Multifunctional material Technoelast - waterproofing for all occasions. Technoelast: characteristics and application features Technoelast epp decoding

  • 17.06.2019
  • from the factory price we deduct a part (large enough) of our dealer discount;
  • we minimize the cost of material delivery;
  • our warehouses work at night, because night transport is cheaper;
  • delivery to the regions is carried out by factory vehicles.

We deliver Technoelast during the day and at night, it is possible different kinds car awnings (rear, side, top). For large orders we offer object discounts. We form prefabricated machines with different brands of TechnoNIKOL waterproofing. We successfully work with the regions.

Technoelast marking

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the product labeling:

  • E, T, X- designation of the base on which the material is made, E - polyester, T - fiberglass, X - fiberglass;
  • P, K- designation of the upper protective layer of the roll ( P-polyethylene film or K-stone chips);
  • P- designation of the lower protective layer of the roll (polyethylene film);
  • Number at the end of the marking indicates the weight of one m2 of material (the larger the number, the thicker the material).

Varieties of Technoelast

  • Technoelast P(lining) - for the lower layer of the roofing carpet and for waterproofing works for various purposes (the inner and outer sides of the roll are protected plastic wrap).
  • Technoelast K(roofing) - for the top layer of the roofing carpet (in this case, the lower part of the roll is protected by a polyethylene film, and the upper part is protected by a coarse-grained dressing of various colors).

Technoelast based fiberglass is Technoelast HPP, Technoelast Thermo HPP, used for waterproofing and roofing work on unloaded structures with a small slope, which during operation do not experience large tensile and tensile loads.

Technoelast based fiberglass- this is Technoelast TKP, Technoelast Thermo TKP, It has best performance to break.

Technoelast based polyester - these are Technoelas EPP, Technoelast EKP, Technoelast Thermo EPP, Technoelast Thermo EKP, have excellent tensile characteristics, therefore they are used in more critical areas of roofing and waterproofing. Special grades are used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Production and application of Technoelast

Technoelast is obtained by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) polymer modifier and mineral filler (talc, dolomite, etc.) to fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester. Coarse-grained and fine-grained dressings, polymer films are used as a protective layer.

Technoelast is one of the most the best materials Premium class, which are produced in Russia. Different brands of Technoelast are used:

  • for waterproofing the foundations of buildings and structures for various purposes;
  • for waterproofing of bridges, tunnels, flyovers, underground structures;
  • for waterproofing flat roofs and roofs with a small slope, as well as "breathing" and "green" roofs;
  • to protect the foundations of buildings from radon and methane gas;
  • for the installation of a roofing carpet in a fireless way;
  • for roofing and insulation at facilities where increased heat resistance of materials is required (withstands heating up to 140 degrees);

Laying can be done all year round. Even at very low temperatures, it does not lose its elasticity and strength, it does not stick together and does not "flow" in the heat.

Special grades of Technoelast

TechnoNIKOL produces special-purpose Technoelasts - this is waterproofing, which is designed to solve very specific problems.

  • - bitumen-polymer waterproofing material that can withstand heating up to 130 degrees, no other rolled waterproofing material has such heat resistance. Produced on the basis of fiberglass and fiberglass. It is used for waterproofing in hot regions and places with high operating temperatures.
  • - self-adhesive baseless bitumen-polymer hydro-vapor barrier material. It is used for waterproofing shallow foundations, waterproofing interiors under a screed, vapor barrier of building structures. Laying by the non-flammable method is possible on objects where it is forbidden to use an open flame, laying on combustible substrates is possible.
  • - bituminous-polymer waterproofing material intended for waterproofing reinforced concrete slab of the carriageway of bridge structures, for the installation of a protective and cohesive layer on the steel orthotropic slab of span structures of bridge structures, as well as for waterproofing span structures with reinforced concrete slab roadway, on which asphalt concrete pavement is laid directly on the waterproofing, including from cast mixtures with a temperature of up to 220 ° C.
  • - this is a rolled cushioning soundproofing material for soundproofing floors between floors of buildings. The material prevents the spread of impact noise transmitted through the supporting structures of the building.
  • - it is a bituminous and polymeric waterproofing material. It is used for waterproofing buildings and structures with gluing on mastic. This technology allows you to combine the advantages of waterproofing from roll materials(with high physical and mechanical properties) and seamless monolithic mastic waterproofing. It is used for fireless mastic laying.
  • - bituminous and polymeric waterproofing material. Possesses increased fire-technical characteristics according to SP 112.13330: flame propagation group RP1 (not spreading flame); flammability group B2 (moderately flammable).
  • is a rolled hydro-gas-insulating material. It is used for the device of hydro- and gas insulation underground parts buildings and structures. Protects against exposure to radioactive gases, including Radon gas. It is used as an outer (facing to the ground) layer in a two-layer waterproofing.

If you have any questions about Technoelast rolled waterproofing - call and ask our managers, we will try to answer everything.


Multifunctional SBS (polymer)-modified, built-up roofing and waterproofing material of increased reliability.
Flexibility on the beam R = 25 mm, not higher than - 25 0 C, heat resistance + 100 0 C

is intended for installation of the roofing carpet of buildings and structures, waterproofing of foundations and other structures with increased reliability requirements in all climatic regions. The element of Technoelast - the cold of the polar night and the constant pressure of man-made ground water. It is used where other materials are unlikely to provide the required level of protection against water. Technoelast is always where serious construction projects are implemented. It is where only the highest reliability is needed.

Overview of Technoelast

Technoelast is intended for installation of the roofing carpet of buildings and structures, waterproofing of foundations and other structures with increased reliability requirements in all climatic regions. The element of Technoelast is the cold of the polar night and the constant pressure of technogenic groundwater. It is used where other materials are unlikely to provide the required level of protection against water. Technoelast is always where serious construction projects are implemented. It is where only the highest reliability is needed. Technoelast is produced by applying a bitumen-polymer binder containing bitumen, SBS thermoplastic and fillers to a fiberglass or polyester base. Coarse-grained K, fine-grained dressing M and polymer film P are used as a protective layer. Technoelast is welded with a propane torch.

Features of Technoelast

Technoelast is biostable.

Application area

It is intended for the installation of roofing carpet of buildings and structures and waterproofing of building structures.

Structure of Technoelast

Technoelast is obtained by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder, consisting of bitumen, butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer and filler, to a glass or polyester base. Coarse-grained and fine-grained dressings, polymer films are used as a protective layer.

Technoelst stamps

Depending on the type of protective layers and application area, Technoelast is produced in the following grades:


With coarse-grained dressing front side and a polymer film or fine-grained dressing from the deposited side of the web; it is applied to the device of the top layer of a roofing carpet;


With fine-grained dressing or polymer film, or a combination of them on both sides of the canvas; applied to bottom layer device roofing and waterproofing of building structures (foundations, tunnels, etc.).

Table Characteristics of Technoelast

Parameter name To P
Coating type: top film film
bottom slate film
Weight, kg/sq.m. at least 5.0 4.6
Tensile strength in longitudinal / transverse direction, N, not less than on polyester 600/400 600/400
on fiberglass 800/900
on fiberglass 294 294
Thickness, mm 4.2 4
Water absorption within 24 hours, % by mass, no more 1 1
Mass of binder from the surfaced side, kg/sq.m., not less than 2 2
Loss of dressing, g/sample, no more 1
Flexibility temperature on the beam R=25mm, °С, not higher -25 -25
Flexibility temperature on the beam R=10 mm, °С, not higher -25 -25
Binder brittleness temperature, °C, not higher -35 -35
Waterproof for 72 hours at a pressure of at least 0.001 MPa absolute
Waterproof at a pressure of at least 0.2 MPa, for 2 hours absolute
Length\width, m 10x1 10x1
Heat resistance, °С, not less than 100 100

Manufacturing jobs

according to the "Guidelines for the design and installation of roofs made of bituminous materials of the TechnoNIKOL Corporation", can be used in all climatic regions according to SNiP 23-01.

Technoelast EPP- rolled bituminous roofing and waterproofing material manufactured by TechnoNikol, Russia. Technoelast EPP is made on a polyester base and has a polymer film on both sides.


Technoelast EPP It is used as the bottom layer in two-layer roofing systems during the installation and reconstruction of flat roofs. Technoelast EPP is successfully used as a built-up bituminous rolled waterproofing of foundations and ceilings. The material can be used as a substrate for soft bituminous tiles.

The element of Technoelast is the cold of the polar night and the constant pressure of technogenic groundwater. It is used where other materials are unlikely to provide the required level of protection against water. Technoelast is always where serious construction projects are implemented. It is where only the highest reliability is needed.

Technoelast is made by applying a bitumen-polymer binder containing bitumen, SBS thermoplastic and fillers to a fiberglass or polyester base. Coarse-grained (K), fine-grained dressing (M) and polymer film (P) are used as a protective layer.

Technoelast is welded with a propane torch.


Technoelast is biostable.


Technoelast is obtained by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder, consisting of bitumen, butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer and filler, to a glass or polyester base. Coarse-grained and fine-grained dressings, polymer films are used as a protective layer.


To(Technoelast HKP,TKP,EKP green and gray slate)
FROM coarse-grained dressing on the front side and a polymer film or fine-grained dressing on the deposited side of the web; it is applied to the device of the top layer of a roofing carpet;
P(Technoelast HPP, CCI, EPP)
FROM fine-grained dressing or polymer film, or a combination of them on both sides of the canvas; it is used for the installation of the lower layer of roofing and waterproofing of building structures (foundations, tunnels, etc.).

"Premium" class, produced by TechnoNikol. They are characterized by a high degree of reliability.

They are intended for the installation of a lining or top layer in the roofing carpet of buildings, waterproofing of engineering structures, foundations, tunnels, ventilation shafts, pools. They can be used in all climatic regions in accordance with SNiP 23-01-99 and at objects of any complexity.

Technological features

Fused bitumen-polymer waterproofing Technoelast TechnoNikol is a rolled sheet, on the basis of which a bituminous composition is applied on both sides with mineral additives– talc, dolomite, modified with SBS-polymer (artificial rubber styrene-butadiene-styrene).

Above and below the surface is covered with protective polymer films or granular shale chips. Polyester (polyester), fiberglass or fiberglass is used as the basis.

Performance characteristics

The SBS-polymer included in the composition gives the material elasticity and high temperature characteristics - frost resistance and heat resistance.

The flexibility of the canvas is maintained at temperatures down to -25 ° C, which allows you to work with it in the winter.

The laid material does not lose plasticity at temperatures down to -35°C, thereby eliminating fragility and violation of the tightness of the surface, joints. Technoelast

Heat resistance up to 100°C ensures the stability of the coating, preventing slippage during solar overheating in hot climates.

Main advantages

  • does not crack under deformations and loads in a wide temperature range, providing absolute water tightness;
  • steam resistant;
  • not susceptible to the action of fungi and microorganisms;
  • durable, service life is 25 - 30 years.

Technoelast is produced in several modifications - EKP, TKP, EPP, HPP, the characteristics and structure of which are somewhat different from each other. Structural features determine the purpose of materials.

Technoelast EKP

used as upper layer « soft roof» in two-layer coatings. Ideal combination with Technoelast type EPP as underlay roof waterproofing. When repairing old roofs, laying in one layer is enough.

The basis of this material is reliable, elastic polyester - index E in the designation. It has high tensile strength and does not rot. The upper side is covered with a layer of coarse-grained gray or green shale chips (index K). The bottom side is made with a low-melting polymer film (index P).


Application area

Designed for roofs that experience deformation, having a slope. Slate crumb protects the surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Due to the sufficient thickness, it easily withstands the load, the movement of a person on the roof.

Technoelast EPP

It is a lining layer in the roofing carpet and a waterproofing coating for household structures and building structures.

Made from flexible, durable polyester (E). The top and bottom layers are protected by a fusible film that protects against sticking during storage (PP).


Application area

It has successfully proven itself on dynamic flexible surfaces and roofs that experience deformation loads as a lining material. Paired with Technoelast, EKP will make an impeccable installation of a roofing carpet.

Works great for both interior and exterior waterproofing various designs: tunnels, spans of bridges, underground structures, boiler rooms, pools,.

Technoelast TKP

A heavy-duty material used as the top layer of a "soft roof" roofing cladding. Has excellent specifications in terms of strength and resistance to mechanical stress, but low elasticity. It is recommended to use on roofs without a slope, not experiencing different kind deformations.

For the reinforcing basis, a tensile-strength, but with a low ability to stretch, frame fiberglass (T) was taken. The outer side of the bitumen-polymer composition is protected by slate chips (K), the inner side is covered with a polymer film (P).


Application area

A very durable coating for flat or slightly sloping roofs in civil and industrial buildings. It perfectly copes with intense surface loads, while maintaining absolute water tightness for a long service life.

When installing a new roof, it is combined with Technoelast HPP or other lining waterproofing. It is enough to repair the old coating in one layer.

Technoelast HPP

It is a lining roofing and waterproofing fabric. Is budget option from a series of premium products Technoelast.

In the middle lies fiberglass, which has low strength and elasticity (X), treated with a polymer-bitumen mass. Both sides are covered with a fusible film (PP) to prevent sticking during transport.


Application area

Designed for non-loaded flat or slightly sloping roofs, where it serves as the bottom layer of the roofing carpet. Can be used together with Technoelast TKP. Reliably performs the waterproofing function of basements, boiler rooms, bathrooms, pools, pipes.

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