How to remove a plastic window from a frame. How to properly remove a plastic window from its hinges and not damage it

  • 15.06.2019

Plastic windows can last for several years without any problems. But if any damage occurs, then it will be possible to remove the plastic window from the hinges without any problems, without damaging it.

However, before that, you need to carefully inspect the hinges. If they are damaged and / or there is corrosion on them, then it is recommended to remove the window very carefully so as not to break them completely. It is advisable to replace the hinges immediately.

In order to remove the sash from the hinges, you need to remove the plastic caps that protect the hinge structure and at the same time serve decorative element. To get rid of them, you need to pry them with a knife or a screwdriver (you can remove them without tools). They are easy to remove and at the same time they are very difficult to damage, as they are made of high-quality plastic.

It is important to choose the right tools. You will need: screwdriver, knife, tweezers, pliers (most often you only need a screwdriver). The dimensions of the screwdriver should be selected based on the dimensions of the fasteners. You may need some kind of stubborn tool - a long stick, a crowbar. The tool should not be too long and sharp.

Withdrawal process

To remove the sash of a plastic window, you need:

  1. First you have to loosen all the adjusting bolts with a screwdriver. right size. The bolts do not need to be removed from the structure. If the bolts are rusted or difficult to give in, then thoroughly rinse the structure (you can wipe it with vinegar). However, the design of some upper hinges is completely disassembled.
  2. Then you need to pull out the stem. This can be done with passages or a screwdriver. Do not be afraid to use force, since the stem and the structure itself are made of durable material and it is problematic to break them. Also, in order for it to come out without problems, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the structure (you can wipe it with vinegar or alcohol).
  3. When the rods are removed from both wings, you can proceed to remove the window itself. You need to lift the window (you may need to use additional tools). Do this carefully so as not to damage the plastic or glass.

When the window is removed, then you can proceed to a more detailed repair. To replace the loops, they will have to be completely removed not only on the top, but also on the bottom, and you will also need to make some measurements to find the loops you need in size.

There are often times in life when you need minor repairs windows or doors, which you can do on your own. In most cases, in order to produce it, it is necessary to remove the door leaf or window opening from the hinges on which they are held. How to remove the door from the hinges so as not to spoil them? How to attach everything in its place? Let's deal with these questions together.

Preparing to remove the door leaf

Before proceeding with the removal of the door or window from the mounting loops, they are visually inspected. Inspection is necessary to determine the type of hinges used and the selection of tools.

Door or window hinges come in two main types:

  • detachable, which are two blocks that are inserted one into the other;
  • one-piece or universal. They consist of one element equipped with hinges.

The next step is to prepare the necessary tools:

  • screwdriver, suitable in size to the diameter of the fasteners. You can use a screwdriver;
  • stubborn tool: axe, crowbar, long stick and so on. Anything that can help make a lever that makes the removal process easier.

If it is necessary to remove a product made of plastic, for example, a balcony door, then the stop tool should not be sharp, as this can damage the canvas.

The process of removing doors and windows from hinges

After the inspection and preparation of tools, you can begin to remove the door leaf or window sash from the hinges.

Removal and re-installation of the door using detachable type hinges

If detachable-type hinges are used to fasten the door, then the removal process is reduced to the following steps:

  1. all decorative caps and overlays are removed from the hinge, giving the mechanism an aesthetic appearance;
  2. all adjusting bolts are loosened to a minimum (if any are provided for by the hinge design);

  1. the pin connecting the two parts of the loop is removed. With a tight entry of the pin, you can use a hammer, but you should not hit the device hard, as you can ruin the entire loop;

  1. with the help of a thrust device, the door leaf rises up a few centimeters. However, one part door hinge comes out of another part;

  1. the door is retracted to the side and completely removed.

When carrying out the fourth and fifth points of work, the utmost attention and help of another person is required. The door leaf is quite heavy. So that it does not fall, it must be constantly held.

The door, removed from the hinges, is subject to the necessary repairs, after which it is installed in its original place.

For installation, you need to do all the work in reverse order according to the list:

  1. the door is pre-hung on the hinges, they are joined together. Here you will need the help of another person or a persistent mechanism that maintains the canvas in a state of balance;
  2. a mounting pin is inserted;
  3. the necessary adjustment is made;
  4. decorative elements are installed in their places.

How to withdraw plastic door with split-type hinges? According to the same scheme. The main thing is to pay attention to the use of a thrust device.

Plastic is a very soft material. For emphasis, it is advisable to use a non-sharp device. A rubber gasket can be placed between the stop and the door leaf.

What to do if the hinges are rusted and do not separate

With prolonged use of the hinges, a plaque in the form of rust may form on the latter, which interferes with the analysis of the mechanism. If plaque occurs, do not apply great force to the loop and knock on it with a hammer. This can harm and completely disable the mechanism. To remove plaque you need:

  1. buy in the store special agent eg aerosol WD-40;
  2. strictly following the instructions attached to the substance, apply a layer of spray on the rusted place;
  3. wait for a while (on average, it takes from 6 to 12 hours).
  4. remove the agent with a dry and clean cloth.

After such a procedure, the rust dissolves, and the loop can be freely disassembled.

If necessary, the whole procedure can be repeated several more times until the harmful plaque is completely removed.

So that the hinges do not rust, they require constant care, which consists in.

Removal and installation of the door leaf from one-piece type hinges

One-piece loops differ from others in that they are not disassembled into their constituent elements. To remove the door from one-piece hinges, you must:

  1. first remove all decorating elements;
  2. using a screwdriver, unscrew the fixing screws on one side (either from the door or from the jamb).

How to put a door on universal type hinges? You just need to put the door back and fasten the fasteners.

When using one-piece hinges, the procedure for removing and reinstalling wooden and plastic doors is no different.

How to remove and install a window sash from the hinges

Plastic window has a slightly different hinge design than the doors. As a rule, in the manufacture of windows, only detachable hinges are used, installed at the top and bottom of the sash.

So, let's look at how to remove a plastic window from its hinges and what is required for this. First of all, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • screwdriver of the appropriate size;
  • a small hammer, preferably with a rubber gasket;
  • pliers.

The PVC window is made of soft material Therefore, all work must be carried out with the utmost care. Removing a window occurs in several stages:

  1. the window sash opens slightly in the rotary direction for direct access to the installed hinges;
  2. all decorative caps installed during window installation are removed;

  1. removal work begins with the upper loop, from which it is necessary to pull out the fastener - the spindle. To do this, several not strong taps are made on the upper part of the loop. The spindle goes down the loop, where it can be grabbed with pliers and finally removed. Top hinge disassembled;

  1. the window sash is lifted up, thereby disassembling the lower hinge into two component parts;

  1. the window is completely removed.

As can be seen from the diagram, the answer to the question of how to remove the sash of a plastic window from its hinges is quite simple. All work can be done without the help of specialists and other people.

The sashes of a wooden window are removed using a similar technology.

After necessary repairs sash needs to be put back in place. To do this, all steps are carried out in reverse order:

  1. the window is put on the bottom loop. To do this, the sash is slightly raised and docked with the rest of the loop;
  2. the upper loop is joined;
  3. a mounting pin is inserted into its place (in the upper loop);
  4. loops are adjusted. This process is necessary, because during parsing, the initial setting of the loops gets lost;
  5. decorative caps are installed.

Thus, to remove the door from the hinges, you will need a minimum set of tools that almost every man has. Following the instructions given, all work on the removal and installation of hinges can be carried out independently, that is, without the help of specialists. Work with plastic windows and doors is recommended to be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the coating and the structure of the material.

The need to remove the sash of a plastic window may arise before you during dismantling, when you need to remove not only it, but also the frame, ebb, profile, and generally remove the double-glazed window, or when repairing a plastic window. And if you need remove the plastic window sash, you need to do it right - without damaging the structure. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on replacing the sash, buying a new double glazing, or maybe even a frame, ebb or profile. Therefore, read the recommendations of our experts, and only then get to work.

Preparatory work

Let's start with the preparation of the work front. Empty the window sill by removing plants and things. Prepare all the tools - they should be at your fingertips. You will need a screwdriver and pliers.

We change the sash

Turn the window handle to a horizontal position and open the sash. We remove decorative plastic trims from the upper and lower loops.

At the bottom of the upper loop, you need to pry off the pin inserted into it with a screwdriver and pull it down. Next, using pliers, almost completely pull the pin out of the sleeve, while holding the window sash. After that, lift the sash up and remove it from the bottom hinge.

To put the sash back in, follow the same steps in reverse order. After installing the sash in place, it is recommended to adjust it.

All sorts of things happen in life. And it so happened that for some purpose you needed to remove one of the sashes of a plastic window in one of the rooms. It does not matter for what purpose this is done, since this in no way affects the process itself. So how to remove the sash of a plastic window with your own hands?

Instrument preparation

In order to remove the sash, no special tools are required. There are, of course, special pullers designed for this procedure, but we will focus on improvised means, namely, those tools that are at hand in every house or apartment, that is:

  • screwdriver
  • knife;
  • pliers.

Instructions on how to remove the sash of a conventional plastic window

Regardless of the design, everyone can remove the sash of a plastic window with their own hands. But first, you should delve a little into the essence of the design. If earlier sash window with conventional wooden frames could be removed from the awnings by simply lifting it up, then with plastic windows everything looks a little different. Now only the lower one resembles the design of the former canopy. The upper one rests on a pin (rod), which has to be pulled out. On it, the sash rotates. So, how to remove the sash of a plastic window of a conventional design:

Everything, the removal process is completed. The back sash is installed according to the same principle. We insert the lower rod into the sleeve, put it in its place, lock it, adjust the middle of the upper part of the canopy so that the removed rod freely enters through it. We quietly drive it into place, put on decorative panels, and everything is back in place.

Video instruction is provided below.

How to remove the hinged sash of a plastic window. Instruction

Now that we have figured out how to remove the sash of a plastic window of a conventional design from the hinges, let's figure out how to do this with a hinged modification (transom).

Here, before taking on the canopies, which in this case are located in a horizontal position, you should first deal with the limiters. With this, too, there will be no difficulties if you follow the instructions.

Detach process

Since the limiters that prevent the sash from falling down, opening wide open, interfere with removing the flap of the plastic window, they should be disconnected. Depending on the type of fittings that the plastic window is equipped with, there should be a small lever at the edge of the limiter on the side of the window right on the sash, by turning which we force the limiter bar to come off the slot holding it. We turn the lever, remove the bar (in some cases it may be necessary to pry off the edge of the bar with a screwdriver), we coped with one limiter. Now we proceed to the second, acting in the same way.

When the sash is freed from the limiters, you can proceed to remove it from the horizontal canopies according to the same principle as described in the first case. We remove the decorative casings, determine in which direction the canopy with the pin is located, take it out and, having opened the lock, remove the sash from the pin of the second canopy.

The sash is mounted in its place in the same way. First, we deal with the canopies, then we put the holes of the limiter bars on the slots on which they were previously held. We turn the locks and sashes.

A video tutorial on the process is shown below.

We hope that the question of how to remove the sash of a plastic window is completely settled. Have a good mood and success in everything!

The use of groove insulation in the insulation of wooden windows is more efficient and cheaper than any other methods. This method is called Swedish technology, it is the most budgetary, not labor-intensive, and anyone can do the work of repairing and insulating windows.

Your attention is presented step by step photo and video instructions for self-repair wooden windows using Swedish technology.

Photo-instruction for insulation and repair of wooden windows

Step 1. Remove the wooden window from the hinges

Take the window off its hinges. Close the door to the "closed" state, but only close, and do not close to the very end. If there is a cap on the axial cylinder of the hinges, it must be removed. Next, you will need a screwdriver and a hammer and tap this axial cylinder with them (substituting the tip of the screwdriver under the cap and tapping with a hammer from bottom to top to pull the cylinder out of the loop). First you need to tap the cylinder of the lower hinge, then the upper one. The window must be held at this moment. At the end of the operation, the window can be easily removed.

Step 2. We seal the glass with silicone sealant

If you have a double-glazed window (two glasses - inner and outer), then first you need to separate the two parts of the window. To do this, it is enough to unscrew two screws located in the same vertical plane with the window handle / handles.

In the case of a double-glazed window, only glass with inside double-glazed window. If there is only one glass in the window, then we seal it from the outside. We start from the upper corner of the glass and evenly pass along the entire perimeter of the glass.

Step 3. Installing the profile interframe seal

We need an inter-frame seal made in Sweden (profile D, it white color, its price is around 17-20 rubles). It is laid along the entire perimeter of the frame and will provide additional noise and heat insulation.

Step 4. Leveling the surfaces of window and balcony door sashes for perfect closing/opening

If the door/window closes with a creak and friction, then it is necessary to cut off those parts that protrude outward. The easiest way to do this is with an electric planer. But you can also use manual tools (with a knife or even coarse-grained sandpaper).

Step 5. Installing a groove seal using Swedish technology

In the sash, the groove is milled first in the upper rebate and up to the middle of the sides. Then, for convenience, the sash is turned over 180 degrees by the side closest to you, not yet milled, and the operation is repeated.

The underwindow sash is milled only on three sides, all other types of sashes are milled on all four sides.

Groove seal installed