Flower garden in Dalat: useful information, reviews, photos. Nice cafe overlooking the lake next to the park

  • 13.06.2019

Blooming, alluring, unforgettable attracts more and more attention of tourists. The country, having visited which, the "baggage" of emotions and impressions is provided. Arriving in Vietnam, skipping a trip to the Flower Park, which is located in, is simply not realistic. Enough time should be allotted for this trip, because once you get there, you are surprisingly liberated, as if returning to childhood, you never cease to be surprised and admire the beauty, some kind of fabulous unreality of everything you see.

Huge area all year round flowering plants, fragrance, colors - literally fantastic sensations. You can bring a bunch of photos with you as a memory of this wonderful place. Unusually shaped garden compositions made of shrubs and lianas, huge greenhouses of orchids, bansai - all this is collected on the territory of the Flower Park.

Dalat itself is an unusual city in which tropical exoticism is intertwined with sophisticated French sophistication. and called "little Paris", in this city there is a mini-copy of the Eiffel Tower. Exactly climatic conditions, the beautiful air of Dalat, made it so attractive for tourists and for the establishment of the most beautiful park of flowers in this city.

It should be noted that you can buy tickets to enter the Flower Park only in the morning. After lunch, ticket offices are closed.

This corner of flowering and beauty was founded in 1966, not far from Huang Hyeng Lake. Since then, the Flower Park has been hosting annual flower festivals, which are recognized as one of the most beautiful, which attract the most famous landscape designers and thousands of spectators from all over the world.

The variety of plants presented in the Park of Flowers can be the envy of any botanical garden. Cacti, unseen ohideas, bonsai - something that cannot be seen anywhere, is in this corner of natural beauty and harmony.

Garden area 7000 square meters divided into parts, depending on the directions - classic, Japanese style, French, Baroque ...

Almost every house grows a small ball with thorns - a cactus. Having visited the flower park in Dalat, the idea of ​​​​this thorny plant will change. There grow cacti with a diameter of up to half a meter.

Everyone knows that when you see a flowering fern, you can make a wish, and it will surely come true. Having visited the Flower Park in Vietnam, it is real to find a blooming fern, which means that cherished desires must be prepared in advance.

The greenhouse with unusual orchids is perhaps one of the most favorite places for tourists, and not only for the beauty of these fabulous flowers, but also because there you can buy a seedling of your favorite orchid, and already at home grow and nurture a flower, and remember about traveling to a fabulous flower garden. the park. The price for an orchid tuber is not very high - about 80 rubles. Guides with pleasure and responsiveness characteristic of the inhabitants of this country will advise inexperienced flower growers and give recommendations on growing orchids on the windowsill.

The general feeling of being here is a complete immersion in fairy world flowers that are everywhere. Flowerbeds, greenhouses, whole walls of flowers - all this is unforgettable and the head is spinning from a riot of colors and aromas.

But not only the flower beds enchant. The most beautiful figures, made from plants, again and again make you ask yourself the question - is this a reality or a beautiful dream. A tea pagoda made entirely of bizarre plants, flower clocks, dragons, arches - it all seems magical.

In the middle of the Flower Park there is a large pond, where there is a "secret" place for the main "workers" of the park - bees. It is worth going to the pond and taking the time to look at the extraordinary bonsai, tiny towns made of coral, with the same tiny people and figurines.
The flower pier located on this pond is a very romantic place. On this reservoir you can ride on an equally unusual catamaran in the shape of a swan - a symbol of love and fidelity.

The Vietnamese are proud not only of the nature of their country, but also of the production of wines. This is also reflected in the Flower Park. A large pyramid made of bottles of various wines is located on a large area of ​​the garden. Along the perimeter of the square there are many benches and bizarre green figures of cartoons and beloved by the Vietnamese, dragons. Sit on a bench, dream, listen to the soothing murmur of numerous fountains, breathe in the intoxicating aroma of flowers - the feeling of falling into nirvana is guaranteed. Each item of the garden is the embodiment of love and the finest art. Garbage cans in the form of animals - even they are admirable. Everything in the garden is alive, blooming - it pleases, it amazes the imagination.

The biggest advantage of the Flower Park is that whenever you go there, in any month of the year, it is always beautiful, always in bloom and always extremely clean and tidy. Vietnamese flower growers with love and frugality are working on one of the most beautiful places of their country.

The flower gardens in Dalat are one of the most popular attractions in Dalat. Dalat Flower Park is a small park with flowers near the lake near the center of Dalat. All tourists are brought to the flower garden without fail on organized excursions. What is interesting there and is it worth watching?

Fountain at the entrance to the Dalat flower garden

Flower garden in Dalat

I invite you to take a walk with us in the garden. We arrived around 10 am by taxi. You could have walked, but there was no extra time. We bought tickets at the box office for 30 VND and went through the flower horseshoe arch. There were few people in the morning. Mostly Vietnamese tourists.

We went straight along the central alley to the lake. Here is an exhibition of small ornamental trees with thick trunks in pots. Who can tell me what they are called? We saw the same in Pattaya at.

Everywhere in this park there are some interesting flower installations. A hut with flowers on the roof, a teapot with cups made of bushes, figures of men with flower carts, animals, birds and, of course, neat multi-colored flower beds.

It is already becoming a tradition to take pictures in carriages. We just the other day took such pictures in the park, and before that we took pictures in a similar carriage in Thailand when we watched the entertainment complex.

We walked along the left side of the park. There are several stalls with drinks and ice cream, as well as a gift shop. We went to see the magnets with Dalat, but a bummer, nowhere to be found. Then they saw on one of the windows in a dusty corner a stack of something resembling magnets. They asked me to show it, it turned out to be some kind of nonsense on the magnet, like a faded school herbarium with the inscription Dalat. Katya wanted to buy at least such a clumsy magnet, but I dissuaded her.

A cozy bench in the shade of a tree on the left side of the flower garden

Sculptures on the hill

On the right side of the park, you can climb a low hill and look at works of modern art there. We didn't appreciate it.


Also on the hill you can visit several greenhouses. In appearance they are a little ugly, but inside it can be interesting for lovers of flowers and vegetable gardens. You can even buy seedlings of some flowers. But be prepared that our customs officers at the border can take away.

Photo-panorama can be rotated with the mouse:

On the way back, we sat down to rest on a bench. Here is such a cool view of the entire flower garden opens.

The Vietnamese city of Dalat is called the city of eternal spring, flowers and love 🙂 Not only is the whole city decorated with flowers, there are also several flower gardens and well-equipped parks in Dalat itself and near the city. A visit to some of them is included in the standard program of excursions from, and some can only be visited on your own.

flower park in da lat

I love flowers very much 🙂 Therefore, the first thing we did when we arrived from Nha Trang to Dalat was flower park - Dalat Flower Park.

Flower park in Dalat. Lavender blooms here, mountain lavender 🙂

Where is the flower garden in Dalat and how to get there

The flower garden is located near the center of Dalat, from our hotel where we stayed for 5 days, the flower park is only 2 km away. Finding Flower Park is not difficult: it is located next to Xuan Huong Lake (a large lake in the city center), northeast of the center of Dalat. At the bottom of the article is a map with all the sights of the city.

The entrance to the flower park is decorated in the form of a flower arch

You can get to the flower garden on foot - we easily reached the park in 20 minutes. There are walking paths around the lake (a rarity for Asia!). Walking around Dalat is now very pleasant and not hot at all, otherwise we are tired of the wild heat in Nha Trang. The main thing is not to get caught in the pouring rain that comes almost every day around lunchtime.

Walking around the lake in Dalat is very nice.

You can also get to the park on a rented bike (~ 120,000 dong per day), bike or taxi. The cost of parking near the park is 3,000 VND.

A visit to the flower garden in Dalat is sometimes included in the program of organized excursions. In the park, we did not find organized groups of Russian tourists (maybe they visit the park in the first half of the day, but we arrived at about 14:00), but we observed many groups of Vietnamese vacationers. And the Vietnamese have a funny rest: one group of young people sat on the pavement right in the middle of the park and played cards with great excitement!

The cost of visiting the flower garden in Dalat and opening hours

The price of a ticket to the flower garden for adults - 30,000 VND ($1.5) and 15,000 VND ($0.75) for kids. You can also go for free! You just need to enter the park not from the main entrance under the arch, but to the left, through the parking lot.

flower ticket office
Entrance fee to the Flower Park

The park is open from 7:30 to 16:00. Like other attractions, it’s better not to visit the flower park on weekends if you don’t want to walk next to a huge crowd of noisy and not very well-mannered Vietnamese (to be fair, the Vietnamese in Dalat are much more well-mannered and more cultured than in Nha Trang! And even trying to speak English language. I was so happy this morning to hear normal English speech! 🙂).

Flower garden in Dalat our review with photos

Flower Garden in Dalat (Dalat Flower Park) was founded by the French colonialists, who, fleeing the Vietnamese heat, moved from the coast to the mountains and founded Dalat. The park was founded in 1966, and in 1985 it was completely reconstructed.

In the flower park in Dalat

Several times a year, colorful flower festivals are held in this park. Unfortunately, we did not find the flower festival either in (it is held there annually on the first weekend of February) or in Dalat.

It seems that now in May, the Dalat Flower Park is undergoing a small reconstruction: many flower beds are being re-arranged, in some places the abandonment and unkemptness of the territory is visible. But the reconstruction is taking place on the outskirts of the park, while in the center everything is beautiful and well-groomed.

In the flower park

Flower lovers will find cozy corners and pretty flowerbeds in the park. There are really a lot of flowers in the park, it’s just that we are already a little fed up with these flowers 🙂

Flower lovers will find plenty in this park beautiful flower beds and photo spots
swans hid in flowers
flower train

At the entrance to the park, we are greeted by fountains: the first fountain is working, but the main long fountain is now turned off. Most likely it is only on holidays.

Fountain at the entrance to the park
Fountain at the entrance to the park
But the central fountain did not work ...

In the center of the park there is a small lake where you can ride catamaran boats in the shape of a swan. Romantic 🙂

On the lake you can ride on catamarans in the shape of swans. Romance :) In general, many Vietnamese come to Dalat for their honeymoon, because there are so many romantic places in the city. Oh, where is my romance ....

There are several greenhouses on the hill to the right. Roses in one of the greenhouses have almost faded. But you can imagine what beauty and what a breathtaking smell of roses there in the midst of flowering. We did not find the very height of the flowering of roses in, either. visited her a month earlier.

We climb the mountain to the greenhouses
View from the mountain to the lake
A pavilion with roses, but now (in May) there are not many blooming roses at all
Roses in a park in Dalat

In another greenhouse, flowers are grown in pots. Here you can buy seeds and bulbs of flowers you like, they say that Dalat orchids take root well in our home.

Flowers and seeds for sale
How many types of cacti
I just liked the flower 🙂

There are many sculptures in the park of flowers, both stone and flower.

Three heroes, or rather three elders

These are flower musical sculptures
flower bear
I came up to touch the bear, but it turned out that it was made of artificial flowers! Disappointed...

We met a couple of horses outside the park. One of them was harnessed to a cart carrying flowers, and the other horse was just nibbling grass nearby 🙂 You can take a picture with these horses or in a cart for a fee.

Throughout the park of flowers there are many cozy gazebos, benches and swings for relaxation. You can buy ice cream, drink a cup of coffee or tea, buy souvenirs in the shops.

In the park you can relax on benches or ride a swing
A hut on chicken legs

Should I visit the flower garden in Dalat?

Flower lovers should visit the flower garden in Dalat, but you should not count on something grandiose. If you have visited parks like in Chiang Mai or a flower garden, then perhaps the Dalat Flower Park will leave you indifferent. But if you have enough time in Dalat (more than 2-3 days), then take a walk in Dalat Flower Park, this walk will take no more than 2 hours.

The central alley of the park with a non-working fountain

Cafe near flower garden in Dalat

We did not drink coffee in the flower garden, but finished our walk, crossed the road and settled in a nice cafe on the lake overlooking Dalat.

Opposite the flower garden on the lake is a nice cafe
This cafe can be said to be a continuation of the flower park: there are also many flowers, a beautiful area, a playground, swings and many places for photographing

Here I want to mention one interesting feature Dalat: there are a lot of cute cafes and coffee houses in the city, in which there is nothing more than coffee, tea, juices and wine! Those. you won't be able to eat in them. Not even coffee cakes.

Nice cafe in Dalat overlooking the lake and the city

So in this cafe by the lake near the flower garden: here you can only drink something, and not have a snack. We enjoyed the views around with a cup of Vietnamese coffee and tea:

View of the lake and the city from a cafe near the flower park. Too bad the weather is overcast and rainy. Not a season…

Prices in the cafe are a little high, but for such a cozy atmosphere, romantic music and a view of the surroundings, it’s not a pity to overpay 🙂 And they immediately bring a teapot of green tea and nuts.

  • Black Vietnamese coffee - VND 25,000
  • Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk - VND 30,000
  • Vietnamese coffee with rum - VND 35,000
  • Ginger tea with honey - VND 35,000
  • Juice or smoothie - VND 40,000

After enjoying delicious Vietnamese coffee and even having time to freeze a little (!) (and just a few days ago we melted from the heat in our apartment in Nha Trang and dreamed of coolness), we went back to the city center in order to visit another very Dalat's popular attraction is the Crazy House. But about this crazy house» read! Subscribe to updates, so as not to miss the release of new articles and not get lost on the Internet

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You can choose and book a hotel in Dalat or.

Flower garden in Dalat on the map

Click on the menu icon to see a list of interesting places in Da Lat on the map

All flower mood,!

In Dalat, in the very center there is a lake, and nearby is flower garden (Dalat Flower Park), which is the gem of this city. During a trip to mountainous Dalat, this place was one of the first on our list of attractions, because it is not for nothing that Dalat is called "city of flowers and love".

In the world of flowers.

The flower garden was laid out in 1966 and renovated in 1985.

Entrance to the park. Don't pass by!

Presented here today a wide variety of colors: roses, mimosas, fuchsias, cacti, gerberas, azaleas, chrysanthemums and many, many others.


Floral flag of Vietnam.

Made for orchids special greenhouses. In the garden, you can not only admire them, but also, if you wish, purchase sprouts and seeds.

All orchids are here!

The locals come to mountain Dalat from all over Vietnam and be sure to visit this garden. On a weekday it is not crowded here, but on weekends and holidays there are much more people.

Here you can spend several hours pleasantly strolling, looking at flowers and quaint bushes, which are sheared in a special way.

You forget about time here!

There is a mill in the park.

You can ride in a carriage.

In some corners of the garden, we noticed some lack of grooming, and even neglect. Maybe the park workers just haven't got their hands on these places yet, or maybe they just don't pay attention to dry branches, fallen leaves and non-working fountains. Comparing the flower garden in Dalat with similar places in Bangkok (, ) I can say that you definitely won’t see such desolation in a Thai park, a whole team of gardeners and janitors work there daily, tirelessly.

Too bad the fountains don't work...

Open from 8 am to 4 pm. Ticket price for an adult, symbolic - 30,000 dong, for a child - 15,000 dong.

In the park there is a cafe where you can buy ice cream or have a snack.