How does air pollution affect human health? Pollution of the earth's atmosphere: sources, types, consequences

  • 20.09.2019

The impact of air pollutants on the human body can be both direct and indirect.

The direct harmful effect on the human body should include the impact of air saturated with dust of various origins - particles of rocks, soil, soot, ash. The total amount of dust entering the Earth's atmosphere annually is estimated at 2 billion tons, with anthropogenic aerosols accounting for 10-20%. With prolonged inhalation of dusty air in people and pets, a disease occurs, called dusty pneumonia.

The dust content of the air in cities should be attributed to indirect harmful effects. With an increase in the dust content of the atmosphere over large cities, direct solar radiation decreases. In their centers, the total solar radiation is 20-50% lower than in the suburbs. The amount of ultraviolet rays is significantly reduced. This leads to an increase in the urban air of pathogenic bacteria. In dusty air, the number of water condensation nuclei sharply increases. As a result, the number of foggy and cloudy days in large cities is several times greater than outside them.

Existing air pollution is a complex mixture. The atmosphere contains solid, liquid and gaseous substances, the results of many reactions. Therefore, the influence of ozone, nitrogen dioxide or PM particles, taken separately, is rather difficult to assess, it can be enhanced by a mixture of all other atmospheric pollutants. The mixture is created, for example, under the influence of solar radiation, when nitrogen dioxide interacts with organic components and ozone is formed.

A characteristic air pollutant, which occupies the first place among others (about 30% of the total pollution), is the product of incomplete oxidation of carbon - CO - carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide.

The concentration of this gas, exceeding the maximum allowable, contributes to the deposition of lipids on the walls of blood vessels, worsening their conductivity, and leads to physiological changes in the human body. This is explained by the fact that CO is an extremely aggressive gas that easily combines with hemoglobin. When combined, carboxyhemoglobin is formed, an increase in the content of which in the blood (in excess of the norm equal to 0.4%) is accompanied by:

Deterioration of visual acuity and the ability to assess the duration of time intervals;

Violation of some psychomotor functions of the brain (at a content of 2-5%);

Changes in the activity of the heart and lungs (with a content of more than 5%);

Headaches, drowsiness, spasms, respiratory problems and in some cases death (when the content is more than 10%).

The degree of impact of carbon monoxide on the body depends not only on its concentration, but also on the time spent (exposure) of a person in CO-polluted air. Fortunately, the formation of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood is a reversible process: after the inhalation of CO is stopped, its gradual removal from the blood begins; in a healthy person, the CO content in the blood decreases by 2 times every 3-4 hours.

Carbon monoxide is a very stable substance, its lifetime in the atmosphere is 2–4 months. With an annual intake of 350 million tons, the concentration of CO in the atmosphere would have to increase by about 0.03 million tons/year. However, this, fortunately, is not observed, which mankind owes mainly to soil fungi, which very actively decompose CO (the transition of CO into CO2 also plays a positive role).

Among sulfur compounds, the most toxic for the human body are its dioxide (SO 2) and sulfuric anhydride (SO 3). In combination with suspended particles and moisture, they have the most harmful effect on living organisms. SO 2 - colorless and non-combustible gas; in a mixture with particulate matter (at a smoke concentration of 150-200 μg / m 3) leads to an increase in symptoms of difficulty breathing and exacerbation of lung diseases, and at a smoke concentration of 500-750 μg / m 3, the number of patients increases sharply and the number of deaths increases. Bronchial asthma is the most common disease in people who breathe air with a high content of sulfur dioxide. A close relationship has been established between increased mortality from bronchitis and an increased concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air.

Nitrogen oxides and some other substances.

Nitrogen oxides (the most toxic nitrogen dioxide - NO 2), combining with ultraviolet solar radiation with hydrocarbons (among which olefins have the highest reactivity), form peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and other photochemical oxidants, including peroxybenzoyl nitrate (PBN), ozone, hydrogen peroxide, nitrogen dioxide. These oxidizing agents are the main constituents of the photochemical smog that often occurs in heavily polluted cities located at low latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres.

An estimate of the rates of photochemical reactions leading to the formation of PAN, PBN, and ozone shows that in a number of southern cities in the summer around noon (when the influx of ultraviolet radiation is high), these rates exceed the values ​​at which smog begins to form. Thus, in Odessa and other cities, at the observed levels of air pollution, the maximum rate of CO formation reached 0.70-0.86 mg/m 3 per hour, while smog occurs already at a rate of 0.35 mg/m 3 per hour.

The presence of nitrogen dioxide and potassium iodide in PAN gives smog a brown tint. At high concentrations, PAN falls to the ground in the form of a sticky liquid that has a detrimental effect on vegetation.

All oxidizing agents - primarily PAN and PBN - strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and cause inflammation. In combination with ozone, these substances irritate the nasopharynx, lead to vasospasm, and at high concentrations (over 3-4 mg/m 3) contribute to a severe cough.

Let's name some other air pollutants that have a harmful effect on humans. It has been established that people who professionally deal with asbestos have an increased likelihood of cancer. Beryllium has harmful effects on the respiratory tract, as well as on the skin and eyes. Mercury vapor disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system and kidneys. Because mercury can accumulate in the body, exposure to mercury eventually leads to mental impairment. Lead compounds have a negative effect on the nervous system. Penetrating through the skin and accumulating in the blood, lead reduces the activity of enzymes involved in oxygen saturation of the blood. This, in turn, disrupts normal metabolic processes.

As noted above, the atmosphere contains a large number of various substances, a complex mixture of substances in solid, gaseous and liquid states.

Solids are not homogeneous in composition and size, they consist of organic and inorganic substances. Solids in atmospheric air contain benzo(a)pyrene, metals, their oxides, and many secondary reaction products. The sizes of solid particles in the atmosphere range from a few tens of nanometers to hundreds of micrometers.

In the last decade, particles smaller than 10 µm have been distinguished among suspended solids. The International Organization for Standardization has developed definitions for these small particles. Allocate particles with a diameter of 10 microns, which are called PM 10, and smaller ones - with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns, called PM 2.5. The book “Ambient air quality monitoring for human health impact assessment”, published by the WHO European Office (European Series, No. 85. 293 p. 38), contains a definition of these particles.

Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 µm or less mainly constitute the respirable fraction of total suspended particles, i.e. that part of them that enters the body, bypassing the larynx.

Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 µm or less constitute the respirable fraction of total particulate matter entering the non-ciliary airways of high-risk individuals (children and adults with certain lung diseases).

The materials prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) say that about 6.4 million years of healthy life have been lost due to long-term human exposure to particles contained in the atmosphere.

In cities, due to increasing air pollution, the number of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and various allergic diseases is steadily growing.

In modern conditions, the human body is subjected to combined - simultaneous or sequential effects harmful substances on the same route of entry.

These actions appear as follows:

additive action - the total effect of the mixture is equal to the sum of the effects of the active components, which indicates the unidirectionality of their action;

potentiated action (synergism) - one substance enhances the action of another, as a result, the joint action is more additive; observed only in acute poisoning;

Antagonistic action - one substance weakens the action of another, as a result, the joint action is less than the additive one;

independent action - the combined effect does not differ from the isolated action of each harmful substance; These are mixtures of combustion products, dust, etc.

The impact of polluted atmospheric air on humans, the environment and the biosphere as a whole is extremely multifaceted and manifests itself in a negative impact on the health and sanitary living conditions of people, on the microclimate and light climate of populated areas, causes significant economic damage, negatively affects water bodies and soil , flora and fauna, i.e. can have both direct and indirect effects on the life and health of the population.

A serious environmental problem is the greenhouse effect, which occurs due to air pollution. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, ozone, freons, passing the sun's rays, prevent long-wave thermal radiation from the earth's surface. An increased concentration of these gases in the atmosphere significantly reduces heat leakage from the surface layers of the atmosphere and leads to the so-called "greenhouse" effect. Over the past century, the temperature on Earth has increased by 0.6 ° C. The largest increase in temperature has occurred in the last 25 years.

The increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has several reasons. Firstly, the volume of fuel burned is constantly growing all over the world, and, consequently, the volume of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere is increasing (5-7% of the amount); carbon dioxide is constantly emitted by green plants. Approximately half of this amount remains in the atmosphere, not being involved in the process of photosynthesis and not dissolving in the water surfaces of the Earth. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also facilitated by a decrease in its consumption by tropical forests due to their intensive deforestation.

The result of atmospheric air pollution with greenhouse gases is the general warming of the climate on our planet. However, the rate of increase in the temperature of the near-Earth air layer is small and amounts to about 0.01ºC per year. In addition, there is reflection in space solar radiation by dust particles and suspended solids, the amount of which has increased both due to anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere and due to increased volcanic activity on the Earth's surface.

At a high level of atmospheric pollution and unfavorable weather for its self-purification (anticyclonic weather with fog and calm, as well as temperature inversion), toxic mists . Under normal conditions, air temperature decreases with distance from the Earth's surface. However, periodically there are such states of atmospheric air, which are called temperature inversion (“flipping”), in which the lower layers of air become colder than the upper layers. Therefore, atmospheric pollution cannot rise up and remain in the surface layer of air, where the concentrations of these pollution increase sharply. The highest concentrations are observed during severe frosts during winter inversions. They arise as a result of strong cooling of the earth's surface and ground layers of air. Nighttime inversions are also frequent due to the cooling of the earth due to heat loss by radiation, which is facilitated by a clear sky and dry air (high humidity and cloudiness prevent inversion). Nighttime inversions reach their maximum in the early morning hours. Quite often, inversions are formed in the valleys of the mountains, as the mountain descends cold air and it leaks warm.

There are two types of toxic fog: Los Angeles-type smog (photochemical fog) and London-type smog.

Photochemical fog was first observed in Los Angeles and now occurs in many cities around the world. The reason for photochemical fog is as follows. The primary reaction is the decomposition of nitrogen dioxide under the action of UV radiation from solar radiation (with a wavelength of 400 nm) into nitrogen oxide and atomic oxygen. This reaction leads to the formation of ozone, which reacts with hydrocarbons and forms a complex of compounds called photooxidants (organic peroxides, free radicals, aldehydes, ketones). Accumulating in the appropriate weather (clear, calm) in the atmospheric air, ozone and other photooxidants cause severe irritation mucous membranes of the eyes, upper respiratory tract. The concentration of photooxidants in the air is judged by the ozone content. It is believed that 0.5-0.6 mg/m 3 of ozone causes a strong photochemical fog. A maximum of 1.2 mg/m 3 of ozone was detected with photochemical fog.

London-type smog is observed in overcast, foggy weather,

contributing to the increase in the concentration of sulfur dioxide and its transformation into an even more toxic aerosol of sulfuric acid.

Under the influence of smogs on the population, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes (stinging in the eyes, lacrimation), upper respiratory tract (excruciating cough) is noted. Some people affected by smog have shortness of breath, general weakness, and sometimes a feeling of suffocation. People suffering from bronchial asthma, decompensated forms of heart disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., have a hard time enduring smog. In the days of smog, the population seeks medical help, as well as mortality from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

The harmful effects of atmospheric pollution on health can be divided into two main groups according to the time of manifestation of the effect:

  • 1. acute action, when the effect occurs immediately after the period of increasing concentrations of atmospheric pollutants to critical values;
  • 2. chronic action, which is the result of a long-term resorptive effect of atmospheric pollution of low intensity.

Typical examples of the acute effects of atmospheric pollution are cases of toxic mists. , periodically observed in different countries and on different continents.

Numerous cases of acute effects of atmospheric pollution are known, which are the result of a short-term rise in concentrations or the appearance of specific pollutants. At the same time, asthmatic attacks also developed in people who had never suffered from this disease. These outbreaks appeared to be related to air pollution in the city from garbage incineration products during certain seasons of the year, when the wind brought these pollution into the city. The appearance of acute cases of allergic diseases is associated with air pollution by atmospheric emissions from biotechnological industries (air pollution by producer microorganisms, their metabolic products, intermediate, accompanying products of microbiological synthesis).

Chronic effects of polluted atmospheric air on the body are much more common than acute ones and can be divided into two subgroups: 1) chronic specific effects; 2) chronic non-specific action.

Air pollutants such as fluorine, beryllium, lead compounds, arsenic, ash, and many others can cause chronic specific effects. Thus, numerous cases of fluorosis among the children's population are registered, due to air pollution with fluorine compounds in areas where the aluminum industry is located. When air is polluted with beryllium compounds, cases of a specific chronic disease of berylliosis are noted in the population. In children living in conditions of air pollution with high concentrations of ash, presilicotic changes in the lungs, etc.

A special role is played by impurities in the atmospheric air, causing long-term consequences. . These include substances that have carcinogenic, embryotropic, teratogenic, gonadotoxic and mutagenic effects. The chronic non-specific effect of atmospheric pollution is expressed in the weakening of the immune protective forces, the deterioration in the physical development of children, and the increase in the overall incidence, which is reflected in Table 1. List of diseases associated with air pollution»

Table 1


Substances that cause disease

Diseases of the system

blood circulation

sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur compounds, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene, propylene, butylene, fatty acids, mercury, lead

Diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs

chromium, hydrogen sulfide, silicon dioxide, mercury

Respiratory diseases

dust, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, phenol, ammonia, hydrocarbons, silicon dioxide, chlorine, mercury

Diseases of the digestive system

carbon disulfide, hydrogen sulfide, dust, nitrogen oxides, chromium, phenol, silicon dioxide, fluorine

Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, nitrous acid, ethylene, propylene, hydrogen sulfide

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Diseases of the urinary organs

carbon disulfide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene, sulfur oxide, butylene, carbon monoxide

According to experts, atmospheric air pollution reduces life expectancy by an average of 3-5 years.

Organs most sensitive to the effects of atmospheric pollution respiratory system. Intoxication of the body occurs through the alveoli of the lungs, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich (capable of gas exchange) exceeds 100 m 2. In the process of gas exchange, toxicants enter the blood. Solid suspensions in the form of particles of various sizes settle in different parts of the respiratory tract. According to statistics, all types of transport account for 60% of the total amount of pollution entering the atmosphere, industry - 17%, energy - 14%, the rest - 9% are for heating buildings and other facilities and waste disposal.

The leading anthropogenic factor in the anthropogenic impact on the quality of atmospheric air and the health of the population in cities is road transport. The main cause of air pollution is the incomplete and uneven combustion of fuel. Only 15% of it is spent on the movement of the car, and 85% "flies into the wind." In addition, the combustion chambers of an automobile engine are a kind of chemical reactor that synthesizes toxic substances and releases them into the atmosphere. Even innocent nitrogen from the atmosphere, getting into the combustion chamber, turns into toxic nitrogen oxides.

Among the harmful components are also solid emissions containing lead and soot, on the surface of which cyclic hydrocarbons are adsorbed (some of them have carcinogenic properties). The distribution patterns of solid emissions in the environment differ from the patterns characteristic of gaseous products. Large fractions (more than 1 mm in diameter), settling near the center of emission on the surface of the soil and plants, ultimately accumulate in the upper soil layer. Small fractions (less than 1 mm in diameter) form aerosols and spread with air masses over long distances.

Based on statistics, exhaust gases contain a complex mixture of more than 280 compounds. These are mainly gaseous substances and a small amount of solid particles in suspension. The impact of these substances on human health is shown in Table 2.

The effect of car exhaust gases on the human body

Harmful substances

Effects on the body

carbon monoxide

It interferes with the adsorption of oxygen by the blood, which weakens the thinking ability, slows down the reflexes, causes drowsiness and can cause loss of consciousness and death.

Affects the circulatory, nervous and genitourinary systems. It causes a decrease in mental abilities in children, is deposited in bones and other tissues, therefore it is dangerous for a long time.

nitrogen oxides

They can increase the body's susceptibility to viral diseases, irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia.


Lead to the growth of pulmonary and bronchial diseases. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are carcinogenic


Irritate mucous membranes, respiratory tract, affect the central nervous system.

Sulfur compounds

They have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the throat, nose and eyes of a person.

dust particles

Irritates the respiratory tract.

Toxicity (poisonousness) is a property of certain chemical compounds and substances, when they enter the human, animal or plant body in certain quantities, cause violations of its physiological functions, resulting in symptoms of poisoning (intoxication, disease), and in severe cases - death.

In the action of poisons on the body, it is customary to distinguish the following main stages.

  • 1. The stage of contact with the poison and the penetration of the substance into the blood.
  • 2. The stage of substance transport from the place of application by blood to target tissues, distribution of the substance throughout the body and metabolism of the substance in tissues internal organs- toxic-kinetic stage.
  • 3. The stage of substance penetration through histohematic barriers (capillary walls and other tissue barriers) and accumulation in the area of ​​molecular biotargets.
  • 4. The stage of interaction of a substance with biotargets and the occurrence of disturbances in biochemical and biophysical processes at the molecular and subcellular levels - the toxic-dynamic stage.
  • 5. The stage of functional disorders of the organism of the development of pathophysiological processes after the "defeat" of molecular biotargets and the onset of symptoms of damage.
  • 6. Stage of relief of the main symptoms of intoxication, threatening

the life of the affected person, including the use of medical protection, or the stage of outcomes.

Schematically, the body's response to chronic exposure to a chemical factor during addiction to it can be divided into three phases: the phase of primary reactions, the phase of development of addiction, sometimes with more or less long-term stable addiction, and the phase of failure of addiction and severe intoxication.

The phase of primary reactions is a period of searching for ways to adapt the body to changing environmental conditions. In the initial period of impact, developing shifts are inconsistent, usually compensated, and are often difficult to detect. As a rule, there are no changes characteristic of the specific action of this poison, but the stability of the functions of a number of organs and systems, especially regulatory ones, is disturbed. First of all, there are changes in the function and structure of the thyroid gland, which then normalize, and the apparent normalization of some indicators is often accompanied by changes in others.

In the phase of primary reactions, the functional activation of the systems that carry out the biotransformation of the poison occurs, the activity of the sympathetic part of the nervous system increases, at the same time, a decrease in the body's resistance to exogenous influences is observed. The primary reaction is characterized by instability, variability and practical non-reproducibility, their boundaries are very vague. In some cases, during this period, shifts are not detected at all, they are detected only when various additional, fairly intense effects are applied. In the experiment, this period lasts for a relatively short time (weeks), but in real life it can stretch for several years. At the same time, minor clinical symptoms are combined with increased excitability of the nervous system, instability of neuroregulatory mechanisms, and often activation of the thyroid gland.

The second phase is the development of addiction - is characterized, as already mentioned, by a decrease in response to exposure (however, during this phase, periods of reduced tolerance to a toxic agent are also possible). Outwardly - this is the phase of the well-being of the body. During it, the most adequate adaptive mechanisms selected by the dominant in one phase are trained. As a result of the adaptation process, the maximum possible habituation is achieved in this situation. Further, the stability of the organism either remains at this level for a long time, or has an undulating course without significant declines. In cases where the increase in resistance and the maintenance of this state are achieved by the tension of compensatory-protective mechanisms, shifts in the functions of a number of systems and organs may develop; pathological phenomena can also develop both without a breakdown in addiction, and with its breakdown. Habituation can be broken by strengthening the active factor or by the action of another agent that requires other adaptive mechanisms.

The third phase - severe intoxication - is not mandatory. It has to do with addiction. As a rule, a breakdown is preceded by a period of intense adaptive processes, when adaptive mechanisms are increasingly replaced by compensatory ones. In such cases, tension can be detected either by applying extreme loads, the same for experimental and control animals (if we talk about experimental conditions), or by observing many non-specific indicators that illustrate definitely increasing shifts. Failure of habituation leads to a clear pathology, and reduced sensitivity to the main agent that caused addiction turns into hypersensitivity to it. The phase of severe intoxication is characterized by the presence of symptoms specific to the active poison.

It should be noted that the habituation phase both in life and in a long-term experiment, as a rule, is interrupted by periods of manifestation of intoxication. This is due to the weakening of compensatory-protective mechanisms, either due to overstrain (more often with a sufficiently strong intensity of exposure), or with the action of an additional factor (for example, illness, overwork). Over time, periods of manifestation of intoxication are repeated more and more often and become longer and, finally, end with a complete transition to the third phase - the phase of severe intoxication.

Stage of decompensation

Any compensatory mechanism has certain limitations in terms of the severity of the violation that it is able to compensate for. Mild disorders are compensated easily, more severe ones may not be fully compensated and with various side effects. Starting from a certain level of severity, the compensatory mechanism either completely exhausts its capabilities, or fails on its own, as a result of which further counteraction to the violation becomes impossible. This condition is called decompensation.

A disease state in which a violation of the activity of an organ, system or organism as a whole can no longer be compensated by adaptive mechanisms is called the “decompensation stage” in medicine. Reaching the stage of decompensation is a sign that the body can no longer repair the damage on its own. In the absence of radical methods of treatment, a potentially fatal disease in the stage of decompensation inevitably leads to death. So, for example, cirrhosis of the liver in the stage of decompensation can be cured only by transplantation, the liver cannot recover on its own. An indicator of the toxicity of a substance is the dose. The dose of a substance that causes a certain toxic effect,

called the toxic dose. For animals and humans, it is determined by the amount of a substance that causes a certain toxic effect. The lower the toxic dose, the higher the toxicity. Since the reaction of each organism to the same toxodose of a particular toxic substance is individual, the severity of poisoning in relation to each of them is different. Some may die, others will receive injuries of varying severity or not receive them at all. Of the chemicals released into the air, lead is the most important. It accumulates in roadside dust, plants, mushrooms, etc.

Lead is especially dangerous because it can accumulate not only in the external environment, but also in the human body. In chronic lead poisoning, it accumulates in the bones as tribasic phosphate. Under certain conditions (trauma, stress, nervous shock, infection, etc.), lead is mobilized from its depot: it passes into a soluble dibasic salt and appears in high concentrations in the blood, causing severe poisoning.

The main symptoms of chronic lead poisoning are lead rim on the gums (its combination with acetic acid), lead skin color (golden-gray color), basophilic granularity of erythrocytes, hematoporphyrin in the urine, increased excretion of lead in the urine, changes in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal -intestinal tract (lead colitis).

The level of gas contamination of highways and the territories adjacent to them depends on the intensity of car traffic, the width and topography of the street, wind speed, the share of freight transport, buses in the general flow, and other factors.

Dust in the air has an important impact on the health of the population. The main causes of dust emissions into the atmosphere are dust storms, soil erosion, volcanoes, sea spray. About 15-20% of the total amount of dust and aerosols in the atmosphere is the work of man: the production of building materials, crushing rocks in mining industry, cement production, construction. Industrial dust often also includes oxides of various metals and non-metals, many of which are toxic (oxides of manganese, lead, molybdenum, vanadium, antimony, tellurium).

Mercury. In terms of toxicological properties, mercury is very aggressive and causes serious violations of the enzymatic systems of the body, all types of metabolism, primarily protein metabolism. Ingestion of 1 g of mercury and its salts is fatal, pathological disorders appear already when 0.4 mg of “pure” mercury is ingested. Its toxic effect is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations, depending on the form in which it enters the body (metal mercury vapor, inorganic or organic compounds), as well as on the routes of entry and dose.

With prolonged exposure to low concentrations of its vapors in the air, which is especially typical for the conditions of cities and many industrial productions (occupational hazard), there may be chronic poisoning with delayed damage to the nervous system, manifested in the form of so-called mercurialism. Its signs are: decreased performance, fatigue, increased excitability. Gradually, these phenomena may intensify, memory impairment occurs, anxiety and self-doubt, irritability and headaches appear. Such complaints are present in a significant number of people of different ages. Of the other symptom complexes of poisoning with mercury and its compounds, it should be noted, along with general toxic damage, the effect on the sex glands, on embryos in the womb, teratogenic (causes malformations and deformities), mutagenic (causes the occurrence of hereditary changes) and, possibly, carcinogenic (malignant education) properties. There is reason to believe that mercury intoxication has an adverse effect on the immune system. Already at eighteen degrees, mercury begins to evaporate, saturating the surrounding air with its vapors. The ingress of mercury into the human body through the lungs poses a huge danger to human health.

When mercury enters the bloodstream, it instantly spreads through all systems and organs. The kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and the central nervous system suffer the most from intoxication. Long-term inhalation of even a small dose of mercury can lead to a decrease in immunity, which will exacerbate chronic diseases.

Recently, specialists in medical ecology have paid close attention to diseases that lead to impaired reproductive health. This is facilitated by environmental pollutants such as benzene, arsenic, petroleum products, and radiation. Much attention is paid to persistent organic pollutants, the main of which are dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls. It is they, to a greater extent than other compounds, that are responsible for the violation of the reproductive health of men, women, and even children.

Benzopyrene is an artificial chemical, a member of the kinship of polycyclic hydrocarbons, a compound of the highest hazard class. It is formed during the combustion of a hydrocarbon solid, liquid and, in fact, a gaseous resource (to a small extent during the combustion of a substance in a gaseous state). Benzopyrene is an ordinary chemical carcinogen that is dangerous to humans in the smallest concentrations, as it has the function of accumulating in the natural environment of the body. In addition, it has mutagenic properties, i.e. it can cause mutations at the gene level. The benzapyrene molecule is able to combine with other similar elements, forming strong molecular systems with DNA and being introduced into its complex, it expands the double helix, gradually breaking the interconnections of DNA molecules. Consequently, the helix unwinds and a new one appears - a corrupted one, and this is already a genetic modification (transformation) of the DNA molecule and, in fact, a mutation occurs.

Congenital malformations, similar to hereditary ones, can occur under the influence of environmental factors in the embryonic period, especially in the early one (the so-called phenocopies).

Benzopyrene is capable of inducing the development and evolution of a malignant cancerous tumor in all subjects of study.

The impact of atmospheric air pollution on sanitary

conditions. Solid and liquid particles contained in atmospheric air,

to significant contamination of window panes, reducing indoor lighting. Dust, soot and gases enter the home through open windows and vents, polluting the interior, clothes, and also cause a feeling unpleasant odors. All this forces people to less often ventilate the premises and use clean fresh air is sharply limited.

Influence of atmospheric pollution on the microclimate and light climate of cities. The presence of suspended particles and gaseous pollution in the atmospheric air of industrial cities is accompanied by the deterioration of a number of factors of the microclimate and light climate of these populated areas.

Thus, as a result of atmospheric air pollution, cloudiness increases, the frequency of fogs increases, visibility decreases and there is a significant loss of ultraviolet radiation. Similar changes natural environment have a negative impact on human health.

One of the important consequences of air pollution is economic damage, the scale of which is extremely high. This problem is related to the fact that the emission of pollutants by industrial enterprises leads to the loss of raw materials, semi-finished products, reagents, finished products, and fuel. The material damage in industrialized countries for this reason alone amounts to billions of dollars a year.

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus

educational institution

"Gomel State Medical University"

Department of General Hygiene, Ecology and Radiation Medicine

Impact of atmospheric air pollution on human health and sanitary conditions of life

Performed by a student L-226

Korzon A.V.


Stratieva T.G.

Gomel 2012

Introduction 2

1. Sources of air pollution 4

2.1 The impact of the greenhouse effect on nature and humans 7

3.1 Impact of ozone holes on human health and nature 8

4.1 Impact of acid rain on nature and humans 9

5.1 Impact of smog on nature and humans 11

Conclusion 13

References 14


The economic activity of mankind over the past century has led to serious pollution of our planet with a variety of industrial waste. The air basin, water and soil in areas of large industrial centers often contain toxic substances, the concentration of which exceeds the maximum allowable. Since cases of significant excess of the permissible concentration are quite frequent and there is an increase in the incidence associated with environmental pollution, in recent decades, specialists and the media, and after them the population, have begun to use the term "environmental crisis".

Even at the end of the century before last, Friedrich Engels warned: “Let us, however, not be too deceived by our victories over nature. For each such victory, she takes revenge on us. Each of these victories, however, first of all has the consequences that we expected, but in the second and third place, completely different, unforeseen consequences, which very often destroy the consequences of the first.

There is an inexorable deterioration of the state of the environment on a global scale. Carbon dioxide is rising in the atmosphere, the Earth's ozone layer is being destroyed, acid rain is damaging all life, species loss is accelerating, fishing is languishing, declining land fertility is undermining efforts to feed the hungry, water is poisoned, and the forest cover of the Earth is getting smaller.

All these problems affect not only the state environment but also on human health. This work will be devoted to consideration of these main problems of ecology in the modern world.

1. Sources of air pollution

Atmospheric air is polluted by the introduction or formation of pollutants in it in concentrations exceeding the quality standards or the level of natural content.

A pollutant is an admixture in the atmospheric air that, at certain concentrations, has an adverse effect on human health, flora and fauna, and other components of the natural environment, or damages material values.

In recent years, the content in the atmospheric air of Russian cities and industrial centers of such harmful impurities as suspended solids, sulfur dioxide, has significantly decreased, since with a significant decline in production, the number of industrial emissions has decreased, and the concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide have increased due to the growth of the fleet cars.

The most significant influence on the composition of the atmosphere is exerted by enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical and petrochemical industries, the construction industry, energy enterprises, the pulp and paper industry, motor vehicles, and in some cities even boiler houses.

Ferrous metallurgy. The processes of smelting pig iron and processing it into steel are accompanied by the emission of various gases into the atmosphere. Dust emission per 1 tonne of cast iron is 4.5 kg, sulfur dioxide - 2.7 kg, manganese - 0.1-0.6 kg.

Sinter plants are the source of air pollution with sulfur dioxide. During ore agglomeration, sulfur is burnt out from pyrites. Sulfide ores contain up to 10% sulfur, and after sintering it remains 0.2-0.8%. The emission of sulfur dioxide in this case can be up to 190 kg per 1 ton of ore (i.e. the operation of one belt machine produces about 700 tons of sulfur dioxide per day).

Emissions from open-hearth and converter steel-smelting shops significantly pollute the atmosphere. The melting of steel is accompanied by the burning out of certain amounts of carbon and sulfur, and therefore the exhaust gases of open-hearth furnaces with oxygen blast contain up to 60 kg of carbon monoxide and up to 3 kg of sulfur dioxide per 1 ton of steel being smelted.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. Harmful substances are formed during the production of alumina, aluminum, copper, lead, tin, zinc, nickel and other metals in furnaces at crushing and grinding equipment, in converters, places of loading, unloading and sending materials, in drying units, in open warehouses. In general, non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises pollute the atmospheric air with sulfur dioxide (SO2) (75% of the total emissions into the atmosphere), carbon monoxide (10.5%) and dust (10.4%).

Chemical and petrochemical industry. Emissions to the atmosphere in the chemical industry occur during the production of acids, rubber products, phosphorus, plastics, dyes and detergents, artificial rubber, mineral fertilizers, solvents (toluene, acetone, phenol, benzene), oil cracking.

The variety of feedstock for production determines the composition of pollutants - mainly carbon monoxide (28% of the total emissions into the atmosphere), sulfur dioxide (16.3%), nitrogen oxides (6.8%), etc. Emissions contain ammonia (3, 7%), gasoline (3.3%), carbon disulfide (2.5%), hydrogen sulfide (0.6%), toluene (1.2%), acetone (0.95%), benzene (0.7% ), xylene (0.3%), dichloroethane (0.6%), ethyl acetate (0.5%), sulfuric acid (0.3%).

The enterprises of the oil refining industry, the concentration of which is especially high in Bashkortostan, Samara, Yaroslavl and Omsk regions, pollute the atmosphere with emissions of hydrocarbons (23% of the total emission), sulfur dioxide (16.6%), carbon monoxide (7.3%), nitrogen oxides (2%).

The development of oil and gas fields with a high content of hydrogen sulfide is a particular environmental hazard.

Building materials industry. The production of cement and other binders, wall materials, asbestos-cement products, building ceramics, heat and sound insulating materials, building and technical glass is accompanied by emissions of dust and suspended solids (57.1% of the total emissions), carbon monoxide (21.4% ), sulfur dioxide (10.8%) and nitrogen oxides (9%). In addition, hydrogen sulfide (0.03%) is present in the emissions.

Woodworking and pulp and paper industry. The largest enterprises of the industry are concentrated in the East Siberian, Northern, Northwestern and Ural regions, as well as in the Kaliningrad region.

Among the largest air pollutants, the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill can be singled out (7.5% of the total emissions in the industry). The characteristic pollutants produced by these enterprises are solids (29.8% of the total emissions into the atmosphere), carbon monoxide (28.2%), sulfur dioxide (26.7%), nitrogen oxides (7.9%), hydrogen sulfide (0.9%), acetone (0.5%).

In rural areas, sources of atmospheric air pollution are livestock and poultry farms, industrial complexes for the production of meat, enterprises servicing equipment, energy and thermal power enterprises. Above the territories adjacent to the premises for keeping livestock and poultry, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other foul-smelling gases spread over considerable distances in the atmospheric air.

What is the impact of air pollution on humans, you will learn from this article.

Air pollution and human health

Scientists have conducted numerous studies that have confirmed the relationship of diseases with air pollution. Every day, mixtures of different pollutants are thrown into it. The harmful effects of air pollution on human health were first discovered in London in 1952.

Air pollution affects everyone differently. Factors such as age, lung capacity, health status and time spent in the environment are taken into account. Large particles of pollutants adversely affect the upper respiratory tract, while small particles can penetrate into the alveoli of the lungs and small airways

A person exposed to air pollutants may experience long-term and short-term effects. It all depends on the influencing factors. But, one way or another, this leads to heart disease, lung disease and stroke.

Symptoms of diseases associated with air pollution - sputum production, chronic cough, infectious diseases lung, heart attack, lung cancer, heart disease.

Also, air emissions of pollutants from vehicles affect the growth retardation of the fetus in a pregnant woman and cause premature birth.

How does ozone affect health?

Ozone, which is an integral part of the atmosphere, also affects humans. US researchers claim that changes in the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere in the summer leads to an increase in mortality.

There are 3 factors on which the response to ozone exposure depends:

  • Concentration: The higher the level of ozone, the more people suffer from it.
  • Duration: Prolonged exposure has a strong negative effect on the lungs.
  • The volume of air inhaled: increased human activity contributes to a greater negative effect on the lungs.

Symptoms of the effect of ozone on health are irritation and inflammation of the lungs, a feeling of tightness in the chest, coughing. As soon as its influence stops, the symptoms also disappear.

How do particulate matter affect health?

Fine particles emitted into the air rapidly affect the lungs, as they penetrate into the alveoli and small airways. They permanently damage them. Also distinguishing feature fine particles in that they long time can be suspended in the air and transported over long distances. In addition, they enter the bloodstream and affect the heart.


The impact of air on health and the human body

In our difficult time of stress, heavy loads, constantly deteriorating environmental situation, the quality of the air we breathe is of particular importance. Air quality, its impact on our health directly depends on the amount of oxygen in it. But it is constantly changing.

We will tell you about the state of air in big cities, about harmful substances polluting it, about the impact of air on health and the human body, on our website

About 30% of urban residents have health problems, and one of the main reasons for this is the air with a low oxygen content. To determine the level of blood oxygen saturation, you need to measure it using a special device - a pulse oximeter.

Such a device is simply necessary for people with lung disease to determine in time that they need medical help.

How does indoor air affect health?

As we have said, the oxygen content of the air we breathe is constantly changing. For example, on the sea coast, its amount averages 21.9%. The volume of oxygen in a large city is already 20.8%. And even less indoors, since the already insufficient amount of oxygen is reduced due to the breathing of people in the room.

Inside residential and public buildings, even very small sources of pollution create high concentrations of it, since the volume of air there is small.
Modern man spends most of his time indoors. Therefore, even a small amount of toxic substances (for example, polluted air from the street, finishing polymer materials, incomplete combustion of domestic gas) can affect its health and performance.

In addition, the atmosphere with toxic substances affects a person, combined with other factors: air temperature, humidity, radioactive background, etc. In case of non-observance of hygiene, sanitary requirements(ventilation, wet cleaning, ionization, air conditioning) the internal environment of rooms where people are located can become hazardous to health.

Also, the chemical composition of the indoor air atmosphere significantly depends on the quality of the ambient air. Dust, exhaust gases, toxic substances from the outside penetrate into the room.

To protect yourself from this, you should use an air conditioning, ionization, purification system to purify the atmosphere of enclosed spaces. spend more often wet cleaning, do not use cheap materials hazardous to health when finishing.

How does urban air affect health?

Human health is greatly affected by a large number of harmful substances in urban air. It contains a large amount of carbon monoxide (CO) - up to 80%, which "provides" us with vehicles. This harmful substance is very insidious, odorless, colorless and very poisonous.

Carbon monoxide, getting into the lungs, binds to blood hemoglobin, prevents the supply of oxygen to tissues, organs, causing oxygen starvation, weakens thought processes. Sometimes it can cause loss of consciousness, and with strong concentration, it can cause death.

In addition to carbon monoxide, urban air contains about 15 other substances hazardous to health. Among them are acetaldehyde, benzene, cadmium, nickel. The urban atmosphere also contains selenium, zinc, copper, lead, and styrene. High concentration of formaldehyde, acrolein, xylene, toluene. Their danger is such that the human body only accumulates these harmful substances, which is why their concentration increases. After a while, they already become dangerous to humans.

These harmful chemicals are often responsible for hypertension, coronary heart disease, and kidney failure. There is also a high concentration of harmful substances around industrial enterprises, plants, factories. Studies have shown that half of the exacerbation of chronic diseases of people living near enterprises is caused by bad, dirty air.

The situation is much better in rural areas, “sleeping urban areas”, where there are no enterprises, power plants nearby, and there is also a small concentration of vehicles.
Residents of big cities are saved by powerful air conditioners that clean the air masses from dust, dirt, soot. But, you should be aware that passing through the filter, the cooling-heating system also cleans the air of useful ions. Therefore, as an addition to the air conditioner, you should have an ionizer.

Most people need oxygen:

* Children, they need twice as much as seven adults.

* Pregnant women - they spend oxygen on themselves and on their unborn child.

* Elderly people, as well as people with poor health. They need oxygen to improve their well-being, prevent the exacerbation of diseases.

* Athletes need oxygen to enhance physical activity, accelerate muscle recovery after sports stress.

* Schoolchildren, students, everyone involved in mental work to enhance concentration, reduce fatigue.

The effect of air on the human body is obvious. favorable conditions air environmentthe most important factor maintaining human health and performance. Therefore, try to provide best cleaning air in the room. Also, try to leave the city as soon as possible. Go to the forest, to the reservoir, walk in parks, squares.

Breathe the clean, healthy air you need to stay healthy. Be healthy!

atmospheric air: its pollution

Atmospheric air pollution by road transport emissions

The car is this “symbol” of the 20th century. in the industrialized countries of the West, where public transport is poorly developed, it is increasingly becoming a real disaster. Tens of millions of private cars filled the streets of cities and highways, every now and then there are many kilometers of "traffic jams", expensive fuel is burned to no avail, the air is poisoned by poisonous exhaust gases. In many cities, they exceed the total emissions into the atmosphere of industrial enterprises. The total capacity of automobile engines in the USSR significantly exceeds the installed capacity of all thermal power plants in the country. Accordingly, cars “eat up” much more fuel than thermal power plants, and if it is possible to increase the efficiency of automobile engines at least a little, this will result in millions of savings.

Automobile exhaust gases are a mixture of approximately 200 substances. They contain hydrocarbons - unburned or incompletely burned fuel components, the proportion of which increases sharply if the engine is running at low speeds or at the time of increasing speed at the start, i.e. during traffic jams and at a red traffic light. It is at this moment, when the accelerator is pressed, that the most unburned particles are released: about 10 times more than during normal engine operation. The unburned gases also include ordinary carbon monoxide, which is formed in one quantity or another everywhere where something is burned. The exhaust gases of an engine running on normal gasoline and in normal mode contain an average of 2.7% carbon monoxide. With a decrease in speed, this share increases to 3.9%, and at low speed, up to 6.9%.

Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and most other engine gases are heavier than air, so they all accumulate near the ground. Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin in the blood and prevents it from carrying oxygen to the tissues of the body. Exhaust gases also contain aldehydes, which have a pungent odor and irritant effect. These include acroleins and formaldehyde; the latter has a particularly strong effect. Automobile emissions also contain nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen dioxide plays an important role in the formation of hydrocarbon conversion products in the atmospheric air. The exhaust gases contain undecomposed fuel hydrocarbons. Among them, a special place is occupied by unsaturated hydrocarbons of the ethylene series, in particular, hexene and pentene. Due to incomplete combustion of fuel in a car engine, part of the hydrocarbons turns into soot containing resinous substances. Especially a lot of soot and tar is formed during a technical malfunction of the motor and at times when the driver, forcing the operation of the engine, reduces the ratio of air and fuel, trying to get the so-called "rich mixture". In these cases, a visible tail of smoke trails behind the machine, which contains polycyclic hydrocarbons and, in particular, benzo(a)pyrene.

1 liter of gasoline may contain about 1 g of tetraethyl lead, which breaks down and is released as lead compounds. There is no lead in emissions from diesel vehicles. Tetraethyl lead has been used in the USA since 1923 as an additive to gasoline. Since that time, the release of lead into the environment has been continuously increasing. The annual per capita consumption of lead for gasoline in the United States is about 800 g. Lead levels close to toxic levels have been observed in traffic police officers and in those who are constantly exposed to car exhaust. Studies have shown that pigeons living in Philadelphia contain 10 times more lead than pigeons living in rural areas. Lead is one of the main poisoners of the environment; and it is supplied mainly by modern high compression engines produced by the automotive industry.
The contradictions of which the car is “woven” are perhaps not as sharply revealed in anything as in the matter of protecting nature. On the one hand, he made our life easier, on the other hand, he poisoned it. In the most direct and sad sense.

One passenger car annually absorbs more than 4 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, emitting about 800 kg of carbon monoxide, about 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various hydrocarbons with exhaust gases.

Exhaust gases of cars, air pollution

In connection with a sharp increase in the number of cars, the problem of combating atmospheric pollution by exhaust gases of internal combustion engines has become acute. Currently, 40-60% of air pollution is caused by cars. On average, emissions per car are, kg / year, carbon monoxide 135, nitrogen oxides 25, hydrocarbons 20, sulfur dioxide 4, particulate matter 1.2, benzpyrene 7-10. It is expected that by 2000 the number of cars in the world will be about 0.5 billion. Accordingly, per year they will emit into the atmosphere, tons of carbon monoxide 7.7-10, nitrogen oxides 1.4-10, hydrocarbons 1.15-10 , sulfur dioxide 2.15-10 , particulate matter 7-10 , benzpyrene 40. Therefore, the fight against atmospheric pollution will become even more urgent. There are several ways to solve this problem. One of the most promising of them is the creation of electric vehicles.

Harmful emissions. It is well established that internal combustion engines, especially automobile carburetor engines, are the main sources of pollution. Exhaust gases from gasoline-powered vehicles, unlike LPG-fuelled vehicles, contain lead compounds. Anti-knock additives such as tetraethyl lead are the cheapest means of adapting conventional gasolines to modern high compression engines. After combustion, the lead-containing components of these additives are released into the atmosphere. If catalytic cleaning filters are used, the lead compounds absorbed by them deactivate the catalyst, as a result of which not only lead, but also carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons are emitted along with the exhaust gases in an amount depending on the conditions and standards for operating engines, as well as on conditions cleaning and a number of other factors. The concentration of contaminants in exhaust gases from both gasoline and LPG engines is quantified by the method now well known as the California test cycle. During most experiments, it was found that the transition of engines from gasoline to LPG leads to a decrease in the amount of carbon monoxide emissions by 5 times and unburned hydrocarbons by 2 times.

To reduce air pollution with exhaust gases containing lead, it is proposed to place porous polypropylene fibers or fabric based on them in an inert atmosphere at 1000 °C into the muffler of a car. The fibers adsorb up to 53% of the lead contained in the exhaust gases.

In connection with the increase in the number of cars in cities, the problem of atmospheric pollution with exhaust gases is becoming more and more acute. On average, about 1 kg of exhaust gases are emitted per day, containing oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, various (hydrocarbons and lead compounds.

As we can see, a catalyst is a substance that accelerates chemical reaction, providing an easier path for its flow, but is itself not consumed in the reaction. This does not mean that the catalyst does not take part in the reaction. The FeBr3 molecule plays an important role in the multistage mechanism of the benzene bromination reaction discussed above. But at the end of the reaction, ReBr3 is regenerated in its original form. This is a general and characteristic property of any catalyst. A mixture of H2 and O2 gases may remain unchanged at room temperature for years without any noticeable reaction, but the addition of a small amount of platinum black causes an instantaneous explosion. Platinum black has the same effect on gaseous butane or alcohol vapor mixed with oxygen. (Some time ago, gas lighters using platinum black instead of a wheel and flint appeared on the market, but they quickly became unusable due to poisoning of the catalyst surface with impurities in butane gas. Tetraethyl lead also poisons catalysts that reduce automobile exhaust pollution, and therefore Vehicles fitted with such catalytic converters must use tetraethyl lead-free gasoline.)

The impact of exhaust gases on human health

Car exhaust pipe

Outboard motors exhaust gases into the water, on many models through the propeller hub
Nitrogen oxides are the most dangerous, about 10 times more dangerous than carbon monoxide, the share of toxicity of aldehydes is relatively small and amounts to 4-5% of the total toxicity of exhaust gases. The toxicity of various hydrocarbons varies greatly. Unsaturated hydrocarbons in the presence of nitrogen dioxide are photochemically oxidized, forming toxic oxygen-containing compounds - components of smog.

The quality of afterburning on modern catalysts is such that the proportion of CO after the catalyst is usually less than 0.1%.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in gases are strong carcinogens. Among them, benzpyrene is the most studied, in addition to it, anthracene derivatives were found:

In addition, when using sulphurous gasolines, sulfur oxides can be included in the exhaust gases, when using leaded gasolines - lead (Tetraethyl lead), bromine, chlorine, and their compounds. It is believed that aerosols of lead halides can undergo catalytic and photochemical transformations, participating in the formation of smog.

Prolonged contact with an environment poisoned by car exhaust gases causes a general weakening of the body - immunodeficiency. In addition, the gases themselves can cause various diseases. For example, respiratory failure, sinusitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, lung cancer. Exhaust gases also cause atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Indirectly through pulmonary pathology, various disorders of the cardiovascular system can also occur.

Preventive measures to protect the human body from the harmful effects of the environment in an industrial city

Outdoor air pollution

Atmospheric air in industrial cities is polluted by emissions from thermal power plants, non-ferrous metallurgy, rare earth and other industries, as well as an increasing number of vehicles.

The nature and degree of impact of pollutants are different and are determined by their toxicity and excess of the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) established for these substances.

Characteristics of the main pollutants emitted into the atmosphere:

1. Nitrogen dioxide is a substance of hazard class 2. In acute nitrogen dioxide poisoning, pulmonary edema may develop. Signs of chronic poisoning - headaches, insomnia, damage to the mucous membranes.

Nitrogen dioxide is involved in photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons in car exhaust gases with the formation of acutely toxic organic substances and ozone, products of photochemical smog.

2. Sulfur dioxide is a substance of the 3rd hazard class. Sulfur dioxide and sulfuric anhydride in combination with suspended particles and moisture have a harmful effect on humans, living organisms and material values. Sulfur dioxide mixed with particulate matter and sulfuric acid leads to increased symptoms of breathing difficulties and lung disease.

3. Hydrogen fluoride is a substance of hazard class 2. In acute poisoning, irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and bronchi, eyes, salivation, nosebleeds occur; in severe cases - pulmonary edema, damage to the central nervous system, in chronic cases - conjunctivitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumosclerosis, fluorosis. Characterized by skin lesions such as eczema.

4. Benz (a) pyrene - a substance of hazard class 1, present in car exhaust gases, is a very strong carcinogen, causes cancer in several locations, including the skin, lungs, and intestines. The main pollutant is motor vehicles, as well as CHP and heating of the private sector.

5. Lead is a hazard class 1 substance that negatively affects the following organ systems: hematopoietic, nervous, gastrointestinal and renal.

It is known that the half-life of its biological decay in the body as a whole is 5 years, and in human bones - 10 years.

6. Arsenic is a hazard class 2 substance that affects the nervous system. Chronic arsenic poisoning leads to loss of appetite and weight loss, gastrointestinal disorders, peripheral neurosis, conjunctivitis, hyperkeratosis, and skin melanoma. The latter occurs with prolonged exposure to arsenic and can lead to the development of skin cancer.

7. Natural gas radon is a product of the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium. Entry into the human body occurs through air and water, excess doses of radon cause a risk of cancer. The main ways of getting radon into buildings are from soil through cracks and crevices, from walls and building structures, as well as with water from underground sources.

1. From the harmful effects of atmospheric air pollution during the onset of adverse weather conditions (NMU) for the dispersion of pollutants, it is recommended:

Restrict physical activity and being outdoors;

Close windows and doors. Carry out daily wet cleaning of the premises;

In cases of increased concentration of harmful substances in the atmospheric air (based on reports of NMU), it is advisable to use cotton-gauze bandages, respirators or handkerchiefs when moving outdoors;

During the NMU period, pay special attention to compliance with the rules for the improvement of the city (do not burn garbage, etc.);

Increase fluid intake, drink boiled, purified or alkaline mineral water without gas, or tea, and often rinse your mouth with a weak solution of baking soda, take a shower more often;

Include foods containing pectin in the diet: boiled beets, beetroot juice, apples, fruit jelly, marmalade, as well as vitamin drinks based on rose hips, cranberries, rhubarb, herbal decoctions, natural juices. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in natural fiber and pectins in the form of salads and mashed potatoes;

Increase in the diet of children whole milk, fermented milk products, fresh cottage cheese, meat, liver (foods high in iron);

To remove toxic substances and cleanse the body, use natural sorbents such as Tagansorbent, Indigel, Tagangel-Aya, activated charcoal;

Restrict the use of personal vehicles within the city during the NMU period;

For NMU periods, if possible, go to a suburban or park area.

Regularly ventilate the premises on the first floors and in the basements;

In the bathroom and kitchen rooms, have a working ventilation system or an exhaust hood;

Keep water from underground sources used for drinking in an open container before use.