Do-it-yourself repair and insulation of old wooden windows using Swedish technology. Window insulation using Swedish technology Window insulation technologies

  • 20.06.2020

Despite the rapid growth in the popularity of metal-plastic windows, millions of apartments across the country are still equipped with wooden windows. It is quite natural that as they wear out and fail, not in all cases, the owners prefer the expensive replacement of windows with new ones. Repair work related to the insulation of structures, the replacement of fittings and the restoration of the leaf geometry are still in demand.

Fortunately, today there is a technology that allows not only to return the functionality wooden windows, but also to bring them as close as possible to metal-plastic ones in terms of heat, dust and noise insulation, protection against drafts and leaks. For this, it is used Swedish window repair- a relatively new, but already proven technique.

It is these services - the restoration and insulation of wooden windows using Swedish technology in Moscow and the Moscow region - that are provided by the specialists of the Teplo Doma company.

What is "Swedish technology"?

It is natural that the birthplace of the innovative method of window repair has become a country where the issues of thermal insulation of housing play a special role. We are talking, of course, about Sweden - a country with a rather harsh climate, comparable to the northern regions of Russia.

The basis of the repair in this case is the insulation of windows using Swedish technology using special seals around the entire perimeter of the sash. A special tape solves the key problem of wooden windows - blowing at the junction of glass and frame. Insufficient tightness of structures turns into drafts, heat loss in the cold season, penetration of noise and dust from the street.

Window repair using Swedish technology is simple and effective solution problems of insufficient tightness, which makes it possible to make even an old wooden window almost as reliable as a new metal-plastic one (provided that the glass is intact, the sash geometry is preserved and the fittings are in good condition).

How are wooden windows repaired using Swedish technology?

In order to understand the features and advantages of this method, consider the sequence of actions of the master during the repair. So, how are windows repaired using Swedish technology?

  1. The sashes are removed from the hinges.
  2. Special grooves are made in the frame for the installation of sealing strips.
  3. Glasses are treated with silicone sealant, on which a sealing tape is installed.
  4. The interframe seal is installed.
  5. The sashes are mounted in place, adjusted and adjusted for perfect opening and closing of windows.
  6. The old fittings are being replaced with new ones that are more reliable and modern.
  7. Locks and hinges are adjustable.

note that swedish wood window technology is, first of all, work to improve their tightness. In case if appearance structures leaves much to be desired and / or there are damages (cracked glass, frame deformation, etc.), the solution of the problem should be started with traditional methods repair - replacement or restoration of failed elements.

What is a sealant?

As you can see, the restoration of windows using Swedish technology is based, first of all, on the use of special seals, which provide high level valve tightness.

As such, they are usually used tubular silicone seals, which are strengthened in grooves prepared in advance by milling in the frame. Such seals are an excellent barrier against dust, dirt and drafts.

The tubular structure further increases the effectiveness of the seal: the closed space with air dramatically reduces heat transfer, which in turn reduces heat loss in winter.

The main advantages of Swedish window insulation technology

Summarizing the above, highlight the key advantages of the Swedish window repair technology for you - the owner of an apartment or house:

  • silicone sealant can be used in a wide temperature range: from -50 to +100 degrees Celsius without loss of functionality;
  • high-quality sealant is characterized by the ability to maintain elasticity over a long period of operation;
  • it is very profitable to repair windows using Swedish technology: the price of new metal-plastic window systems is about 10 times higher;
  • the sealant can be painted, it is chemically inert to dyes and atmospheric moisture;
  • restoration of windows using Swedish technology is relatively easy to implement: windows can be insulated within one day at any time of the year, without “dirty” work and a large number construction waste;
  • Swedish technology allows you to forget about sealing windows for the winter: there is no need for this.

Insulation and repair of windows using Swedish technology in Moscow and the Moscow region now more accessible than ever, because the services of the Teplo Doma company are many years of experience in providing services of this kind, the best seals on the market, a guarantee for ALL work, affordable prices and prompt execution of the order. Our services have already been used by thousands (and this is not an unfounded statement) of clients, whose opinions about our work you can learn from them.
Learn more from our consultants and hurry up to finish the repair of wooden windows before the onset of cold weather!

Insulation of wooden windows in Moscow and the Moscow region has been our main specialization since 1993!

We insulate all types of wooden windows - both with double-glazed windows (information about this in the section on the insulation of wooden windows with double-glazed windows and in the section on the repair of plastic and wooden windows), and with the insulation of ordinary wooden windows.

For wooden frames of the Soviet period, we offer, first of all, modern grooved version of window insulation according to the Swedish technology EUROSTRIP.

The Swedish window insulation technology EUROSTRIP got its name from the name trademark EUROSTRIP, the manufacturer of the seals used.

EUROSTRIP is a trademark of the Swedish concern TRELLEBORG, engaged in the production various kinds rubber products, including household seals for windows and doors.

The manufacturer's website contains information about seal materials, their characteristics, as well as about dealers in different regions RF.

All seals used by us to insulate ordinary wooden windows are stamped - that is, the seal itself has a marking that indicates the country of production (Sweden), the manufacturer's trademark (EUROSTRIP) and the composition of the material (SILICON, EPDM, TPE).

With this option of window insulation, a mounting groove is milled along the perimeter of the sash or, if this is not possible, along the perimeter of the frame at the junction of the sash and the window frame. The groove is about 3 mm wide and about 8 mm deep. (As a rule, to perform these works, the sashes are removed from the hinges). It is necessary to use exactly the milling cutter, and not the grinder, and the cutter desired diameter, because when drilling a groove in other ways, for example, when using an angle grinder (grinder), it is not possible to maintain the required cutting width. This means that the seal will not hold correctly in the groove, it will fall out. Purchase Savings necessary equipment turn into irreparable defects.

An original stamped seal of the EUROSTRIP brand made of silicone rubber is rolled into the milled groove. We only use silicone rubber because it has improved performance compared to conventional rubber (ERDM).

Firstly, due to its chemical inertness, the silicone sealant is not afraid of almost all types of paints, in particular alkyd, acrylic and aqua enamels. After drying, the paint that has fallen on the silicone seal forms a film that gradually peels off. In this case, the seal remains intact. It is only necessary to carefully clean it of dried paint (it is best to do this a few weeks after staining).

For comparison, a seal made of conventional rubber (EPDM) after getting even a small amount of paint hardens or melts and must be replaced. The sealant made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is even more capricious when paints get in - it practically dissolves, turns into a mushy mass.

Secondly, the silicone seal is very elastic. And this is one of the most important properties sealant used in window insulation. After all, an inelastic sealant will not give a tight fit when the surface is uneven. In addition, over time, a natural increase in the gap occurs (the frame has dried up, the fittings have worn out). The silicone sealant, due to its elasticity, will close the enlarged gap. And the EPDM grade sealant will remain deformed, flattened, inelastic and “will not go behind the gap”.

Thirdly, silicone sealant is more durable than EPDM and TPE sealants and has a much wider temperature range of use, which means it is best suited for winterizing windows.

For these reasons, EPDM and TPE seals are not recommended for insulating wooden windows of the Soviet period. A silicone sealant is the best option for insulating old windows..

When ordering work on window insulation using Swedish technology, the price already includes, if necessary, adjustment and adjustment work (so that the window opens and closes normally), sealing the joint between glass and wood with silicone sealant and an inter-frame anti-dust seal (for frames screwed together).

The warranty period for the insulation of wooden windows using the groove method is 3 years. Service life 10-15 years.

By insulating a window, you only change functional characteristics windows - ease of opening-closing, heat-shielding and noise-protective properties.

And to change the appearance of the window, window painting is required, with this type of insulation it can be ordered simultaneously with insulation or separately, at any time later, since we use silicone seals that are not afraid of paints.

Also we have cheaper homemade window insulation options- self-adhesive rubber seals, usually also from the Swedish company VARNAMO, or polyurethane foam or polyethylene foam seals. And also quite inexpensive options window insulation as in ancient times - with cotton wool, paper, masking tape.

Prices for insulation of ordinary wooden windows in Moscow and the Moscow region using the groove method:

insulation of a medium-sized sash (up to m2) for twin windows - 2000 rubles

warming balcony door for paired windows - 3000r

For artisanal options - from 1000r to 1500r per sash up to m2.

As for artisanal options, "grandmother's" methods, they are usually intended for warming very old windows that are not a pity to spoil, and the service life of such artisanal methods is very short, as a rule, it is one season, that is, no more than 3-4 months.

Consider some of these artisanal options. And at the same time, let's trace the history of the issue.

- Putty- This method of insulation is more than a hundred years old. Insulation in this case consists in smearing the glass at the junction of glass and frame, if the glass is fastened without glazing beads, just with nails, that is, we are talking about very old, pre-revolutionary windows, which are almost non-existent in the Moscow region, or in smearing the joint of the frame with glass in front of by nailing a glazing bead if the windows already have glazing beads, that is, for windows manufactured after 1917-20s and until about 1995. This method became obsolete once and for all with the invention of window sealants. Around the 1985-90s, sealants replaced window putty. Sealants are applied to the window in 1-2 minutes, and window putty 1-2 hours, and they do not need to be hidden under glazing beads, as they themselves are quite aesthetic - white or transparent strips next to the glass perform all the functions of window putty, but last much longer . And the window putty is brown and spreads from the heat and forms smudges and needs to be hidden under the glazing bead, and in order to apply window putty under the glazing beads, you need to remove the glazing beads, this can crack the glass. In general, even our grandmothers have long forgotten about window putty.

- Paraffin. Candle wax is melted and all the cracks are smeared with it like plasticine. Scrubbing is a little easier than window putty, but also very long, and it will take a lot of time to melt the wax and apply it while still hot. It is recommended only in hopeless situations - for example, a hut in the taiga, cut off from the world by permafrost, and there is a supply of candles.

- Hemp sealing rope- used for partial sealing of the junction of the sash and the frame and window insulation in the pre-revolutionary period and until about the 1980s of the last century. The rope was nailed around the perimeter of the sash. The effect of warming was, but far from complete, the cracks still remained, but without the ropes, the wind would still be even stronger. After the next painting, the ropes hardened and there was no sense in them anymore, they only interfered with the normal closing of windows. After about 1985, the ropes were replaced by foam seals and then by polyethylene foam self-adhesive seals.

- old newspapers- used to insulate windows, too, in the last century. They were used in two ways: they were either twisted and slightly soaked and filled with them in the gap in the porch, along the junction of the sash and the box, after drying, the newspapers swelled and filled the space, or they were cut into strips and glued to the junction of the sash and the box soapy water, milk or starch or wallpaper paste. Or at the same time for backfilling the gap, and for pasting over the feigned gap. The disadvantage was that the method was one-time, that is, after opening the window, all the insulation had to be started all over again, and besides, the newspapers stuck to the paintwork and in the spring the windows had to be repainted. Therefore, in those days, windows were painted almost every year. The method has become obsolete with the advent of self-adhesive seals, that is, approximately in 1985-1995. AT Soviet time was very popular. Subbotniks were usually arranged at the enterprises and the employees themselves insulated the windows using this method.

- old rags, cotton is best. Used in much the same way as newspapers. And about the same time. Cut into strips and glued around the perimeter of the sash in the closed state. Under the strips of paper, an additional sealant was usually laid in the slots from old newspapers, and later from cotton wool, and then, after the 1970s, even from foam rubber. The disadvantages are the same - fragility, a period of no more than one season, and damage to the paintwork.

- Foam rubber. At first, from about the 1970s to the 1990s, foam was sold without an adhesive. These were just strips of foam rubber that were pushed into the slots along the perimeter of the wings. This method was good because the foam rubber could be pulled out if necessary, open the window and, after airing, push it back into the cracks. Sometimes, if ventilation was not required, strips of old newspapers, canvas, and later even medical adhesive tape and masking tape were pasted over the foam. Sometimes this option was used even until the 2000s-2010s.

- Adhesive plaster and masking tape. Insulation with adhesive plaster gained popularity around 1970-1980, later masking tape appeared. At first, some porous material for insulation was stuffed into the crack - cotton wool or foam rubber or old rags, adhesive tape or adhesive tape was glued on top. Oddly enough, this artisanal method is used to this day. Sometimes it is even used for self-insulation modern double-glazed windows. Disadvantages: one-time insulation, damage to the paintwork of wooden windows, as for plastic windows and aluminum ones - in the spring you also have to wipe off the glue residue and the profile is scratched, but besides this, for window fittings such options for warming are disastrous - the fittings are even more stretched instead of the opposite operation - settings.

- Foam rubber and foamed polyethylene foam, cut into thin strips. These materials appeared around 1990-1998 and quickly became popular. Insulators were smeared with Moment type glue and glued along the perimeter of the sash. Windows with this method of insulation could already be opened and closed. Insulation in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics was already quite satisfactory, moreover, the thermal insulation characteristics of such insulation were the best of all handicraft and even modern methods, and besides, this window insulation has already been many years old. The term of such insulation was approximately 5-8 years, and this variant was a technological breakthrough in the field of window frame insulation. All subsequent development in this area has been reduced to the improvement of materials and the method of their fastening. Our company has been actively engaged in this option of insulation in the period from 1993 to 2000.

- Self-adhesive foam and polyethylene foam seals. Seals with an already applied adhesive composition appeared around 1997-2002. However, the adhesive composition was very weak, and in order to extend the service life, the seals should be additionally coated with glue. In terms of thermal insulation, these options were inferior to the previous non-self-adhesive sealants, since the sealant strips were too thin and blocked the window gaps worse.

- Self-adhesive rubber seals. Such seals appeared at the end of the last century and are still used today. Among the shortcomings - the adhesive composition does not hold well and so that this insulation is not for one season, the tubular seals must be additionally coated with the same Moment type glue. The material used in modern self-adhesive seals is rubber. Of the shortcomings - it is afraid of getting paints and strong pollution. And in general, the service life, nevertheless, is small, even if it is not glued on a self-adhesive basis, but smeared with additional glue, then this option will last up to 5-8 years, since the seal deteriorates from paint, dirt, and rubber with loses elasticity over time.

- Sealant. Came to replace the window putty. It is intended for warming and sealing of joints of motionless connections. Ideal and modern for insulating the joint of glass and window frame, as well as for other joints, such as the joint of a window frame and a window sill or slopes. We use sealant widely in all modern window insulation options as one of the insulation elements, as constituent part. But sometimes sealant is used as one of the handicraft options for insulation, using it not only for joints of fixed joints, but sealing the window tightly with sealant - sealing the gap in the porch, at the junction of the sash and the box. And this is not true. Since after that it is impossible to open a window for ventilation, and as a result, with the onset of a warm period, this sealant has to be torn off, which is very laborious. You can apply sealant to the window to cover both what you need and what you don’t need very quickly, but then it will take a long time to tear it off. Therefore, we recommend applying sealant only at the joints of fixed joints, where it will not need to be dismantled later, for example, to seal glass, which increases both thermal insulation and sound insulation of windows.

- Mounting foam. It is used for insulation of seams around the window frame, foaming of assembly seams at the junction of the frame and the window opening. Foam, as well as sealant, is not intended for warming the feigned gap - between the sash and the box. If it is applied along this joint, then how then to open the window. You will have to suffer very well in the spring to wipe it off. But around the box, around the perimeter of the window, foam is very necessary. For any windows - not only wooden ones, but also for plastic and aluminum windows. Foam is a porous material, it is mounting foam that insulates the seam. (In ancient times, before the appearance of foam, when installing windows, they managed with tow or old rags). And various sealants or adhesive tapes are applied over the foam to ensure safety polyurethane foam, to increase its service life, as it is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature changes.

This concludes the review of artisanal methods of insulation, leaving out of our consideration quite exotic options for insulation, for example, flour mixed with sheep or camel wool or straw mixed with clay or palm leaves insulation, etc.

Today, more and more often there is a service that allows you to repair old wooden frames, having received at the output a new modern window, not inferior in quality and reliability to double-glazed windows. The procedure can be performed independently or contact a specialist.

Construction market novelty

Relative novelty repair work raises doubts among many who decide to change the window - the financial side of the issue allows you to significantly save on the installation of new windows, but will more cheap way? confidently declare the complexity self-fulfillment this type of demolition. Not everyone can sample the sash by creating a groove for the seal. But having considered the process in detail, it is possible to perform it on your own if you have tools and materials.

frame repair cost

The average cost and adjustment of the window is about 3000 rubles. This figure takes into account dismantling work with the sashes, making grooves and filling with a sealant, often silicone, if necessary - fitting the sashes, sealing the glass, the opening of the sash - if the binding is paired.

Furniture work is paid in excess of this amount. If necessary, for an additional fee, the masters carry out a complete repair of the window frame.

In the case of binding in the manner of "Stalinist" windows, only the inner sash is insulated, leaving the outer sash in its original state. When ordering insulation and an external sash, too, the price doubles.

In the price list of organizations providing such services, there is also a cost for coloring, which averages 5-6 thousand rubles.

Based on all the data, a full-fledged dismantling will cost the cost, window sill, bevels and low tide.

New window or renovation of the old one?

The question concerning the windows in the house is decided depending on the circumstances, different for everyone. In one case, the output is overhauled, dyed and sealed. In the second - a plastic window. Ceteris paribus, given that the cost is about the same, not everyone prefers a new double-glazed window. Everyone has different reasons, but feedback on the results of repairing old windows is only positive.

For reference!

The frame should not be rotten - a replacement will increase the repair estimate by several thousand. First, the lower section of the sash is examined in those places where condensate accumulates on old windows, flowing down. If this part is rotten, restoration is not advisable in all respects.

Method Basics

Self-made Swiss technology allows with minimum investment and a set of materials to make the window frame airtight, and running parts - well closing and opening. Demolition works are carried out in any temperature regime, therefore, even in winter, getting a high-quality window is not problematic.

This type of repair got its name due to the materials. Used in decoration swedish compactor, which has a number positive qualities. This material has a tubular structure, made of silicone, which allows it to be resistant even to sudden temperature changes. The temperature range that the Swedish seal can withstand is from 50 °C below zero to + 80 °C. Moreover, the material is highly resistant to moisture and dirt, has a large operational period- manufacturers promise from 15 to 20 years without re-dismantling.

In order not to make a mistake and choose a sealant that is suitable for your particular case, you need to familiarize yourself with the markings. The diameter of the tube and its structure can be different, so the dimensions should be adjusted to the groove in which the tube will fit:

  • E - groove 2-3.5 mm;
  • P - groove 3-5 mm;
  • D - groove 3-7 mm.

Preparatory work

When choosing Swedish technology for the insulation and repair of a window frame, one should take into account the mandatory requirement for the existing condition of the object being repaired - wooden frames must not be rotten, crumble or crack under pressure. If there are only small gaps at the place where condensation forms, they can be dealt with using putty and paint. In case of more severe symptoms, the installation of a new window is inevitable.

The hinges should be tight, not stagger, changing the angle of passage of the sash, and the sash itself should not sag. If such descriptions are noticed, the fittings should be replaced. The window should effortlessly switch to the "closed" / "open" mode, without the slightest distortion.

In the absence of such problems or after performing a small restoration of existing defects, you can proceed to the process of warming.

Execution sequence

To obtain the highest quality window, you must strictly adhere to the step-by-step algorithm of work. A set of tools may not be at hand for every owner, but hardware stores often offer tool rental, which can also be used.

Required tool kit:

  • Roller walker for laying insulation;
  • Milling tool for preparing grooves;
  • Screwdriver.

To start, do demolition work. To do this, the running elements are removed from the hinges and the frames are untwisted. In some cases, it may be necessary to dismantle the glass. Removed frame processed, cleaning from pollution, dust, removing old paint. Availability not large cracks that do not go deep into the frame is eliminated with putty. It is necessary to fill the gap cleared of small particles of dirt with a layer of putty, after leveling and wiping the layer flush with the surface of the frame. When the frame is brought into proper form, a kind of double-glazed window is assembled with extra layer.

On the inside the sashes fix the sealing tape and fix it hermetically. This technique will create a tight clamp. Silicone sealant is applied to the joint of the frame and glass so that the gap is completely filled. Outdated glazing beads should be replaced with new ones. By adjusting the pressure, gaps are eliminated between the sash and the frame. Then follows the installation of the seal.

Using a milling tool, prepare a groove with an angle of 45 °, doing the operation around the entire perimeter of the frame. Chips are cleaned from the finished groove, and the surface is carefully cleaned. Into the finished groove install tubular seal, matched to the size of the grooves. To do this, from the corner of the frame, the edge of the seal is placed in the opening and gradually driven by a roller walker.

For reference!

Other methods of fixing the tubular profile are not recommended. If you use nails for this, then over time the hats will rust and qualitatively reduce the performance of the material. It is also not recommended to use glue for fixing, as it will lead to a loss of elasticity.

Thus, the double-glazed window, assembled according to the Swedish technology, is ready. From the inside, the sashes are dried with a hair dryer, and the finished frames are mounted in place and adjusted.


Independent performance of work on insulation and dismantling according to Swedish technology is quite realistic if you have a minimum necessary set tools and at least basic skills in the construction industry. As a result, the window will seriously compete in terms of quality and stability with any metal-plastic double-glazed window, and the cost of dismantling will be several times lower than if a new window unit were installed.

From the video you will learn how to insulate an old wooden window using Swedish technology.

Many have long changed old wooden windows "with a draft effect" to warm metal-plastic ones.

However, there are many citizens who cannot afford such an event yet.

Is it possible to do something like that with old windows in order to somehow reduce heat loss? It turns out that window insulation using Swedish technology has been practiced for a long time.

The method of repairing old windows, proposed by the Swedes, is extremely simple: a groove is cut in the sash along the entire perimeter, in which a sealant is fixed - a profiled cord made of elastic material.

The working part of the cord is a hollow tube, and the rib to be inserted into the groove has a herringbone or ruff shape in cross section, due to which it is fixed very firmly.

After installing such a seal, the window will close absolutely hermetically and, accordingly, will become windproof. Additionally, it is proposed to plant the glass on silicone sealant.

The profiled cord used in this technology is called EuroStrip. At the moment, it is produced by several companies (including domestic ones) from various materials.

But the most durable are silicone rubber products made in Sweden. It retains its elasticity for 15 years (a 10-year warranty is given), is durable and at the same time is absolutely resistant to temperature extremes, mechanical wear, ultraviolet radiation and exposure to paints and other chemicals.

New plastic windows in additional insulation do not need, but after 5-6 years of window service, it may still be necessary to carry out thermal insulation. , we will tell in the article. Slope protection and replacement of rubber seals.

We will consider heat-insulating materials for the ceiling and methods for installing heaters.

If you want to expand your living space by combining a balcony with a room, you need to organize good thermal insulation balcony. Through this link you will find useful information according to the options of heaters and the characteristics of each of them.


Let's try to evaluate the benefits that this method of window improvement promises us:

  1. Heat losses can be minimized, because a significant part of them is due to the infiltration of cold street air through the cracks. As a result, the temperature in the room becomes 3-5 degrees higher.
  2. By preventing the ingress of outside air, we also get rid of street dust. Outside noise is also less audible. This is especially true for those whose windows overlook highways with heavy traffic.
  3. After the upgrade, the window will no longer fog up from the inside.
  4. Only environmentally friendly materials are used.
  5. For all its effectiveness this way requires purely symbolic costs that even a pensioner can afford.
  6. Having minimal skills in working with some tools, window insulation using Swedish technology can be done on your own.
  7. For everything about everything you will need to spend no more than 3 hours.
  8. Unlike other insulation methods, such as paper wrapping, this method allows you to open windows for ventilation. Another significant advantage: you will only need to work with windows once, and not at each change of season, as with other types of insulation (in winter, paper or adhesive tape needs to be glued, and in summer they have to be torn off and washed).

It should be noted that the proposed insulation technology is not always appropriate. If the repaired window is in a very deplorable state, even such a modest cost will not justify itself.

In this case, it would be more correct to set aside this money in order to save up faster for a new window.

Methods for insulating windows using Swedish technology

The sealing cord can have a diameter of 5 to 12 mm. Which size will be most suitable depends on the width of the gap between the sashes and the frame.

The Swedish seal, as already mentioned, is the highest quality and most expensive. Its price is approximately 34 rubles per linear meter. (with a diameter of 10 mm).

This material, due to its softness, is indispensable in the presence of cracks that are uneven in width.

The purely rubber EuroStrip is somewhat cheaper. It is characterized by a more rigid structure, so it is effective only if the slot has an equal width along the entire length. Upon contact with paintwork materials, unlike the silicone EuroStrip, it loses its working qualities.

The cheapest modification is a thermoplastic elastomer seal. The full name of this group of materials is thermoplastic elastomers. They are not only inferior to the silicone cord in elasticity and durability, but also do not tolerate temperature extremes. For EuroStrip of domestic production from EPDM and TPE elastics, sellers ask from 11 rubles / m.p.

Scheme of insulation according to Swedish technology

In some types of windows, the sealant is fixed on the frame (box). For those for whom the groove is difficult, Eurostrip can be glued or sewn with a stapler.

Do-it-yourself window insulation

In addition to the sealing cord and silicone sealant, the home craftsman will need a tool to cut the groove. Many on-call craftsmen do this work with a grinder, but this is far from the best option.

This tool is not able to provide the required accuracy, and even if an amateur gets down to business, failure is guaranteed.

Moreover, the groove is quite difficult to perform: it is cut into inner corner, formed by the side surface of the sash and the bar adjacent to the frame when closing. In addition, the groove is made at an angle of 45 degrees to these surfaces. It is best to cut it with a cutter.

Milling cutter Virutex

Of all the milling cutters on the market, the Virutex tool is the most suitable for this operation.

Do not try to cut a groove with a regular chisel. Even experienced carpenters consider this case hopeless - just ruin the window.

It is also desirable to have a special tool with a seaming roller, with which the cord is pressed into the groove. It is arranged quite simply and, according to the principle of operation, resembles a seaming machine, which is used to close cans during canning.

Stages of work

If the tool and materials are available, you can get down to business. Here is what the sequence of actions for repairing a window looks like:


The sashes are removed, after which the condition of all window elements is checked. If necessary, it is necessary to carry out reconstruction: putty potholes, clean rotten places and also treat them with putty. Particular attention should be paid to the hinges.

Both on the frame and on the sashes, they must hold firmly. Loose fasteners should be tightened. If this is not possible, for example due to rotten wood, the hinge should be moved to an undamaged area.

If a old paint peeling on the window, it needs to be removed and the entire structure repainted. With wooden surfaces the paintwork is very easy to remove with a building hair dryer and some kind of metal scraper. When heated with a hair dryer, the paint bubbles and lags behind the wood.

The composition of the window block with insulation according to Swedish technology

This effect is due to a significant difference in the thermal conductivity of wood and paint. Remove paintwork in the same way concrete wall or metal product will not work.

Before applying fresh paint, window elements are processed sandpaper(first large, then small) and proliferate.

Making a groove and installing insulation

Before this operation, the glazing must be removed from the sashes. Glasses are held by glazing beads, which are nailed.

It is better to cut a groove in the sash on the street, as this process is accompanied by the formation of a large volume wood chips and dust. The milling cutters used by the Swedish craftsmen are equipped with vacuum cleaners, but we just get out on Fresh air not to litter in the house.


The groove, as already mentioned, should be made in the corner between the end surface of the sash and the bar on it, which, when closed, is adjacent to the frame (it covers the gap between the frame and the closed sash). In this case, the axis of the cross section of the groove should be located at an angle of 45 degrees to each of the adjacent surfaces. The width of the groove is 3 mm, the depth is 4 mm.

You should not cut the groove to the hinge itself - it should end about 15 mm from it.

When the sash is cut around the entire perimeter, you can begin to install the cord. He, as was said, is pressed in with a roller tool.

During installation, it is important to move the roller not only in the forward, but also in the opposite direction. This will avoid tension on the cord and in this way prolong its service life.

Fitting glass on silicone

Before installing glass in sashes seats under them should be sanded to a smooth state and smeared with silicone sealant.

Everything else is done as usual - the glass is installed in place and fixed with glazing beads.

If the sealant is accidentally on the glass, do not rush to wash it.

Wait for the mixture to dry and polymerize, after which it can be scraped off with a blade.

The last stage - fitting

It remains to hang the sashes on the hinges and check how well they close. If necessary, you will need to reinstall the latches. Slowly run your palm along the seal (when the sash is closed) to make sure that there are no more drafts.

The cost of work

If window insulation in Swedish is entrusted to a hired specialist, then the price of window insulation using Swedish technology for each running meter laid insulation will be approximately 200 rubles.

About 100 rubles. you will have to pay for landing glasses on silicone.

You will also have to pay for the work of a specialist who accepts an order and travels for measurements (from 300 to 500 rubles).

In total, for window insulation with dimensions of 1.7x1.4 m, you will have to pay from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. Considering that the purchase and installation of a metal-plastic window will cost about 15 thousand rubles, the Swedish method seems to be quite profitable.

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A warm home is a guarantee of coziness and comfort. In addition to insulating walls, floors and ceilings, it is important to properly insulate windows. There are many methods for insulating windows with your own hands, but the Swedish technology is the most high-quality and popular.

This method is ideal for both old wooden windows and new frames, regardless of the method of coating and window design.

The essence of the technology is the installation of a special tubular seal. This method will require a lot of effort and the availability of a certain skill and tools. However, all the effort spent on work will pay off by saving time and money. As the saying goes, a miser pays twice.

The cost of insulation according to Swedish technology

The cost of installation, at times, exceeds the cost of new frames. However, this disadvantage is compensated by the quality of operation and its duration. Insulated windows will serve the owner for at least 10 years. This is due to the expensive materials used for insulation and unique technology.

This method was developed by Swedish engineers and can significantly reduce heating costs even in harsh climatic conditions.

It is possible to insulate in this way both plastic double-glazed windows and wooden windows. When insulating a wooden window using this technology, the effect of a sealed double-glazed window is obtained, similar to high-quality new plastic windows.

In the case of plastic double-glazed windows, insulation is carried out if the windows are of poor quality or have received mechanical damage.

Benefits of Swedish insulation technology

If you decide to insulate windows with your own hands, then this is done with minimal investment. The main cost is for installation. In order to start work on window insulation, it is necessary to study in detail the installation algorithm. We present you with a video tutorial:

Only by acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills can one begin to work, since the technology itself has a lot of difficulties. So, what are the advantages of Swedish technology:

  • complete sealing of the frame and window opening;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • minimal penetration of dust and dirt into the room;
  • saving money and effort. By insulating in this way, you save yourself from the cost of annual processing of frames or the purchase of a new window;
  • environmental friendliness - the material from which the cord is made does not contain toxic substances, and during operation does not emit resins and other compounds;
  • durability, the tubular seal is made of special material based on rubber and silicone, which, in addition to its functional features, is not exposed to the harmful effects of the environment.

As a result of window insulation using this method, you will receive protection from drafts and save heat, and a high-quality seal will serve you for more than one year and retain an aesthetic appearance, unlike an ordinary seal, which changes color over time, gets dirty and peels off.

Swedish window insulation technology

The technology, at first glance, is simple, the main condition is the clear implementation of the points of the algorithm. So, the main material is a tubular strip-seal with a characteristic strip. It is made of a unique material that is not exposed to natural conditions, chemicals, dirt and temperature changes. The service life of the heater, under the manufacturer's warranty 15-20 years.

Stage number 1. Analysis of the condition of the window frame and its repair

First of all, the window, if it is old, must be examined for safety. The main condition is that the window must be intact. In the presence of rotten areas, chips and large cracks, it is recommended to replace the damaged areas.

Window state diagnostic algorithm:

    visually inspect the external condition of the frame;

Important! Pay special attention to the safety of the lower frame bar - this is the place where condensate is concentrated during operation.

  • if damage is found, then the tree must be treated with putty and a layer of paint applied - this will stop decay and strengthen the structure;
  • inspect the loops: they should not sag, but have a good design. If the hinges are faulty, they must be replaced;
  • check if the windows close tightly. Are there any gaps or distortions.
  • We check the condition of the glasses, if there are cracks and chips, then we change them to new ones.
  • We check the quality of the fittings: latches, locks. To achieve complete sealing, the window must close easily and tightly.

If the window has no defects or you have fixed them, then you can proceed to the next step.

Stage number 2. Glass sealing

We measure the window and calculate the required footage of the sealant. Next, we proceed to check the location of the window and the quality of the clamp. We eliminate the gaps between the glass and the frame. To do this, remove the glass and process the joints with sealant. Then mount them back and secure with glazing beads. Sealing the glass joint will enhance the effect of insulation.

Attention! Any work with frames is carried out under the condition of their cleanliness, that is, the windows must first be cleaned of dirt, paint residues and the surface must be degreased.

Stage number 3. Markup

Along the perimeter of the frames we make markings for the groove. To do this, we use a level so that the line is even, it must be borne in mind that the seal should not break and be clamped by the flaps.

After marking, we proceed to cut the groove.

Important! Carry out the groove cut clearly along the marked straight line, since the durability and high-quality operation of the structure depend on the quality of the installation.

This process is carried out using a special tool - a cutter. For installation, it is necessary to remove the window sashes and work on the table - this will greatly facilitate the process.

The groove angle should be 45 degrees. Before installing the tubular seal, it is necessary to clean the surface of the window and the groove from chips and sawdust.

Stage number 4. Installation

Installation of the cord occurs by pressing - this is the main condition of the technology. It is carried out using a special tool - a roller. With the help of a roller, the seal is pressed into the groove.

Important! When insulating windows using Swedish technology, no glue, sealant or other fastening methods are used.

Material Features

When buying a sealant, you must carefully examine its quality and operational properties and pay attention to the manufacturer. Not always the cord presented on the shelves of hardware stores is the original. As a rule, low-quality fakes will last you a maximum of 1-2 years, while creating problems during operation.

The original material does not deform and retains its appearance and "working" properties for several years, is not exposed to critical temperatures and their fluctuations.

The seal is available in several forms, depending on the size, with a diameter of 5-6-7-8-10-12 cm. For each case, you can choose the best option.

Swedish window insulation technology has its own subtleties and secrets. We would like to introduce you to some of them:

  • painting or varnishing a window frame insulated using this technology is carried out only after completion of work. Otherwise, there is a risk of surface damage. It is recommended to paint the surface without touching the insulation;
  • some types of window frame designs, for example, frames in "stalinkas", need to be insulated only from the inside, this is due to the design features - separate binding;
  • to carry out insulation work, in addition to the standard set of carpentry tools, you will need special tools: a roller for pressing a sealant, a special cutter for cutting a groove;
  • window insulation using Swedish technology allows you to achieve high performance thermal insulation of premises, the budget for heating and the purchase of new expensive double-glazed windows are significantly saved. And the durability and quality of operation will save you from the annual hassle associated with the insulation of structures by traditional methods.