How to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse. Weak flowering of tomatoes in the greenhouse what to do

  • 23.06.2020

Finally, the period of major unrest is over: tomato seedlings have sprouted and taken root in the greenhouse. In anticipation of the flowers, it is worth considering how to help the bushes in this difficult time for them. Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering in a greenhouse is a mandatory procedure, because plants will need strength.

Tomatoes will not be able to fully develop in greenhouse conditions without mineral supplements. The leading role in this case will be played by such trace elements as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. At the same time, special attention should be paid specifically to phosphorus-containing fertilizers - without them, the plant will not be able to fully assimilate nitrogen and other micronutrients.

The appearance of characteristic purple spots on the leaves, a slowdown in the development of ovaries will indicate a lack of phosphorus. When thinking about what to feed your tomatoes during the flowering period, remember that plants growing in a greenhouse consume an increased amount of potassium, thanks to which the bushes can absorb carbon dioxide normally. With a lack of potassium in tomatoes, the lower leaves gradually wither and die.

Some gardeners successfully use ... ordinary yeast as a fertilizer! Surprisingly, they are the source of most of the nutrient compounds vital to the crop. The recipe is as follows: 1 package of ready-made dry yeast is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, add some water. In this form, the mixture should stand for some time, and then it is diluted in 10 liters of water. This is a ready-made solution, 0.5 liters of which will be enough for 1 garden watering can. The effect of feeding will be noticeable in a couple of days. It is advisable to use such recharge twice a season.

When and how to contribute

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering in a greenhouse is far from a one-time procedure.

As a rule, it is customary to feed seedlings for the first time at the time of landing in a permanent place. A little humus is placed in the prepared planting pits, ash is added. Further, the opinions of professionals differ: some believe that the time for the next feeding will come no earlier than in 14 days; others prefer to support the bushes and feed them with "green tea".

The last miracle remedy is easy to prepare: you will need 1 kg of chopped greens (any grass and weeds will do), 250 g of ash and 1 bucket of mullein. All components are mixed and left to brew for 4-5 days. After that, the amount of the solution should be doubled by adding pure water. Everything, the tool is ready for use!

This top dressing will require about 2 liters per plant. Experienced gardeners are unanimous only in the opinion that mineral fertilizers should not be used for newly planted tomatoes. The fact is that such substances act on plants extremely unevenly: some bushes begin to actively increase their green mass, while others, on the contrary, begin to bloom intensively.

Thus, the approximate scheme for applying top dressing is as follows:

  • the first feeding is carried out at the time of transplantation in the manner described above;
  • next time fertilizer will be needed after 2 weeks. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are used, which include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen;
  • This is followed by the most crucial stage - the beginning of flowering. During this period, top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse is vital, since during flowering they expend vital energy beyond measure. And then, the fruits are yet to be tied. At this stage, it is customary to use organic matter: 0.5 l of mullein mixed with bird droppings, and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water. Each plant should get at least 1.5 liters of solution;
  • after that, they feed the tomatoes already during the formation of the ovaries. Now you can take 2 liters of ash, 10 g of boric acid and 1 bucket warm water. We mix everything and leave to infuse for a day. We water the beds at the rate of 1 liter for each plant;
  • and the last time feeding will be needed when the tomatoes begin to actively bear fruit. So your crop will ripen faster, and will have best qualities. This time use sodium humate and superphosphate (1:2). Fertilizers are diluted in 10 liters of water, then the beds are watered.

Video "Feeding tomatoes during flowering"

From this video you will learn how to feed tomatoes during flowering.

Everyone knows that tomatoes that are grown on their own garden plot much tastier than those sold in shops and markets. In order for the harvest to please with its abundance, and the tomatoes to be large, juicy and tasty, the plants need to be provided with proper care and conditions for good development. For good growth, tomatoes need nutrition, because the more abundant the crop, the more nutrients it takes from the soil.

That is why plants need periodic feeding. Tomatoes do not like an overabundance of fertilizers. An imbalance of certain substances in the soil can cause stunting, disease, or dropping of ovaries in the plant.

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast

  1. Ordinary nutritional yeast can act as a top dressing for tomatoes. They contain many substances that these plants need. You can fertilize tomatoes 2 times a season. To prepare the product, take 1 sachet of instant yeast, mix with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, warm water (a small amount), after insisting for a couple of hours and mixed with 1 bucket of water. This composition is used when watering plants as follows: 0.5 liters of solution will be needed for 1 watering can of water. The effect will be visible after 3 days: the tomatoes grow rapidly, and the leaves and stems become stronger. raw yeast (pre-dilute with water). Pour everything with warm water, close the lid and put in a large saucepan (the solution will pour out of the container during fermentation). The mixture should ferment for at least 3 days. After it, you need to strain and water the tomatoes in the following proportion: for 10 liters of water, 1 liter of solution.
  • No Silicone: Breast Enlargement Cream

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field during flowering

Many novice gardeners do not know exactly what products to use to fertilize tomatoes during flowering. Caring for seedlings in the open field requires a lot of time and effort.

Top dressing is used in cases where the seedlings were planted in, which was not fertilized in advance. Usually, the seedlings develop for about 2 months and during all this time the plants need food. Particular attention should be paid to the period of formation of the ovary of flowers and the flowering itself.

At this time, you can use both simple mineral fertilizers, such as urea, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and complex ones designed specifically for tomato seedlings - diammophos, nitroammophoska, kemira, etc. It is convenient to use special nutrient boxes and pots that are filled with a substrate, soil mixture with the necessary organic matter. You can use a solution of mullein as a fertilizer or chicken manure, and during flowering, the inflorescences themselves are useful to sprinkle with boric solution. Such an element as phosphorus important at all stages of development and formation of tomatoes.

It is responsible for the proper development of the roots and helps to activate the processes of fruit set. The first top dressing should be done 21 days after transplanting.

To do this, you need to make a solution: for 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. The following dressing is done during the blooming of brushes with flowers. To do this, it is better to use ready-made fertilizers for tomatoes during flowering, for example, such as Senor tomato - 1 tbsp. l. this drug must be diluted in 10 liters of water. You can use mineral fertilizer Tomato Master.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse during flowering

Tomatoes that are grown in greenhouse conditions, as well as those that grow in open ground, need regular top dressing. You can fertilize such seedlings from the very beginning of development, immediately after the first leaves have formed.

It is best to choose a top dressing for these purposes, which includes many different nutrients. During the flowering of tomatoes, you need to carefully use fertilizers that contain nitrogen. Dose the use of biohumus, granulated compost and other organic fertilizers. They can certainly be used, but the effect will be weak.

Tomato care: pinching

In order for tomatoes to give large fruits and accelerate growth, it is necessary to carry out the formation of the plants themselves. It consists in getting rid of the side trunks that grow between the leaves, they are also called stepchildren. The very first stepchildren are made 3 weeks after planting the seedlings.

During this time, the tomatoes reach a size of 7 cm. After this procedure, you need to carry out this procedure regularly. It is necessary to break out the branches with the thumb and forefinger.

They cannot be torn out, otherwise wounds are formed that heal for a long time, fungal infections can penetrate into the plant through them. If the pinching was done with some delay, then the shoots must be cut with a sharp knife, not forgetting to leave 1 cm near the trunk.

What can happen if you do not feed tomatoes?

  • If you refuse to feed, the leaves of the plant will suffer first. They will lose their shape, begin to curl even at the very beginning of growth, and may fall off. This is often due to an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and its deficiency is manifested in the yellowing of the foliage, its stunting and falling off. The most important thing is not to confuse these symptoms with exposure to low temperatures and lack of moisture. You also need to feed tomatoes in greenhouse conditions with phosphorus, because due to its lack, the plant can turn purple. But if the leaves grow normally, then the deficiency of the substance is considered the norm. Less common is a lack of calcium. It is formed more often when cultivating a crop in greenhouse conditions and manifests itself in the form of top rot on the bushes themselves. Feeding seedlings is necessary in a small amount, but often. It is best to use complex fertilizers.

Read also: We list the most significant fertilizers for this crop:

  • potassium; phosphorus; nitrogen.

Phosphorus is of great importance for the formation of the root system and fruit set. If plants do not get enough of this substance, then tomatoes do not absorb nitrogen and other necessary nutrients.

The symptoms of phosphorus starvation in tomatoes are the appearance of red-violet spots on the underside of the leaves, as well as the twisting of the leaves along the main vein, and fruit ripening also slows down. This mineral contributes to the formation of stems, as well as the absorption and processing of carbon dioxide.

In case of potassium deficiency, lower leaves accumulate ammonia nitrogen, as a result of which they first wither, and later die off. In the photo you see how the result of potassium starvation of tomatoes appears on the leaves: Let's take a closer look at what and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.

When and what kind of feeding is carried out

The very first top dressing can be carried out in the process of planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse. Compost or humus is placed in pre-prepared holes and ash is added.

Compost, like humus, contains a lot of minerals, and the ash has a high content of a variety of micro and macro elements, which are so necessary for a tomato for normal development, growth, flowering, setting and formation, and fruits. The question of how to feed tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse causes “hot” discussions among gardeners. Part of the “gardening” community is of the opinion that the question of how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse immediately after disembarkation is not worth it at all. Such gardeners believe that the first top dressing of greenhouse tomatoes should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after transplanting plants to a permanent place. Other gardeners are of the opinion that for “injured” seedling transplants, tomatoes in a greenhouse should be fed earlier, preferably immediately after transplantation, all the better.

For the first feeding, these gardeners recommend using organic fertilizers, or the so-called "green tea". This fertilizer is easy to make with your own hands. For its preparation, a variety of herbs are taken (various weeds, such as nettle, plantain and others), to which a bucket of liquid mullein and a glass of wood ash are added.

For infusion, 4-5 kg ​​of finely chopped grass are taken for 50 liters of water, mullein and ash are added, mixed and left for several days to infuse. Then bring the volume of the solution to 100 liters. About 2 liters of ready-made infusion are poured under each bush.

Important: mineral dressings carried out at this time by many gardeners have a one-sided effect on plants. Some of them stimulate the active growth of green mass, others enhance flowering. If there are no organic fertilizers, it is better to fertilize tomatoes with any complex mineral fertilizer. So, if you think that the soil in your greenhouse is well fertilized, then you can not do fertilizing after transplanting tomato seedlings. Then, rough plan dressing will be like this:

  • The first feeding will be carried out approximately in 15-20 days after plant transplantation. Mineral fertilizers are used for it, diluting them in 10 liters of water:
  • 25 g nitrogen; 15 g potassium.

Under each plant spend 1 liter of the prepared solution.

  • The next top dressing is carried out at a time when the tomatoes begin to bloom en masse (see Forming a tomato bush in a greenhouse - how to do it right), since it is necessary to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse for normal fruit set in the future. In 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, 0.5 l of bird droppings and the same amount of liquid mullein. Each plant should receive 1-1.5 liters of the prepared solution.

If there is little or no organic fertilizer, then top dressing can be carried out by dissolving 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska in 1 bucket of water. 1 liter of working solution is spent on each plant. During the flowering of tomatoes, in order to prevent blossom-end rot of tomatoes, it is necessary to spray the plants with an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate. To prepare it 1st. a spoonful of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water.

  • During the formation of the ovaries, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes with a solution of 2 l of wood ash and 10 g of boric acid, diluted in 10 l hot water. The prepared solution must be insisted for a day so that all the elements are completely dissolved. This mixture contains a large number of micro and macro elements that will help the crop to form more quickly. Each plant is watered with 1 liter of the prepared working solution. For this root dressing, 2 tbsp are dissolved in 10 liters of water. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid sodium humate.

In any case, there is no clear instruction on when, how often and with what fertilizers to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes. Every gardener, knowing what vegetable crops, grown in the previous season and what fertilizers were used, follows an approximate feeding scheme, "adjusting" to the characteristics of the plants, the vagaries of the weather and based on their experience.

Foliar top dressing

In addition to the usual root top dressing of tomatoes, it is also useful to use foliar top dressing - spraying the stems and leaves of tomatoes. A feature of foliar dressings is that they are able to convey to the plant the substances it needs, which are lacking in the soil.

This is due to the fact that the leaves, unlike the roots, absorb only the elements that are missing for the plant. If the tomatoes lack some specific elements, how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse is decided by foliar feeding the missing elements. Spraying plants with a solution containing deficient substances very quickly gives positive results, manifesting itself literally in a few hours.

If you make the same elements through root dressing, then the result can be seen only after a week or two. During flowering, thinking about how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can perform foliar top dressing with a solution of boric acid and wood ash extract.Advice: to prepare an extract from wood ash, take two glasses of ash and pour 2-3 liters of hot water.

Infuse for a couple of days, after which the precipitate is filtered. The resulting solution is adjusted with water to a volume of 10 liters, after which the plants are sprayed.

How to fill the deficiency of nutrients

Tomatoes very clearly signal their appearance about which elements they lack (see more Diseases of tomatoes in a greenhouse: their varieties and how to deal with them). External signs of mineral deficiency

  • with a lack of phosphorus, the stem, the lower surface of the leaves and the veins on them become purple. If you spray the plants with a weakly concentrated solution of superphosphate, then after a day the purple color disappears. Calcium deficiency leads to the leaf plate twisting inward and the disease of the tomato fruits with blossom end rot. In this case, spraying the plants with a solution of calcium nitrate will help. If the plants do not have enough nitrogen, the plant becomes light green or yellowish, lags behind in growth and becomes very thin. Spraying "herbal tea" or a very weak solution of urea will help to cope with nitrogen deficiency.

You may get the impression that feeding greenhouse tomatoes is too troublesome and unnecessary. It is enough just to fertilize the soil during spring and autumn digging, and then plant the tomato in the greenhouse.

Indeed, if the soil is not depleted and the correct crop rotation is practiced, the harvest can be obtained. But if you carefully look after the plants and promptly respond to their needs, constantly take care of them, you can get a much more abundant and high-quality tomato crop in the greenhouse. task.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

A plentiful harvest is expected from tomatoes - the norm from one bush is at least 3 kilograms, under favorable conditions, 10 or more can be removed. Productivity depends primarily on the variety, and then on the method of cultivation and care.

But even the most prolific variety can be spoiled, yet compliance with agrotechnical rules plays a very important role. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse has its own subtleties; greenhouse tomatoes require completely different care than ground ones. If you want to try this method of growing tomatoes, or you already have experience, but you are looking for useful advice then this article is for you.

What varieties of tomatoes are suitable for a greenhouse

Tomatoes are divided into determinant and indeterminate varieties. The first ones are compact, form up to 5-6 inflorescences, and after the central stem stops growing, the last flower brush forms on it.

Determinant varieties are considered earlier, they are harvested in a short time. Indeterminate varieties they do not stop growing, they grow and bloom all the time, respectively, and the harvest as a whole gives more, but the fruits ripen later and not evenly. Both are suitable for growing in greenhouses. Also, when choosing a variety, one should pay attention to its other characteristics , such as disease resistance, yield, how well the fruits store, whether they are prone to cracking.

Planting time for tomato seedlings in the greenhouse

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse begins much earlier than planting tomatoes in open ground. But how much earlier - it's up to you, and each case must be considered individually.

Of great importance is what region you are in, what the weather is like and, of course, what kind of greenhouse you have. If this is a serious building with the ability to keep warm inside - this is one thing, but if you call the beds covered with a film a greenhouse, then this is completely different.

In the first case, seedlings can be planted almost all year round, technically this is possible all 12 months, but in deep winter the seedlings grow very poorly and slowly, so it is reasonable to wait for February or March. Seedlings begin to be planted in a film greenhouse in April or even in early May.

Before planting check the night temperature in the greenhouse, it should not fall below 15-17 degrees the soil must be warm. The ideal temperature for a tomato is 22-26 degrees, under such conditions, planting should be most of the day.

Preparing the soil

It is necessary to prepare the soil for tomatoes, and it does not matter in which greenhouse you will grow them. The land begins to be prepared in the fall, organic fertilizers are applied to it, for example, compost and mullein, so that by spring they will rot and saturate the soil with nutrients, in particular nitrogen, necessary for active growth.

Phytolamps and result: flowering of tomatoes

The earth is deeply dug up, loosened, weeds, roots are removed and fertilizers are applied, two buckets per 1 m2. From above, the soil can be mulched with peat or sawdust, this will partially prevent the appearance of weeds in the spring. It is good to add wood ash to the soil in the fall.

It is crushed into dust and mixed with soil, 1-1.5 cups of ash is required per 1 m2. This will be enough to grow tomatoes in a mobile film greenhouse. If the greenhouse is stationary, then the soil is treated more carefully.

It is extremely important not only to fertilize it, but also to disinfect it, since most often greenhouse crops, including tomatoes, die from various diseases- fungi, viruses, bacteria that multiply in a warm and humid environment just like lightning. Do not reuse greenhouse soil if you are in doubt about the quality of the soil, and you should not use it for greenhouse cultivation either.

With long-term cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse every year upper layer soil is replaced, for this, 10-15 cm of soil is removed, it is thrown out, since it is there that the concentration of pest diseases is highest. You can send this soil for processing, mix it with bleach and leave it for a year or two.

Also, do not forget that after tomatoes the land cannot be used for growing other crops. Any soil must be treated with fungicides - antifungal drugs, and it is advisable to act on it with high temperature - ignite it in the oven or pour boiling water - this is how they prepare the land for seedlings. Of course, it is quite difficult to prepare the soil for a large greenhouse in this way, so vegetable growers use chemical or bio means.

For example, the earth can be disinfected by spilling it with Bordeaux liquid, potassium permanganate or a solution of copper sulphate. You can also use it for large and stationary greenhouses gas method disinfection. For this, special sulfur bombs are needed, they are set on fire and in the process of combustion gases begin to be produced that penetrate into the soil and into all nooks and crannies of the greenhouse.

The gas, reacting with moisture, forms sulfurous and sulfuric acids, which destroy fungal, viral, bacterial infections, snails, slugs, ticks and other pests. In addition to soil they also process the greenhouse itself. If the gas method is not suitable, then bleach can be used.

400-500 grams of bleach is dissolved in a bucket of water, infused for several hours, the contents are stratified and the liquid is drained. It is filtered and used for spraying, whitewashing all structures in the greenhouse, as well as walls and roofs. In spring, fertilizers are also added to the soil before planting seedlings.

It can be rotted manure or compost - one bucket per meter. To this volume of organics add 1 tablespoon of urea and potassium sulfate. You can use any other complex mineral fertilizer at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per m2.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Time must pass between the end of the soil preparation and the planting of seedlings. The earth must first be well watered and allowed to warm up; it is impossible to plant tomatoes in wet and cold soil. The beds are arranged so that adult bushes do not interfere with each other.

Too close planting will negatively affect the growth of bushes and the ripening of fruits. Compact varieties are planted at intervals of 35-45 cm, large ones - 55-65 cm, the distance between rows is 60-70 cm and 90-100 cm, respectively. As for open ground, holes for planting tomatoes are dug in advance and poured with plenty of water.

For example, if you formed holes today, then you need to plant tomatoes tomorrow morning or evening. True, in the greenhouse this event can be scheduled for the day, the active sun will not be able to damage the tender seedlings through the shelter. The seedlings are carefully removed from the container or planted directly in peat pots, the soil around is slightly compacted and mulched with peat.

You can immediately put supports for garter tomatoes. A few days after planting, the tomatoes are not watered. They may become lethargic, but on the second day they should begin to move away.

Watering is carried out when the seedlings come to their senses, it is because of this pause before planting that the wells are abundantly filled with water so that the soil is moist and in deep layers.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Top dressing is necessary for all greenhouse crops, and especially for tomatoes. Tomatoes in the greenhouse are fed 4-5 times, the only way to get good harvest.The first time tomatoes are fertilized two weeks after planting.

At this time, nitrogen-containing substances such as diluted manure are introduced, or urea can be used. The manure is dissolved in water and the beds are spilled in half a bucket under the bush, urea is added at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters, two liters of solution are poured under the bush. The second time the tomatoes are fertilized 7-10 days after the first feeding.

You can repeat the procedure or choose something else, such as chicken manure solution. In its pure form, it is not used, as it is very caustic. The third top dressing occurs at the beginning of the flowering of tomatoes.

At this point, the plants no longer need nitrogen, but potassium in order to set fruits, and it is contained in wood ash. A glass of ash per 1 m2 is enough.

After fertilizing, the tomatoes must be watered. The fourth time the tomatoes are fed in the middle of flowering and sodium humate is used at a dosage of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters - this is enough for 2 m2. This top dressing option can be replaced by the third, if there is no possibility or desire to make wood ash. The fifth and last top dressing is needed to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

When the fruits have already reached their maximum size, but are in no hurry to blush, they can be treated with superphosphate. To prepare a solution for spraying, take 2 tablespoons of superphosphate per 2 liters of water, insist for a day and add another 8 liters of water. It is necessary to spray tomatoes in the evening so that the drops do not heat up and burn the leaves, but not at night, so that the tomatoes do not spend the night wet, this can lead to hypothermia and the development of diseases.

Removal of stepchildren

10-15 days after planting the seedlings, you need to start making sure that stepchildren do not grow on the bushes. If you notice their appearance, then delete immediately. It is believed that stepchildren up to 2.5 cm can be removed without harm to the plant, the removal of larger ones injures the tomato.


In the greenhouse, tomatoes need moderate watering, as the humidity there is always kept at a high level. Abundant watering will lead to decay, the formation of rot. The first time tomatoes are watered 5-10 days after planting, they are guided by the state of the soil and the type of plants.

Before the appearance of the ovaries, the tomatoes are watered so that the soil does not dry out, no more. At this time, preference is given to rare, but plentiful watering. After the formation of the ovary, watering is gradually increased and then watered abundantly, but as needed.

The regularity of watering is strongly influenced by the humidity in the greenhouse, in one the indicators drop significantly 2-3 days after watering, in the other the high humidity is constant. In the greenhouse, tomatoes are also watered only in the morning or in the evening, water is poured under the bush, leaves, flowers and stems are not wet.


During flowering and the appearance of the ovary, the humidity in the greenhouse is reduced, this is necessary for better pollination. Tomatoes self-pollinate, but they can be helped - just lightly shake the bushes, do this before lunch for several days in a row.


Tomato fruits have 4 stages of maturity, they can be: green, milky, brown and ripe. Tomatoes should not be left overripe on the bush, this significantly reduces their taste. It is better to harvest this culture when it is almost ripe, brown, firstly, the fruits will ripen perfectly themselves, and secondly, it will speed up the ripening of the next, green or milk tomatoes.

Caring for tomatoes during flowering is very important, because it is during this period that ovaries begin to form. However, it would seem that you are doing everything right, and there are few or no ovaries on tomatoes. What to do and how to process tomatoes for a better ovary?

In the greenhouse and open ground, ovaries on tomatoes may be absent for the following reasons:

  1. Low or high air temperature. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below +15 and is not higher than +28 degrees. Therefore, greenhouses are regularly ventilated, and when temperatures drop in open ground, tomatoes are covered with a film or woven material.
  2. Too high or low air humidity. Too much moisture causes the pollen to crumble, and if the air is dry, the pollen cannot germinate. After watering in the greenhouse, windows and doors should be opened, and if it is hot and the air is dry outside, it is recommended to water the paths between plantings of tomatoes.
  3. The soil is rich in nitrogen. Often summer residents bring a large amount of mullein or bird droppings under young tomatoes. These organic fertilizers contain nitrogen, an excess of which leads to an increase in green mass. The roots of the plant become weak, and the fruits do not set. What to do: remove part of the leaves and apply fertilizer with phosphorus to the soil.
  4. The bushes are too big. Tomatoes must be stepchildren, otherwise all the forces of the plant will be spent on the development of new branches.
  5. Lack of pollination. Such a problem can occur in tomatoes growing in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It is necessary to open the windows and doors so that the greenhouse is ventilated. If there is no wind, you can shake the bushes slightly so that pollen falls off the flowers.
  6. Lack of fertilizer. During flowering, tomatoes need phosphate and potash fertilizers. With a lack of nutrients, tomatoes will tie poorly.

How to feed tomatoes during the ovary

When growing a tomato in a greenhouse and open ground, before flowering and during the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to make the following top dressing:

  1. Before flowering tomatoes are fed with a solution of urea (for 10 liters of water - 50 grams of fertilizer). Such top dressing will help the roots develop better and form strong buds.
  2. If a before flowering, the foliage on the bushes became pale, prepare a solution of 1.5 grams of magnesium sulfate fertilizer and 1 liter of water. Leaves are sprayed with this solution.
  3. For disease prevention bushes are treated with a solution of copper sulphate (2 grams per 1 liter of water). Diseased plants will not have the strength to set fruits, so prevention is very important. The prepared solution is sprayed foliage.
  4. When will the first inflorescence begin to tie, potassium and phosphorus are added to the soil (for 10 liters of water - 10 grams of each fertilizer).

The use of folk remedies

During flowering, for better fruit setting on tomatoes, you can use natural fertilizers:

  1. Iodine solution- 1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water.
  2. Fermented Yeast Infusion: dilute yeast (100 g) and sugar (2 tablespoons) in a bucket of water (10 l). The mixture should be infused for 2 to 7 days. Then the yeast solution is diluted in water (1 glass per 10 liters) and tomatoes are poured over them.
  3. Boric acid solution: in a bucket of water (10 l) add boric acid (10 g), a small bottle of iodine, ash (1 l). Infuse the mixture for a day and water each plant with 1 liter.
  4. dry ash. Ash contains a lot of potassium and other elements. You can make it immediately into the ground, scattering it at a distance of 10 cm from the plantings. Then, using a spatula or rake, the ash is mixed with the soil.

All solutions are used for watering tomatoes. They should be used a day or two after watering the plants.

Spraying a tomato with iodine and boric acid

Experienced gardeners advise spraying tomatoes for the ovary with a solution of iodine or boric acid.

Cooking recipes:

  1. Mix a liter of water with a glass of low-fat milk, add 5 drops of iodine and use to process tomatoes.
  2. 1 gram of boric acid dissolves in 1 liter of hot water. When the solution has cooled, it is used to spray the plants. This processing of tomatoes will help preserve the flowers and ovaries so that they do not fall off. It is recommended to use a boron solution during budding, with mass flowering and at the beginning of fruiting.

Stimulator Ovary for tomatoes

Fruit formation stimulator Ovary in its composition contains sodium salts of gibberellic acids. It has a third hazard class, which means - moderately hazardous substances.

Advantages of processing tomatoes with Ovary:

  • does not contain harmful chemicals;
  • prevents falling of the ovary;
  • helps to ripen fruits quickly;
  • improves fruit quality;
  • increases the number of ovaries.

Instructions for use

Ovary stimulator is used for spraying tomatoes. Previously, 2 grams of the drug is diluted in 1.5 liters of water.

The solution is used both for prophylactic purposes and to improve fruit formation:

  1. For the purpose of prevention processing with the Ovary is carried out during the budding period and at the very beginning of flowering.
  2. To improve the formation of ovaries and increase the formation of ploobrazovaniya tomatoes during flowering stimulant Ovary sprayed three times. As soon as the first brush is formed and begins to bloom, use a solution of 1.5 liters of water and 2 g of the drug. The next two treatments (during the flowering of the second and third brushes) are carried out with a more concentrated solution - 2 g of the powder is diluted in 1 liter of water.

300 ml solution is used for spraying 10 square meters landings.

  1. Spraying should be carried out in the evening in dry weather without wind. If tomatoes are processed in open ground, there should be no rain for 2 days after spraying.
  2. Processing tomatoes in a greenhouse is recommended in cloudy weather. Doors need to be opened so that it is not hot in the greenhouse and there is fresh air.
  3. Apply the Ovary solution within an hour after preparation.
  4. Before you start preparing the solution and carry out the treatment with a solution from the Ovary stimulator, you should wear rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator.
  5. Wash your hands well with soap and rinse your face and mouth after handling the product.

A good crop of tomatoes can be harvested if the plants are properly cared for from the moment they emerge. If the care of the seedlings was wrong, the ovaries will begin to fall from the apical brushes of adult plants. Also, the tomato crop depends on whether preventive measures against diseases and pests have been taken. Affected by diseases and harmful insects, exhausted tomatoes will be tied badly.

Do not forget to feed the tomatoes in time and apply for the formation of ovaries on tomatoes folk remedies or a special stimulator of fruit formation.

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You can take any complex fertilizer, but add ash or potassium magnesia to the aisles. Foliar top dressing with microelements during flowering is also very useful. For tomatoes, a solution of boric acid is used, since boron promotes fruit set.

Seed treatment before sowing

The main assistants in the fertilization of tomato flowers are ordinary bees or bumblebees. The presence of insects in a greenhouse is vital, since air circulation is limited or completely absent. Hydroponics is used for artificial pollination of tomatoes.

  1. In case of sudden fluctuations in temperature or its increase in daytime above the mark of 30 ° C, it is necessary to spray flowering inflorescences with Tomato, which is able to provide artificial fruit formation. An important condition for growing tomatoes and getting a decent harvest is the organization of ventilation in the greenhouse. The lack of intensive respiration in plants leads to a decrease in ovaries and a decrease in the quality of tomatoes. On hot, sunny days, it is necessary to organize airing no later than 8:00.​
  2. The first top dressing is carried out 12-14 days after planting the seedlings in the soil when the ovaries are formed on the first inflorescence. Top dressing is carried out using "Yara Mila Complex" - 30 g per 1 m², "Kemira-universal" - 80 g per 1 m² or "Sotka-universal" - 60 g per 1 m². 12 days after the first top dressing, a second one is carried out, during which 30 g of Yara Mila Complex is applied per 1 m². The third feeding takes place 13-15 days after the second, using 25 g of Yara Mila Complex per 1 m². To obtain large fruits, experts recommend immediately after the formation of the ovaries to carry out the treatment "on the sheet" with a solution of "Benefit" - 60 ml per 10 liters of water and repeat the procedure 2-3 times every 10 days. To speed up ripening, improve the color of tomatoes, increase their sugar content, transportability will help treatment with the "Svita" solution - 30 ml per 10 liters of water. Foliar top dressing of seedlings with a solution of "Speedfol Amino KalMag" - 30 ml per 10 liters of water will help prevent yellowing of the leaves at the time of fruit pouring.
  3. After the appearance of 30% of seedlings, the covering film is removed from the surface of the boxes, and the boxes are exposed to light. The moment of opening of the cotyledons indicates the need to reduce the temperature to 18-20°C in the daytime and 15-16°C at night. Such actions will help protect the seedlings from stretching. After 7-10 days, the temperature is raised during the day to 20-22°C, at night to 17-18°C. If the process of growing seedlings did not take place in cassettes, then with the appearance of the third true leaf, the seedlings dive into pots with a diameter of at least 8 cm, filled with soil mixture. Dive tomato seedlings can also be carried out on racks with soil, 10 cm high. Transplanted tomato seedlings are watered with a 0.1% Extrasol-55 solution and placed in the shade for 1-2 days for successful, quick rooting. If the soil has not warmed up to a temperature of + 15 ° C, do not rush to dive seedlings into it. The root system of tomatoes at temperatures below 15 ° C practically does not function.
  4. Tomatoes in the greenhouse should be lit by the sun from morning to evening, any shade reduces the yield. Tomatoes are very photophilous plants. Tomatoes are not afraid of cold weather. The greatest enemies for these plants are frost and dampness. Therefore, you should not forget about ventilation in the greenhouse. With the onset of stable sunny weather, the greenhouse can be opened on 1/3 of the upper part of the end sides. On hot days, you can open the entire western part of the greenhouse before cold snaps. Such actions will contribute to good ventilation and access of bees during the flowering period.

The next top dressing is carried out 15 days after the second transplant. To prepare the feeding composition, take 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate and dilute it in 10 liters of water, while stirring thoroughly. One pot should be watered with 1 cup of the resulting solution. After 15 days, re-feeding is carried out.

The yield of tomatoes directly depends on the correct care of the seeds.

Tomato is perhaps the most long-awaited and beloved fruit-berry on our table. Juicy appetizing tomatoes were brought to Europe from South America. Tomatoes were grown in the old days as decorative ornament and only later they began to appear on the tables of wealthy rulers.

​Most people, including me, try to avoid chemicals and use organic fertilizers - they are not only the best, but also safe. Use ashes, chicken manure and various weeds. If this is not possible, then you will have to purchase different fertilizers in the store.

When the first brushes bloom, watering is carried out with diluted potassium permanganate, together with 25 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate (per 10-liter bucket of water).

This type of technique is effective when it comes to industrial level or in case of high planting density. In addition, for growing greenhouse crops, you can use the following method: at the time of flowering, shake the plants daily at noon to distribute pollen. The weather should be dry and warm, after a while, lightly sprinkle it so that pollen sticks to new inflorescences.

Seedling care: temperature, watering, top dressing

Varieties of tomatoes react differently to the appearance of certain diseases. Whatever varieties you choose, a number of preventive work will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases and protect young plants from illness and death. To prevent fungal diseases 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, spray the bushes with a copper-containing fungicide - 70 g of "Ordan" or "Kurzat R" per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out at intervals of 12-15 days. Secondary treatment is recommended to be carried out with a systemic fungicide: "Strobe" - 2 g per 10 l of water, "Thanos" - 20 g per 10 l or "Kvadris" - 6 ml per 10 l of water. Systemic fungicides are highly effective in the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases:

Growing juicy and tasty tomatoes in a greenhouse is hard to imagine without properly organized watering. Among the main recommendations to remember are the following: A key role in the growth of fruits is played by fertilizing the soil when planting tomatoes. Growing tomatoes in greenhouses makes it difficult for bees to access the flowers, making pollination less efficient. You can also pollinate tomato flowers manually by gently shaking the inflorescence brushes. Shaking the flowers is done every 3-4 days in warm sunny weather. In order for pollen to germinate on the stigma of the pistil, pollination must be accompanied by spraying the flowers with water. After spraying, the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent overmoistening of the soil and air, since an increase in moisture reduces the taste of fruits and the sugar level in tomatoes.

Before planting, the seedlings begin to harden. It is taken out to the balcony at a temperature not lower than 12 ° C, covered with a film at night.

Seeds are hardened in the refrigerator for 1-2 days at a temperature of + 1 ° C, periodically spraying them with water. After all the procedures, the seeds are immediately sown in the soil.

Tomato seedlings are being planted in early spring, then after a month or two they are hardened, and in late spring, early summer they are planted in a greenhouse.

You can feed the tomatoes with mullein infusion. Tomatoes love this fertilizer very much. For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein infusion is used.

To speed up flowering, iodine is used, and thanks to this technique, the yield of tomatoes increases. To feed plants in the flowering phase, 30-40 drops per bucket of water will be required.

It is not uncommon for tomatoes in a greenhouse to be affected by the same diseases from year to year. To avoid this situation, regardless of the chosen growing technology and variety of tomatoes, it is necessary to take measures to autumn preparation greenhouses for new seedlings.​

Do not water seedlings while growing. cold water, its temperature should not be lower than 16°C. Make every effort to keep the plant dry and water directly into the root system.​

Planting tomatoes in the ground

If the picking of tomato seedlings is carried out directly into the soil of a greenhouse or greenhouse, during transplantation it loses 50-60% of the roots. As a result, seedlings take root poorly, its growth and development stops. To improve the survival rate of seedlings, a week before transplanting, cut the greenhouse soil with a knife in two perpendicular directions to a depth of at least 10-12 cm and spill it with a solution of Speedfol Amino Marine at the rate of 30 ml per 10 liters of water.

Pollination by hand is used as an additional method, the best way to cope with pollination, no doubt, is bees. Pollination with the help of bees greatly increases the yield, as tomato pollen is sticky, which prevents the flowers from pollinating themselves. Tomato flowers do not have nectar and smell, therefore, to attract bees, the latter are “trained”. Pollination of tomatoes is carried out by bee colonies pollinating cucumber flowers. The hives with bees are transferred to greenhouses with flowering tomatoes and the insects are fed with syrup flavored with tomato flowers. Thus, the bees will work intensively in the tomato greenhouse. However, with the flowering of other fragrant honey plants, bees may defect to them. To prevent this from happening, tomatoes should be grown so that they begin to bloom before other pollen-bearing flowers.

To grow a strong bush, the upper part of the plants is cut off. Shoots appear from the axils of the lower leaves - stepchildren. The two upper stepsons are left, the rest of the lower ones are removed. Thus, the plant is formed into 2 shoots, which, when planted in the ground, will be tied to the trellis. The pinching procedure is performed 20-25 days before planting in the ground.

Tomato seeds are sown from February 5 to February 25 in boxes, each variety separately. The soil for growing seedlings is prepared as follows: take 1 part of sod land, peat and humus. A liter jar of river sand, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and the same amount of wood ash are added to the finished mixture.

Now tomatoes are grown not only by professional agronomists, but also by amateur gardeners. Taking this issue seriously, you can achieve excellent results if you grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Caring for these wonderful fruits is quite an interesting and time-consuming process. To get a good harvest of tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the seeds for sowing, dive seedlings on time, water them correctly, maintain an appropriate temperature regime, ensure good pollination of flowers, feed the plants in a timely manner.

You can feed the tomatoes with Agricola soluble fertilizer. They use both root dressing and foliar dressing (spraying from a sprayer).

The use of heteroauxin - a growth stimulator that increases fruit set during flowering. This method is especially useful in conditions of poor natural light. Dilute heteroauxin in a ratio of 20 g per liter of water and spray each flower brush from a spray bottle, as a result of which fruits will form big size rich in vitamin C and sugar.​

Flowering and features of pollination of tomatoes

In September, remove tomato bushes from the greenhouse. Often, among experts, there are disputes about whether it is worth pulling out a plant with a root or pruning under the root will be enough. If you are faced with a fungal disease, then it is better to remove the roots, as they may be infected.

"Ordan" or "Kurzat R" - 60 g per 10 liters of water;

The presence of a substrate that is too dry can provoke the appearance of phytophthora.

early harvest

Numerous new roots will appear in places of cuts, allowing seedlings to take root in a permanent place. For the future harvest, it is very important to observe the modes of humidity, temperature and light. At the initial stages of seedling growth, the air temperature is maintained on sunny days within 20-22°C, at night 15-17°C. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the temperature should be reduced to 18-20°C during the day and 13-14°C at night. 2 weeks before transplanting to a permanent place, the temperature is lowered to 16-18 ° C.

​Many agronomists use a little secret to attract pollinating insects to the greenhouse: hang a container of jam, honey, or other sugary treat at the open entrance. The smell of sweets will attract bees, which will subsequently start pollinating tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Greenhouse affairs: growing tomatoes

Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, at the end of April, they begin to harden it. On warm days, seedlings are taken out to the balcony at a temperature not lower than 12 ° C, covered with a film at night. hardened healthy seedlings has a bluish-purple hue.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed 6-7 days before sowing, then distributed evenly into seedling boxes. Grooves are made in boxes with earth, the depth of which is 1.0-1.5 cm. The distance between the grooves should be at least 5-7 cm. The rows are watered with a solution of sodium humate, the temperature of which is 35-40 ° C. Seeds are sown in prepared rows. The distance between future plants should be at least 1.5-2.0 cm. The grooves fall asleep without watering from above. Boxes with crops are placed in a warm, bright place, with an air temperature of 22-24 ° C. In order for the plants to begin to sprout faster, it is recommended to cover the boxes with a film.

Seed processing for sowing is carried out in 4 stages:

Planting seeds and caring for them

You can feed with a solution of boric acid. This, by the way, will help increase productivity.

When shedding flowers, stir a spoonful of boric acid in a bucket of water. This fertilizer consumption corresponds to spraying an area of ​​10 square meters. m.​

It is also necessary to remove plant debris: mulch and weeds.

"Acrobat" - 50 g per 10 l;

Do not allow excessive moisture at the initial stage of growing tomatoes, which can cause a number of diseases of the root system.

Properly grown seedlings are planted vertically and buried in the soil to a level between the first true and cotyledon leaves.

Secrets of growing tomato seedlings

To get early tomatoes, seedlings begin to grow as early as possible. Usually, in tomatoes, depending on the variety, the interval between germination and fruit ripening is 120-130 days. Improvement of external conditions: good light, a sufficient amount of heat and moisture, good soil composition, timely top dressing, proper care - will help grow a tomato crop 10-20 days earlier. Earlier seedlings have time to grow stronger faster and give a greater yield than young and fragile ones. When sowing seedlings, it is important to consider the area where the plants will be grown. In the northern regions, where a short cold summer prevails, seedlings should be sown 70-80 days earlier. At the same time, they use artificial lighting, the required temperature regime. Seedlings ready for planting should have 8-12 leaves and one or two inflorescences, while the plants themselves should reach a height of 20-35 cm. The first 3 weeks of germination of tomato seedlings only have to control the humidity and temperature regime . The temperature during the day should be maintained at 16-18 ° C, and at night - 13-15 ° C. Such care must be provided before the appearance of the second leaf on the plant, within 30-35 days from the start of germination. During all this time, seedlings need to be watered only 3-4 times. This is due to the fact that during the period of low light, which falls in March, excessive soil moisture will provoke excessive stretching of seedlings. Seedlings should be watered with warm water, at a temperature of 20 ° C under the roots, without falling on the leaves.

Fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomato seeds require preliminary preparation before planting.

You can use the drug "Ovary", which is used to increase the number of ovaries. Use it as a foliar top dressing.

During the flowering period, tomatoes are well fed with organic fertilizers. Feeding must be prepared in advance. To do this, weeds collected in your own garden (nettle, quinoa, wheatgrass and everything that grows) are placed in a large container, add ash, bird droppings (1 part droppings to 15 parts water), manure (1 part manure to 10 parts water). If there is no bird droppings and manure, you can limit yourself to grass and ash. Mix everything and leave to infuse and ferment for a week. Mix again before use. Water at the rate of 1 liter per plant. You can also use mineral fertilizers, such as phosphate, saltpeter, ammonia, but this is chemistry, you can do without it.

Any top dressing should be used in liquid form, because this way nutrients are more actively absorbed by plants and soil.

Regardless of which method of growing tomatoes was chosen, after harvesting them, densely sow the entire area with radish oilseed or white mustard. During the growing season, these plants release a substance that can destroy pathogens of fungal diseases. In the spring, repeat the procedure by combining mustard with legumes (peas, vetch) or cereals (rye, oats) crops.

"Ridomil-Gold" - 25-40 g per 10 liters of water.

Features of watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

Before the flowering of the second brush, the roots of the bush should be in a not very humid environment. After that, the amount of moisture is slightly increased, then gradually reduced until the end of the growing season, thereby eliminating the possibility of cracking tomatoes.

  1. Than smaller plant loses roots during transplantation, the higher the survival rate and the more active the initial growth.
  2. Caring for tomatoes is quite a responsible and troublesome business, but harvesting these beautiful juicy fruits is much more fun and rewarding. After all, tomatoes are famous not only for their excellent taste, but also for the content of vitamins, minerals and many other elements necessary for the human body. Due to the content of potassium, iron, folic acid, tomatoes are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the overall tone of the body and improve overall health.​
  3. Caring for tomatoes that are planted in a greenhouse is more complicated. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture and ambient temperature conditions.​
  4. Boxes with seedlings should be turned every day with the other side to the window so that the plants receive enough light.

Warming up the seeds.

During flowering, tomatoes lack nitrogen, so instead of mullein, you can use the preparation "Azofoska".

I fed tomatoes with infusion of dandelion, wormwood and nettle.

Garter of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Leave the greenhouse open for the winter and do not cover the snow until the beginning of February so that the ground freezes more.

You should also pay attention to contact fungicides:

Hybrid varieties of tomatoes are more resistant to various diseases and pests.

How to win back the harvest from diseases

It is advisable to plant tomato bushes in a permanent place in the evening or on cloudy days, then the seedlings take root better and grow faster. After planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, water it under the root clean water, then with a solution of "Radipharma" or "Speedfol Amino Marina" - 30 ml per 10 liters of water. The solution consumption per plant will be 0.5 liters. A week later, repeat the treatment with a lower dosage - 15 ml per 10 liters of water. If the greenhouse is equipped with a drip irrigation system, Radipharm and Speedfol Amino Marine apply according to the same scheme - 60 ml per 100 m² when planting and 30 ml a week later.​

Tomatoes (semi-determinate, indeterminate and determinant) in film shelters and greenhouses are grown, as a rule, by the seedling method. Seeds sold in branded packages exclude the possibility of infection with pathogens and pests, do not require pre-sowing preparation. The technology for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse described below is focused specifically on this method.​

  • Ripe seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in the first half of May. When planting tomatoes, it is unacceptable to plant them in the same place for several years, in order to avoid diseases. You can’t plant tomatoes after potatoes and eggplants, since these crops are of the same nightshade family, respectively, they have the same diseases. If you still have to plant tomatoes after the listed crops, then before planting, remove the top soil from the greenhouse, and then sprinkle the soil with a hot solution of copper sulphate.
  • Seedlings should be well ventilated, so very close to window glass seedling boxes should not be placed.
  • Seed care when treated with chemicals.

I would not recommend that you feed tomatoes with any industrial preparations It's best to use some organic type of chicken manure. I know that some gardeners still use ashes for top dressing, but I advise you not to make a solution from the ashes, but simply sprinkle it around the stems, and water as needed. This method not only feed your tomatoes, but also scare away many pests.

  • You need to take two good handfuls of nettles, two handfuls of dandelion, two handfuls of wormwood (chopped), put it in a plastic bath, poured it with water, added a pinch of yeast and a glass of ash, mixed everything and insisted for about 10 days.


"Polyram" - 80 g per 10 l;

Who will pollinate the tomatoes?

Irrigation of greenhouse tomatoes is carried out in morning hours with an interval of 2-3 days, spending 700-1200 liters of water per 100 m² of plantings. For all varieties of tomatoes grown in greenhouses, even a single drying is dangerous.

Autumn preparation of the greenhouse

To grow good fruits in a greenhouse, ridges are made, the distance between which is 60-70 cm. Humus, peat, sawdust and a little sand are added to the beds as fertilizer. Before planting tomatoes, the soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate: for 10 liters of water - 1 g of potassium permanganate.

  1. The first time, while the seedlings grow in a common box, it is not necessary to feed the soil.
  2. Soaking in clean water.
  3. There is nothing better than organic fertilizers. Therefore, it is better to fertilize tomatoes during flowering with ash and chicken droppings.
  4. After the infusion was ready, I took 1 liter of this infusion and diluted it with 10 liters of water, the smell is certainly not pleasant, but for tomatoes and other vegetables this is a good top dressing.

Let the complex but exciting process of growing fragrant and tasty tomatoes give a long-awaited result and a good mood.

"Bravo" - 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Please note that 2 weeks before harvesting, it is forbidden to organize abundant watering. This warning is dictated by the fact that during this period the root system is weak and subject to various kinds of damage. Technology proper watering involves the frequent supply of water in small volumes. The total amount of water that is necessary for the normal growth and fruiting of a plant ranges from 0.5 liters in cloudy weather to 1.6 liters on hot, sunny days. On heavy loamy and clay soils watering is done infrequently (once every 2-3 days), since it is capable of long time keep moisture inside. On light sandy and sandy loamy soils, surface cracking is a problem, as this type of soil is unable to hold water and requires frequent watering.​

The method of growing tomatoes involves the application of mineral fertilizers under the root. The procedure is carried out every 10-14 days. Experts recommend feeding tomatoes in conjunction with their watering. 12 days after planting tomato seedlings in a permanent place, it is necessary to fertilize once a week “by leaf” with a solution of “Speedfol Amino Start”, prepared at the rate of 20-30 ml per 10 liters of water, good recommendations has "Plantofol 10:54:10" - 25-35 g per 10 liters of water. With the beginning of flowering of tomatoes in the greenhouse, in order to improve the fertilization of flowers, stop the shedding of ovaries and flowers, increase the brushes and eliminate the top rot of fruits, the plants are treated “by leaf” with “Speedfol Amino Flowering and Fruiting” - 30-35 ml per 10 l of water. A mixture of "Boroplyus" - 20 ml with "Speedfol Amino CalMag" - 20-35 ml per 10 liters of water has proven itself well. After 12 days, the treatment is repeated. If the cultivation of seedlings is carried out in hot and dry weather, a third treatment is carried out with a similar dosage.

If the main goal is to obtain a very early harvest, seedlings are grown with a flowering first inflorescence for a period of 40-60 days for indeterminate tomato varieties, and with the first brush formed, but until the opening of the first flower - for determinant and semi-determinant tomatoes. In addition, it is possible to plant seedlings in the greenhouse at the age of 35 days, grown without picking. Tomato seedlings are planted in a permanent place when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm reaches +15˚С. The optimal air temperature for the growth and full development of tomatoes in a greenhouse is considered to be 22-25 ° C.
Planting seedlings is done vertically, only a pot with a root is immersed in the ground. The distance between the bushes of tall varieties of tomatoes should be 50x50 cm, while the plants are planted in a row or in a checkerboard pattern. When planting, you should avoid a distance of 80-90 cm from each other: this reduces the yield! This is due to the fact that the free plant branches strongly, that is, all the nutrients will not go to the development of the fruit, but to the deciduous system.
The most important conditions for growth, in the first three weeks, for seedlings are temperature and the required humidity.
Seed hardening.
If neither one nor the other is available, you can buy ready-made solutions with organic salts for feeding in the store.
For 1 bush you need 1 liter of diluted infusion under the root.

Tomato is a self-pollinating heat-loving vegetable. The most favorable temperature for its growth and fruitful development is 23-25°C. A polycarbonate greenhouse is an ideal place for growing, the necessary temperature for the growth of tomatoes will be maintained here, there will be no high humidity, but its required level will be maintained. The plant requires a sufficient amount of light, with a lack of it, the leaves turn pale, the stems stretch, and the formed buds fall off.


A 1% solution of Extrasol-55 can also become a crop protection. The technology of growing greenhouse plants involves spraying in the budding phase, in the process of flowering of the third brush and when the fruit reaches the size of a walnut. Extrasol-55 is a liquid suspension of phosphorus-fixing bacteria, the main food of which is fungal spores. Cotton scoop is an insect whose caterpillars can destroy up to 50% of the crop.

3 days after planting, the plants are tied with a twine to a wire, which must be pulled in advance at a height of 2.2 m. Tie the lower part of the twine to the plant under the second leaf, the upper part to the wire using the sliding loop method, which allows you to loosen the tension when twisting around the stem. The plants are twisted weekly, the stem of the tomato is wrapped with twine. With the correct garter, one turn should fall on 1.5-2 internodes. Tomatoes of the indeterminate type in greenhouse conditions are formed in one shoot, semi-determinant - in one, less often in two shoots, regularly eliminating lateral shoots (stepchildren).

For tomatoes, it is desirable that the greenhouse be equipped with an irrigation system.

10-14 days after planting, the tomatoes are tied to a trellis. The lower stepchildren are removed, leaving columns of 2-3 cm.
A month later, when two or three leaves appear on the seedlings, the first pick is made - each plant is transplanted into a separate pot. The pots into which tomato seedlings dive for the first time should be 8x8 cm in size. The plants will develop there for about 25 days. The soil for pickled seedlings is prepared in exactly the same way as for sowing seeds. Before planting plants in pots, the soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, in the proportion of half a tablespoon per 10 liters of water. When picking, weak and unsuitable plants are culled.
For the rapid growth of seedlings, it is recommended to warm the seeds at a temperature of 45-65 degrees for 3 hours. This procedure can be carried out at the battery or on special heating devices. But the main thing here is to observe the measure: excessively high temperature can damage the structure of the seed.
Tomatoes and other plants in general are best fed and fertilized only with natural products, chemistry should be excluded. Use manure - dilute it in a bucket of clean water in the approximate proportion of one part manure and ten parts water. Stir everything thoroughly and let it brew for a day, stir again before feeding and water under the root.
But after feeding, it is imperative to pour the tomatoes with settled water.

In a large container, throw nettles, dandelions, burdocks and other weeds, bird droppings (1:15 to the amount of water) and cow dung(1:10), do not forget to mix all the ingredients often.​

Time abundant flowering tomatoes - this is a signal for the second feeding of the plant. Its flowers are small yellow color, five-membered, inflorescence collected in a curl (brush). There are many ways to feed tomatoes during flowering, and each summer resident uses only his time-tested method. Some of them will be discussed below:

How to feed tomatoes during flowering?


Insect years fall at the beginning of May, so it is important to carry out a series of preventive, protective measures. At intervals of 14 days, tomatoes are treated with insecticides: Avant or Carrageenan, Regent, Fury, Arrivo, Fufanon or Fastak. The procedure can be carried out at any temperature, with the exception of Fufanon, which is used at temperatures below +28˚С. From year to year, cases of damage to tomatoes by mites are becoming more frequent. The fight against misfortune can be organized with the help of acaricides or insectoacaricides: Clipper, Talstar, Fitoverm, Aktellik, Omayt. The treatment of tomatoes with fungicides and insectoacaricides is combined with foliar feeding of plants.


At the beginning of ripening, thanks to the foliar dressing "Speedfol Amino Flowering and Fruiting" at a dose of 35 ml per 10 liters of water, it is possible to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes and increase the content of vitamins and carbohydrates in them. In stressful situations, tomato treatments with Isabion or Megafol have the maximum efficiency at a dosage of 20-40 ml per 10 liters of water for open ground seedlings, 20 ml per 10 liters of water for greenhouses. The efficiency of the growing process largely depends on proper nutrition tomatoes and the ratio of nitrogen and potassium during plant growth. In greenhouse-type tomatoes, the ratio varies from 2.5:1 to 1.5:1. As close as possible to this ratio of nitrogen and potassium "Kemira-universal", "Sotka-universal", "Yara Mila Complex" and "Sotka-flower" - mineral fertilizers.

Seeds are sown in the first half of February in cassettes or special boxes filled with a loose, breathable, nutritious peat-based soil mixture with the addition of mineral fertilizers and sand, deepening them by 1.5-2 cm. The soil mixture in boxes a week before the moment of direct sowing seeds is shed "Extrasol-55" (0.1% solution) at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. Soil cultivation makes it possible to avoid the disease of seedlings with the "black leg". Cassettes (boxes) after sowing are covered with plastic wrap and placed in a shaded place. Soil temperature, optimal for seed germination, varies between 24-26°C. Due to this temperature and high soil moisture, tomato seeds germinate in 4-6 days.

Before flowering and fruiting, tomatoes are watered every 5-6 days. During the growing season, plant nutrition is especially important. Tomatoes are fertilized with liquid mullein or ready-made fertilizers "Ideal", "Fertility" every 10-15 days. To increase the fruit ovaries, tomatoes are sprayed with a 10% solution of boric acid over flower tassels and leaves.

Dive seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20-22 ° C during the day, and at night - 16-18 ° C. Watering seedlings in pots should be no more than 1 time per week until the soil is well wet. 2 weeks after picking, tomato seedlings are fed with this solution: 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska is diluted in 10 liters of water. For 1 pot there is half a glass of fertilizer.

After warming up, the seeds are treated with chemical solutions to avoid possible diseases of young plants. First, the seeds are treated with a solution of pharmaceutical manganese in the proportion of 1 g of manganese per 1 glass of water. In a cloth bag, the seeds are soaked for 15-20 minutes in the prepared solution, and then washed with water. Then the seeds are soaked in a solution that promotes their nutrition and development. In 1 liter of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of ash, or Ideal liquid fertilizer, or ¼ teaspoon of sodium humate. In one of the prepared solutions, tomato seeds are dipped for 12 hours. Before chemical treatment, it is very important to carefully read the instructions for using chemicals and observe the desired proportions. Since improper care using compounds can cause great harm to human health.

Elena Lilia

It is necessary to feed a tomato only with organic matter (natural fertilizer) - this is the most beneficial for human health. Use simple plant humus from your garden or manure, but not concentrated, but dilute it with plain water so that it does not destroy the plant itself. You can simply throw rotted plants under the roots and water them in the usual schedule.

Such top dressing should be carried out once every ten days.


Sprinkle dry mineral fertilizers evenly between rows: 20 g of phosphorus fertilizer, 15 g of 40% potassium salt, 12 g of nitrate, ammonia per 1 sq. m., then sprinkle with earth.


Water the ground or spray the flowers with boric acid diluted in a ratio of 1 g per 1 liter of water.

There is no loosening of the soil in the Mitlider method, weeds rarely appear on the ridges.

Stepchildren are removed at intervals of 3-4 days one at a time, leaving small stumps of 5 mm. After the fruit set of the first inflorescence, remove the leaves of the lower part of the plant. Experts do not recommend removing more than 2 leaves at a time. By the time the fruits of the first brush ripen, all leaves located below it must be removed. After harvesting the fruits of the first brush, remove the leaves before the second. The cultivation technology involves the removal of stepchildren and leaves only in the morning. It is advisable to leave up to 6 fruits in each fruit brush. For the lower three brushes, this rule is mandatory, otherwise the fruits of the fourth brush will be small. You can increase the number of ovaries by using the technology of shaking and tapping on flowering brushes, in addition, growth regulators have proven themselves well: Boroplus and Speedfol Amino Flowering and Fruiting.​

At soil temperatures below 24 ° C, tomato seeds germinate more slowly or rot.


It is necessary to care for tomatoes, observing the humidity of no more than 65%. It should be remembered that they do not like tomatoes high humidity. Watering should be moderate in the evening and at the root, since water on the leaves is undesirable, especially on a sunny day. You should also observe the temperature regime in the greenhouse: 20-28 ° C during the day and 15-16 ° C at night.​


After 3-4 weeks, the second picking of the seedlings into large pots, 12x12 cm in size, is carried out. Seedling care after the second picking is the same as after the first. The second pick is necessary to inhibit the growth of plants, since it is necessary to achieve the cultivation of strong resistant plants, and excessive stretching of the stems makes the seedlings fragile and vitally unstable.

After chemical treatment, the seeds are placed in clean water or in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours. It is important that the solutions and water are at a temperature of 24-25 ° C.​


During the flowering period, it is better not to use chemistry for feeding a tomato, but to give preference to organic matter. It is best to use humus, fill the weeds with any water, add a little ash and let it all ferment for about a week. You can also use chicken manure or manure.​


When the tomatoes began to bloom, it is important not to overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers. Indeed, in this phase of their development, tomatoes, like all representatives of the plant world, need potash fertilizers for good flowering and phosphorus fertilizers for the formation of fruits. Therefore, when choosing fertilizers for feeding tomatoes during the flowering period, read the composition, potassium and phosphorus should be in proportions greater than nitrogen.

Greenhouse tomato variety

Feeding tomatoes during flowering is a necessary step to maintain normal metabolism in the plant. Since this process is energy-intensive, tomatoes should be surrounded by care during this period. Thus, you will contribute to the active formation of inflorescences, and subsequently many fruits. It is best not to overdo it with top dressing and spend it no more than four times per season.

When to feed

Foliar feeding provides any plants with the necessary complex of auxiliary microelements and other nutrients. For tomatoes during flowering, this complex is especially necessary, because it helps to build up green mass and nourish the inflorescences, preventing them from crumbling until the end of pollination.

During the fruiting period, fertilizers can be applied to speed up the ripening process. However, care should be taken with any fertilizer, as they can lead to a glut of the tomato with resources for greening and new shoots, rather than fruit formation.

During the season, it is better not to fertilize more than 4-5 times. This is quite enough for the bush to constantly gain useful microelements, but at the same time not “overeat”.

The first top dressing is carried out when transplanting seedlings into open ground. The second one a week before flowering. Yes, it is sometimes difficult to guess the term, especially if you planted new variety and still don't know how he behaves. But be guided at least approximately so that the tomatoes receive their portion of additives to the soil. The third top dressing falls just at the fruiting stage and, in fact, it is optional, but pleasant for plants.

Top dressing recipes

Surely you have already wondered how to feed the tomatoes during flowering and fruiting. There are a lot of options, they are suitable for different types soils. Most even get along well with each other. Nitrogen fertilizers can be used, but since they often lead to excessive gardening of tomato bushes, it is better to use top dressing with yeast.

Since a yeast solution is used for fertilizer, it is possible to feed the plants with a well-diluted mixture throughout the entire period of flowering and fruiting.

Preparing a solution with yeast is not difficult. In 10 liters of water, mix 10 grams of dry yeast, 5 tablespoons of sugar, mix thoroughly and let it brew for a day in a warm place. Dilute the resulting solution based on the proportions of 1 to 10, then water your beds, being careful not to pour the fertilizer directly under the root. You can also make sourdough with yeast and bread crusts. You will need a 3-liter container, which should be filled by ⅔ with brown bread crusts, mixed with 100 grams of live yeast and poured with warm water. After the mixture has fermented, it should be strained and diluted 1:10 before being used.

During fruiting, you can use a solution of iodine and wood ash. Mix 5-10 grams of iodine and 0.5 liters of ash, dilute in 10 liters of water. The solution must be infused for 8-14 hours before it is ready for use. In addition to the fact that tomatoes receive nutritious top dressing, iodine disinfects the soil, neutralizing the activity of harmful phytophthora.

Iodine top dressing is a good help not only during fruiting, but throughout the season.

If you want to make the flowering period better and more active, prepare a mixture of sugar and boric acid. You will need 1 liter of boiling water, in which you need to dissolve 100 grams of sugar and 2 grams of boric acid. Cool the mixture to room temperature and use a spray bottle to apply to tomato bushes. Thus, you will lure insects that pollinate plants, significantly speeding up this process.

Do not forget about mineral and organic fertilizers. Mix 20 grams of carbamide, 30 grams of phosphorus and 40 grams of potash fertilizers, dissolve in 10 liters of water. Further dilute the resulting solution 1:10 and use at the rate of no more than 1 liter of solution under one bush. Remember that such top dressing can be carried out only once a season, so as not to burn the roots of tomatoes and not lead them to oversaturation with active microelements.

Herbal infusion works well. It is easy to prepare - most of the ingredients are at hand. So, take 50 liters of water, 4 kilograms of chopped grass, 1 kilogram of mullein and ash. Stir the mixture thoroughly, and then leave to infuse for three days. Bring the resulting mixture to a volume of 100 liters, and then use for irrigation, pouring about 2 liters of fertilizer under each bush.

Video "How to feed tomatoes during flowering"

To get a rich harvest, gardeners feed flowering tomato bushes. How can you feed the plants at this time and how to do it right, watch the video.