are weakly expressed. Therefore, during fortune-telling, not only this part of the palm is taken into account, but also many other signs. Often palmists, along with the hill of Mercury, also consider the hill of Venus, located at the base of the thumb.

The lines of children are in the form of processes passing from the inside of the hill of Venus (next to the line of influence). This helps the palmist to obtain reliable information about the future children of a person, about the time of their birth.

If there is a clearly defined strip on the line of life, rising up to the fingers, then this is an exact confirmation that the desired baby will definitely be born. Some people also appear in this area, indicating unlimited happiness. Palmists associate him with a long-awaited miracle in the family.

You can also find out about future children at. Usually the lines of children are located in this area horizontally, at the very bottom of the hill.

Palmists determine the lines of children in different ways. They find them in different places of the hand.

The Indians consider the line of children, paying attention only to the thumb. By looking at the kinship belt, they determine how many children an individual will have. The number of future children is determined by the grains on the belt.

Many argue that these lines are located on the Upper hill, under the branch of the heart. If the strip is in this part, it can be assumed that conflicts are possible between mother, father and child from time to time.

If a child brings only joy and happiness to his parents, then the line of children usually starts right from the line of the heart. In this case, the baby will practically not cause trouble and anxiety to mom and dad.

Features of influence

As already mentioned, the number of children may not match the number of lines in the palm of your hand. Throughout life, the stripes on the hand can change, because they only indicate an opportunity that a person can use or not. In addition, the number of lines of children may not match the husband and wife. This is regarded as an indication of "possible" children, including those "on the side."

At modern women everything is much more complicated. After all, they are increasingly striving to achieve success in the profession, to realize their personal potential. And family happiness is often postponed "for later." The hand of such ladies contains much less information about the possible continuation of the family than those who put the creation of a full-fledged family at the forefront.

If the lines are too weak and pale, this means that the chance has been missed. The baby was supposed to be born, but the mother chose to prevent this.

If the strip grows from the island, then there is a chance that the baby will be weak from birth. If the island is above the line, then it will become painful later. Palmists can identify probable illnesses in offspring by delving deeper into the palm analysis process. Four main lines have a significant influence on the line of marriage and offspring:

  • life. If it goes straight and even, it is not hindered by islands and gaps, this may mean that a person will have as many children as he wants.
  • . A clear, even, without processes says: it is highly likely that the individual will have great financial opportunities to provide his heir with a full and comfortable life.
  • Hearts. If it is clear, pronounced, its end does not go to the belt of the mind, then this means that the owner of the hand is able to selflessly love his child.
  • Stripe at the base of the palm (). If it is even, does not refract, does not have breaks and chains, then the person will have children in a happy marriage.

Features of decoding and determining the sex of the baby

To get reliable information, you need to remember some features of decoding stripes in the palm of your hand. If the spouses' lines of children do not match, then this does not mean that you need to doubt something. In fact, the number of lines on a woman's hand can vary. This is due to unused chances.

It happens that women have abortions, many resort to contraception, putting other priorities above procreation. It also happens that the fair sex has only one chance in life to become a mother. As for men, they may also have illegitimate children, the existence of which they themselves sometimes do not know. Yes, this happens too.

If there is only one “childish” dash on the hand, then you should be extremely careful. This means that you have few opportunities to become a parent. It is very important to take care of your health and lead a healthy lifestyle. First of all, this applies to women.

According to the observations of famous palmists, recently the lines on the hands tend to change very quickly. This is explained by the fact that our contemporaries dedicate their lives to finding themselves, plunge into their careers and forget about the most important things in life. Thus, a person can radically change his life and destiny.

If you are interested in the gender of the unborn baby, then you need to carefully consider the edge of the palm, focusing on the area going to the little finger. The stripes located in this part will help determine both the gender and the probable time of birth.

If a clear, pronounced elongated strip departs from the marriage line on the hand, then a son will be born. If the strip is shortened, there will be a daughter.

Considering the location of the dashes, you can find out in what order the children will be born. To do this, pay attention to which branch from the edge of the palm passes first. If an elongated strip first goes to the edge of the arm, then a boy will be born first, if a shortened one, a girl.

If the dashes are the same length, but one is a little thinner, then this can be interpreted in such a way that the daughter in the family will be a favorite, parents will pay more attention to her and give her more warmth.

Meaning of crosses and crossed out stripes

What do the crosses on the line of children mean? This sign often refers to possible problems with health or difficulties in the life of the future child. If there is such a sign in the palm of one of the parents, then you should be extremely attentive to the baby. It is necessary to protect him, to watch him. In this case, it is necessary to patronize the child until the cross disappears from the strip in the palm of your hand.

Even if you are already a mother or father, it will not be superfluous to follow the lines of children. It is quite possible that there was no cross before the birth of the baby, and then it appeared. Be sensitive, attentive, watch how the child behaves, talk with your son or daughter. Perhaps something is bothering him, but he is afraid to tell you about it. Parents should pay special attention to their child if the cross arose when he came of age.

If this sign appeared, but after some time disappeared without a trace, then this is just wonderful. You can be calm for your child. Everything will be fine with him. Most likely, you managed to save your son (daughter) from injuries, illnesses and many other troubles, and the danger was left behind.

It happens that the branch is crossed out by a pale, barely noticeable strip. What does this mean? Under no circumstances should you be afraid. Such a phenomenon determines only the characteristics of the character of a little man.

If the line on the mother's hand is crossed out with a weakly pronounced strip, we can expect that her baby will have a complex character. The same applies to representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, such an arrangement may mean possible conflicts between the child and the parents.

If there are several stripes crossing the line, pay attention to their depth, length and thickness. If the stripes are thin and can only be seen with increased vision, then this only indicates a complex character. But if they have great clarity, depth and look like scars, then this can be interpreted as an indication of the possible soreness of the baby.

Palmists claim that the children's line is not mandatory. It happens that it is not on either the right or the left hand. Often, those who already have children have palms without such branches. Don't worry if you don't have any of these stripes on your hands. These lines are so imperceptible that they can only be seen through a magnifying glass.

It is also possible that the baby stripes are missing on the right hand, but are present on the left. Often this happens with left-handers. The absence of "children's" branches may also indicate that the parent has some kind of disease that prevents childbearing. After a course of treatment, stripes may appear.

If branches of children are located on the left hand, the child must be born. If there is no strip on the right hand, then the heir will not appear until the person reconsiders his priorities.

For a long time, the "children's" strip was absent, and suddenly it appeared? This is cause for great joy. This means that the future parent managed to change something in his fate, and soon he will have a baby.

Sometimes the line of children on the hand crosses the marriage line. This is interpreted as follows: the heir or heiress will be the soul of the family. This baby will be adored by both parents and will make their marriage even stronger.

In addition to the area at the little finger (hill of Mercury), the space at the base of the thumb (hill of Venus) will help determine the future fate, character and well-being of future children. Observing the location of the strips in this place, you can find out several important points at once:

  • The stripes, located parallel to the belt of material well-being, determine the number and gender of future children (just like in the classic version, on the hill of Mercury).
  • If dashes are located directly on the life line of a woman, then it is possible to determine exactly how many children she will have and when they will be born. These stripes can also be used to judge the influence of offspring on events in the life of the mother.
  • Islets on the strip indicate the likelihood of having a baby out of wedlock.
  • On the line of a woman's life there is a dash going upwards - this can mean imminent happiness. There is a high probability that future mom find out about the pregnancy in the near future.

Write your opinion

Many believe that the lines on the hands are signs with which the Lord can tell us about the future. Someone thinks that this is all superstition and calls palmistry pseudoscience, while someone draws conclusions and corrects their fate. Most often, people are interested in their own and mind, since they are present in almost everyone. But this is only a small fraction of what the Line of children can tell, marriage is also of great interest for study. Moreover, not only young and unmarried girls are interested in this, but also those whose first union for some reason broke up. However, enough words, it's time to move on to practice.

The line of the child on the hand: where is it located?

First, find a “reference point” in your palm. Under the little finger on each hand is the hill of Mercury - this area will be our starting point. Now let's find the line of the Heart. It originates between the bases of the middle and index fingers and goes towards the little finger. As a rule, this fold is quite clearly expressed, and therefore it will be difficult to make a mistake. It limits the hill of Mercury, on which the line of the child on the hand is located. Men usually don’t have any signs here, but women here just have the sign that we are looking for. Between the base of the little finger and the end is a small line of Marriage. By its clarity and duration, one can conclude about the strength and strength of relationships and marriage. Away from it, in the direction of the little finger, one or more dashes may depart. This is the line of the child on the hand. If the fold is deep, then it portends a son, and if thin, then a daughter should be expected.

What else can the line of children tell?

“On which hand should fortune-telling be done?” is a question that interests many. Palmists say that the right palm shows what a person is destined from above, and the left palm shows what he himself was able to achieve in his life. If you compare the signs on both hands, you can see where there are achievements and where there are gaps. The line of a child on your hand can tell not only about the number of future children, but also about the approximate period of your life in which this joyful event will occur. To do this, you need to mentally divide the distance from the line of the Heart to the upper border of the hill of Mercury into three equal segments. Each one is roughly 25 years old. Now it remains to see in which of these areas the line of children or the line of marriage falls, and draw the appropriate conclusions.

There are some more nuances:

  1. The child, who is closer to the edge of the palm on the marriage line, appears earlier.
  2. The closer to each other the lines of children are located, the shorter the period separates their birth, the further the lines, the greater this interval.
  3. The V-shaped fold predicts the appearance of twins.
  4. A wavy fold is a sign of health problems.
  5. A beloved child will have a slightly longer line than his sisters and brothers.
  6. If this sign is not located vertically, but at an angle to the marriage line, then this warns of a possible emotional alienation from parents.
  7. If a square appears on the fold of children, then this indicates that the child has successfully survived an unfavorable period in life that could arise from an accident or illness. Moreover, the closer this sign is to the marriage line, the earlier this event will happen.

What interests people most in divination along the lines of the hand? Of course, these are the questions “How long will I live?”, “Will I live in abundance?”, “How many children will I have?”, “How many marriages will I have?”.

The answers to these and other questions lie in our palms: the main thing is to learn how to correctly identify and interpret the corresponding lines.

Each clear line shows important love relationship, and how many lines, so many such relationships will be throughout life.

Relationship lines are read from bottom to top, starting from the line of the heart. The example shows two clear relationship lines: one short and one long. Often a long and clear line symbolizes marriage, but not always.

A short clear line means a short love relationship.

If the lines are weakly expressed, very thin and barely noticeable - this is a slight passion or affection.

By the way, two different lines can show relationships with the same partner. For example, if a couple broke up, and after a while reunited again.

In the practice of palmists, there were cases when a married person had no relationship lines at all. This means that the marriage is concluded by calculation and the person does not experience an emotional, spiritual, romantic connection with the spouse.


The lines of children can be found in the same place where the lines of relationships pass. These are thin vertical lines extending from the "marriage" line.

Lines are read only under a magnifying glass, since this area is too small and poorly distinguishable. You need to start reading the lines of children from the edge to inside palms. Long deep dashes mean boys, short and thick dashes mean girls. If a long line comes first from the rib, and then a short one, then the boy will be born first.

The number of child lines shows how many children can in principle be born in love union. That is, in fact, it is childbearing potential. But in modern world not every pregnancy ends in childbirth, and not every pregnancy occurs at all (meaning contraception). Therefore, the number of lines does not always correspond to the number of children actually born.

On the male hand rather, children's lines mean the number of children to whom he has a deep emotional attachment. If there are two children, and the line on the hand is one, then the man is really close and attached to only one child. It may also be that he is not the father of one child.

For fidelity, you need to check the children's lines coming from the line of relationships with children's lines on the hill of Venus(at the base of the thumb). There, these lines run parallel to the girdle of the family ring (around the base of the thumb). How many lines, so many chances to have children.

You need to read the lines on the "leading" hand. For right-handers it right hand, it shows conscious love relationships, as well as future events. Left hand shows what was in the past and now does not really matter. Similarly, left-handed people need to “read” the lines of the left hand.