How to grow a handsome narcissus - all about planting and care in the open field. Caring for daffodils outdoors: from planting to a beautiful flower bed When to plant daffodils outdoors in autumn

  • 16.06.2019

Many people enjoy growing daffodils as they are associated with the arrival of spring and fill the air with a pleasant fragrance. Growing daffodils in your country house or a flower bed near your home is within the power of both experienced gardeners and amateurs. These are perennial plants that can overwinter in open ground. However, if it is not transplanted, then the vital activity of this plant lasts only up to 5 years. More than 12 thousand varieties of daffodils are known. Depending on this, each group of narcissists has its own requirements. Some prefer moisture, others prefer clay soil.

These plants are quite unpretentious, so they can grow well in a shady place. However, in good light, the flowers have the best quality. Can adapt well to different types landscape: in a flower bed, lawn or under the crown of a tree.

How to prepare soil for planting

Daffodils do not require a special type of soil, they can grow in any. In order to saturate the soil with nutrients, the soil should be fertilized with compost or humus. However, it should be remembered that these plants do not tolerate manure. Therefore, it should not be used.

It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting daffodils in the summer so that it has time to settle a little.

Planting Rules

Daffodils are transplanted using bulbs. They are usually planted from August to September. Before this, you need to carefully sort out the bulbs, separating small and damaged ones. After that, they must be treated with a solution of manganese.

Daffodils are usually planted at a depth of 12-20 cm. It is better to plant small bulbs at a depth of 10 cm.

After the bulbs are planted, it is necessary to cover the soil with a protective layer to protect it from the cold in winter. For this purpose, peat or humus is used, which is laid out 5 cm thick. To avoid freezing of the soil, cover it with a thick layer of leaves, about 20 cm. With the onset of spring, the leaves are removed.

When caring for daffodils, special attention should be paid to watering and top dressing.
During hot weather, daffodils should be watered when they begin to grow and until the moment when the leaves begin to wither.

These plants need to be fed twice. The first time during the formation of buds, the second - during flowering. For this, superphosphate, urea, potassium sulfate are used.

In order to propagate your favorite variety of daffodils, you must:

  1. Make small cuts at the bottom of the bulb, put them on the racks. Small bulbs should appear in these cuts. After a certain time, they will produce material for planting.
  2. At the end of summer, the bulb must be divided in such a way that the parts of the two scales are fixed on one bottom. All this must be stored in a bag filled with perlite. After that, we plant in the ground.

How to save bulbs

Digging up the bulbs should be done after the leaves and roots begin to dry out. The best time to do this is in July. If the bulbs are not planned to be dug up, then the dried leaves must be cut off and the soil fluffed with a rake. In August, the plants must be well watered to avoid drying out the root system.

Having dug up the bulbs, they need to be well dried and stored first at a temperature of 25 degrees, and later - 18 degrees.

plant diseases

The main diseases of daffodils include bacterial rot. Onion horse mite, tuberculate hoverfly and narcissus fly are the main pests of flowers. After the plant has faded, it must be sprayed blue vitriol(100 g of powder per 10 liters of water).

In some cases, you can use a special drug called Fitoverm. It is applied in the spring before the formation of buds.

Narcissus can be grown not only in the garden, but also in your apartment, at home, for this you just need to try a little and.

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To avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to figure out how to properly plant daffodils in the fall, when and how to plant bulbs.

For the planted bulb of daffodil to bloom on next year and successfully built up children, it is necessary to correctly determine:

  • timing of planting daffodils;
  • landing depth;
  • landing site;
  • storage of bulbs before planting;
  • soil features of the landing site.

Bulb planting time

Compared to other bulbous daffodils, they are planted earlier. V different regions countries, the planting time is not very different, since it is not the temperature of the soil that is important for them, but how much time has passed from the moment the bulbs were dug up to the moment they were planted.

If beginner flower growers are interested in when to plant daffodils in the fall in the Moscow region, then the answer can be unequivocal in mid-August. The dormancy time of the narcissus is short, and having dug out the overgrown nests of the bulbs, there is no need to keep them for a long time without germination. The same answer will be received by those flower growers who ask the question: “When to plant daffodils in the fall in the Leningrad Region?”.

But what about those regions where autumn is short and winter comes quickly? These flower growers need to hurry even more. If the bulbs are planted in August, and there is still time before frost, the daffodil has time to take root and gives roots up to 20 cm, but when planted in early September, only 5 cm.

When asked: “When to plant daffodils in the fall in the Urals,” you can answer even shorter - after a short drying of the bulbs. This is the same answer to the question: "When to plant daffodils in autumn in Siberia."

If there are several varieties of daffodils, then Poetic ones are planted first, followed by small-crowned and large-crowned, and only then tubular.

bulb storage

Narcissus is a perennial crop, they do not require annual digging of bulbs, like tulips. Excavation of overgrown nests is carried out once every 3-4 years, and some varieties that weakly build up a baby once every 5 years.

Digging is carried out as soon as the leaf begins to turn yellow, this indicates that the root system has stopped supplying nutrients and is entering the rest phase. In different regions it takes place in different dates, it all depends on the amount of moisture and climate, but in any case it falls in the middle of summer.

The onions are dried by laying them out in boxes with a mesh bottom layer in one row and placing them in a ventilated room.

If it is not possible to remove the bulbs from the flower garden immediately after digging, then they must be covered from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

The cleaning of the bulbs is first carried out at the place of digging. The earth, dried leaves and roots are removed, which are easily separated. After the initial drying, the baby separates for 3-4 days. When figuring out how to store daffodil bulbs before planting in the fall, flower growers should be aware that the temperature at which the bulb is stored will determine the flowering of the daffodil. After separating the bulbs that are selected for flowering, they are placed in boxes and sent for warming at a temperature of 22-24 ᵒC for 12-14 days. Further, the temperature is lowered to 20 ᵒC and stored under such conditions until planting.

During storage, the bulbs are repeatedly sorted out, reviewed and removed damaged or suspicious for diseases.

Figuring out when to plant daffodils open ground in autumn, it should be noted that the bulb must be allowed to rest for at least 30 days (15 - heat, 15 - moderate temperature).

bulb processing

Before planting daffodils in the fall, the bulbs must be processed.

The main enemy of the daffodil is the nematode. It cannot be seen on the bulb, but it is possible and necessary to fight it.

The processing time must be clearly defined, and this is 12-14 days after digging. If the manipulation is carried out earlier, then the rudiments of flowers can be damaged, if later - the rudiments of the roots.

The procedure is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. We process the bulbs hot water temperature 43-45 ᵒC for 2 hours. You can add potassium permanganate to the water and this will be an additional protection against fungal diseases.
  2. Treated with a solution of ethanol 35-37% for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, high-quality bulbs sink, and the affected ones float up and are discarded.

Site preparation

Narcissus is less picky about soil than tulip, but prefers light to medium loam. The arable layer should be 35-40 cm, and the soil The groundwater below the level of 60 cm. The soil reaction should be neutral and a sufficient humus layer.

The predecessor does not play a special role. However, the narcissist should return to his place no earlier than after 5 years.

If the soil is not very nutritious, then the soil for daffodils should be cultivated. To do this, start preparing the site in the spring. Up to 20 liters of mature humus are brought per square meter and everything is plowed. A month later, 30-50 g of superphosphate per meter is applied to the site and plowed again.

planting depth

Since the bulbs are planted for more than one year, planting depth matters. When calculating how deep to plant daffodils, they are guided by 15 centimeters. However, on heavy soils it is raised to 12, and on light soils it is lowered to 17 centimeters.

Planting depth should be determined not from the tip of the bulb, but from the bottom.

If the bulbs of daffodils are planted in the fall by a baby, then the depth is maintained at about 10 cm.

The distance between the bulbs is kept within two diameters. Landing is carried out exclusively by analysis. You should not plant a baby along with large bulbs of the first analysis.

There is one trick to choosing a landing method. If you need a large bulb for sale in 1-2 years, then the bulbs are planted tightly, but if you need a large number of babies, then you should plant them very rarely.

The depth of planting daffodils in autumn is of great importance, however, the whole complex of agrotechnical measures plays a role.

Daffodils are one of the most hardy spring flowers. They are resistant to cold, diseases, undemanding to lighting and soil composition. At the same time, with minimal care, they delight with their beautiful and fragrant flowers. It is for this reason that these beautiful spring flowers can be found in almost every garden.

Every experienced florist knows that in order for these flowers to please with their buds from year to year, they need a transplant and the best time for this procedure is autumn.

Traditionally, there are 2 seasons for planting daffodils, these are autumn and spring. The choice of planting time depends on the varietal characteristics of the flower and climatic conditions region.

If a heat-loving variety is chosen that requires special growing conditions, planting of daffodils is carried out in the spring months. Bulbs in this case require preliminary preparation. They must lie in a cold place with an air temperature of 3-5 degrees Celsius for 2-3 months before planting, otherwise they will not be able to fully take root and will start to hurt.

In any case, daffodils planted in spring bloom for the first time no earlier than a year after planting. In this case, babies for breeding new flowers can be obtained only after a year.

Daffodils have a short dormant period and when the bulbs are planted in autumn, they wake up and gain strength for future growth in the spring.

When planting in the fall, the bulbs do not require preliminary cold preparation. They go through this stage by being in the ground throughout the winter. In spring, plants quickly sprout and delight with their flowers. In addition, autumn planting allows you to get a new one by next autumn. planting material, which is especially important when growing rare ornamental varieties.

The time of planting daffodils in the autumn depends on their variety, the climatic features of the region and the weather conditions of the current year.

Small-bulbous (botanical) varieties are planted from early August to mid-September (depending on the region), at a soil temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius. They are planted earlier than large varieties for the reason that they begin to dry and disappear faster.

Large varieties of daffodils are best planted from mid-August to the second decade of September.

In the middle lane

V middle lane, daffodils are planted in open ground from the second decade of August to mid-September. By the time of the first autumn frosts, the plants will have time to take root and easily survive the winter.

Planting daffodils in the Moscow region is carried out from August 15 to September 15. It is at this time that the soil temperature reaches the required level, that is, up to 8-10 degrees Celsius.

In the Urals, in Siberia

Planting daffodils in the Urals has been carried out since the beginning of August. With a warm autumn, planting can be continued until mid-September.

Planting daffodils in Siberia is carried out from early August to September. In this region, when landing, you need to focus on the weather forecast and temperature over the next 2 weeks.

By planting daffodils according to the advice of the lunar calendar, you can grow beautiful and lush flowers, avoiding possible failures.

Auspicious days for planting daffodils Lunar calendar : 3-6, 8-9, 12-15, 16, 19, 21-23, 31 August and 2-5, 25-29 September.

Unfavorable days for landing: 7, 11-13, 24, 30 August and 6-9, 20-23 September.

The best time for planting and planting daffodils is the waning moon, especially in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces.

How to properly plant daffodils

Small varieties of daffodils are planted in groups or paths. Large-flowered daffodils can be planted either in groups or singly.

A flower bed for planting daffodils should be located in a place closed from wind and flooding. A flower bed with a slight slope on the windward side is best suited. ground water on the selected site should pass at a depth of 60 centimeters or more. Around the flower bed to protect against flooding, you can arrange a drainage system.

The place for planting daffodils can be located in partial shade, the main thing is that the rays of the sun fall on the plants at least during noon.

There are several cultivars with bright pink and orange crowns of flowers that fade quickly if exposed to the sun for a long time. Such daffodils are best placed on the western side of the building or in the shade of trees with an openwork crown.

Any other daffodils can also grow under mountain ash, sea buckthorn, birch, linden, that is, those trees that do not create much shade.

daffodils are unpretentious plants, but still on fertile soil their flowering becomes more dense and saturated.

Loamy soil is most suitable for daffodils, although flowers grow on any other soil.

The soil on the site must have good air permeability and allow moisture to pass through.

The acidity of the earth should be equal to - pH 6.5-7.0. At higher acidity, wood ash is introduced into the ground (a glass on square meter) or double superphosphate (50 grams).

The preparation of the future flower bed is carried out in advance, about 3 months before planting daffodils. The land on the site is freed from weeds and roots. The soil is being dug up. The depth of digging should be 30 centimeters.

Under digging, rotted humus, compost or complex mineral fertilizer, as well as other components necessary for a particular soil, are introduced into the ground.

Sandy ground freezes deeper than others, which sometimes leads to the death of flowers in winter period. Also, in such a flower bed, daffodils gradually become smaller and cease to bloom. To improve such soil, a bucket of clay and a bucket of rotted humus are introduced into the sandy soil per square meter.

In heavy clay soils per square meter, 20 kilograms of sand, 10 kilograms of turf and 5 kilograms of peat are introduced. Also on such a site a drainage layer is made of expanded clay, vermiculite or small pebbles, in order to avoid moisture stagnation.

A week before planting the bulbs, daffodils move. Damaged, rotten or infected specimens are discarded. Cracked, easily detachable scales are removed from the selected bulbs. 1-2 upper dry layers are removed.

Bulbs are placed in a container and left indoors for several days. Then they move again, after which they are soaked in a solution of any fungicide or potassium permanganate ( Pink colour) for half an hour. After that, the planting material is removed and dried on a paper towel.

During digging (the day before planting), 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 25 grams of double superphosphate, 40 grams of potassium sulfate are added to the soil during digging. The earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel, then leveled with a rake. If the soil is dry, it is moistened with a watering can.

The next day, holes or rows are stuffed on the site. The distance between small-flowered varieties and children of daffodils is 6-10 centimeters, between large specimens - 15-20 centimeters. On average, the planting depth should be 2-3 times more height bulbs. For large bulbs, the height is 15-20 centimeters, for smaller ones and children - 10-15 centimeters.

In heavy soil, the planting depth is small (to make it easier for flowers to germinate), in light soil it is deeper.

Bulbs planted deeper than required will bloom half a month later or simply rot due to lack of good drainage.

Prepared holes are watered. A layer of sifted river sand is poured at the bottom of the holes. The bulbs are laid out bottoms down and slightly pressed into the sand. Each bulb is sprinkled with ashes. The holes are covered with earth.

If the autumn turned out to be dry and there is little moisture in the ground, the planted bulbs are well shed with water. As soon as the water saturates the soil, it is sprinkled with rotted humus. This method protects the soil from evaporation of moisture and saturates the plants with additional nutrients.

Planting daffodil bulbs in the ground in autumn: video

Watering daffodils is carried out as the soil dries. 2-3 buckets of warm, settled water are consumed per square meter of planting. After watering, loosening of the earth is carried out so that a crust does not appear.

If it starts to rain in the fall, then the plantings are covered with a film, otherwise the bulbs may rot.

In autumn, after planting, daffodils do not need additional feeding.
In the spring, after the snow melts, 15 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of potassium, 30 grams of nitrogen are added to the flower bed. Fertilizers are sealed between plants in a dry form.

Plants do not need protection from rodents, since the bulbs are not edible, pests do not touch them.

For the winter, daffodils take shelter, especially in regions where the winter is long and frosty. At the first frost, the soil in a flower bed with daffodils loosens, and then becomes covered with a layer of dry oak or birch leaves, peat, wood ash, needles, sawdust, spruce branches, 10-15 centimeters thick. Also, for shelter, you can use spunbond or lutrasil in 2 layers. In the spring, the protective layer is removed. Plants, after that, begin to grow actively and bloom quickly.

Daffodils are planted in their original place no earlier than after 5 years and provided that there are no diseases and pests in the ground.

Almost all cultures can be the predecessors of daffodils, except corms, bulbs and plants of the nightshade family.

Daffodils look good paired with crocuses, primrose, tulips, lungwort and spring groundcovers.

You can use fresh manure in a flower bed for daffodils a year before planting flowers, otherwise the flowers will burn. To fertilize the soil, only rotted humus is taken.

You can dig and plant daffodils annually (rare and large varieties) or once every 3-4 years (medium and small varieties).

Plants should not be planted in the same place earlier than after 5 years.

If the flower bed is small, but in an area with infertile soil, you can completely remove upper layer soil and replace it with a ready-made or self-made soil mixture purchased at the store.

For earlier flowering and appearance a large number children, the bulbs need to be planted a little smaller than required, and cover them for the winter with an 8-15 cm layer of vegetable mulch.

If there is a desire that the flowers open later, and the children appear more slowly, then the bulbs need to be planted a little deeper than required.

Any varieties of daffodils from the moment of planting to the first frost should have time to take root. It takes them about 2-4 weeks to do this.

With prolonged rainfall, so that the bulbs do not get wet, a flower bed with daffodils is covered with a film.

Given all the subtleties of care, even rare varieties can be grown in your garden, regardless of the regional climate.

Daffodils will decorate any flower bed, lawn, mixborder, alpine hill, discount or just a garden plot. With the right autumn planting, plants will delight you with their fragrant bright flowers next spring. Their care is minimal, which makes these flowers popular in almost any garden.

To create your own collection of the most beautiful flowers, you just need to know how to plant flowers correctly and how to grow them yourself from seeds. So, some types of flower seeds can be planted immediately in open ground, resulting in a charming flower bed with long, if not continuous flowering without the slightest hassle with seedlings.

And there are those varieties with which you have to tinker, but the beauty of their flowers is worth it.

When can flowers be planted?

You can plant flower seeds before winter in the ground, or before the end of spring frosts, or even earlier - literally in the snow. In the snow it is possible to plant only winter-hardy plants, also called cold-resistant letniki. These include agrostemma or cockle, adonis and amaranth, cornflower and hylia, graceful gypsophila, Godetia, Iberis, calendula, Clarkia, flax and lobularia. As well as poppy-seed, nikandra, phacelia, chrysanthemum and sage.

Planting heat-loving flowers

Seeds of different heat-loving flowers sit a little later than frost-resistant ones. How to sow them correctly there is information on the bags in which they are packaged. It also indicates at what time it is desirable to sow and at what distance or depth the seeds should be planted in the soil. It also describes how tall the flowers will grow, as well as whether these species are cold-resistant, or vice versa - heat-loving. Different kinds flowers need to be sown using different methods, which is also indicated on their packaging. So the instructions will be quite enough to understand how to plant flowers with seeds. Additional data is not required for this, since the process itself is extremely simple.

Choosing colors for the area

No matter how beautiful and attractive a flower may seem to you in the photo of its packaging, in no case should you buy it if this plant is not suitable for your climate. It's extreme important factor the correct choice of flowers for a flower bed or garden plot. When planting seeds with flower bulbs and with further care for them, you must strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packages. It is necessary to observe the recommended depth, as well as planting time, take care of the appropriate composition of the soil and comply with the requirements for the level of illumination of the site, and also try to monitor the frequency of watering with top dressing.

Arrangement of a flower bed

To get a blooming dacha, in different parts of the site, you need to plant flowers in the form of one-color or multi-colored "islands", as well as a row.

They can be straight or wavy. There are flowers that are most convenient to sow in nests, each with 3-4 pieces. Nearby it would be nice to plant Gypsophila and Poppies, Cereals and Matthiola, Clarkia, Nemesia, Levkoy, Eshsholtsia and Asters annuals. You can dilute your flower bed with summer time and indoor flowers, such as orchids or violets. Just before planting such flowers, you need to learn about caring for them, even if they delight you on the windowsill. Type in a search engine the phrase how to care for indoor plants, or diseases of orchids photo, and you will see how it is necessary to care for plants so that no diseases overtake them.


Correctly choosing and planting flowers on land plot, you can get a beautiful flower bed, which from spring to autumn will delight you with flowering. But, you should choose only plants that are suitable for your climate zone, as well as be guided by the rules for planting them and take into account the conditions of care.

Daffodils can be dug up every year, after 2, 3 or at most 4 years. It is very inconvenient and difficult to breed daffodil with seeds. Therefore, daffodils are bred with bulbs that are planted in the fall.

When to plant daffodils

In autumn. Many gardeners plant all bulbous flowers at the same time, but this is wrong. Each bulbous plant has its own planting time. And if you think about it when daffodil bulbs are planted, then the very the best time from the second half of August to the second week of September.

The most active roots of daffodils grow in September. For bulbs planted at the end of the allowable period, the roots by winter will be four times shorter than those planted on time. Therefore, try to purchase and plant the bulbs as early as possible, do not wait until the end of October. If, nevertheless, you are delayed with planting, then cover the flower beds with humus or fallen leaves.

Spring. spring planting daffodils is possible if the bulbs previously had a cold period (stored in the refrigerator), which is necessary for normal development and flowering bulbs.

How to grow a handsome narcissus - all about planting and care in the open field

Such a cold period for daffodil bulbs is required for growing in garden flowerpots, otherwise they will not bloom.

Before planting in a flower bed, the bulbs must be carefully examined and, if necessary, diseased or damaged ones should be discarded. Planting daffodils in the spring is done on completely thawed ground. It is necessary to dig up a bed and plant daffodils at a depth of 15 cm. The distance between the bulbs should be about 15-20 cm, since daffodils tend to grow rapidly. It is very important to prevent the bulbs from sinking, which may prevent the daffodils from starting to bloom. Daffodils planted in spring begin to bloom much later than those planted in autumn.

How and when to plant daffodils outdoors

Daffodils are quite unpretentious flowers, they can grow in almost any soil. However, if the landing site is depleted in nutrients and with improper care, they will lose their varietal characteristics and turn from terry and large into stunted and nondescript. To grow daffodils correctly, they need to be transplanted to a new place when the bulbs multiply and begin to crowd each other. This leads to the fact that spring flowering will begin to wane. Therefore, we plant daffodil bulbs every 4 - 5 years in a new flower bed.

The best time to start dividing the bulbs is in August. At this time, the flowers are practically rootless and tolerate this process easily. If the roots of the bulbs have already begun to form, then you need to dig up the flowers as carefully as possible and take care of the new roots.

Dug out bulbous nests are divided and transplanted to a new place. If it is impossible to transplant immediately, then you can store young bulbs of daffodils, preventing the roots from drying out.

How deep to plant daffodils

The planting depth of daffodils is approximately 3 bulb diameters, counted from the bottom. If you find it difficult to determine the depth of planting, then we plant daffodils according to the following scheme.

When planting daffodils in the autumn, you need to fertilize the soil:

  • compost or humus + complex mineral fertilizer (1 teaspoon per 1 plant bulb) + wood ash (1 cup per 3 bulbs).

Reproduction of daffodils

Daffodils are also good because they multiply relatively quickly. The average multiplication factor is (1:4). Even if you plant only one narcissus bulb, then in a year there will already be a “bouquet” of 3-6 flowers in this place.

If daffodils are planted not in rows, but in a compact “circle”, then they will need to be planted in 2-3 years. Otherwise, in close quarters, daffodils will bloom weakly, and their bulbs will become small.

Gardeners usually say: as soon as the daffodils have grown and began to bloom worse, it's time to plant their cramped nests. However, this situation should not be expected! In some prolific varieties of daffodils, an adult bulb can grow up to 6 children in a fertile year. Moreover, some of these daughter bulbs with good conditions growth may bloom as early as next spring. Therefore, for better flowering, do not forget to plant daffodils regularly.

What to do if daffodils sprout in autumn

Daffodils often endure warm autumn calmly and if they bloom, just cover them better with the onset of cold weather.

Spring feeding of daffodils.

In the spring, when sprouts of daffodils appear, I fertilize the plants with ammonium nitrate. Later, before flowering, I fertilize daffodils with phosphorus and potassium to form beautiful flowers and better bulb reproduction.

Mineral dressings must be applied in strict accordance with the instructions indicated on the fertilizer. And also gardeners should remember that all bulbous plants do not tolerate fresh manure.

So the bulbs of tulips and daffodils remained ... And the time for planting has passed and the spring is far away ... What to do now with this wealth, how to save the bulbs of tulips and daffodils until spring planting?

In winter, you can store them in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area (at home, a shelf for storing vegetables and fruits or an insulated balcony is suitable for this) with proper temperature regime. If it is not observed, then such storage of the bulbs will not give anything, and by spring they will sprout ...

The second option for preserving tulip and daffodil bulbs until spring is to grow the bulbs on the windowsill.

I will tell you how to do it.
Let's prepare the soil from 1/3 of the earth, 1/3 of the peat, 1/3 of the sand.
We take flower pots that are not very deep - 12-15 cm high.
We plant the bulbs in the prepared mixture, when planting, we deepen the bulbs by 2/3 into the ground and mulch them with peat on top and water them. You can plant several bulbs at once in one pot. Pots with planted bulbs must be removed for 2 months in a dark room with a temperature of 8-10 degrees (you can on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator) whoever has a basement is just perfect. During this time, the bulbs form the root system. It is necessary to constantly maintain the humidity of the earth. After 2 months, put the pots in the light, water abundantly. If the room temperature is 20 degrees, then after about 4 weeks the first flowers will appear.

The third option is to keep the bulbs of tulips and daffodils in the cellar.

To do this, we plant the bulbs in boxes, ideally if it is a slatted box. For planting, you can use light earth or a mixture of peat and vermiculite. In this case, the bulbs will take root, but the low temperature will not allow them to grow.

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and it is possible to plant the bulbs in the ground, carefully select them from the box, try not to damage the roots and plant them. And if you used a lattice box for planting, then we simply dig it in - without removing the plants from it, we bury it so that the bulbs are 15-20 cm from the surface of the earth. We take care of the plantings as usual - water, feed.

We plant daffodils in the spring: how to

As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, we dig out a box, select the bulbs, dry them and put them away for storage - daffodils - until mid-August, tulips - until early September.

Daffodils multiply quickly enough (having planted just one bulb, in a year you will get a bush with 4-6 flowers), it is better to follow a number of rules when transplanting.

It is advisable to repot the plants every three to five years. Of course, these terms are conditional, because with good care daffodils can grow very strongly, as a result of which the planting thickens. The following signs indicate the need for a transplant:

Deterioration in the quality of flowers (flowers become smaller and thinner).
Growth of old bushes, thickening of planting.

It happens that the flowers are initially planted too tightly. The flower bed may look thickened, but it is undesirable to transplant flowers earlier than 3 years after planting - young baby bulbs will not have time to fully form before this time, even if they bloom already in the first or second year.

Transplanting daffodils in autumn

The laying of new roots in daffodils takes place in August. Transplanting daffodils in autumn usually gives excellent results, but bulbs should be planted no later than the first decade of September.

Preparation for transplantation should be quick - as soon as the leaves of the plants turn yellow and die, we immediately dig out the bulbs.

We dry them, remove damaged, diseased and weak tubers, disinfect them in a dark solution of potassium permanganate (30-45 minutes). We divide by varieties, and root. If it is not possible to plant flowers right away, put the bulbs in small boxes and store in a dry, ventilated room at a temperature of about + 17 ° C. But if you dry out the tubers and the old roots fall off, don't be discouraged - like most bulbs, daffodils can survive even completely without roots. Of course, only if the bulb itself is not completely dry.

The depth of planting bulbs can vary from 12 to 17 cm. The heavier the soil, the less tubers should be buried. Children are buried to a depth of 10 cm. The distance between the bulbs is 10-12 cm. With a rare planting, the number of "children" increases.

Transplanting daffodils in the spring

Spring transplantation of daffodils is significantly inferior to autumn. On average, the formation of the root system in daffodils takes about 25 days.

The spring planting method is fully consistent with the "autumn" method described above. Prepare the site - dig, fertilize. You can do it in the fall.

Even flowering individuals can be transplanted. In this case, the flowers will fade, and the leaves will turn yellow and fall down, and most likely, the next year the plant will also not bloom, but in the future it will not differ in any way from daffodils transplanted in the usual way.

Daffodils grow well outdoors, although there is nothing stopping you from growing them in pots and containers. They are also frequent guests. The main requirement of these plants for the soil is that it be fresh. Daffodils reproduce mainly by bulbs, although the option of sowing seeds is also possible, but this method rarely has practical use. But there are no problems with the bulbs - in one year, a single plant can grow up to six "kids"!

Due to this circumstance, flowers should be planted every 2-3 years., without waiting until they become so crowded that you will not see a single flower in the entire flower bed except for the tops. Try to prepare the soil for planting in advance by digging it properly and adding humus. Even lowered areas are suitable for these flowers - they tolerate short-term flooding of the soil quite well melt waters.

When to plant daffodils in spring - is it possible?

Traditionally, daffodils are planted in the fall - September is considered the most optimal for this. However, the spring planting is quite real, if you first keep the bulbs in the refrigerator for at least two months. Without such exposure, the plants will not bloom. The cold period is also needed for the bulbs that you want to plant in flowerpots.

After digging or buying bulbs, carefully inspect them in the spring for rotting or damage. Rejected ones should be destroyed, as they can be breeding grounds for various diseases. When the snow has completely melted, it's time to plant them in a flower bed. The bed needs to be dug up again so that the earth is as soft as possible. Daffodils are planted to a depth of about 15 cm, keeping the distance between the bulbs up to 20 cm. It should be noted that plants planted in spring will bloom much later.

Reproduction of daffodils - a whole flower bed from one bulb!

With the question of whether it is possible to plant daffodils in the spring, we figured it out. Surely you will want to propagate your favorite variety! This will be easy enough to do - as already noted, the bulbs of these flowers multiply quite quickly, giving an annual increase of at least three new plants. Do not rush to plant them next year - as long as they are not too crowded, their flowers will only look better in a group. However, already at the age of 3, their nests need this process. To do this, after the leaves turn yellow, the bulbs need to be dug up and sorted.

The first step is to discard and burn all those affected by diseases and pests, and even with good appearance get rid of soft bulbs.

The rest must be washed and kept for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then dried in the shade. Putting them in ventilated mesh boxes, we send them to the barn for storage until autumn. In September, we return them to the ground so that before the onset of cold weather they have time to take root. If, for some reason, you did not have time to plant the daffodil on time, take care of warming the landing site before the onset of cold weather. Experienced gardeners plant these flowers in groups in a circle - so they look like bouquets.

In the spring, feeding young shoots with ammonium nitrate will not hurt, a little later, for better flowering, the soil is also fertilized with potassium and phosphorus. The same fertilizers contribute to better reproduction of the bulbs. Fresh manure as fertilizer