How to make glued laminated timber with your own hands? How to make a glued beam yourself Glue a beam from scraps.

  • 16.06.2019

Making furniture with your own hands is becoming increasingly popular due to the high cost of finished products, and thanks to a large number source materials that appeared in the public domain. At home, with a minimum set of appropriate tools, it is realistic to assemble viable furniture that will serve properly and please with its appearance. One of the most popular joining methods is gluing, which makes it possible to obtain strong, monolithic parts. Gluing can be used as an independent fastener or as a duplicating one, when using external elements, such as dowels, dowels or self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself glued wood

Before gluing, the parts are processed, this is done not only to clean the surface, but also allows you to open the wood pores. When applied, the adhesive composition penetrates through the pores into the wood structure, into the intercellular space, and when solidified, it forms a multitude of the thinnest threads (cobwebs) that reliably “seam” the workpieces together. The strength of a correctly made seam exceeds the strength of the wood itself; when testing for fracture, the part breaks not at the place of gluing, but along the whole tree.

Gluing a tree allows you to get products with better parameters than massive ones. In the process of gluing, elements that are suitable in texture and shades are selected, damaged, cracked and knotty areas are rejected. As a result, the strength of the glued parts is greater than that of the usual one, and by gluing the thinnest veneer onto the front surfaces, the products are given the appearance of the most valuable rocks. Wood glued according to all the rules warps, cracks and cracks much less than solid wood.

How to glue wood. Technology

There are several ways to connect parts when gluing.

  • Gluing wood onto a smooth joint - joining smooth details without increasing the penetration area.
  • Gluing on a microthorn - an increase in the penetration area by 2.5 - 5 mm due to the creation of a jagged relief on the part (using a milling cutter).

  • Bonding on a toothed spike – increase in the penetration area by 10 mm due to the creation of a toothed spike.

  • Gluing on a tongue-and-groove (thorn-groove, dovetail, oblique tenon) - additional grip due to the groove connection.

Although in certain situations where special conditions of use are expected, tongue and groove joints are relevant, in most cases the parts are glued to a smooth reveal. Modern adhesives penetrate deep into the structure and create a strong seam without additional sampling of wood.

How to glue boards together. Parameters

The wood to be glued must have a moisture index in the range of 8 - 12%, maximum - 18%. If there is a need to glue wet parts, use special composition, during the hardening process, it draws moisture from the wood. When gluing blanks with different humidity a difference of more than 2% is not allowed in order to avoid internal stress in the glue line due to deformation of the wetter part. The temperature of the glued workpieces varies between 15 - 20⁰С, so the work is carried out in warm rooms (18 - 22⁰С). In the cold, most compositions crystallize, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of gluing and makes the process difficult.

The final preparation of wood (planing, jointing, sanding) is carried out immediately before gluing in order to increase the permeability of the adhesive and avoid warping. It is important not only to select parts according to their dimensions, structure and external data, but also to arrange them correctly.

  • When gluing along the length, only one type of sawing is used - tangential or radial;
  • When gluing, both in length and in width, alternation is not allowed different parts wood - the core is laid with the core, sapwood (young, extreme part) with sapwood;
  • Annual rings of adjacent blanks from boards or bars should be directed in different directions or at an angle to each other from 15⁰.

The standard thickness of furniture boards is 2 cm, but in order to glue wooden boards at home, when choosing boards for a board, the estimated waste during processing is taken into account, so the workpiece is selected with a thickness of up to 2.5 cm. The excess will be removed during the primary processing, when defects are eliminated, and after gluing, when grinding the shield. If you dissolve a board 5 cm thick for a furniture board, you get two blanks with the same texture and shade, which increases the decorative effect of the product. For shields, boards of wood of the same species are selected, up to 120 mm wide, so that it is possible to process the edges of the shield with high quality, the length of the blanks should have a margin (2 - 5 cm).


Adhesives used for the manufacture of laminated wood fall into two main groups.

Synthetic - obtained on the basis of resins or polyvinyl acetate dispersions (PVA). They are characterized by increased strength of the resulting connection, moisture resistance, biostability. The disadvantages include the presence harmful substances, which may stand out in environment during operation and further operation. This is "famous" for compositions based on phenol-formaldehyde resins. Modern PVA dispersions and their derivatives are non-toxic and are commonly used in the household and are considered universal for wood. The bulk of synthetic mixtures are ready for use. The epoxy adhesive needs finishing, to work with it the hardener included in the kit is mixed with epoxy resin.

Natural mixtures - animal, vegetable, mineral. They are safe, give a strong connection, but are produced in the form of semi-finished products that are prepared before use. How to glue a tree with them: when preparing, you must strictly follow the instructions and observe the dosages, otherwise the quality of the glue will not allow you to get a strong connection. To prepare the adhesive, it is usually necessary to dilute the powder concentrate with water to the desired consistency (may require a certain swelling period) or to melt the solid particles. Direct exposure to fire is not allowed, apply " water bath”, on which the mass with the addition of water after swelling melts to a homogeneous consistency.

How to glue a tree

When gluing wooden surfaces glue is applied to both parts in an even layer. The thickness of the layer depends on the type of glue, its consistency and the type of surfaces to be glued - the thinner the wood, the thinner the layer. The glue should moisten the part, but not excessively; when connecting the elements, an even roller should stand out. Adhesive streaks are removed from the surface as soon as they grab a little, with a scraper or spatula. Cured excess glue greatly spoils appearance details and complicates their further processing.

How to glue a wooden blank.

After applying the adhesive, the parts withstand a certain period of time, this allows the composition to penetrate deeper, at the same time excess moisture evaporates, the concentration of adhesives increases. During exposure, it is not allowed to air the seam in a draft or dust it. Some varieties natural glue(bone, skin) must be applied hot, instantly fastening the parts without aging, as the composition loses its properties as it cools.

Wood Gluing Tool

To get the maximum strong connection, when glued, the wood is pressed in - compressed by means of special presses. At home, for these purposes, improvised tools and means are used - a vice, clamps, cam devices, frames made of metal corner from clamping mechanisms. The pressure during wood pressing is maintained in the range from 0.2 to 1.2 MPa. possible in production large quantities, at home, such indicators are enough for the structural details to stick together.

Glued wood with your own hands.

Subject to the gluing technology, the adhesive seam is strong and reliable, and, unlike the method of connecting parts with metal fasteners, does not spoil the appearance.

For fans of creating household items on their own, a topic is open on FORUMHOUSE. How to organize a convenient corner for working with wood can be found in the article. The video about wooden elements in a country house shows interesting products made by users of the portal.

Very often, when carrying out repair or restoration work, glued laminated timber is used.

The process of manufacturing glued beams.

Not always available finished timber of the required size, often it is needed in a small amount, and then the best solution to the issue is the production of glued laminated timber with your own hands.

The industry usually releases the specified element standard sizes and parameters. Often, when carrying out work, a bar of a certain size and properties is required. For example, it is necessary that on the outside it is easy to process, but at the same time it is very durable. In this case, the manufacture of glued beams on their own will help solve the problem.

Nuances and features of the work

You need to know that if you make glued laminated timber correctly with your own hands, then in terms of its parameters it will surpass the natural one of the same size. This is achieved due to the fact that strong glue is used and the resulting seam has a greater strength than natural wood.

In order to make such a beam with your own hands, you do not need to have special equipment and tools - just purchase ready-made slats or boards. In the manufacture of glued laminated timber, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the annual rings in adjacent lamellas are directed in different directions. This design is the least susceptible to warping.

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Work performance technology

For execution said work at home you will need:

Grooves are made by fitting the timber to each other.

  • wood saw;
  • plane;
  • clamps;
  • brushes and brushes;
  • it is desirable to have a grinder and milling machine, but this is not a prerequisite;
  • measuring tool;
  • boards, slats;
  • glue;
  • solvent.

In order for the material to turn out to be of high quality, the blanks that are used for its manufacture must be dry. It is best to dry naturally.

First, blanks are cut, the length of which should be 5 cm longer than necessary. They take three blanks from which one beam will be made. Carry out the planing of the edge that will be glued. It is necessary to pay attention to the location of annual rings, in neighboring lamellas they should be multidirectional. In the middle lamella we make a groove on both sides, and on the extreme ones on one side, we make dowels.

To see how the glued beam will look like, it is first assembled without using glue. Now it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the surfaces that will be glued together. For this they are processed sandpaper or grinder, carefully remove all dust and degrease the surface.

All lamellas are well dried and covered twice with fire protection, carrying out intermediate drying.

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Bonding process

The gluing of the beam is carried out with wood glue, after gluing the beam is fixed with a clamp.

This is one of the most important stages of the work, you need to choose the right glue. The choice of adhesive composition depends on the conditions under which the glued laminated timber will be used. In any hardware store there is a wide range of glue, and you can always pick up the one you need.

The adhesive must be used in accordance with the instructions that come with it. After they missed and connected all the parts, they are fixed with a clamp.

When drying, it is also necessary to act according to the instructions for the selected adhesive, do not dry in the sun and allow moisture to enter. Drying time depends on the type of adhesive.

In order to strengthen the finished beam, you can do one more additional operation, which is not mandatory - use dowels. Dowels are installed on the wedge with a hammer.

After the timber has dried well, it is necessary to carry out its final processing. To do this, he cuts under required size and again treated with two layers of fire protection.

In this way, you can make not only a beam, but also, for example, a countertop or other parts made of wood. If there is a need to make a small detail, then it is not always possible to make grooves. In this case, bonding of smooth surfaces is carried out.

Glued laminated timber is lumber, consisting of several wooden sheets glued together. Manufactured independently, it is more profitable than the factory one, not only financially. Self-made lumber can be of any size, section, higher quality.

Regarding the last parameter, there are many complaints from buyers of factory glued laminated timber. In order to save money for gluing, manufacturers often use low-quality wood, which determines the low strength characteristics of the finished product.

What is needed for self-production of glued laminated timber?

The boards from which the timber is glued are called lamellae. They should be even, without signs of rot, cracks, well dried, with a minimum number of knots. The basic rule for gluing timber is as follows: the lamellas must be laid so that their annual rings are in different directions.

In addition to wood, stock up on glue. It is optimal to use PUR-Adhesive 510 FiberBond. This composition is designed for gluing wood, so it will provide high strength boards. But you can take any other, designed for woodworking. From the tools you will need clamps, a hacksaw, a solvent for degreasing the material, a fire-retardant composition, sandpaper of medium grit.

How to make glued laminated timber with your own hands?

Glued laminated timber can be made in three ways: by connecting three lamellas; two lamellas connected by the letter Z; glued from lamellas with inserts. The first one is most often used, as it is much simpler and faster.

First, boards are selected for gluing the timber, then they are stacked one on top of the other so that the annual rings are directed in opposite directions. Then the boards should be signed with a simple pencil or marker. This precaution will allow you not to confuse the order of their installation.

Then, the central board on both sides is treated with sandpaper, which will give it a roughness. It will increase the adhesion of the glue to the wood. Side lamellas are processed only on one side: the one that will be inside the beam.

Further, the dedusting and degreasing of these surfaces is carried out with the help of a solvent and a flame retardant composition. These liquids are alternately applied to the boards: first, the solvent is applied to the sanded surfaces, and after it dries, a protective impregnation is applied. It covers all sides of the lumber, including the ends.

Then glue is applied to the lamellas with a layer of 1-2 mm. The boards are stacked on top of each other so that their ends form a single plane on each side of the beam. After that, the lamellas are fastened with clamps, which should be 40-45 cm apart from each other. The glue drying time is indicated in the instructions for the composition, but it usually does not exceed 1-2 days.

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Glued laminated timber has a very wide scope of use in construction and furniture production due to its high performance. It is noteworthy that it can be made even at home with your own hands. This will be discussed further.

General provisions

First of all, you should understand what a glued beam is. This is a set of carefully selected, prepared and glued together lamellae. The presence of hardened adhesive layers significantly changes specifications products compared to whole samples. Let's take a look at the main differences.


  • Increasing the strength index to DIN 1052, guaranteeing high reliability of the assembled furniture;

  • The decrease in thermal conductivity, which is clearly shown in the following table:

  • Reducing the tension of the wood and, as a result, the shrinkage of the erected building to an almost imperceptible one or two percent;
  • Increased moisture resistance, excluding the beginning of the processes of decay and the spread of mold.

That is, we see the elimination of almost all possible shortcomings of simple solid wooden products. But a couple of "pitfalls" are also worth knowing:


  • Relatively high price. But after all, it is worth paying for quality, besides, you will save on the absence of insulating materials, and if you still make glued laminated timber with your own hands, then the increase in cost will come out completely insignificant;
  • Possible decrease in environmental friendliness due to the use of low-quality glue.

Tip: when gluing lamellas at home, be very careful when choosing an adhesive of the appropriate quality.
This will maintain the required level of environmental cleanliness of the finished product.

Work progress

The instruction, of course, begins with the preparatory stages.

Stage number 1: preparation of the necessary tool

You will need:

  • Hacksaw for cutting blanks;
  • Clamps. These are almost the most important tools that will replace your factory press at home;

  • Planer and grinder for wood surface treatment;
  • Brushes for applying glue;

  • Roulette and other devices necessary for marking.

Stage number 2: preparation of the necessary materials

  • Wood in the form of boards, solid timber or slats, depending on the area in which you plan to use the finished products;
  • Glue, which can be of the following types:
  • Acetone for the purpose of degreasing the surfaces to be glued.

Stage number 3: creating lamellas

The lamella in this case is one of the glued parts of the product, the connection of which can be carried out by one of the following methods:

Tip: when doing this, try to make the pattern of annual rings be directed in different directions.
This will reduce the warping effect.

For example, let's take three bars with a section of 100 by 100 mm and we will connect to the key.

For this:

  • We cut each lumber to the length we need;

  • We plan and grind those sides that will stick together;
  • Next, at the side lamellae, we select a groove on one side, and at the middle one on both;

  • We connect all the elements dry and, if necessary, modify them for better docking.

If you plan to use the finished product for installation in the future internal partitions in the house, that is, it makes sense to create an additional groove for wiring.

Stage 4: pre-processing

In order for the gluing to pass perfectly, we process the mating planes:

  • We carry out grinding with a grinding machine;

  • Remove all collected debris and wood dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner;
  • Thoroughly degrease with acetone and leave the blanks to dry;
  • We apply a layer of antiseptic and again wait for the wooden surfaces to dry;

  • The last step is flame retardant.

Thus, we get smooth, clean wood surfaces, protected from moisture and fire, ready for further operations.

Stage number 5: gluing

Now let's move on to the most important task:

  • We dilute the glue in accordance with the instructions on the package in a convenient clean container;
  • We dip a brush into the resulting mixture, after which we carefully process the prepared planes with it;
  • We insert the keys into the grooves and also apply glue to them;
  • Next, we connect all the elements and tightly tighten them with clamps, after which we leave the products until the adhesive solution has completely solidified in a dry place, not exposed to direct sunlight.

Stage number 6: final processing

After the product is completely dry, we perform finishing operations:

  • We plan and grind the resulting timber from all sides;
  • We impregnate with antiseptic and flame retardant;
  • After drying, we can use it for its intended purpose.

In some cases, to increase the strength of the connection, you can use special dowels that are inserted into the drilled holes and fasten the slats.


Glued laminated timber is a very reliable, warm and easy-to-use building material. Its only significant drawback is its rather high cost. But, firstly, you should pay for quality, and secondly, you can save a lot by doing the gluing on your own. It is noteworthy that some technical specifications at the same time, a home-made product may turn out to be even better than that of a factory one.

The video in this article will be able to acquaint you with some additional information which is directly related to the above topic. Try it and you'll be fine.

In wooden construction, logs, beams, boards (in frame construction) are used, but wood has several fairly serious natural flaws, which lumber manufacturers for building houses are trying to level today.

One of the most high-tech materials for the construction country house permanent residence is profiled . We offer an overview - how to build a house from glued beams, with a description of all the assembly steps.

Advantages and disadvantages of a glued beam house

A house made of glued laminated timber has a number of advantages that are inherent only in buildings made of this material.

Advantages of glued timber houses

  • low thermal conductivity. Private house, built from glued laminated timber does not need insulation;
  • the possibility of implementing a project of any complexity. Thanks to the geometry of the beam, you can make long walls without splicing. In addition, it is possible to purchase bent glued laminated timber. At the same time, using glued beams in construction, it becomes possible to assemble walls of different thicknesses, which is a source of savings in construction;
  • there is no need to seal the walls. The tight fit of the beam and minimal cracking allows you to abandon caulking and sealing joints;
  • antiseptic. The manufacturing technology of glued laminated timber provides for the spreading of timber into boards and their subsequent gluing. This makes it possible to cut out knots and other defects, as well as dry the board to the desired moisture content. The glue with which the lamellas are connected acts as an antiseptic. In addition, glued laminated timber is treated with flame retardants;
  • environmental friendliness. Adhesives and wood used are certified for compliance with standards and safety;
  • biological inertness;
  • high speed of construction, which reduces the time of construction / commissioning and allows you to quickly move into the house;
  • minimal shrinkage, which makes it possible to start finishing immediately after construction is completed;
  • aesthetic appearance. Glued laminated timber does not crack like a log or natural timber. This reduces the requirements for exterior finishes;
  • strength and long service life.

Cons of glued beam houses

The disadvantages are much less, but they are:

  • higher, chamber drying, the cost of timber;
  • the need for constant tree care (a feature of all wooden houses) in order to reduce the rate of its aging and discoloration.

As you can see, there are more attractive sides than negative ones, which is why construction timber houses popular in Europe.

Stages of building a house from glued beams

As already mentioned, glued laminated timber is a relatively easy-to-use material, and step-by-step instruction, describing in detail each stage, will eliminate errors and outline a plan for starting building a house with your own hands or attracting a contractor.

stage number Name Content
1. Project development - individual or standard project.
2. Foundation pouring - calculation of the type of foundation depending on the characteristics of the soil, terrain, level ground water, project, etc. factors;
- arrangement of the pit;
- Arrangement of formwork with reinforcement;
- pouring concrete and curing.
3. Laying the first crown - waterproofing;
- the first row of timber.
4. Installation lag - arrangement of the subfloor above the plinth;
- installation of the subfloor above the basement;
5. box construction - laying the remaining rows;
- device interior partitions;
- installation of interfloor overlappings.
6. Roofing - mounting truss system;
- installation of a roofing pie (insulation and finishing).
7. Installation of individual elements - installation of vertical structural elements (pillars, columns, supports);
- filling openings (window and door frames);
- Ladder installation.
8. Interior decoration - communications;
- decorative trim
9. Exterior finish - point sealing;
- protection of wood.

Proper preparation for the assembly of the house and a clear sequence of work guarantee a quality result.

Stage 1 - Project development

Project of a house made of glued beams - necessary condition to start construction. There are four ways to get a project:

  • download finished project (free on the Internet) and perform work on it. But, it is worth remembering that the network contains projects that are designed for specific users and operating conditions. Just by copying the finished project, you may encounter a mismatch between the type of foundation and the type of soil, with the insufficient size of the house, difficulties with connecting communications, etc.;
  • download the finished project and change "for yourself". The most popular option. However, it requires a change, and for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills in working with computer programs in this direction (ArchiCAD, AutoCAD);
  • order development in a construction company. They usually offer many options to choose from and take care of everything related to making changes and obtaining permits. This option is not suitable for everyone who plans to build a house from glued laminated timber with their own hands, because. incurs additional costs;
  • order an individual project. Note that the cost of the project can reach 25-30% of the total construction budget. The material was prepared for the site

How to redo a house project?

Many owners are taken for independent revision of finished standard projects(adaptation to certain operating conditions). To avoid mistakes, you need to take into account:

Factor Description
1. Purpose of the building - country house;
- house of seasonal residence;
- house of permanent residence.
2. Material parameters - indicators of humidity: for glued beams is 12-15%;
- geometry: the appearance of the beam, affects the type of assembly;
- section;
- profile view.
3. Building area - number of rooms;
- area of ​​rooms;
- configuration of the house and arrangement of rooms;
- number of floors;
- the presence of a ladder and its parameters;
- specific needs of residents;
4. Location of the house - the ability to connect to central communications;
- influence of other objects (well, reservoir, septic tank, access roads);
- appearance of the site (relief, perennial plantings, trees);
- features of the soil;
- distance from the boundaries of the site.

As a result of the design, a finished project is created, according to which permits will be obtained.

Note that construction with the subsequent legalization of the object is a rather complicated and costly task, so it is better to get documents for building a house before it starts.

To approve the house project, you need to provide:

  • foundation drawing. This document contains geodetic survey data (soil, relief, composition, groundwater level, soil freezing depth) and foundation data (type, depth, material used);
  • floor plan of the building. It indicates: the number, size and location of windows, doors, passages, partitions, communications, fireplace, stairs. Each element contains a description and dimensions;
  • spreading. A document containing data on the number and cross section of the beam that will be used to build each of the walls. Having a spread, it is easier to make a calculation of glued laminated timber for building a house.
  • specification of elements with indication of dimensions. It is convenient to compile such a document using a computer program;
  • roof data with a detailed description of the roofing cake(material, its parameters, type of insulation, films, gaps, type roofing material, heating pipes, windows, etc.).
  • project visualization.

What kind of glued beam is better to build a house from?

When developing a project, you need to take into account the parameters of the beam itself.

  • 100x100 mm - buildings not intended for permanent residence, gazebos;
  • 150x150 mm - at home (with mandatory insulation), baths;
  • 200x200 mm - houses of permanent residence.

The cross-section of glued laminated timber can be increased to 360 mm on request, and the length of the timber can reach 18 meters (limited by the possibility of transportation).

Heat transfer resistance for a house is calculated based on the recommendations of SNiP II-3-79.

What profile of glued laminated timber to choose for the house?

  • comb or German profile allows to provide very dense joint of a bar. Such a joint does not require the use of heat-insulating material, however, it is quite difficult to fold the beam clearly without experience;
  • Finnish profile or Scandinavian makes it possible to lay thin thermal insulation material between crowns. Thanks to the profile configuration, it is easier to fold it for beginners who have no experience in construction.

Domokomplekt from a glued bar

Another factor that will make the house faster and better is the use of a house kit.

Domokomplekt- this is a ready-made set of glued beams for building a house. All beams are marked, the length specified by the project and the landing bowl. The assembly is performed according to the instructions (as a constructor).

The set of the house kit includes: beams of crowns, beams for floors, material for arranging the truss system, logs of the subfloor, details according to the project (columns, supports, timber for the wall, etc.). On request, it can contain elements of finishing: finishing floor boards, terrace board, lining for the ceiling, etc.

The use of a house kit allows you to reduce the work on arranging seats.

You can order a house kit from the manufacturer of glued beams. It should be borne in mind that the kit will cost 20-25% more than the moldings. But, with a complex project, this is the best option.

As a rule, it is the manufacturer who assembles the house from glued laminated timber, because. offers competitive pricing. Those. You can separately buy a house kit made of glued laminated timber from the manufacturer, but the price will be an order of magnitude higher than the one that the factory lays in the turnkey service.

Comparison of construction from moldings and a house kit from glued laminated timber for self assembly in the table:

Stage 2 - Pouring the foundation for a house from a bar

Peculiarity wooden construction in that the work is carried out using a relatively light material (than, for example, brick), which reduces the requirements for the base. The foundation is poured in accordance with the design documentation, and work is suspended for the duration of curing.